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-<h1>Introduction to Geometry</h1>
-<p><img src="../i_blue.jpg" x-maintain-ratio="TRUE" width="30px" height="30px" border="0" class="img_whs1"><span style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Geometry </B></span>module
- of SALOME is destined for: </p>
-<p> </p>
-<ul type="disc" class="whs2">
- <li class=kadov-p><p>Import and export of geometrical models in IGES,
- BREP and STEP formats.</p></li>
- <li class=kadov-p><p>Construction and optimization of geometrical models
- using a wide range of CAD
- functions:</p></li>
-<p> </p>
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-<tr valign="top" class="whs5">
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-<ul type="disc" class="whs2">
- <li class=kadov-p><p>Creation of basic geometrical objects</p></li>
- <li class=kadov-p><p>Construction of primitives</p></li>
- <li class=kadov-p><p>Building shapes</p></li>
- <li class=kadov-p><p>Generation of complex shapes</p></li>
- <li class=kadov-p><p>Working with groups</p></li>
- <li class=kadov-p><p>Geometrical repairing of objects</p></li>
- <li class=kadov-p><p>Geometrical boolean operations</p></li>
- <li class=kadov-p><p>Geometrical transformations</p></li>
- <li class=kadov-p><p>Building by blocks</p></li>
-<p> </td>
-<td width="50%" class="whs7">
-<p><img src="../image3.jpg" width="400px" height="292px" border="0" class="img_whs8"></td></tr>
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-<h1 class="whs1">Using Boolean Operations</h1>
-<p class="whs2"> </p>
-<p class="whs3"><b style="font-weight: bold;"><img src="../i_blue.jpg" x-maintain-ratio="TRUE" x-save-file="TRUE" x-save-method="compute-relative" width="30px" height="30px" border="0" class="img_whs4"><span style="font-weight: normal;">You can use the following
- boolean operations for construction of more complex geometrical objects
- (2D & 3D elements) :</span></b></p>
-<p class="whs3"> </p>
- <li style="list-style: disc;"
- type=disc
- class=kadov-p><p class="whs5"><a href="../fuse.htm">Fuse</a></p></li>
- <li style="list-style: disc;"
- type=disc
- class=kadov-p><p class="whs5"><a href="../common.htm">Common</a></p></li>
- <li style="list-style: disc;"
- type=disc
- class=kadov-p><p class="whs6"><a href="../cut.htm">Cut</a></p></li>
- <li style="list-style: disc;"
- type=disc
- class=kadov-p><p class="whs5"><a href="../section.htm">Section</a></p></li>
-<p class="whs2"> </p>
-<p class="whs7">There is a general TUI command covering
- all these operations, which can be used alongside with separate commands
- for each operation.</p>
-<p class="whs5"><span style="font-style: italic;"><I>geompy.MakeBoolean(Shape1,
- Shape2, Operation)</I></span>, where Shape1 is the first argument and Shape2
- is the second argument of Boolean operation, Operation is a type of the
- Boolean operation (1 \96 Common, 2 \96 Cut, 3 \96 Fuse, 4 \96 Section).</p>
-<p class="whs8"> </p>
-<p class="whs9"><span style="font-size: 12pt;"><font size=3 style="font-size:12pt;">Our <span style="font-weight: bold;"><B>TUI
- Scripts</B></span> provide you with useful examples of the use of <a href="../boolean_operations.htm">Boolean
- Operations</a>. </font></span></p>
-<p> </p>
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-<h1>Importing/exporting geometrical objects</h1>
-<p class="whs1"><b style="font-weight: bold;"><img src="../i_blue.jpg" x-maintain-ratio="TRUE" x-save-file="TRUE" x-save-method="compute-relative" width="30px" height="30px" border="0" class="img_whs2"> <span style="font-weight: normal;">In Geometry module you
- can import and export geometrical objects from/into BREP, IGES, STEP </span></b><b><span
- style="font-weight: normal;">files. The mechanisms of import and export
- are implemented via plug-ins, which gives you the opportunity to expand
- the range of available formats by adding more plug-ins (for example, CATIA
- 5). </span></b></p>
-<p class=TODO>To import geometrical objects from a BREP, IGES, STEP file:</p>
-<p class=TODO> </p>
-<p class="whs3">From the <span style="font-weight: bold;"><B>File
- </B></span>menu choose <span style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Import. </B></span>In
- the opening<span style="font-weight: bold;"> <B></B></span>dialog box <span style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Import</B></span>
- select the required format of the file for importation and search for
- a *.brep, *.iges or *.step file.
- </p>
-<p class="whs3"> </p>
-<p class="whs3"><img src="../pics/geomimport.png" x-maintain-ratio="TRUE" width="425px" height="269px" border="0" class="img_whs4"></p>
-<p class="whs3"> </p>
-<p class="whs3">Select the required file and click <span
- style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Open</B></span>. Your file will be imported in
- the module and its contents (geometrical object) will be displayed in
- the <span style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Object Browser</B></span>. </p>
-<p class="whs3"> </p>
-<p> </p>
-<p class=TODO>To export geometrical objects into a BREP, IGES, STEP file:</p>
-<p class=TODO> </p>
-<p class="whs3">Select the object you wish to export, then
- from the <span style="font-weight: bold;"><B>File </B></span>menu choose <span
- style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Export. </B></span>In the opening dialog box<span
- style="font-weight: bold;"><B> Export </B></span>define the required format,
- the name and the location of the file for exportation.<span style="font-weight: bold;">
- <B></B></span></p>
-<p class="whs3"> </p>
-<p class="whs3"><img src="../pics/geomexport.png" x-maintain-ratio="TRUE" width="436px" height="269px" border="0" class="img_whs5"></p>
-<p class="whs3"> </p>
-<p class="whs3">Click <span style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Save</B></span>
- to confirm your exportation. </p>
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-<h1>Using measurement tools</h1>
-<p class="whs1"><b style="font-weight: normal;"><img src="../i_blue.jpg" x-maintain-ratio="TRUE" x-save-file="TRUE" x-save-method="compute-relative" width="30px" height="30px" border="0" class="img_whs2">Measurement tools in GEOM are necessary for getting</b> different
- data concerning created or imported geometrical objects. They are:</p>
-<p class="whs1"> </p>
- <li class=kadov-p><p class="whs1"><a href="#PointCoord">Point
- coordinates</a></p></li>
- <li class=kadov-p><p class="whs1"><a href="#Basic_properties">Basic
- properties</a></p></li>
- <li class=kadov-p><p class="whs1"><a href="#Center_gravity">Center
- of mass</a></p></li>
- <li class=kadov-p><p class="whs1"><a href="#Inertia_axis">Inertia</a></p></li>
- <li class=kadov-p><p class="whs1"><a href="#Bounding_box">Bounding
- box</a></p></li>
- <li class=kadov-p><p class="whs1"><a href="#Min_distance">Min.
- distance</a></p></li>
- <li class=kadov-p><p class="whs1"><a href="#Tolerance">Tolerance</a></p></li>
- <li class=kadov-p><p class="whs1"><a href="#Whatis">WhatIs</a></p></li>
- <li class=kadov-p><p class="whs1"><a href="#check">Check</a></p></li>
- <li class=kadov-p><p class="whs1"><a href="#Check_comp_blocks">Check
- compound of blocks</a></p></li>
-<p class="whs1"> </p>
-<p class="whs1">Our <span style="font-weight: bold;"><B>TUI Scripts</B></span>
- show how to use <a href="../measurement_tools.htm">Measurement Tools</a>
- with <span style="font-weight: bold;"><B>TUI
- commands</B></span>. </p>
-<p class="whs1"> </p>
-<p class=TODO>To use measurement tools:</p>
-<p class=TODO> </p>
-<p class="whs3">In the main menu select <span style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Measures
- </B></span>submenu.</p>
-<p class="whs3"> </p>
-<p class="whs1"> </p>
-<p class="whs1"><a name=PointCoord> <img src="../image49.gif" width="21px" height="19px" border="0" class="img_whs4"> <span style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 14pt;"><font size=4 style="font-size:14pt;"><B>Point coordinates</B></font></span></a></p>
-<p class="whs1"> </p>
-<p class="whs1"><span style="font-size: 12pt;"><font size=3 style="font-size:12pt;">Returns the
- coordinates of a point.</font></span></p>
-<p class="whs1"> </p>
-<p class="whs1"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Result:</b> Point
- coordinates (X, Y, Z) in 3D space in the form of Python Tuple.</p>
-<p class="whs1"><span style="font-weight: bold;"><B>TUI command:</B></span>
- <span style="font-style: italic;"><I>geompy.PointCoordinates(Point)</I></span>,
- where Point is a point whose coordinates are inquired.</p>
-<p class="whs1"> </p>
-<p class="whs5"><img src="../pics/measures1.png" x-maintain-ratio="TRUE" width="272px" height="303px" border="0" class="img_whs6"></p>
-<p class="whs1"> </p>
-<p class="whs1"> </p>
-<p class="whs7"><b style="font-weight: bold;"><a
- NAME=Basic_properties
- style="font-size: 14pt;"><img src="salome2_sp3_measuregui_functions_salome2_sp3_measuregui_functions_image71.gif" width="20px" height="20px" border="0" class="img_whs8"> Basic properties</a></b>
- </p>
-<p class="whs9"> </p>
-<p class="whs1">Returns the properties (Length, Surface &
- Volume) for the selected geometrical object.</p>
-<p class="whs1"> </p>
-<p class="whs1"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Result:</b> Display
- Length, Surface & Volume in the form of Python Tuple.</p>
-<p class="whs1"><span style="font-weight: bold;"><B>TUI command:</B></span>
- <span style="font-style: italic;"><I>geompy.BasicProperties(Shape)</I></span>,
- where Shape is a shape whose properties are inquired.</p>
-<p class="whs1"> </p>
-<p class="whs3"><img src="../pics/neo-basicprop.png" x-maintain-ratio="TRUE" width="360px" height="307px" border="0" class="img_whs10"></p>
-<p> </p>
-<p> </p>
-<p class="whs7"><a name=Center_gravity
- style="font-size: 14pt;"><img src="salome2_sp3_measuregui_functions_salome2_sp3_measuregui_functions_image72.gif" width="20px" height="20px" border="0" class="img_whs8"><b style="font-size: 14pt;">
- Center of mass</b></a></p>
-<p class="whs9"> </p>
-<p class="whs1">Calculates and returns the coordinates of the
- gravity center for the selected geometrical object.</p>
-<p class="whs1"> </p>
-<p class="whs1"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Result:</b> GEOM_Object
- (vertex).</p>
-<p class="whs1"><b style="font-weight: bold;">TUI Command:</b><i>
- </i><span style="font-style: italic;"><I>geompy.MakeCDG(Shape)</I></span>, where
- Shape is the shape for which a center of gravity is computed.</p>
-<p class="whs1"> </p>
-<p class="whs11"><img src="../pics/measures3.png" x-maintain-ratio="TRUE" width="312px" height="367px" border="0" class="img_whs12"></p>
-<p class="whs1"> </p>
-<p class="whs7"> </p>
-<p class="whs7"><a NAME=Inertia_axis
- style="font-size: 14pt;"><img src="salome2_sp3_measuregui_functions_salome2_sp3_measuregui_functions_image73.gif" width="20px" height="20px" border="0" class="img_whs8"><b><font style="font-size: 14pt;"
- size=4> Inertia</font></b></a>
- </p>
-<p class="whs7"> </p>
-<p class="whs1">Returns the axis of inertia for the selected
- geometrical object.</p>
-<p class="whs1"> </p>
-<p class="whs1"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Result:</b> Displays
- the matrix and moments of inertia in the form of Python Tuple (I11, I12,
- I13, </p>
-<p class="whs13"> I21,
- I22, I23, </p>
-<p class="whs13"> I31,
- I32, I33,</p>
-<p class="whs13"><span style="font-size: 12pt;"><font size=3 style="font-size:12pt;"> Ix,
- Iy, Iz)</font></span>.</p>
-<p class="whs1"> </p>
-<p class="whs1"><span style="font-weight: bold;"><B>TUI command:</B></span>
- <span style="font-style: italic;"><I>geompy.Inertia(Shape)</I></span>, where
- Shape is a shape for which a matrix of inertia and moment of inertia are
- returned.</p>
-<p class="whs11"> </p>
-<p class="whs11"><img src="../pics/measures4.png" x-maintain-ratio="TRUE" width="360px" height="333px" border="0" class="img_whs14"></p>
-<p class="whs1"> </p>
-<p class="whs1"> </p>
-<p class="whs7"><a NAME=Bounding_box
- style="font-size: 14pt;"><img src="salome2_sp3_measuregui_functions_salome2_sp3_measuregui_functions_image74.gif" width="20px" height="20px" border="0" class="img_whs8"><b><font style="font-size: 14pt;"
- size=4> Bounding
- box</font></b></a> </p>
-<p class="whs7"> </p>
-<p class="whs1">Returns the dimensions of the bounding box
- for the selected geometrical object.</p>
-<p class="whs1"> </p>
-<p class="whs1"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Result:</b> Displays
- the dimensions of the bounding box of a geometrical object in the form
- of Python Tuple (Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, Ymax, Zmin, Zmax).</p>
-<p class="whs15">TUI command: <span style="font-weight: normal; font-style: italic;"><I>geompy.BoundingBox(Shape)</I></span><span
- style="font-weight: normal;">, where Shape is a shape for which a bounding
- box is computed.</span></p>
-<p class="whs1"> </p>
-<p class="whs11"><img src="../pics/measures5.png" x-maintain-ratio="TRUE" width="360px" height="328px" border="0" class="img_whs16"></p>
-<p class="whs1"> </p>
-<p class="whs1"> </p>
-<p class="whs7"><a NAME=Min_distance
- style="font-size: 14pt;"><img src="salome2_sp3_measuregui_functions_salome2_sp3_measuregui_functions_image75.gif" width="20px" height="20px" border="0" class="img_whs8"><b><font style="font-size: 14pt;"
- size=4> Min. distance</font></b></a></p>
-<p class="whs7"> </p>
-<p class="whs1">Returns the minimum distance between two geometrical
- objects.</p>
-<p class="whs1"> </p>
-<p class="whs15">TUI command: <span style="font-weight: normal; font-style: italic;"><I>geompy.MinDistance(Shape1,
- Shape2)</I></span><span style="font-weight: normal;">, where Shape1 and Shape2
- are shapes between which the minimal distance computed.</span></p>
-<p class="whs17"> </p>
-<p class="whs11"><img src="../pics/distance.png" x-maintain-ratio="TRUE" width="360px" height="290px" border="0" class="img_whs18"></p>
-<p class="whs1"> </p>
-<p class="whs1"> </p>
-<p class="whs7"><a NAME=Tolerance
- style="font-size: 14pt;"><img src="salome2_sp3_measuregui_functions_salome2_sp3_measuregui_functions_image76.gif" width="20px" height="20px" border="0" class="img_whs8"><b style="font-size: 14pt;">
- Tolerance</b></a> </p>
-<p class="whs9"> </p>
-<p class="whs1">Returns the maximum and the minimum tolerance
- for the selected geometrical object.</p>
-<p class="whs1"> </p>
-<p class="whs1"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Result:</b> Displays
- the tolerance values (FaceMinTol, FaceMaxTol, EgdeMinTol, EgdeMaxTol,
- VertexMinTol, VertexMaxTol).</p>
-<p class="whs15">TUI command: <span style="font-weight: normal; font-style: italic;"><I>geompy.Tolerance(Shape)</I></span><span
- style="font-weight: normal;">, where Shape is a shape for which minimal
- and maximal tolerances are returned.</span></p>
-<p class="whs1"> </p>
-<p class="whs11"><img src="../pics/new-tolerance.png" x-maintain-ratio="TRUE" width="360px" height="328px" border="0" class="img_whs16"></p>
-<p class="whs1"> </p>
-<p class="whs1"> </p>
-<p class="whs7"><a NAME=Whatis><span
- style="font-size: 14pt;"><font size=4 style="font-size:14pt;"><img src="salome2_sp3_measuregui_functions_salome2_sp3_measuregui_functions_image77.gif" width="20px" height="20px" border="0" class="img_whs8"><b style="font-size: 14pt;"> WhatIs</b></a>
- </font></span></p>
-<p class="whs9"> </p>
-<p class="whs1">Displays types and quantities of all elements
- composing the selected geometrical object.</p>
-<p class="whs1"> </p>
-<p class="whs1"><span style="font-weight: bold;"><B>TUI command:</B></span>
- <span style="font-style: italic;"><I>geompy.WhatIs(Shape)</I></span>, where Shape
- is a shape from which a description is returned.</p>
-<p class="whs1"> </p>
-<p class="whs11"><img src="../pics/measures8.png" x-maintain-ratio="TRUE" width="360px" height="405px" border="0" class="img_whs19"></p>
-<p class="whs11"> </p>
-<p class="whs11"> </p>
-<p class="whs7"><a NAME=check
- style="font-size: 14pt;"><img src="salome2_sp3_measuregui_functions_salome2_sp3_measuregui_functions_image78.gif" width="20px" height="20px" border="0" class="img_whs8"><b><font style="font-size: 14pt;"
- size=4> Check</font></b></a>
- </p>
-<p class="whs7"> </p>
-<p class="whs1">Checks the topology of the selected geometrical
- object and returns True if it is valid. <span style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Check
- also geometry</B></span> checkbox allows to test the geometry as well. </p>
-<p class="whs1"> </p>
-<p class="whs1"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Result:</b> Boolean.</p>
-<p class="whs1"><b style="font-weight: bold;">TUI Command:</b><i>
- </i><span style="font-style: italic;"><I>geompy.(theShape, theIsCheckGeom
- = 0)</I></span>, where is shape which is checked for validity.</p>
-<p class="whs1"> </p>
-<p class="whs11"><img src="../pics/measures9.png" x-maintain-ratio="TRUE" width="360px" height="337px" border="0" class="img_whs20"></p>
-<p class="whs21"> </p>
-<p class="whs21"> </p>
-<p class="whs21"><a name=Check_comp_blocks><img src="../image27.gif" width="25px" height="23px" border="0" class="img_whs22"> <span style="font-size: 14pt; font-weight: bold;"><font size=4 style="font-size:14pt;"><B>Check compound
- of blocks</B></font></span></a></p>
-<p class="whs21"> </p>
-<p class="whs1">Checks whether a shape is a compound of glued
- blocks. To be considered as a compound of blocks, the given shape must
- satisfy the following conditions:</p>
-<ul type="disc" class="whs23">
- <li class=kadov-p><p class="whs1"> Each
- element of the compound should be a Block (6 faces and 12 edges);</p></li>
- <li class=kadov-p><p class="whs1"> A
- connection between two Blocks should be an entire quadrangle face or an
- entire edge;</p></li>
- <li class=kadov-p><p class="whs1"> The
- compound should be connected;</p></li>
- <li class=kadov-p><p class="whs1"> Two
- quadrangle faces should be glued. </p></li>
-<p class="whs1"> </p>
-<p class="whs1">Informs of the following possible errors:</p>
-<ul type="disc" class="whs23">
- <li class=kadov-p><p class="whs1">not a block,</p></li>
- <li class=kadov-p><p class="whs1">not glued,</p></li>
- <li class=kadov-p><p class="whs1">not connected,</p></li>
- <li class=kadov-p><p class="whs1"><span style="font-size: 12pt;"><font size=3 style="font-size:12pt;">extra
- or degenerated edge.</font></span></p></li>
-<p class="whs1"> </p>
-<p class="whs1"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Result:</b> Boolean;
- highlight in the viewer.</p>
-<p class="whs1"><b style="font-weight: bold;">TUI Command:</b><i>
- </i><span style="font-style: italic;"><I>geompy.CheckCompoundOfBlocks(Compound).
- </I></span>Checks if the<span style="font-style: italic;"> <I></I></span>shape is
- a valid compound of blocks. If it is true, then the validity flag is returned,
- and encountered errors are printed in the python console.</p>
-<p class="whs11"> </p>
-<p class="whs11"><img src="../pics/measures10.png" x-maintain-ratio="TRUE" width="329px" height="436px" border="0" class="img_whs24"></p>
-<p class="whs11"> </p>
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