#include <Prs3d_AngleAspect.hxx>
#include <Prs3d_LineAspect.hxx>
#include <Prs3d_LengthAspect.hxx>
+#include <Prs3d_TextAspect.hxx>
+#include <Prs3d_Presentation.hxx>
+#include <Prs3d_Text.hxx>
+#include <Graphic3d_VerticalTextAlignment.hxx>
+#include <Graphic3d_HorizontalTextAlignment.hxx>
+#include <Graphic3d_AspectText3d.hxx>
+#include <Font_FontAspect.hxx>
// This include must be *AFTER* SOCC_ViewModel.h because
// of the constant ROTATE which is a #define in
-// + Ecrire la partie absolute / relative pour les coordonnées angulaires Done
-// + Ecrire les bons tests pour les coordonnées cylindriques Done
-// + Finir refactoring des outils de display (displayLength) Done
-// + Mettre en place la visualisation (côtes ...) pour les coordonnées cylindriques Done
-// + Changement du mode de représentation (côtes) pour le cas absolu Half done
-// + Dump pour les coordonnées cylindriques et
-// report des modifs sur les autres types de coordonnées Done
-// + Correction BUG coordonées cylindriques relatives --> la hauteur est absolue Done
-// + Améliorer rendu des cotes pour coordonées cylindriques (tailles relatives Done
-// de la cote rayon et de la cote hauteur)
-// + Prendre en compte les remarques de Raphaël Done
-// + Traductions Done
-// + Doc
+// Avoid duplication of angle coordinates in cylindrical mode
+// Check spherical mode in absolute
bool& myLock;
+class AIS_Text:public AIS_InteractiveObject
+ AIS_Text(){};
+ AIS_Text
+ (
+ const TCollection_ExtendedString& , const gp_Pnt& ,
+ Quantity_Color color,
+ Standard_Integer aHJust,
+ Standard_Integer aVJust ,
+ Standard_Real Angle ,
+ Standard_Boolean Zoom ,
+ Standard_Real Height,
+ Font_FontAspect FontAspect,
+ Standard_CString Font
+ );
+ void Compute ( const Handle(PrsMgr_PresentationManager3d)& aPresentationManager,
+ const Handle(Prs3d_Presentation)& aPresentation,
+ const Standard_Integer aMode);
+ void ComputeSelection ( const Handle(SelectMgr_Selection)& aSelection,
+ const Standard_Integer aMode){} ;
+ TCollection_ExtendedString aText;
+ gp_Pnt aPosition;
+ Standard_Real Red;
+ Standard_Real Green;
+ Standard_Real Blue;
+ Standard_Real aAngle;
+ Standard_Real aHeight;
+ Standard_Boolean aZoomable;
+ Quantity_Color aColor;
+ Standard_CString aFont;
+ Font_FontAspect aFontAspect;
+ Graphic3d_HorizontalTextAlignment aHJustification;
+ Graphic3d_VerticalTextAlignment aVJustification;
+AIS_Text::AIS_Text( const TCollection_ExtendedString& text, const gp_Pnt& position,
+ Quantity_Color color = Quantity_NOC_YELLOW,
+ Standard_Integer aHJust = Graphic3d_HTA_LEFT,
+ Standard_Integer aVJust = Graphic3d_VTA_BOTTOM,
+ Standard_Real angle = 0.0 ,
+ Standard_Boolean zoomable = Standard_False,
+ Standard_Real height = 16.,
+ Font_FontAspect fontAspect = Font_FA_Regular,
+ Standard_CString font = "Courier")
+ aText = text;
+ aPosition = position;
+ aHJustification = Graphic3d_HorizontalTextAlignment(aHJust);
+ aVJustification = Graphic3d_VerticalTextAlignment(aVJust);
+ aAngle = angle;
+ aZoomable = zoomable;
+ aHeight = height;
+ aColor = color;
+ aFontAspect = fontAspect;
+ aFont = font;
+void AIS_Text::Compute(const Handle(PrsMgr_PresentationManager3d)& aPresentationManager,
+ const Handle(Prs3d_Presentation)& aPresentation,
+ const Standard_Integer aMode)
+ aPresentation->Clear();
+ Handle_Prs3d_TextAspect asp = myDrawer->TextAspect();
+ asp->SetFont(aFont);
+ asp->SetColor(aColor);
+ asp->SetHeight(aHeight); // I am changing the myHeight value
+ asp->SetHorizontalJustification(aHJustification);
+ asp->SetVerticalJustification(aVJustification);
+ asp->Aspect()->SetTextZoomable(aZoomable);
+ asp->Aspect()->SetTextAngle(aAngle);
+ asp->Aspect()->SetTextFontAspect(aFontAspect);
+ Prs3d_Text::Draw(aPresentation, asp, aText, aPosition);
bool isSame (double d1, double d2)
return Abs(d1 - d2) <= Precision::Confusion();
SUIT_ViewWindow* vw = SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication()->desktop()->activeWindow();
myAnglePrs = dynamic_cast<SOCC_Prs*>(((SOCC_Viewer*)(vw->getViewManager()->getViewModel()))->CreatePrs(0));
myLengthPrs = dynamic_cast<SOCC_Prs*>(((SOCC_Viewer*)(vw->getViewManager()->getViewModel()))->CreatePrs(0));
+ myTextPrs = dynamic_cast<SOCC_Prs*>(((SOCC_Viewer*)(vw->getViewManager()->getViewModel()))->CreatePrs(0));
localSelection(GEOM::GEOM_Object::_nil(), TopAbs_VERTEX);
// Function : displayDimensions( bool store )
-// Purpose : Method for displaying dimensions if store = true
+// Purpose : Method for displaying dimensions. If store = true
// the presentation is stored in a list
void EntityGUI_3DSketcherDlg::displayDimensions (bool store)
isSame(Last_Pnt.Z(), Current_Pnt.Z()) ) ||
(isSame(Last_Pnt.X(), Current_Pnt.X()) &&
isSame(Last_Pnt.Z(), Current_Pnt.Z()) );
- if(oneDimensionalMove && myMode == 1)
- {
- // For better colocation of dimensions if only one coordinate changes (aNormal is a better choice)
- displayLength(P0, Current_Pnt, aNormal, store);
- }
- else
+ if (myMode == 0)
- if (!isSame(Last_Pnt.X(),Current_Pnt.X()))
+ std::string aCoordText = "( " + doubleToString(Current_Pnt.X()) +
+ ", " + doubleToString(Current_Pnt.Y()) +
+ ", " + doubleToString(Current_Pnt.Z()) + " )";
+ displayText(aCoordText, Current_Pnt, store);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (oneDimensionalMove)
+ {
+ // For better colocation of dimensions if only one coordinate changes (aNormal is a better choice)
+ displayLength(P0, Current_Pnt, aNormal, store);
+ }
+ else
+ {
displayLength(gp_Pnt(P0.X(),Current.y,P0.Z()), gp_Pnt(Current.x,Current.y,P0.Z()), gp::DZ().Reversed(), store);
- if (!isSame(Last_Pnt.Y(),Current_Pnt.Y()))
displayLength(gp_Pnt(Current.x,P0.Y(),P0.Z()), gp_Pnt(Current.x,Current.y,P0.Z()), gp::DZ(), store);
- if (!isSame(Last_Pnt.Z(),Current_Pnt.Z()))
displayLength(gp_Pnt(Current.x,Current.y,P0.Z()), Current_Pnt, gp::DX(), store);
+ }
else if (myCoordType == 1) // ANGLES
if(myMode !=0 || !store)
displayAngle(anAngle1, P0, P1, P2, store);
+ else
+ {
+ std::string anAngleText = doubleToString(anAngle1) + "deg";
+ displayText(anAngleText, Current_Pnt, store);
+ }
+// Function : displayText()
+// Purpose : Method for displaying length dimensions for a segment
+// creation step
+void EntityGUI_3DSketcherDlg::displayText ( std::string theText,
+ gp_Pnt P,
+ bool store )
+ SUIT_ViewWindow* vw = SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication()->desktop()->activeWindow();
+ Handle(AIS_Text) anIO = new AIS_Text(TCollection_ExtendedString(theText.c_str()), P);
+ if (store)
+ {
+ // Erase length dimensions presentation
+ ((SOCC_Viewer*)(vw->getViewManager()->getViewModel()))->Erase(myTextPrs, true);
+ myTextPrs->PrependObject(anIO);
+ // Display modified presentation
+ ((SOCC_Viewer*)(vw->getViewManager()->getViewModel()))->Display(myTextPrs);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SOCC_Prs* aSPrs = dynamic_cast<SOCC_Prs*>
+ (((SOCC_Viewer*)(vw->getViewManager()->getViewModel()))->CreatePrs(0));
+ if (aSPrs)
+ {
+ aSPrs->PrependObject(anIO);
+ GEOMBase_Helper::displayPreview(aSPrs, true, true);
+ }
+ }
// Function : createAISLengthDimension()
// Purpose : Method for creation of a length dimension object