Quantity_Color GEOM_AISShape::myTopLevelColor;
-static void getEntityOwners( const Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)& theObj,
+static void getEntityOwners( const Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)& theObj,
const Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext)& theIC,
- SelectMgr_IndexedMapOfOwner& theMap )
+ SelectMgr_IndexedMapOfOwner& theMap )
if ( theObj.IsNull() || theIC.IsNull() )
static void indicesToOwners( const TColStd_IndexedMapOfInteger& aIndexMap,
- const TopoDS_Shape& aMainShape,
- const SelectMgr_IndexedMapOfOwner& anAllMap,
- SelectMgr_IndexedMapOfOwner& aToHiliteMap )
+ const TopoDS_Shape& aMainShape,
+ const SelectMgr_IndexedMapOfOwner& anAllMap,
+ SelectMgr_IndexedMapOfOwner& aToHiliteMap )
TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape aMapOfShapes;
TopExp::MapShapes(aMainShape, aMapOfShapes);
Standard_Integer aSubShapeId = aMapOfShapes.FindIndex( aSubShape );
if ( !aSubShapeId || !aIndexMap.Contains( aSubShapeId ) )
if ( !aToHiliteMap.Contains( anOwner ) )
aToHiliteMap.Add( anOwner );
-GEOM_AISShape::GEOM_AISShape(const TopoDS_Shape& shape,
+GEOM_AISShape::GEOM_AISShape(const TopoDS_Shape& shape,
const Standard_CString aName)
: SALOME_AISShape(shape),
- //rnv: Commented to avoid bug with local selection
+ //rnv: Commented to avoid bug with local selection
//SetHilightMode( CustomHighlight ); // override setting the mode to 0 inside AIS_Shape constructor
myShadingColor = Quantity_Color( Quantity_NOC_GOLDENROD );
myTopLevel = Standard_False;
Graphic3d_MaterialAspect aMatAspect;
if ( !HasMaterial() ) {
- aMatAspect.SetAmbient( 0.5 );
- aMatAspect.SetDiffuse( 0.5 );
- aMatAspect.SetEmissive( 0.5 );
- aMatAspect.SetShininess(0.5 );
- aMatAspect.SetSpecular( 0.5 );
- myDrawer->ShadingAspect()->Aspect()->SetFrontMaterial(aMatAspect);
- myDrawer->ShadingAspect()->Aspect()->SetBackMaterial(aMatAspect);
+ aMatAspect.SetAmbient( 0.5 );
+ aMatAspect.SetDiffuse( 0.5 );
+ aMatAspect.SetEmissive( 0.5 );
+ aMatAspect.SetShininess(0.5 );
+ aMatAspect.SetSpecular( 0.5 );
+ myDrawer->ShadingAspect()->Aspect()->SetFrontMaterial(aMatAspect);
+ myDrawer->ShadingAspect()->Aspect()->SetBackMaterial(aMatAspect);
-void GEOM_AISShape::setIO(const Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject)& io){
+void GEOM_AISShape::setIO(const Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject)& io)
SetOwner( io );
-Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) GEOM_AISShape::getIO(){
+Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) GEOM_AISShape::getIO()
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) IO;
if ( !GetOwner().IsNull() )
IO = Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject)::DownCast( GetOwner() );
return IO;
-Standard_Boolean GEOM_AISShape::hasIO(){
+Standard_Boolean GEOM_AISShape::hasIO()
return !getIO().IsNull();
-Standard_CString GEOM_AISShape::getName(){
+Standard_CString GEOM_AISShape::getName()
return myName.ToCString();
void GEOM_AISShape::Compute(const Handle(PrsMgr_PresentationManager3d)& aPresentationManager,
- const Handle(Prs3d_Presentation)& aPrs,
- const Standard_Integer aMode)
+ const Handle(Prs3d_Presentation)& aPrs,
+ const Standard_Integer aMode)
if (IsInfinite()) aPrs->SetInfiniteState(Standard_True); //pas de prise en compte lors du FITALL
myEdgesInShadingColor = aCol;
-void GEOM_AISShape::SetLabelColor(const Quantity_Color &aCol) {
+void GEOM_AISShape::SetLabelColor(const Quantity_Color &aCol)
myLabelColor = aCol;
void GEOM_AISShape::highlightSubShapes(const TColStd_IndexedMapOfInteger& aIndexMap,
- const Standard_Boolean aHighlight )
+ const Standard_Boolean aHighlight )
Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) anObj = this;
Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) anIC = GetContext();
void GEOM_AISShape::shadingMode(const Handle(PrsMgr_PresentationManager3d)& aPresentationManager,
- const Handle(Prs3d_Presentation)& aPrs,
- const Standard_Integer aMode)
+ const Handle(Prs3d_Presentation)& aPrs,
+ const Standard_Integer aMode)
if( isTopLevel() && switchTopLevel() )
myDrawer->ShadingAspect()->SetColor( topLevelColor() );
- else {
+ else {
if(myDrawer->ShadingAspect()->Aspect()->FrontMaterial().MaterialType( Graphic3d_MATERIAL_ASPECT ))
-Standard_Boolean GEOM_AISShape::isTopLevel() {
+Standard_Boolean GEOM_AISShape::isTopLevel()
return myTopLevel;
-void GEOM_AISShape::setTopLevel(Standard_Boolean f) {
+void GEOM_AISShape::setTopLevel(Standard_Boolean f)
if(f) {
if(f != myTopLevel)
myPrevDisplayMode = DisplayMode();
myTopLevel = f;
-void GEOM_AISShape::setPrevDisplayMode(const Standard_Integer mode) {
+void GEOM_AISShape::setPrevDisplayMode(const Standard_Integer mode)
myPrevDisplayMode = mode;
-Quantity_Color GEOM_AISShape::topLevelColor() {
+Quantity_Color GEOM_AISShape::topLevelColor()
return myTopLevelColor;
-void GEOM_AISShape::setTopLevelColor(const Quantity_Color c) {
+void GEOM_AISShape::setTopLevelColor(const Quantity_Color c)
myTopLevelColor = c;
-GEOM_AISShape::TopLevelDispMode GEOM_AISShape::topLevelDisplayMode() {
+GEOM_AISShape::TopLevelDispMode GEOM_AISShape::topLevelDisplayMode()
return myTopLevelDm;
-void GEOM_AISShape::setTopLevelDisplayMode(const GEOM_AISShape::TopLevelDispMode dm) {
+void GEOM_AISShape::setTopLevelDisplayMode(const GEOM_AISShape::TopLevelDispMode dm)
myTopLevelDm = dm;
-Standard_Boolean GEOM_AISShape::switchTopLevel() {
+Standard_Boolean GEOM_AISShape::switchTopLevel()
return myTopLevelDm != TopShowAdditionalWActor;
-Standard_Boolean GEOM_AISShape::toActivate() {
+Standard_Boolean GEOM_AISShape::toActivate()
return ( myTopLevel && myTopLevelDm == TopShowAdditionalWActor ) ? false : true;
-void GEOM_AISShape::setFieldStepInfo( const GEOM::field_data_type theFieldDataType,
- const int theFieldDimension,
- const QList<QVariant>& theFieldStepData,
+void GEOM_AISShape::setFieldStepInfo( const GEOM::field_data_type theFieldDataType,
+ const int theFieldDimension,
+ const QList<QVariant>& theFieldStepData,
const TCollection_AsciiString& theFieldStepName,
- const double theFieldStepRangeMin,
- const double theFieldStepRangeMax )
+ const double theFieldStepRangeMin,
+ const double theFieldStepRangeMax )
- myFieldDataType = theFieldDataType;
- myFieldDimension = theFieldDimension;
- myFieldStepData = theFieldStepData;
- myFieldStepName = theFieldStepName;
+ myFieldDataType = theFieldDataType;
+ myFieldDimension = theFieldDimension;
+ myFieldStepData = theFieldStepData;
+ myFieldStepName = theFieldStepName;
myFieldStepRangeMin = theFieldStepRangeMin;
myFieldStepRangeMax = theFieldStepRangeMax;
-void GEOM_AISShape::getFieldStepInfo( GEOM::field_data_type& theFieldDataType,
- int& theFieldDimension,
- QList<QVariant>& theFieldStepData,
+void GEOM_AISShape::getFieldStepInfo( GEOM::field_data_type& theFieldDataType,
+ int& theFieldDimension,
+ QList<QVariant>& theFieldStepData,
TCollection_AsciiString& theFieldStepName,
- double& theFieldStepRangeMin,
- double& theFieldStepRangeMax ) const
+ double& theFieldStepRangeMin,
+ double& theFieldStepRangeMax ) const
- theFieldDataType = myFieldDataType;
- theFieldDimension = myFieldDimension;
- theFieldStepData = myFieldStepData;
- theFieldStepName = myFieldStepName;
+ theFieldDataType = myFieldDataType;
+ theFieldDimension = myFieldDimension;
+ theFieldStepData = myFieldStepData;
+ theFieldStepName = myFieldStepName;
theFieldStepRangeMin = myFieldStepRangeMin;
theFieldStepRangeMax = myFieldStepRangeMax;
void GEOM_AISShape::drawField( const Handle(Prs3d_Presentation)& thePrs,
- const bool theIsString,
- const bool theIsHighlight )
+ const bool theIsString,
+ const bool theIsHighlight )
if( myFieldStepData.isEmpty() )
TopAbs_ShapeEnum aShapeType = TopAbs_SHAPE;
switch( myFieldDimension )
- case 0: aShapeType = TopAbs_VERTEX; break;
- case 1: aShapeType = TopAbs_EDGE; break;
- case 2: aShapeType = TopAbs_FACE; break;
- case 3: aShapeType = TopAbs_SOLID; break;
+ case 0: aShapeType = TopAbs_VERTEX; break;
+ case 1: aShapeType = TopAbs_EDGE; break;
+ case 2: aShapeType = TopAbs_FACE; break;
+ case 3: aShapeType = TopAbs_SOLID; break;
case -1: aShapeType = TopAbs_VERTEX; break;
else if ( theShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_FACE )
- BRepAdaptor_Surface surface( TopoDS::Face( theShape ));
- theCenter = surface.Value( 0.5 * ( surface.FirstUParameter() + surface.LastUParameter() ),
- 0.5 * ( surface.FirstVParameter() + surface.LastVParameter() ));
+ const TopoDS_Face& F = TopoDS::Face( theShape );
+ BRepAdaptor_Surface surface( F );
+ TopLoc_Location L;
+ Handle(Poly_Triangulation) triangulation = BRep_Tool::Triangulation( F, L );
+ if ( !triangulation.IsNull() && triangulation->HasUVNodes() )
+ {
+ gp_XY C( 0, 0 );
+ double A = 0;
+ const TColgp_Array1OfPnt2d& uvArray = triangulation->UVNodes();
+ const Poly_Array1OfTriangle& trias = triangulation->Triangles();
+ Standard_Integer n1,n2,n3;
+ for ( int iT = trias.Lower(); iT <= trias.Upper(); ++iT )
+ {
+ trias( iT ).Get( n1,n2,n3 );
+ const gp_Pnt2d& uv1 = uvArray( n1 );
+ const gp_Pnt2d& uv2 = uvArray( n2 );
+ const gp_Pnt2d& uv3 = uvArray( n3 );
+ double a = 0.5 * sqrt(( uv1.X() - uv3.X() ) * ( uv2.Y() - uv1.Y() ) -
+ ( uv1.X() - uv2.X() ) * ( uv3.Y() - uv1.Y() ));
+ C += ( uv1.XY() + uv2.XY() + uv3.XY() ) / 3. * a;
+ A += a;
+ }
+ C /= A;
+ theCenter = surface.Value( C.X(), C.Y() );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ theCenter = surface.Value( 0.5 * ( surface.FirstUParameter() + surface.LastUParameter() ),
+ 0.5 * ( surface.FirstVParameter() + surface.LastVParameter() ));
+ }
aNbPoints = 1;