#Create advanced objects
Copy = geompy.MakeCopy(Box) #(GEOM_Object_ptr)->GEOM_Object_ptr
Prism = geompy.MakePrismVecH(Face, vz, 100.0) #(2 GEOM_Object_ptr, Double)->GEOM_Object_ptr
+ Prism2Ways = geompy.MakePrismVecH2Ways(Face, vz, 10.0) #(2 GEOM_Object_ptr, Double)->GEOM_Object_ptr
Revolution = geompy.MakeRevolution(Face, vz, angle2) #
+ Revolution2Ways = geompy.MakeRevolution(Face, vz, angle1) #
Filling = geompy.MakeFilling(Compound, mindeg, maxdeg,
tol2d, tol3d, nbiter) #(GEOM_Object_ptr, 4 Doubles, Short)->GEOM_Object_ptr
Pipe = geompy.MakePipe(Wire, Edge) #(2 GEOM_Object_ptr)->GEOM_Object_ptr
id_Copy = geompy.addToStudy(Copy, "Copy")
id_Prism = geompy.addToStudy(Prism, "Prism")
+ id_Prism2Ways = geompy.addToStudy(Prism2Ways, "Prism2Ways")
id_Revolution = geompy.addToStudy(Revolution, "Revolution")
+ id_Revolution2Ways = geompy.addToStudy(Revolution2Ways, "Revolution2Ways")
id_Filling = geompy.addToStudy(Filling, "Filling")
id_Pipe = geompy.addToStudy(Pipe, "Pipe")
id_Sewing = geompy.addToStudy(Sewing, "Sewing")
anObj = self.PrimOp.MakePrismVecH(theBase, theVec, theH)
RaiseIfFailed("MakePrismVecH", self.PrimOp)
return anObj
+ ## Create a shape by extrusion of the base shape along the vector,
+ # i.e. all the space, transfixed by the base shape during its translation
+ # along the vector on the given distance in 2 Ways (forward/backward) .
+ # @param theBase Base shape to be extruded.
+ # @param theVec Direction of extrusion.
+ # @param theH Prism dimension along theVec in forward direction.
+ # @return New GEOM_Object, containing the created prism.
+ #
+ # Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py
+ def MakePrismVecH2Ways(self, theBase, theVec, theH):
+ anObj = self.PrimOp.MakePrismVecH2Ways(theBase, theVec, theH)
+ RaiseIfFailed("MakePrismVecH2Ways", self.PrimOp)
+ return anObj
## Create a shape by extrusion of the base shape along
# the path shape. The path shape can be a wire or an edge.
anObj = self.PrimOp.MakeRevolutionAxisAngle(theBase, theAxis, theAngle)
RaiseIfFailed("MakeRevolutionAxisAngle", self.PrimOp)
return anObj
+ ## The Same Revolution but in both ways forward&backward.
+ def MakeRevolution2Ways(self, theBase, theAxis, theAngle):
+ anObj = self.PrimOp.MakeRevolutionAxisAngle2Ways(theBase, theAxis, theAngle)
+ RaiseIfFailed("MakeRevolutionAxisAngle2Ways", self.PrimOp)
+ return anObj
## Create a shell or solid passing through set of sections.Sections should be wires,edges or vertices.
# @param theSeqSections - set of specified sections.
anObj = self.TrsfOp.TranslateVectorCopy(theObject, theVector)
RaiseIfFailed("TranslateVectorCopy", self.TrsfOp)
return anObj
## Rotate the given object around the given axis
# on the given angle, creating its copy before the rotatation.
# @param theObject The object to be rotated.