--- /dev/null
+#include <time.h>
+#include <sys/times.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include "ParaMEDMEMTest.hxx"
+#include <cppunit/TestAssert.h>
+#include "CommInterface.hxx"
+#include "ProcessorGroup.hxx"
+#include "MPIProcessorGroup.hxx"
+#include "Topology.hxx"
+#include "DEC.hxx"
+#include "MxN_Mapping.hxx"
+#include "IntersectionDEC.hxx"
+#include "ParaMESH.hxx"
+#include "ParaFIELD.hxx"
+#include "ICoCoMEDField.hxx"
+#include "MEDLoader.hxx"
+#include <string>
+// use this define to enable lines, execution of which leads to Segmentation Fault
+// use this define to enable CPPUNIT asserts and fails, showing bugs
+#ifndef CLK_TCK
+#include <unistd.h>
+#define CLK_TCK sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK);
+using namespace std;
+using namespace ParaMEDMEM;
+void testIntersectionDEC_2D(const string& filename1, const string& meshname1,
+ const string& filename2, const string& meshname2,
+ int nproc_source, double epsilon, bool tri, bool all);
+void get_time( float *telps, float *tuser, float *tsys, float *tcpu );
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ string filename1, filename2;
+ string meshname1, meshname2;
+ int nproc_source=1, rank;
+ double epsilon=1.e-6;
+ int count=0;
+ bool tri=false;
+ bool all=false;
+ MPI_Init(&argc,&argv);
+ for(int i=1;i<argc;i++){
+ if( strcmp(argv[i],"-f1") == 0 ){
+ filename1 = argv[++i];
+ count++;
+ }
+ else if( strcmp(argv[i],"-f2") == 0 ){
+ filename2 = argv[++i];
+ count++;
+ }
+ else if( strcmp(argv[i],"-m1") == 0 ){
+ meshname1 = argv[++i];
+ count++;
+ }
+ else if( strcmp(argv[i],"-m2") == 0 ){
+ meshname2 = argv[++i];
+ count++;
+ }
+ else if( strcmp(argv[i],"-ns") == 0 ){
+ nproc_source = atoi(argv[++i]);
+ }
+ else if( strcmp(argv[i],"-eps") == 0 ){
+ epsilon = atof(argv[++i]);
+ }
+ else if( strcmp(argv[i],"-tri") == 0 ){
+ tri = true;
+ }
+ else if( strcmp(argv[i],"-all") == 0 ){
+ all = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if( count != 4 ){
+ cout << "usage test_perf -f1 filename1 -m1 meshname1 -f2 filename2 -m2 meshname2 (-ns nproc_source -eps epsilon -tri -all)" << endl;
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&rank);
+ testIntersectionDEC_2D(filename1,meshname1,filename2,meshname2,nproc_source,epsilon,tri,all);
+ MPI_Finalize();
+void testIntersectionDEC_2D(const string& filename_xml1, const string& meshname1,
+ const string& filename_xml2, const string& meshname2,
+ int nproc_source, double epsilon, bool tri, bool all)
+ float tcpu, tcpu_u, tcpu_s, telps;
+ int size;
+ int rank;
+ MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&size);
+ MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&rank);
+ set<int> self_procs;
+ set<int> procs_source;
+ set<int> procs_target;
+ for (int i=0; i<nproc_source; i++)
+ procs_source.insert(i);
+ for (int i=nproc_source; i<size; i++)
+ procs_target.insert(i);
+ self_procs.insert(rank);
+ ParaMEDMEM::CommInterface interface;
+ ParaMEDMEM::ProcessorGroup* self_group = new ParaMEDMEM::MPIProcessorGroup(interface,self_procs);
+ ParaMEDMEM::ProcessorGroup* target_group = new ParaMEDMEM::MPIProcessorGroup(interface,procs_target);
+ ParaMEDMEM::ProcessorGroup* source_group = new ParaMEDMEM::MPIProcessorGroup(interface,procs_source);
+ //loading the geometry for the source group
+ ParaMEDMEM::IntersectionDEC dec (*source_group,*target_group);
+ if(tri)
+ dec.setIntersectionType(INTERP_KERNEL::Triangulation);
+ else
+ dec.setIntersectionType(INTERP_KERNEL::Convex);
+ ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh* mesh;
+ ParaMEDMEM::ParaMESH* paramesh;
+ ParaMEDMEM::ParaFIELD* parafield;
+ ICoCo::Field* icocofield ;
+ // To remove tmp files from disk
+ ParaMEDMEMTest_TmpFilesRemover aRemover;
+ if (source_group->containsMyRank()){
+ string master = filename_xml1;
+ ostringstream strstream;
+ if( nproc_source == 1 )
+ strstream <<master<<".med";
+ else
+ strstream <<master<<rank+1<<".med";
+ ostringstream meshname ;
+ if( nproc_source == 1 )
+ meshname<< meshname1;
+ else
+ meshname<< meshname1<<"_"<< rank+1;
+ get_time( &telps, &tcpu_u, &tcpu_s, &tcpu );
+ mesh=MEDLoader::ReadUMeshFromFile(strstream.str().c_str(),meshname.str().c_str(),0);
+ get_time( &telps, &tcpu_u, &tcpu_s, &tcpu );
+ if( rank == 0 )
+ cout << "IO : Telapse = " << telps << " TuserCPU = " << tcpu_u << " TsysCPU = " << tcpu_s << " TCPU = " << tcpu << endl;
+ mesh->incrRef();
+ paramesh=new ParaMESH (mesh,*source_group,"source mesh");
+ ParaMEDMEM::ComponentTopology comptopo;
+ parafield = new ParaFIELD(ON_CELLS, paramesh, comptopo);
+ int nb_local=mesh->getNumberOfCells();
+ double *value=parafield->getField()->getArray()->getPointer();
+ for(int ielem=0; ielem<nb_local;ielem++)
+ value[ielem]=1.0;
+ icocofield=new ICoCo::MEDField(paramesh,parafield);
+ dec.attachLocalField(icocofield);
+ }
+ //loading the geometry for the target group
+ if (target_group->containsMyRank()){
+ string master= filename_xml2;
+ ostringstream strstream;
+ if( (size-nproc_source) == 1 )
+ strstream << master<<".med";
+ else
+ strstream << master<<(rank-nproc_source+1)<<".med";
+ ostringstream meshname ;
+ if( (size-nproc_source) == 1 )
+ meshname<< meshname2;
+ else
+ meshname<< meshname2<<"_"<<rank-nproc_source+1;
+ get_time( &telps, &tcpu_u, &tcpu_s, &tcpu );
+ mesh = MEDLoader::ReadUMeshFromFile(strstream.str().c_str(),meshname.str().c_str(),0);
+ get_time( &telps, &tcpu_u, &tcpu_s, &tcpu );
+ mesh->incrRef();
+ paramesh=new ParaMESH (mesh,*target_group,"target mesh");
+ ParaMEDMEM::ComponentTopology comptopo;
+ parafield = new ParaFIELD(ON_CELLS,paramesh, comptopo);
+ int nb_local=mesh->getNumberOfCells();
+ double *value=parafield->getField()->getArray()->getPointer();
+ for(int ielem=0; ielem<nb_local;ielem++)
+ value[ielem]=0.0;
+ icocofield=new ICoCo::MEDField(paramesh,parafield);
+ dec.attachLocalField(icocofield);
+ }
+ //attaching a DEC to the source group
+ double field_before_int;
+ double field_after_int;
+ if (source_group->containsMyRank()){
+ field_before_int = parafield->getVolumeIntegral(0);
+ get_time( &telps, &tcpu_u, &tcpu_s, &tcpu );
+ dec.synchronize();
+ get_time( &telps, &tcpu_u, &tcpu_s, &tcpu );
+ if( rank == 0 )
+ cout << "SYNCHRONIZE : Telapse = " << telps << " TuserCPU = " << tcpu_u << " TsysCPU = " << tcpu_s << " TCPU = " << tcpu << endl;
+ cout<<"DEC usage"<<endl;
+ dec.setForcedRenormalization(false);
+ if(all)
+ dec.setAllToAllMethod(PointToPoint);
+ get_time( &telps, &tcpu_u, &tcpu_s, &tcpu );
+ dec.sendData();
+ get_time( &telps, &tcpu_u, &tcpu_s, &tcpu );
+ if( rank == 0 )
+ cout << "SEND DATA : Telapse = " << telps << " TuserCPU = " << tcpu_u << " TsysCPU = " << tcpu_s << " TCPU = " << tcpu << endl;
+ dec.recvData();
+ field_after_int = parafield->getVolumeIntegral(0);
+// CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(field_before_int, field_after_int, epsilon);
+ }
+ //attaching a DEC to the target group
+ if (target_group->containsMyRank()){
+ get_time( &telps, &tcpu_u, &tcpu_s, &tcpu );
+ dec.synchronize();
+ get_time( &telps, &tcpu_u, &tcpu_s, &tcpu );
+ dec.setForcedRenormalization(false);
+ if(all)
+ dec.setAllToAllMethod(PointToPoint);
+ get_time( &telps, &tcpu_u, &tcpu_s, &tcpu );
+ dec.recvData();
+ get_time( &telps, &tcpu_u, &tcpu_s, &tcpu );
+ dec.sendData();
+ }
+ get_time( &telps, &tcpu_u, &tcpu_s, &tcpu );
+ if( rank == 0 )
+ cout << "RECV DATA : Telapse = " << telps << " TuserCPU = " << tcpu_u << " TsysCPU = " << tcpu_s << " TCPU = " << tcpu << endl;
+ delete source_group;
+ delete target_group;
+ delete self_group;
+ delete paramesh;
+ delete parafield;
+ mesh->decrRef() ;
+ delete icocofield;
+ cout << "end of IntersectionDEC_2D test"<<endl;
+void get_time( float *telps, float *tuser, float *tsys, float *tcpu )
+ /* Variables declaration */
+ static time_t zsec = 0;
+ static long zusec = 0;
+ time_t nsec;
+ long nusec;
+ static clock_t zclock = 0;
+ clock_t nclock;
+ static clock_t zuser = 0;
+ static clock_t zsys = 0;
+ clock_t nuser, nsys;
+ struct timeval tp;
+ struct timezone tzp;
+ struct tms local;
+ /* Elapsed time reading */
+ gettimeofday(&tp,&tzp);
+ nsec = tp.tv_sec;
+ nusec = tp.tv_usec;
+ *telps = (float)(nsec-zsec) + (float)(nusec-zusec)/(float)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
+ zsec = nsec;
+ zusec = nusec;
+ /* User and system CPU time reading */
+ times(&local);
+ nuser = local.tms_utime;
+ nsys = local.tms_stime;
+ *tuser = (float)(nuser-zuser) / (float)CLK_TCK;
+ *tsys = (float)(nsys-zsys) / (float)CLK_TCK;
+ zuser = nuser;
+ zsys = nsys;
+ /* CPU time reading */
+ nclock = clock();
+ *tcpu = (float)(nclock-zclock) / (float)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
+ zclock = nclock;