+ # Save Naming service port name into
+ # the file args["ns_port_log_file"]
+ if args.has_key('ns_port_log_file'):
+ home = os.environ['HOME']
+ appli= os.environ.get("APPLI")
+ if appli is not None:
+ home='%s/%s'%(home,appli)
+ pass
+ file_name= '%s/%s'%(home, args["ns_port_log_file"])
+ f = open(file_name, "w")
+ f.write(os.environ['NSPORT'])
+ f.close()
# (non obligatoire) Lancement Logger Server
# et attente de sa disponibilite dans le naming service
system('ln -s -f %s %s/.omniORB_last.cfg'%(os.environ['OMNIORB_CONFIG'], home))
- #
- if args.has_key('ns_port_log_file'):
- file_name= '%s/%s'%(home, args["ns_port_log_file"])
- f = open(file_name, "w")
- f.write(os.environ['NSPORT'])
- f.close()
print "%s"%(NSPORT),
if NSPORT == limit:
ofstream tempOutputFile;
tempOutputFile.open(TmpFileName.c_str(), ofstream::out );
+ // Begin
tempOutputFile << "#! /bin/sh -f" << endl ;
tempOutputFile << "cd " ;
tempOutputFile << _params.applipath << endl ;
+ tempOutputFile << "export SALOME_BATCH=1\n";
tempOutputFile << "export PYTHONPATH=~/" ;
tempOutputFile << dirForTmpFiles ;
tempOutputFile << ":$PYTHONPATH" << endl ;
+ // Test node rank
tempOutputFile << "if test " ;
tempOutputFile << _mpiImpl->rank() ;
tempOutputFile << " = 0; then" << endl ;
+ // -----------------------------------------------
+ // Code for rank 0 : launch runAppli and a container
+ // RunAppli
tempOutputFile << " ./runAppli --terminal --modules=" ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < _params.modulesList.size() ; i++ ) {
tempOutputFile << _params.modulesList[i] ;
if ( i != _params.modulesList.size()-1 )
tempOutputFile << "," ;
- //tempOutputFile << " --standalone=registry,study,moduleCatalog --killall &" << endl ;
tempOutputFile << " --standalone=registry,study,moduleCatalog --ns-port-log="
<< filelogtemp
<< " &\n";
- tempOutputFile << " for ((ip=1; ip < ";
+ // Wait NamingService
+ tempOutputFile << " current=0\n"
+ << " stop=20\n"
+ << " while ! test -f " << filelogtemp << "\n"
+ << " do\n"
+ << " sleep 2\n"
+ << " let current=current+1\n"
+ << " if [ \"$current\" -eq \"$stop\" ] ; then\n"
+ << " echo Error Naming Service failed ! >&2"
+ << " exit\n"
+ << " fi\n"
+ << " done\n"
+ << " port=`cat " << filelogtemp << "`\n";
+ // Launch a container
+ tempOutputFile << " ./runSession SALOME_Container 'YACS_Server_'"
+ << _mpiImpl->rank()
+ << " > ~/" << dirForTmpFiles << "/YACS_Server_"
+ << _mpiImpl->rank() << "_container_log.${PBS_JOBID}"
+ << " 2>&1 &\n";
+ // Wait other containers
+ tempOutputFile << " for ((ip=0; ip < ";
tempOutputFile << _mpiImpl->size();
tempOutputFile << " ; ip++))" << endl;
tempOutputFile << " do" << endl ;
tempOutputFile << " done" << endl ;
tempOutputFile << " sleep 5" << endl ;
tempOutputFile << " ./runSession waitContainers.py $arglist" << endl ;
- tempOutputFile << " ./runSession python ~/" << dirForTmpFiles << "/" << fileNameToExecute << ".py" << endl;
- //tempOutputFile << " ./runSession killCurrentPort" << endl;
- tempOutputFile << " if [ -f \"" << filelogtemp << "\" ]\n"
- << " then\n"
- << " port=`cat " << filelogtemp << "`\n"
- << " rm " << filelogtemp << "\n"
- << " fi\n"
+ // Launch user script
+ tempOutputFile << " ./runSession python ~/" << dirForTmpFiles << "/" << fileNameToExecute << ".py\n";
+ // Stop application
+ tempOutputFile << " rm " << filelogtemp << "\n"
<< " ./runSession killSalomeWithPort.py $port\n";
+ // -------------------------------------
+ // Other nodes launch a container
tempOutputFile << "else" << endl ;
- tempOutputFile << " sleep 5" << endl ;
- tempOutputFile << " ./runSession waitNS.py" << endl ;
+ // Wait NamingService
+ tempOutputFile << " current=0\n"
+ << " stop=20\n"
+ << " while ! test -f " << filelogtemp << "\n"
+ << " do\n"
+ << " sleep 2\n"
+ << " let current=current+1\n"
+ << " if [ \"$current\" -eq \"$stop\" ] ; then\n"
+ << " echo Error Naming Service failed ! >&2"
+ << " exit\n"
+ << " fi\n"
+ << " done\n"
+ << " port=`cat " << filelogtemp << "`\n";
+ // Launching container
tempOutputFile << " ./runSession SALOME_Container 'YACS_Server_'";
- tempOutputFile << _mpiImpl->rank() << endl ;
- tempOutputFile << "fi" << endl ;
+ tempOutputFile << _mpiImpl->rank()
+ << " > ~/" << dirForTmpFiles << "/YACS_Server_"
+ << _mpiImpl->rank() << "_container_log.${PBS_JOBID}"
+ << " 2>&1\n";
+ tempOutputFile << "fi" << endl;
chmod(TmpFileName.c_str(), 0x1ED);
tempOutputFile << "#! /bin/sh -f" << endl ;
tempOutputFile << "#PBS -l nodes=" << nbnodes << endl ;
- tempOutputFile << "#PBS -o /$PBS_O_HOME/" << dirForTmpFiles << "/runSalome.output.log" << endl ;
- tempOutputFile << "#PBS -e /$PBS_O_HOME/" << dirForTmpFiles << "/runSalome.error.log" << endl ;
+ tempOutputFile << "#PBS -o /$PBS_O_HOME/" << dirForTmpFiles << "/runSalome.output.log.${PBS_JOBID}" << endl ;
+ tempOutputFile << "#PBS -e /$PBS_O_HOME/" << dirForTmpFiles << "/runSalome.error.log.${PBS_JOBID}" << endl ;
tempOutputFile << _mpiImpl->boot("${PBS_NODEFILE}",nbnodes);
tempOutputFile << _mpiImpl->run("${PBS_NODEFILE}",nbproc,filenameToExecute.str());
tempOutputFile << _mpiImpl->halt();
// Adding log files into import list files
ostringstream file_name_output;
- file_name_output << "~/" << dirForTmpFiles << "/" << "runSalome.output.log";
+ file_name_output << "~/" << dirForTmpFiles << "/" << "runSalome.output.log*";
ostringstream file_name_error;
- file_name_error << "~/" << dirForTmpFiles << "/" << "runSalome.error.log";
+ file_name_error << "~/" << dirForTmpFiles << "/" << "runSalome.error.log*";
+ ostringstream file_container_log;
+ file_container_log << "~/" << dirForTmpFiles << "/" << "YACS_Server*";
+ job->addFileToImportList(file_container_log.str());