aResList << QString( "" );
- aResList << QString( "%1.Update();" ).arg( aName );
+ aResList << QString( "%1.Update()" ).arg( aName );
aResList << QString( "" );
return aResList;
QStringList aResList = dumpObjectCreation( theTreatedObjects );
QString aBathymetryName = GetObjPyName();
- aResList << QString( "%1.SetAltitudesInverted( %2 );" )
+ aResList << QString( "%1.SetAltitudesInverted( %2 )" )
.arg( aBathymetryName ).arg( IsAltitudesInverted() );
TCollection_AsciiString aFilePath = GetFilePath();
- aResList << QString( "%1.ImportFromFile( \"%2\" );" )
+ aResList << QString( "%1.ImportFromFile( \"%2\" )" )
.arg( aBathymetryName ).arg( aFilePath.ToCString() );
aResList << QString( "" );
- aResList << QString( "%1.Update();" ).arg( aBathymetryName );
+ aResList << QString( "%1.Update()" ).arg( aBathymetryName );
aResList << QString( "" );
return aResList;
int aGroupId = aFatherGeom->GetGroupId( aGeomGroup );
- aResList << QString( "%1 = %2.GetGroup( %3 );" )
+ aResList << QString( "%1 = %2.GetGroup( %3 )" )
.arg( aGroupName ).arg( aFatherGeom->GetObjPyName() ).arg( aGroupId );
- aResList << QString( "%1.AddGeometryGroup( %2 );" ).arg( aCalculName ).arg( aGroupName );
+ aResList << QString( "%1.AddGeometryGroup( %2 )" ).arg( aCalculName ).arg( aGroupName );
Handle(HYDROData_PolylineXY) aBoundaryPolyline = GetBoundaryPolyline();
aResList << QString( "" );
aResList << "# Start the algorithm of the partition and assignment";
- aResList << QString( "%1.Update();" ).arg( aCalculName );
+ aResList << QString( "%1.Update()" ).arg( aCalculName );
if( aMode==MANUAL )
aResList << QString( "print \"Geom shape:\", %1" ).arg( aGeomShapeName );
aResList << QString( "print \"Geom shape name:\", %1.GetName()" ).arg( aGeomShapeName );
- DumpSampleMeshing( aResList, aStudyName, aGeomShapeName, aCalculName+"_mesh" );
+ //DumpSampleMeshing( aResList, aStudyName, aGeomShapeName, aCalculName+"_mesh" );
aResList << QString( "" );
return aResList;
Handle(HYDROData_Profile) aRefProfile = GetProfile();
setPythonReferenceObject( thePyScriptPath, theTreatedObjects, aResList, aRefProfile, "SetProfile" );
- aResList << QString( "%1.SetEquiDistance( %2 );" ).arg( aName ).arg( GetEquiDistance() );
+ aResList << QString( "%1.SetEquiDistance( %2 )" ).arg( aName ).arg( GetEquiDistance() );
aResList << QString( "" );
- aResList << QString( "%1.Update();" ).arg( aName );
+ aResList << QString( "%1.Update()" ).arg( aName );
aResList << QString( "" );
return aResList;
aResList << QString( "" );
- aResList << QString( "%1.Update();" ).arg( aName );
+ aResList << QString( "%1.Update()" ).arg( aName );
aResList << QString( "" );
return aResList;
aResScript << QString( "import salome" );
aResScript << QString( "" );
aResScript << QString( "def RebuildData( theStudy ):" );
- aResScript << QString( " %1 = HYDROData_Document.Document( theStudy._get_StudyId() );" ).arg( aDocName );
+ aResScript << QString( " %1 = HYDROData_Document.Document( theStudy._get_StudyId() )" ).arg( aDocName );
aResScript << QString( "" );
- aResScript << QString( "%1 = HYDROData_Document.Document( theStudy._get_StudyId() );" ).arg( aDocName );
+ aResScript << QString( "%1 = HYDROData_Document.Document( theStudy._get_StudyId() )" ).arg( aDocName );
return aResScript;
QString aDocName = aDocument->GetDocPyName();
QString aName = GetObjPyName();
- aResList << QString( "%1 = %2.CreateObject( %3 );" )
+ aResList << QString( "%1 = %2.CreateObject( %3 )" )
.arg( aName ).arg( aDocName ).arg( getPyTypeID() );
- aResList << QString( "%1.SetName( \"%2\" );" )
+ aResList << QString( "%1.SetName( \"%2\" )" )
.arg( aName ).arg( GetName() );
aResList << QString( "" );
Standard_Integer anObjZLevel = -1;
if ( GetZLevel( anObjZLevel ) )
- aResList << QString( "%1.SetZLevel( %2 );" )
+ aResList << QString( "%1.SetZLevel( %2 )" )
.arg( aName ).arg( anObjZLevel );
aResList << QString( "" );
QString aRefObjName = theRefObject->GetObjPyName();
QString anObjName = GetObjPyName();
- theScript << QString( "%1.%2( %3 );" )
+ theScript << QString( "%1.%2( %3 )" )
.arg( anObjName ).arg( theMethod ).arg( aRefObjName );
return; //Do not set the color for object if it like default
QString anObjName = GetObjPyName();
- theScript << QString( "%1.%2( QColor( %3, %4, %5, %6 ) );" )
+ theScript << QString( "%1.%2( QColor( %3, %4, %5, %6 ) )" )
.arg( anObjName ).arg( theMethod )
.arg( theColor.red() ).arg( theColor.green() )
.arg( theColor.blue() ).arg( theColor.alpha() );
if ( aDocument.IsNull() )
- theScript << QString( "%1 = %2.FindObjectByName( \"%3\" );" ).arg( GetObjPyName() )
+ theScript << QString( "%1 = %2.FindObjectByName( \"%3\" )" ).arg( GetObjPyName() )
.arg( aDocument->GetDocPyName() )
.arg( GetName() );
if ( !aFilePath.isEmpty() )
aResList << QString( "" );
- aResList << QString( "%1.LoadImage( \"%2\" );" )
+ aResList << QString( "%1.LoadImage( \"%2\" )" )
.arg( anImageName ).arg( aFilePath );
aResList << QString( "" );
if ( !anIsByTwoPoints )
aResList.last().append( "," );
- aResList << QString( aGap + "QPoint( %1, %2 ) );" )
+ aResList << QString( aGap + "QPoint( %1, %2 ) )" )
.arg( aLocalPointC.x() ).arg( aLocalPointC.y() );
- aResList.last().append( " );" );
+ aResList.last().append( " )" );
aResList << QString( "" );
if ( !anIsByTwoPoints )
aResList.last().append( "," );
- aResList << QString( aGap + "QPointF( %1, %2 ) );" )
+ aResList << QString( aGap + "QPointF( %1, %2 ) )" )
.arg( aTrsfPointC.x() ).arg( aTrsfPointC.y() );
- aResList.last().append( " );" );
+ aResList.last().append( " )" );
if ( aTransformationMode == ReferenceImage )
aResList << QString( "" );
- aResList << QString( "%1.SetOperatorName( \"%2\" );" )
+ aResList << QString( "%1.SetOperatorName( \"%2\" )" )
.arg( anImageName ).arg( anOperatorName );
ImageComposer_Operator* anImageOp =
aResList << anOpArgs;
aResList << QString( "" );
- aResList << QString( "%1.SetArgs( %2 );" )
+ aResList << QString( "%1.SetArgs( %2 )" )
.arg( anImageName ).arg( anOpArgsArrayName );
aResList << QString( "" );
- aResList << QString( "%1.Update();" ).arg( anImageName );
+ aResList << QString( "%1.Update()" ).arg( anImageName );
return aResList;
aResList << QString( "" );
- aResList << QString( "%1.Update();" ).arg( aZoneName );
+ aResList << QString( "%1.Update()" ).arg( aZoneName );
aResList << QString( "" );
return aResList;
if ( !aGeomObjectEntry.IsEmpty() )
QString aSalomeObjName = HYDROData_Tool::GenerateNameForPython( theTreatedObjects, "obstacle_sobj" );
- // aResList << QString( "%1 = theStudy.FindObjectID( \"%2\" );" )
+ // aResList << QString( "%1 = theStudy.FindObjectID( \"%2\" )" )
// .arg( aSalomeObjName ).arg( aGeomObjectEntry.ToCString() );
QString aGeomObjectName( GetGeomObjectName().ToCString() );
if ( !aGeomObjectName.isEmpty() ) {
aResList << QString( "%1 = theStudy.FindObjectByName( \"%2\", \"GEOM\" )[0];" )
.arg( aSalomeObjName ).arg( aGeomObjectName );
- aResList << QString( "%1.ImportFromGeomIOR( %2.GetIOR() );" )
+ aResList << QString( "%1.ImportFromGeomIOR( %2.GetIOR() )" )
.arg( anObstacleName ).arg( aSalomeObjName );
- aResList << QString( "%1.SetGeomObjectEntry( %2.GetID() );" )
+ aResList << QString( "%1.SetGeomObjectEntry( %2.GetID() )" )
.arg( anObstacleName ).arg( aSalomeObjName );
aResList << QString( "" );
else if ( !aFilePath.isEmpty() )
- aResList << QString( "%1.ImportFromFile( \"%2\" );" )
+ aResList << QString( "%1.ImportFromFile( \"%2\" )" )
.arg( anObstacleName ).arg( aFilePath );
aResList << QString( "" );
double aDx, aDy, aDz;
if ( getTranslation( aDx, aDy, aDz ) )
- aResList << QString( "%1.Translate( %2, %3, %4 );" )
+ aResList << QString( "%1.Translate( %2, %3, %4 )" )
.arg( anObstacleName ).arg( aDx ).arg( aDy ).arg( aDz );
aResList << QString( "" );
- aResList << QString( "%1.Update();" ).arg( anObstacleName );
+ aResList << QString( "%1.Update()" ).arg( anObstacleName );
aResList << QString( "" );
return aResList;
QString aProfileName = aProfile->GetObjPyName();
if ( !aProfileName.isEmpty() )
- aResList << QString( "%1.SetProfileUZ( %2.GetProfileUZ() );" )
+ aResList << QString( "%1.SetProfileUZ( %2.GetProfileUZ() )" )
.arg( aPolylineName ).arg( aProfileName );
QString aProfileName = aProfile->GetObjPyName();
if ( !aProfileName.isEmpty() )
- aResList << QString( "%1.SetChildProfileUZ( %2.GetProfileUZ() );" )
+ aResList << QString( "%1.SetChildProfileUZ( %2.GetProfileUZ() )" )
.arg( aPolylineName ).arg( aProfileName );
aResList << QString( "" );
- aResList << QString( "%1.Update();" ).arg( aPolylineName );
+ aResList << QString( "%1.Update()" ).arg( aPolylineName );
aResList << QString( "" );
return aResList;
if ( !aGeomObjectEntry.IsEmpty() )
QString aSalomeObjName = HYDROData_Tool::GenerateNameForPython( theTreatedObjects, "polyline_sobj" );
- aResList << QString( "%1 = salome.myStudy.FindObjectID( \"%2\" );" )
+ aResList << QString( "%1 = salome.myStudy.FindObjectID( \"%2\" )" )
.arg( aSalomeObjName ).arg( aGeomObjectEntry.ToCString() );
- aResList << QString( "%1.ImportFromGeomIOR( %2.GetIOR() );" )
+ aResList << QString( "%1.ImportFromGeomIOR( %2.GetIOR() )" )
.arg( aPolylineName ).arg( aSalomeObjName );
- aResList << QString( "%1.SetGeomObjectEntry( \"%2\" );" )
+ aResList << QString( "%1.SetGeomObjectEntry( \"%2\" )" )
.arg( aPolylineName ).arg( aGeomObjectEntry.ToCString() );
const SectionType& aSectType = aSectTypes.Value( i );
bool aSectClosure = aSectClosures.Value( i );
- aResList << QString( "%1.AddSection( \"%2\", %3, %4 );" ).arg( aPolylineName )
+ aResList << QString( "%1.AddSection( \"%2\", %3, %4 )" ).arg( aPolylineName )
.arg( aSectName.ToCString() ).arg( aSectType ).arg( aSectClosure );
HYDROData_IPolyline::PointsList aSectPointsList = GetPoints( i - 1 );
QString anXStr = QString::number( aSectPoint.X(), 'f', 2 );
QString anYStr = QString::number( aSectPoint.Y(), 'f', 2 );
- aResList << QString( "%1.AddPoint( %2, gp_XY( %3, %4 ) );" ).arg( aPolylineName )
+ aResList << QString( "%1.AddPoint( %2, gp_XY( %3, %4 ) )" ).arg( aPolylineName )
.arg( i - 1 ).arg( anXStr ).arg( anYStr );
aResList << QString( "" );
- aResList << QString( "%1.Update();" ).arg( aPolylineName );
+ aResList << QString( "%1.Update()" ).arg( aPolylineName );
aResList << QString( "" );
return aResList;
//TCollection_AsciiString aFilePath = GetFilePath();
//if ( !aFilePath.IsEmpty() )
- // aResList << QString( "%1.ImportFromFile( \"%2\" );" )
+ // aResList << QString( "%1.ImportFromFile( \"%2\" )" )
// .arg( aName ).arg( aFilePath.ToCString() );
aResList << aPntsDefinition;
- aResList << QString( "%1.%3( %2 );" )
+ aResList << QString( "%1.%3( %2 )" )
.arg( aProfileName ).arg( aPntsListName )
.arg( anIsValidProfile ? "SetProfilePoints" : "SetParametricPoints" );
HYDROData_IPolyline::SectionType aSecType = aPrf->GetSectionType( 0 );
if ( aSecType != HYDROData_IPolyline::SECTION_POLYLINE )
- aResList << QString( "%1.GetProfileUZ().SetSectionType( 0, %2 );" )
+ aResList << QString( "%1.GetProfileUZ().SetSectionType( 0, %2 )" )
.arg( aProfileName ).arg( "HYDROData_IPolyline.SECTION_SPLINE" );
aResList << QString( "" );
- aResList << QString( "%1.Update();" ).arg( aProfileName );
+ aResList << QString( "%1.Update()" ).arg( aProfileName );
aResList << QString( "" );
return aResList;
aResList << QString( "" );
- aResList << QString( "%1.Update();" ).arg( aName );
+ aResList << QString( "%1.Update()" ).arg( aName );
aResList << QString( "" );
return aResList;
aResList << QString( "" );
- aResList << QString( "%1.Update();" ).arg( aName );
+ aResList << QString( "%1.Update()" ).arg( aName );
aResList << QString( "" );
return aResList;
QString aPyName = GetObjPyName();
QString anAttrName = GetAttrName();
- aResList << QString( "%1.SetAttrName( \"%2\" );" ).arg( aPyName ).arg( anAttrName );
+ aResList << QString( "%1.SetAttrName( \"%2\" )" ).arg( aPyName ).arg( anAttrName );
aResList << QString( "" );
Handle(TDataStd_NamedData) aMap = Map();
QString aType = HYDROData_Tool::toQString( it.Key() );
Standard_Real aValue = it.Value();
- aResList << QString( "%1.Set( u\"%2\", %3 );" ).arg( aPyName ).arg( aType ).arg( aValue );
+ aResList << QString( "%1.Set( u\"%2\", %3 )" ).arg( aPyName ).arg( aType ).arg( aValue );
QString anAttrValue = GetAttrValue( aType );
- aResList << QString( "%1.SetAttrValue( u\"%2\", \"%3\" );" ).arg( aPyName ).arg( aType ).arg( anAttrValue );
+ aResList << QString( "%1.SetAttrValue( u\"%2\", \"%3\" )" ).arg( aPyName ).arg( aType ).arg( anAttrValue );
QColor aColor = GetColor( aType );
- aResList << QString( "%1.SetColor( u\"%2\", QColor( %3, %4, %5 ) );" ).
+ aResList << QString( "%1.SetColor( u\"%2\", QColor( %3, %4, %5 ) )" ).
arg( aPyName ).arg( aType ).arg( aColor.red() ).arg( aColor.green() ).arg( aColor.blue() );
aResList << QString();
aResList << QString( "" );
- aResList << QString( "%1.Update();" ).arg( aPyName );
+ aResList << QString( "%1.Update()" ).arg( aPyName );
return aResList;