return needToUpdate;
+// Obtain points and their copies for Mirror, Multi-Rotation and Multi-Translation constraints
+static void collectPointsAndCopies(FeaturePtr theConstraint, std::list<std::set<AttributePtr> >& thePoints)
+ typedef std::list<std::string> strlist;
+ static strlist aPointAttributes(1, SketchPlugin_Point::COORD_ID());
+ static strlist aLineAttributes;
+ if (aLineAttributes.empty()) {
+ aLineAttributes.push_back(SketchPlugin_Line::START_ID());
+ aLineAttributes.push_back(SketchPlugin_Line::END_ID());
+ };
+ static strlist aCircleAttributes(1, SketchPlugin_Circle::CENTER_ID());
+ static strlist anArcAttributes;
+ if (anArcAttributes.empty()) {
+ anArcAttributes.push_back(SketchPlugin_Arc::CENTER_ID());
+ anArcAttributes.push_back(SketchPlugin_Arc::START_ID());
+ anArcAttributes.push_back(SketchPlugin_Arc::END_ID());
+ };
+ static std::map<std::string, strlist> aFeatureAttributes;
+ if (aFeatureAttributes.empty()) {
+ aFeatureAttributes[SketchPlugin_Point::ID()] = aPointAttributes;
+ aFeatureAttributes[SketchPlugin_Line::ID()] = aLineAttributes;
+ aFeatureAttributes[SketchPlugin_Circle::ID()] = aCircleAttributes;
+ aFeatureAttributes[SketchPlugin_Arc::ID()] = anArcAttributes;
+ }
+ std::set<AttributePtr> aPoints;
+ if (theConstraint->getKind() == SketchPlugin_ConstraintMirror::ID()) {
+ AttributeRefListPtr aBaseRefList = theConstraint->reflist(SketchPlugin_Constraint::ENTITY_B());
+ AttributeRefListPtr aMirrRefList = theConstraint->reflist(SketchPlugin_Constraint::ENTITY_C());
+ std::list<ObjectPtr> aBaseList = aBaseRefList->list();
+ std::list<ObjectPtr> aMirrList = aMirrRefList->list();
+ std::list<ObjectPtr>::const_iterator aBIt, aMIt;
+ for (aBIt = aBaseList.begin(), aMIt = aMirrList.begin();
+ aBIt != aBaseList.end() && aMIt != aMirrList.end(); ++aBIt, ++aMIt) {
+ FeaturePtr aBaseFeature = ModelAPI_Feature::feature(*aBIt);
+ FeaturePtr aMirrFeature = ModelAPI_Feature::feature(*aMIt);
+ strlist anAttrList = aFeatureAttributes[aBaseFeature->getKind()];
+ strlist::iterator anIt = anAttrList.begin();
+ for (; anIt != anAttrList.end(); ++anIt) {
+ aPoints.clear();
+ aPoints.insert(aBaseFeature->attribute(*anIt));
+ aPoints.insert(aMirrFeature->attribute(*anIt));
+ thePoints.push_back(aPoints);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else { // the "Multi" constraints
+ std::string aNbObjName;
+ if (theConstraint->getKind() == SketchPlugin_MultiRotation::ID())
+ aNbObjName = SketchPlugin_MultiRotation::NUMBER_OF_OBJECTS_ID();
+ else
+ aNbObjName = SketchPlugin_MultiTranslation::NUMBER_OF_OBJECTS_ID();
+ int aNbCopies = theConstraint->integer(aNbObjName)->value();
+ AttributeRefListPtr aRefList = theConstraint->reflist(SketchPlugin_Constraint::ENTITY_B());
+ std::list<ObjectPtr> aFullList = aRefList->list();
+ std::list<ObjectPtr>::const_iterator anObjIt = aFullList.begin();
+ std::list<ObjectPtr>::const_iterator aCopyIt;
+ while (anObjIt != aFullList.end()) {
+ FeaturePtr aBaseFeature = ModelAPI_Feature::feature(*anObjIt);
+ strlist anAttrList = aFeatureAttributes[aBaseFeature->getKind()];
+ strlist::iterator anIt = anAttrList.begin();
+ for (; anIt != anAttrList.end(); ++anIt) {
+ aPoints.clear();
+ aCopyIt = anObjIt;
+ for (int i = 0; i < aNbCopies; ++i, ++aCopyIt) {
+ FeaturePtr aFeature = ModelAPI_Feature::feature(*aCopyIt);
+ aPoints.insert(aFeature->attribute(*anIt));
+ }
+ thePoints.push_back(aPoints);
+ }
+ anObjIt = aCopyIt;
+ }
+ }
// ============================================================================
// Function: degreesOfFreedom
// Purpose: calculate DoFs for each sketch
std::set<AttributePtr> aCoincidentPoints;
+ std::list<std::set<AttributePtr> > aPointsInMultiConstraints;
int aDoF = 0;
int aNbSubs = aSketch->numberOfSubs();
for (int i = 0; i < aNbSubs; ++i) {
if (aCoincidentPoints.find(aCoincPoint[0]) == aCoincidentPoints.end() ||
aCoincidentPoints.find(aCoincPoint[1]) == aCoincidentPoints.end())
aDoF -= 2;
+ // check the coincident point is used in "multi" constraints
+ std::list<std::set<AttributePtr> >::const_iterator
+ aPtIt = aPointsInMultiConstraints.begin();
+ bool isFound[2] = {false, false};
+ for (; aPtIt != aPointsInMultiConstraints.end(); ++aPtIt) {
+ if ((!isFound[0] && (isFound[0] = (aPtIt->find(aCoincPoint[0]) != aPtIt->end())))
+ || (!isFound[1] && (isFound[1] = (aPtIt->find(aCoincPoint[1]) != aPtIt->end()))))
+ aCoincidentPoints.insert(aPtIt->begin(), aPtIt->end());
+ if (isFound[0] && isFound[1])
+ break;
+ }
} else
aDoF -= 1;
for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
FeaturePtr aSub = ModelAPI_Feature::feature(*anObjIt);
aDoF -= aDoFDelta[aSub->getKind()] * aNbCopies;
+ // collect points and their copies for correct calculation of DoF for coincident points
+ collectPointsAndCopies(aFeature, aPointsInMultiConstraints);