### !!! writing salome.sh file !!! -> add global functions
cat >> ${install_work}/$SHRC <<EOF
export INSTALL_ROOT=${install_root}
-#$DELIM globals $DELIM
-setenvp() {
- xenv=\$2:\`printenv \$1\`
- out_var=\`echo \$xenv | awk -F: '{ n=0; r=1; s=\$1; x=0; for( i=2; i<=NF; i++ ){ v=\$i; t=1; if( v==s ) r=0; for( j=0; j<=n; j++ ){ if( keys[j]==v ){ t=0; break; } }; if( t ) keys[n++]=v; x=1; }; if( r ) printf "%s",s; if( x ) printf ":"; for( j=0; j<n; j++ ) { printf "%s",keys[j]; if( j<n-1 ) printf ":"; }; printf "\n"; }'\`
- export \$1=\$out_var
-setenva() {
- xenv=\$2:\`printenv \$1\`
- out_var=\`echo \$xenv | awk -F: '{ n=0; r=1; s=\$1; x=0; for( i=2; i<=NF; i++ ){ v=\$i; t=1; if( v==s ) r=0; for( j=0; j<=n; j++ ){ if( keys[j]==v ){ t=0; break; } }; if( t ) keys[n++]=v; x=1; }; for( j=0; j<n; j++ ) { printf "%s",keys[j]; if( j<n-1 ) printf ":"; }; if( r ) { if( x ) printf ":"; printf "%s",s; }; printf "\n"; }'\`
- export \$1=\$out_var
+# Functions exporta and exportp are used to append/prepend correspondingly
+# one directory or a set of directories separated by semicolon symbol (':')
+# to the environment variables like PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, PYTHONPATH,
+# LD_RUN_PATH etc.
+# The main purpose is to replace default setenv command behavior:
+# exporta, exportp also remove duplicated entries, shortening in that way
+# the environment variables.
+# If some directory being added is already included into the variable
+# nothing is done for it.
+# Note, that these functions work some slower that setenv command itself.
+#### cleandup ###
+# appends/prepends set of directories (second parameter)
+# to the another set of directories (first parameter) and
+# removes duplicated entries;
+# the third parameter defines the mode: 0 - append, 1 - prepend
+cleandup() {
+out_var=\`echo \$1 \$2 | awk -v dir=\$3 '{ \\
+ na = split(\$2,a,":"); \\
+ nb = split(\$1,b,":"); \\
+ s = "" ; \\
+ for(i=1;i<=nb;i++) { \\
+ if(!(b[i] in ccc)) { \\
+ if(length(s)!=0) \\
+ s = sprintf("%s:",s); \\
+ s = sprintf("%s%s",s,b[i]); \\
+ ccc[b[i]]; \\
+ }; \\
+ }; \\
+ s1 = ""; \\
+ for(i=1;i<=na;i++) { \\
+ if(!(a[i] in ccc)) { \\
+ if(length(s1)!=0) \\
+ s1 = sprintf("%s:",s1); \\
+ s1 = sprintf("%s%s",s1,a[i]); \\
+ ccc[a[i]]; \\
+ }; \\
+ }; \\
+ if(dir) \\
+ s = length(s) == 0 ? s1 : sprintf("%s:%s",s1,s); \\
+ else \\
+ s = length(s1) == 0 ? s : sprintf("%s:%s",s,s1); \\
+ printf("%s\n",s); \\
+ }'\`
+echo \$out_var
+### exporta ###
+# appends directory or set of directories, separated by ':' (second parameter)
+# to the variable (first parameter)
+exporta () {
+xenv=\`printenv \$1\`
+out_var=\`cleandup \$xenv \$2 0\`
+export \$1=\$out_var
+### exportp ###
+# prepends directory or set of directories, separated by ':' (second parameter)
+# to the variable (first parameter)
+exportp () {
+xenv=\`printenv \$1\`
+out_var=\`cleandup \$xenv \$2 1\`
+export \$1=\$out_var
### !!! writing salome.csh file !!! -> add global aliases
cat >> ${install_work}/$CSHRC <<EOF
setenv INSTALL_ROOT ${install_root}
-#$DELIM globals $DELIM
-alias cleandup "echo \!:1 | awk -F: '"'{ n=0; r=1; s=\$1; x=0; for( i=2; i<=NF; i++ ){ v=\$i; t=1; if( v==s ) r=0; for( j=0; j<=n; j++ ){ if( keys[j]==v ){ t=0; break; } }; if( t ) keys[n++]=v; x=1; }; if( r ) printf "%s",s; if( x ) printf ":"; for( j=0; j<n; j++ ) { printf "%s",keys[j]; if( j<n-1 ) printf ":"; }; printf "\n"; }'"'"
-alias cleandupr "echo \!:1 | awk -F: '"'{ n=0; r=1; s=\$1; x=0; for( i=2; i<=NF; i++ ){ v=\$i; t=1; if( v==s ) r=0; for( j=0; j<=n; j++ ){ if( keys[j]==v ){ t=0; break; } }; if( t ) keys[n++]=v; x=1; }; for( j=0; j<n; j++ ) { printf "%s",keys[j]; if( j<n-1 ) printf ":"; }; if( r ) { if( x ) printf ":"; printf "%s",s; }; printf "\n"; }'"'"
-alias setenva 'set a="\!:1" ; set b="'\!:2'":\`printenv \$a\` ; set b=\`cleandupr \$b\` ; setenv \$a \$b ; unset a, b'
-alias setenvp 'set a="\!:1" ; set b="'\!:2'":\`printenv \$a\` ; set b=\`cleandup \$b\` ; setenv \$a \$b ; unset a, b'
+# Aliases setenva and setenvp are used to append/prepend correspondingly
+# one directory or a set of directories separated by semicolon symbol (':')
+# to the environment variables like PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, PYTHONPATH,
+# LD_RUN_PATH etc.
+# The main purpose is to replace default setenv command behavior:
+# setenva, setenvp also remove duplicated entries, shortening in that way
+# the environment variables.
+# If some directory being added is already included into the variable
+# nothing is done for it.
+# Note, that these aliases work some slower that setenv command itself.
+#### cleandup ###
+# appends/prepends set of directories (second parameter)
+# to the another set of directories (first parameter) and
+# removes duplicated entries;
+# the third parameter defines the mode: 0 - append, 1 - prepend
+alias cleandup "echo \!:1 \!:2 | awk -v dir=\!:3 \\\\
+'"'{ na = split(\$2,a,":"); \\\\
+ nb = split(\$1,b,":"); \\\\
+ s = "" ; \\\\
+ for(i=1;i<=nb;i++) { \\\\
+ if(!(b[i] in ccc)) { \\\\
+ if(length(s)!=0) \\\\
+ s = sprintf("%s:",s); \\\\
+ s = sprintf("%s%s",s,b[i]); \\\\
+ ccc[b[i]]; \\\\
+ }; \\\\
+ }; \\\\
+ s1 = ""; \\\\
+ for(i=1;i<=na;i++) { \\\\
+ if(!(a[i] in ccc)) { \\\\
+ if(length(s1)!=0) \\\\
+ s1 = sprintf("%s:",s1); \\\\
+ s1 = sprintf("%s%s",s1,a[i]); \\\\
+ ccc[a[i]]; \\\\
+ }; \\\\
+ }; \\\\
+ if(dir) \\\\
+ s = length(s) == 0 ? s1 : sprintf("%s:%s",s1,s); \\\\
+ else \\\\
+ s = length(s1) == 0 ? s : sprintf("%s:%s",s,s1); \\\\
+ printf("%s\n",s); \\\\
+ }'"'"
+### setenva ###
+# appends directory or set of directories, separated by ':' (second parameter)
+# to the variable (first parameter)
+alias setenva 'set a=\!:1 ; set b=\!:2 ; \\
+ set c=\`printenv \$a\` ; \\
+ set b=\`cleandup \$c \$b 0\` ; \\
+ setenv \$a \$b ; \\
+ unset a, b, c'
+### setenvp ###
+# prepends directory or set of directories, separated by ':' (second parameter)
+# to the variable (first parameter)
+alias setenvp 'set a=\!:1 ; set b=\!:2 ; \\
+ set c=\`printenv \$a\` ; \\
+ set b=\`cleandup \$c \$b 1\` ; \\
+ setenv \$a \$b ; \\
+ unset a, b, c'
### !!! writing salome.csh file !!! -> set inital variables
### !!! writing salome.(c)sh files !!! -> dump products environment files, changing 'export' by 'setenv(a|p)' where necessary
for i in $product_sequence ; do
- sed -e 's%^export\([[:blank:]]*\)PATH=\$[{]\?PATH[}]\?:\(.*\)%setenva\1PATH \2%g' -e 's%^export\([[:blank:]]*\)PATH=\(.*\):\$[{]\?PATH[}]\?%setenvp\1PATH \2%g' ${install_work}/env_${i}.sh > ${INSTALL_WORK}/_tmp1 2>/dev/null
- sed -e 's%^export\([[:blank:]]*\)LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\$[{]\?LD_LIBRARY_PATH[}]\?:\(.*\)%setenva\1LD_LIBRARY_PATH \2%g' -e 's%^export\([[:blank:]]*\)LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\(.*\):\$[{]\?LD_LIBRARY_PATH[}]\?%setenvp\1LD_LIBRARY_PATH \2%g' ${INSTALL_WORK}/_tmp1 > ${INSTALL_WORK}/_tmp2 2>/dev/null
- sed -e 's%^export\([[:blank:]]*\)PYTHONPATH=\$[{]\?PYTHONPATH[}]\?:\(.*\)%setenva\1PYTHONPATH \2%g' -e 's%^export\([[:blank:]]*\)PYTHONPATH=\(.*\):\$[{]\?PYTHONPATH[}]\?%setenvp\1PYTHONPATH \2%g' ${INSTALL_WORK}/_tmp2 > ${INSTALL_WORK}/_tmp1 2>/dev/null
- sed -e 's%^export\([[:blank:]]*\)LD_RUN_PATH=\$[{]\?LD_RUN_PATH[}]\?:\(.*\)%setenva\1LD_RUN_PATH \2%g' -e 's%^export\([[:blank:]]*\)LD_RUN_PATH=\(.*\):\$[{]\?LD_RUN_PATH[}]\?%setenvp\1LD_RUN_PATH \2%g' ${INSTALL_WORK}/_tmp1 > ${INSTALL_WORK}/_tmp2 2>/dev/null
+ sed -e 's%^export\([[:blank:]]*\)PATH=\$[{]\?PATH[}]\?:\(.*\)%exporta\1PATH \2%g' -e 's%^export\([[:blank:]]*\)PATH=\(.*\):\$[{]\?PATH[}]\?%exportp\1PATH \2%g' ${install_work}/env_${i}.sh > ${INSTALL_WORK}/_tmp1 2>/dev/null
+ sed -e 's%^export\([[:blank:]]*\)LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\$[{]\?LD_LIBRARY_PATH[}]\?:\(.*\)%exporta\1LD_LIBRARY_PATH \2%g' -e 's%^export\([[:blank:]]*\)LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\(.*\):\$[{]\?LD_LIBRARY_PATH[}]\?%exportp\1LD_LIBRARY_PATH \2%g' ${INSTALL_WORK}/_tmp1 > ${INSTALL_WORK}/_tmp2 2>/dev/null
+ sed -e 's%^export\([[:blank:]]*\)PYTHONPATH=\$[{]\?PYTHONPATH[}]\?:\(.*\)%exporta\1PYTHONPATH \2%g' -e 's%^export\([[:blank:]]*\)PYTHONPATH=\(.*\):\$[{]\?PYTHONPATH[}]\?%exportp\1PYTHONPATH \2%g' ${INSTALL_WORK}/_tmp2 > ${INSTALL_WORK}/_tmp1 2>/dev/null
+ sed -e 's%^export\([[:blank:]]*\)LD_RUN_PATH=\$[{]\?LD_RUN_PATH[}]\?:\(.*\)%exporta\1LD_RUN_PATH \2%g' -e 's%^export\([[:blank:]]*\)LD_RUN_PATH=\(.*\):\$[{]\?LD_RUN_PATH[}]\?%exportp\1LD_RUN_PATH \2%g' ${INSTALL_WORK}/_tmp1 > ${INSTALL_WORK}/_tmp2 2>/dev/null
cat ${INSTALL_WORK}/_tmp2 >> ${install_work}/$SHRC 2>/dev/null
sed -e 's%^export \([[:alnum:]_[:blank:]]*\)\=%setenv \1 %g' ${INSTALL_WORK}/_tmp2 > ${INSTALL_WORK}/_tmp1 2>/dev/null
+ sed -e 's%^exporta \([[:alnum:]_[:blank:]]*\)%setenva \1%g' ${INSTALL_WORK}/_tmp1 > ${INSTALL_WORK}/_tmp2 2>/dev/null
+ sed -e 's%^exportp \([[:alnum:]_[:blank:]]*\)%setenvp \1%g' ${INSTALL_WORK}/_tmp2 > ${INSTALL_WORK}/_tmp1 2>/dev/null
cat ${INSTALL_WORK}/_tmp1 >> ${install_work}/$CSHRC 2>/dev/null
rm -f ${INSTALL_WORK}/_tmp1 ${INSTALL_WORK}/_tmp2