#include "VISU_TimeAnimation.h"
+#ifdef WNT
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <vfw.h>
+#include <qmessagebox.h>
#include "VISUConfig.hh"
#include "VISU_Result_i.hh"
- if (isDumping) {
+ if (isDumping)
+ {
// We must unlock mutex for some time before grabbing to allow view updating
if(!(myFieldsLst[0].myField)) // break, if field was deleted.
- break;
+ break;
if (myDumpFormat.compare("AVI") != 0) {
- QString aFile(myDumpPath);
- QString aName = QString("%1").arg(myFieldsLst[0].myTiming[myFrame]);
- int aPos = -1;
- while ((aPos = aName.find(".")) > -1 )
- aName.replace(aPos, 1, "_");
- aFile += aName;
- aFile += ".";
- aFile += myDumpFormat.lower();
- myView->dumpViewToFormat(aFile,myDumpFormat);
- } else {
- QFileInfo aFileInfo(myDumpPath);
- QString aDirPath = aFileInfo.dirPath(true);
- QString aBaseName = aFileInfo.fileName();
- switch (myFrame) {
- case 0:
- break;
- case 1:
- myFileIndex += 5;
- break;
- default:
- if (myProportional) {
- double p = (myFieldsLst[0].myTiming[myFrame] -
- myFieldsLst[0].myTiming[myFrame-1]) / aOneVal;
- myFileIndex += (long) (5*p);
- } else {
- myFileIndex += 5;
- }
- }
- QString aFile = aDirPath + QDir::separator() + aBaseName;
- aFile += "_";
- aFile += QString("%1").arg(myFileIndex).rightJustify(8, '0');
- aFile += ".jpeg";
- /* check image size is divisable 16
- myView->dumpViewToFormat(aFile,"JPEG");
- */
- SUIT_ViewWindow* aView = myView;
- QImage img = aView->dumpView();
- if (!img.isNull()) {
- int width = img.width(); width = (width/16)*16;
- int height = img.height(); height = (height/16)*16;
- QImage copy = img.copy(0, 0, width, height);
- if (copy.save(aFile, "JPEG")) {
- anIndexList.append(myFileIndex);
- aNbFiles++;
- }
- }
+ QString aFile(myDumpPath);
+ QString aName = QString("%1").arg(myFieldsLst[0].myTiming[myFrame]);
+ int aPos = -1;
+ while ((aPos = aName.find(".")) > -1 )
+ aName.replace(aPos, 1, "_");
+ aFile += aName;
+ aFile += ".";
+ aFile += myDumpFormat.lower();
+ myView->dumpViewToFormat(aFile,myDumpFormat);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ QFileInfo aFileInfo(myDumpPath);
+ QString aDirPath = aFileInfo.dirPath(true);
+ QString aBaseName = aFileInfo.fileName();
+ switch (myFrame) {
+ case 0:
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ myFileIndex += 5;
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (myProportional) {
+ double p = (myFieldsLst[0].myTiming[myFrame] -
+ myFieldsLst[0].myTiming[myFrame-1]) / aOneVal;
+ myFileIndex += (long) (5*p);
+ } else {
+ myFileIndex += 5;
+ }
+ }
+ QString aFile = aDirPath + QDir::separator() + aBaseName;
+ aFile += "_";
+ aFile += QString("%1").arg(myFileIndex).rightJustify(8, '0');
+#ifndef WNT
+ aFile += ".jpeg";
+ aFile += ".bmp";
+ /* check image size is divisable 16
+ myView->dumpViewToFormat(aFile,"JPEG");
+ */
+ SUIT_ViewWindow* aView = myView;
+ QImage img = aView->dumpView();
+ if (!img.isNull()) {
+ int width = img.width(); width = (width/16)*16;
+ int height = img.height(); height = (height/16)*16;
+ QImage copy = img.copy(0, 0, width, height);
+#ifndef WNT
+ if (copy.save(aFile, "JPEG")) {
+ if (copy.save(aFile, "BMP")) {
+ anIndexList.append(myFileIndex);
+ aNbFiles++;
+ }
+ }
if (myFrame == myFieldsLst[0].myNbFrames) {
if (!myCycling) {
- myIsActive = false;
- myFrame--;
- break;
- } else
- myFrame = 0;
+ myIsActive = false;
+ myFrame--;
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ myFrame = 0;
// make AVI file if need
- if (isDumping && myDumpFormat.compare("AVI") == 0) {
+ if (isDumping && myDumpFormat.compare("AVI") == 0)
+ {
double aFPS = 17.3 * mySpeed;
QFileInfo aFileInfo(myDumpPath);
QString aDirPath = aFileInfo.dirPath(true);
QString aBaseName = aFileInfo.fileName();
+#ifndef WNT
// add missing files
- if (anIndexList.count() > 1) {
+ if (anIndexList.count() > 1)
+ {
QString aFFile = aDirPath + QDir::separator() + aBaseName;
aFFile += QString("_%1.jpeg");
int aStartIndex = anIndexList[0], anEndIndex;
- for (int i = 1; i < anIndexList.count(); i++) {
- anEndIndex = anIndexList[i];
- QString aCurFile = aFFile.arg(QString::number(aStartIndex).rightJustify(8, '0'));
- QStringList aCommands;
- for (int j = aStartIndex+1; j < anEndIndex; j++) {
- QString aFile = aFFile.arg(QString::number(j).rightJustify(8, '0'));
- aCommands.append(QString("ln -s %1 %2").arg(aCurFile).arg(aFile));
- }
- system(aCommands.join(" ; \\\n").latin1());
- aStartIndex = anEndIndex;
+ for (int i = 1; i < anIndexList.count(); i++)
+ {
+ anEndIndex = anIndexList[i];
+ QString aCurFile = aFFile.arg(QString::number(aStartIndex).rightJustify(8, '0'));
+ QStringList aCommands;
+ for (int j = aStartIndex+1; j < anEndIndex; j++)
+ {
+ QString aFile = aFFile.arg(QString::number(j).rightJustify(8, '0'));
+ aCommands.append(QString("ln -s %1 %2").arg(aCurFile).arg(aFile));
+ }
+ system(aCommands.join(" ; \\\n").latin1());
+ aStartIndex = anEndIndex;
aCmd += " | xargs rm";
aCmd += " )";
+ //create avi file
+ IAVIFile *pfile;
+ AVIFileInit();
+ HRESULT hr = AVIFileOpen( &pfile, myDumpPath.latin1(), OF_WRITE|OF_CREATE, NULL );
+ if ( hr!=AVIERR_OK )
+ {
+ AVIFileExit();
+ QMessageBox::information( NULL, "INFO", "Can't Open Avi file", 1 );
+ }
+ if (anIndexList.count() > 1)
+ {
+ QString aFFile = aDirPath + QDir::separator() + aBaseName;
+ aFFile += QString("_%1.bmp");
+ int aStartIndex = anIndexList[0], anEndIndex;
+ QImage anImage;
+ IAVIStream *ps = 0;
+ IAVIStream *psCompressed = 0;
+ int index = 0;
+ QStringList FileToDelete;
+ for (int i = 1; i < anIndexList.count(); i++)
+ {
+ anEndIndex = anIndexList[i];
+ QString aCurFile = aFFile.arg(QString::number(aStartIndex).rightJustify(8, '0'));
+ //load current image
+ DIBSECTION dibs; int sbm = GetObject(hbm,sizeof(dibs),&dibs);
+ if ( sbm == 0 )
+ {
+ AVIFileExit();
+ QMessageBox::information( NULL, "INFO", "BAD Param DIB", 1 );
+ }
+ for (int j = aStartIndex+1; j < anEndIndex; j++)
+ {
+ // if no avi stream - create it
+ if ( !ps )
+ {
+ AVISTREAMINFO strhdr; ZeroMemory( &strhdr, sizeof( strhdr ) );
+ strhdr.fccType = streamtypeVIDEO;// stream type
+ strhdr.fccHandler = 0;
+ strhdr.dwScale = 10;
+ strhdr.dwRate = 173 * mySpeed;
+ strhdr.dwSuggestedBufferSize = dibs.dsBmih.biSizeImage;
+ SetRect(&strhdr.rcFrame, 0, 0, dibs.dsBmih.biWidth, dibs.dsBmih.biHeight);
+ hr=AVIFileCreateStream( pfile, &ps, &strhdr );
+ if ( hr!=AVIERR_OK )
+ {
+ AVIFileExit();
+ QMessageBox::information( NULL, "INFO", "Can't create video stream", 1 );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // if no avi compressed stream - create it
+ if ( !psCompressed )
+ {
+ AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS opts; ZeroMemory( &opts, sizeof( opts ) );
+ opts.fccHandler=mmioFOURCC('C','V','I','D');
+ //opts.fccHandler=mmioFOURCC('M','P','4','2');
+ //opts.dwQuality = -1;
+ hr = AVIMakeCompressedStream( &psCompressed, ps, &opts, NULL );
+ if ( hr != AVIERR_OK )
+ {
+ AVIFileExit();
+ QMessageBox::information( NULL, "INFO", "Can't create video compressed stream", 1 );
+ break;
+ }
+ hr = AVIStreamSetFormat( psCompressed, 0, &dibs.dsBmih, dibs.dsBmih.biSize+dibs.dsBmih.biClrUsed*sizeof(RGBQUAD));
+ if ( hr != AVIERR_OK )
+ {
+ AVIFileExit();
+ QMessageBox::information( NULL, "INFO", "Can't set format to compressed stream", 1 );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // add image to avi stream
+ hr = AVIStreamWrite( psCompressed, index, 1, dibs.dsBm.bmBits, dibs.dsBmih.biSizeImage, AVIIF_KEYFRAME, NULL, NULL);
+ if ( hr!=AVIERR_OK )
+ {
+ AVIFileExit();
+ QMessageBox::information( NULL, "INFO", "Can't add frame to stream ", 1 );
+ break;
+ }
+ index++;
+ }
+ aStartIndex = anEndIndex;
+ FileToDelete.append( aCurFile );
+ }
+ // close all streams and avi file
+ AVIStreamRelease( psCompressed );
+ AVIStreamRelease( ps );
+ AVIFileRelease( pfile );
+ AVIFileExit();
+ //delete temporary pictures (bmp)
+ system( QDir::convertSeparators(QString( "del %1_* /f /q" ).arg( myDumpPath )).latin1() );
+ }
emit stopped();
bool VISU_TimeAnimation::checkAVIMaker() const
+#ifndef WNT
QStrList aDumpFormats = QImageIO::outputFormats();
if (aDumpFormats.find("JPEG") < 0) return false;
aCmd += " >& /dev/null";
int iErr = system(aCmd.latin1());
return (iErr == 0);
+ return true;