save << " " << "__ATTRACTORS_END__";
- TFaceEntryEnfVertexListMap::const_iterator it_enf = _faceEntryEnfVertexListMap.begin();
- if (it_enf != _faceEntryEnfVertexListMap.end()) {
+ TEnfVertexList::const_iterator it_enf = _enfVertexList.begin();
+ if (it_enf != _enfVertexList.end()) {
save << " " << "__ENFORCED_VERTICES_BEGIN__";
- for (; it_enf != _faceEntryEnfVertexListMap.end(); ++it_enf) {
- save << " " << it_enf->first;
- TEnfVertexList enfVertexList = it_enf->second;
- TEnfVertexList::const_iterator it_enfVertexList = enfVertexList.begin();
- for (; it_enfVertexList != enfVertexList.end(); ++it_enfVertexList) {
- TEnfVertex *enfVertex = (*it_enfVertexList);
- save << " " << enfVertex->name << ";";
- save << " " << enfVertex->geomEntry << ";";
- if (enfVertex->coords.size()) {
- save << " " << enfVertex->coords[0] << ";";
- save << " " << enfVertex->coords[1] << ";";
- save << " " << enfVertex->coords[2] << ";";
- }
- else {
- save <<" ; ; ;";
- }
+ for (; it_enf != _enfVertexList.end(); ++it_enf) {
+ TEnfVertex *enfVertex = (*it_enf);
+ save << " " << "__BEGIN_VERTEX__";
+ if (!enfVertex->name.empty()) {
+ save << " " << "__BEGIN_NAME__";
+ save << " " << enfVertex->name;
+ save << " " << "__END_NAME__";
+ }
+ if (!enfVertex->geomEntry.empty()) {
+ save << " " << "__BEGIN_ENTRY__";
+ save << " " << enfVertex->geomEntry;
+ save << " " << "__END_ENTRY__";
+ }
+ if (!enfVertex->grpName.empty()) {
+ save << " " << "__BEGIN_GROUP__";
save << " " << enfVertex->grpName;
- save << " " << "$"; // "$" is a mark of enforced vertex end
+ save << " " << "__END_GROUP__";
+ }
+ if (enfVertex->coords.size()) {
+ save << " " << "__BEGIN_COORDS__";
+ for (int i=0;i<enfVertex->coords.size();i++)
+ save << " " << enfVertex->coords[i];
+ save << " " << "__END_COORDS__";
- save << "#"; // "#" is a mark of enforced shape end
+ TEntryList::const_iterator faceEntriesIt = enfVertex->faceEntries.begin();
+ bool hasFaces = false;
+ if (faceEntriesIt != enfVertex->faceEntries.end()) {
+ hasFaces = true;
+ save << " " << "__BEGIN_FACELIST__";
+ }
+ for (; faceEntriesIt != enfVertex->faceEntries.end(); ++faceEntriesIt)
+ save << " " << (*faceEntriesIt);
+ if (hasFaces)
+ save << " " << "__END_FACELIST__";
+ save << " " << "__END_VERTEX__";
save << " " << "__ENFORCED_VERTICES_END__";
hasEnforcedVertex = true;
-// TFaceEntryEnfVertexListMap _faceEntryEnfVertexListMap;
-// TEnfVertexList _enfVertexList;
-// // maps to get "manual" enf vertex (through their coordinates)
-// TFaceEntryCoordsListMap _faceEntryCoordsListMap;
-// TCoordsEnfVertexMap _coordsEnfVertexMap;
-// // maps to get "geom" enf vertex (through their geom entries)
-// TFaceEntryEnfVertexEntryListMap _faceEntryEnfVertexEntryListMap;
-// TEnfVertexEntryEnfVertexMap _enfVertexEntryEnfVertexMap;
- std::string enfVertexEntry, enfValue, enfGroup, trace;
- std::ostringstream oss;
- while (isOK && hasEnforcedVertex) {
- isOK = (load >> enfVertexEntry);
- if (isOK) {
- MESSAGE("enfVertexEntry: " <<enfVertexEntry);
- if (enfVertexEntry == "__ENFORCED_VERTICES_END__")
- break;
- bool hasGroup = false;
- */
- enfValue = "begin";
- int len4 = enfValue.size();
- TEnfVertexCoordsList & coordsList = _faceEntryCoordsListMap[enfVertexEntry];
- coordsList.clear();
- TEnfVertexCoords coords;
- TEnfVertex *enfVertex;
- // continue reading until "#" encountered
- while (enfValue[len4 - 1] != '#') {
- // New vector begin
- coords.clear();
+// Here is a example of the saved stream:
+// __BEGIN_VERTEX__ => no name, no entry
+// __BEGIN_GROUP__ mon groupe __END_GROUP__
+// __BEGIN_COORDS__ 10 10 10 __END_COORDS__
+// __BEGIN_FACELIST__ 0:1:1:1:1 __END_FACELIST__
+// __END_VERTEX__
+// __BEGIN_VERTEX__ => no coords
+// __BEGIN_NAME__ mes points __END_NAME__
+// __BEGIN_ENTRY__ 0:1:1:4 __END_ENTRY__
+// __BEGIN_GROUP__ mon groupe __END_GROUP__
+// __BEGIN_FACELIST__ 0:1:1:1:3 __END_FACELIST__
+// __END_VERTEX__
+ std::string enfSeparator;
+ std::string enfName;
+ std::string enfGeomEntry;
+ std::string enfGroup;
+ TEntryList enfFaceEntryList;
+ double enfCoords[3];
+ bool hasCoords = false;
+ _faceEntryEnfVertexListMap.clear();
+ _enfVertexList.clear();
+ _faceEntryCoordsListMap.clear();
+ _coordsEnfVertexMap.clear();
+ _faceEntryEnfVertexEntryListMap.clear();
+ _enfVertexEntryEnfVertexMap.clear();
+ while (isOK && hasEnforcedVertex) {
+ isOK = (load >> enfSeparator); // __BEGIN_VERTEX__
+ TEnfVertex *enfVertex = new TEnfVertex();
+// MESSAGE("enfSeparator: " <<enfSeparator);
+ if (enfSeparator == "__ENFORCED_VERTICES_END__")
+ if (enfSeparator != "__BEGIN_VERTEX__")
+ throw std::exception::exception();
+ while (isOK) {
+ isOK = (load >> enfSeparator);
+ MESSAGE("enfSeparator: " <<enfSeparator);
+ if (enfSeparator == "__END_VERTEX__") {
+ enfVertex->name = enfName;
+ enfVertex->geomEntry = enfGeomEntry;
+ enfVertex->grpName = enfGroup;
- while (enfValue[len4 - 1] != '$') {
- isOK = (load >> enfValue);
- if (isOK) {
- MESSAGE("enfValue: " <<enfValue);
- len4 = enfValue.size();
- // End of vertex list
- if (enfValue[len4 - 1] == '#')
- break;
- if (enfValue == "__ENF_GROUP_BEGIN__") {
- hasGroup = true;
- isOK = (load >> enfGroup);
- MESSAGE("enfGroup: " <<enfGroup);
- TEnfGroupName& groupName = _enfVertexGroupNameMap[ enfVertex ];
- groupName = enfGroup;
- while ( isOK) {
- isOK = (load >> enfGroup);
- if (isOK) {
- MESSAGE("enfGroup: " <<enfGroup);
- if (enfGroup == "__ENF_GROUP_END__")
- break;
- groupName += " ";
- groupName += enfGroup;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- // Add to vertex
- enfVertex.push_back(atof(enfValue.c_str()));
- }
- */
- if (enfValue[len4 - 1] != '$') {
- // Add to vertex
- // name
- enfVertex->name = enfValue;
- isOK = (load >> enfValue);
- len4 = enfValue.size();
- }
- if (enfValue[len4 - 1] != '$') {
- // X coord
- enfVertex->coords.push_back(atof(enfValue.c_str()));
- isOK = (load >> enfValue);
- len4 = enfValue.size();
- }
- if (enfValue[len4 - 1] != '$') {
- // Y coord
- enfVertex->coords.push_back(atof(enfValue.c_str()));
- isOK = (load >> enfValue);
- len4 = enfValue.size();
- }
- if (enfValue[len4 - 1] != '$') {
- // Z coord
- enfVertex->coords.push_back(atof(enfValue.c_str()));
- isOK = (load >> enfValue);
- len4 = enfValue.size();
- }
- } else
- break;
- }
- if (enfValue[len4 - 1] == '$') {
- MESSAGE("enfValue is $");
- enfValue[len4 - 1] = '\0'; //cut off "$"
- if (!hasGroup) {
- MESSAGE("no group: remove $");
- // Remove '$' and add to vertex
- // enfValue[len4-1] = '\0'; //cut off "$#"
- enfVertex.push_back(atof(enfValue.c_str()));
- }
- */
- enfValue[len4 - 1] = '\0'; //cut off "$#"
- enfVertex->coords.push_back(atof(enfValue.c_str()));
- MESSAGE("Add vertex to list");
- // Add vertex to list of vertex
- coordsList.insert(enfVertex->coords);
+ if (hasCoords)
+ enfVertex->coords.assign(enfCoords,enfCoords+3);
+ enfVertex->faceEntries = enfFaceEntryList;
+ _enfVertexList.insert(enfVertex);
+ if (enfVertex->coords.size()) {
_coordsEnfVertexMap[enfVertex->coords] = enfVertex;
- // _enfVertexList.insert(enfVertex);
+ for (TEntryList::const_iterator it = enfVertex->faceEntries.begin() ; it != enfVertex->faceEntries.end(); ++it) {
+ _faceEntryCoordsListMap[(*it)].insert(enfVertex->coords);
+ _faceEntryEnfVertexListMap[(*it)].insert(enfVertex);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!enfVertex->geomEntry.empty()) {
+ _enfVertexEntryEnfVertexMap[enfVertex->geomEntry] = enfVertex;
+ for (TEntryList::const_iterator it = enfVertex->faceEntries.begin() ; it != enfVertex->faceEntries.end(); ++it) {
+ _faceEntryEnfVertexEntryListMap[(*it)].insert(enfVertex->geomEntry);
+ _faceEntryEnfVertexListMap[(*it)].insert(enfVertex);
+ }
+ enfName.clear();
+ enfGeomEntry.clear();
+ enfGroup.clear();
+ enfFaceEntryList.clear();
+ hasCoords = false;
+ break; // __END_VERTEX__
- if (enfValue[len4 - 1] == '#') {
- if (!hasGroup) {
- // Remove '$#' and add to vertex
- enfValue[len4-2] = '\0'; //cut off "$#"
- enfVertex.push_back(atof(enfValue.c_str()));
- }
- */
- // Remove '$#' and add to vertex
- enfValue[len4 - 2] = '\0'; //cut off "$#"
- enfVertex->coords.push_back(atof(enfValue.c_str()));
- // Add vertex to list of vertex
- coordsList.insert(enfVertex->coords);
- _coordsEnfVertexMap[enfVertex->coords] = enfVertex;
- // _enfVertexList.insert(enfVertex);
+ if (enfSeparator == "__BEGIN_NAME__") { // __BEGIN_NAME__
+ while (isOK && (enfSeparator != "__END_NAME__")) {
+ isOK = (load >> enfSeparator);
+ if (enfSeparator != "__END_NAME__") {
+ if (!enfName.empty())
+ enfName += " ";
+ enfName += enfSeparator;
+ }
+ }
+ MESSAGE("enfName: " <<enfName);
- } else
- break;
+ if (enfSeparator == "__BEGIN_ENTRY__") { // __BEGIN_ENTRY__
+ isOK = (load >> enfGeomEntry);
+ isOK = (load >> enfSeparator); // __END_ENTRY__
+ if (enfSeparator != "__END_ENTRY__")
+ throw std::exception::exception();
+ MESSAGE("enfGeomEntry: " <<enfGeomEntry);
+ }
+ if (enfSeparator == "__BEGIN_GROUP__") { // __BEGIN_GROUP__
+ while (isOK && (enfSeparator != "__END_GROUP__")) {
+ isOK = (load >> enfSeparator);
+ if (enfSeparator != "__END_GROUP__") {
+ if (!enfGroup.empty())
+ enfGroup += " ";
+ enfGroup += enfSeparator;
+ }
+ }
+ MESSAGE("enfGroup: " <<enfGroup);
+ }
+ if (enfSeparator == "__BEGIN_COORDS__") { // __BEGIN_COORDS__
+ hasCoords = true;
+ isOK = (load >> enfCoords[0] >> enfCoords[1] >> enfCoords[2]);
+ isOK = (load >> enfSeparator); // __END_COORDS__
+ if (enfSeparator != "__END_COORDS__")
+ throw std::exception::exception();
+ MESSAGE("enfCoords: " << enfCoords[0] <<","<< enfCoords[1] <<","<< enfCoords[2]);
+ }
+ if (enfSeparator == "__BEGIN_FACELIST__") { // __BEGIN_FACELIST__
+ while (isOK && (enfSeparator != "__END_FACELIST__")) {
+ isOK = (load >> enfSeparator);
+ if (enfSeparator != "__END_FACELIST__") {
+ enfFaceEntryList.insert(enfSeparator);
+ MESSAGE(enfSeparator << " was inserted into enfFaceEntryList");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
return load;