\page using_pluginsmanager Extends SALOME gui functions using python plugins
+This page explains how to extends the SALOME gui function with python
variable should be set and export before running the SALOME
-\section S3_SALOMEPLUGINS A complete example
+\section S3_SALOMEPLUGINS Examples
Suppose you write a SALOME script that creates a trihedron for each of
your studies (a simple and standard SALOME script, that every end user
And then, to move this script in the directory
~/.config/salome/Plugins. Run SALOME and enjoy your new function.
+A list of complete examples are included in the module GUI of the
+SALOME plateform. The location is:
+-# In the source directory: src/SalomeApp/pluginsdemo
+-# In the install directory: share/salome/plugins/demo
+These plugins are installed by the build procedure but are not
+activated by default. To activate the plugins (i.e. to see an entry in
+the plugins menu of SALOME), you must edit the file salome_plugins.py
+and change the variable DEMO_IS_ACTIVATED to True, and then restart
+the SALOME application.