* family field whatever its level. Groups are updated in consequence, that is to say all groups lying on orphan family, will see their families list modified.
* \return - The list of removed families names.
- * \sa MEDFileMesh::removeOrphanGroups.
+ * \sa MEDFileMesh::removeOrphanGroups , MEDFileMesh::removeFamiliesReferedByNoGroups
std::vector<std::string> MEDFileMesh::removeOrphanFamilies()
* this family is orphan or not.
* \warning this method is different from removeOrphanFamilies that scans family field array to find orphan families.
+ * \sa MEDFileMesh::removeOrphanFamilies
void MEDFileMesh::removeFamiliesReferedByNoGroups()
* This method also raises an exception if a family belonging to a group has also id 0 (which is not right in MED file format). You should never encounter this case using addGroup method.
- * \sa MEDFileMesh::removeOrphanFamilies
+ * \sa MEDFileMesh::removeOrphanFamilies, MEDFileMesh::zipFamilies
void MEDFileMesh::rearrangeFamilies()
+ * This method has no impact on existing groups. This method has only impact on families behind the groups.
+ * This method is especially useful for MED file structures having used too much families to define their groups and that need to be merged without modification of their groups.
+ * To zip families, firstly this method first removes families refered by no groups (see MEDFileMesh::removeFamiliesReferedByNoGroups), then this method puts together families lying on a same set of groups. If the set of families having same groups has a length higher than 1, the families are merged into a single family
+ * having the name of the first family appearing in family definition and with the corresponding family ID.
+ */
+void MEDFileMesh::zipFamilies()
+ checkOrphanFamilyZero();
+ removeFamiliesReferedByNoGroups();
+ std::map< std::set<std::string> , std::vector<std::string> > setOfFamilies;
+ // firstly, store in setOfFamilies as key the common set of groups, and as value the families having such same set of groups
+ for(auto fam : _families)
+ {
+ std::vector<std::string> grps( this->getGroupsOnFamily( fam.first ) );
+ std::set<std::string> sgrps(grps.begin(),grps.end());
+ setOfFamilies[sgrps].push_back(fam.first);
+ }
+ //
+ std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string> > newGroups(_groups);
+ std::map<std::string,int> newFams(_families);
+ std::vector<int> levels(getNonEmptyLevelsExt());
+ std::map<int, std::vector<int> > famIdsToSubstitute;
+ // iterate on all different set of groups
+ std::set<std::string> familiesToKill;
+ for(auto setOfCommonGrp : setOfFamilies)
+ {
+ if( setOfCommonGrp.second.size()<=1 )
+ continue;
+ for(auto fam=setOfCommonGrp.second.begin()+1 ; fam != setOfCommonGrp.second.end() ; fam++)
+ familiesToKill.insert(*fam);
+ }
+ // iterate on all different set of groups
+ for(auto setOfCommonGrp : setOfFamilies)
+ {
+ if( setOfCommonGrp.second.size()<=1 )
+ continue;
+ std::string newFamName(setOfCommonGrp.second[0]);
+ auto newFamID(_families[newFamName]);
+ for(auto grpToBeModified : setOfCommonGrp.first)
+ {
+ std::vector<std::string> newFamiliesForCurGrp(1,newFamName);
+ const std::vector<std::string>& familiesOnCurGrp(_groups[grpToBeModified]);
+ const std::vector<std::string>& familiesToZip(setOfCommonGrp.second);
+ std::for_each(familiesToZip.begin(),familiesToZip.end(),[&famIdsToSubstitute,this,newFamID](const std::string& elt) { famIdsToSubstitute[newFamID].push_back(this->getFamilyId(elt)); });
+ // for each family shared by the current group only keep those not sharing setOfCommonGrp.second
+ std::for_each(familiesOnCurGrp.begin(),familiesOnCurGrp.end(),[&familiesToKill,&newFamiliesForCurGrp](const std::string& elt)
+ { if( familiesToKill.find(elt) == familiesToKill.end() ) { newFamiliesForCurGrp.push_back(elt); } });
+ newGroups[grpToBeModified] = newFamiliesForCurGrp;
+ }
+ for(auto familyToKill = setOfCommonGrp.second.begin()+1 ; familyToKill != setOfCommonGrp.second.end(); ++familyToKill)
+ {
+ newFams.erase( newFams.find(*familyToKill) );
+ }
+ }
+ // apply modifications in datastructure
+ for(auto famIdsSubstSession : famIdsToSubstitute)
+ {
+ for(std::vector<int>::const_iterator it=levels.begin();it!=levels.end();it++)
+ {
+ DataArrayInt *fams(nullptr);
+ try
+ {
+ fams=getFamilyFieldAtLevel(*it);
+ }
+ catch(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception& e) { }
+ if(!fams)
+ continue;
+ MCAuto<DataArrayInt> idsToModif(fams->findIdsEqualList(famIdsSubstSession.second.data(),famIdsSubstSession.second.data()+famIdsSubstSession.second.size()));
+ fams->setPartOfValuesSimple3(famIdsSubstSession.first,idsToModif->begin(),idsToModif->end(),0,1,1);
+ }
+ }
+ _groups = newGroups;
+ _families = newFams;
* This method only checks that "FAMILLE_ZERO" is orphan (not belonging to a group).
MEDLOADER_EXPORT std::vector<std::string> removeOrphanFamilies();
MEDLOADER_EXPORT void removeFamiliesReferedByNoGroups();
MEDLOADER_EXPORT void rearrangeFamilies();
+ MEDLOADER_EXPORT void zipFamilies();
MEDLOADER_EXPORT void checkOrphanFamilyZero() const;
MEDLOADER_EXPORT void changeGroupName(const std::string& oldName, const std::string& newName);
MEDLOADER_EXPORT void changeFamilyName(const std::string& oldName, const std::string& newName);
std::vector<std::string> removeOrphanFamilies();
void removeFamiliesReferedByNoGroups();
void rearrangeFamilies();
+ void zipFamilies();
void checkOrphanFamilyZero() const;
void changeGroupName(const std::string& oldName, const std::string& newName);
void changeFamilyName(const std::string& oldName, const std::string& newName);
+ def testZipFamilies1(self):
+ """
+ MEDFileMesh.zipFamilies tries to reduce family partitions under groups.
+ """
+ mname="mesh"
+ arr=DataArrayDouble(10) ; arr.iota()
+ m=MEDCouplingCMesh()
+ m.setCoords(arr,arr)
+ m=m.buildUnstructured()
+ m.setName(mname)
+ #
+ mm=MEDFileUMesh()
+ mm[0]=m
+ for i in range(m.getNumberOfCells()):
+ d = DataArrayInt([i])
+ d.setName("grp%d"%i)
+ mm.addGroup(0,d)
+ pass
+ grp_all = DataArrayInt.Range(0,m.getNumberOfCells(),1)
+ grp_all.setName("grp_all")
+ mm.addGroup(0,grp_all)
+ for i in range(m.getNumberOfCells()):
+ mm.removeGroup("grp{}".format(i))
+ pass
+ #
+ mm.zipFamilies() # the method to test
+ #
+ self.assertEqual(mm.getGroupsNames(),("grp_all",))
+ self.assertEqual(len(mm.getFamiliesNames()),1)
+ self.assertTrue(mm.getGroupArr(0,"grp_all").isEqualWithoutConsideringStr(DataArrayInt.Range(0,81,1)))
+ pass
+ def testZipFamilies2(self):
+ """
+ MEDFileMesh.zipFamilies tries to reduce family partitions under groups.
+ """
+ mname="mesh"
+ arr=DataArrayDouble(21) ; arr.iota()
+ m=MEDCouplingCMesh()
+ m.setCoords(arr)
+ m=m.buildUnstructured()
+ m.setName(mname)
+ #
+ mm=MEDFileUMesh()
+ mm[0]=m
+ # 1 and 3 to be merged
+ # 2 and 5 to be merged
+ mm.setFamilyFieldArr(0,DataArrayInt([-1,-1,-2,-3,-8, 0,-7,-7,-1,0, -6,-2,-5,-5,-2, -2,-2,-5,-4,-3]))
+ for i in range(1,9):
+ mm.setFamilyId("Fam_{}".format(i),-i)
+ mm.setFamiliesOnGroup("grp0",["Fam_1","Fam_3","Fam_6"])
+ mm.setFamiliesOnGroup("grp1",["Fam_1","Fam_2","Fam_3","Fam_5","Fam_6"])
+ mm.setFamiliesOnGroup("grp2",["Fam_2","Fam_5","Fam_6","Fam_7"])
+ #
+ grp0=DataArrayInt([0,1,3,8,10,19])
+ grp1=DataArrayInt([0,1,2,3,8,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,19])
+ grp2=DataArrayInt([2,6,7,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17])
+ self.assertTrue(mm.getGroupArr(0,"grp0").isEqualWithoutConsideringStr(grp0))
+ self.assertTrue(mm.getGroupArr(0,"grp1").isEqualWithoutConsideringStr(grp1))
+ self.assertTrue(mm.getGroupArr(0,"grp2").isEqualWithoutConsideringStr(grp2))
+ self.assertEqual(mm.getGroupsNames(),('grp0','grp1','grp2'))
+ mm.zipFamilies()
+ self.assertEqual(mm.getGroupsNames(),('grp0','grp1','grp2'))
+ self.assertTrue(mm.getGroupArr(0,"grp0").isEqualWithoutConsideringStr(grp0))
+ self.assertTrue(mm.getGroupArr(0,"grp1").isEqualWithoutConsideringStr(grp1))
+ self.assertTrue(mm.getGroupArr(0,"grp2").isEqualWithoutConsideringStr(grp2))
+ self.assertEqual(mm.getFamiliesNames(),('Fam_1','Fam_2','Fam_6','Fam_7'))
+ pass
if __name__ == "__main__":