#include "HYDROGUI_PrsImage.h"
#include "HYDROGUI_Tool.h"
+#include <SUIT_FileDlg.h>
#include <SUIT_ResourceMgr.h>
#include <SUIT_Session.h>
-#include <QDoubleValidator>
-#include <QFileDialog>
+#include <QtxDoubleSpinBox.h>
+#include <QtxIntSpinBox.h>
+#include <QButtonGroup>
+#include <QComboBox>
#include <QGroupBox>
-#include <QIntValidator>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QLayout>
#include <QLineEdit>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QPicture>
#include <QPushButton>
+#include <QRadioButton>
#include <QToolButton>
HYDROGUI_ImportImageDlg::HYDROGUI_ImportImageDlg( HYDROGUI_Module* theModule, const QString& theTitle )
anImageNameLayout->addWidget( anImageNameLabel );
anImageNameLayout->addWidget( myImageName );
- // Mapping (transform image)
- myMappingGroup = new QGroupBox( tr( "TRANSFORM_IMAGE" ) );
- QGridLayout* aMappingLayout = new QGridLayout( myMappingGroup );
- aMappingLayout->setMargin( 5 );
- aMappingLayout->setSpacing( 5 );
+ // Transform image
+ myTransformGroup = new QGroupBox( tr( "TRANSFORM_IMAGE" ) );
// Make a pixmap for arrow
QPixmap anArrowPixmap = aResMgr->loadPixmap( "HYDRO", tr( "ARROW_RIGHT_ICO" ) );
aPainter.drawPixmap( 0, 0, anArrowPixmap );
+ QRadioButton* aManualBtn = new QRadioButton( tr( "MANUALLY" ), myTransformGroup );
+ QRadioButton* aRefImageBtn = new QRadioButton( tr( "BY_REFERENCE_IMAGE" ), myTransformGroup );
+ myModeGroup = new QButtonGroup( myTransformGroup );
+ myModeGroup->addButton( aManualBtn, Manual );
+ myModeGroup->addButton( aRefImageBtn, RefImage );
+ QBoxLayout* aModeLayout = new QHBoxLayout();
+ aModeLayout->setMargin( 0 );
+ aModeLayout->setSpacing( 5 );
+ aModeLayout->addWidget( aManualBtn );
+ aModeLayout->addWidget( aRefImageBtn );
+ myRefImageWg = new QWidget( myTransformGroup );
+ QLabel* aRefImageLabel = new QLabel( tr( "REFERENCE_IMAGE" ), myRefImageWg );
+ myRefImage = new QComboBox( myRefImageWg );
+ QBoxLayout* aRefImageLayout = new QHBoxLayout( myRefImageWg );
+ aRefImageLayout->setMargin( 0 );
+ aRefImageLayout->setSpacing( 5 );
+ aRefImageLayout->addWidget( aRefImageLabel );
+ aRefImageLayout->addWidget( myRefImage );
+ aRefImageLayout->setStretch( 1, 1 );
+ QGridLayout* aTransformLayout = new QGridLayout( myTransformGroup );
+ aTransformLayout->setMargin( 5 );
+ aTransformLayout->setSpacing( 5 );
+ aTransformLayout->addLayout( aModeLayout, 0, 0, 1, 9 );
+ aTransformLayout->addWidget( myRefImageWg, 1, 0, 1, 9 );
for( int aPointType = HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointA;
aPointType <= HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointC; aPointType++ )
case HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointB: aPointStr = tr( "ACTIVATE_POINT_B_SELECTION" ); break;
case HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointC: aPointStr = tr( "ACTIVATE_POINT_C_SELECTION" ); break;
- QPushButton* aPointBtn = new QPushButton( aPointStr, myMappingGroup );
+ QPushButton* aPointBtn = new QPushButton( aPointStr, myTransformGroup );
aPointBtn->setCheckable( true );
- QLabel* aPointXLabel = new QLabel( "X", myMappingGroup );
- QLabel* aPointYLabel = new QLabel( "Y", myMappingGroup );
- QLineEdit* aPointX = new QLineEdit( myMappingGroup );
- QLineEdit* aPointY = new QLineEdit( myMappingGroup );
+ QLabel* aPointXLabel = new QLabel( "X", myTransformGroup );
+ QLabel* aPointYLabel = new QLabel( "Y", myTransformGroup );
- aPointX->setReadOnly( true );
- aPointY->setReadOnly( true );
+ QtxIntSpinBox* aPointX = new QtxIntSpinBox( 0, 0, 1, myTransformGroup ); // max is updated later
+ QtxIntSpinBox* aPointY = new QtxIntSpinBox( 0, 0, 1, myTransformGroup ); // max is updated later
- //QLabel* aPointArrowLabel = new QLabel( ">", myMappingGroup );
- QLabel* aPointArrowLabel = new QLabel( myMappingGroup );
+ QLabel* aPointArrowLabel = new QLabel( myTransformGroup );
aPointArrowLabel->setPicture( anArrowPicture );
- QLabel* aPointXDegLabel = new QLabel( QChar( 0x00B0 ), myMappingGroup );
- QLabel* aPointYDegLabel = new QLabel( QChar( 0x00B0 ), myMappingGroup );
- QLabel* aPointXMinLabel = new QLabel( "'", myMappingGroup );
- QLabel* aPointYMinLabel = new QLabel( "'", myMappingGroup );
- QLabel* aPointXSecLabel = new QLabel( "\"", myMappingGroup );
- QLabel* aPointYSecLabel = new QLabel( "\"", myMappingGroup );
- QLineEdit* aPointXDeg = new QLineEdit( myMappingGroup );
- QLineEdit* aPointYDeg = new QLineEdit( myMappingGroup );
- QLineEdit* aPointXMin = new QLineEdit( myMappingGroup );
- QLineEdit* aPointYMin = new QLineEdit( myMappingGroup );
- QLineEdit* aPointXSec = new QLineEdit( myMappingGroup );
- QLineEdit* aPointYSec = new QLineEdit( myMappingGroup );
- QIntValidator* aXDegValidator = new QIntValidator( -180, 180, this );
- QIntValidator* aYDegValidator = new QIntValidator( -90, 90, this );
- QIntValidator* aMinValidator = new QIntValidator( 0, 59, this );
- QDoubleValidator* aSecValidator = new QDoubleValidator( 0, 59.9999, 4, this );
- aPointXDeg->setValidator( aXDegValidator );
- aPointYDeg->setValidator( aYDegValidator );
- aPointXMin->setValidator( aMinValidator );
- aPointYMin->setValidator( aMinValidator );
- aPointXSec->setValidator( aSecValidator );
- aPointYSec->setValidator( aSecValidator );
- int aRow = 4 * aPointType;
- aMappingLayout->addWidget( aPointBtn, aRow, 0, 1, 9 );
- aMappingLayout->addWidget( aPointXLabel, aRow + 1, 0 );
- aMappingLayout->addWidget( aPointX, aRow + 1, 1 );
- aMappingLayout->addWidget( aPointArrowLabel, aRow + 1, 2, 2, 1 );
- aMappingLayout->addWidget( aPointXDeg, aRow + 1, 3 );
- aMappingLayout->addWidget( aPointXDegLabel, aRow + 1, 4 );
- aMappingLayout->addWidget( aPointXMin, aRow + 1, 5 );
- aMappingLayout->addWidget( aPointXMinLabel, aRow + 1, 6 );
- aMappingLayout->addWidget( aPointXSec, aRow + 1, 7 );
- aMappingLayout->addWidget( aPointXSecLabel, aRow + 1, 8 );
- aMappingLayout->addWidget( aPointYLabel, aRow + 2, 0 );
- aMappingLayout->addWidget( aPointY, aRow + 2, 1 );
- aMappingLayout->addWidget( aPointYDeg, aRow + 2, 3 );
- aMappingLayout->addWidget( aPointYDegLabel, aRow + 2, 4 );
- aMappingLayout->addWidget( aPointYMin, aRow + 2, 5 );
- aMappingLayout->addWidget( aPointYMinLabel, aRow + 2, 6 );
- aMappingLayout->addWidget( aPointYSec, aRow + 2, 7 );
- aMappingLayout->addWidget( aPointYSecLabel, aRow + 2, 8 );
+ QLabel* aPointXDegLabel = new QLabel( QChar( 0x00B0 ), myTransformGroup );
+ QLabel* aPointYDegLabel = new QLabel( QChar( 0x00B0 ), myTransformGroup );
+ QLabel* aPointXMinLabel = new QLabel( "'", myTransformGroup );
+ QLabel* aPointYMinLabel = new QLabel( "'", myTransformGroup );
+ QLabel* aPointXSecLabel = new QLabel( "\"", myTransformGroup );
+ QLabel* aPointYSecLabel = new QLabel( "\"", myTransformGroup );
+ myLambertLabels << aPointXDegLabel << aPointYDegLabel
+ << aPointXMinLabel << aPointYMinLabel
+ << aPointXSecLabel << aPointYSecLabel;
+ QtxIntSpinBox* aPointXDeg = new QtxIntSpinBox( -180, 180, 1, myTransformGroup );
+ QtxIntSpinBox* aPointYDeg = new QtxIntSpinBox( -90, 90, 1, myTransformGroup );
+ QtxIntSpinBox* aPointXMin = new QtxIntSpinBox( 0, 59, 1, myTransformGroup );
+ QtxIntSpinBox* aPointYMin = new QtxIntSpinBox( 0, 59, 1, myTransformGroup );
+ QtxDoubleSpinBox* aPointXSec = new QtxDoubleSpinBox( 0, 59.9999, 1, 4, 4, myTransformGroup );
+ QtxDoubleSpinBox* aPointYSec = new QtxDoubleSpinBox( 0, 59.9999, 1, 4, 4, myTransformGroup );
+ QtxIntSpinBox* aRefPointX = new QtxIntSpinBox( 0, 0, 1, myTransformGroup ); // max is updated later
+ QtxIntSpinBox* aRefPointY = new QtxIntSpinBox( 0, 0, 1, myTransformGroup ); // max is updated later
+ int aRow = 4 * aPointType + 2;
+ aTransformLayout->addWidget( aPointBtn, aRow, 0, 1, 9 );
+ aTransformLayout->addWidget( aPointXLabel, aRow + 1, 0 );
+ aTransformLayout->addWidget( aPointX, aRow + 1, 1 );
+ aTransformLayout->addWidget( aPointArrowLabel, aRow + 1, 2, 2, 1 );
+ aTransformLayout->addWidget( aPointXDeg, aRow + 1, 3 );
+ aTransformLayout->addWidget( aPointXDegLabel, aRow + 1, 4 );
+ aTransformLayout->addWidget( aPointXMin, aRow + 1, 5 );
+ aTransformLayout->addWidget( aPointXMinLabel, aRow + 1, 6 );
+ aTransformLayout->addWidget( aPointXSec, aRow + 1, 7 );
+ aTransformLayout->addWidget( aPointXSecLabel, aRow + 1, 8 );
+ aTransformLayout->addWidget( aRefPointX, aRow + 1, 3, 1, 6 );
+ aTransformLayout->addWidget( aPointYLabel, aRow + 2, 0 );
+ aTransformLayout->addWidget( aPointY, aRow + 2, 1 );
+ aTransformLayout->addWidget( aPointYDeg, aRow + 2, 3 );
+ aTransformLayout->addWidget( aPointYDegLabel, aRow + 2, 4 );
+ aTransformLayout->addWidget( aPointYMin, aRow + 2, 5 );
+ aTransformLayout->addWidget( aPointYMinLabel, aRow + 2, 6 );
+ aTransformLayout->addWidget( aPointYSec, aRow + 2, 7 );
+ aTransformLayout->addWidget( aPointYSecLabel, aRow + 2, 8 );
+ aTransformLayout->addWidget( aRefPointY, aRow + 2, 3, 1, 6 );
if( aPointType != HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointC )
- QFrame* aLine = new QFrame( myMappingGroup );
+ QFrame* aLine = new QFrame( myTransformGroup );
aLine->setFrameShape( QFrame::HLine );
aLine->setFrameShadow( QFrame::Sunken );
- aMappingLayout->addWidget( aLine, aRow + 3, 0, 1, 9 );
+ aTransformLayout->addWidget( aLine, aRow + 3, 0, 1, 9 );
myPointBtnMap[ aPointType ] = aPointBtn;
myPointXSecMap[ aPointType ] = aPointXSec;
myPointYSecMap[ aPointType ] = aPointYSec;
+ myRefPointXMap[ aPointType ] = aRefPointX;
+ myRefPointYMap[ aPointType ] = aRefPointY;
connect( aPointBtn, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( onPointBtnToggled( bool ) ) );
+ connect( aPointX, SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( onPointCoordChanged( int ) ) );
+ connect( aPointY, SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( onPointCoordChanged( int ) ) );
+ connect( aRefPointX, SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( onPointCoordChanged( int ) ) );
+ connect( aRefPointY, SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( onPointCoordChanged( int ) ) );
- aMappingLayout->setColumnStretch( 1, 1 ); // x
- aMappingLayout->setColumnStretch( 3, 1 ); // degrees
- aMappingLayout->setColumnStretch( 5, 1 ); // minutes
- aMappingLayout->setColumnStretch( 7, 2 ); // seconds (double with 4 digits)
+ aTransformLayout->setColumnStretch( 1, 1 ); // double
+ aTransformLayout->setColumnStretch( 3, 1 ); // degrees
+ aTransformLayout->setColumnStretch( 5, 1 ); // minutes
+ aTransformLayout->setColumnStretch( 7, 2 ); // seconds (double with 4 digits)
// Common
addWidget( myFileNameGroup );
addWidget( myImageNameGroup );
- addWidget( myMappingGroup );
+ addWidget( myTransformGroup );
connect( aBrowseBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( onBrowse() ) );
+ connect( myModeGroup, SIGNAL( buttonClicked( int ) ),
+ this, SLOT( onModeActivated( int ) ) );
+ connect( myRefImage, SIGNAL( activated( const QString& ) ),
+ this, SLOT( onRefImageActivated( const QString& ) ) );
+ onModeActivated( Manual );
+ setMinimumWidth( 350 );
myFileNameGroup->setVisible( !theIsEdit );
myImageNameGroup->setEnabled( theIsEdit );
- myMappingGroup->setEnabled( theIsEdit );
+ myTransformGroup->setEnabled( theIsEdit );
void HYDROGUI_ImportImageDlg::reset()
myPointYMinMap[ aPointType ]->clear();
myPointXSecMap[ aPointType ]->clear();
myPointYSecMap[ aPointType ]->clear();
+ myRefPointXMap[ aPointType ]->clear();
+ myRefPointYMap[ aPointType ]->clear();
- myMappingGroup->setEnabled( false );
+ myTransformGroup->setEnabled( false );
+ myModeGroup->button( Manual )->setChecked( true );
+ myRefImage->clear();
+ onModeActivated( Manual );
+ myPrsPointDataList.clear();
void HYDROGUI_ImportImageDlg::setImageName( const QString& theName )
return myImageName->text();
+void HYDROGUI_ImportImageDlg::setImageSize( const QSize& theSize,
+ const bool theIsRefImage )
+ int aWidth = theSize.width();
+ int aHeight = theSize.height();
+ for( int aPointType = HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointA;
+ aPointType <= HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointC; aPointType++ )
+ {
+ if( theIsRefImage )
+ {
+ myRefPointXMap[ aPointType ]->setRange( 0, aWidth );
+ myRefPointYMap[ aPointType ]->setRange( 0, aHeight );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ myPointXMap[ aPointType ]->setRange( 0, aWidth );
+ myPointYMap[ aPointType ]->setRange( 0, aHeight );
+ }
+ }
+int HYDROGUI_ImportImageDlg::getTransformationMode() const
+ return myModeGroup->button( Manual )->isChecked() ? Manual : RefImage;
void HYDROGUI_ImportImageDlg::setTransformationDataMap( const TransformationDataMap& theMap,
- const bool theIsOnlyInput )
+ const bool theIsOnlyInput,
+ const bool theIsRefImage )
for( int aPointType = HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointA;
aPointType <= HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointC; aPointType++ )
if( theMap.contains( aPointType ) )
const TransformationData& aData = theMap[ aPointType ];
- myPointXMap[ aPointType ]->setText( QString::number( aData.first.x() ) );
- myPointYMap[ aPointType ]->setText( QString::number( aData.first.y() ) );
- if( !theIsOnlyInput )
+ QtxIntSpinBox* aPointX = theIsRefImage ? myRefPointXMap[ aPointType ] : myPointXMap[ aPointType ];
+ QtxIntSpinBox* aPointY = theIsRefImage ? myRefPointYMap[ aPointType ] : myPointYMap[ aPointType ];
+ aPointX->setValue( aData.first.x() );
+ aPointY->setValue( aData.first.y() );
+ if( !theIsOnlyInput && !theIsRefImage )
QPointF aPoint = aData.second;
int aXDeg = 0, aYDeg = 0;
HYDROGUI_Tool::DoubleToLambert( aPoint.x(), aXDeg, aXMin, aXSec );
HYDROGUI_Tool::DoubleToLambert( aPoint.y(), aYDeg, aYMin, aYSec );
- myPointXDegMap[ aPointType ]->setText( QString::number( aXDeg ) );
- myPointYDegMap[ aPointType ]->setText( QString::number( aYDeg ) );
- myPointXMinMap[ aPointType ]->setText( QString::number( aXMin ) );
- myPointYMinMap[ aPointType ]->setText( QString::number( aYMin ) );
- myPointXSecMap[ aPointType ]->setText( QString::number( aXSec ) );
- myPointYSecMap[ aPointType ]->setText( QString::number( aYSec ) );
+ myPointXDegMap[ aPointType ]->setValue( aXDeg );
+ myPointYDegMap[ aPointType ]->setValue( aYDeg );
+ myPointXMinMap[ aPointType ]->setValue( aXMin );
+ myPointYMinMap[ aPointType ]->setValue( aYMin );
+ myPointXSecMap[ aPointType ]->setValue( aXSec );
+ myPointYSecMap[ aPointType ]->setValue( aYSec );
-bool HYDROGUI_ImportImageDlg::getTransformationDataMap( TransformationDataMap& theMap ) const
+bool HYDROGUI_ImportImageDlg::getTransformationDataMap( TransformationDataMap& theMap,
+ const bool theIsRefImage ) const
for( int aPointType = HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointA;
bool anIsOk[8];
for( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
- anIsOk[ i ] = false;
+ anIsOk[ i ] = true;
- int aX1 = myPointXMap[ aPointType ]->text().toInt( &anIsOk[0] );
- int aY1 = myPointYMap[ aPointType ]->text().toInt( &anIsOk[1] );
- int aXDeg = myPointXDegMap[ aPointType ]->text().toInt( &anIsOk[2] );
- int aYDeg = myPointYDegMap[ aPointType ]->text().toInt( &anIsOk[3] );
- int aXMin = myPointXMinMap[ aPointType ]->text().toInt( &anIsOk[4] );
- int aYMin = myPointYMinMap[ aPointType ]->text().toInt( &anIsOk[5] );
- double aXSec = myPointXSecMap[ aPointType ]->text().toDouble( &anIsOk[6] );
- double aYSec = myPointYSecMap[ aPointType ]->text().toDouble( &anIsOk[7] );
+ QtxIntSpinBox* aPointX = theIsRefImage ? myRefPointXMap[ aPointType ] : myPointXMap[ aPointType ];
+ QtxIntSpinBox* aPointY = theIsRefImage ? myRefPointYMap[ aPointType ] : myPointYMap[ aPointType ];
+ int aX1 = aPointX->text().toInt( &anIsOk[0] );
+ int aY1 = aPointY->text().toInt( &anIsOk[1] );
+ int aXDeg = 0, aYDeg = 0;
+ int aXMin = 0, aYMin = 0;
+ double aXSec = 0, aYSec = 0;
+ if( !theIsRefImage )
+ {
+ aXDeg = myPointXDegMap[ aPointType ]->text().toInt( &anIsOk[2] );
+ aYDeg = myPointYDegMap[ aPointType ]->text().toInt( &anIsOk[3] );
+ aXMin = myPointXMinMap[ aPointType ]->text().toInt( &anIsOk[4] );
+ aYMin = myPointYMinMap[ aPointType ]->text().toInt( &anIsOk[5] );
+ aXSec = myPointXSecMap[ aPointType ]->text().toDouble( &anIsOk[6] );
+ aYSec = myPointYSecMap[ aPointType ]->text().toDouble( &anIsOk[7] );
+ }
for( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
if( !anIsOk[ i ] )
return true;
+void HYDROGUI_ImportImageDlg::setPrsPointDataList( const PrsPointDataList& theList )
+ myPrsPointDataList = theList;
+ if( !myPrsPointDataList.isEmpty() )
+ {
+ myModeGroup->button( RefImage )->setEnabled( true );
+ myRefImage->clear();
+ myRefImage->addItem( "" ); // first empty item
+ PrsPointDataListIterator anIter( myPrsPointDataList );
+ while( anIter.hasNext() )
+ myRefImage->addItem( anIter.next().first );
+ }
+ else
+ myModeGroup->button( RefImage )->setEnabled( false );
void HYDROGUI_ImportImageDlg::initializePointSelection()
myPointBtnMap[ HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointA ]->setChecked( true );
// ouv: tmp
- myPointXDegMap[ HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointA ]->setText( "50" );
- myPointXMinMap[ HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointA ]->setText( "0" );
- myPointXSecMap[ HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointA ]->setText( "0" );
- myPointYDegMap[ HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointA ]->setText( "50" );
- myPointYMinMap[ HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointA ]->setText( "0" );
- myPointYSecMap[ HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointA ]->setText( "0" );
- myPointXDegMap[ HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointB ]->setText( "50" );
- myPointXMinMap[ HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointB ]->setText( "1" );
- myPointXSecMap[ HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointB ]->setText( "0" );
- myPointYDegMap[ HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointB ]->setText( "50" );
- myPointYMinMap[ HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointB ]->setText( "0" );
- myPointYSecMap[ HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointB ]->setText( "0" );
- myPointXDegMap[ HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointC ]->setText( "50" );
- myPointXMinMap[ HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointC ]->setText( "0" );
- myPointXSecMap[ HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointC ]->setText( "0" );
- myPointYDegMap[ HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointC ]->setText( "50" );
- myPointYMinMap[ HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointC ]->setText( "1" );
- myPointYSecMap[ HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointC ]->setText( "0" );
+ myPointXDegMap[ HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointA ]->setValue( 50 );
+ myPointXMinMap[ HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointA ]->setValue( 0 );
+ myPointXSecMap[ HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointA ]->setValue( 0 );
+ myPointYDegMap[ HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointA ]->setValue( 50 );
+ myPointYMinMap[ HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointA ]->setValue( 0 );
+ myPointYSecMap[ HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointA ]->setValue( 0 );
+ myPointXDegMap[ HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointB ]->setValue( 50 );
+ myPointXMinMap[ HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointB ]->setValue( 1 );
+ myPointXSecMap[ HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointB ]->setValue( 0 );
+ myPointYDegMap[ HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointB ]->setValue( 50 );
+ myPointYMinMap[ HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointB ]->setValue( 0 );
+ myPointYSecMap[ HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointB ]->setValue( 0 );
+ myPointXDegMap[ HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointC ]->setValue( 50 );
+ myPointXMinMap[ HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointC ]->setValue( 0 );
+ myPointXSecMap[ HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointC ]->setValue( 0 );
+ myPointYDegMap[ HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointC ]->setValue( 50 );
+ myPointYMinMap[ HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointC ]->setValue( 1 );
+ myPointYSecMap[ HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointC ]->setValue( 0 );
void HYDROGUI_ImportImageDlg::onBrowse()
QString aFilter( tr( "IMAGE_FILTER" ) );
- QString aFileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName( this, tr( "IMPORT_IMAGE_FROM_FILE" ), "", aFilter );
+ QString aFileName = SUIT_FileDlg::getFileName( this, "", aFilter, tr( "IMPORT_IMAGE_FROM_FILE" ), true );
//QString aFileName = "W:/Work/HYDRO/doc/samples/1.bmp";
if( !aFileName.isEmpty() )
myFileName->setText( aFileName );
emit createPreview( anImage );
myImageNameGroup->setEnabled( true );
- myMappingGroup->setEnabled( true );
+ myTransformGroup->setEnabled( true );
+void HYDROGUI_ImportImageDlg::onModeActivated( int theMode )
+ bool anIsManual = theMode == Manual;
+ for( int aPointType = HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointA;
+ aPointType <= HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointC; aPointType++ )
+ {
+ myRefImageWg->setVisible( !anIsManual );
+ myPointXDegMap[ aPointType ]->setVisible( anIsManual );
+ myPointYDegMap[ aPointType ]->setVisible( anIsManual );
+ myPointXMinMap[ aPointType ]->setVisible( anIsManual );
+ myPointYMinMap[ aPointType ]->setVisible( anIsManual );
+ myPointXSecMap[ aPointType ]->setVisible( anIsManual );
+ myPointYSecMap[ aPointType ]->setVisible( anIsManual );
+ myRefPointXMap[ aPointType ]->setVisible( !anIsManual );
+ myRefPointYMap[ aPointType ]->setVisible( !anIsManual );
+ }
+ QListIterator<QLabel*> anIter( myLambertLabels );
+ while( anIter.hasNext() )
+ anIter.next()->setVisible( anIsManual );
+void HYDROGUI_ImportImageDlg::onRefImageActivated( const QString& theName )
+ emit refImageActivated( theName );
void HYDROGUI_ImportImageDlg::onPointBtnToggled( bool theState )
int aPointType = HYDROGUI_PrsImage::None;
emit activatePointSelection( aPointType );
+void HYDROGUI_ImportImageDlg::onPointCoordChanged( int theValue )
+ QObject* aSender = sender();
+ if( !aSender )
+ return;
+ for( int aPointType = HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointA;
+ aPointType <= HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointC; aPointType++ )
+ {
+ if( aSender == myPointXMap[ aPointType ] ||
+ aSender == myPointYMap[ aPointType ] )
+ {
+ bool anIsY = aSender == myPointYMap[ aPointType ];
+ emit pointCoordChanged( false, aPointType, anIsY, theValue );
+ }
+ else if( aSender == myRefPointXMap[ aPointType ] ||
+ aSender == myRefPointYMap[ aPointType ] )
+ {
+ bool anIsY = aSender == myRefPointYMap[ aPointType ];
+ emit pointCoordChanged( true, aPointType, anIsY, theValue );
+ }
+ }
#include "HYDROGUI_Tool.h"
#include "HYDROGUI_UpdateFlags.h"
+#include <HYDROData_Iterator.h>
#include <GraphicsView_ViewManager.h>
#include <GraphicsView_ViewPort.h>
#include <GraphicsView_Viewer.h>
myActiveViewManager( 0 ),
myPreviewViewManager( 0 ),
myPreviewPrs( 0 ),
+ myRefPreviewPrs( 0 ),
myPointType( HYDROGUI_PrsImage::None )
setName( theIsEdit ? tr( "EDIT_IMPORTED_IMAGE" ) : tr( "IMPORT_IMAGE" ) );
( (HYDROGUI_ImportImageDlg*)inputPanel() )->setTransformationDataMap( aDataMap );
+ // collect information about existing images
+ HYDROGUI_ImportImageDlg::PrsPointDataList aPrsPointDataList;
+ HYDROData_Iterator anIterator( doc(), KIND_IMAGE );
+ for( ; anIterator.More(); anIterator.Next() )
+ {
+ Handle(HYDROData_Image) anImageObj = Handle(HYDROData_Image)::DownCast( anIterator.Current() );
+ if( !anImageObj.IsNull() )
+ {
+ if( myIsEdit && HYDROGUI_Tool::IsEqual( anImageObj, myEditedObject ) )
+ continue;
+ QPoint aPointA1, aPointB1, aPointC1;
+ QPointF aPointA2, aPointB2, aPointC2;
+ anImageObj->TrsfPoints( aPointA1, aPointB1, aPointC1,
+ aPointA2, aPointB2, aPointC2 );
+ HYDROGUI_ImportImageDlg::TransformationDataMap aDataMap;
+ aDataMap[ HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointA ] =
+ HYDROGUI_ImportImageDlg::TransformationData( aPointA1, aPointA2 );
+ aDataMap[ HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointB ] =
+ HYDROGUI_ImportImageDlg::TransformationData( aPointB1, aPointB2 );
+ aDataMap[ HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointC ] =
+ HYDROGUI_ImportImageDlg::TransformationData( aPointC1, aPointC2 );
+ HYDROGUI_ImportImageDlg::PrsPointData aPrsPointData( anImageObj->GetName(), aDataMap );
+ aPrsPointDataList.append( aPrsPointData );
+ }
+ }
+ ( (HYDROGUI_ImportImageDlg*)inputPanel() )->setPrsPointDataList( aPrsPointDataList );
void HYDROGUI_ImportImageOp::abortOperation()
this, SLOT( onCreatePreview( QImage ) ) );
connect( aPanel, SIGNAL( activatePointSelection( int ) ),
this, SLOT( onActivatePointSelection( int ) ) );
+ connect( aPanel, SIGNAL( pointCoordChanged( bool, int, bool, int ) ),
+ this, SLOT( onPointCoordChanged( bool, int, bool, int ) ) );
+ connect( aPanel, SIGNAL( refImageActivated( const QString& ) ),
+ this, SLOT( onRefImageActivated( const QString& ) ) );
return aPanel;
QImage anImage = myPreviewPrs->getImage();
- closePreview();
+ bool anIsRefImage = aPanel->getTransformationMode() == HYDROGUI_ImportImageDlg::RefImage;
+ QTransform aRefTransform;
+ if( anIsRefImage && myRefPreviewPrs )
+ {
+ Handle(HYDROData_Image) aRefImageObj =
+ Handle(HYDROData_Image)::DownCast( myRefPreviewPrs->getObject() );
+ if( !aRefImageObj.IsNull() )
+ aRefTransform = aRefImageObj->Trsf();
+ }
HYDROGUI_ImportImageDlg::TransformationDataMap aMap;
- bool anIsOk = aPanel->getTransformationDataMap( aMap );
- if( !anIsOk )
+ if( !aPanel->getTransformationDataMap( aMap ) )
+ return false;
+ HYDROGUI_ImportImageDlg::TransformationDataMap aRefMap;
+ if( anIsRefImage && !aPanel->getTransformationDataMap( aRefMap, true ) )
return false;
QPoint aPointA1 = aMap[ HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointA ].first;
QPointF aPointB2 = aMap[ HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointB ].second;
QPointF aPointC2 = aMap[ HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointC ].second;
+ QPoint aPointA3, aPointB3, aPointC3;
+ if( anIsRefImage )
+ {
+ aPointA3 = aRefMap[ HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointA ].first;
+ aPointB3 = aRefMap[ HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointB ].first;
+ aPointC3 = aRefMap[ HYDROGUI_PrsImage::PointC ].first;
+ }
int xa1 = aPointA1.x();
int ya1 = aPointA1.y();
int xb1 = aPointB1.x();
double xc2 = aPointC2.x();
double yc2 = aPointC2.y();
+ int xa3 = aPointA3.x();
+ int ya3 = aPointA3.y();
+ int xb3 = aPointB3.x();
+ int yb3 = aPointB3.y();
+ int xc3 = aPointC3.x();
+ int yc3 = aPointC3.y();
// first, check that three input points don't belong to a single line
if( ( yb1 - ya1 ) * ( xc1 - xa1 ) == ( yc1 - ya1 ) * ( xb1 - xa1 ) )
return false;
+ // the same check for the reference points
+ if( anIsRefImage && ( ( yb3 - ya3 ) * ( xc3 - xa3 ) == ( yc3 - ya3 ) * ( xb3 - xa3 ) ) )
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
QTransform aTransform1( xa1, ya1, 1, xb1, yb1, 1, xc1, yc1, 1 );
QTransform aTransform2( xa2, ya2, 1, xb2, yb2, 1, xc2, yc2, 1 );
+ QTransform aTransform3( xa3, ya3, 1, xb3, yb3, 1, xc3, yc3, 1 );
bool anIsInvertible = false;
- QTransform aTransform = aTransform1.inverted( &anIsInvertible ) * aTransform2;
+ QTransform aTransform1Inverted = aTransform1.inverted( &anIsInvertible );
if( !anIsInvertible )
return false;
+ QTransform aTransform;
+ if( anIsRefImage )
+ aTransform = aTransform1Inverted * aTransform3 * aRefTransform;
+ else
+ aTransform = aTransform1Inverted * aTransform2;
Handle(HYDROData_Image) anImageObj;
if( myIsEdit )
anImageObj = myEditedObject;
anImageObj->SetImage( anImage );
anImageObj->SetTrsf( aTransform );
+ if( anIsRefImage )
+ {
+ aPointA2 = QPointF( aTransform.map( aPointA1 ) );
+ aPointB2 = QPointF( aTransform.map( aPointB1 ) );
+ aPointC2 = QPointF( aTransform.map( aPointC1 ) );
+ }
anImageObj->SetTrsfPoints( aPointA1, aPointB1, aPointC1,
aPointA2, aPointB2, aPointC2 );
+ // must be done after all checks and before calling SetVisible() method below
+ closePreview();
anImageObj->SetVisible( HYDROGUI_Tool::GetActiveGraphicsViewId( module() ), true );
theUpdateFlags = UF_Model | UF_Viewer | UF_GV_Forced;
anImageName = HYDROGUI_Tool::GenerateObjectName( module(), "Image" );
aPanel->setImageName( anImageName );
+ aPanel->setImageSize( theImage.size() );
- onPointSelected();
+ onPointSelected( false );
void HYDROGUI_ImportImageOp::onActivatePointSelection( int thePointType )
myPointType = thePointType;
if( myPreviewPrs )
- myPreviewPrs->setTransformationPointMode( thePointType );
+ myPreviewPrs->setTransformationPointType( thePointType );
+ if( myRefPreviewPrs )
+ myRefPreviewPrs->setTransformationPointType( thePointType );
+void HYDROGUI_ImportImageOp::onPointCoordChanged( bool theIsRef,
+ int thePointType,
+ bool theIsY,
+ int theValue )
+ if( !theIsRef && myPreviewPrs )
+ myPreviewPrs->updateTransformationPoint( thePointType, theIsY, theValue );
+ else if( theIsRef && myRefPreviewPrs )
+ myRefPreviewPrs->updateTransformationPoint( thePointType, theIsY, theValue );
+void HYDROGUI_ImportImageOp::onRefImageActivated( const QString& theName )
+ GraphicsView_ViewPort* aViewPort = 0;
+ if( myPreviewViewManager )
+ if( GraphicsView_Viewer* aViewer = myPreviewViewManager->getViewer() )
+ aViewPort = aViewer->getActiveViewPort();
+ if( !aViewPort )
+ return;
+ aViewPort->removeItem( myRefPreviewPrs );
+ delete myRefPreviewPrs;
+ myRefPreviewPrs = 0;
+ QImage anImage;
+ Handle(HYDROData_Image) anImageObj = Handle(HYDROData_Image)::DownCast(
+ HYDROGUI_Tool::FindObjectByName( module(), theName, KIND_IMAGE ) );
+ if( !anImageObj.IsNull() )
+ {
+ anImage = anImageObj->Image();
+ myRefPreviewPrs = new HYDROGUI_PrsImage( anImageObj );
+ myRefPreviewPrs->setImage( anImage );
+ myRefPreviewPrs->compute();
+ myRefPreviewPrs->setIsTransformationPointPreview( true );
+ myRefPreviewPrs->setTransformationPointType( myPointType );
+ // vertically shift the reference prs relatively to the main prs
+ if( myPreviewPrs )
+ {
+ QImage anImage = myPreviewPrs->getImage();
+ myRefPreviewPrs->moveBy( 0, anImage.height() + 20 );
+ }
+ aViewPort->addItem( myRefPreviewPrs );
+ }
+ aViewPort->fitAll();
+ HYDROGUI_ImportImageDlg* aPanel = (HYDROGUI_ImportImageDlg*)inputPanel();
+ aPanel->setImageSize( anImage.size(), true );
+ aPanel->initializePointSelection();
+ onPointSelected( true );
void HYDROGUI_ImportImageOp::onPointSelected()
+ onPointSelected( myRefPreviewPrs && myRefPreviewPrs->isSelected() );
+void HYDROGUI_ImportImageOp::onPointSelected( bool theIsRefImage )
+ HYDROGUI_PrsImage* aPrs = theIsRefImage ? myRefPreviewPrs : myPreviewPrs;
+ if( !aPrs )
+ return;
HYDROGUI_ImportImageDlg::TransformationDataMap aDataMap;
const HYDROGUI_PrsImage::TransformationPointMap& aPointMap =
- myPreviewPrs->getTransformationPointMap();
+ aPrs->getTransformationPointMap();
HYDROGUI_PrsImage::TransformationPointMapIterator anIter( aPointMap );
while( anIter.hasNext() )
aDataMap[ aPointType ] = aData;
- ( (HYDROGUI_ImportImageDlg*)inputPanel() )->setTransformationDataMap( aDataMap, true );
+ ( (HYDROGUI_ImportImageDlg*)inputPanel() )->setTransformationDataMap( aDataMap, true, theIsRefImage );
void HYDROGUI_ImportImageOp::closePreview()
myPreviewPrs = 0;
+ if( myRefPreviewPrs )
+ {
+ delete myRefPreviewPrs;
+ myRefPreviewPrs = 0;
+ }
if( myPreviewViewManager )
module()->getApp()->removeViewManager( myPreviewViewManager ); // myPreviewViewManager is deleted here