aPCurve->setPen( QPen( color, DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH, typeLine ) );
aPCurve->setSymbol( QwtSymbol( typeMarker,
QBrush( color ),
- QPen( color ),
+ QPen( color, 1 ), // width's set to 1 for correct printing
QSize( myMarkerSize, myMarkerSize ) ) );
curve->setColor( color );
curve->setLine( Plot2d::qwt2plotLine( typeLine ) );
aPCurve->setPen( QPen( curve->getColor(), curve->getLineWidth(), ps ) );
aPCurve->setSymbol( QwtSymbol( ms,
QBrush( curve->getColor() ),
- QPen( curve->getColor() ),
+ QPen( curve->getColor(), 1 ), // width's set to 1 for correct printing
QSize( myMarkerSize, myMarkerSize ) ) );
myPlot->setCurveNbMarkers( curve, curve->getNbMarkers() );
aPCurve->setPen ( QPen( curve->getColor(), curve->getLineWidth(), ps ) );
aPCurve->setSymbol( QwtSymbol( ms,
QBrush( curve->getColor() ),
- QPen( curve->getColor() ),
+ QPen( curve->getColor(), 1 ), // width's set to 1 for correct printing
QSize( myMarkerSize, myMarkerSize ) ) );
aPCurve->setData( curve->horData(), curve->verData(), curve->nbPoints() );
Plot2d_PlotCurve* aPlot2dCurve = dynamic_cast< Plot2d_PlotCurve* >( aPCurve );
+ Restores pen's width of marker symbols to 1
+void Plot2d_ViewFrame::updateSymbols()
+ curveList aList;
+ getCurves( aList );
+ curveList::iterator anIter, anIterEnd = aList.end();
+ for( anIter = aList.begin(); anIter != anIterEnd; anIter++ )
+ {
+ if( Plot2d_Curve* aCurve = *anIter )
+ {
+ if( QwtPlotCurve* aPCurve = getPlotCurve( aCurve ) )
+ {
+ QwtSymbol aSymbol = aPCurve->symbol();
+ QPen aPen = aSymbol.pen();
+ if( aPen.width() == 0 )
+ {
+ aPen.setWidth( 1 );
+ aSymbol.setPen( aPen );
+ aPCurve->setSymbol( aSymbol );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
void Plot2d_ViewWindow::onPrintView()
+ // This method is called to restore pen's width for all curves' marker symbols
+ // to 1 instead of zero values set somewhere in QwtPlot::print() (presumably,
+ // by QwtPlotPrintFilter), and, correspondingly, to prevent drawing black frames
+ // around the symbols during the next printing.
+ myViewFrame->updateSymbols();