//fprintf(stdout, "%d %d\n", nbNodes, nbCells);
- fprintf(aFileId, "%ld %ld\n", nbNodes, nbCells);
+ fprintf(aFileId, "%ld %ld\n", nbNodes, static_cast< long >( nbCells ));
smIdType nodeID = it->next()->GetID();
if ( !nodeNumByID.empty() )
nodeID = nodeNumByID[ nodeID ];
- fprintf(aFileId, "%ld ", nodeID );
+ fprintf(aFileId, "%ld ", static_cast< long >( nodeID ));
fprintf(aFileId, "\n");
smIdType nodeID = it->next()->GetID();
if ( !nodeNumByID.empty() )
nodeID = nodeNumByID[ nodeID ];
- fprintf(aFileId, "%ld ", nodeID );
+ fprintf(aFileId, "%ld ", static_cast< long >( nodeID ));
fprintf(aFileId, "\n");
smIdType nodeID = it->next()->GetID();
if ( !nodeNumByID.empty() )
nodeID = nodeNumByID[ nodeID ];
- fprintf(aFileId, "%ld ", nodeID );
+ fprintf(aFileId, "%ld ", static_cast< long >( nodeID ));
fprintf(aFileId, "\n");
// build the list of nodes shared by 2 or more domains, with their domain indexes
std::map<DownIdType, std::map<int,int>, DownIdCompare> faceDomains; // face --> (id domain --> id volume)
- std::map<int,int>celldom; // cell vtkId --> domain
+ std::map<int,int> celldom; // cell vtkId --> domain
std::map<DownIdType, std::map<int,int>, DownIdCompare> cellDomains; // oldNode --> (id domain --> id cell)
std::map<int, std::map<int,int> > nodeDomains; // oldId --> (domainId --> newId)
- faceDomains.clear();
- celldom.clear();
- cellDomains.clear();
- nodeDomains.clear();
- std::map<int,int> emptyMap;
- std::set<int> emptySet;
- emptyMap.clear();
//MESSAGE(".. Number of domains :"<<theElems.size());
DownIdType face = itface->first;
//MESSAGE(" --- face " << face.cellId);
std::set<int> oldNodes;
- oldNodes.clear();
grid->GetNodeIds(oldNodes, face.cellId, face.cellType);
std::set<int>::iterator itn = oldNodes.begin();
for (; itn != oldNodes.end(); ++itn)
DownIdType face = itface->first;
//MESSAGE(" --- face " << face.cellId);
std::set<int> oldNodes;
- oldNodes.clear();
grid->GetNodeIds(oldNodes, face.cellId, face.cellType);
std::set<int>::iterator itn = oldNodes.begin();
for (; itn != oldNodes.end(); ++itn)
DownIdType face = itface->first;
//MESSAGE(" --- face " << face.cellId);
std::set<int> oldNodes;
- oldNodes.clear();
grid->GetNodeIds(oldNodes, face.cellId, face.cellType);
int nbMultipleNodes = 0;
std::set<int>::iterator itn = oldNodes.begin();
std::map<std::string, SMESH_Group*> mapOfJunctionGroups;
//MESSAGE(".. Creation of elements: simple junction");
- if (createJointElems)
+ if ( createJointElems )
string joints2DName = "joints2D";
mapOfJunctionGroups[joints2DName] = this->myMesh->AddGroup(SMDSAbs_Face, joints2DName.c_str());
DownIdType face = itface->first;
std::set<int> oldNodes;
std::set<int>::iterator itn;
- oldNodes.clear();
grid->GetNodeIds(oldNodes, face.cellId, face.cellType);
- std::map<int, int> domvol = itface->second;
+ std::map<int, int> domvol = itface->second;
std::map<int, int>::iterator itdom = domvol.begin();
- int dom1 = itdom->first;
+ int dom1 = itdom->first;
int vtkVolId = itdom->second;
- int dom2 = itdom->first;
+ int dom2 = itdom->first;
SMDS_MeshCell *vol = grid->extrudeVolumeFromFace(vtkVolId, dom1, dom2, oldNodes, nodeDomains,
stringstream grpname;
std::map<std::vector<int>, std::vector<int> >::iterator ite = edgesMultiDomains.begin();
for (; ite != edgesMultiDomains.end(); ++ite)
- vector<int> nodes = ite->first;
+ vector<int> nodes = ite->first;
vector<int> orderDom = ite->second;
vector<vtkIdType> orderedNodes;
if (nodes.size() == 2)
std::map<DownIdType, std::map<int,int>, DownIdCompare> faceOrEdgeDom; // cellToModify --> (id domain --> id cell)
std::map<int,int> feDom; // vtk id of cell to modify --> id domain
- faceOrEdgeDom.clear();
- feDom.clear();
//MESSAGE(".. Modification of elements");
+ SMDSAbs_ElementType domainType = (*theElems[0].begin())->GetType();
for (int idomain = idom0; idomain < nbDomains; idomain++)
std::map<int, std::map<int, int> >::const_iterator itnod = nodeDomains.begin();
continue; // new cells: not to be modified
DownIdType aCell(downId, vtkType);
int volParents[1000];
- int nbvol = grid->GetParentVolumes(volParents, vtkId);
+ int nbvol = 0;
+ nbvol = grid->GetParentVolumes(volParents, vtkId);
+ if ( domainType == SMDSAbs_Volume )
+ {
+ nbvol = grid->GetParentVolumes(volParents, vtkId);
+ }
+ else // domainType == SMDSAbs_Face
+ {
+ const int nbFaces = grid->getDownArray(vtkType)->getNumberOfUpCells(downId);
+ const int *upCells = grid->getDownArray(vtkType)->getUpCells(downId);
+ const unsigned char* upTypes = grid->getDownArray(vtkType)->getUpTypes(downId);
+ for (int i=0; i< nbFaces; i++)
+ {
+ int vtkFaceId = grid->getDownArray( upTypes[i] )->getVtkCellId(upCells[i]);
+ if (vtkFaceId >= 0)
+ volParents[nbvol++] = vtkFaceId;
+ }
+ }
for (int j = 0; j < nbvol; j++)
if (celldom.count(volParents[j]) && (celldom[volParents[j]] == idomain))
if (!feDom.count(vtkId))
feDom[vtkId] = idomain;
- faceOrEdgeDom[aCell] = emptyMap;
faceOrEdgeDom[aCell][idomain] = vtkId; // affect face or edge to the first domain only
//MESSAGE("affect cell " << this->GetMeshDS()->FromVtkToSmds(vtkId) << " domain " << idomain
// << " type " << vtkType << " downId " << downId);
DownIdType face = itface->first;
std::set<int> oldNodes;
std::set<int>::iterator itn;
- oldNodes.clear();
grid->GetNodeIds(oldNodes, face.cellId, face.cellType);
//MESSAGE("examine cell, downId " << face.cellId << " type " << int(face.cellType));
std::map<int, int> localClonedNodeIds;
std::map<const SMDS_MeshNode*, const SMDS_MeshNode*> clonedNodes;
std::map<const SMDS_MeshNode*, const SMDS_MeshNode*> intermediateNodes;
- clonedNodes.clear();
- intermediateNodes.clear();
std::map<std::string, SMESH_Group*> mapOfJunctionGroups;
- mapOfJunctionGroups.clear();
for ( size_t idom = 0; idom < theElems.size(); idom++ )
std::set<int> setOfVolToCheck;
std::vector<gp_Pnt> gpnts;
- gpnts.clear();
if (isNodeGroup) // --- a group of nodes is provided : find all the volumes using one or more of this nodes
// Fill the group of inside volumes
std::map<int, double> mapOfNodeDistance2;
- mapOfNodeDistance2.clear();
std::set<int> setOfOutsideVol;
while (!setOfVolToCheck.empty())
// project polylines on subshapes, and partition, to get geom faces
std::map<int, std::set<int> > shapeIdToVtkIdSet; // shapeId --> set of vtkId on skin
- std::set<int> emptySet;
- emptySet.clear();
- std::set<int> shapeIds;
+ std::set<int> shapeIds;
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr itelem = sgrps->GetElements();
while (itelem->more())
int vtkId = elem->GetVtkID();
if (!shapeIdToVtkIdSet.count(shapeId))
- shapeIdToVtkIdSet[shapeId] = emptySet;
std::map<int, std::set<DownIdType, DownIdCompare> > shapeIdToEdges; // shapeId --> set of downward edges
std::set<DownIdType, DownIdCompare> emptyEdges;
- emptyEdges.clear();
std::map<int, std::set<int> >::iterator itShape = shapeIdToVtkIdSet.begin();
for (; itShape != shapeIdToVtkIdSet.end(); ++itShape)
std::list<int> order;
- order.clear();
if (nodesEdges.size() > 0)
order.push_back(nodesEdges[0]); //MESSAGE(" --- back " << order.back()+1); // SMDS id = VTK id + 1;