* permutation to remove duplicated nodes.
* \param [in] precision - minimal absolute distance between two nodes at which they are
* considered not coincident.
- * \param [in] limitNodeId - limit node id. Nodes with id strictly lower than \a
- * limitTupleId are \b not considered. Put -1 to this parameter to have
- * all nodes treated.
+ * \param [in] limitNodeId - limit node id. If all nodes within a group of coincident
+ * nodes have id strictly lower than \a limitTupleId then they are not
+ * returned. Put -1 to this parameter to have all nodes returned.
* \param [out] areNodesMerged - is set to \a true if any coincident nodes found.
* \param [out] newNbOfNodes - returns number of unique nodes.
* \return DataArrayInt * - the permutation array in "Old to New" mode. For more
* A pair of arrays (\a comm, \a commIndex) is called "Surjective Format 2".
* \param [in] prec - minimal absolute distance between two nodes at which they are
* considered not coincident.
- * \param [in] limitNodeId - limit node id. Nodes with id strictly lower than \a
- * limitTupleId are \b not considered. Put -1 to this parameter to have
- * all nodes treated.
+ * \param [in] limitNodeId - limit node id. If all nodes within a group of coincident
+ * nodes have id strictly lower than \a limitTupleId then they are not
+ * returned. Put -1 to this parameter to have all nodes treated.
* \param [out] comm - the array holding ids of coincident nodes.
* \a comm->getNumberOfComponents() == 1.
* \a comm->getNumberOfTuples() == \a commIndex->back(). The caller
* This method recenter coordinates of nodes in \b this in order to be centered at the origin to benefit about the advantages of the precision to be around the box
* around origin of 'radius' 1.
+ * \warning this method is non const and alterates coordinates in \b this without modifying.
* \param [in] eps absolute epsilon. under that value of delta between max and min no scale is performed.
- * \warning this method is non const and alterates coordinates in \b this without modifying.
void MEDCouplingPointSet::recenterForMaxPrecision(double eps) throw(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception)