if pause:
- raw_input("Press Enter key to continue")
+ input("Press Enter key to continue")
def display_mesh(self, element, pause=False):
mapGroups[groupName] = familiesOnGroups
# Establish the relations between families and groups
- for family_name, family_id in mapFamilies.iteritems():
+ for family_name, family_id in mapFamilies.items():
groupNames = []
- for group_name, family_name_on_group in mapGroups.iteritems():
+ for group_name, family_name_on_group in mapGroups.items():
if family_name in family_name_on_group:
if len(groupNames) > 0:
raise RuntimeError("Extraction SIL graph failed.")
# Sort families array by ID
-sortedArray = mapFamilies.values()
+sortedArray = sorted(list(mapFamilies.values()))
# Prepare 'Annotation' list for lookup-table
numberValues = 0
numberValues += 1
# Iterate over all families to get group(s) by family name
- for famName, famID in mapFamilies.iteritems():
+ for famName, famID in mapFamilies.items():
if idFamily == famID:
- if mapRelations.has_key(famName):
+ if famName in mapRelations:
annotationList.append(str(', ').join(mapRelations.get(famName)))
annotationList.append(str('No group'))
#include <pqServerManagerModel.h>
#include <pqAnimationTimeToolbar.h>
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x03050000
+static char*
+Py_EncodeLocale(const wchar_t *arg, size_t *size)
+ return _Py_wchar2char(arg, size);
+static wchar_t*
+Py_DecodeLocale(const char *arg, size_t *size)
+ return _Py_char2wchar(arg, size);
PVGUI_Module* ParavisModule = 0;
// PyObject * elem = PyList_GetItem(lst, i);
// if (PyString_Check(elem))
// {
-// std::cout << "At pos:" << i << ", " << PyString_AsString(elem) << std::endl;
+// std::cout << "At pos:" << i << ", " << Py_EncodeLocale(PyUnicode_AS_UNICODE(elem), NULL) << std::endl;
// }
// else
// std::cout << "At pos:" << i << ", not a string!" << std::endl;
vtkSmartPyObject save_cam(PyObject_GetAttrString(trace_mod, const_cast<char*>("SaveCameras")));
vtkSmartPyObject camera_trace(PyObject_CallMethod(save_cam, const_cast<char*>("get_trace"), NULL));
// Convert to a single string
- vtkSmartPyObject ret(PyString_FromString(end_line.toStdString().c_str()));
+ vtkSmartPyObject ret(PyUnicode_FromUnicode(Py_DecodeLocale(end_line.toStdString().c_str(), NULL), end_line.size()));
vtkSmartPyObject final_string(PyObject_CallMethod(ret, const_cast<char*>("join"),
const_cast<char*>("O"), (PyObject*)camera_trace));
- if (PyString_CheckExact(final_string))
+ if (PyUnicode_CheckExact(final_string))
- QString camera_qs(PyString_AsString(final_string)); // deep copy
+ QString camera_qs(Py_EncodeLocale(PyUnicode_AS_UNICODE(final_string.GetPointer()), NULL)); // deep copy
traceString = traceString + end_line + end_line + QString("#### saving camera placements for all active views")
+ end_line + end_line + camera_qs + end_line;
-from __future__ import division
##from __future__ import print_function
import os
# Save picture
- print "Write image:", file_name
+ print("Write image:", file_name)
pvs.WriteImage(file_name, view=view, Magnification=1)
sv = xy_prs.GetProperty("SeriesVisibility").GetData()
visible = '0'
- for i in xrange(0, len(sv)):
+ for i in range(0, len(sv)):
if i % 2 == 0:
line_name = sv[i]
if line_name in lines:
entity_data_info = None
field_data = proxy.GetFieldDataInformation()
- if field_name in field_data.keys():
+ if field_name in list(field_data.keys()):
entity_data_info = field_data
elif entity == EntityType.CELL:
entity_data_info = proxy.GetCellDataInformation()
data_range = []
- if field_name in entity_data_info.keys():
+ if field_name in list(entity_data_info.keys()):
vcomp = get_vector_component(vector_mode)
data_range = entity_data_info[field_name].GetComponentRange(vcomp)
"""Check the existence of a field on cells with the given name."""
cell_data_info = proxy.GetCellDataInformation()
- return (field_name in cell_data_info.keys())
+ return (field_name in list(cell_data_info.keys()))
def is_empty(proxy):
[0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0]]
- for i in xrange(3):
+ for i in range(3):
c[0][i] = a[0][0] * b[0][i] + a[0][1] * b[1][i] + a[0][2] * b[2][i]
c[1][i] = a[1][0] * b[0][i] + a[1][1] * b[1][i] + a[1][2] * b[2][i]
c[2][i] = a[2][0] * b[0][i] + a[2][1] * b[1][i] + a[2][2] * b[2][i]
rotation = multiply3x3(ry, rz)
i_plane = 0
- for i in xrange(0, 3):
+ for i in range(0, 3):
normal[i] = rotation[i][i_plane]
return normal
bound_prj[0] = dot_product(dir, bound_points[0])
bound_prj[1] = bound_prj[0]
- for i in xrange(1, 8):
+ for i in range(1, 8):
tmp = dot_product(dir, bound_points[i])
if bound_prj[1] < tmp:
bound_prj[1] = tmp
step = bound_prj[2] / (nb_planes - 1)
abs_displacement = step * displacement
start_pos = bound_prj[0] - 0.5 * step + abs_displacement
- for i in xrange(nb_planes):
+ for i in range(nb_planes):
pos = start_pos + i * step
def get_contours(scalar_range, nb_contours):
"""Generate contour values."""
contours = []
- for i in xrange(nb_contours):
+ for i in range(nb_contours):
pos = scalar_range[0] + i * (
scalar_range[1] - scalar_range[0]) / (nb_contours - 1)
entity_data_info = None
field_data = proxy.GetFieldDataInformation()
- if field_name in field_data.keys():
+ if field_name in list(field_data.keys()):
entity_data_info = field_data
elif entity == EntityType.CELL:
select_cells_with_data(proxy, on_cells=[field_name])
entity_data_info = proxy.GetPointDataInformation()
nb_comp = None
- if field_name in entity_data_info.keys():
+ if field_name in list(entity_data_info.keys()):
nb_comp = entity_data_info[field_name].GetNumberOfComponents()
pv_entity = EntityType.get_pvtype(entity)
volume = 1
vol = dim = 0
- for i in xrange(0, 6, 2):
+ for i in range(0, 6, 2):
vol = abs(bounds[i + 1] - bounds[i])
if vol > 0:
dim += 1
if not all_arrays:
file_name = proxy.FileName.split(os.sep)[-1]
- print "Warning: " + file_name + " doesn't contain any data array."
+ print("Warning: " + file_name + " doesn't contain any data array.")
# List of cell types to be selected
cell_types_on = []
proxy.Entity = [cell_type]
- cell_arrays = proxy.GetCellDataInformation().keys()
- point_arrays = proxy.GetPointDataInformation().keys()
+ cell_arrays = list(proxy.GetCellDataInformation().keys())
+ point_arrays = list(proxy.GetPointDataInformation().keys())
if on_points or on_cells:
if on_points is None:
def get_group_names(extrGrps):
"""Return full names of all groups of the given 'ExtractGroup' filter object.
- group_names = filter(lambda x:x[:4]=="GRP_",list(extrGrps.GetProperty("GroupsFlagsInfo")[::2]))
+ group_names = [x for x in list(extrGrps.GetProperty("GroupsFlagsInfo")[::2]) if x[:4]=="GRP_"]
return group_names
timestamps = proxy.Input.TimestepValues.GetData()
length = len(timestamps)
- if (timestamp_nb > 0 and (timestamp_nb - 1) not in xrange(length) ) or (timestamp_nb < 0 and -timestamp_nb > length):
+ if (timestamp_nb > 0 and (timestamp_nb - 1) not in range(length) ) or (timestamp_nb < 0 and -timestamp_nb > length):
raise ValueError("Timestamp number is out of range: " + str(timestamp_nb))
if not timestamps:
mesh_full_name = find_mesh_full_name(proxy, mesh_name)
if not mesh_full_name:
- raise RuntimeError, "The given mesh name was not found"
+ raise RuntimeError("The given mesh name was not found")
# Select only the given mesh
proxy.AllArrays = [mesh_full_name]
# Import MED file
- print "Import " + file_name.split(os.sep)[-1] + "..."
+ print("Import " + file_name.split(os.sep)[-1] + "...")
proxy = pvs.MEDReader(FileName=file_name)
if proxy is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
# Get view
view = pvs.GetRenderView()
mesh_names = get_mesh_full_names(proxy)
for mesh_name in mesh_names:
# Build mesh field presentation
- print "Creating submesh for '" + get_field_short_name(mesh_name) + "' mesh... "
+ print("Creating submesh for '" + get_field_short_name(mesh_name) + "' mesh... ")
prs = MeshOnEntity(proxy, mesh_name, None)
if prs is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
# Construct image file name
pic_name = picture_dir + get_field_short_name(mesh_name) + "." + picture_ext
if if_possible(proxy, None, None, PrsTypeEnum.MESH, extGrp):
for group in get_group_names(extGrp):
- print "Creating submesh on group " + get_group_short_name(group) + "... "
+ print("Creating submesh on group " + get_group_short_name(group) + "... ")
prs = MeshOnGroup(proxy, extGrp, group)
if prs is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
# Construct image file name
pic_name = picture_dir + get_group_short_name(group) + "." + picture_ext
# Presentation type for graphics file name
f_prs_type = prs_name.replace(' ', '').upper()
- for timestamp_nb in xrange(1, len(timestamps) + 1):
+ for timestamp_nb in range(1, len(timestamps) + 1):
time = timestamps[timestamp_nb - 1]
if (time == 0.0):
scalar_range = get_data_range(proxy, field_entity,
# exclude time stamps with null lenght of scalar range
if (scalar_range[0] == scalar_range[1]):
- print "Creating " + prs_name + " on " + field_name + ", time = " + str(time) + "... "
+ print("Creating " + prs_name + " on " + field_name + ", time = " + str(time) + "... ")
prs = create_prs(prs_type, proxy,
field_entity, field_name, timestamp_nb)
MEDFileFieldRepresentationTree::activateTheFirst() and
MEDFileFieldRepresentationTree::getTheSingleActivated(...) methods).
- print "ValueError exception is catched"
+ print("ValueError exception is catched")
if prs is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
# Construct image file name
pic_name = picture_dir + field_name + "_" + str(time) + "_" + f_prs_type + "." + picture_ext
def __my_log(msg):
if __DEBUG:
- print "[PARAVIS] %s" % msg
+ print("[PARAVIS] %s" % msg)
def __getFromGUI():
""" Identify if we are running inside SALOME's embedded interpreter.
baselineIndex = sys.argv.index('-B')+1
baselinePath = sys.argv[baselineIndex]
- print "Could not get baseline directory. Test failed."
+ print("Could not get baseline directory. Test failed.")
baseline_file = os.path.join(baselinePath, "testMEDReader0.png")
import vtk.test.Testing
DataRepresentation2 = Show()
DataRepresentation2.EdgeColor = [0.0, 0.0, 0.5000076295109483]
baselineIndex = sys.argv.index('-B')+1
baselinePath = sys.argv[baselineIndex]
- print "Could not get baseline directory. Test failed."
+ print("Could not get baseline directory. Test failed.")
baseline_file = os.path.join(baselinePath, "testMEDReader10.png")
import vtk.test.Testing
baselineIndex = sys.argv.index('-B')+1
baselinePath = sys.argv[baselineIndex]
- print "Could not get baseline directory. Test failed."
+ print("Could not get baseline directory. Test failed.")
baseline_file = os.path.join(baselinePath, "testMEDReader11.png")
import vtk.test.Testing
baselineIndex = sys.argv.index('-B')+1
baselinePath = sys.argv[baselineIndex]
- print "Could not get baseline directory. Test failed."
+ print("Could not get baseline directory. Test failed.")
baseline_file = os.path.join(baselinePath, "testMEDReader12.png")
import vtk.test.Testing
baselineIndex = sys.argv.index('-B')+1
baselinePath = sys.argv[baselineIndex]
- print "Could not get baseline directory. Test failed."
+ print("Could not get baseline directory. Test failed.")
baseline_file = os.path.join(baselinePath, "testMEDReader13.png")
import vtk.test.Testing
for i in [[28,21],[21,14],[14,7],[7,0]]:
-for i in xrange(6):
+for i in range(6):
for i in [[6,13],[13,20],[20,27],[27,34]]:
-for i in xrange(6,0,-1):
+for i in range(6,0,-1):
-for i in xrange(5):
+for i in range(5):
zePfl0=DataArrayInt.Aggregate(DataArrayInt.Range(0,12,1),pfl3,0) ; zePfl0.setName("PFL")
fNode=MEDCouplingFieldDouble(ON_GAUSS_PT) ; fNode.setTime(float(i),i,0)
baselineIndex = sys.argv.index('-B')+1
baselinePath = sys.argv[baselineIndex]
- print "Could not get baseline directory. Test failed."
+ print("Could not get baseline directory. Test failed.")
baseline_file = os.path.join(baselinePath, "testMEDReader14.png")
import vtk.test.Testing
baselineIndex = sys.argv.index('-B')+1
baselinePath = sys.argv[baselineIndex]
- print "Could not get baseline directory. Test failed."
+ print("Could not get baseline directory. Test failed.")
baseline_file = os.path.join(baselinePath, "testMEDReader15.png")
import vtk.test.Testing
- vals=[vtkArrToTest.GetValue(i) for i in xrange(16)]
+ vals=[vtkArrToTest.GetValue(i) for i in range(16)]
- vals=[vtkArrToTest.GetValue(i) for i in xrange(16)]
+ vals=[vtkArrToTest.GetValue(i) for i in range(16)]
# important to check that if all the field is present that it is OK (check of the optimization)
- vals=[vtkArrToTest.GetValue(i) for i in xrange(32)]
+ vals=[vtkArrToTest.GetValue(i) for i in range(32)]
- vals=[vtkArrToTest.GetValue(i) for i in xrange(32)]
+ vals=[vtkArrToTest.GetValue(i) for i in range(32)]
-vals=[vtkArrToTest.GetValue(i) for i in xrange(16)]
+vals=[vtkArrToTest.GetValue(i) for i in range(16)]
baselineIndex = sys.argv.index('-B')+1
baselinePath = sys.argv[baselineIndex]
- print "Could not get baseline directory. Test failed."
+ print("Could not get baseline directory. Test failed.")
baseline_file = os.path.join(baselinePath, imgName)
import vtk.test.Testing
baselineIndex = sys.argv.index('-B')+1
baselinePath = sys.argv[baselineIndex]
- print "Could not get baseline directory. Test failed."
+ print("Could not get baseline directory. Test failed.")
baseline_file = os.path.join(baselinePath, "testMEDReader2.png")
import vtk.test.Testing
baselineIndex = sys.argv.index('-B')+1
baselinePath = sys.argv[baselineIndex]
- print "Could not get baseline directory. Test failed."
+ print("Could not get baseline directory. Test failed.")
baseline_file = os.path.join(baselinePath,png)
import vtk.test.Testing
baselineIndex = sys.argv.index('-B')+1
baselinePath = sys.argv[baselineIndex]
- print "Could not get baseline directory. Test failed."
+ print("Could not get baseline directory. Test failed.")
baseline_file = os.path.join(baselinePath, imgName)
import vtk.test.Testing
baselineIndex = sys.argv.index('-B')+1
baselinePath = sys.argv[baselineIndex]
- print "Could not get baseline directory. Test failed."
+ print("Could not get baseline directory. Test failed.")
baseline_file = os.path.join(baselinePath, "testMEDReader3.png")
import vtk.test.Testing
baselineIndex = sys.argv.index('-B')+1
baselinePath = sys.argv[baselineIndex]
- print "Could not get baseline directory. Test failed."
+ print("Could not get baseline directory. Test failed.")
baseline_file = os.path.join(baselinePath, "testMEDReader4.png")
import vtk.test.Testing
baselineIndex = sys.argv.index('-B')+1
baselinePath = sys.argv[baselineIndex]
- print "Could not get baseline directory. Test failed."
+ print("Could not get baseline directory. Test failed.")
baseline_file = os.path.join(baselinePath, "testMEDReader5.png")
import vtk.test.Testing
baselineIndex = sys.argv.index('-B')+1
baselinePath = sys.argv[baselineIndex]
- print "Could not get baseline directory. Test failed."
+ print("Could not get baseline directory. Test failed.")
baseline_file = os.path.join(baselinePath, "testMEDReader6.png")
import vtk.test.Testing
baselineIndex = sys.argv.index('-B')+1
baselinePath = sys.argv[baselineIndex]
- print "Could not get baseline directory. Test failed."
+ print("Could not get baseline directory. Test failed.")
baseline_file = os.path.join(baselinePath, "testMEDReader7.png")
import vtk.test.Testing
-assert(filter(lambda x:x[:4]=="GRP_",list(extGrp.GetProperty("GroupsFlagsInfo")[::2]))==['GRP_grp0'])
+assert([x for x in list(extGrp.GetProperty("GroupsFlagsInfo")[::2]) if x[:4]=="GRP_"]==['GRP_grp0'])
RenderView1 = GetRenderView()
baselineIndex = sys.argv.index('-B')+1
baselinePath = sys.argv[baselineIndex]
- print "Could not get baseline directory. Test failed."
+ print("Could not get baseline directory. Test failed.")
baseline_file = os.path.join(baselinePath, "testMEDReader8.png")
import vtk.test.Testing
# Author : Anthony Geay (EDF R&D)
VTK_MODULE_LIBRARY(vtkSimpleMode vtkSimpleMode.cxx)
-TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(vtkSimpleMode vtkPVVTKExtensionsRendering vtkFiltersGeneral vtkFiltersCore vtkRenderingOpenGL ${PARAVIEW_LIBRARIES})
+TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(vtkSimpleMode vtkPVVTKExtensionsRendering vtkFiltersGeneral vtkFiltersCore vtkRenderingOpenGL2 ${PARAVIEW_LIBRARIES})
# Set title
-print "Default chart title ...", aXYPlot.ChartTitle
+print("Default chart title ...", aXYPlot.ChartTitle)
aXYPlot.ChartTitle = 'title of XY plot'
-print "New chart title ...", aXYPlot.ChartTitle
+print("New chart title ...", aXYPlot.ChartTitle)
# Apply custom axes range
aXYPlot.LeftAxisUseCustomRange = 1
aXYPlot.BottomAxisRangeMaximum = aMaxX
# Set horizontal scaling for left and bottom axis
-print "Default logarithmic scaling ... left = %s, bottom = %s" % ( aXYPlot.LeftAxisLogScale, aXYPlot.BottomAxisLogScale )
+print("Default logarithmic scaling ... left = %s, bottom = %s" % ( aXYPlot.LeftAxisLogScale, aXYPlot.BottomAxisLogScale ))
# Set logarithmic scaling
aXYPlot.LeftAxisLogScale = 1
aXYPlot.BottomAxisLogScale = 1
-print "Set logarithmic scaling ... left = %s, bottom = %s" % ( aXYPlot.LeftAxisLogScale, aXYPlot.BottomAxisLogScale )
+print("Set logarithmic scaling ... left = %s, bottom = %s" % ( aXYPlot.LeftAxisLogScale, aXYPlot.BottomAxisLogScale ))
# Set linear scaling
aXYPlot.LeftAxisLogScale = 0
aXYPlot.BottomAxisLogScale = 0
-print "Set linear scaling ... left = %s, bottom = %s" % ( aXYPlot.LeftAxisLogScale, aXYPlot.BottomAxisLogScale )
+print("Set linear scaling ... left = %s, bottom = %s" % ( aXYPlot.LeftAxisLogScale, aXYPlot.BottomAxisLogScale ))
# Axis titles
-print "Default title of the left axis ...", aXYPlot.LeftAxisTitle
+print("Default title of the left axis ...", aXYPlot.LeftAxisTitle)
aXYPlot.LeftAxisTitle = "Ytitle of XY plot"
-print "New title of the left axis ...", aXYPlot.LeftAxisTitle
-print "Default title of the bottom axis ...", aXYPlot.BottomAxisTitle
+print("New title of the left axis ...", aXYPlot.LeftAxisTitle)
+print("Default title of the bottom axis ...", aXYPlot.BottomAxisTitle)
aXYPlot.BottomAxisTitle = "Xtitle of XY plot"
-print "New title of the bottom axis ...", aXYPlot.BottomAxisTitle
+print("New title of the bottom axis ...", aXYPlot.BottomAxisTitle)
# Show/hide legend
aXYPlot.ShowLegend = 1
error = error + test_values(Ranges, Etvalue)
if error > 0:
- raise RuntimeError, "There is(are) some error(s) was(were) found... For more info see ERRORs above..."
+ raise RuntimeError("There is(are) some error(s) was(were) found... For more info see ERRORs above...")
file_name = datadir + "fra.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file_name
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file_name)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
proxy = GetActiveSource()
if proxy is None:
raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
represents = [RepresentationType.POINTS, RepresentationType.WIREFRAME,\
RepresentationType.SURFACE, RepresentationType.VOLUME]
# Get view
my_view = GetRenderView()
-print "\nCreating plot3d......."
+print("\nCreating plot3d.......")
plot3d = Plot3DOnField(proxy, EntityType.NODE, field_name, 1)
if plot3d is None:
raise RuntimeError("Error!!! Presentation wasn't created...")
-print "\nChange Presentation Parameters..."
+print("\nChange Presentation Parameters...")
for reprCode in represents:
repr = RepresentationType.get_name(reprCode)
file_name = datadir + "Penta6.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file_name
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file_name)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
proxy = GetActiveSource()
if proxy is None:
raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
represents = [RepresentationType.POINTS, RepresentationType.WIREFRAME,\
RepresentationType.SURFACE, RepresentationType.VOLUME]
field_name = 'vectoriel field'
-print "\nCreating Vectors.......",
+print("\nCreating Vectors.......", end=' ')
vectors = VectorsOnField(proxy, EntityType.CELL, field_name, 1,
is_colored=True, glyph_type="Cone")
if vectors is None:
-print "\nChange Presentation Parameters..."
+print("\nChange Presentation Parameters...")
for reprCode in represents:
repr = RepresentationType.get_name(reprCode)
file_name = datadir + "Penta6.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file_name
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file_name)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
#reader = OpenDataFile(file_name)
if proxy is None:
raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
represents = [RepresentationType.POINTS, RepresentationType.WIREFRAME,\
RepresentationType.SURFACE, RepresentationType.VOLUME]
field_name = 'vectoriel field'
-print "\nCreating stream_lines......."
+print("\nCreating stream_lines.......")
stream_lines = StreamLinesOnField(proxy, EntityType.CELL,
field_name, 1, is_colored=True)
stream_tracer = stream_lines.Input
-print "stream_tracer:", stream_tracer
+print("stream_tracer:", stream_tracer)
#stream_tracer.Input = None
stream_tracer.InitialStepLength = 0.00940275
stream_tracer.MaximumStreamlineLength = 140.373
-print "\nChange Presentation Parameters..."
+print("\nChange Presentation Parameters...")
for reprCode in represents:
repr = RepresentationType.get_name(reprCode)
file_name = datadir + "hydro_sea_alv.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file_name
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file_name)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
proxy = GetActiveSource()
if proxy is None:
raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
represents = [RepresentationType.POINTS, RepresentationType.WIREFRAME,\
RepresentationType.SURFACE, RepresentationType.VOLUME]
field_name = 'Head'
-print "\nCreating iso surface.......",
+print("\nCreating iso surface.......", end=' ')
iso_surf = IsoSurfacesOnField(proxy, EntityType.CELL, field_name, 1)
if iso_surf is None:
raise RuntimeError("Error!!! Presentation wasn't created...")
-print "\nChange Presentation Parameters..."
+print("\nChange Presentation Parameters...")
for reprCode in represents:
repr = RepresentationType.get_name(reprCode)
file_name = datadir + "cube_hexa8_quad4.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file_name
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file_name)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
proxy = GetActiveSource()
if proxy is None:
raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
represents = [RepresentationType.POINTS, RepresentationType.WIREFRAME,\
RepresentationType.SURFACE, RepresentationType.VOLUME]
field_name = 'fieldcelldouble'
-print "\nCreating deformed shape.......",
+print("\nCreating deformed shape.......", end=' ')
ds = DeformedShapeOnField(proxy, EntityType.CELL,
field_name, 1, scale_factor=0.5, is_colored=True)
if ds is None:
-print "\nChange Presentation Parameters..."
+print("\nChange Presentation Parameters...")
for reprCode in represents:
file_name = datadir + "cube_hexa8_quad4.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file_name
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file_name)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
proxy = GetActiveSource()
if proxy is None:
raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
represents = [RepresentationType.POINTS, RepresentationType.WIREFRAME,
RepresentationType.SURFACE, RepresentationType.VOLUME]
field_name = 'fieldcelldouble'
-print "\nCreating scalar map on deformed shape.......",
+print("\nCreating scalar map on deformed shape.......", end=' ')
sm_on_ds = DeformedShapeAndScalarMapOnField(proxy, EntityType.CELL,
field_name, 1, scale_factor=0.2)
if sm_on_ds is None:
-print "\nChange Presentation Parameters..."
+print("\nChange Presentation Parameters...")
for reprCode in represents:
file_name = datadir + "Tetra4.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file_name
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file_name)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
proxy = GetActiveSource()
if proxy is None:
raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
represents = [RepresentationType.POINTS, RepresentationType.WIREFRAME,\
RepresentationType.SURFACE, RepresentationType.VOLUME]
field_name = 'scalar field'
-print "\nCreating cut planes.......",
+print("\nCreating cut planes.......", end=' ')
cut_planes = CutPlanesOnField(proxy, EntityType.CELL, field_name, 1,
nb_planes=10, orientation=Orientation.YZ, displacement=0.5)
if cut_planes is None:
-print "\nChange Presentation Parameters..."
+print("\nChange Presentation Parameters...")
for reprCode in represents:
repr = RepresentationType.get_name(reprCode)
file_name = datadir + "Tetra4.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file_name
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file_name)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
proxy = GetActiveSource()
if proxy is None:
raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
represents = [RepresentationType.POINTS, RepresentationType.WIREFRAME,\
RepresentationType.SURFACE, RepresentationType.VOLUME]
field_name = 'scalar field'
-print "\nCreating cut lines.......",
+print("\nCreating cut lines.......", end=' ')
cut_lines = CutLinesOnField(proxy, EntityType.CELL, field_name, 1,
-print "\nChange Presentation Parameters..."
+print("\nChange Presentation Parameters...")
for reprCode in represents:
repr = RepresentationType.get_name(reprCode)
theFileName = datadir + "cube_hexa8_quad4.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
proxy = GetActiveSource()
if proxy is None:
raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
field_name = 'fieldcelldouble'
-print "\nCreating scalar_map.......",
+print("\nCreating scalar_map.......", end=' ')
scalar_map = ScalarMapOnField(proxy, EntityType.CELL, field_name, 1)
if scalar_map is None:
raise RuntimeError("Error!!! Presentation wasn't created...")
compare_prec = 0.00001
-print "\nChange Presentation Parameters..."
+print("\nChange Presentation Parameters...")
# Group 1 (SHADED)
-print "\nCheck in SURFACE:"
+print("\nCheck in SURFACE:")
call_and_check(scalar_map, "Representation",
# Group 2 (WIREFRAME)
-print "\nCheck in WIREFRAME:"
+print("\nCheck in WIREFRAME:")
scalar_map.Visibility = 1
call_and_check(scalar_map, "Representation",
RepresentationType.get_name(RepresentationType.WIREFRAME), "Representation")
theFileName = datadir + "fra.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
proxy = GetActiveSource()
if proxy is None:
raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
represents = [RepresentationType.POINTS, RepresentationType.WIREFRAME,\
RepresentationType.SURFACE, RepresentationType.VOLUME]
field_name = 'VITESSE'
-print "\nCreating scalar map.......",
+print("\nCreating scalar map.......", end=' ')
scalar_map = ScalarMapOnField(proxy, EntityType.NODE, field_name, 1)
if scalar_map is None:
raise RuntimeError("Error!!! Presentation wasn't created...")
-print "\nChange Presentation Parameters..."
+print("\nChange Presentation Parameters...")
for reprCode in represents:
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Animation/A0")
theFileName = datadir + "TimeStamps.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
-print "Creating a Viewer.........................",
+print("Creating a Viewer.........................", end=' ')
aView = GetRenderView()
-if aView is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
+if aView is None : print("Error")
+else : print("OK")
# Scalar Map creation
prs= ScalarMapOnField(aProxy,EntityType.NODE,'vitesse' , 1)
-print "Creating an Animation.....................",
+print("Creating an Animation.....................", end=' ')
my_format = "jpeg"
-print "Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format
+print("Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format)
# Add path separator to the end of picture path if necessery
if not picturedir.endswith(os.sep):
picturedir += os.sep
pics = os.listdir(picturedir)
if len(pics) != nb_frames:
- print "FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames
+ print("FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames)
for pic in pics:
scene.Duration = 40 # correspond to set the speed of animation in VISU
scene.Loop = 0
-print "Animation.................................",
+print("Animation.................................", end=' ')
from pvsimple import *
# 1. TimeStamps.med import
-print 'Importing "TimeStamps.med"................',
+print('Importing "TimeStamps.med"................', end=' ')
file_path = datadir + "TimeStamps.med"
med_reader = GetActiveSource()
if med_reader is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
# 2. CutLines creation
-print "Creating Cut Lines........................",
+print("Creating Cut Lines........................", end=' ')
med_field = "vitesse"
cutlines = CutLinesOnField(med_reader, EntityType.NODE, med_field, 1,
nb_lines = 20,
orientation1=Orientation.XY, orientation2=Orientation.ZX)
if cutlines is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
# 3. Display CutLines
-print "Getting a Viewer.........................",
+print("Getting a Viewer.........................", end=' ')
view = GetRenderView()
if view is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
cutlines.Visibility = 1
cutlines.Visibility = 0
# 4. Animation
-print "Get Animation scene.....................",
+print("Get Animation scene.....................", end=' ')
scene = GetAnimationScene()
if scene is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
-print "Duration default... ", scene.Duration
+print("Duration default... ", scene.Duration)
scene.Duration = -10
scene.Duration = 120
scene.Duration = 0
scene.Duration = 30
-print "Duration ... ", scene.Duration
+print("Duration ... ", scene.Duration)
-print "Loop ... ", scene.Loop
+print("Loop ... ", scene.Loop)
scene.Loop = 1
-print "Loop ... ", scene.Loop
+print("Loop ... ", scene.Loop)
scene.Loop = 0
-print "Loop ... ", scene.Loop
+print("Loop ... ", scene.Loop)
-print "AnimationTime ... ", scene.AnimationTime
+print("AnimationTime ... ", scene.AnimationTime)
-print "AnimationTime ... ", scene.AnimationTime
+print("AnimationTime ... ", scene.AnimationTime)
-print "AnimationTime ... ", scene.AnimationTime
+print("AnimationTime ... ", scene.AnimationTime)
scene.AnimationTime = -1
scene.AnimationTime = scene.TimeKeeper.TimestepValues[1]
scene.AnimationTime = scene.TimeKeeper.TimestepValues[0]
nb_frames = scene.NumberOfFrames
-print "NumberOfFrames ... ", nb_frames
+print("NumberOfFrames ... ", nb_frames)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Animation/A2")
theFileName = datadir + "TimeStamps.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
-print "Creating a Viewer.........................",
+print("Creating a Viewer.........................", end=' ')
aView = GetRenderView()
-if aView is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
+if aView is None : print("Error")
+else : print("OK")
# Scalar Map creation
prs= ScalarMapOnField(aProxy,EntityType.CELL,'pression' , 2)
-print "Creating an Animation.....................",
+print("Creating an Animation.....................", end=' ')
my_format = "tiff"
-print "Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format
+print("Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format)
# Add path separator to the end of picture path if necessery
if not picturedir.endswith(os.sep):
picturedir += os.sep
pics = os.listdir(picturedir)
if len(pics) != nb_frames:
- print "FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames
+ print("FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames)
for pic in pics:
# set period
scene.Duration = 30 # correspond to set the speed of animation in VISU
-print "Animation.................................",
+print("Animation.................................", end=' ')
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Animation/A4")
theFileName = datadir + "TimeStamps.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
-print "Creating a Viewer.........................",
+print("Creating a Viewer.........................", end=' ')
aView = GetRenderView()
-if aView is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
+if aView is None : print("Error")
+else : print("OK")
# Cut Lines creation
prs= CutLinesOnField(aProxy,EntityType.CELL,'pression' , 2)
-print "Creating an Animation.....................",
+print("Creating an Animation.....................", end=' ')
my_format = "jpeg"
-print "Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format
+print("Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format)
# Add path separator to the end of picture path if necessery
if not picturedir.endswith(os.sep):
picturedir += os.sep
pics = os.listdir(picturedir)
if len(pics) != nb_frames:
- print "FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames
+ print("FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames)
for pic in pics:
# set period
scene.Duration = 30 # correspond to set the speed of animation in VISU
-print "Animation.................................",
+print("Animation.................................", end=' ')
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Animation/A7")
theFileName = datadir + "TimeStamps.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
-print "Creating a Viewer.........................",
+print("Creating a Viewer.........................", end=' ')
aView = GetRenderView()
-if aView is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
+if aView is None : print("Error")
+else : print("OK")
# Cut Lines creation
prs= CutLinesOnField(aProxy,EntityType.CELL,'pression' , 2)
-print "Creating an Animation.....................",
+print("Creating an Animation.....................", end=' ')
my_format = "png"
-print "Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format
+print("Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format)
# Add path separator to the end of picture path if necessery
if not picturedir.endswith(os.sep):
picturedir += os.sep
pics = os.listdir(picturedir)
if len(pics) != nb_frames:
- print "FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames
+ print("FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames)
for pic in pics:
# set period
scene.Duration = 30 # correspond to set the speed of animation in VISU
-print "Animation.................................",
+print("Animation.................................", end=' ')
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Animation/A8")
theFileName = datadir + "TimeStamps.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
-print "Creating a Viewer.........................",
+print("Creating a Viewer.........................", end=' ')
aView = GetRenderView()
-if aView is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
+if aView is None : print("Error")
+else : print("OK")
# Cut Lines creation
prs= CutLinesOnField(aProxy,EntityType.CELL,'pression' , 2)
-print "Creating an Animation.....................",
+print("Creating an Animation.....................", end=' ')
my_format = "tiff"
-print "Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format
+print("Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format)
# Add path separator to the end of picture path if necessery
if not picturedir.endswith(os.sep):
picturedir += os.sep
pics = os.listdir(picturedir)
if len(pics) != nb_frames:
- print "FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames
+ print("FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames)
for pic in pics:
# set period
scene.Duration = 30 # correspond to set the speed of animation in VISU
-print "Animation.................................",
+print("Animation.................................", end=' ')
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Animation/B2")
theFileName = datadir + "TimeStamps.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
-print "Creating a Viewer.........................",
+print("Creating a Viewer.........................", end=' ')
aView = GetRenderView()
-if aView is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
+if aView is None : print("Error")
+else : print("OK")
# Cut Planes creation
prs= CutPlanesOnField(aProxy,EntityType.CELL,'pression' , 2)
-print "Creating an Animation.....................",
+print("Creating an Animation.....................", end=' ')
my_format = "jpeg"
-print "Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format
+print("Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format)
# Add path separator to the end of picture path if necessery
if not picturedir.endswith(os.sep):
picturedir += os.sep
pics = os.listdir(picturedir)
if len(pics) != nb_frames:
- print "FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames
+ print("FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames)
for pic in pics:
# set period
scene.Duration = 30 # correspond to set the speed of animation in VISU
-print "Animation.................................",
+print("Animation.................................", end=' ')
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Animation/B5")
theFileName = datadir + "TimeStamps.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
-print "Creating a Viewer.........................",
+print("Creating a Viewer.........................", end=' ')
aView = GetRenderView()
-if aView is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
+if aView is None : print("Error")
+else : print("OK")
# Cut Planes creation
prs= CutPlanesOnField(aProxy,EntityType.CELL,'pression' , 2)
-print "Creating an Animation.....................",
+print("Creating an Animation.....................", end=' ')
my_format = "png"
-print "Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format
+print("Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format)
# Add path separator to the end of picture path if necessery
if not picturedir.endswith(os.sep):
picturedir += os.sep
pics = os.listdir(picturedir)
if len(pics) != nb_frames:
- print "FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames
+ print("FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames)
for pic in pics:
# set period
scene.Duration = 30 # correspond to set the speed of animation in VISU
-print "Animation.................................",
+print("Animation.................................", end=' ')
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Animation/B6")
theFileName = datadir + "TimeStamps.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
-print "Creating a Viewer.........................",
+print("Creating a Viewer.........................", end=' ')
aView = GetRenderView()
time_value = get_time(aProxy, 0)
aView.ViewTime = time_value
-if aView is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
+if aView is None : print("Error")
+else : print("OK")
# Cut Planes creation
prs= CutPlanesOnField(aProxy,EntityType.CELL,'pression' , 2)
-print "Creating an Animation.....................",
+print("Creating an Animation.....................", end=' ')
my_format = "tiff"
-print "Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format
+print("Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format)
# Add path separator to the end of picture path if necessery
if not picturedir.endswith(os.sep):
picturedir += os.sep
pics = os.listdir(picturedir)
if len(pics) != nb_frames:
- print "FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames
+ print("FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames)
for pic in pics:
# set period
scene.Duration = 30 # correspond to set the speed of animation in VISU
-print "Animation.................................",
+print("Animation.................................", end=' ')
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Animation/C0")
theFileName = datadir + "TimeStamps.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
-print "Creating a Viewer.........................",
+print("Creating a Viewer.........................", end=' ')
aView = GetRenderView()
-if aView is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
+if aView is None : print("Error")
+else : print("OK")
# Deformed Shape creation
prs= DeformedShapeOnField(aProxy,EntityType.NODE,'vitesse' , 1)
-print "Creating an Animation.....................",
+print("Creating an Animation.....................", end=' ')
my_format = "jpeg"
-print "Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format
+print("Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format)
# Add path separator to the end of picture path if necessery
if not picturedir.endswith(os.sep):
picturedir += os.sep
pics = os.listdir(picturedir)
if len(pics) != nb_frames:
- print "FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames
+ print("FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames)
for pic in pics:
# set period
scene.Duration = 30 # correspond to set the speed of animation in VISU
-print "Animation.................................",
+print("Animation.................................", end=' ')
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Animation/C1")
theFileName = datadir + "TimeStamps.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
-print "Creating a Viewer.........................",
+print("Creating a Viewer.........................", end=' ')
aView = GetRenderView()
-if aView is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
+if aView is None : print("Error")
+else : print("OK")
# Deformed Shape creation
prs= DeformedShapeOnField(aProxy,EntityType.NODE,'vitesse' , 1)
-print "Creating an Animation.....................",
+print("Creating an Animation.....................", end=' ')
my_format = "tiff"
-print "Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format
+print("Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format)
# Add path separator to the end of picture path if necessery
if not picturedir.endswith(os.sep):
picturedir += os.sep
pics = os.listdir(picturedir)
if len(pics) != nb_frames:
- print "FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames
+ print("FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames)
for pic in pics:
# set period
scene.Duration = 30 # correspond to set the speed of animation in VISU
-print "Animation.................................",
+print("Animation.................................", end=' ')
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Animation/C3")
theFileName = datadir + "TimeStamps.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
-print "Creating a Viewer.........................",
+print("Creating a Viewer.........................", end=' ')
aView = GetRenderView()
-if aView is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
+if aView is None : print("Error")
+else : print("OK")
# Deformed Shape creation
prs= DeformedShapeOnField(aProxy,EntityType.NODE,'vitesse' , 1)
-print "Creating an Animation.....................",
+print("Creating an Animation.....................", end=' ')
my_format = "png"
-print "Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format
+print("Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format)
# Add path separator to the end of picture path if necessery
if not picturedir.endswith(os.sep):
picturedir += os.sep
pics = os.listdir(picturedir)
if len(pics) != nb_frames:
- print "FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames
+ print("FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames)
for pic in pics:
# set period
scene.Duration = 30 # correspond to set the speed of animation in VISU
-print "Animation.................................",
+print("Animation.................................", end=' ')
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Animation/C8")
theFileName = datadir + "TimeStamps.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
-print "Creating a Viewer.........................",
+print("Creating a Viewer.........................", end=' ')
aView = GetRenderView()
time_value = get_time(aProxy, 0)
aView.ViewTime = time_value
-if aView is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
+if aView is None : print("Error")
+else : print("OK")
# Gauss Points creation
prs= GaussPointsOnField(aProxy,EntityType.CELL,'pression' , 1 , multiplier=0.01)
-print "Creating an Animation.....................",
+print("Creating an Animation.....................", end=' ')
my_format = "jpeg"
-print "Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format
+print("Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format)
# Add path separator to the end of picture path if necessery
if not picturedir.endswith(os.sep):
picturedir += os.sep
pics = os.listdir(picturedir)
if len(pics) != nb_frames:
- print "FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames
+ print("FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames)
for pic in pics:
# set period
scene.Duration = 30 # correspond to set the speed of animation in VISU
-print "Animation.................................",
+print("Animation.................................", end=' ')
theFileName = datadir + "TimeStamps.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
-print "Creating a Viewer.........................",
+print("Creating a Viewer.........................", end=' ')
aView = GetRenderView()
time_value = get_time(aProxy, 0)
aView.ViewTime = time_value
-if aView is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
+if aView is None : print("Error")
+else : print("OK")
# Gauss Points creation
prs= GaussPointsOnField(aProxy,EntityType.CELL,'pression' , 2, multiplier=0.01)
-print "Creating an Animation.....................",
+print("Creating an Animation.....................", end=' ')
my_format = "png"
-print "Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format
+print("Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format)
# Add path separator to the end of picture path if necessery
if not picturedir.endswith(os.sep):
picturedir += os.sep
pics = os.listdir(picturedir)
if len(pics) != nb_frames:
- print "FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames
+ print("FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames)
for pic in pics:
# set period
scene.Duration = 30 # correspond to set the speed of animation in VISU
-print "Animation.................................",
+print("Animation.................................", end=' ')
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Animation/D2")
theFileName = datadir + "TimeStamps.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
-print "Creating a Viewer.........................",
+print("Creating a Viewer.........................", end=' ')
aView = GetRenderView()
time_value = get_time(aProxy, 0)
aView.ViewTime = time_value
-if aView is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
+if aView is None : print("Error")
+else : print("OK")
# Gauss Points creation
prs= GaussPointsOnField(aProxy,EntityType.CELL,'pression' , 2, multiplier=0.01)
-print "Creating an Animation.....................",
+print("Creating an Animation.....................", end=' ')
my_format = "tiff"
-print "Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format
+print("Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format)
# Add path separator to the end of picture path if necessery
if not picturedir.endswith(os.sep):
picturedir += os.sep
pics = os.listdir(picturedir)
if len(pics) != nb_frames:
- print "FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames
+ print("FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames)
for pic in pics:
# set period
scene.Duration = 30 # correspond to set the speed of animation in VISU
-print "Animation.................................",
+print("Animation.................................", end=' ')
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Animation/D6")
theFileName = datadir + "TimeStamps.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
-print "Creating a Viewer.........................",
+print("Creating a Viewer.........................", end=' ')
aView = GetRenderView()
-if aView is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
+if aView is None : print("Error")
+else : print("OK")
# Iso Surfaces creation
prs= IsoSurfacesOnField(aProxy,EntityType.CELL,'pression', 2)
-print "Creating an Animation.....................",
+print("Creating an Animation.....................", end=' ')
my_format = "jpeg"
-print "Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format
+print("Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format)
# Add path separator to the end of picture path if necessery
if not picturedir.endswith(os.sep):
picturedir += os.sep
pics = os.listdir(picturedir)
if len(pics) != nb_frames:
- print "FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames
+ print("FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames)
for pic in pics:
# set period
scene.Duration = 30 # correspond to set the speed of animation in VISU
-print "Animation.................................",
+print("Animation.................................", end=' ')
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Animation/D9")
theFileName = datadir + "TimeStamps.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
-print "Creating a Viewer.........................",
+print("Creating a Viewer.........................", end=' ')
aView = GetRenderView()
-if aView is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
+if aView is None : print("Error")
+else : print("OK")
# Iso Surfaces creation
prs= IsoSurfacesOnField(aProxy,EntityType.CELL,'pression', 2)
-print "Creating an Animation.....................",
+print("Creating an Animation.....................", end=' ')
my_format = "png"
-print "Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format
+print("Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format)
# Add path separator to the end of picture path if necessery
if not picturedir.endswith(os.sep):
picturedir += os.sep
pics = os.listdir(picturedir)
if len(pics) != nb_frames:
- print "FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames
+ print("FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames)
for pic in pics:
# set period
scene.Duration = 30 # correspond to set the speed of animation in VISU
-print "Animation.................................",
+print("Animation.................................", end=' ')
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Animation/E0")
theFileName = datadir + "TimeStamps.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
-print "Creating a Viewer.........................",
+print("Creating a Viewer.........................", end=' ')
aView = GetRenderView()
-if aView is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
+if aView is None : print("Error")
+else : print("OK")
# Iso Surfaces creation
prs= IsoSurfacesOnField(aProxy,EntityType.CELL,'pression', 2)
-print "Creating an Animation.....................",
+print("Creating an Animation.....................", end=' ')
my_format = "tiff"
-print "Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format
+print("Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format)
# Add path separator to the end of picture path if necessery
if not picturedir.endswith(os.sep):
picturedir += os.sep
pics = os.listdir(picturedir)
if len(pics) != nb_frames:
- print "FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames
+ print("FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames)
for pic in pics:
# set period
scene.Duration = 30 # correspond to set the speed of animation in VISU
-print "Animation.................................",
+print("Animation.................................", end=' ')
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Animation/E4")
theFileName = datadir + "TimeStamps.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
-print "Creating a Viewer.........................",
+print("Creating a Viewer.........................", end=' ')
aView = GetRenderView()
-if aView is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
+if aView is None : print("Error")
+else : print("OK")
# Plot 3D creation
prs= Plot3DOnField(aProxy,EntityType.CELL,'pression' , 2)
-print "Creating an Animation.....................",
+print("Creating an Animation.....................", end=' ')
my_format = "jpeg"
-print "Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format
+print("Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format)
# Add path separator to the end of picture path if necessery
if not picturedir.endswith(os.sep):
picturedir += os.sep
pics = os.listdir(picturedir)
if len(pics) != nb_frames:
- print "FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames
+ print("FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames)
for pic in pics:
# set period
scene.Duration = 30 # correspond to set the speed of animation in VISU
-print "Animation.................................",
+print("Animation.................................", end=' ')
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Animation/E7")
theFileName = datadir + "TimeStamps.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
-print "Creating a Viewer.........................",
+print("Creating a Viewer.........................", end=' ')
aView = GetRenderView()
-if aView is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
+if aView is None : print("Error")
+else : print("OK")
# Plot 3D creation
prs= Plot3DOnField(aProxy,EntityType.CELL,'pression' , 2)
-print "Creating an Animation.....................",
+print("Creating an Animation.....................", end=' ')
my_format = "png"
-print "Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format
+print("Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format)
# Add path separator to the end of picture path if necessery
if not picturedir.endswith(os.sep):
picturedir += os.sep
pics = os.listdir(picturedir)
if len(pics) != nb_frames:
- print "FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames
+ print("FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames)
for pic in pics:
# set period
scene.Duration = 30 # correspond to set the speed of animation in VISU
-print "Animation.................................",
+print("Animation.................................", end=' ')
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Animation/E8")
theFileName = datadir + "TimeStamps.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
-print "Creating a Viewer.........................",
+print("Creating a Viewer.........................", end=' ')
aView = GetRenderView()
-if aView is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
+if aView is None : print("Error")
+else : print("OK")
# Plot 3D creation
prs= Plot3DOnField(aProxy,EntityType.CELL,'pression' , 2)
-print "Creating an Animation.....................",
+print("Creating an Animation.....................", end=' ')
my_format = "tiff"
-print "Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format
+print("Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format)
# Add path separator to the end of picture path if necessery
if not picturedir.endswith(os.sep):
picturedir += os.sep
pics = os.listdir(picturedir)
if len(pics) != nb_frames:
- print "FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames
+ print("FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames)
for pic in pics:
# set period
scene.Duration = 30 # correspond to set the speed of animation in VISU
-print "Animation.................................",
+print("Animation.................................", end=' ')
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Animation/F2")
theFileName = datadir + "TimeStamps.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
-print "Creating a Viewer.........................",
+print("Creating a Viewer.........................", end=' ')
aView = GetRenderView()
-if aView is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
+if aView is None : print("Error")
+else : print("OK")
# Scalar Map on Deformed Shape creation
prs= DeformedShapeAndScalarMapOnField(aProxy,EntityType.NODE,'vitesse' , 1)
-print "Creating an Animation.....................",
+print("Creating an Animation.....................", end=' ')
my_format = "jpeg"
-print "Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format
+print("Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format)
# Add path separator to the end of picture path if necessery
if not picturedir.endswith(os.sep):
picturedir += os.sep
pics = os.listdir(picturedir)
if len(pics) != nb_frames:
- print "FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames
+ print("FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames)
for pic in pics:
# set period
scene.Duration = 30 # correspond to set the speed of animation in VISU
-print "Animation.................................",
+print("Animation.................................", end=' ')
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Animation/F5")
theFileName = datadir + "TimeStamps.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
-print "Creating a Viewer.........................",
+print("Creating a Viewer.........................", end=' ')
aView = GetRenderView()
-if aView is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
+if aView is None : print("Error")
+else : print("OK")
# Scalar Map on Deformed Shape creation
prs= DeformedShapeAndScalarMapOnField(aProxy,EntityType.NODE,'vitesse' , 1)
-print "Creating an Animation.....................",
+print("Creating an Animation.....................", end=' ')
my_format = "png"
-print "Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format
+print("Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format)
# Add path separator to the end of picture path if necessery
if not picturedir.endswith(os.sep):
picturedir += os.sep
pics = os.listdir(picturedir)
if len(pics) != nb_frames:
- print "FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames
+ print("FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames)
for pic in pics:
# set period
scene.Duration = 30 # correspond to set the speed of animation in VISU
-print "Animation.................................",
+print("Animation.................................", end=' ')
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Animation/F6")
theFileName = datadir + "TimeStamps.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
-print "Creating a Viewer.........................",
+print("Creating a Viewer.........................", end=' ')
aView = GetRenderView()
-if aView is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
+if aView is None : print("Error")
+else : print("OK")
# Scalar Map on Deformed Shape creation
prs= DeformedShapeAndScalarMapOnField(aProxy,EntityType.NODE,'vitesse' , 1)
-print "Creating an Animation.....................",
+print("Creating an Animation.....................", end=' ')
my_format = "tiff"
-print "Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format
+print("Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format)
# Add path separator to the end of picture path if necessery
if not picturedir.endswith(os.sep):
picturedir += os.sep
pics = os.listdir(picturedir)
if len(pics) != nb_frames:
- print "FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames
+ print("FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames)
for pic in pics:
# set period
scene.Duration = 30 # correspond to set the speed of animation in VISU
-print "Animation.................................",
+print("Animation.................................", end=' ')
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Animation/G0")
theFileName = datadir + "TimeStamps.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
-print "Creating a Viewer.........................",
+print("Creating a Viewer.........................", end=' ')
aView = GetRenderView()
time_value = get_time(aProxy, 0)
aView.ViewTime = time_value
-if aView is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
+if aView is None : print("Error")
+else : print("OK")
# Stream Lines creation
prs= StreamLinesOnField(aProxy,EntityType.NODE,'vitesse' , 1)
if prs is None:
# TODO: check why stream lines prs is empty
- print "WARNING! StreamLines presentation wasn't created or is empty..."
+ print("WARNING! StreamLines presentation wasn't created or is empty...")
-print "Creating an Animation.....................",
+print("Creating an Animation.....................", end=' ')
my_format = "jpeg"
-print "Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format
+print("Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format)
# Add path separator to the end of picture path if necessery
if not picturedir.endswith(os.sep):
picturedir += os.sep
pics = os.listdir(picturedir)
if len(pics) != nb_frames:
- print "FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames
+ print("FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames)
for pic in pics:
# set period
scene.Duration = 30 # correspond to set the speed of animation in VISU
-print "Animation.................................",
+print("Animation.................................", end=' ')
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Animation/G3")
theFileName = datadir + "TimeStamps.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
-print "Creating a Viewer.........................",
+print("Creating a Viewer.........................", end=' ')
aView = GetRenderView()
time_value = get_time(aProxy, 0)
aView.ViewTime = time_value
-if aView is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
+if aView is None : print("Error")
+else : print("OK")
# Stream Lines creation
prs= StreamLinesOnField(aProxy,EntityType.NODE,'vitesse' , 1)
-print "Creating an Animation.....................",
+print("Creating an Animation.....................", end=' ')
my_format = "png"
-print "Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format
+print("Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format)
# Add path separator to the end of picture path if necessery
if not picturedir.endswith(os.sep):
picturedir += os.sep
pics = os.listdir(picturedir)
if len(pics) != nb_frames:
- print "FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames
+ print("FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames)
for pic in pics:
# set period
scene.Duration = 30 # correspond to set the speed of animation in VISU
-print "Animation.................................",
+print("Animation.................................", end=' ')
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Animation/G3")
theFileName = datadir + "TimeStamps.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
-print "Creating a Viewer.........................",
+print("Creating a Viewer.........................", end=' ')
aView = GetRenderView()
time_value = get_time(aProxy, 0)
aView.ViewTime = time_value
-if aView is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
+if aView is None : print("Error")
+else : print("OK")
# Stream Lines creation
prs= StreamLinesOnField(aProxy,EntityType.NODE,'vitesse' , 1)
-print "Creating an Animation.....................",
+print("Creating an Animation.....................", end=' ')
my_format = "tiff"
-print "Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format
+print("Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format)
# Add path separator to the end of picture path if necessery
if not picturedir.endswith(os.sep):
picturedir += os.sep
pics = os.listdir(picturedir)
if len(pics) != nb_frames:
- print "FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames
+ print("FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames)
for pic in pics:
# set period
scene.Duration = 30 # correspond to set the speed of animation in VISU
-print "Animation.................................",
+print("Animation.................................", end=' ')
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Animation/G8")
theFileName = datadir + "TimeStamps.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
-print "Creating a Viewer.........................",
+print("Creating a Viewer.........................", end=' ')
aView = GetRenderView()
-if aView is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
+if aView is None : print("Error")
+else : print("OK")
# Vectors creation
prs= VectorsOnField(aProxy,EntityType.NODE,'vitesse' , 1)
-print "Creating an Animation.....................",
+print("Creating an Animation.....................", end=' ')
my_format = "jpeg"
-print "Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format
+print("Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format)
# Add path separator to the end of picture path if necessery
if not picturedir.endswith(os.sep):
picturedir += os.sep
pics = os.listdir(picturedir)
if len(pics) != nb_frames:
- print "FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames
+ print("FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames)
for pic in pics:
# set period
scene.Duration = 30 # correspond to set the speed of animation in VISU
-print "Animation.................................",
+print("Animation.................................", end=' ')
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Animation/H1")
theFileName = datadir + "TimeStamps.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
-print "Creating a Viewer.........................",
+print("Creating a Viewer.........................", end=' ')
aView = GetRenderView()
-if aView is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
+if aView is None : print("Error")
+else : print("OK")
# Vectors creation
prs= VectorsOnField(aProxy,EntityType.NODE,'vitesse' , 1)
-print "Creating an Animation.....................",
+print("Creating an Animation.....................", end=' ')
my_format = "png"
-print "Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format
+print("Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format)
# Add path separator to the end of picture path if necessery
if not picturedir.endswith(os.sep):
picturedir += os.sep
pics = os.listdir(picturedir)
if len(pics) != nb_frames:
- print "FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames
+ print("FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames)
for pic in pics:
# set period
scene.Duration = 30 # correspond to set the speed of animation in VISU
-print "Animation.................................",
+print("Animation.................................", end=' ')
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Animation/H2")
theFileName = datadir + "TimeStamps.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
-print "Creating a Viewer.........................",
+print("Creating a Viewer.........................", end=' ')
aView = GetRenderView()
-if aView is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
+if aView is None : print("Error")
+else : print("OK")
# Vectors creation
prs= VectorsOnField(aProxy,EntityType.NODE,'vitesse' , 1)
-print "Creating an Animation.....................",
+print("Creating an Animation.....................", end=' ')
my_format = "tiff"
-print "Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format
+print("Current format to save snapshots: ",my_format)
# Add path separator to the end of picture path if necessery
if not picturedir.endswith(os.sep):
picturedir += os.sep
pics = os.listdir(picturedir)
if len(pics) != nb_frames:
- print "FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames
+ print("FAILED!!! Number of made pictures is equal to ", len(pics), " instead of ", nb_frames)
for pic in pics:
# set period
scene.Duration = 30 # correspond to set the speed of animation in VISU
-print "Animation.................................",
+print("Animation.................................", end=' ')
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutLines/A0")
file = datadir + "fra.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutLines/A1")
file = datadir + "hexa_28320_ELEM.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutLines/A2")
file = datadir + "pointe.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutLines/A3")
file = datadir + "Fields_group3D.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutLines/A4")
file = datadir + "Hexa8.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutLines/A5")
file = datadir + "Penta6.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutLines/A6")
file = datadir + "clo.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutLines/A7")
file = datadir + "Tetra4.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutLines/A8")
file = datadir + "Tria3.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutLines/A9")
file = datadir + "Quad4.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutLines/B0")
file = datadir + "carre_en_quad4_seg2.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutLines/B1")
file = datadir + "carre_en_quad4_seg2_fields.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutLines/B2")
file = datadir + "cube_hexa8_quad4.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutLines/E0")
file = datadir + "test_55_solid_concentr_dom.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutLines/E1")
file = datadir + "H_COUPLEX1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutLines/E2")
file = datadir + "cas2_2d_couplage_chess_castem.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutLines/E3")
file = datadir + "hydro_d10.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutLines/E4")
file = datadir + "champc.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutLines/E5")
file = datadir + "hydro_sea_alv.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutLines/E6")
file = datadir + "toto.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutLines/E7")
file = datadir + "couplex_alain.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutLines/E8")
file = datadir + "KCOUPLEX1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutLines/E9")
file = datadir + "test_hydro.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutLines/F1")
file = datadir + "ml.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutLines/F2")
file = datadir + "T_COUPLEX1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutLines/F3")
file = datadir + "test_hydro_darcy4_out.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutLines/F4")
file = datadir + "UO2_250ans.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutLines/F5")
file = datadir + "maill.1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutLines/F6")
file = datadir + "maill.0.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutLines/F8")
file = datadir + "homard_ASTER_OSF_MEDV2.1.5_1_v2.1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutLines/F9")
file = datadir + "homard_ASTER_OSF_MEDV2.1.5_1_v2.2.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutLines/G0")
file = datadir + "homard_ASTER_OSF_MEDV2.1.5_1_v2.3.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutLines/G1")
file = datadir + "maill.2.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutLines/G2")
theFileName = datadir + "Bug829_resu_mode.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
"""Build presentations of the given types for all fields of the given file."""
#print "Import %s..." % theFileName.split('/')[-1],
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
# Get viewScalarMap
aView = GetRenderView()
hide_all(aView, True)
aPrs = CutLinesOnField(aProxy, aFieldEntity,aFieldName , i)
if aPrs is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Presentation is None!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("Presentation is None!!!")
#display only current scalar map
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutPlanes/A0")
file = datadir + "fra.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTPLANES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutPlanes/A1")
file = datadir + "hexa_28320_ELEM.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTPLANES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutPlanes/A2")
file = datadir + "pointe.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTPLANES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutPlanes/A3")
file = datadir + "Fields_group3D.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTPLANES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutPlanes/A4")
file = datadir + "Hexa8.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTPLANES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutPlanes/A5")
file = datadir + "Penta6.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTPLANES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutPlanes/A6")
file = datadir + "clo.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTPLANES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutPlanes/A7")
file = datadir + "Tetra4.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTPLANES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutPlanes/A8")
file = datadir + "Tria3.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTPLANES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutPlanes/A9")
file = datadir + "Quad4.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTPLANES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutPlanes/B0")
file = datadir + "carre_en_quad4_seg2.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTPLANES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutPlanes/B1")
file = datadir + "carre_en_quad4_seg2_fields.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTPLANES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutPlanes/B2")
file = datadir + "cube_hexa8_quad4.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTPLANES], picturedir, pictureext)
import pvsimple
#====================Stage1: Importing MED file====================
-print "**** Stage1: Importing MED file"
+print("**** Stage1: Importing MED file")
-print 'Import "ResOK_0000.med"...............',
+print('Import "ResOK_0000.med"...............', end=' ')
file_path = datadir + "ResOK_0000.med"
med_reader = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
if med_reader is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
#====================Stage2: Creating CutPlanes====================
-print "*****Stage2: Creating CutPlanes"
+print("*****Stage2: Creating CutPlanes")
-print "Creating Cut Planes.......",
+print("Creating Cut Planes.......", end=' ')
node_entity = EntityType.NODE
field_name = 'vitesse'
cutplanes = CutPlanesOnField(med_reader, node_entity, field_name, 1)
if cutplanes is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutPlanes/E0")
file = datadir + "test_55_solid_concentr_dom.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTPLANES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutPlanes/E1")
file = datadir + "H_COUPLEX1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTPLANES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutPlanes/E2")
file = datadir + "cas2_2d_couplage_chess_castem.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTPLANES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutPlanes/E3")
file = datadir + "hydro_d10.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTPLANES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutPlanes/E4")
file = datadir + "champc.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTPLANES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutPlanes/E5")
file = datadir + "hydro_sea_alv.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTPLANES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutPlanes/E6")
file = datadir + "toto.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTPLANES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutPlanes/E7")
file = datadir + "couplex_alain.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTPLANES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutPlanes/E8")
file = datadir + "KCOUPLEX1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTPLANES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutPlanes/E9")
file = datadir + "test_hydro.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTPLANES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutPlanes/F1")
file = datadir + "ml.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTPLANES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutPlanes/F2")
file = datadir + "T_COUPLEX1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTPLANES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutPlanes/F3")
file = datadir + "test_hydro_darcy4_out.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTPLANES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutPlanes/F4")
file = datadir + "UO2_250ans.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTPLANES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutPlanes/F5")
file = datadir + "maill.1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTPLANES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutPlanes/F6")
file = datadir + "maill.0.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTPLANES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutPlanes/F8")
file = datadir + "homard_ASTER_OSF_MEDV2.1.5_1_v2.1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTPLANES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutPlanes/F9")
file = datadir + "homard_ASTER_OSF_MEDV2.1.5_1_v2.2.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTPLANES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutPlanes/G0")
file = datadir + "homard_ASTER_OSF_MEDV2.1.5_1_v2.3.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTPLANES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutPlanes/G1")
file = datadir + "maill.2.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.CUTPLANES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("CutPlanes/G2")
theFileName = datadir + "Bug829_resu_mode.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
"""Build presentations of the given types for all fields of the given file."""
#print "Import %s..." % theFileName.split('/')[-1],
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
# Get viewScalarMap
aView = GetRenderView()
hide_all(aView, True)
aPrs = CutPlanesOnField(aProxy, aFieldEntity,aFieldName , i)
if aPrs is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Presentation is None!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("Presentation is None!!!")
#display only current scalar map
picturedir = get_picture_dir("DeformedShape/A0")
file = datadir + "fra.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPE], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("DeformedShape/A1")
file = datadir + "hexa_28320_ELEM.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPE], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("DeformedShape/A2")
file = datadir + "pointe.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPE], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("DeformedShape/A3")
file = datadir + "Fields_group3D.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPE], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("DeformedShape/A4")
file = datadir + "Hexa8.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPE], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("DeformedShape/A5")
file = datadir + "Penta6.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPE], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("DeformedShape/A6")
file = datadir + "clo.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPE], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("DeformedShape/A7")
file = datadir + "Tetra4.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPE], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("DeformedShape/A8")
file = datadir + "Tria3.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPE], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("DeformedShape/A9")
file = datadir + "Quad4.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPE], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("DeformedShape/B0")
file = datadir + "carre_en_quad4_seg2.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPE], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("DeformedShape/B1")
file = datadir + "carre_en_quad4_seg2_fields.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPE], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("DeformedShape/B2")
file = datadir + "cube_hexa8_quad4.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPE], picturedir, pictureext)
import pvsimple
#====================Stage1: Import from MED file in ParaVis============
-print "**** Stage1: Import from MED file in ParaVis"
+print("**** Stage1: Import from MED file in ParaVis")
-print 'Import "Tria3.med"....................',
+print('Import "Tria3.med"....................', end=' ')
file_path = datadir + "Tria3.med"
med_reader = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
if med_reader is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
#====================Stage2: Creating Deformed Shape====================
-print "**** Stage2: Creating Deformed Shape"
+print("**** Stage2: Creating Deformed Shape")
-print "Creating Deformed Shape...............",
+print("Creating Deformed Shape...............", end=' ')
cell_entity = EntityType.CELL
field_name = 'vectoriel field'
if defshape is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
#====================Stage3: Scale of Deformed Shape====================
-print "**** Stage3: Scale of Deformed Shape"
+print("**** Stage3: Scale of Deformed Shape")
warp_vector = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
-print "Default scale: ", warp_vector.ScaleFactor
+print("Default scale: ", warp_vector.ScaleFactor)
-print "Set positive scale of Deformed Shape"
+print("Set positive scale of Deformed Shape")
scale = 1
warp_vector.ScaleFactor = scale
-print "Scale: ", warp_vector.ScaleFactor
+print("Scale: ", warp_vector.ScaleFactor)
-print "Set negative scale of Deformed Shape"
+print("Set negative scale of Deformed Shape")
scale = -1
warp_vector.ScaleFactor = scale
-print "Scale: ", warp_vector.ScaleFactor
+print("Scale: ", warp_vector.ScaleFactor)
-print "Set zero scale of Deformed Shape"
+print("Set zero scale of Deformed Shape")
scale = 0
warp_vector.ScaleFactor = scale
-print "Scale: ", warp_vector.ScaleFactor
+print("Scale: ", warp_vector.ScaleFactor)
#====================Stage4: Coloring method of Deformed Shape===========
-print "**** Stage4: Coloring of Deformed Shape"
+print("**** Stage4: Coloring of Deformed Shape")
color_array = defshape.ColorArrayName[1]
if color_array:
- print "Default shape is colored by array: ", color_array
+ print("Default shape is colored by array: ", color_array)
- print "Default shape is colored by solid color: ", defshape.AmbientColor
+ print("Default shape is colored by solid color: ", defshape.AmbientColor)
-print "Set colored by array mode .... ",
+print("Set colored by array mode .... ", end=' ')
defshape.ColorArrayName = ("CELLS", field_name)
if defshape.ColorArrayName[1] == field_name:
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
-print "Set colored by solid color mode .... ",
+print("Set colored by solid color mode .... ", end=' ')
defshape.ColorArrayName = (None, '')
if defshape.ColorArrayName[1]:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
import pvsimple
#====================Stage1: Import from MED file in ParaVis============
-print "**** Stage1: Import from MED file in ParaVis"
+print("**** Stage1: Import from MED file in ParaVis")
-print 'Import "Hexa8.med"....................',
+print('Import "Hexa8.med"....................', end=' ')
file_path = datadir + "Hexa8.med"
med_reader = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
if med_reader is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
#====================Stage2: Creating Deformed Shape====================
-print "**** Stage2: Creating Deformed Shape"
+print("**** Stage2: Creating Deformed Shape")
-print "Creating Deformed Shape...............",
+print("Creating Deformed Shape...............", end=' ')
cell_entity = EntityType.CELL
field_name = 'vectoriel field'
if defshape is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
#====================Stage3: Color of Deformed Shape====================
-print "**** Stage3: Color of Deformed Shape"
+print("**** Stage3: Color of Deformed Shape")
# Step1
-print "Getting the current color of Deformed Shape in RGB ... ",
+print("Getting the current color of Deformed Shape in RGB ... ", end=' ')
color = defshape.AmbientColor
-print color
# Step2
-print "Set the positive color in RGB"
+print("Set the positive color in RGB")
color = [0.3, 0.3, 0.3]
defshape.AmbientColor = color
color = defshape.AmbientColor
-print "Color: ", color
+print("Color: ", color)
# Step3
-print "Set the negative R and positive GB"
+print("Set the negative R and positive GB")
color = [-0.3, 0.3, 0.3]
defshape.AmbientColor = color
color = defshape.AmbientColor
-print "Color: ", color
+print("Color: ", color)
# Step4
-print "Set the negative R and positive GB"
+print("Set the negative R and positive GB")
color = [0.3, -0.3, 0.3]
defshape.AmbientColor = color
color = defshape.AmbientColor
-print "Color: ", color
+print("Color: ", color)
# Step5
-print "Set the negative B and positive RG"
-print "Set the negative R and positive GB"
+print("Set the negative B and positive RG")
+print("Set the negative R and positive GB")
color = [0.3, 0.3, -0.3]
defshape.AmbientColor = color
color = defshape.AmbientColor
-print "Color: ", color
+print("Color: ", color)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("DeformedShape/E0")
file = datadir + "test_55_solid_concentr_dom.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPE], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("DeformedShape/E1")
file = datadir + "H_COUPLEX1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPE], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("DeformedShape/E2")
file = datadir + "cas2_2d_couplage_chess_castem.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPE], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("DeformedShape/E3")
file = datadir + "hydro_d10.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPE], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("DeformedShape/E4")
file = datadir + "champc.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPE], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("DeformedShape/E5")
file = datadir + "hydro_sea_alv.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPE], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("DeformedShape/E6")
file = datadir + "toto.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPE], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("DeformedShape/E7")
file = datadir + "couplex_alain.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPE], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("DeformedShape/E8")
file = datadir + "KCOUPLEX1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPE], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("DeformedShape/E9")
file = datadir + "test_hydro.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPE], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("DeformedShape/F1")
file = datadir + "ml.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPE], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("DeformedShape/F2")
file = datadir + "T_COUPLEX1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPE], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("DeformedShape/F3")
file = datadir + "test_hydro_darcy4_out.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPE], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("DeformedShape/F4")
file = datadir + "UO2_250ans.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPE], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("DeformedShape/F5")
file = datadir + "maill.1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPE], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("DeformedShape/F6")
file = datadir + "maill.0.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPE], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("DeformedShape/F8")
file = datadir + "maill.2.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPE], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("DeformedShape/F9")
theFileName = datadir + "Bug829_resu_mode.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
"""Build presentations of the given types for all fields of the given file."""
#print "Import %s..." % theFileName.split('/')[-1],
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
# Get view
aView = GetRenderView()
hide_all(aView, True)
aPrs = DeformedShapeOnField(aProxy, aFieldEntity, aFieldName, i, is_colored=colored)
if aPrs is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Presentation is None!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("Presentation is None!!!")
# display only current deformed shape
aPrs.Visibility =1
# Create Gauss Points presentation
prs = GaussPointsOnField(med_reader, EntityType.CELL, field_name, timestamp_nb)
if prs is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Created presentation is None!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("Created presentation is None!!!")
# Display presentation and get snapshot
pic_name = picturedir + field_name + "_" + str(time) + "_GAUSSPOINTS." + pictureext
# Create Gauss Points presentation
prs = GaussPointsOnField(med_reader, EntityType.CELL, field_name, timestamp_nb)
if prs is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Created presentation is None!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("Created presentation is None!!!")
# Display presentation and get snapshot
view = pvsimple.GetRenderView()
# Create Gauss Points presentation
prs = GaussPointsOnField(med_reader, EntityType.CELL, field_name, timestamp_nb)
if prs is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Created presentation is None!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("Created presentation is None!!!")
# Display presentation and get snapshot
view = pvsimple.GetRenderView()
# Create Gauss Points presentation
prs = GaussPointsOnField(med_reader, EntityType.CELL, field_name, timestamp_nb)
if prs is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Created presentation is None!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("Created presentation is None!!!")
# Display presentation and get snapshot
view = pvsimple.GetRenderView()
# Create Gauss Points presentation
prs = GaussPointsOnField(med_reader, EntityType.CELL, field_name, timestamp_nb)
if prs is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Created presentation is None!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("Created presentation is None!!!")
# Display presentation and get snapshot
view = pvsimple.GetRenderView()
# Create Gauss Points presentation
prs = GaussPointsOnField(med_reader, EntityType.CELL, field_name, timestamp_nb)
if prs is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Created presentation is None!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("Created presentation is None!!!")
# Display presentation and get snapshot
view = pvsimple.GetRenderView()
# Create Gauss Points presentation
prs = GaussPointsOnField(med_reader, EntityType.CELL, field_name, timestamp_nb)
if prs is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Created presentation is None!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("Created presentation is None!!!")
# Display presentation and get snapshot
view = pvsimple.GetRenderView()
# Create Gauss Points presentation
prs = GaussPointsOnField(med_reader, EntityType.CELL, field_name, timestamp_nb)
if prs is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Created presentation is None!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("Created presentation is None!!!")
# Display presentation and get snapshot
view = pvsimple.GetRenderView()
# Create Gauss Points presentation
prs = GaussPointsOnField(med_reader, EntityType.CELL, field_name, timestamp_nb)
if prs is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Created presentation is None!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("Created presentation is None!!!")
# Display presentation and get snapshot
view = pvsimple.GetRenderView()
# Create Gauss Points presentation
prs = GaussPointsOnField(med_reader, EntityType.CELL, field_name, timestamp_nb)
if prs is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Created presentation is None!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("Created presentation is None!!!")
# Display presentation and get snapshot
view = pvsimple.GetRenderView()
# Create Gauss Points presentation
prs = GaussPointsOnField(med_reader, EntityType.CELL, field_name, timestamp_nb)
if prs is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Created presentation is None!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("Created presentation is None!!!")
# Display presentation and get snapshot
view = pvsimple.GetRenderView()
# Create Gauss Points presentation
prs = GaussPointsOnField(med_reader, EntityType.CELL, field_name, timestamp_nb)
if prs is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Created presentation is None!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("Created presentation is None!!!")
# Display presentation and get snapshot
view = pvsimple.GetRenderView()
# Create Gauss Points presentation
prs = GaussPointsOnField(med_reader, EntityType.CELL, field_name, timestamp_nb)
if prs is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Created presentation is None!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("Created presentation is None!!!")
# Display presentation and get snapshot
view = pvsimple.GetRenderView()
# Create Gauss Points presentation
prs = GaussPointsOnField(med_reader, EntityType.CELL, field_name, timestamp_nb)
if prs is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Created presentation is None!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("Created presentation is None!!!")
# Display presentation and get snapshot
view = pvsimple.GetRenderView()
# Create Gauss Points presentation
prs = GaussPointsOnField(med_reader, EntityType.CELL, field_name, timestamp_nb)
if prs is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Created presentation is None!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("Created presentation is None!!!")
# Display presentation and get snapshot
view = pvsimple.GetRenderView()
# Create Gauss Points presentation
prs = GaussPointsOnField(med_reader, EntityType.CELL, field_name, timestamp_nb)
if prs is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Created presentation is None!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("Created presentation is None!!!")
# Display presentation and get snapshot
view = pvsimple.GetRenderView()
# Create Gauss Points presentation
prs = GaussPointsOnField(med_reader, EntityType.CELL, field_name, timestamp_nb)
if prs is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Created presentation is None!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("Created presentation is None!!!")
# Display presentation and get snapshot
view = pvsimple.GetRenderView()
# Create Gauss Points presentation
prs = GaussPointsOnField(med_reader, EntityType.CELL, field_name, timestamp_nb)
if prs is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Created presentation is None!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("Created presentation is None!!!")
# Display presentation and get snapshot
view = pvsimple.GetRenderView()
# Create Gauss Points presentation
prs = GaussPointsOnField(med_reader, EntityType.CELL, field_name, timestamp_nb)
if prs is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Created presentation is None!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("Created presentation is None!!!")
# Display presentation and get snapshot
view = pvsimple.GetRenderView()
# Create Gauss Points presentation
prs = GaussPointsOnField(med_reader, EntityType.CELL, field_name, timestamp_nb)
if prs is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Created presentation is None!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("Created presentation is None!!!")
# Display presentation and get snapshot
view = pvsimple.GetRenderView()
# Create Gauss Points presentation
prs = GaussPointsOnField(med_reader, EntityType.CELL, field_name, timestamp_nb)
if prs is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Created presentation is None!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("Created presentation is None!!!")
# Display presentation and get snapshot
view = pvsimple.GetRenderView()
# Create Gauss Points presentation
prs = GaussPointsOnField(med_reader, EntityType.CELL, field_name, timestamp_nb)
if prs is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Created presentation is None!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("Created presentation is None!!!")
# Display presentation and get snapshot
view = pvsimple.GetRenderView()
# Create Gauss Points presentation
prs = GaussPointsOnField(med_reader, EntityType.CELL, field_name, timestamp_nb)
if prs is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Created presentation is None!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("Created presentation is None!!!")
# Display presentation and get snapshot
view = pvsimple.GetRenderView()
for field_name in field_names:
prs = GaussPointsOnField(med_reader, EntityType.CELL, field_name, timestamp_nb)
if prs is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Created presentation is None!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("Created presentation is None!!!")
# Display presentation and get snapshot
pic_name = picturedir + field_name + "_" + str(time) + "_GAUSSPOINTS." + pictureext
for field_name in field_names:
prs = GaussPointsOnField(med_reader, EntityType.CELL, field_name, timestamp_nb)
if prs is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Created presentation is None!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("Created presentation is None!!!")
# Display presentation and get snapshot
pic_name = picturedir + field_name + "_" + str(time) + "_GAUSSPOINTS." + pictureext
for field_name in field_names:
prs = GaussPointsOnField(med_reader, EntityType.CELL, field_name, timestamp_nb)
if prs is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Created presentation is None!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("Created presentation is None!!!")
# Display presentation and get snapshot
pic_name = picturedir + field_name + "_" + str(time) + "_GAUSSPOINTS." + pictureext
prs = GaussPointsOnField1(med_reader, EntityType.CELL, field_name, timestamp_nb)
if prs is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Created presentation is None!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("Created presentation is None!!!")
# Display presentation and get snapshot
pic_name = picturedir + field_name + "_" + str(time) + "_GAUSSPOINTS." + pictureext
prs = GaussPointsOnField1(med_reader, EntityType.CELL, field_name, timestamp_nb, multiplier=4E-9)
if prs is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Created presentation is None!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("Created presentation is None!!!")
# Display presentation and get snapshot
pic_name = picturedir + field_name + "_" + str(time) + "_GAUSSPOINTS." + pictureext
med_file = datadir + "TimeStamps.med"
field_names = ["pression", "temperature", "vitesse"]
-prs_list = [ [0,1,2,3,4,8], [1,2,3,4,8], range(1,10) ]
+prs_list = [ [0,1,2,3,4,8], [1,2,3,4,8], list(range(1,10)) ]
Import_Med_Field(med_file, field_names, 1, prs_list)
med_file = datadir + "carre_en_quad4_import22.med"
field_names = ["fieldcelldouble", "fieldnodedouble", "fieldnodedouble", "fieldnodedouble", "fieldnodeint"]
-prs_list = [ range(10), [1,2,3,4,8], [1,2,3,4,8], [1,2,3,4,8], [1,2,3,4,8] ]
+prs_list = [ list(range(10)), [1,2,3,4,8], [1,2,3,4,8], [1,2,3,4,8], [1,2,3,4,8] ]
Import_Med_Field(med_file, field_names, 1, prs_list)
med_file = datadir + "carre_en_quad4_seg2.med"
field_names = ["fieldcelldouble", "fieldnodedouble", "fieldnodedouble", "fieldnodedouble", "fieldnodeint"]
-prs_list = [ range(10), [1,2,3,4,8], [1,2,3,4,8], [1,2,3,4,8], [1,2,3,4,8] ]
+prs_list = [ list(range(10)), [1,2,3,4,8], [1,2,3,4,8], [1,2,3,4,8], [1,2,3,4,8] ]
Import_Med_Field(med_file, field_names, 1, prs_list)
med_file = datadir + "test_hydro_darcy1a_out.med"
field_names = ["DarcyVelocity","Head"]
-prs_list = [ range(10), [0,1,2,3,4,8] ]
+prs_list = [ list(range(10)), [0,1,2,3,4,8] ]
Import_Med_Field(med_file, field_names, 1, prs_list)
med_file = datadir + "clo2.med"
field_names = ["PRESSION", "TAUX_DE_VIDE", "VITESSE"]
-prs_list = [ [0,1,2,3,4,8], [1,2,3,4,8], range(1,10) ]
+prs_list = [ [0,1,2,3,4,8], [1,2,3,4,8], list(range(1,10)) ]
Import_Med_Field(med_file, field_names, 1, prs_list)
med_file = datadir + "cube_hexa8_import22.med"
field_names = ["fieldcelldouble", "fieldnodedouble", "fieldnodedouble", "fieldnodedouble", "fieldnodeint"]
-prs_list = [ range(10), [1,2,3,4,8], [1,2,3,4,8], [1,2,3,4,8], [1,2,3,4,8] ]
+prs_list = [ list(range(10)), [1,2,3,4,8], [1,2,3,4,8], [1,2,3,4,8], [1,2,3,4,8] ]
Import_Med_Field(med_file, field_names, 1, prs_list)
med_file = datadir + "cube_hexa8_quad4_import22.med"
field_names = ["fieldcelldouble", "fieldnodedouble", "fieldnodedouble", "fieldnodedouble", "fieldnodeint"]
-prs_list = [ range(10), [1,2,3,4,8], [1,2,3,4,8], [1,2,3,4,8], [1,2,3,4,8] ]
+prs_list = [ list(range(10)), [1,2,3,4,8], [1,2,3,4,8], [1,2,3,4,8], [1,2,3,4,8] ]
Import_Med_Field(med_file, field_names, 1, prs_list)
med_file = datadir + "fra1.med"
field_names = ["TAUX_DE_VIDE", "VITESSE"]
-prs_list = [ [1,2,3,4,8], range(1,10) ]
+prs_list = [ [1,2,3,4,8], list(range(1,10)) ]
Import_Med_Field(med_file, field_names, 1, prs_list)
med_file = datadir + "maill.0.med"
field_names = ["REQT_GD_________________________", "RESUTRQUDEPL____________________", "RESUTRQUERRE_ELGA_NORE__________", "RESUTRQUSIEF_ELGA_DEPL__________", "RESUTRQUSIGM_ELNO_DEPL__________"]
-prs_list = [ range(1,10), range(1,10), range(10), range(10), range(10)]
+prs_list = [ list(range(1,10)), list(range(1,10)), list(range(10)), list(range(10)), list(range(10))]
Import_Med_Field(med_file, field_names, 1, prs_list)
med_file = datadir + "maill.0_volumes.med"
field_names = ["RETH____FLUX_NOEU_TEMP__________", "RETH____TEMP____________________"]
-prs_list = [ range(1,10), [1,2,3,4,8] ]
+prs_list = [ list(range(1,10)), [1,2,3,4,8] ]
Import_Med_Field(med_file, field_names, 1, prs_list)
med_file = datadir + "maill.1.med"
field_names = ["RETH____FLUX_NOEU_TEMP__________", "RETH____TEMP____________________"]
-prs_list = [ range(1,10), [1,2,3,4,8] ]
+prs_list = [ list(range(1,10)), [1,2,3,4,8] ]
Import_Med_Field(med_file, field_names, 1, prs_list)
med_file = datadir + "maill.2.med"
field_names = ["RETH____FLUX_NOEU_TEMP__________","RETH____TEMP____________________"]
-prs_list = [ range(1,10), [1,2,3,4,8] ]
+prs_list = [ list(range(1,10)), [1,2,3,4,8] ]
Import_Med_Field(med_file, field_names, 1, prs_list)
med_file = datadir + "pointe_4fields.med"
field_names = ["fieldcelldoublescalar", "fieldcelldoublevector", "fieldnodedouble", "fieldnodedouble", "fieldnodedouble", "fieldnodeint"]
-prs_list = [ [0,1,2,3,4,8], range(10), [1,2,3,4,8], [1,2,3,4,8], [1,2,3,4,8], [1,2,3,4,8] ]
+prs_list = [ [0,1,2,3,4,8], list(range(10)), [1,2,3,4,8], [1,2,3,4,8], [1,2,3,4,8], [1,2,3,4,8] ]
Import_Med_Field(med_file, field_names, 1, prs_list)
med_file = datadir + "pointe.med"
field_names = ["fieldcelldoublescalar", "fieldcelldoublevector", "fieldnodedouble", "fieldnodedouble", "fieldnodedouble", "fieldnodeint"]
-prs_list = [ [0,1,2,3,4,8], range(10), [1,2,3,4,8], [1,2,3,4,8], [1,2,3,4,8], [1,2,3,4,8] ]
+prs_list = [ [0,1,2,3,4,8], list(range(10)), [1,2,3,4,8], [1,2,3,4,8], [1,2,3,4,8], [1,2,3,4,8] ]
Import_Med_Field(med_file, field_names, 1, prs_list)
med_file = datadir + "resu.2.med"
field_names = ["RETH____FLUX_NOEU_TEMP__________","RETH____TEMP____________________"]
-prs_list = [ range(1,10), [1,2,3,4,8] ]
+prs_list = [ list(range(1,10)), [1,2,3,4,8] ]
Import_Med_Field(med_file, field_names, 1, prs_list)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("IsoSurfaces/A0")
file = datadir + "fra.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.ISOSURFACES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("IsoSurfaces/A1")
file = datadir + "hexa_28320_ELEM.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.ISOSURFACES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("IsoSurfaces/A2")
file = datadir + "pointe.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.ISOSURFACES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("IsoSurfaces/A3")
file = datadir + "Fields_group3D.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.ISOSURFACES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("IsoSurfaces/A4")
file = datadir + "Hexa8.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.ISOSURFACES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("IsoSurfaces/A5")
file = datadir + "Penta6.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.ISOSURFACES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("IsoSurfaces/A6")
file = datadir + "clo.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.ISOSURFACES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("IsoSurfaces/A7")
file = datadir + "Tetra4.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.ISOSURFACES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("IsoSurfaces/A8")
file = datadir + "Tria3.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.ISOSURFACES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("IsoSurfaces/A9")
file = datadir + "Quad4.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.ISOSURFACES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("IsoSurfaces/B0")
file = datadir + "carre_en_quad4_seg2.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.ISOSURFACES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("IsoSurfaces/B1")
file = datadir + "carre_en_quad4_seg2_fields.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.ISOSURFACES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("IsoSurfaces/B2")
file = datadir + "cube_hexa8_quad4.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.ISOSURFACES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("IsoSurfaces/E0")
file = datadir + "test_55_solid_concentr_dom.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.ISOSURFACES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("IsoSurfaces/E1")
file = datadir + "H_COUPLEX1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.ISOSURFACES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("IsoSurfaces/E2")
file = datadir + "cas2_2d_couplage_chess_castem.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.ISOSURFACES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("IsoSurfaces/E3")
file = datadir + "hydro_d10.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.ISOSURFACES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("IsoSurfaces/E4")
file = datadir + "champc.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.ISOSURFACES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("IsoSurfaces/E5")
file = datadir + "hydro_sea_alv.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.ISOSURFACES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("IsoSurfaces/E6")
file = datadir + "toto.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.ISOSURFACES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("IsoSurfaces/E7")
file = datadir + "couplex_alain.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.ISOSURFACES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("IsoSurfaces/E8")
file = datadir + "KCOUPLEX1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.ISOSURFACES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("IsoSurfaces/E9")
file = datadir + "test_hydro.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.ISOSURFACES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("IsoSurfaces/F1")
file = datadir + "ml.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.ISOSURFACES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("IsoSurfaces/F2")
file = datadir + "T_COUPLEX1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.ISOSURFACES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("IsoSurfaces/F3")
file = datadir + "test_hydro_darcy4_out.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.ISOSURFACES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("IsoSurfaces/F4")
file = datadir + "UO2_250ans.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.ISOSURFACES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("IsoSurfaces/F5")
file = datadir + "maill.1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.ISOSURFACES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("IsoSurfaces/F6")
file = datadir + "maill.0.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.ISOSURFACES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("IsoSurfaces/F8")
file = datadir + "homard_ASTER_OSF_MEDV2.1.5_1_v2.1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.ISOSURFACES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("IsoSurfaces/F9")
file = datadir + "homard_ASTER_OSF_MEDV2.1.5_1_v2.2.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.ISOSURFACES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("IsoSurfaces/G0")
file = datadir + "homard_ASTER_OSF_MEDV2.1.5_1_v2.3.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.ISOSURFACES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("IsoSurfaces/G1")
file = datadir + "maill.2.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.ISOSURFACES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("IsoSurfaces/G2")
theFileName = datadir + "Bug829_resu_mode.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
"""Build presentations of the given types for all fields of the given file."""
#print "Import %s..." % theFileName.split('/')[-1],
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
# Get viewScalarMap
aView = GetRenderView()
#hide_all(aView, True)
aPrs = IsoSurfacesOnField(aProxy, aFieldEntity,aFieldName , i)
if aPrs is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Presentation is None!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("Presentation is None!!!")
#display only current scalar map
display_only(aPrs, aView)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/A0")
file = datadir + "fra.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.MESH], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/A1")
file = datadir + "hexa_28320_ELEM.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.MESH], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/A2")
file = datadir + "pointe.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.MESH], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/A3")
file = datadir + "Fields_group3D.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.MESH], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/A4")
file = datadir + "Hexa8.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.MESH], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/A5")
file = datadir + "Penta6.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.MESH], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/A6")
file = datadir + "clo.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.MESH], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/A7")
file = datadir + "Tetra4.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.MESH], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/A8")
file = datadir + "Tria3.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.MESH], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/A9")
file = datadir + "Quad4.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.MESH], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/B0")
file = datadir + "carre_en_quad4_seg2.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.MESH], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/B1")
file = datadir + "carre_en_quad4_seg2_fields.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.MESH], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/B2")
file = datadir + "cube_hexa8_quad4.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.MESH], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/E0")
file = datadir + "test_55_solid_concentr_dom.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.MESH], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/E1")
file = datadir + "H_COUPLEX1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.MESH], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/E2")
file = datadir + "cas2_2d_couplage_chess_castem.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.MESH], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/E3")
file = datadir + "hydro_d10.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.MESH], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/E4")
file = datadir + "champc.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.MESH], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/E5")
file = datadir + "hydro_sea_alv.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.MESH], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/E6")
file = datadir + "toto.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.MESH], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/E7")
file = datadir + "couplex_alain.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.MESH], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/E8")
file = datadir + "KCOUPLEX1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.MESH], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/E9")
file = datadir + "test_hydro.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.MESH], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/F0")
file = datadir + "gro5couches.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.MESH], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/F1")
file = datadir + "ml.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.MESH], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/F2")
file = datadir + "T_COUPLEX1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.MESH], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/F3")
file = datadir + "test_hydro_darcy4_out.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.MESH], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/F4")
file = datadir + "UO2_250ans.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.MESH], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/F5")
file = datadir + "maill.1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.MESH], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/F6")
file = datadir + "maill.0.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.MESH], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/F8")
file = datadir + "homard_ASTER_OSF_MEDV2.1.5_1_v2.1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.MESH], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/F9")
file = datadir + "homard_ASTER_OSF_MEDV2.1.5_1_v2.2.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.MESH], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/G0")
file = datadir + "homard_ASTER_OSF_MEDV2.1.5_1_v2.3.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.MESH], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/G1")
file = datadir + "maill.2.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.MESH], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/G3")
theFileName = datadir + "Box1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
aView = GetRenderView()
mesh = MeshOnEntity(aProxy, mesh_name, entity_type)
if mesh is None:
msg = "ERROR!!!Presentation of mesh on '"+entity_name+"' family wasn't created..."
- raise RuntimeError, msg
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/G4")
theFileName = datadir + "Box1Moderate.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
aView = GetRenderView()
mesh = MeshOnEntity(aProxy, mesh_name ,entity_type)
if mesh is None:
msg = "ERROR!!!Presentation of mesh on '"+entity_name+"' family wasn't created..."
- raise RuntimeError, msg
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/G5")
theFileName = datadir + "Box2.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
aView = GetRenderView()
mesh = MeshOnEntity(aProxy, mesh_name ,entity_type)
if mesh is None:
msg = "ERROR!!!Presentation of mesh on '"+entity_name+"' family wasn't created..."
- raise RuntimeError, msg
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/G6")
theFileName = datadir + "Box2Moderate.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
aView = GetRenderView()
mesh = MeshOnEntity(aProxy, mesh_name ,entity_type)
if mesh is None:
msg = "ERROR!!!Presentation of mesh on '"+entity_name+"' family wasn't created..."
- raise RuntimeError, msg
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/G7")
theFileName = datadir + "Box3.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
aView = GetRenderView()
mesh = MeshOnEntity(aProxy, mesh_name ,entity_type)
if mesh is None:
msg = "ERROR!!!Presentation of mesh on '"+entity_name+"' family wasn't created..."
- raise RuntimeError, msg
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/G8")
theFileName = datadir + "BoxEvenSmaller1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
aView = GetRenderView()
mesh = MeshOnEntity(aProxy, mesh_name ,entity_type)
if mesh is None:
msg = "ERROR!!!Presentation of mesh on '"+entity_name+"' family wasn't created..."
- raise RuntimeError, msg
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/G9")
theFileName = datadir + "BoxHexa1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
aView = GetRenderView()
mesh = MeshOnEntity(aProxy, mesh_name ,entity_type)
if mesh is None:
msg = "ERROR!!!Presentation of mesh on '"+entity_name+"' family wasn't created..."
- raise RuntimeError, msg
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/H0")
theFileName = datadir + "BoxHexa2.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
aView = GetRenderView()
mesh = MeshOnEntity(aProxy, mesh_name ,entity_type)
if mesh is None:
msg = "ERROR!!!Presentation of mesh on '"+entity_name+"' family wasn't created..."
- raise RuntimeError, msg
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/H1")
theFileName = datadir + "BoxModSmall1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
aView = GetRenderView()
mesh = MeshOnEntity(aProxy, mesh_name ,entity_type)
if mesh is None:
msg = "ERROR!!!Presentation of mesh on '"+entity_name+"' family wasn't created..."
- raise RuntimeError, msg
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/H2")
theFileName = datadir + "BoxModSmall2.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
aView = GetRenderView()
mesh = MeshOnEntity(aProxy, mesh_name ,entity_type)
if mesh is None:
msg = "ERROR!!!Presentation of mesh on '"+entity_name+"' family wasn't created..."
- raise RuntimeError, msg
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/H3")
theFileName = datadir + "BoxTetra2.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
aView = GetRenderView()
mesh = MeshOnEntity(aProxy, mesh_name ,entity_type)
if mesh is None:
msg = "ERROR!!!Presentation of mesh on '"+entity_name+"' family wasn't created..."
- raise RuntimeError, msg
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/H4")
theFileName = datadir + "ComplexIncludedTetra.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
aView = GetRenderView()
mesh = MeshOnEntity(aProxy, mesh_name ,entity_type)
if mesh is None:
msg = "ERROR!!!Presentation of mesh on '"+entity_name+"' family wasn't created..."
- raise RuntimeError, msg
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/H5")
theFileName = datadir + "ComplexIncludingTetra.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
aView = GetRenderView()
mesh = MeshOnEntity(aProxy, mesh_name ,entity_type)
if mesh is None:
msg = "ERROR!!!Presentation of mesh on '"+entity_name+"' family wasn't created..."
- raise RuntimeError, msg
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/H6")
theFileName = datadir + "CornerTetra.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
aView = GetRenderView()
mesh = MeshOnEntity(aProxy, mesh_name ,entity_type)
if mesh is None:
msg = "ERROR!!!Presentation of mesh on '"+entity_name+"' family wasn't created..."
- raise RuntimeError, msg
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/H7")
theFileName = datadir + "DegenEdgeXY.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
aView = GetRenderView()
mesh = MeshOnEntity(aProxy, mesh_name ,entity_type)
if mesh is None:
msg = "ERROR!!!Presentation of mesh on '"+entity_name+"' family wasn't created..."
- raise RuntimeError, msg
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/H8")
theFileName = datadir + "DegenFaceXYZ.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
aView = GetRenderView()
mesh = MeshOnEntity(aProxy, mesh_name ,entity_type)
if mesh is None:
msg = "ERROR!!!Presentation of mesh on '"+entity_name+"' family wasn't created..."
- raise RuntimeError, msg
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/H9")
theFileName = datadir + "DegenTranslatedInPlane.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
aView = GetRenderView()
mesh = MeshOnEntity(aProxy, mesh_name ,entity_type)
if mesh is None:
msg = "ERROR!!!Presentation of mesh on '"+entity_name+"' family wasn't created..."
- raise RuntimeError, msg
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/I0")
theFileName = datadir + "TinyBox.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
aView = GetRenderView()
mesh = MeshOnEntity(aProxy, mesh_name ,entity_type)
if mesh is None:
msg = "ERROR!!!Presentation of mesh on '"+entity_name+"' family wasn't created..."
- raise RuntimeError, msg
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/I1")
theFileName = datadir + "TrickyTetra1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
aView = GetRenderView()
mesh = MeshOnEntity(aProxy, mesh_name ,entity_type)
if mesh is None:
msg = "ERROR!!!Presentation of mesh on '"+entity_name+"' family wasn't created..."
- raise RuntimeError, msg
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/I2")
theFileName = datadir + "UnitTetra.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
aView = GetRenderView()
mesh = MeshOnEntity(aProxy, mesh_name ,entity_type)
if mesh is None:
msg = "ERROR!!!Presentation of mesh on '"+entity_name+"' family wasn't created..."
- raise RuntimeError, msg
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/I3")
theFileName = datadir + "UnitTetraDegenT.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
aView = GetRenderView()
mesh = MeshOnEntity(aProxy, mesh_name ,entity_type)
if mesh is None:
msg = "ERROR!!!Presentation of mesh on '"+entity_name+"' family wasn't created..."
- raise RuntimeError, msg
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/I4")
theFileName = datadir + "square1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
aView = GetRenderView()
mesh = MeshOnEntity(aProxy, mesh_name ,entity_type)
if mesh is None:
msg = "ERROR!!!Presentation of mesh on '"+entity_name+"' family wasn't created..."
- raise RuntimeError, msg
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/I5")
theFileName = datadir + "square1_split1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
aView = GetRenderView()
mesh = MeshOnEntity(aProxy, mesh_name ,entity_type)
if mesh is None:
msg = "ERROR!!!Presentation of mesh on '"+entity_name+"' family wasn't created..."
- raise RuntimeError, msg
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/I6")
theFileName = datadir + "square1_split2.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
aView = GetRenderView()
mesh = MeshOnEntity(aProxy, mesh_name ,entity_type)
if mesh is None:
msg = "ERROR!!!Presentation of mesh on '"+entity_name+"' family wasn't created..."
- raise RuntimeError, msg
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/I7")
theFileName = datadir + "square1_split3.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
aView = GetRenderView()
mesh = MeshOnEntity(aProxy, mesh_name ,entity_type)
if mesh is None:
msg = "ERROR!!!Presentation of mesh on '"+entity_name+"' family wasn't created..."
- raise RuntimeError, msg
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/I8")
theFileName = datadir + "square2.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
aView = GetRenderView()
mesh = MeshOnEntity(aProxy, mesh_name ,entity_type)
if mesh is None:
msg = "ERROR!!!Presentation of mesh on '"+entity_name+"' family wasn't created..."
- raise RuntimeError, msg
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/I9")
theFileName = datadir + "square2_split1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
aView = GetRenderView()
mesh = MeshOnEntity(aProxy, mesh_name ,entity_type)
if mesh is None:
msg = "ERROR!!!Presentation of mesh on '"+entity_name+"' family wasn't created..."
- raise RuntimeError, msg
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/J0")
theFileName = datadir + "DividedGenTetra1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
aView = GetRenderView()
mesh = MeshOnEntity(aProxy, mesh_name ,entity_type)
if mesh is None:
msg = "ERROR!!!Presentation of mesh on '"+entity_name+"' family wasn't created..."
- raise RuntimeError, msg
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/J1")
theFileName = datadir + "DividedGenTetra2.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
aView = GetRenderView()
mesh = MeshOnEntity(aProxy, mesh_name ,entity_type)
if mesh is None:
msg = "ERROR!!!Presentation of mesh on '"+entity_name+"' family wasn't created..."
- raise RuntimeError, msg
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/J2")
theFileName = datadir + "DividedUnitTetra.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
aView = GetRenderView()
mesh = MeshOnEntity(aProxy, mesh_name ,entity_type)
if mesh is None:
msg = "ERROR!!!Presentation of mesh on '"+entity_name+"' family wasn't created..."
- raise RuntimeError, msg
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/J3")
theFileName = datadir + "DividedUnitTetraSimpler.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
aView = GetRenderView()
mesh = MeshOnEntity(aProxy, mesh_name ,entity_type)
if mesh is None:
msg = "ERROR!!!Presentation of mesh on '"+entity_name+"' family wasn't created..."
- raise RuntimeError, msg
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/J4")
theFileName = datadir + "GenTetra1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
aView = GetRenderView()
mesh = MeshOnEntity(aProxy, mesh_name ,entity_type)
if mesh is None:
msg = "ERROR!!!Presentation of mesh on '"+entity_name+"' family wasn't created..."
- raise RuntimeError, msg
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/J5")
theFileName = datadir + "GenTetra2.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
aView = GetRenderView()
mesh = MeshOnEntity(aProxy, mesh_name ,entity_type)
if mesh is None:
msg = "ERROR!!!Presentation of mesh on '"+entity_name+"' family wasn't created..."
- raise RuntimeError, msg
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/J6")
theFileName = datadir + "GeneralTetra.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
aView = GetRenderView()
mesh = MeshOnEntity(aProxy, mesh_name ,entity_type)
if mesh is None:
msg = "ERROR!!!Presentation of mesh on '"+entity_name+"' family wasn't created..."
- raise RuntimeError, msg
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/J7")
theFileName = datadir + "HalfstripOnly.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
aView = GetRenderView()
mesh = MeshOnEntity(aProxy, mesh_name ,entity_type)
if mesh is None:
msg = "ERROR!!!Presentation of mesh on '"+entity_name+"' family wasn't created..."
- raise RuntimeError, msg
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/J8")
theFileName = datadir + "HalfstripOnly2.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
aView = GetRenderView()
mesh = MeshOnEntity(aProxy, mesh_name ,entity_type)
if mesh is None:
msg = "ERROR!!!Presentation of mesh on '"+entity_name+"' family wasn't created..."
- raise RuntimeError, msg
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/J9")
theFileName = datadir + "LargeInconsistentTetra.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
aView = GetRenderView()
mesh = MeshOnEntity(aProxy, mesh_name ,entity_type)
if mesh is None:
msg = "ERROR!!!Presentation of mesh on '"+entity_name+"' family wasn't created..."
- raise RuntimeError, msg
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/K0")
theFileName = datadir + "LargeUnitTetra.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
aView = GetRenderView()
mesh = MeshOnEntity(aProxy, mesh_name ,entity_type)
if mesh is None:
msg = "ERROR!!!Presentation of mesh on '"+entity_name+"' family wasn't created..."
- raise RuntimeError, msg
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/K1")
theFileName = datadir + "MovedHexaBox1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
aView = GetRenderView()
mesh = MeshOnEntity(aProxy, mesh_name ,entity_type)
if mesh is None:
msg = "ERROR!!!Presentation of mesh on '"+entity_name+"' family wasn't created..."
- raise RuntimeError, msg
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/K2")
theFileName = datadir + "MovedHexaBox2.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
aView = GetRenderView()
mesh = MeshOnEntity(aProxy, mesh_name ,entity_type)
if mesh is None:
msg = "ERROR!!!Presentation of mesh on '"+entity_name+"' family wasn't created..."
- raise RuntimeError, msg
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/K3")
theFileName = datadir + "NudgedDividedUnitTetra.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
aView = GetRenderView()
mesh = MeshOnEntity(aProxy, mesh_name ,entity_type)
if mesh is None:
msg = "ERROR!!!Presentation of mesh on '"+entity_name+"' family wasn't created..."
- raise RuntimeError, msg
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/K4")
theFileName = datadir + "NudgedDividedUnitTetraSimpler.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
aView = GetRenderView()
mesh = MeshOnEntity(aProxy, mesh_name ,entity_type)
if mesh is None:
msg = "ERROR!!!Presentation of mesh on '"+entity_name+"' family wasn't created..."
- raise RuntimeError, msg
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/K5")
theFileName = datadir + "NudgedSimpler.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
aView = GetRenderView()
mesh = MeshOnEntity(aProxy, mesh_name ,entity_type)
if mesh is None:
msg = "ERROR!!!Presentation of mesh on '"+entity_name+"' family wasn't created..."
- raise RuntimeError, msg
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/K6")
theFileName = datadir + "NudgedTetra.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
aView = GetRenderView()
mesh = MeshOnEntity(aProxy, mesh_name ,entity_type)
if mesh is None:
msg = "ERROR!!!Presentation of mesh on '"+entity_name+"' family wasn't created..."
- raise RuntimeError, msg
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/K7")
theFileName = datadir + "SimpleHalfstripOnly.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
aView = GetRenderView()
mesh = MeshOnEntity(aProxy, mesh_name ,entity_type)
if mesh is None:
msg = "ERROR!!!Presentation of mesh on '"+entity_name+"' family wasn't created..."
- raise RuntimeError, msg
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/K8")
theFileName = datadir + "SimpleIncludedTetra.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
aView = GetRenderView()
mesh = MeshOnEntity(aProxy, mesh_name ,entity_type)
if mesh is None:
msg = "ERROR!!!Presentation of mesh on '"+entity_name+"' family wasn't created..."
- raise RuntimeError, msg
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/K9")
theFileName = datadir + "SimpleIncludingTetra.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
aView = GetRenderView()
mesh = MeshOnEntity(aProxy, mesh_name ,entity_type)
if mesh is None:
msg = "ERROR!!!Presentation of mesh on '"+entity_name+"' family wasn't created..."
- raise RuntimeError, msg
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/L0")
theFileName = datadir + "square2_split2.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
aView = GetRenderView()
mesh = MeshOnEntity(aProxy, mesh_name ,entity_type)
if mesh is None:
msg = "ERROR!!!Presentation of mesh on '"+entity_name+"' family wasn't created..."
- raise RuntimeError, msg
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("MeshPresentation/L1")
theFileName = datadir + "Bug829_resu_mode.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
aView = GetRenderView()
mesh = MeshOnEntity(aProxy, mesh_name ,entity_type)
if mesh is None:
msg = "ERROR!!!Presentation of mesh on '"+entity_name+"' family wasn't created..."
- raise RuntimeError, msg
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Plot3D/A0")
file = datadir + "fra.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.PLOT3D], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Plot3D/A1")
file = datadir + "hexa_28320_ELEM.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.PLOT3D], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Plot3D/A2")
file = datadir + "pointe.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.PLOT3D], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Plot3D/A3")
file = datadir + "Fields_group3D.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.PLOT3D], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Plot3D/A4")
file = datadir + "Hexa8.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.PLOT3D], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Plot3D/A5")
file = datadir + "Penta6.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.PLOT3D], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Plot3D/A6")
file = datadir + "clo.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.PLOT3D], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Plot3D/A7")
file = datadir + "Tetra4.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.PLOT3D], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Plot3D/A8")
file = datadir + "Tria3.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.PLOT3D], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Plot3D/A9")
file = datadir + "Quad4.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.PLOT3D], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Plot3D/B0")
file = datadir + "carre_en_quad4_seg2.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.PLOT3D], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Plot3D/B1")
file = datadir + "carre_en_quad4_seg2_fields.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.PLOT3D], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Plot3D/B2")
file = datadir + "cube_hexa8_quad4.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.PLOT3D], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Plot3D/E0")
file = datadir + "test_55_solid_concentr_dom.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.PLOT3D], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Plot3D/E1")
file = datadir + "H_COUPLEX1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.PLOT3D], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Plot3D/E2")
file = datadir + "cas2_2d_couplage_chess_castem.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.PLOT3D], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Plot3D/E3")
file = datadir + "hydro_d10.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.PLOT3D], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Plot3D/E4")
file = datadir + "champc.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.PLOT3D], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Plot3D/E5")
file = datadir + "hydro_sea_alv.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.PLOT3D], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Plot3D/E6")
file = datadir + "toto.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.PLOT3D], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Plot3D/E7")
file = datadir + "couplex_alain.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.PLOT3D], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Plot3D/E8")
file = datadir + "KCOUPLEX1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.PLOT3D], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Plot3D/E9")
file = datadir + "test_hydro.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.PLOT3D], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Plot3D/F1")
file = datadir + "ml.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.PLOT3D], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Plot3D/F2")
file = datadir + "T_COUPLEX1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.PLOT3D], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Plot3D/F3")
file = datadir + "test_hydro_darcy4_out.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.PLOT3D], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Plot3D/F4")
file = datadir + "UO2_250ans.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.PLOT3D], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Plot3D/F5")
file = datadir + "maill.1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.PLOT3D], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Plot3D/F6")
file = datadir + "maill.0.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.PLOT3D], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Plot3D/F8")
file = datadir + "homard_ASTER_OSF_MEDV2.1.5_1_v2.1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.PLOT3D], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Plot3D/F9")
file = datadir + "homard_ASTER_OSF_MEDV2.1.5_1_v2.2.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.PLOT3D], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Plot3D/G0")
file = datadir + "homard_ASTER_OSF_MEDV2.1.5_1_v2.3.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.PLOT3D], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Plot3D/G1")
file = datadir + "maill.2.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.PLOT3D], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Plot3D/G2")
theFileName = datadir + "Bug829_resu_mode.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
#print "Import %s..." % theFileName.split('/')[-1],
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
# Get viewScalarMap
aView = GetRenderView()
hide_all(aView, True)
aPrs = Plot3DOnField(aProxy, aFieldEntity,aFieldName , i)
if aPrs is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Presentation is None!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("Presentation is None!!!")
#display only current scalar map
#====================Stage1: Importing MED file====================
-print "**** Stage1: Importing MED file"
+print("**** Stage1: Importing MED file")
-print 'Import "ResOK_0000.med"...............',
+print('Import "ResOK_0000.med"...............', end=' ')
file_path = datadir + "ResOK_0000.med"
med_reader = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
if med_reader is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
cell_entity = EntityType.CELL
node_entity = EntityType.NODE
#====================Stage2: Displaying vector field===============
-print "**** Stage3: Displaying vector field"
+print("**** Stage3: Displaying vector field")
-print 'Get view...................',
+print('Get view...................', end=' ')
view = pvsimple.GetRenderView()
if view is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
-print "Creating Scalar Map.......",
+print("Creating Scalar Map.......", end=' ')
scalarmap = ScalarMapOnField(med_reader, node_entity, 'vitesse', 1)
if scalarmap is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
bar = get_bar()
bar.Orientation = 'Horizontal'
bar.AspectRatio = 3
display_only(scalarmap, view)
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
-print "Creating Stream Lines.....",
+print("Creating Stream Lines.....", end=' ')
streamlines = StreamLinesOnField(med_reader, node_entity, 'vitesse', 1)
if streamlines is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
display_only(streamlines, view)
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
-print "Creating Vectors..........",
+print("Creating Vectors..........", end=' ')
vectors = VectorsOnField(med_reader, node_entity, 'vitesse', 1)
if vectors is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
display_only(vectors, view)
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
-print "Creating Iso Surfaces.....",
+print("Creating Iso Surfaces.....", end=' ')
isosurfaces = IsoSurfacesOnField(med_reader, node_entity, 'vitesse', 1)
if isosurfaces is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
display_only(isosurfaces, view)
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
-print "Creating Cut Planes.......",
+print("Creating Cut Planes.......", end=' ')
cutplanes = CutPlanesOnField(med_reader, node_entity, 'vitesse', 1,
nb_planes=30, orientation=Orientation.YZ)
if cutplanes is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
display_only(cutplanes, view)
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
-print "Creating Scalar Map On Deformed Shape.......",
+print("Creating Scalar Map On Deformed Shape.......", end=' ')
scalarmapondefshape = DeformedShapeAndScalarMapOnField(med_reader,
'vitesse', 2,
if scalarmapondefshape is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
display_only(scalarmapondefshape, view)
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
#====================Stage3: Another Med file import====================
-print 'Import "Fields_group3D.med"...............',
+print('Import "Fields_group3D.med"...............', end=' ')
file_path = datadir + "Fields_group3D.med"
med_reader1 = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
if med_reader1 is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
#====================Stage4: Displaying scalar field====================
-print "**** Stage4: Displaying scalar field"
+print("**** Stage4: Displaying scalar field")
-print "Creating Scalar Map.......",
+print("Creating Scalar Map.......", end=' ')
scalarmap1 = ScalarMapOnField(med_reader1, cell_entity, 'scalar field', 1)
if scalarmap1 is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
display_only(scalarmap1, view)
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
-print "Creating Iso Surfaces.....",
+print("Creating Iso Surfaces.....", end=' ')
isosurfaces1 = IsoSurfacesOnField(med_reader1, cell_entity, 'scalar field', 1)
if isosurfaces1 is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
display_only(isosurfaces1, view)
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
-print "Creating Cut Planes.......",
+print("Creating Cut Planes.......", end=' ')
cutplanes1 = CutPlanesOnField(med_reader1, cell_entity, 'scalar field', 1,
if cutplanes1 is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
slice_filter = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
slice_filter.SliceType.Normal = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]
display_only(cutplanes1, view)
-print "Creating Scalar Map On Deformed Shape.......",
+print("Creating Scalar Map On Deformed Shape.......", end=' ')
scalarmapondefshape1 = DeformedShapeAndScalarMapOnField(med_reader1,
'vectoriel field', 1)
if scalarmapondefshape1 is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
display_only(scalarmapondefshape1, view)
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
#====================Stage5: Object browser popup====================
-print "**** Stage5: Object browser popup"
+print("**** Stage5: Object browser popup")
-print "Creating mesh.............",
+print("Creating mesh.............", end=' ')
mesh_name = 'mailles_MED'
mesh = MeshOnEntity(med_reader1, mesh_name, cell_entity)
if mesh is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
display_only(mesh, view)
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
-print "Changing type of presentation of mesh:"
+print("Changing type of presentation of mesh:")
mesh.Representation = 'Wireframe'
prs_type = mesh.Representation
-print "Presentation type..", prs_type
+print("Presentation type..", prs_type)
mesh.Representation = 'Points'
prs_type = mesh.Representation
-print "Presentation type..", prs_type
+print("Presentation type..", prs_type)
mesh.Representation = 'Surface'
prs_type = mesh.Representation
-print "Presentation type..", prs_type
+print("Presentation type..", prs_type)
shrink = pvsimple.Shrink(med_reader1)
mesh_shrinked = pvsimple.GetRepresentation(shrink)
display_only(mesh_shrinked, view)
-print "Changing color of mesh....",
+print("Changing color of mesh....", end=' ')
color = [0, 0, 1]
mesh.DiffuseColor = color
display_only(mesh, view)
-print "OK"
from presentations import *
import pvsimple
-print 'Importing "TimeStamps.med"...............',
+print('Importing "TimeStamps.med"...............', end=' ')
file_path = datadir + "TimeStamps.med"
med_reader = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
if med_reader is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
-print "Creating Cut Lines........................",
+print("Creating Cut Lines........................", end=' ')
med_field = "vitesse"
cutlines = CutLinesOnField(med_reader, EntityType.NODE, med_field, 1,
if cutlines is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
-print "Getting a viewer.........................",
+print("Getting a viewer.........................", end=' ')
view = pvsimple.GetRenderView()
if view is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
cutlines.Visibility = 1
-print "Creating an Animation.....................",
+print("Creating an Animation.....................", end=' ')
scalarmap = ScalarMapOnField(med_reader, EntityType.NODE, med_field, 2)
scene = pvsimple.AnimateReader(med_reader, view)
if scene is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
# Create scalar map
scalarmap = ScalarMapOnField(med_reader, entity, field_name, timestamp)
-print "ScalarMapOnField(...)"
# Set view properties
-print "view.CameraFocalPoint = [0, 0, 0]"
+print("view.CameraFocalPoint = [0, 0, 0]")
view.CameraFocalPoint = [0, 0, 0]
-print "view.CameraParallelScale = 2"
+print("view.CameraParallelScale = 2")
view.CameraParallelScale = 2
-print "pvsimple.ResetCamera(view)"
# Play with scalar bar
nb_colors = lt.NumberOfTableValues
nb_colors = 64
lt.Discretize = 1
-for i in xrange(2, nb_colors):
+for i in range(2, nb_colors):
lt.NumberOfTableValues = nb_colors
x = range_min + delta * i / nb_colors
y = range_max - delta * i / nb_colors
lt.RGBPoints[0] = range_min
lt.RGBPoints[4] = range_max
-print "pvsimple.ResetCamera(view)"
# Destroy the view
-print "Destroy the view with Scalar Map"
+print("Destroy the view with Scalar Map")
cutplanes = CutPlanesOnField(med_reader, entity, field_name, timestamp,
-print "CutPlanesOnField(...)"
display_only(cutplanes, view)
-print "display_only(cutplanes, view)"
+print("display_only(cutplanes, view)")
cam_pos = view.CameraPosition
cam_pos[0] = cam_pos[0] + 10
-print "Set view.CameraPosition"
+print("Set view.CameraPosition")
cutplanes.Scale[0] = 3
cutplanes.Scale[1] = 10
nb_planes = len(offset_vals)
nb_planes = 30
bounds = get_bounds(med_reader)
-for i in xrange(nb_planes, 1, -1):
+for i in range(nb_planes, 1, -1):
x = math.pi / 2.0 * (nb_planes - i) / nb_planes
y = math.pi / 2.0 * (nb_planes - i) / nb_planes
normal = get_normal_by_orientation(orient, x, y)
nb_planes = 10
normal = [0, 1, 0]
slice_filter.SliceType.Normal = normal
-for i in xrange(1, nb_planes):
+for i in range(1, nb_planes):
pos = get_positions(i, normal, bounds, displacement)
slice_filter.SliceOffsetValues = pos
slice_filter.SliceType.Normal = [0, 0, 1]
-print "pvsimple.ResetCamera(view)"
# Destroy the view
-print "Destroy the view with Cut Planes"
+print("Destroy the view with Cut Planes")
isosurf = IsoSurfacesOnField(med_reader, entity, field_name, timestamp)
-print "IsoSurfacesOnField(...)"
display_only(isosurf, view)
-print "display_only(isosurf, view)"
+print("display_only(isosurf, view)")
contour = isosurf.Input
nb_surfaces = len(contour.Isosurfaces)
nb_surfaces = 32
scalar_range = get_data_range(med_reader, entity, field_name, cut_off=True)
-for i in xrange(2, nb_surfaces):
+for i in range(2, nb_surfaces):
contours = get_contours(scalar_range, i)
contour.Isosurfaces = contours
contour.Isosurfaces = get_contours(scalar_range, 10)
-print "pvsimple.ResetCamera(view)"
# Destroy the view
-print "Destroy the view with Iso Surfaces"
+print("Destroy the view with Iso Surfaces")
-print "CutLinesOnField(...)"
display_only(cutlines, view)
-print "display_only(cutlines, view)"
+print("display_only(cutlines, view)")
xy_view = pvsimple.CreateXYPlotView()
-print "pvsimple.CreateXYPlotView()"
index = 0
for curve in curves:
xyrep = pvsimple.Show(curve, xy_view)
med_reader = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
isosurf = IsoSurfacesOnField(med_reader, entity, field_name, timestamp)
-print "IsoSurfacesOnField(...)"
-print "Start Animation"
+print("Start Animation")
pvsimple.AnimateReader(med_reader, view)
delay = 1
def after_set(error_string, prop_name, old_value, new_value):
- print prop_name, ": old_value = ", old_value, "new_value = ", new_value
+ print(prop_name, ": old_value = ", old_value, "new_value = ", new_value)
if error_string == "":
- print prop_name, " error = ", error_string
+ print(prop_name, " error = ", error_string)
def change_representation(prs, repres, opacity, linew):
if prs is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
display_only(prs, view)
after_set(err_str, "LineWidth", old_linew, linew)
- print ""
+ print("")
# ResOK_0000.med
-print 'Import "ResOK_0000.med"...............',
+print('Import "ResOK_0000.med"...............', end=' ')
file_path = datadir + "ResOK_0000.med"
field_name = 'vitesse'
node_entity = EntityType.NODE
med_reader = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
if med_reader is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
-print "Creating Scalar Map.......",
+print("Creating Scalar Map.......", end=' ')
scmap = ScalarMapOnField(med_reader, node_entity, field_name, 1)
change_representation(scmap, 'Surface With Edges', 0.3, 5)
-print "Creating Stream Lines.......",
+print("Creating Stream Lines.......", end=' ')
slines = StreamLinesOnField(med_reader, node_entity, field_name, 1)
change_representation(slines, 'Wireframe', 0.5, 3)
-print "Creating Vectors..........",
+print("Creating Vectors..........", end=' ')
vec = VectorsOnField(med_reader, node_entity, field_name, 1)
change_representation(vec, 'Wireframe', 0.7, 2)
-print "Creating Iso Surfaces.....",
+print("Creating Iso Surfaces.....", end=' ')
iso = IsoSurfacesOnField(med_reader, node_entity, field_name, 1)
change_representation(iso, 'Surface', 0.4, 8)
-print "Creating Cut Planes.......",
+print("Creating Cut Planes.......", end=' ')
clines = CutPlanesOnField(med_reader, node_entity, field_name, 1)
change_representation(clines, 'Points', 0.6, 4)
# fra.med
-print 'Import "fra.med"...............',
+print('Import "fra.med"...............', end=' ')
file_path = datadir + "fra.med"
field_name = 'VITESSE'
med_reader = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
if med_reader is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
-print "Creating Scalar Map.......",
+print("Creating Scalar Map.......", end=' ')
scmap = ScalarMapOnField(med_reader, node_entity, field_name, 1)
change_representation(scmap, 'Wireframe', 0.5, 3)
-print "Creating Iso Surfaces.....",
+print("Creating Iso Surfaces.....", end=' ')
iso = IsoSurfacesOnField(med_reader, node_entity, field_name, 1)
change_representation(iso, 'Wireframe', 0.5, 3)
-print "Creating Cut Planes.......",
+print("Creating Cut Planes.......", end=' ')
cplanes = CutPlanesOnField(med_reader, node_entity, field_name, 1)
change_representation(cplanes, 'Surface', 0.5, 3)
-print "Creating Scalar Map On Deformed Shape.......",
+print("Creating Scalar Map On Deformed Shape.......", end=' ')
defmap = DeformedShapeAndScalarMapOnField(med_reader, node_entity,
field_name, 1)
change_representation(defmap, 'Surface', 0.5, 3)
-print "Creating Deformed Shape.......",
+print("Creating Deformed Shape.......", end=' ')
defshape = DeformedShapeOnField(med_reader, node_entity, field_name, 1)
defshape.ColorArrayName = field_name
change_representation(defshape, 'Wireframe', 0.5, 3)
-print "Creating Cut Lines.......",
+print("Creating Cut Lines.......", end=' ')
clines = CutLinesOnField(med_reader, node_entity, field_name, 1)
change_representation(clines, 'Wireframe', 0.5, 3)
-print "Creating Plot 3D.......",
+print("Creating Plot 3D.......", end=' ')
plot3d = Plot3DOnField(med_reader, node_entity, field_name, 1)
change_representation(plot3d, 'Surface', 0.5, 3)
change_representation(plot3d, 'Outline', 0.8, 2)
# Set view properties
-print "view.CameraFocalPoint = [0, 0, 0]"
+print("view.CameraFocalPoint = [0, 0, 0]")
view.CameraFocalPoint = [0, 0, 0]
-print "view.CameraParallelScale = 2"
+print("view.CameraParallelScale = 2")
view.CameraParallelScale = 2
-print "pvs.ResetCamera(view)"
# Play with scalar bar
nb_colors = lt.NumberOfTableValues
nb_colors = 64
lt.Discretize = 1
-for i in xrange(2, nb_colors):
+for i in range(2, nb_colors):
lt.NumberOfTableValues = nb_colors
x = range_min + delta * i / nb_colors
y = range_max - delta * i / nb_colors
lt.RGBPoints[0] = range_min
lt.RGBPoints[4] = range_max
-print "pvs.ResetCamera(view)"
# Create another view for cut planes
cutplanes = CutPlanesOnField(med_reader, entity, field_name, timestamp,
-print "CutPlanesOnField(...)"
display_only(cutplanes, view)
-print "display_only(cutplanes, view)"
+print("display_only(cutplanes, view)")
cam_pos = view.CameraPosition
cam_pos[0] = cam_pos[0] + 10
-print "Set view.CameraPosition"
+print("Set view.CameraPosition")
cutplanes.Scale[0] = 3
cutplanes.Scale[1] = 10
nb_planes = len(offset_vals)
nb_planes = 30
bounds = get_bounds(med_reader)
-for i in xrange(nb_planes, 1, -1):
+for i in range(nb_planes, 1, -1):
x = math.pi / 2.0 * (nb_planes - i) / nb_planes
y = math.pi / 2.0 * (nb_planes - i) / nb_planes
normal = get_normal_by_orientation(orient, x, y)
nb_planes = 10
normal = [0, 1, 0]
slice_filter.SliceType.Normal = normal
-for i in xrange(1, nb_planes):
+for i in range(1, nb_planes):
pos = get_positions(i, normal, bounds, displacement)
slice_filter.SliceOffsetValues = pos
slice_filter.SliceType.Normal = [0, 0, 1]
-print "pvs.ResetCamera(view)"
# Create one more view for iso surfaces
isosurf = IsoSurfacesOnField(med_reader, entity, field_name, timestamp)
display_only(isosurf, view)
-print "display_only(isosurf, view)"
+print("display_only(isosurf, view)")
contour = isosurf.Input
nb_surfaces = len(contour.Isosurfaces)
nb_surfaces = 32
scalar_range = get_data_range(med_reader, entity, field_name, cut_off=True)
-for i in xrange(2, nb_surfaces):
+for i in range(2, nb_surfaces):
contours = get_contours(scalar_range, i)
contour.Isosurfaces = contours
contour.Isosurfaces = get_contours(scalar_range, 10)
-print "pvs.ResetCamera(view)"
# Create one more view for cut lines
-print "CutLinesOnField(...)"
display_only(cutlines, view)
-print "display_only(cutlines, view)"
+print("display_only(cutlines, view)")
xy_view = pvs.CreateXYPlotView()
-print "pvs.CreateXYPlotView()"
index = 0
for curve in curves:
xyrep = pvs.Show(curve, xy_view)
point2 = [0.0, 1.0, 2.5]
cutsegment = CutSegmentOnField(med_reader, entity, field_name, timestamp,
point1, point2)
-print "CutSegmentOnField(...)"
display_only(cutsegment, view)
-print "display_only(cutsegment, view)"
+print("display_only(cutsegment, view)")
xy_view = pvs.CreateXYPlotView()
isosurf = IsoSurfacesOnField(med_reader, entity, field_name, timestamp)
-print "Start Animation"
+print("Start Animation")
pvs.AnimateReader(med_reader, view)
# Create scalar map
scalarmap = ScalarMapOnField(med_reader, entity, field_name, timestamp)
-print "ScalarMapOnField(...)"
# Set view properties
-print "view.CameraFocalPoint = [0, 0, 0]"
+print("view.CameraFocalPoint = [0, 0, 0]")
view.CameraFocalPoint = [0, 0, 0]
-print "view.CameraParallelScale = 2"
+print("view.CameraParallelScale = 2")
view.CameraParallelScale = 2
-print "pvsimple.ResetCamera(view)"
# Play with scalar bar
nb_colors = lt.NumberOfTableValues
nb_colors = 64
lt.Discretize = 1
-for i in xrange(2, nb_colors):
+for i in range(2, nb_colors):
lt.NumberOfTableValues = nb_colors
x = range_min + delta * i / nb_colors
y = range_max - delta * i / nb_colors
lt.RGBPoints[0] = range_min
lt.RGBPoints[4] = range_max
-print "pvsimple.ResetCamera(view)"
# Destroy the view
-print "Destroy the view with Scalar Map"
+print("Destroy the view with Scalar Map")
cutplanes = CutPlanesOnField(med_reader, entity, field_name, timestamp,
-print "CutPlanesOnField(...)"
display_only(cutplanes, view)
-print "display_only(cutplanes, view)"
+print("display_only(cutplanes, view)")
cam_pos = view.CameraPosition
cam_pos[0] = cam_pos[0] + 10
-print "Set view.CameraPosition"
+print("Set view.CameraPosition")
cutplanes.Scale[0] = 3
cutplanes.Scale[1] = 10
nb_planes = len(offset_vals)
nb_planes = 30
bounds = get_bounds(med_reader)
-for i in xrange(nb_planes, 1, -1):
+for i in range(nb_planes, 1, -1):
x = math.pi / 2.0 * (nb_planes - i) / nb_planes
y = math.pi / 2.0 * (nb_planes - i) / nb_planes
normal = get_normal_by_orientation(orient, x, y)
nb_planes = 10
normal = [0, 1, 0]
slice_filter.SliceType.Normal = normal
-for i in xrange(1, nb_planes):
+for i in range(1, nb_planes):
pos = get_positions(i, normal, bounds, displacement)
slice_filter.SliceOffsetValues = pos
slice_filter.SliceType.Normal = [0, 0, 1]
-print "pvsimple.ResetCamera(view)"
# Destroy the view
-print "Destroy the view with Cut Planes"
+print("Destroy the view with Cut Planes")
isosurf = IsoSurfacesOnField(med_reader, entity, field_name, timestamp)
-print "IsoSurfacesOnField(...)"
display_only(isosurf, view)
-print "display_only(isosurf, view)"
+print("display_only(isosurf, view)")
contour = isosurf.Input
nb_surfaces = len(contour.Isosurfaces)
nb_surfaces = 32
scalar_range = get_data_range(med_reader, entity, field_name, cut_off=True)
-for i in xrange(2, nb_surfaces):
+for i in range(2, nb_surfaces):
contours = get_contours(scalar_range, i)
contour.Isosurfaces = contours
contour.Isosurfaces = get_contours(scalar_range, 10)
-print "pvsimple.ResetCamera(view)"
# Destroy the view
-print "Destroy the view with Iso Surfaces"
+print("Destroy the view with Iso Surfaces")
-print "CutLinesOnField(...)"
display_only(cutlines, view)
-print "display_only(cutlines, view)"
+print("display_only(cutlines, view)")
xy_view = pvsimple.CreateXYPlotView()
-print "pvsimple.CreateXYPlotView()"
index = 0
for curve in curves:
xyrep = pvsimple.Show(curve, xy_view)
cutsegment = CutSegmentOnField(med_reader, entity, field_name, timestamp,
point1, point2)
-print "CutSegmentOnField(...)"
display_only(cutsegment, view)
-print "display_only(cutsegment, view)"
+print("display_only(cutsegment, view)")
xy_view = pvsimple.CreateXYPlotView()
med_reader = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
isosurf = IsoSurfacesOnField(med_reader, entity, field_name, timestamp)
-print "IsoSurfacesOnField(...)"
-print "Start Animation"
+print("Start Animation")
pvsimple.AnimateReader(med_reader, view)
med_reader = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
if med_reader is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "MED file was not imported successfully."
+ raise RuntimeError("MED file was not imported successfully.")
# Create presentations
mesh = MeshOnEntity(med_reader, mesh_name, entity)
- print "We have no permission to rewrite medFile"
+ print("We have no permission to rewrite medFile")
- print "We have no permission to read medFile, it will not be opened";
+ print("We have no permission to read medFile, it will not be opened");
- print sys.exc_type
- print sys.exc_value
- print sys.exc_traceback
+ print(sys.exc_info()[0])
+ print(sys.exc_info()[1])
+ print(sys.exc_info()[2])
# Step 1
-print 'Importing "pointe.med"...............',
+print('Importing "pointe.med"...............', end=' ')
file_path = datadir + "pointe.med"
med_reader = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
if med_reader is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
field_name = "fieldnodedouble"
entity = EntityType.NODE
# Step 2
view1 = pvsimple.GetRenderView()
-print "view1 = pvsimple.GetRenderView()"
+print("view1 = pvsimple.GetRenderView()")
-print "delete_pv_object(view1)"
# Step 3
view2 = pvsimple.CreateRenderView()
-print "view2 = pvsimple.CreateRenderView()"
+print("view2 = pvsimple.CreateRenderView()")
color = [0.0, 0.3, 1.0]
view2.Background = color
-print "view2.Background =", str(color)
+print("view2.Background =", str(color))
scalarmap = ScalarMapOnField(med_reader, entity, field_name, timestamp)
-print "ScalarMapOnField(...)"
scalarmap.Visibility = 1
view2.CameraFocalPoint = [0, 0, 0]
-print "view2.CameraFocalPoint = [0, 0, 0]"
+print("view2.CameraFocalPoint = [0, 0, 0]")
view2.CameraParallelScale = 2
-print "view2.CameraParallelScale = 2"
+print("view2.CameraParallelScale = 2")
-print "view2.ResetCamera()"
# Step 4
view3 = pvsimple.CreateRenderView()
-print "view3 = pvsimple.CreateRenderView()"
+print("view3 = pvsimple.CreateRenderView()")
color = [0.0, 0.7, 0.0]
view3.Background = color
-print "view3.Background = ", str(color)
+print("view3.Background = ", str(color))
cutplanes = CutPlanesOnField(med_reader, entity, field_name, timestamp,
-print "CutPlanesOnField(...)"
display_only(cutplanes, view3)
-print "display_only(cutplanes, view3)"
+print("display_only(cutplanes, view3)")
point = view3.CameraFocalPoint
point[0] = point[0] + 10
view3.CameraFocalPoint = point
-print "view3.CameraFocalPoint = ", str(point)
+print("view3.CameraFocalPoint = ", str(point))
-print "view3.ResetCamera()"
-print "pvsimple.Render(view3)"
# Step 5
view4 = pvsimple.CreateRenderView()
-print "view4 = pvsimple.CreateRenderView()"
+print("view4 = pvsimple.CreateRenderView()")
color = [1.0, 0.7, 0.0]
view4.Background = color
-print "view5.Background = ", str(color)
+print("view5.Background = ", str(color))
isosurfaces = IsoSurfacesOnField(med_reader, entity, field_name, timestamp)
-print "isosurfaces = IsoSurfacesOnField(...)"
+print("isosurfaces = IsoSurfacesOnField(...)")
display_only(isosurfaces, view4)
-print "display_only(isosurfaces, view4)"
+print("display_only(isosurfaces, view4)")
-print "view4.ResetCamera()"
-print "pvsimple.Render(view4)"
# Step 6
view5 = pvsimple.CreateRenderView()
-print "view5 = pvsimple.CreateRenderView()"
+print("view5 = pvsimple.CreateRenderView()")
color = [0.7, 0.7, 0.7]
view5.Background = color
-print "view5.Background =", str(color)
+print("view5.Background =", str(color))
cutlines = CutLinesOnField(med_reader, entity, field_name, timestamp,
-print "cutlines = CutLinesOnField(...)"
+print("cutlines = CutLinesOnField(...)")
display_only(cutlines, view5)
-print "display_only(cutlines, view5)"
+print("display_only(cutlines, view5)")
-print "pvsimple.ResetCamera(view5)"
sinus_csv.FieldDelimiterCharacters = ' '
view6 = pvsimple.CreateXYPlotView()
-print "view6 = pvsimple.CreateXYPlotView()"
+print("view6 = pvsimple.CreateXYPlotView()")
xy_rep = pvsimple.Show(sinus_csv)
xy_rep.AttributeType = 'Row Data'
file_path = tablesdir + "tables_test.xls"
table_reader = pvsimple.CSVReader(FileName=file_path)
if table_reader is None:
- print "FAILED to import tables from tables_test.xls file."
+ print("FAILED to import tables from tables_test.xls file.")
# 2. Create curves viewer
cur_view = pvsimple.GetRenderView()
import pvsimple
# Import table from file
-print 'Import file with tables....',
+print('Import file with tables....', end=' ')
file_path = tablesdir + "table_test.xls"
table_reader = pvsimple.TableReader(FileName=file_path)
if table_reader is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
# Get default settings of the reader
available_tables = table_reader.GetPropertyValue("AvailableTables")
delimiter = table_reader.ValueDelimiter
table_nb = table_reader.TableNumber
-print "Default reader settings:"
-print "Available tables: ", available_tables
-print "Detect Numeric Columns: ", is_detect_num
-print "Interpret First String As Column Titles: ", first_str_as_title
-print "Value Delimiter: '%s'" % delimiter
-print "Table Number: ", table_nb
+print("Default reader settings:")
+print("Available tables: ", available_tables)
+print("Detect Numeric Columns: ", is_detect_num)
+print("Interpret First String As Column Titles: ", first_str_as_title)
+print("Value Delimiter: '%s'" % delimiter)
+print("Table Number: ", table_nb)
# Create 3D representation of the table with the
# in Post-Pro this representation is known as "Pointmap3d"
table_to_3d = pvsimple.TableTo3D(table_reader)
-print 'Create "Table To 3D" filter....',
+print('Create "Table To 3D" filter....', end=' ')
if table_to_3d is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
-print "Default 'Table To 3D' filter settings:"
-print "Scale Factor: ", table_to_3d.ScaleFactor
-print "Use Optimus Scale: ", table_to_3d.UseOptimusScale
-print "Presentation Type: ", table_to_3d.PresentationType
-print "Number Of Contours: ", table_to_3d.NumberOfContours
+print("Default 'Table To 3D' filter settings:")
+print("Scale Factor: ", table_to_3d.ScaleFactor)
+print("Use Optimus Scale: ", table_to_3d.UseOptimusScale)
+print("Presentation Type: ", table_to_3d.PresentationType)
+print("Number Of Contours: ", table_to_3d.NumberOfContours)
# Show table 3D representation
# Get 3D view
-print 'Get 3D view...................',
+print('Get 3D view...................', end=' ')
view = pvsimple.GetRenderView()
if view is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
pointmap3d = pvsimple.GetRepresentation(table_to_3d)
table_name = available_tables
-if type(available_tables) == list:
+if isinstance(available_tables, list):
table_name = available_tables[table_nb]
vector_mode = 'Magnitude'
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap/A0")
file = datadir + "fra.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.SCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap/A1")
file = datadir + "hexa_28320_ELEM.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.SCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap/A2")
file = datadir + "pointe.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.SCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap/A3")
file = datadir + "Fields_group3D.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.SCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap/A4")
file = datadir + "Hexa8.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.SCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap/A5")
file = datadir + "Penta6.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.SCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap/A6")
file = datadir + "clo.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.SCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap/A7")
file = datadir + "Tetra4.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.SCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap/A8")
file = datadir + "Tria3.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.SCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap/A9")
file = datadir + "Quad4.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.SCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap/B0")
file = datadir + "carre_en_quad4_seg2.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.SCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap/B1")
file = datadir + "carre_en_quad4_seg2_fields.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.SCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap/B2")
file = datadir + "cube_hexa8_quad4.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.SCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
# 1. Import MED file
-print 'Importing "fra.med"...',
+print('Importing "fra.med"...', end=' ')
file_path = datadir + "fra.med"
med_reader = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
if med_reader is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
# 2. Create ScalarMap
field_name = 'TAUX_DE_VIDE'
scalarmap = presentations.ScalarMapOnField(med_reader, entity, field_name, 1)
if scalarmap is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
# 3. Scalar mode
lookup_table = scalarmap.LookupTable
-print "Vector mode .....", lookup_table.VectorMode
-print "Vector component .....", lookup_table.VectorComponent
+print("Vector mode .....", lookup_table.VectorMode)
+print("Vector component .....", lookup_table.VectorComponent)
lookup_table.VectorMode = 'Component'
lookup_table.VectorComponent = 0
scalarmap.LookupTable = lookup_table
-print "Vector mode .....", scalarmap.LookupTable.VectorMode
-print "Vector component .....", scalarmap.LookupTable.VectorComponent
+print("Vector mode .....", scalarmap.LookupTable.VectorMode)
+print("Vector component .....", scalarmap.LookupTable.VectorComponent)
# 4. Scaling mode
scalarmap.LookupTable.UseLogScale = 1
-print "Use logarithmic scaling ....", scalarmap.LookupTable.UseLogScale
+print("Use logarithmic scaling ....", scalarmap.LookupTable.UseLogScale)
scalarmap.LookupTable.UseLogScale = 0
-print "Use logarithmic scaling ....", scalarmap.LookupTable.UseLogScale
+print("Use logarithmic scaling ....", scalarmap.LookupTable.UseLogScale)
# 5. Scalar range
-print "Set scalar range min=12 < max=120 ...",
+print("Set scalar range min=12 < max=120 ...", end=' ')
rmin = 12
rmax = 120
scalarmap.LookupTable.RGBPoints[0] = rmin
scalarmap.LookupTable.RGBPoints[4] = rmax
-print "min = ", scalarmap.LookupTable.RGBPoints[0]," : max = ",scalarmap.LookupTable.RGBPoints[4]
+print("min = ", scalarmap.LookupTable.RGBPoints[0]," : max = ",scalarmap.LookupTable.RGBPoints[4])
-print "Set scalar range min=max=12 ...",
+print("Set scalar range min=max=12 ...", end=' ')
rmin = 120
rmax = rmin
scalarmap.LookupTable.RGBPoints[0] = rmin
scalarmap.LookupTable.RGBPoints[4] = rmax
-print "min = ", scalarmap.LookupTable.RGBPoints[0]," : max = ",scalarmap.LookupTable.RGBPoints[4]
+print("min = ", scalarmap.LookupTable.RGBPoints[0]," : max = ",scalarmap.LookupTable.RGBPoints[4])
-print "Set scalar range min=120 > max=15 ...",
+print("Set scalar range min=120 > max=15 ...", end=' ')
rmin = 120
rmax = 15
scalarmap.LookupTable.RGBPoints[0] = rmin
scalarmap.LookupTable.RGBPoints[4] = rmax
-print "min = ", scalarmap.LookupTable.RGBPoints[0]," : max = ",scalarmap.LookupTable.RGBPoints[4]
+print("min = ", scalarmap.LookupTable.RGBPoints[0]," : max = ",scalarmap.LookupTable.RGBPoints[4])
# 6. Bar orientation
bar = presentations.get_bar()
-print "Set bar orientation = 'Horizontal'"
+print("Set bar orientation = 'Horizontal'")
bar.Orientation = 'Horizontal'
-print "Bar orientation ....", bar.Orientation
+print("Bar orientation ....", bar.Orientation)
-print "Set bar orientation = 'Vertical'"
+print("Set bar orientation = 'Vertical'")
bar.Orientation = 'Vertical'
-print "Bar orientation ....", bar.Orientation
+print("Bar orientation ....", bar.Orientation)
# 7. Position of scalar bar
-print "Default position ....", bar.Position
+print("Default position ....", bar.Position)
-print "Set left down corner position"
+print("Set left down corner position")
bar.Position = [0, 0]
-print "Position =", bar.Position
+print("Position =", bar.Position)
-print "Set position outside of the screen"
+print("Set position outside of the screen")
bar.Position = [-1, -1]
-print "Position =", bar.Position
+print("Position =", bar.Position)
# 8. Size of scalar bar
-print "Default Height=", bar.Position2[1]," : Width=", bar.Position2[0]
+print("Default Height=", bar.Position2[1]," : Width=", bar.Position2[0])
-print "Set positive Height and Width"
+print("Set positive Height and Width")
h = 0.4
w = 0.2
bar.Position2 = [w, h]
-print "Size =", bar.Position2
+print("Size =", bar.Position2)
-print "Set negative Height and Width"
+print("Set negative Height and Width")
h = -0.4
w = -0.2
bar.Position2 = [w, h]
-print "Size =", bar.Position2
+print("Size =", bar.Position2)
# 9. Number of colors
-print "Default number of colors = ", scalarmap.LookupTable.NumberOfTableValues
+print("Default number of colors = ", scalarmap.LookupTable.NumberOfTableValues)
scalarmap.LookupTable.Discretize = 1
#scalarmap.LookupTable.NumberOfTableValues = nb_colors
#print "Number of colors =", scalarmap.LookupTable.NumberOfTableValues
-print "Set zero number of colors"
+print("Set zero number of colors")
nb_colors = 0
scalarmap.LookupTable.NumberOfTableValues = nb_colors
-print "Number of colors =", scalarmap.LookupTable.NumberOfTableValues
+print("Number of colors =", scalarmap.LookupTable.NumberOfTableValues)
-print "Set positive number of colors"
+print("Set positive number of colors")
nb_colors = 256
scalarmap.LookupTable.NumberOfTableValues = nb_colors
-print "Number of colors =", scalarmap.LookupTable.NumberOfTableValues
+print("Number of colors =", scalarmap.LookupTable.NumberOfTableValues)
# 10. Number of labels
-print "Default number of labels = ", bar.NumberOfLabels
+print("Default number of labels = ", bar.NumberOfLabels)
-print "Set negative number of labels"
+print("Set negative number of labels")
nb_labels = -10
bar.NumberOfLabels = nb_labels
-print "Number of labels=", bar.NumberOfLabels
+print("Number of labels=", bar.NumberOfLabels)
-print "Set zero number of labels"
+print("Set zero number of labels")
nb_labels = 0
bar.NumberOfLabels = nb_labels
-print "Number of labels=", bar.NumberOfLabels
+print("Number of labels=", bar.NumberOfLabels)
-print "Set positive number of labels"
+print("Set positive number of labels")
nb_labels = 10
bar.NumberOfLabels = nb_labels
-print "Number of labels=", bar.NumberOfLabels
+print("Number of labels=", bar.NumberOfLabels)
# 11. Scalar bar title
-print 'Default Title ="', bar.Title, '"'
+print('Default Title ="', bar.Title, '"')
-print "Set not null title"
+print("Set not null title")
title = "Scalar Bar Title"
bar.Title = title
-print ' Title ="', bar.Title, '"'
+print(' Title ="', bar.Title, '"')
-print "Set title from spaces"
+print("Set title from spaces")
title=' '
bar.Title = title
-print ' Title ="', bar.Title, '"'
+print(' Title ="', bar.Title, '"')
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap/E0")
file = datadir + "test_55_solid_concentr_dom.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.SCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap/E1")
file = datadir + "H_COUPLEX1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.SCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap/E2")
file = datadir + "cas2_2d_couplage_chess_castem.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.SCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap/E3")
file = datadir + "hydro_d10.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.SCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap/E4")
file = datadir + "champc.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.SCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap/E5")
file = datadir + "hydro_sea_alv.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.SCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap/E6")
file = datadir + "toto.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.SCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap/E7")
file = datadir + "couplex_alain.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.SCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap/E8")
file = datadir + "KCOUPLEX1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.SCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap/E9")
file = datadir + "test_hydro.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.SCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap/F1")
file = datadir + "ml.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.SCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap/F2")
file = datadir + "T_COUPLEX1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.SCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap/F3")
file = datadir + "test_hydro_darcy4_out.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.SCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap/F4")
file = datadir + "UO2_250ans.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.SCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap/F5")
file = datadir + "maill.1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.SCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap/F6")
file = datadir + "maill.0.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.SCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap/F8")
file = datadir + "homard_ASTER_OSF_MEDV2.1.5_1_v2.1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.SCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap/F9")
file = datadir + "homard_ASTER_OSF_MEDV2.1.5_1_v2.2.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.SCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap/G0")
file = datadir + "homard_ASTER_OSF_MEDV2.1.5_1_v2.3.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.SCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap/G1")
file = datadir + "maill.2.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.SCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap/G2")
theFileName = datadir + "Bug829_resu_mode.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
"""Build presentations of the given types for all fields of the given file."""
#print "Import %s..." % theFileName.split('/')[-1],
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
proxy = GetActiveSource()
if proxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
# Get view
aView = GetRenderView()
hide_all(aView, True)
aPrs = ScalarMapOnField(proxy, aFieldEntity,aFieldName , i)
if aPrs is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Presentation is None!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("Presentation is None!!!")
#display only current scalar map
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap_On_DeformedShape/A0")
file = datadir + "fra.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPESCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap_On_DeformedShape/A1")
file = datadir + "hexa_28320_ELEM.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPESCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap_On_DeformedShape/A2")
file = datadir + "pointe.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPESCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap_On_DeformedShape/A3")
file = datadir + "Fields_group3D.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPESCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap_On_DeformedShape/A4")
file = datadir + "Hexa8.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPESCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap_On_DeformedShape/A5")
file = datadir + "Penta6.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPESCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap_On_DeformedShape/A6")
file = datadir + "clo.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPESCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap_On_DeformedShape/A7")
file = datadir + "Tetra4.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPESCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap_On_DeformedShape/A8")
file = datadir + "Tria3.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPESCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap_On_DeformedShape/A9")
file = datadir + "Quad4.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPESCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap_On_DeformedShape/B0")
file = datadir + "carre_en_quad4_seg2.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPESCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap_On_DeformedShape/B1")
file = datadir + "carre_en_quad4_seg2_fields.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPESCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap_On_DeformedShape/B2")
file = datadir + "cube_hexa8_quad4.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPESCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
import pvsimple
#====================Stage1: Import MED file=========================
-print 'Importing "fra.med"...................',
+print('Importing "fra.med"...................', end=' ')
medFile = datadir + "fra.med"
med_reader = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
if med_reader is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
view = pvsimple.GetRenderView()
node_entity = EntityType.NODE
timestamp = 1
-print "Creating Scalar Map On Deformed Shape...................",
+print("Creating Scalar Map On Deformed Shape...................", end=' ')
smondefshape1 = DeformedShapeAndScalarMapOnField(med_reader, node_entity,
field_name, 1)
if smondefshape1 is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
display_only(smondefshape1, view)
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
#=============Stage3: Create with 'Y' vector mode========================
field_name, 1,
-print "Creating Scalar Map On Deformed Shape with 'Y' scalar mode.....",
+print("Creating Scalar Map On Deformed Shape with 'Y' scalar mode.....", end=' ')
if smondefshape2 is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
#=============Stage4: scaling of Scalar Map On Deformed Shape============
bar = get_bar()
lt = bar.LookupTable
-print "Changing scaling mode:"
+print("Changing scaling mode:")
lt.UseLogScale = 0
-print "Log scaling ....", lt.UseLogScale
+print("Log scaling ....", lt.UseLogScale)
lt.UseLogScale = 1
-print "Log scaling ....", lt.UseLogScale
+print("Log scaling ....", lt.UseLogScale)
#=============Stage5: range of Scalar Map On Deformed Shape==============
-print "Changing scalar range:"
+print("Changing scalar range:")
range_min = 12
range_max = 120
lt.RGBPoints[0] = range_min
lt.RGBPoints[4] = range_max
-print "min = " + str(lt.RGBPoints[0]) + "; max = " + str(lt.RGBPoints[4])
+print("min = " + str(lt.RGBPoints[0]) + "; max = " + str(lt.RGBPoints[4]))
range_min = 120
range_max = 120
lt.RGBPoints[0] = range_min
lt.RGBPoints[4] = range_max
-print "min = " + str(lt.RGBPoints[0]) + "; max = " + str(lt.RGBPoints[4])
+print("min = " + str(lt.RGBPoints[0]) + "; max = " + str(lt.RGBPoints[4]))
range_min = 120
range_max = 15
lt.RGBPoints[0] = range_min
lt.RGBPoints[4] = range_max
-print "min = " + str(lt.RGBPoints[0]) + "; max = " + str(lt.RGBPoints[4])
+print("min = " + str(lt.RGBPoints[0]) + "; max = " + str(lt.RGBPoints[4]))
#=============Stage6: bar orientation of Scalar Map On Deformed Shape==
-print "Changing bar orientation:"
-print "Default orientation: ", bar.Orientation
+print("Changing bar orientation:")
+print("Default orientation: ", bar.Orientation)
-print "Set horizontal bar orientation"
+print("Set horizontal bar orientation")
bar.Orientation = 'Horizontal'
-print "Bar orientation: ", bar.Orientation
+print("Bar orientation: ", bar.Orientation)
-print "Set vertical bar orientation"
+print("Set vertical bar orientation")
bar.Orientation = 'Vertical'
-print "Bar orientation: ", bar.Orientation
+print("Bar orientation: ", bar.Orientation)
#=============Stage7: bar position of Scalar Map On Deformed Shape ====
-print "Changing bar position:"
-print "Default position: ", bar.Position
+print("Changing bar position:")
+print("Default position: ", bar.Position)
-print "Set position X,Y positive"
+print("Set position X,Y positive")
x_pos = 200
y_pos = 100
bar.Position = [x_pos, y_pos]
-print "Bar position [X,Y]: ", bar.Position
+print("Bar position [X,Y]: ", bar.Position)
-print "Set position X negative ,Y positive"
+print("Set position X negative ,Y positive")
x_pos = -100
y_pos = 150
bar.Position = [x_pos, y_pos]
-print "Bar position [X,Y]: ", bar.Position
+print("Bar position [X,Y]: ", bar.Position)
-print "Set position X positive, Y negative"
+print("Set position X positive, Y negative")
x_pos = 100
y_pos = -100
bar.Position = [x_pos, y_pos]
-print "Bar position [X,Y]: ", bar.Position
+print("Bar position [X,Y]: ", bar.Position)
-print "Set position X = 0.1, Y = 0.01"
+print("Set position X = 0.1, Y = 0.01")
x_pos = 0.1
y_pos = 0.01
bar.Position = [x_pos, y_pos]
-print "Bar position [X,Y]: ", bar.Position
+print("Bar position [X,Y]: ", bar.Position)
#============Stage8: bar size of Scalar Map On Deformed Shape===========
-print "Changing bar size:"
-print "Default [width, height]: ", bar.Position2
+print("Changing bar size:")
+print("Default [width, height]: ", bar.Position2)
-print "Set height = height*1.2"
+print("Set height = height*1.2")
height = bar.Position2[1] * 1.2
bar.Position2[1] = height
-print "Bar [width, height]: ", bar.Position2
+print("Bar [width, height]: ", bar.Position2)
-print "Set width = width*2"
+print("Set width = width*2")
width = bar.Position2[0] * 2
bar.Position2[0] = width
-print "Bar [width, height]: ", bar.Position2
+print("Bar [width, height]: ", bar.Position2)
#=============Stage9: nb of colors of Scalar Map On Deformed Shape======
-print "Changing number of colors:"
-print "Default number of colors: ", lt.NumberOfTableValues
+print("Changing number of colors:")
+print("Default number of colors: ", lt.NumberOfTableValues)
lt.Discretize = 1
#print "Set negative number of colors"
#print "Number of colors: ", lt.NumberOfTableValues
-print "Set zero number of colors"
+print("Set zero number of colors")
num = 0
lt.NumberOfTableValues = num
-print "Number of colors: ", lt.NumberOfTableValues
+print("Number of colors: ", lt.NumberOfTableValues)
-print "Set positive number of colors"
+print("Set positive number of colors")
num = 256
lt.NumberOfTableValues = num
-print "Number of colors: ", lt.NumberOfTableValues
+print("Number of colors: ", lt.NumberOfTableValues)
#=============Stage10: nb of labels of Scalar Map On Deformed Shape=====
-print "Changing number of labels:"
-print "Default number of labels: ", bar.NumberOfLabels
+print("Changing number of labels:")
+print("Default number of labels: ", bar.NumberOfLabels)
-print "Set negative number of labels"
+print("Set negative number of labels")
num = -128
bar.NumberOfLabels = num
-print "Number of labels: ", bar.NumberOfLabels
+print("Number of labels: ", bar.NumberOfLabels)
-print "Set zero number of labels"
+print("Set zero number of labels")
num = 0
bar.NumberOfLabels = num
-print "Number of labels: ", bar.NumberOfLabels
+print("Number of labels: ", bar.NumberOfLabels)
-print "Set positive number of labels"
+print("Set positive number of labels")
num = 256
bar.NumberOfLabels = num
-print "Number of labels: ", bar.NumberOfLabels
+print("Number of labels: ", bar.NumberOfLabels)
#=============Stage11: bar title of Scalar Map On Deformed Shape=========
-print "Changing bar title:"
-print "Default bar title: ", bar.Title
+print("Changing bar title:")
+print("Default bar title: ", bar.Title)
-print "Set not null title"
+print("Set not null title")
title = "Scalar Bar Title"
bar.Title = title
-print 'Bar title: "' + bar.Title + '"'
+print('Bar title: "' + bar.Title + '"')
-print "Set title from spaces"
+print("Set title from spaces")
title = ' '
bar.Title = title
-print 'Bar title: "' + bar.Title + '"'
+print('Bar title: "' + bar.Title + '"')
#============Stage12: scale factor of ScalarMap On Deformed Shape =====
-print "Changing scale factor:"
+print("Changing scale factor:")
warp_vector = smondefshape2.Input
-print 'Default scale: ', warp_vector.ScaleFactor
+print('Default scale: ', warp_vector.ScaleFactor)
scale = 0.8
warp_vector.ScaleFactor = scale
-print "Scale: ", warp_vector.ScaleFactor
+print("Scale: ", warp_vector.ScaleFactor)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap_On_DeformedShape/E0")
file = datadir + "test_55_solid_concentr_dom.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPESCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap_On_DeformedShape/E1")
file = datadir + "H_COUPLEX1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPESCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap_On_DeformedShape/E2")
file = datadir + "cas2_2d_couplage_chess_castem.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPESCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap_On_DeformedShape/E3")
file = datadir + "hydro_d10.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPESCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap_On_DeformedShape/E4")
file = datadir + "champc.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPESCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap_On_DeformedShape/E5")
file = datadir + "hydro_sea_alv.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPESCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap_On_DeformedShape/E6")
file = datadir + "toto.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPESCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap_On_DeformedShape/E7")
file = datadir + "couplex_alain.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPESCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap_On_DeformedShape/E8")
file = datadir + "KCOUPLEX1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPESCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap_On_DeformedShape/E9")
file = datadir + "test_hydro.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPESCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap_On_DeformedShape/F1")
file = datadir + "ml.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPESCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap_On_DeformedShape/F2")
file = datadir + "T_COUPLEX1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPESCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap_On_DeformedShape/F3")
file = datadir + "test_hydro_darcy4_out.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPESCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap_On_DeformedShape/F4")
file = datadir + "UO2_250ans.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPESCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap_On_DeformedShape/F5")
file = datadir + "maill.1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPESCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap_On_DeformedShape/F6")
file = datadir + "maill.0.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPESCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("ScalarMap_On_DeformedShape/F8")
file = datadir + "maill.2.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPESCALARMAP], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("StreamLines/A0")
file = datadir + "fra.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "\nCreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.STREAMLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("StreamLines/A1")
file = datadir + "hexa_28320_ELEM.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "\nCreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.STREAMLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("StreamLines/A2")
file = datadir + "pointe.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "\nCreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.STREAMLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("StreamLines/A3")
file = datadir + "Fields_group3D.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "\nCreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.STREAMLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("StreamLines/A4")
file = datadir + "Hexa8.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "\nCreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.STREAMLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("StreamLines/A5")
file = datadir + "Penta6.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "\nCreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.STREAMLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("StreamLines/A6")
file = datadir + "clo.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "\nCreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.STREAMLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("StreamLines/A7")
file = datadir + "Tetra4.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "\nCreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.STREAMLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("StreamLines/A8")
file = datadir + "Tria3.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "\nCreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.STREAMLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("StreamLines/A9")
file = datadir + "Quad4.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "\nCreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.STREAMLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("StreamLines/B0")
file = datadir + "carre_en_quad4_seg2.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "\nCreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.STREAMLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("StreamLines/B1")
file = datadir + "carre_en_quad4_seg2_fields.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "\nCreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.STREAMLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("StreamLines/B2")
file = datadir + "cube_hexa8_quad4.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "\nCreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.STREAMLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
for item in files:
file = datadir + item + ".med"
- print " --------------------------------- "
- print "file ", file
- print "\nCreatePrsForFile..."
- print "BREAKPOINT_1"
+ print(" --------------------------------- ")
+ print("file ", file)
+ print("\nCreatePrsForFile...")
+ print("BREAKPOINT_1")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.STREAMLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
import pvsimple
# 1. Import MED file
-print 'Import "ResOK_0000.med"...............',
+print('Import "ResOK_0000.med"...............', end=' ')
file_path = datadir + "ResOK_0000.med"
med_reader = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
if med_reader is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
# 2. Creating StreamLines
-print "Creating Stream Lines.....",
+print("Creating Stream Lines.....", end=' ')
streamlines = StreamLinesOnField(med_reader, EntityType.NODE, 'vitesse', 1)
if streamlines is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
# 3. StreamLines parameters
stream_tracer = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
-print "Initial Step Length: ", stream_tracer.InitialStepLength
-print "Integration Direction: ", stream_tracer.IntegrationDirection
-print "Integration Step Unit: ", stream_tracer.IntegrationStepUnit
-print "Integrator Type: ", stream_tracer.IntegratorType
-print "Interpolator Type: ", stream_tracer.InterpolatorType
-print "Maximum Error: ", stream_tracer.MaximumError
-print "Minimum Step Length: ", stream_tracer.MinimumStepLength
-print "Maximum Step Length: ", stream_tracer.MaximumStepLength
-print "Maximum Steps: ", stream_tracer.MaximumSteps
-print "Maximum Streamline Length: ", stream_tracer.MaximumStreamlineLength
-print "Seed Type: ", type(stream_tracer.SeedType)
-print "Point1: ", stream_tracer.SeedType.Point1
-print "Point2: ", stream_tracer.SeedType.Point2
+print("Initial Step Length: ", stream_tracer.InitialStepLength)
+print("Integration Direction: ", stream_tracer.IntegrationDirection)
+print("Integration Step Unit: ", stream_tracer.IntegrationStepUnit)
+print("Integrator Type: ", stream_tracer.IntegratorType)
+print("Interpolator Type: ", stream_tracer.InterpolatorType)
+print("Maximum Error: ", stream_tracer.MaximumError)
+print("Minimum Step Length: ", stream_tracer.MinimumStepLength)
+print("Maximum Step Length: ", stream_tracer.MaximumStepLength)
+print("Maximum Steps: ", stream_tracer.MaximumSteps)
+print("Maximum Streamline Length: ", stream_tracer.MaximumStreamlineLength)
+print("Seed Type: ", type(stream_tracer.SeedType))
+print("Point1: ", stream_tracer.SeedType.Point1)
+print("Point2: ", stream_tracer.SeedType.Point2)
# print "Center: ", stream_tracer.SeedType.Center
# print "Number Of Points: ", stream_tracer.SeedType.NumberOfPoints
# print "Radius: ", stream_tracer.SeedType.Radius
picturedir = get_picture_dir("StreamLines/E0")
file = datadir + "test_55_solid_concentr_dom.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "\nCreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.STREAMLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("StreamLines/E1")
file = datadir + "H_COUPLEX1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "\nCreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.STREAMLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("StreamLines/E2")
file = datadir + "cas2_2d_couplage_chess_castem.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "\nCreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.STREAMLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("StreamLines/E3")
file = datadir + "hydro_d10.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "\nCreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.STREAMLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("StreamLines/E4")
file = datadir + "champc.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "\nCreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.STREAMLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("StreamLines/E5")
file = datadir + "hydro_sea_alv.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "\nCreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.STREAMLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("StreamLines/E6")
file = datadir + "toto.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "\nCreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.STREAMLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("StreamLines/E7")
file = datadir + "couplex_alain.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "\nCreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.STREAMLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("StreamLines/E8")
file = datadir + "KCOUPLEX1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "\nCreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.STREAMLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("StreamLines/E9")
file = datadir + "test_hydro.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "\nCreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.STREAMLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("StreamLines/F1")
file = datadir + "ml.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "\nCreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.STREAMLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("StreamLines/F2")
file = datadir + "T_COUPLEX1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "\nCreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.STREAMLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("StreamLines/F3")
file = datadir + "test_hydro_darcy4_out.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "\nCreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.STREAMLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("StreamLines/F4")
file = datadir + "UO2_250ans.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "\nCreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.STREAMLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("StreamLines/F5")
file = datadir + "maill.1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "\nCreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.STREAMLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("StreamLines/F6")
file = datadir + "maill.0.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "\nCreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.STREAMLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("StreamLines/F8")
file = datadir + "maill.2.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "\nCreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.STREAMLINES], picturedir, pictureext)
view = pvsimple.GetRenderView()
# Create a set of Stream Lines, based on time stamps of "MODES_DEPL" field
-print "BREAKPOINT_1"
for i in range(1, 11):
prs = StreamLinesOnField(med_reader, EntityType.NODE, "MODES___DEPL____________________", i)
picture_path = picturedir + "/" + "time_stamp_" + str(i) + "." + pictureext
process_prs_for_test(prs, view, picture_path)
-print "BREAKPOINT_2"
med_reader = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
if med_reader is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "new_case.rmed was not imported!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("new_case.rmed was not imported!!!")
# 2. Creation of a set of "StreamLines" presentations, based on time stamps of "RESU_DEPL" field
streamlines = StreamLinesOnField(med_reader, EntityType.NODE, 'RESU____DEPL____________________', 1)
if streamlines is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Presentation is None!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("Presentation is None!!!")
import pvsimple
# Import table from file
-print 'Import tables_test.xls ....',
+print('Import tables_test.xls ....', end=' ')
file_path = tablesdir + "tables_test.xls"
table_reader = pvsimple.TableReader(FileName=file_path)
if table_reader is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
# Get available tables
-print 'Get available tables .....'
+print('Get available tables .....')
available_tables = table_reader.GetPropertyValue("AvailableTables")
if (available_tables is None) or (len(available_tables) == 0):
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print available_tables
+ print(available_tables)
# Choose 'sinus' table
table_reader.TableNumber = available_tables.GetData().index('sinus')
import pvsimple
# Import table from file
-print 'Import flux.tab.txt ....',
+print('Import flux.tab.txt ....', end=' ')
file_path = tablesdir + "flux.tab.txt"
table_reader = pvsimple.TableReader(FileName=file_path)
if table_reader is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
# Get available tables
-print 'Get available tables .....'
+print('Get available tables .....')
available_tables = table_reader.GetPropertyValue("AvailableTables")
if (available_tables is None) or (len(available_tables) == 0):
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print available_tables
+ print(available_tables)
# Create curves
cur_view = pvsimple.GetRenderView()
et_length = len(et_value)
if (length != et_length):
err_msg = "ERROR!!! There is different number of created " + str(length) + " and etalon " + str(et_length) + " values!!!"
- print err_msg
+ print(err_msg)
error = error + 1
for i in range(et_length):
max_val = abs(0.001 * et_value[i])
if abs(et_value[i] - value[i]) > max_val:
err_msg = "ERROR!!! Got value " + str(value[i]) + " is not equal to etalon value " + str(ret_value[i]) + "!!!"
- print err_msg
+ print(err_msg)
error = error + 1
max_val = 0.001
if do_raise:
raise RuntimeError(error_string)
- print error_string
+ print(error_string)
# compare just set value and the one got from presentation
really_set_value = prs.GetPropertyValue(property_name)
if do_raise:
raise RuntimeError(msg)
- print msg
+ print(msg)
is_good = False
return is_good
length = len(value)
et_length = len(et_value)
if length != et_length:
- print "ERROR!!! There is different number of items in created ", length, " and etalon ", et_length, " lists!!!"
+ print("ERROR!!! There is different number of items in created ", length, " and etalon ", et_length, " lists!!!")
for i in range(et_length):
MAX = eps
if abs(et_value[i] - value[i])> MAX:
- print "ERROR!!!", i, "-th item", value[i], " is not equal to etalon item", et_value[i], "!!!"
+ print("ERROR!!!", i, "-th item", value[i], " is not equal to etalon item", et_value[i], "!!!")
if check_error and error > 0:
- raise RuntimeError, "There is(are) some error(s) was(were) found... For more info see ERRORs above..."
+ raise RuntimeError("There is(are) some error(s) was(were) found... For more info see ERRORs above...")
return error
nb_errors = 0
- print "File: ", filename
+ print("File: ", filename)
# check the file accessibility
if not os.access(filename, os.F_OK):
msg = "File " + filename + " does not exist!!!"
- raise RuntimeError, msg
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
# import MED file
import pvsimple
proxy = presentations.pvs.GetActiveSource()
if proxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "ERROR!!! Can't import file!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("ERROR!!! Can't import file!!!")
for i in range(len(field_names)):
- print "Name of the field: ", field_names[i]
+ print("Name of the field: ", field_names[i])
if len(prs) != 0:
if len(prs[i]) != 0:
mesh_name, iterations = TimeStampId(proxy)
- if iterations.has_key(field_names[i]):
+ if field_names[i] in iterations:
entity = iterations[field_names[i]][0]
iteration = iterations[field_names[i]][1]
msg="There is no information about TimeStampId of the " + field_names[i] + " field!!!"
- raise RuntimeError, msg
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
err = nb_errors
if type==0:
if presentations.GaussPointsOnField(proxy, entity, field_names[i], iteration) is None:
- print "ERROR!!! Created GaussPoints presentation is None!!!"; nb_errors+=1
+ print("ERROR!!! Created GaussPoints presentation is None!!!"); nb_errors+=1
if type==1:
if presentations.ScalarMapOnField(proxy, entity, field_names[i], iteration) is None:
- print "ERROR!!! Created ScalarMap presentation is None!!!"; nb_errors+=1
+ print("ERROR!!! Created ScalarMap presentation is None!!!"); nb_errors+=1
if type==2:
if presentations.IsoSurfacesOnField(proxy, entity, field_names[i], iteration) is None:
- print "ERROR!!! Created IsoSurfaces presentation is None!!!"; nb_errors+=1
+ print("ERROR!!! Created IsoSurfaces presentation is None!!!"); nb_errors+=1
if type==3:
if presentations.CutPlanesOnField(proxy, entity, field_names[i], iteration) is None:
- print "ERROR!!! Created CutPlanes presentation is None!!!"; nb_errors+=1
+ print("ERROR!!! Created CutPlanes presentation is None!!!"); nb_errors+=1
if type==4:
if presentations.CutLinesOnField(proxy, entity, field_names[i], iteration) is None:
- print "ERROR!!! Created CutLines presentation is None!!!"; nb_errors+=1
+ print("ERROR!!! Created CutLines presentation is None!!!"); nb_errors+=1
if type==5:
if presentations.DeformedShapeOnField(proxy, entity, field_names[i], iteration) is None:
- print "ERROR!!! Created DeformedShape presentation is None!!!"; nb_errors+=1
+ print("ERROR!!! Created DeformedShape presentation is None!!!"); nb_errors+=1
if type==6:
if presentations.VectorsOnField(proxy, entity, field_names[i], iteration) is None:
- print "ERROR!!! Created Vectors presentation is None!!!"; nb_errors+=1
+ print("ERROR!!! Created Vectors presentation is None!!!"); nb_errors+=1
if type==7:
if presentations.StreamLinesOnField(proxy, entity, field_names[i], iteration) is None:
- print "ERROR!!! Created StreamLines presentation is None!!!"; nb_errors+=1
+ print("ERROR!!! Created StreamLines presentation is None!!!"); nb_errors+=1
if type==8:
if presentations.Plot3DOnField(proxy, entity, field_names[i], iteration) is None:
- print "ERROR!!! Created Plot3D presentation is None!!!"; nb_errors+=1
+ print("ERROR!!! Created Plot3D presentation is None!!!"); nb_errors+=1
if type==9:
if presentations.DeformedShapeAndScalarMapOnField(proxy, entity, field_names[i], iteration) is None:
- print "ERROR!!! Created ScalarMapOnDeformedShape presentation is None!!!"; nb_errors+=1
+ print("ERROR!!! Created ScalarMapOnDeformedShape presentation is None!!!"); nb_errors+=1
except ValueError:
""" This exception comes from get_nb_components(...) function.
The reason of exception is an implementation of MEDReader
MEDFileFieldRepresentationTree::activateTheFirst() and
MEDFileFieldRepresentationTree::getTheSingleActivated(...) methods).
- print "ValueError exception is catched"
+ print("ValueError exception is catched")
# check if number of errors has increased
if err == nb_errors:
- print "Presentation(s) creation...OK"
+ print("Presentation(s) creation...OK")
if nb_errors > 0 and check_errors:
- raise RuntimeError, "Errors occured!!! For more information see ERRORs above..."
+ raise RuntimeError("Errors occured!!! For more information see ERRORs above...")
return nb_errors
sys.argv = save_sys_argv
- print "<b>ERROR!!! Pictures differs from reference image !!!</b>";
- print "Picture: "+image_file
+ print("<b>ERROR!!! Pictures differs from reference image !!!</b>");
+ print("Picture: "+image_file)
sys.argv = save_sys_argv
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Vectors/A0")
file = datadir + "fra.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.VECTORS], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Vectors/A1")
file = datadir + "hexa_28320_ELEM.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.VECTORS], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Vectors/A2")
file = datadir + "pointe.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.VECTORS], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Vectors/A3")
file = datadir + "Fields_group3D.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.VECTORS], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Vectors/A4")
file = datadir + "Hexa8.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.VECTORS], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Vectors/A5")
file = datadir + "Penta6.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.VECTORS], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Vectors/A6")
file = datadir + "clo.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.VECTORS], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Vectors/A7")
file = datadir + "Tetra4.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.VECTORS], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Vectors/A8")
file = datadir + "Tria3.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.VECTORS], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Vectors/A9")
file = datadir + "Quad4.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.VECTORS], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Vectors/B0")
file = datadir + "carre_en_quad4_seg2.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.VECTORS], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Vectors/B1")
file = datadir + "carre_en_quad4_seg2_fields.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.VECTORS], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Vectors/B2")
file = datadir + "cube_hexa8_quad4.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.VECTORS], picturedir, pictureext)
#====================Stage1: Importing MED file====================
-print "**** Stage1: Importing MED file"
+print("**** Stage1: Importing MED file")
-print 'Import "ResOK_0000.med"...............',
+print('Import "ResOK_0000.med"...............', end=' ')
medFile = datadir + "ResOK_0000.med"
med_reader = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
if med_reader is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
cell_entity = EntityType.CELL
node_entity = EntityType.NODE
#====================Stage2: Creation of Vectors====================
-print "Creating Vectors..........",
+print("Creating Vectors..........", end=' ')
vectors = VectorsOnField(med_reader, node_entity, 'vitesse', 1)
if vectors is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
#====================Stage3: Change properties======================
glyph = vectors.Input
-print "Default LineWidth : ", vectors.LineWidth
-print "Default GlyphType : ", glyph.GlyphType
-print "Default subtype : ", glyph.GlyphType.GlyphType
-print "Default GlyphPos : ", glyph.GlyphType.Center
+print("Default LineWidth : ", vectors.LineWidth)
+print("Default GlyphType : ", glyph.GlyphType)
+print("Default subtype : ", glyph.GlyphType.GlyphType)
+print("Default GlyphPos : ", glyph.GlyphType.Center)
-print "Changing value of line width"
+print("Changing value of line width")
#width = -10
#vectors.LineWidth = width
#print "Negative value -10 : ", vectors.LineWidth
width = 10
vectors.LineWidth = width
-print "Positive value 10 : ", vectors.LineWidth
+print("Positive value 10 : ", vectors.LineWidth)
# width = 0
width = 2
vectors.LineWidth = width
-print "Positive value 2 : ", vectors.LineWidth
+print("Positive value 2 : ", vectors.LineWidth)
-print "Changing glyph type"
+print("Changing glyph type")
gtype = "Arrow"
glyph.GlyphType = gtype
-print "Arrow type : ", glyph.GlyphType
+print("Arrow type : ", glyph.GlyphType)
gtype = "Cone"
glyph.GlyphType = gtype
glyph.GlyphType.Resolution = 3
glyph.GlyphType.Height = 4
-print "Cone type: " + str(glyph.GlyphType) + ", resolution: " + str(glyph.GlyphType.Resolution)
+print("Cone type: " + str(glyph.GlyphType) + ", resolution: " + str(glyph.GlyphType.Resolution))
glyph.GlyphType.Resolution = 6
-print "Cone type: " + str(glyph.GlyphType) + ", resolution: " + str(glyph.GlyphType.Resolution)
+print("Cone type: " + str(glyph.GlyphType) + ", resolution: " + str(glyph.GlyphType.Resolution))
gtype = "Line"
glyph.GlyphType = gtype
-print "Line Type : ", glyph.GlyphType
+print("Line Type : ", glyph.GlyphType)
gtype = "2D Glyph"
glyph.GlyphType.GlyphType = "Arrow"
-print "Changing glyph position"
+print("Changing glyph position")
pos = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
glyph.GlyphType.Center = pos
-print "Center position : ", glyph.GlyphType.Center
+print("Center position : ", glyph.GlyphType.Center)
pos = [0.5, 0.0, 0.0]
glyph.GlyphType.Center = pos
-print "Tail position : ", glyph.GlyphType.Center
+print("Tail position : ", glyph.GlyphType.Center)
pos = [-0.5, 0.0, 0.0]
glyph.GlyphType.Center = pos
-print "Head position : ", glyph.GlyphType.Center
+print("Head position : ", glyph.GlyphType.Center)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Vectors/E0")
file = datadir + "test_55_solid_concentr_dom.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.VECTORS], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Vectors/E1")
file = datadir + "H_COUPLEX1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.VECTORS], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Vectors/E2")
file = datadir + "cas2_2d_couplage_chess_castem.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.VECTORS], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Vectors/E3")
file = datadir + "hydro_d10.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.VECTORS], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Vectors/E4")
file = datadir + "champc.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.VECTORS], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Vectors/E5")
file = datadir + "hydro_sea_alv.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.VECTORS], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Vectors/E6")
file = datadir + "toto.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.VECTORS], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Vectors/E7")
file = datadir + "couplex_alain.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.VECTORS], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Vectors/E8")
file = datadir + "KCOUPLEX1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.VECTORS], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Vectors/E9")
file = datadir + "test_hydro.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.VECTORS], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Vectors/F1")
file = datadir + "ml.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.VECTORS], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Vectors/F2")
file = datadir + "T_COUPLEX1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.VECTORS], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Vectors/F3")
file = datadir + "test_hydro_darcy4_out.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.VECTORS], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Vectors/F4")
file = datadir + "UO2_250ans.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.VECTORS], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Vectors/F5")
file = datadir + "maill.1.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.VECTORS], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Vectors/F6")
file = datadir + "maill.0.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.VECTORS], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Vectors/F8")
file = datadir + "maill.2.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", file
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "CreatePrsForFile..."
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", file)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
CreatePrsForFile(file, [PrsTypeEnum.VECTORS], picturedir, pictureext)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("Vectors/F9")
theFileName = datadir + "Bug829_resu_mode.med"
-print " --------------------------------- "
-print "file ", theFileName
-print " --------------------------------- "
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
+print("file ", theFileName)
+print(" --------------------------------- ")
"""Build presentations of the given types for all fields of the given file."""
#print "Import %s..." % theFileName.split('/')[-1],
result = OpenDataFile(theFileName)
aProxy = GetActiveSource()
if aProxy is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error: can't import file."
-else: print "OK"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error: can't import file.")
+else: print("OK")
# Get view
aView = GetRenderView()
time_value = get_time(aProxy, 0)
hide_all(aView, True)
aPrs = VectorsOnField(aProxy, aFieldEntity, aFieldName, i, is_colored=colored)
if aPrs is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Presentation is None!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("Presentation is None!!!")
# display only current deformed shape
aPrs.Visibility =1
picturedir = get_picture_dir("bugs/A0")
# 1. Import MED file
-print 'Importing "hydro_sea_alv.med"...',
+print('Importing "hydro_sea_alv.med"...', end=' ')
file_path = datadir + "hydro_sea_alv.med"
med_reader = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
if med_reader is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
# 2. Create cut lines on "Head" field
mesh_name = "maillage_migr3d"
cell_entity = presentations.EntityType.CELL
timestamps = med_reader.TimestepValues.GetData()
-for ts in xrange(1, len(timestamps) + 1):
- print "Timestamp: ", ts
+for ts in range(1, len(timestamps) + 1):
+ print("Timestamp: ", ts)
cutlines = presentations.CutLinesOnField(med_reader, cell_entity, field_name, ts,
pic_name = mesh_name + "_" + str(cell_entity) + "_" + field_name + "_" + str(ts) + "_TCUTLINES." + pictureext
pic_path = os.path.join(picturedir, pic_name)
- print pic_path
+ print(pic_path)
presentations.process_prs_for_test(cutlines, pvsimple.GetRenderView(), pic_path)
nb_lines = len(cutlines.Input.SliceOffsetValues)
- print "Number of lines = ", nb_lines
+ print("Number of lines = ", nb_lines)
-print "Picure file name is " + pic_path
+print("Picure file name is " + pic_path)
pvs.WriteImage(pic_path, view=view, Magnification=1)
med_file_path = datadir + "carre_MIXTE_0000.med"
pic_path = os.path.join(picturedir, "A2." + pictureext)
-print "BREAKPOINT_1"
# 1. Import MED file
-print 'Importing "carre_MIXTE_0000.med"...',
+print('Importing "carre_MIXTE_0000.med"...', end=' ')
med_reader = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
if med_reader is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
# 2. Create mesh
-print "Creating MeshOnEntity..............",
+print("Creating MeshOnEntity..............", end=' ')
mesh = MeshOnEntity(med_reader, "dom", EntityType.CELL)
if mesh is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
mesh.Representation = 'Surface With Edges'
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
# 3. Display mesh and make snapshot
view = pvsimple.GetRenderView()
-print "Picure file name is " + pic_path
+print("Picure file name is " + pic_path)
pvs.WriteImage(pic_path, view=view, Magnification=1)
tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
save_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "TimeStamps_save.hdf")
-print "Save to file ", save_file
+print("Save to file ", save_file)
myStudyManager.SaveAs(save_file, myStudy, 0)
-print "OK"
med_file_path = datadir + "fra.med"
# 1. Import MED file
-print 'Importing "fra.med"....',
+print('Importing "fra.med"....', end=' ')
med_reader = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
if med_reader is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
# 2. Create mesh
mesh_names = get_mesh_full_names(med_reader)
for mesh_name in [get_field_short_name(name) for name in mesh_names]:
- print "Mesh name: ", mesh_name
+ print("Mesh name: ", mesh_name)
mesh = MeshOnEntity(med_reader, mesh_name, EntityType.CELL)
if mesh is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Error"
+ raise RuntimeError("Error")
mesh.Representation = 'Wireframe'
pic_path = os.path.join(picturedir, mesh_name + "_Cell." + pictureext)
pic_path = re.sub("\s+","_", pic_path)
- print "Save picture ", pic_path
+ print("Save picture ", pic_path)
process_prs_for_test(mesh, pvsimple.GetRenderView(), pic_path)
picturedir = get_picture_dir("bugs/A9")
# 1. Step1: Import MED file
-print "**** Step1: Importing MED file"
+print("**** Step1: Importing MED file")
-print 'Import "sortie_med_volumique.med"...............',
+print('Import "sortie_med_volumique.med"...............', end=' ')
file_path = datadir + "sortie_med_volumique.med"
med_reader = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
if med_reader is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
-print 'Get view........................................',
+print('Get view........................................', end=' ')
view = pvsimple.GetRenderView()
if view is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
mesh_name = 'Volume fluide'
cell_entity = EntityType.CELL
# 2. Step2: Displaying mesh
errors = 0
-print "**** Step2: Display mesh"
-print "BREAKPOINT_1"
+print("**** Step2: Display mesh")
# Creation of Mesh presentation on nodes
-print "Creating Mesh presentation on nodes......."
+print("Creating Mesh presentation on nodes.......")
mesh = MeshOnEntity(med_reader, mesh_name, node_entity)
if mesh is None:
- print "ERROR!!! Mesh presentation on nodes creation FAILED!!!"
+ print("ERROR!!! Mesh presentation on nodes creation FAILED!!!")
errors += 1
picture_path = os.path.join(picturedir, "MeshPresentation_OnNodes." + pictureext)
process_prs_for_test(mesh, view, picture_path)
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
# Creation of Mesh presentation on cells
-print "Creating Mesh presentation on cells......."
+print("Creating Mesh presentation on cells.......")
mesh = MeshOnEntity(med_reader, mesh_name, cell_entity)
if mesh is None:
- print "ERROR!!! Mesh presentation on cells creation FAILED!!!"
+ print("ERROR!!! Mesh presentation on cells creation FAILED!!!")
errors += 1
picture_path = os.path.join(picturedir, "MeshPresentation_OnCells." + pictureext)
process_prs_for_test(mesh, view, picture_path)
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
# 3. Step3: Displaying scalar field 'Dissip'
-print "**** Step3: Display scalar field 'Dissip'"
+print("**** Step3: Display scalar field 'Dissip'")
entity = cell_entity
# Scalar Map creation
-print "Creating Scalar Map.......",
+print("Creating Scalar Map.......", end=' ')
scalarmap = ScalarMapOnField(med_reader, entity, 'Dissip', 1)
if scalarmap is None:
- print "ERROR!!! Scalar Map creation FAILED!!!"
+ print("ERROR!!! Scalar Map creation FAILED!!!")
errors += 1
picture_path = os.path.join(picturedir, "ScalarMap_Dissip." + pictureext)
process_prs_for_test(scalarmap, view, picture_path)
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
# Iso Surfaces creation
-print "Creating Iso Surfaces.......",
+print("Creating Iso Surfaces.......", end=' ')
isosurfaces = IsoSurfacesOnField(med_reader, entity, 'Dissip', 1)
if isosurfaces is None:
- print "ERROR!!! Iso Surfaces creation FAILED!!!"
+ print("ERROR!!! Iso Surfaces creation FAILED!!!")
errors += 1
picture_path = os.path.join(picturedir, "IsoSurfaces_Dissip." + pictureext)
process_prs_for_test(isosurfaces, view, picture_path)
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
# Gauss Points creation
-print "Creating Gauss Points.......",
+print("Creating Gauss Points.......", end=' ')
gausspoints = GaussPointsOnField(med_reader, entity, 'Dissip', 1)
if gausspoints is None:
- print "ERROR!!! Gauss Points creation FAILED!!!"
+ print("ERROR!!! Gauss Points creation FAILED!!!")
errors += 1
picture_path = os.path.join(picturedir, "GaussPoints_Dissip." + pictureext)
process_prs_for_test(isosurfaces, view, picture_path)
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
# 4. Step4: Displaying vectoriel field 'VitesseX'
entity = cell_entity
-print "**** Step5: Display vectoriel field 'VitesseX'"
+print("**** Step5: Display vectoriel field 'VitesseX'")
# Deformed Shape creation
-print "Creating Deformed Shape.......",
+print("Creating Deformed Shape.......", end=' ')
defshape = DeformedShapeOnField(med_reader, entity, 'VitesseX', 1)
if defshape is None:
- print "ERROR!!! Deformed Shape creation FAILED!!!"
+ print("ERROR!!! Deformed Shape creation FAILED!!!")
errors += 1
picture_path = os.path.join(picturedir, "DeformedShape_VitesseX." + pictureext)
process_prs_for_test(defshape, view, picture_path)
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
# Vectors creation
-print "Creating Vectors.......",
+print("Creating Vectors.......", end=' ')
vectors = VectorsOnField(med_reader, entity, 'VitesseX', 1)
if vectors is None:
- print "ERROR!!! Vectors creation FAILED!!!"
+ print("ERROR!!! Vectors creation FAILED!!!")
errors += 1
picture_path = os.path.join(picturedir, "Vectors_VitesseX." + pictureext)
process_prs_for_test(vectors, view, picture_path)
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
# Scalar Map On Deformed Shape creation
-print "Creating Scalar Map On Deformed Shape.......",
+print("Creating Scalar Map On Deformed Shape.......", end=' ')
smapondefshape = DeformedShapeAndScalarMapOnField(med_reader, entity, 'VitesseX', 1)
if smapondefshape is None:
- print "ERROR!!! ScalarMapOnDeformedShape creation failed!!!"
+ print("ERROR!!! ScalarMapOnDeformedShape creation failed!!!")
errors += 1
picture_path = os.path.join(picturedir, "ScalMapOnDefShape_VitesseX." + pictureext)
process_prs_for_test(smapondefshape, view, picture_path)
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
if errors == 1:
- raise RuntimeError, "There is an error was occured... For more info see ERROR message above.."
+ raise RuntimeError("There is an error was occured... For more info see ERROR message above..")
elif errors > 1:
- raise RuntimeError, "There are some errors were occured... For more info see ERRORs messages above.."
-print "BREAKPOINT_2"
+ raise RuntimeError("There are some errors were occured... For more info see ERRORs messages above..")
# 1. Import MED file
med_file_path = datadir + "resultat.01.med"
-print 'Importing "resultat.01.med"....',
+print('Importing "resultat.01.med"....', end=' ')
med_reader = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
if med_reader is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "resultat.01.med was not imported!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("resultat.01.med was not imported!!!")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
# 2. Creation of presentation of each group
extGrp = pvs.ExtractGroup()
for group in groups:
i += 1
shor_name = group.split('/')[-1]
- print "group: ", shor_name
+ print("group: ", shor_name)
prs = MeshOnGroup(med_reader, extGrp, group)
if prs is None :
- print "FAILED!!! Created presentation is None!!!"
+ print("FAILED!!! Created presentation is None!!!")
errors += 1
else :
- print "Presentation was created!"
+ print("Presentation was created!")
pic_path = os.path.join(picturedir, shor_name.strip().split("_")[0]+str(i)+"."+pictureext)
process_prs_for_test(prs, pvsimple.GetRenderView(), pic_path)
# check errors
if errors == 1:
- raise RuntimeError, "There is an error was occured... For more info see ERROR message above.."
+ raise RuntimeError("There is an error was occured... For more info see ERROR message above..")
elif errors > 1:
- raise RuntimeError, "There are some errors were occured... For more info see ERRORs messages above.."
+ raise RuntimeError("There are some errors were occured... For more info see ERRORs messages above..")
# 1. Import MED file
med_file_path = datadir + "MEDfileForStructuredMesh.med"
-print 'Importing "MEDfileForStructuredMesh.med"....',
+print('Importing "MEDfileForStructuredMesh.med"....', end=' ')
med_reader = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
if med_reader is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "MEDfileForStructuredMesh.med was not imported!"
+ raise RuntimeError("MEDfileForStructuredMesh.med was not imported!")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
errors = 0
for entity in [EntityType.NODE, EntityType.CELL]:
if MeshOnEntity(med_reader, mesh_name, entity) is None:
- print "Entity:", str(entity)
- print "ERROR!!! Mesh presentation for \""+mesh_name+"\" wasn't created!!!"
+ print("Entity:", str(entity))
+ print("ERROR!!! Mesh presentation for \""+mesh_name+"\" wasn't created!!!")
errors += 1
# 3. Creation of the mesh presentations for the "CoreMesh" mesh
for entity in [EntityType.NODE, EntityType.CELL]:
if MeshOnEntity(med_reader, mesh_name, entity) is None:
- print "Entity:", str(entity)
- print "ERROR!!! Mesh presentation for \""+mesh_name+"\" wasn't created!!!"
+ print("Entity:", str(entity))
+ print("ERROR!!! Mesh presentation for \""+mesh_name+"\" wasn't created!!!")
errors += 1
if errors > 0:
- raise RuntimeError, "Some errors were occured during execution... See ERRORs above for details!"
+ raise RuntimeError("Some errors were occured during execution... See ERRORs above for details!")
def DisplayMap(self, aView, aMap, title, aDelay=0):
if aMap is None:
- print "Null scalar map is created"
+ print("Null scalar map is created")
display_only(aMap, aView)
path = None
if aPath is not "":
- print "Define save path"
+ print("Define save path")
path = aPath
scene = pvsimple.AnimateReader(theObj, aView, path)
- print "Start Animation"
+ print("Start Animation")
scene.Duration = theDuration
NbOfFrames = len(scene.TimeKeeper.TimestepValues)
ind = ind + 1
- print "Stop Animation"
+ print("Stop Animation")
return scene
# 1. Import MED file
med_file_path = datadir + "relachement_brutal_sans_dudg_gauss.med"
-print 'Importing "relachement_brutal_sans_dudg_gauss.med"....',
+print('Importing "relachement_brutal_sans_dudg_gauss.med"....', end=' ')
med_reader = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
if med_reader is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "File wasn't imported!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("File wasn't imported!!!")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
# 2. Creation of GaussPoints presentations
mesh_name = "Maillage"
field_name = "Result__EQUI_ELGA_SIGM__________"
-timestamp_list = range(1, 5)
+timestamp_list = list(range(1, 5))
for timestamp in timestamp_list:
- print "Creation of the GaussPoints presentation.. Field: ", field_name, "; Timestamp: ", timestamp
+ print("Creation of the GaussPoints presentation.. Field: ", field_name, "; Timestamp: ", timestamp)
gauss_points = GaussPointsOnField1(med_reader, EntityType.CELL, field_name, timestamp)
if gauss_points is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Created presentation is None!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("Created presentation is None!!!")
pic_path = os.path.join(picturedir, "GaussPoints_" + mesh_name + "_" + field_name + "_" + str(timestamp) + "." + pictureext)
process_prs_for_test(gauss_points, pvsimple.GetRenderView(), pic_path)
# 1. Import table from file
file_path = tablesdir + "tables_test.xls"
-print 'Import tables_test.xls ....',
+print('Import tables_test.xls ....', end=' ')
file_path = tablesdir + "tables_test.xls"
table_reader = pvsimple.TableReader(FileName=file_path)
if table_reader is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
# 2. Show curves
cur_view = pvsimple.GetRenderView()
xy_view.ChartTitle = "The viewer for Curves from the Table"
-print 'Get available tables .....'
+print('Get available tables .....')
available_tables = table_reader.GetPropertyValue("AvailableTables")
if (available_tables is None) or (len(available_tables) == 0):
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print available_tables
+ print(available_tables)
for table in available_tables:
table_reader.TableNumber = available_tables.GetData().index(table)
med_reader = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
if med_reader is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "TimeStamps.med was not imported!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("TimeStamps.med was not imported!!!")
# 2. Creation of presentations
mesh_on_cells = MeshOnEntity(med_reader, "dom", EntityType.CELL)
if mesh_on_cells is None :
- raise RuntimeError, "Mesh presentation is None!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("Mesh presentation is None!!!")
view = pvsimple.GetRenderView()
display_only(mesh_on_cells, view)
scalar_map = ScalarMapOnField(med_reader, EntityType.NODE, "vitesse", 1)
if scalar_map is None :
- raise RuntimeError, "ScalarMap presentation is None!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("ScalarMap presentation is None!!!")
scalar_map.Visibility = 1
med_reader1 = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
if med_reader1 is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Bug829_resu_mode.med was not imported!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("Bug829_resu_mode.med was not imported!!!")
# 2. Creation of a set of "DeformedShape and ScalarMap" presentations, based on time stamps of "MODES_DEPL" field
for i in range(1,11):
presentation = DeformedShapeAndScalarMapOnField(med_reader1, EntityType.NODE, "MODES___DEPL____________________", i)
if presentation is None :
- raise RuntimeError, "Presentation is None!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("Presentation is None!!!")
pic_path = os.path.join(picturedir, "npal19999_1_time_stamp_" + str(i) + "." + pictureext)
process_prs_for_test(presentation, pvsimple.GetRenderView(), pic_path)
if abs(max(sizeh)-min(sizeh)) > 0.01*max(sizeh):
- print "WARNING!!! Pictures have different height !!!"
+ print("WARNING!!! Pictures have different height !!!")
errors += 1
for i in range(1,11):
picture_name = "npal19999_2_time_stamp_" + str(i) + "." + pictureext
- print "Picture: " + picture_name + "; height : " + str(sizeh[i-1])
+ print("Picture: " + picture_name + "; height : " + str(sizeh[i-1]))
raise RuntimeError
if abs(max(sizew)-min(sizew)) > 0.01*max(sizew):
- print "WARNING!!! Pictures have different width !!!"
+ print("WARNING!!! Pictures have different width !!!")
errors += 1
for i in range(1,11):
picture_name = "npal19999_2_time_stamp_" + str(i) + "." + pictureext
- print "Picture: " + picture_name + "; width : " + str(sizew[i-1])
+ print("Picture: " + picture_name + "; width : " + str(sizew[i-1]))
raise RuntimeError
# 3. Import of the "Bug829_resu_mode.med" file at second time
med_reader2 = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
if med_reader2 is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Bug829_resu_mode.med was not imported second time!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("Bug829_resu_mode.med was not imported second time!!!")
# 4. Creation of a set of "DeformedShape and ScalarMap" presentations, based on time stamps of "MODES_DEPL" field
errors = 0
for i in range(1,11):
presentation = DeformedShapeAndScalarMapOnField(med_reader2, EntityType.NODE, "MODES___DEPL____________________", 11-i)
if presentation is None :
- raise RuntimeError, "Presentation is None!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("Presentation is None!!!")
pic_path = os.path.join(picturedir, "npal19999_2_time_stamp_" + str(i) + "." + pictureext)
process_prs_for_test(presentation, pvsimple.GetRenderView(), pic_path)
if abs(max(sizeh)-min(sizeh)) > 0.01*max(sizeh):
- print "WARNING!!! Pictures have different height !!!"
+ print("WARNING!!! Pictures have different height !!!")
errors += 1
for i in range(1,11):
picture_name = "npal19999_2_time_stamp_" + str(i) + "." + pictureext
- print "Picture: " + picture_name + "; height : " + str(sizeh[i-1])
+ print("Picture: " + picture_name + "; height : " + str(sizeh[i-1]))
raise RuntimeError
if abs(max(sizew)-min(sizew)) > 0.01*max(sizew):
- print "WARNING!!! Pictures have different width !!!"
+ print("WARNING!!! Pictures have different width !!!")
errors += 1
for i in range(1,11):
picture_name = "npal19999_2_time_stamp_" + str(i) + "." + pictureext
- print "Picture: " + picture_name + "; width : " + str(sizew[i-1])
+ print("Picture: " + picture_name + "; width : " + str(sizew[i-1]))
raise RuntimeError
med_reader = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
if med_reader is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "LinearStaticsSTA9.resu.med was not imported!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("LinearStaticsSTA9.resu.med was not imported!!!")
view = pvsimple.GetRenderView()
# Creation of colored "DeformedShape" presentations, based on time stamps of "RESU_DEPL" field
presentation = DeformedShapeOnField(med_reader, EntityType.NODE, 'RESU____DEPL____________________', 1, is_colored=True)
if presentation is None :
- raise RuntimeError, "DeformedShapeOnField Presentation is None!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("DeformedShapeOnField Presentation is None!!!")
display_only(presentation, view)
# Creation of colored "Vectors" presentations, based on time stamps of "RESU_DEPL" field
presentation = VectorsOnField(med_reader, EntityType.NODE, 'RESU____DEPL____________________', 1, is_colored=True)
if presentation is None :
- raise RuntimeError, "Vectors Presentation is None!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("Vectors Presentation is None!!!")
display_only(presentation, view)
# Creation of colored "DeformedShapeAndScalarMap" presentations, based on time stamps of "RESU_DEPL" field
presentation = DeformedShapeAndScalarMapOnField(med_reader, EntityType.NODE, 'RESU____DEPL____________________', 1)
if presentation is None :
- raise RuntimeError, "DeformedShapeAndScalarMap Presentation is None!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("DeformedShapeAndScalarMap Presentation is None!!!")
display_only(presentation, view)
# Creation of colored "CutPlanes" presentations, based on time stamps of "RESU_DEPL" field
presentation = CutPlanesOnField(med_reader, EntityType.NODE, 'RESU____DEPL____________________', 1)
if presentation is None :
- raise RuntimeError, "CutPlanes Presentation is None!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("CutPlanes Presentation is None!!!")
display_only(presentation, view)
import pvsimple
# Import table from file
-print 'Import file with tables....',
+print('Import file with tables....', end=' ')
file_path = tablesdir + "tables_test.xls"
table_reader = pvsimple.TableReader(FileName=file_path)
if table_reader is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
# Display
table_to_3d = pvsimple.TableTo3D(table_reader)
cut_segment1 = CutSegmentOnField(med_reader, EntityType.NODE, "VITESSE", 1,
point1, point2)
if cut_segment1 == None:
- raise RuntimeError, "ERROR!!! The first CutSegment presentation is not built!"
+ raise RuntimeError("ERROR!!! The first CutSegment presentation is not built!")
# 3. Creation of CutSegment presentations, based on time stamps of "TAUX_DE_VIDE" field
point1 = [0, 0, 1]
cut_segment2 = CutSegmentOnField(med_reader, EntityType.NODE, "TAUX_DE_VIDE", 1,
point1, point2)
if cut_segment2 == None:
- raise RuntimeError, "ERROR!!! The second CutSegment presentation is not built!"
+ raise RuntimeError("ERROR!!! The second CutSegment presentation is not built!")
# 4. Creation of Table based on CutSegment presentation
curve1 = pvs.Show(cut_segment1.Input, xy_view)
if curve1 == None:
- raise RuntimeError, " ERROR!!! Curve based on the first CutSegment is not built!"
+ raise RuntimeError(" ERROR!!! Curve based on the first CutSegment is not built!")
curve2 = pvs.Show(cut_segment2.Input, xy_view)
if curve2 == None:
- raise RuntimeError, " ERROR!!! Curve based on the second CutSegment is not built!"
+ raise RuntimeError(" ERROR!!! Curve based on the second CutSegment is not built!")
curves = [curve1, curve2]
for c in curves:
import pvsimple
# 1. MED file import
-print 'Importing "Fields_group3D.med"........',
+print('Importing "Fields_group3D.med"........', end=' ')
med_file_path = datadir + "Fields_group3D.med"
med_reader = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
if med_reader is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
-print 'Get view..............................',
+print('Get view..............................', end=' ')
view = pvsimple.GetRenderView()
if view is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
# 2. Displaying scalar field
-print "Creating Scalar Map.......",
+print("Creating Scalar Map.......", end=' ')
scalarmap = ScalarMapOnField(med_reader, EntityType.CELL, 'scalar field', 1)
if scalarmap is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
extract_group = pvsimple.ExtractGroup(med_reader)
sleep_delay = 1
# 1. MED file import
-print 'Import "ResOK_0000.med"...............',
+print('Import "ResOK_0000.med"...............', end=' ')
med_file_path = datadir + "ResOK_0000.med"
med_reader = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
if med_reader is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "ResOK_0000.med was not imported!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("ResOK_0000.med was not imported!!!")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
# TODO: in the original VISU script the timestamp id was equal to 2,
# but in PARAVIS it's inly one timestamp accessible
# 2. Create Scalar Map
field_name = 'vitesse'
-print "Creating Scalar Map......."
+print("Creating Scalar Map.......")
scmap1 = ScalarMapOnField(med_reader, EntityType.NODE, field_name, timestamp_id)
if scmap1 is None :
- raise RuntimeError, "ScalarMap presentation is None!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("ScalarMap presentation is None!!!")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
-print "WIREFRAME sur scmap1"
+print("WIREFRAME sur scmap1")
scmap1.Representation = 'Wireframe'
-print "POINT sur scmap1"
+print("POINT sur scmap1")
scmap1.Representation = 'Points'
-print "SURFACEFRAME sur scmap1"
+print("SURFACEFRAME sur scmap1")
scmap1.Representation = 'Surface With Edges'
# 3. Create Deformed Shape And Scalar Map
-print "Creating DeformedShapeAndScalarMap......."
+print("Creating DeformedShapeAndScalarMap.......")
scmap2 = DeformedShapeAndScalarMapOnField(med_reader, EntityType.NODE, field_name, timestamp_id)
if scmap2 is None :
- raise RuntimeError, "DeformedShapeAndScalarMapOnField presentation is None!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("DeformedShapeAndScalarMapOnField presentation is None!!!")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
scmap2.Input.ScaleFactor = 1.0
-print "WIREFRAME sur scmap2"
+print("WIREFRAME sur scmap2")
scmap2.Representation = 'Wireframe'
-print "POINT sur scmap2"
+print("POINT sur scmap2")
scmap2.Representation = 'Points'
-print "SURFACEFRAME sur scmap2"
+print("SURFACEFRAME sur scmap2")
scmap2.Representation = 'Surface With Edges'
# 4.Create Deformed Shape
-print "Creating DeformedShape........"
+print("Creating DeformedShape........")
scmap3 = DeformedShapeOnField(med_reader, EntityType.NODE, field_name, timestamp_id)
if scmap3 is None :
- raise RuntimeError, "DeformedShapeOnField presentation is None!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("DeformedShapeOnField presentation is None!!!")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
-print "WIREFRAME sur scmap3"
+print("WIREFRAME sur scmap3")
scmap3.Representation = 'Wireframe'
-print "POINT sur scmap3"
+print("POINT sur scmap3")
scmap3.Representation = 'Points'
-print "SURFACEFRAME sur scmap3"
+print("SURFACEFRAME sur scmap3")
scmap3.Representation = 'Surface With Edges'
med_reader = GetActiveSource()
if med_reader is None :
- raise RuntimeError, "TimeStamps.med wasn't imported..."
+ raise RuntimeError("TimeStamps.med wasn't imported...")
# 2. ScalarMap creation
med_field = "vitesse"
view = CreateRenderView()
# 5. Execution of the created script
+exec(compile(open(path_to_save).read(), path_to_save, 'exec'))
# 6. Checking of the settings done before dump
recreated_bar = view.Representations[1]
offset = recreated_scalarmap.Position
for i in range(len(settings["Offset"])):
if abs(offset[i] - settings["Offset"][i]) > tolerance:
- print "ERROR!!! Offset value with ", i, " index is incorrect: ", offset[i], " instead of ", settings["Offset"][i]
+ print("ERROR!!! Offset value with ", i, " index is incorrect: ", offset[i], " instead of ", settings["Offset"][i])
errors += 1
# Scalar mode
vector_component = recreated_scalarmap.LookupTable.VectorComponent
if vector_mode != settings["ScalarMode"][0]:
- print "ERROR!!! Vector mode value is incorrect: ", vector_mode, " instead of ", settings["ScalarMode"][0]
+ print("ERROR!!! Vector mode value is incorrect: ", vector_mode, " instead of ", settings["ScalarMode"][0])
errors += 1
if vector_component != settings["ScalarMode"][1]:
- print "ERROR!!! Vector component value is incorrect: ", vector_component, " instead of ", settings["ScalarMode"][1]
+ print("ERROR!!! Vector component value is incorrect: ", vector_component, " instead of ", settings["ScalarMode"][1])
errors += 1
# Position of scalar bar
pos_y = recreated_bar.Position[1]
if abs(pos_x - settings["Position"][0]) > tolerance:
- print "ERROR!!! X coordinate of position of scalar bar is incorrect: ", pos_x, " instead of ", settings["Position"][0]
+ print("ERROR!!! X coordinate of position of scalar bar is incorrect: ", pos_x, " instead of ", settings["Position"][0])
errors += 1
if abs(pos_y - settings["Position"][1]) > tolerance:
- print "ERROR!!! Y coordinate of position of scalar bar is incorrect: ", pos_y, " instead of ", settings["Position"][1]
+ print("ERROR!!! Y coordinate of position of scalar bar is incorrect: ", pos_y, " instead of ", settings["Position"][1])
errors += 1
# Size of scalar bar
height = recreated_bar.Position2[1]
if abs(width - settings["Size"][0]) > tolerance:
- print "ERROR!!! Width of scalar bar is incorrect: ", width, " instead of ", settings["Size"][0]
+ print("ERROR!!! Width of scalar bar is incorrect: ", width, " instead of ", settings["Size"][0])
errors += 1
if abs(height - settings["Size"][1]) > tolerance:
- print "ERROR!!! Height of scalar bar is incorrect: ", height, " instead of ", settings["Size"][1]
+ print("ERROR!!! Height of scalar bar is incorrect: ", height, " instead of ", settings["Size"][1])
errors += 1
# Discretize
discretize = recreated_scalarmap.LookupTable.Discretize
if discretize != settings["Discretize"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Discretize property is incorrect: ", discretize, " instead of ", settings["Discretize"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Discretize property is incorrect: ", discretize, " instead of ", settings["Discretize"])
errors += 1
# Number of colors
nb_colors = recreated_scalarmap.LookupTable.NumberOfTableValues
if nb_colors != settings["NbColors"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Number of colors of scalar bar is incorrect: ", nb_colors, " instead of ", settings["NbColors"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Number of colors of scalar bar is incorrect: ", nb_colors, " instead of ", settings["NbColors"])
errors += 1
# Number of labels
nb_labels = recreated_bar.NumberOfLabels
if nb_labels != settings["NbLabels"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Number of labels of scalar bar is incorrect: ", nb_labels, " instead of ", settings["NbLabels"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Number of labels of scalar bar is incorrect: ", nb_labels, " instead of ", settings["NbLabels"])
errors += 1
# Title
title = recreated_bar.Title
if title != settings["Title"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Title of presentation is incorrect: ", title, " instead of ", settings["Title"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Title of presentation is incorrect: ", title, " instead of ", settings["Title"])
errors += 1
# Scaling
use_log_scale = recreated_scalarmap.LookupTable.UseLogScale
if use_log_scale != settings["UseLogScale"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Scaling of presentation is incorrect: ", use_log_scale, " instead of ", settings["UseLogScale"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Scaling of presentation is incorrect: ", use_log_scale, " instead of ", settings["UseLogScale"])
errors += 1
# Bar Orientation
orientation = recreated_bar.Orientation
if orientation != settings["Orientation"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Orientation of scalar bar is incorrect: ", orientation, " instead of ", settings["Orientation"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Orientation of scalar bar is incorrect: ", orientation, " instead of ", settings["Orientation"])
errors += 1
if errors > 0:
- raise RuntimeError, "There is(are) some error(s) was(were) found... For more info see ERRORs above..."
+ raise RuntimeError("There is(are) some error(s) was(were) found... For more info see ERRORs above...")
med_reader = GetActiveSource()
if med_reader is None :
- raise RuntimeError, "TimeStamps.med wasn't imported..."
+ raise RuntimeError("TimeStamps.med wasn't imported...")
# 2. IsoSurfaces creation
med_field = "vitesse"
view = CreateRenderView()
# 5. Execution of the created script
+exec(compile(open(path_to_save).read(), path_to_save, 'exec'))
# 6. Checking of the settings done before dump
recreated_bar = view.Representations[1]
offset = recreated_isosurfaces.Position
for i in range(len(settings["Offset"])):
if abs(offset[i] - settings["Offset"][i]) > tolerance:
- print "ERROR!!! Offset value with ", i, " index is incorrect: ", offset[i], " instead of ", settings["Offset"][i]
+ print("ERROR!!! Offset value with ", i, " index is incorrect: ", offset[i], " instead of ", settings["Offset"][i])
errors += 1
# Scalar mode
vector_component = recreated_isosurfaces.LookupTable.VectorComponent
if vector_mode != settings["ScalarMode"][0]:
- print "ERROR!!! Vector mode value is incorrect: ", vector_mode, " instead of ", settings["ScalarMode"][0]
+ print("ERROR!!! Vector mode value is incorrect: ", vector_mode, " instead of ", settings["ScalarMode"][0])
errors += 1
if vector_component != settings["ScalarMode"][1]:
- print "ERROR!!! Vector component value is incorrect: ", vector_component, " instead of ", settings["ScalarMode"][1]
+ print("ERROR!!! Vector component value is incorrect: ", vector_component, " instead of ", settings["ScalarMode"][1])
errors += 1
# Position of scalar bar
pos_y = recreated_bar.Position[1]
if abs(pos_x - settings["Position"][0]) > tolerance:
- print "ERROR!!! X coordinate of position of scalar bar is incorrect: ", pos_x, " instead of ", settings["Position"][0]
+ print("ERROR!!! X coordinate of position of scalar bar is incorrect: ", pos_x, " instead of ", settings["Position"][0])
errors += 1
if abs(pos_y - settings["Position"][1]) > tolerance:
- print "ERROR!!! Y coordinate of position of scalar bar is incorrect: ", pos_y, " instead of ", settings["Position"][1]
+ print("ERROR!!! Y coordinate of position of scalar bar is incorrect: ", pos_y, " instead of ", settings["Position"][1])
errors += 1
# Size of scalar bar
height = recreated_bar.Position2[1]
if abs(width - settings["Size"][0]) > tolerance:
- print "ERROR!!! Width of scalar bar is incorrect: ", width, " instead of ", settings["Size"][0]
+ print("ERROR!!! Width of scalar bar is incorrect: ", width, " instead of ", settings["Size"][0])
errors += 1
if abs(height - settings["Size"][1]) > tolerance:
- print "ERROR!!! Height of scalar bar is incorrect: ", height, " instead of ", settings["Size"][1]
+ print("ERROR!!! Height of scalar bar is incorrect: ", height, " instead of ", settings["Size"][1])
errors += 1
# Discretize
discretize = recreated_isosurfaces.LookupTable.Discretize
if discretize != settings["Discretize"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Discretize property is incorrect: ", discretize, " instead of ", settings["Discretize"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Discretize property is incorrect: ", discretize, " instead of ", settings["Discretize"])
errors += 1
# Number of colors
nb_colors = recreated_isosurfaces.LookupTable.NumberOfTableValues
if nb_colors != settings["NbColors"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Number of colors of scalar bar is incorrect: ", nb_colors, " instead of ", settings["NbColors"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Number of colors of scalar bar is incorrect: ", nb_colors, " instead of ", settings["NbColors"])
errors += 1
# Number of labels
nb_labels = recreated_bar.NumberOfLabels
if nb_labels != settings["NbLabels"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Number of labels of scalar bar is incorrect: ", nb_labels, " instead of ", settings["NbLabels"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Number of labels of scalar bar is incorrect: ", nb_labels, " instead of ", settings["NbLabels"])
errors += 1
# Title
title = recreated_bar.Title
if title != settings["Title"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Title of presentation is incorrect: ", title, " instead of ", settings["Title"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Title of presentation is incorrect: ", title, " instead of ", settings["Title"])
errors += 1
# Scaling
use_log_scale = recreated_isosurfaces.LookupTable.UseLogScale
if use_log_scale != settings["UseLogScale"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Scaling of presentation is incorrect: ", use_log_scale, " instead of ", settings["UseLogScale"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Scaling of presentation is incorrect: ", use_log_scale, " instead of ", settings["UseLogScale"])
errors += 1
# Bar Orientation
orientation = recreated_bar.Orientation
if orientation != settings["Orientation"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Orientation of scalar bar is incorrect: ", orientation, " instead of ", settings["Orientation"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Orientation of scalar bar is incorrect: ", orientation, " instead of ", settings["Orientation"])
errors += 1
# NbSurfaces
nb_surfaces = len(recreated_isosurfaces.Input.Isosurfaces)
if nb_surfaces != settings["NbSurfaces"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Number of surfaces of presentation is incorrect: ", nb_surfaces, " instead of ", settings["NbSurfaces"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Number of surfaces of presentation is incorrect: ", nb_surfaces, " instead of ", settings["NbSurfaces"])
errors += 1
if errors > 0:
- raise RuntimeError, "There is(are) some error(s) was(were) found... For more info see ERRORs above..."
+ raise RuntimeError("There is(are) some error(s) was(were) found... For more info see ERRORs above...")
med_reader = GetActiveSource()
if med_reader is None :
- raise RuntimeError, "TimeStamps.med wasn't imported..."
+ raise RuntimeError("TimeStamps.med wasn't imported...")
# 2. CutPlanes creation
med_field = "vitesse"
view = CreateRenderView()
# 5. Execution of the created script
+exec(compile(open(path_to_save).read(), path_to_save, 'exec'))
# 6. Checking of the settings done before dump
recreated_bar = view.Representations[1]
offset = recreated_cutplanes.Position
for i in range(len(settings["Offset"])):
if abs(offset[i] - settings["Offset"][i]) > tolerance:
- print "ERROR!!! Offset value with ", i, " index is incorrect: ", offset[i], " instead of ", settings["Offset"][i]
+ print("ERROR!!! Offset value with ", i, " index is incorrect: ", offset[i], " instead of ", settings["Offset"][i])
errors += 1
# Scalar mode
vector_component = recreated_cutplanes.LookupTable.VectorComponent
if vector_mode != settings["ScalarMode"][0]:
- print "ERROR!!! Vector mode value is incorrect: ", vector_mode, " instead of ", settings["ScalarMode"][0]
+ print("ERROR!!! Vector mode value is incorrect: ", vector_mode, " instead of ", settings["ScalarMode"][0])
errors += 1
if vector_component != settings["ScalarMode"][1]:
- print "ERROR!!! Vector component value is incorrect: ", vector_component, " instead of ", settings["ScalarMode"][1]
+ print("ERROR!!! Vector component value is incorrect: ", vector_component, " instead of ", settings["ScalarMode"][1])
errors += 1
# Position of scalar bar
pos_y = recreated_bar.Position[1]
if abs(pos_x - settings["Position"][0]) > tolerance:
- print "ERROR!!! X coordinate of position of scalar bar is incorrect: ", pos_x, " instead of ", settings["Position"][0]
+ print("ERROR!!! X coordinate of position of scalar bar is incorrect: ", pos_x, " instead of ", settings["Position"][0])
errors += 1
if abs(pos_y - settings["Position"][1]) > tolerance:
- print "ERROR!!! Y coordinate of position of scalar bar is incorrect: ", pos_y, " instead of ", settings["Position"][1]
+ print("ERROR!!! Y coordinate of position of scalar bar is incorrect: ", pos_y, " instead of ", settings["Position"][1])
errors += 1
# Size of scalar bar
height = recreated_bar.Position2[1]
if abs(width - settings["Size"][0]) > tolerance:
- print "ERROR!!! Width of scalar bar is incorrect: ", width, " instead of ", settings["Size"][0]
+ print("ERROR!!! Width of scalar bar is incorrect: ", width, " instead of ", settings["Size"][0])
errors += 1
if abs(height - settings["Size"][1]) > tolerance:
- print "ERROR!!! Height of scalar bar is incorrect: ", height, " instead of ", settings["Size"][1]
+ print("ERROR!!! Height of scalar bar is incorrect: ", height, " instead of ", settings["Size"][1])
errors += 1
# Discretize
discretize = recreated_cutplanes.LookupTable.Discretize
if discretize != settings["Discretize"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Discretize property is incorrect: ", discretize, " instead of ", settings["Discretize"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Discretize property is incorrect: ", discretize, " instead of ", settings["Discretize"])
errors += 1
# Number of colors
nb_colors = recreated_cutplanes.LookupTable.NumberOfTableValues
if nb_colors != settings["NbColors"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Number of colors of scalar bar is incorrect: ", nb_colors, " instead of ", settings["NbColors"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Number of colors of scalar bar is incorrect: ", nb_colors, " instead of ", settings["NbColors"])
errors += 1
# Number of labels
nb_labels = recreated_bar.NumberOfLabels
if nb_labels != settings["NbLabels"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Number of labels of scalar bar is incorrect: ", nb_labels, " instead of ", settings["NbLabels"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Number of labels of scalar bar is incorrect: ", nb_labels, " instead of ", settings["NbLabels"])
errors += 1
# Title
title = recreated_bar.Title
if title != settings["Title"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Title of presentation is incorrect: ", title, " instead of ", settings["Title"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Title of presentation is incorrect: ", title, " instead of ", settings["Title"])
errors += 1
# Scaling
use_log_scale = recreated_cutplanes.LookupTable.UseLogScale
if use_log_scale != settings["UseLogScale"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Scaling of presentation is incorrect: ", use_log_scale, " instead of ", settings["UseLogScale"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Scaling of presentation is incorrect: ", use_log_scale, " instead of ", settings["UseLogScale"])
errors += 1
# Bar Orientation
orientation = recreated_bar.Orientation
if orientation != settings["Orientation"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Orientation of scalar bar is incorrect: ", orientation, " instead of ", settings["Orientation"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Orientation of scalar bar is incorrect: ", orientation, " instead of ", settings["Orientation"])
errors += 1
# Normal
cur_normal = list(recreated_cutplanes.Input.SliceType.Normal)
if cur_normal != normal:
- print "ERROR!!! Normal of cut planes is incorrect: ", cur_normal, " instead of ", normal
+ print("ERROR!!! Normal of cut planes is incorrect: ", cur_normal, " instead of ", normal)
errors += 1
# Position
cur_pos = list(recreated_cutplanes.Input.SliceOffsetValues)
if cur_pos != pos:
- print "ERROR!!! Positions of cut planes is incorrect: ", cur_pos, " instead of ", pos
+ print("ERROR!!! Positions of cut planes is incorrect: ", cur_pos, " instead of ", pos)
errors += 1
if errors > 0:
- raise RuntimeError, "There is(are) some error(s) was(were) found... For more info see ERRORs above..."
+ raise RuntimeError("There is(are) some error(s) was(were) found... For more info see ERRORs above...")
med_reader = GetActiveSource()
if med_reader is None :
- raise RuntimeError, "TimeStamps.med wasn't imported..."
+ raise RuntimeError("TimeStamps.med wasn't imported...")
# 2. DeformedShape creation
med_field = "vitesse"
view = CreateRenderView()
# 5. Execution of the created script
+exec(compile(open(path_to_save).read(), path_to_save, 'exec'))
# 6. Checking of the settings done before dump
recreated_bar = view.Representations[1]
offset = recreated_deformedshape.Position
for i in range(len(settings["Offset"])):
if abs(offset[i] - settings["Offset"][i]) > tolerance:
- print "ERROR!!! Offset value with ", i, " index is incorrect: ", offset[i], " instead of ", settings["Offset"][i]
+ print("ERROR!!! Offset value with ", i, " index is incorrect: ", offset[i], " instead of ", settings["Offset"][i])
errors += 1
# Scalar mode
vector_component = recreated_deformedshape.LookupTable.VectorComponent
if vector_mode != settings["ScalarMode"][0]:
- print "ERROR!!! Vector mode value is incorrect: ", vector_mode, " instead of ", settings["ScalarMode"][0]
+ print("ERROR!!! Vector mode value is incorrect: ", vector_mode, " instead of ", settings["ScalarMode"][0])
errors += 1
if vector_component != settings["ScalarMode"][1]:
- print "ERROR!!! Vector component value is incorrect: ", vector_component, " instead of ", settings["ScalarMode"][1]
+ print("ERROR!!! Vector component value is incorrect: ", vector_component, " instead of ", settings["ScalarMode"][1])
errors += 1
# Position of scalar bar
pos_y = recreated_bar.Position[1]
if abs(pos_x - settings["Position"][0]) > tolerance:
- print "ERROR!!! X coordinate of position of scalar bar is incorrect: ", pos_x, " instead of ", settings["Position"][0]
+ print("ERROR!!! X coordinate of position of scalar bar is incorrect: ", pos_x, " instead of ", settings["Position"][0])
errors += 1
if abs(pos_y - settings["Position"][1]) > tolerance:
- print "ERROR!!! Y coordinate of position of scalar bar is incorrect: ", pos_y, " instead of ", settings["Position"][1]
+ print("ERROR!!! Y coordinate of position of scalar bar is incorrect: ", pos_y, " instead of ", settings["Position"][1])
errors += 1
# Size of scalar bar
height = recreated_bar.Position2[1]
if abs(width - settings["Size"][0]) > tolerance:
- print "ERROR!!! Width of scalar bar is incorrect: ", width, " instead of ", settings["Size"][0]
+ print("ERROR!!! Width of scalar bar is incorrect: ", width, " instead of ", settings["Size"][0])
errors += 1
if abs(height - settings["Size"][1]) > tolerance:
- print "ERROR!!! Height of scalar bar is incorrect: ", height, " instead of ", settings["Size"][1]
+ print("ERROR!!! Height of scalar bar is incorrect: ", height, " instead of ", settings["Size"][1])
errors += 1
# Discretize
discretize = recreated_deformedshape.LookupTable.Discretize
if discretize != settings["Discretize"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Discretize property is incorrect: ", discretize, " instead of ", settings["Discretize"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Discretize property is incorrect: ", discretize, " instead of ", settings["Discretize"])
errors += 1
# Number of colors
nb_colors = recreated_deformedshape.LookupTable.NumberOfTableValues
if nb_colors != settings["NbColors"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Number of colors of scalar bar is incorrect: ", nb_colors, " instead of ", settings["NbColors"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Number of colors of scalar bar is incorrect: ", nb_colors, " instead of ", settings["NbColors"])
errors += 1
# Number of labels
nb_labels = recreated_bar.NumberOfLabels
if nb_labels != settings["NbLabels"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Number of labels of scalar bar is incorrect: ", nb_labels, " instead of ", settings["NbLabels"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Number of labels of scalar bar is incorrect: ", nb_labels, " instead of ", settings["NbLabels"])
errors += 1
# Title
title = recreated_bar.Title
if title != settings["Title"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Title of presentation is incorrect: ", title, " instead of ", settings["Title"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Title of presentation is incorrect: ", title, " instead of ", settings["Title"])
errors += 1
# Scaling
use_log_scale = recreated_deformedshape.LookupTable.UseLogScale
if use_log_scale != settings["UseLogScale"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Scaling of presentation is incorrect: ", use_log_scale, " instead of ", settings["UseLogScale"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Scaling of presentation is incorrect: ", use_log_scale, " instead of ", settings["UseLogScale"])
errors += 1
# Bar Orientation
orientation = recreated_bar.Orientation
if orientation != settings["Orientation"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Orientation of scalar bar is incorrect: ", orientation, " instead of ", settings["Orientation"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Orientation of scalar bar is incorrect: ", orientation, " instead of ", settings["Orientation"])
errors += 1
# Scale factor
scale = recreated_deformedshape.Input.ScaleFactor
if abs(scale - settings["Scale"]) > tolerance:
- print "ERROR!!! Scale of presentation is incorrect: ", scale, " instead of ", settings["Scale"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Scale of presentation is incorrect: ", scale, " instead of ", settings["Scale"])
errors += 1
# Color array name
array_name = recreated_deformedshape.ColorArrayName[1]
if array_name != med_field:
- print "ERROR!!! Color array name of presentation is incorrect: ", array_name , " instead of ", med_field
+ print("ERROR!!! Color array name of presentation is incorrect: ", array_name , " instead of ", med_field)
errors += 1
# Color
color = list(recreated_deformedshape.AmbientColor)
if color != settings["ColorComponents"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Color of presentation is incorrect: ", color, " instead of ", settings["ColorComponents"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Color of presentation is incorrect: ", color, " instead of ", settings["ColorComponents"])
errors += 1
if errors > 0:
- raise RuntimeError, "There is(are) some error(s) was(were) found... For more info see ERRORs above..."
+ raise RuntimeError("There is(are) some error(s) was(were) found... For more info see ERRORs above...")
med_reader = GetActiveSource()
if med_reader is None :
- raise RuntimeError, "TimeStamps.med wasn't imported..."
+ raise RuntimeError("TimeStamps.med wasn't imported...")
# 2. GaussPoints creation
med_field = "pression"
view = CreateRenderView()
# 5. Execution of the created script
+exec(compile(open(path_to_save).read(), path_to_save, 'exec'))
# 6. Checking of the settings done before dump
recreated_bar = view.Representations[1]
offset = recreated_gausspoints.Position
for i in range(len(settings["Offset"])):
if abs(offset[i] - settings["Offset"][i]) > tolerance:
- print "ERROR!!! Offset value with ", i, " index is incorrect: ", offset[i], " instead of ", settings["Offset"][i]
+ print("ERROR!!! Offset value with ", i, " index is incorrect: ", offset[i], " instead of ", settings["Offset"][i])
errors += 1
# Scalar mode
vector_component = recreated_gausspoints.LookupTable.VectorComponent
if vector_mode != settings["ScalarMode"][0]:
- print "ERROR!!! Vector mode value is incorrect: ", vector_mode, " instead of ", settings["ScalarMode"][0]
+ print("ERROR!!! Vector mode value is incorrect: ", vector_mode, " instead of ", settings["ScalarMode"][0])
errors += 1
if vector_component != settings["ScalarMode"][1]:
- print "ERROR!!! Vector component value is incorrect: ", vector_component, " instead of ", settings["ScalarMode"][1]
+ print("ERROR!!! Vector component value is incorrect: ", vector_component, " instead of ", settings["ScalarMode"][1])
errors += 1
# Position of scalar bar
pos_y = recreated_bar.Position[1]
if abs(pos_x - settings["Position"][0]) > tolerance:
- print "ERROR!!! X coordinate of position of scalar bar is incorrect: ", pos_x, " instead of ", settings["Position"][0]
+ print("ERROR!!! X coordinate of position of scalar bar is incorrect: ", pos_x, " instead of ", settings["Position"][0])
errors += 1
if abs(pos_y - settings["Position"][1]) > tolerance:
- print "ERROR!!! Y coordinate of position of scalar bar is incorrect: ", pos_y, " instead of ", settings["Position"][1]
+ print("ERROR!!! Y coordinate of position of scalar bar is incorrect: ", pos_y, " instead of ", settings["Position"][1])
errors += 1
# Size of scalar bar
height = recreated_bar.Position2[1]
if abs(width - settings["Size"][0]) > tolerance:
- print "ERROR!!! Width of scalar bar is incorrect: ", width, " instead of ", settings["Size"][0]
+ print("ERROR!!! Width of scalar bar is incorrect: ", width, " instead of ", settings["Size"][0])
errors += 1
if abs(height - settings["Size"][1]) > tolerance:
- print "ERROR!!! Height of scalar bar is incorrect: ", height, " instead of ", settings["Size"][1]
+ print("ERROR!!! Height of scalar bar is incorrect: ", height, " instead of ", settings["Size"][1])
errors += 1
# Discretize
discretize = recreated_gausspoints.LookupTable.Discretize
if discretize != settings["Discretize"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Discretize property is incorrect: ", discretize, " instead of ", settings["Discretize"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Discretize property is incorrect: ", discretize, " instead of ", settings["Discretize"])
errors += 1
# Number of colors
nb_colors = recreated_gausspoints.LookupTable.NumberOfTableValues
if nb_colors != settings["NbColors"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Number of colors of scalar bar is incorrect: ", nb_colors, " instead of ", settings["NbColors"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Number of colors of scalar bar is incorrect: ", nb_colors, " instead of ", settings["NbColors"])
errors += 1
# Number of labels
nb_labels = recreated_bar.NumberOfLabels
if nb_labels != settings["NbLabels"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Number of labels of scalar bar is incorrect: ", nb_labels, " instead of ", settings["NbLabels"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Number of labels of scalar bar is incorrect: ", nb_labels, " instead of ", settings["NbLabels"])
errors += 1
# Title
title = recreated_bar.Title
if title != settings["Title"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Title of presentation is incorrect: ", title, " instead of ", settings["Title"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Title of presentation is incorrect: ", title, " instead of ", settings["Title"])
errors += 1
if errors > 0:
- raise RuntimeError, "There is(are) some error(s) was(were) found... For more info see ERRORs above..."
+ raise RuntimeError("There is(are) some error(s) was(were) found... For more info see ERRORs above...")
med_reader = GetActiveSource()
if med_reader is None :
- raise RuntimeError, "TimeStamps.med wasn't imported..."
+ raise RuntimeError("TimeStamps.med wasn't imported...")
# 2. Plot3D creation
med_field = "VITESSE"
view = CreateRenderView()
# 5. Execution of the created script
+exec(compile(open(path_to_save).read(), path_to_save, 'exec'))
# 6. Checking of the settings done before dump
recreated_bar = view.Representations[1]
offset = recreated_plot3d.Position
for i in range(len(settings["Offset"])):
if abs(offset[i] - settings["Offset"][i]) > tolerance:
- print "ERROR!!! Offset value with ", i, " index is incorrect: ", offset[i], " instead of ", settings["Offset"][i]
+ print("ERROR!!! Offset value with ", i, " index is incorrect: ", offset[i], " instead of ", settings["Offset"][i])
errors += 1
# Scalar mode
vector_component = recreated_plot3d.LookupTable.VectorComponent
if vector_mode != settings["ScalarMode"][0]:
- print "ERROR!!! Vector mode value is incorrect: ", vector_mode, " instead of ", settings["ScalarMode"][0]
+ print("ERROR!!! Vector mode value is incorrect: ", vector_mode, " instead of ", settings["ScalarMode"][0])
errors += 1
if vector_component != settings["ScalarMode"][1]:
- print "ERROR!!! Vector component value is incorrect: ", vector_component, " instead of ", settings["ScalarMode"][1]
+ print("ERROR!!! Vector component value is incorrect: ", vector_component, " instead of ", settings["ScalarMode"][1])
errors += 1
# Position of scalar bar
pos_y = recreated_bar.Position[1]
if abs(pos_x - settings["Position"][0]) > tolerance:
- print "ERROR!!! X coordinate of position of scalar bar is incorrect: ", pos_x, " instead of ", settings["Position"][0]
+ print("ERROR!!! X coordinate of position of scalar bar is incorrect: ", pos_x, " instead of ", settings["Position"][0])
errors += 1
if abs(pos_y - settings["Position"][1]) > tolerance:
- print "ERROR!!! Y coordinate of position of scalar bar is incorrect: ", pos_y, " instead of ", settings["Position"][1]
+ print("ERROR!!! Y coordinate of position of scalar bar is incorrect: ", pos_y, " instead of ", settings["Position"][1])
errors += 1
# Size of scalar bar
height = recreated_bar.Position2[1]
if abs(width - settings["Size"][0]) > tolerance:
- print "ERROR!!! Width of scalar bar is incorrect: ", width, " instead of ", settings["Size"][0]
+ print("ERROR!!! Width of scalar bar is incorrect: ", width, " instead of ", settings["Size"][0])
errors += 1
if abs(height - settings["Size"][1]) > tolerance:
- print "ERROR!!! Height of scalar bar is incorrect: ", height, " instead of ", settings["Size"][1]
+ print("ERROR!!! Height of scalar bar is incorrect: ", height, " instead of ", settings["Size"][1])
errors += 1
# Discretize
discretize = recreated_plot3d.LookupTable.Discretize
if discretize != settings["Discretize"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Discretize property is incorrect: ", discretize, " instead of ", settings["Discretize"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Discretize property is incorrect: ", discretize, " instead of ", settings["Discretize"])
errors += 1
# Number of colors
nb_colors = recreated_plot3d.LookupTable.NumberOfTableValues
if nb_colors != settings["NbColors"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Number of colors of scalar bar is incorrect: ", nb_colors, " instead of ", settings["NbColors"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Number of colors of scalar bar is incorrect: ", nb_colors, " instead of ", settings["NbColors"])
errors += 1
# Number of labels
nb_labels = recreated_bar.NumberOfLabels
if nb_labels != settings["NbLabels"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Number of labels of scalar bar is incorrect: ", nb_labels, " instead of ", settings["NbLabels"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Number of labels of scalar bar is incorrect: ", nb_labels, " instead of ", settings["NbLabels"])
errors += 1
# Title
title = recreated_bar.Title
if title != settings["Title"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Title of presentation is incorrect: ", title, " instead of ", settings["Title"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Title of presentation is incorrect: ", title, " instead of ", settings["Title"])
errors += 1
# Scaling
use_log_scale = recreated_plot3d.LookupTable.UseLogScale
if use_log_scale != settings["UseLogScale"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Scaling of presentation is incorrect: ", use_log_scale, " instead of ", settings["UseLogScale"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Scaling of presentation is incorrect: ", use_log_scale, " instead of ", settings["UseLogScale"])
errors += 1
# Bar Orientation
orientation = recreated_bar.Orientation
if orientation != settings["Orientation"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Orientation of scalar bar is incorrect: ", orientation, " instead of ", settings["Orientation"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Orientation of scalar bar is incorrect: ", orientation, " instead of ", settings["Orientation"])
errors += 1
# Scale Factor
scale_factor = recreated_plot3d.Input.Input.ScaleFactor
if abs(scale_factor - settings["ScaleFactor"]) > tolerance:
- print "ERROR!!! Scale factor of presentation is incorrect: ", scale_factor, " instead of ", settings["ScaleFactor"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Scale factor of presentation is incorrect: ", scale_factor, " instead of ", settings["ScaleFactor"])
errors += 1
# Cutting plane
cur_normal = list(cur_slice_filter.SliceType.Normal)
if cur_normal != normal:
- print "ERROR!!! Normal of the cutting plane is incorrect: ", cur_normal, " instead of ", normal
+ print("ERROR!!! Normal of the cutting plane is incorrect: ", cur_normal, " instead of ", normal)
errors += 1
cur_pos = list(cur_slice_filter.SliceOffsetValues)
if cur_pos != pos:
- print "ERROR!!! Position of the cuttting plane is incorrect: ", cur_pos, " instead of ", pos
+ print("ERROR!!! Position of the cuttting plane is incorrect: ", cur_pos, " instead of ", pos)
errors += 1
# Contours
cur_surfaces = list(recreated_plot3d.Input.Isosurfaces)
if cur_surfaces != surfaces:
- print "ERROR!!! Contours is incorrect: ", cur_surfaces, " instead of ", surfaces
+ print("ERROR!!! Contours is incorrect: ", cur_surfaces, " instead of ", surfaces)
errors += 1
if errors > 0:
- raise RuntimeError, "There is(are) some error(s) was(were) found... For more info see ERRORs above..."
+ raise RuntimeError("There is(are) some error(s) was(were) found... For more info see ERRORs above...")
med_reader = GetActiveSource()
if med_reader is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "TimeStamps.med wasn't imported..."
+ raise RuntimeError("TimeStamps.med wasn't imported...")
# 2. ScalarMapOnDeformedShape creation
med_field = "vitesse"
view = CreateRenderView()
# 5. Execution of the created script
+exec(compile(open(path_to_save).read(), path_to_save, 'exec'))
# 6. Checking of the settings done before dump
recreated_bar = view.Representations[1]
offset = recreated_prs.Position
for i in range(len(settings["Offset"])):
if abs(offset[i] - settings["Offset"][i]) > tolerance:
- print "ERROR!!! Offset value with ", i, " index is incorrect: ", offset[i], " instead of ", settings["Offset"][i]
+ print("ERROR!!! Offset value with ", i, " index is incorrect: ", offset[i], " instead of ", settings["Offset"][i])
errors += 1
# Scalar mode
vector_component = recreated_prs.LookupTable.VectorComponent
if vector_mode != settings["ScalarMode"][0]:
- print "ERROR!!! Vector mode value is incorrect: ", vector_mode, " instead of ", settings["ScalarMode"][0]
+ print("ERROR!!! Vector mode value is incorrect: ", vector_mode, " instead of ", settings["ScalarMode"][0])
errors += 1
if vector_component != settings["ScalarMode"][1]:
- print "ERROR!!! Vector component value is incorrect: ", vector_component, " instead of ", settings["ScalarMode"][1]
+ print("ERROR!!! Vector component value is incorrect: ", vector_component, " instead of ", settings["ScalarMode"][1])
errors += 1
# Position of scalar bar
pos_y = recreated_bar.Position[1]
if abs(pos_x - settings["Position"][0]) > tolerance:
- print "ERROR!!! X coordinate of position of scalar bar is incorrect: ", pos_x, " instead of ", settings["Position"][0]
+ print("ERROR!!! X coordinate of position of scalar bar is incorrect: ", pos_x, " instead of ", settings["Position"][0])
errors += 1
if abs(pos_y - settings["Position"][1]) > tolerance:
- print "ERROR!!! Y coordinate of position of scalar bar is incorrect: ", pos_y, " instead of ", settings["Position"][1]
+ print("ERROR!!! Y coordinate of position of scalar bar is incorrect: ", pos_y, " instead of ", settings["Position"][1])
errors += 1
# Size of scalar bar
height = recreated_bar.Position2[1]
if abs(width - settings["Size"][0]) > tolerance:
- print "ERROR!!! Width of scalar bar is incorrect: ", width, " instead of ", settings["Size"][0]
+ print("ERROR!!! Width of scalar bar is incorrect: ", width, " instead of ", settings["Size"][0])
errors += 1
if abs(height - settings["Size"][1]) > tolerance:
- print "ERROR!!! Height of scalar bar is incorrect: ", height, " instead of ", settings["Size"][1]
+ print("ERROR!!! Height of scalar bar is incorrect: ", height, " instead of ", settings["Size"][1])
errors += 1
# Discretize
discretize = recreated_prs.LookupTable.Discretize
if discretize != settings["Discretize"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Discretize property is incorrect: ", discretize, " instead of ", settings["Discretize"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Discretize property is incorrect: ", discretize, " instead of ", settings["Discretize"])
errors += 1
# Number of colors
nb_colors = recreated_prs.LookupTable.NumberOfTableValues
if nb_colors != settings["NbColors"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Number of colors of scalar bar is incorrect: ", nb_colors, " instead of ", settings["NbColors"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Number of colors of scalar bar is incorrect: ", nb_colors, " instead of ", settings["NbColors"])
errors += 1
# Number of labels
nb_labels = recreated_bar.NumberOfLabels
if nb_labels != settings["NbLabels"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Number of labels of scalar bar is incorrect: ", nb_labels, " instead of ", settings["NbLabels"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Number of labels of scalar bar is incorrect: ", nb_labels, " instead of ", settings["NbLabels"])
errors += 1
# Title
title = recreated_bar.Title
if title != settings["Title"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Title of presentation is incorrect: ", title, " instead of ", settings["Title"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Title of presentation is incorrect: ", title, " instead of ", settings["Title"])
errors += 1
# Scaling
use_log_scale = recreated_prs.LookupTable.UseLogScale
if use_log_scale != settings["UseLogScale"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Scaling of presentation is incorrect: ", use_log_scale, " instead of ", settings["UseLogScale"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Scaling of presentation is incorrect: ", use_log_scale, " instead of ", settings["UseLogScale"])
errors += 1
# Bar Orientation
orientation = recreated_bar.Orientation
if orientation != settings["Orientation"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Orientation of scalar bar is incorrect: ", orientation, " instead of ", settings["Orientation"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Orientation of scalar bar is incorrect: ", orientation, " instead of ", settings["Orientation"])
errors += 1
# Range
cur_range_max = recreated_prs.LookupTable.RGBPoints[4]
if abs(cur_range_min - range_min) > tolerance:
- print "ERROR!!! Minimum value of range of presentation is incorrect: ", cur_range_min, " instead of ", range_min
+ print("ERROR!!! Minimum value of range of presentation is incorrect: ", cur_range_min, " instead of ", range_min)
errors += 1
if abs(cur_range_max - range_max) > tolerance:
- print "ERROR!!! Maximum value of range of presentation is incorrect: ", cur_range_max, " instead of ", range_max
+ print("ERROR!!! Maximum value of range of presentation is incorrect: ", cur_range_max, " instead of ", range_max)
errors += 1
# Scale factor
scale = recreated_prs.Input.ScaleFactor
if abs(scale - settings["Scale"]) > tolerance:
- print "ERROR!!! Scale of presentation is incorrect: ", scale, " instead of ", settings["Scale"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Scale of presentation is incorrect: ", scale, " instead of ", settings["Scale"])
errors += 1
if errors > 0:
- raise RuntimeError, "There is(are) some error(s) was(were) found... For more info see ERRORs above..."
+ raise RuntimeError("There is(are) some error(s) was(were) found... For more info see ERRORs above...")
med_reader = GetActiveSource()
if med_reader is None :
- raise RuntimeError, "TimeStamps.med wasn't imported..."
+ raise RuntimeError("TimeStamps.med wasn't imported...")
# 2. StreamLines creation
field_name = "vitesse"
# 5. Execution of the created script
+exec(compile(open(path_to_save).read(), path_to_save, 'exec'))
# 6. Find the recreated StreamTracer object
recreated_stream = FindSource(settings['name'])
if recreated_stream is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "There is no StreamLines in the study (must be created by executed python script)!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("There is no StreamLines in the study (must be created by executed python script)!!!")
-print settings['name'] + " was found!!!"
+print(settings['name'] + " was found!!!")
# 7. Check settings
# IntegrationDirection
param = stream.IntegrationDirection
if param != settings['IntegrationDirection']:
- print "ERROR!!! IntegrationDirection of presentation is incorrect: ", param, " instead of ", settings["IntegrationDirection"]
+ print("ERROR!!! IntegrationDirection of presentation is incorrect: ", param, " instead of ", settings["IntegrationDirection"])
errors += 1
# InitialStepLength
param = stream.InitialStepLength
if param != settings['InitialStepLength']:
- print "ERROR!!! InitialStepLength of presentation is incorrect: ", param, " instead of ", settings["InitialStepLength"]
+ print("ERROR!!! InitialStepLength of presentation is incorrect: ", param, " instead of ", settings["InitialStepLength"])
errors += 1
# IntegrationStepUnit
param = stream.IntegrationStepUnit
if param != settings['IntegrationStepUnit']:
- print "ERROR!!! IntegrationStepUnit of presentation is incorrect: ", param, " instead of ", settings["IntegrationStepUnit"]
+ print("ERROR!!! IntegrationStepUnit of presentation is incorrect: ", param, " instead of ", settings["IntegrationStepUnit"])
errors += 1
# IntegratorType
param = stream.IntegratorType
if param != settings['IntegratorType']:
- print "ERROR!!! IntegratorType of presentation is incorrect: ", param, " instead of ", settings["IntegratorType"]
+ print("ERROR!!! IntegratorType of presentation is incorrect: ", param, " instead of ", settings["IntegratorType"])
errors += 1
# MaximumError
param = stream.MaximumError
if param != settings['MaximumError']:
- print "ERROR!!! MaximumError of presentation is incorrect: ", param, " instead of ", settings["MaximumError"]
+ print("ERROR!!! MaximumError of presentation is incorrect: ", param, " instead of ", settings["MaximumError"])
errors += 1
# MinimumStepLength
param = stream.MinimumStepLength
if param != settings['MinimumStepLength']:
- print "ERROR!!! MinimumStepLength of presentation is incorrect: ", param, " instead of ", settings["MinimumStepLength"]
+ print("ERROR!!! MinimumStepLength of presentation is incorrect: ", param, " instead of ", settings["MinimumStepLength"])
errors += 1
# MaximumStepLength
param = stream.MaximumStepLength
if param != settings['MaximumStepLength']:
- print "ERROR!!! MaximumStepLength of presentation is incorrect: ", param, " instead of ", settings["MaximumStepLength"]
+ print("ERROR!!! MaximumStepLength of presentation is incorrect: ", param, " instead of ", settings["MaximumStepLength"])
errors += 1
# MaximumSteps
param = stream.MaximumSteps
if param != settings['MaximumSteps']:
- print "ERROR!!! MaximumSteps of presentation is incorrect: ", param, " instead of ", settings["MaximumSteps"]
+ print("ERROR!!! MaximumSteps of presentation is incorrect: ", param, " instead of ", settings["MaximumSteps"])
errors += 1
# MaximumStreamlineLength
param = stream.MaximumStreamlineLength
if param != settings['MaximumStreamlineLength']:
- print "ERROR!!! MaximumStreamlineLength of presentation is incorrect: ", param, " instead of ", settings["MaximumStreamlineLength"]
+ print("ERROR!!! MaximumStreamlineLength of presentation is incorrect: ", param, " instead of ", settings["MaximumStreamlineLength"])
errors += 1
# SeedType.Center
param = list(stream.SeedType.Center)
if param != settings['SeedType.Center']:
- print "ERROR!!! SeedType.Center of presentation is incorrect: ", param, " instead of ", settings["SeedType.Center"]
+ print("ERROR!!! SeedType.Center of presentation is incorrect: ", param, " instead of ", settings["SeedType.Center"])
errors += 1
# SeedType.NumberOfPoints
param = stream.SeedType.NumberOfPoints
if param != settings['SeedType.NumberOfPoints']:
- print "ERROR!!! SeedType.NumberOfPoints of presentation is incorrect: ", param, " instead of ", settings["SeedType.NumberOfPoints"]
+ print("ERROR!!! SeedType.NumberOfPoints of presentation is incorrect: ", param, " instead of ", settings["SeedType.NumberOfPoints"])
errors += 1
# SeedType.Radius
param = stream.SeedType.Radius
if param != settings['SeedType.Radius']:
- print "ERROR!!! SeedType.Radius of presentation is incorrect: ", param, " instead of ", settings["SeedType.Radius"]
+ print("ERROR!!! SeedType.Radius of presentation is incorrect: ", param, " instead of ", settings["SeedType.Radius"])
errors += 1
if errors > 0:
- raise RuntimeError, "There is(are) some error(s) was(were) found... For more info see ERRORs above..."
+ raise RuntimeError("There is(are) some error(s) was(were) found... For more info see ERRORs above...")
med_reader = GetActiveSource()
if med_reader is None :
- raise RuntimeError, "TimeStamps.med wasn't imported..."
+ raise RuntimeError("TimeStamps.med wasn't imported...")
# 2. Vectors creation
med_field = "vitesse"
view = CreateRenderView()
# 5. Execution of the created script
+exec(compile(open(path_to_save).read(), path_to_save, 'exec'))
# 6. Checking of the settings done before dump
recreated_bar = view.Representations[1]
offset = recreated_vectors.Position
for i in range(len(settings["Offset"])):
if abs(offset[i] - settings["Offset"][i]) > tolerance:
- print "ERROR!!! Offset value with ", i, " index is incorrect: ", offset[i], " instead of ", settings["Offset"][i]
+ print("ERROR!!! Offset value with ", i, " index is incorrect: ", offset[i], " instead of ", settings["Offset"][i])
errors += 1
# Scalar mode
vector_component = recreated_vectors.LookupTable.VectorComponent
if vector_mode != settings["ScalarMode"][0]:
- print "ERROR!!! Vector mode value is incorrect: ", vector_mode, " instead of ", settings["ScalarMode"][0]
+ print("ERROR!!! Vector mode value is incorrect: ", vector_mode, " instead of ", settings["ScalarMode"][0])
errors += 1
if vector_component != settings["ScalarMode"][1]:
- print "ERROR!!! Vector component value is incorrect: ", vector_component, " instead of ", settings["ScalarMode"][1]
+ print("ERROR!!! Vector component value is incorrect: ", vector_component, " instead of ", settings["ScalarMode"][1])
errors += 1
# Position of scalar bar
pos_y = recreated_bar.Position[1]
if abs(pos_x - settings["Position"][0]) > tolerance:
- print "ERROR!!! X coordinate of position of scalar bar is incorrect: ", pos_x, " instead of ", settings["Position"][0]
+ print("ERROR!!! X coordinate of position of scalar bar is incorrect: ", pos_x, " instead of ", settings["Position"][0])
errors += 1
if abs(pos_y - settings["Position"][1]) > tolerance:
- print "ERROR!!! Y coordinate of position of scalar bar is incorrect: ", pos_y, " instead of ", settings["Position"][1]
+ print("ERROR!!! Y coordinate of position of scalar bar is incorrect: ", pos_y, " instead of ", settings["Position"][1])
errors += 1
# Size of scalar bar
height = recreated_bar.Position2[1]
if abs(width - settings["Size"][0]) > tolerance:
- print "ERROR!!! Width of scalar bar is incorrect: ", width, " instead of ", settings["Size"][0]
+ print("ERROR!!! Width of scalar bar is incorrect: ", width, " instead of ", settings["Size"][0])
errors += 1
if abs(height - settings["Size"][1]) > tolerance:
- print "ERROR!!! Height of scalar bar is incorrect: ", height, " instead of ", settings["Size"][1]
+ print("ERROR!!! Height of scalar bar is incorrect: ", height, " instead of ", settings["Size"][1])
errors += 1
# Discretize
discretize = recreated_vectors.LookupTable.Discretize
if discretize != settings["Discretize"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Discretize property is incorrect: ", discretize, " instead of ", settings["Discretize"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Discretize property is incorrect: ", discretize, " instead of ", settings["Discretize"])
errors += 1
# Number of colors
nb_colors = recreated_vectors.LookupTable.NumberOfTableValues
if nb_colors != settings["NbColors"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Number of colors of scalar bar is incorrect: ", nb_colors, " instead of ", settings["NbColors"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Number of colors of scalar bar is incorrect: ", nb_colors, " instead of ", settings["NbColors"])
errors += 1
# Number of labels
nb_labels = recreated_bar.NumberOfLabels
if nb_labels != settings["NbLabels"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Number of labels of scalar bar is incorrect: ", nb_labels, " instead of ", settings["NbLabels"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Number of labels of scalar bar is incorrect: ", nb_labels, " instead of ", settings["NbLabels"])
errors += 1
# Title
title = recreated_bar.Title
if title != settings["Title"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Title of presentation is incorrect: ", title, " instead of ", settings["Title"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Title of presentation is incorrect: ", title, " instead of ", settings["Title"])
errors += 1
# Scaling
use_log_scale = recreated_vectors.LookupTable.UseLogScale
if use_log_scale != settings["UseLogScale"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Scaling of presentation is incorrect: ", use_log_scale, " instead of ", settings["UseLogScale"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Scaling of presentation is incorrect: ", use_log_scale, " instead of ", settings["UseLogScale"])
errors += 1
# Bar Orientation
orientation = recreated_bar.Orientation
if orientation != settings["Orientation"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Orientation of scalar bar is incorrect: ", orientation, " instead of ", settings["Orientation"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Orientation of scalar bar is incorrect: ", orientation, " instead of ", settings["Orientation"])
errors += 1
# Scale factor
scale = recreated_vectors.Input.ScaleFactor
if abs(scale - settings["Scale"]) > tolerance:
- print "ERROR!!! Scale of presentation is incorrect: ", scale, " instead of ", settings["Scale"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Scale of presentation is incorrect: ", scale, " instead of ", settings["Scale"])
errors += 1
# Color array name
array_name = recreated_vectors.ColorArrayName[1]
if array_name != med_field:
- print "ERROR!!! Color array name of presentation is incorrect: ", array_name, " instead of ", med_field
+ print("ERROR!!! Color array name of presentation is incorrect: ", array_name, " instead of ", med_field)
errors += 1
# Color
color = list(recreated_vectors.AmbientColor)
if color != settings["ColorComponents"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Color of presentation is incorrect: ", color, " instead of ", settings["ColorComponents"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Color of presentation is incorrect: ", color, " instead of ", settings["ColorComponents"])
errors += 1
# Line width
line_width = recreated_vectors.LineWidth
if abs(line_width - settings["LineWidth"]) > tolerance:
- print "ERROR!!! Line width of presentation is incorrect: ", line_width, " instead of ", settings["LineWidth"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Line width of presentation is incorrect: ", line_width, " instead of ", settings["LineWidth"])
errors += 1
# Glyph type
glyph_type = type(recreated_vectors.Input.GlyphType)
if glyph_type != cone_glyth_type:
- print "ERROR!!! Glyph type is incorrect: ", glyph_type, " instead of ", cone_glyth_type
+ print("ERROR!!! Glyph type is incorrect: ", glyph_type, " instead of ", cone_glyth_type)
errors += 1
# Glyph position
glyph_position = list(recreated_vectors.Input.GlyphType.Center)
if glyph_position != settings["GlyphPos"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Glyph position is incorrect: ", glyph_position, " instead of ", settings["GlyphPos"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Glyph position is incorrect: ", glyph_position, " instead of ", settings["GlyphPos"])
errors += 1
if errors > 0:
- raise RuntimeError, "There is(are) some error(s) was(were) found... For more info see ERRORs above..."
+ raise RuntimeError("There is(are) some error(s) was(were) found... For more info see ERRORs above...")
med_reader = GetActiveSource()
if med_reader is None :
- raise RuntimeError, "TimeStamps.med wasn't imported..."
+ raise RuntimeError("TimeStamps.med wasn't imported...")
# 2. CutLines creation
med_field = "vitesse"
view = CreateRenderView()
# 5. Execution of the created script
+exec(compile(open(path_to_save).read(), path_to_save, 'exec'))
# 6. Checking of the settings done before dump
recreated_bar = view.Representations[0]
offset = recreated_cutlines.Position
for i in range(len(settings["Offset"])):
if abs(offset[i] - settings["Offset"][i]) > tolerance:
- print "ERROR!!! Offset value with ", i, " index is incorrect: ", offset[i], " instead of ", settings["Offset"][i]
+ print("ERROR!!! Offset value with ", i, " index is incorrect: ", offset[i], " instead of ", settings["Offset"][i])
errors += 1
# Scalar mode
vector_component = recreated_cutlines.LookupTable.VectorComponent
if vector_mode != settings["ScalarMode"][0]:
- print "ERROR!!! Vector mode value is incorrect: ", vector_mode, " instead of ", settings["ScalarMode"][0]
+ print("ERROR!!! Vector mode value is incorrect: ", vector_mode, " instead of ", settings["ScalarMode"][0])
errors += 1
if vector_component != settings["ScalarMode"][1]:
- print "ERROR!!! Vector component value is incorrect: ", vector_component, " instead of ", settings["ScalarMode"][1]
+ print("ERROR!!! Vector component value is incorrect: ", vector_component, " instead of ", settings["ScalarMode"][1])
errors += 1
# Position of scalar bar
pos_y = recreated_bar.Position[1]
if abs(pos_x - settings["Position"][0]) > tolerance:
- print "ERROR!!! X coordinate of position of scalar bar is incorrect: ", pos_x, " instead of ", settings["Position"][0]
+ print("ERROR!!! X coordinate of position of scalar bar is incorrect: ", pos_x, " instead of ", settings["Position"][0])
errors += 1
if abs(pos_y - settings["Position"][1]) > tolerance:
- print "ERROR!!! Y coordinate of position of scalar bar is incorrect: ", pos_y, " instead of ", settings["Position"][1]
+ print("ERROR!!! Y coordinate of position of scalar bar is incorrect: ", pos_y, " instead of ", settings["Position"][1])
errors += 1
# Size of scalar bar
height = recreated_bar.Position2[1]
if abs(width - settings["Size"][0]) > tolerance:
- print "ERROR!!! Width of scalar bar is incorrect: ", width, " instead of ", settings["Size"][0]
+ print("ERROR!!! Width of scalar bar is incorrect: ", width, " instead of ", settings["Size"][0])
errors += 1
if abs(height - settings["Size"][1]) > tolerance:
- print "ERROR!!! Height of scalar bar is incorrect: ", height, " instead of ", settings["Size"][1]
+ print("ERROR!!! Height of scalar bar is incorrect: ", height, " instead of ", settings["Size"][1])
errors += 1
# Discretize
discretize = recreated_cutlines.LookupTable.Discretize
if discretize != settings["Discretize"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Discretize property is incorrect: ", discretize, " instead of ", settings["Discretize"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Discretize property is incorrect: ", discretize, " instead of ", settings["Discretize"])
errors += 1
# Number of colors
nb_colors = recreated_cutlines.LookupTable.NumberOfTableValues
if nb_colors != settings["NbColors"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Number of colors of scalar bar is incorrect: ", nb_colors, " instead of ", settings["NbColors"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Number of colors of scalar bar is incorrect: ", nb_colors, " instead of ", settings["NbColors"])
errors += 1
# Number of labels
nb_labels = recreated_bar.NumberOfLabels
if nb_labels != settings["NbLabels"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Number of labels of scalar bar is incorrect: ", nb_labels, " instead of ", settings["NbLabels"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Number of labels of scalar bar is incorrect: ", nb_labels, " instead of ", settings["NbLabels"])
errors += 1
# Title
title = recreated_bar.Title
if title != settings["Title"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Title of presentation is incorrect: ", title, " instead of ", settings["Title"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Title of presentation is incorrect: ", title, " instead of ", settings["Title"])
errors += 1
# Scaling
use_log_scale = recreated_cutlines.LookupTable.UseLogScale
if use_log_scale != settings["UseLogScale"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Scaling of presentation is incorrect: ", use_log_scale, " instead of ", settings["UseLogScale"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Scaling of presentation is incorrect: ", use_log_scale, " instead of ", settings["UseLogScale"])
errors += 1
# Bar Orientation
orientation = recreated_bar.Orientation
if orientation != settings["Orientation"]:
- print "ERROR!!! Orientation of scalar bar is incorrect: ", orientation, " instead of ", settings["Orientation"]
+ print("ERROR!!! Orientation of scalar bar is incorrect: ", orientation, " instead of ", settings["Orientation"])
errors += 1
# Base Plane Normal
cur_normal = list(recreated_cutlines.Input.Input.SliceType.Normal)
if cur_normal != normal1:
- print "ERROR!!! Normal of base plane is incorrect: ", cur_normal, " instead of ", normal1
+ print("ERROR!!! Normal of base plane is incorrect: ", cur_normal, " instead of ", normal1)
errors += 1
# Base Plane Position
cur_pos = list(recreated_cutlines.Input.Input.SliceOffsetValues)
if cur_pos != pos1:
- print "ERROR!!! Position of base plane is incorrect: ", cur_pos, " instead of ", pos1
+ print("ERROR!!! Position of base plane is incorrect: ", cur_pos, " instead of ", pos1)
errors += 1
# Base Plane Normal
cur_normal = list(recreated_cutlines.Input.SliceType.Normal)
if cur_normal != normal2:
- print "ERROR!!! Normal of cutting planes is incorrect: ", cur_normal, " instead of ", normal2
+ print("ERROR!!! Normal of cutting planes is incorrect: ", cur_normal, " instead of ", normal2)
errors += 1
# Cutting Planes Position
cur_pos = list(recreated_cutlines.Input.SliceOffsetValues)
if cur_pos != pos2:
- print "ERROR!!! Positions of cutting planes are incorrect: ", cur_pos, " instead of ", pos2
+ print("ERROR!!! Positions of cutting planes are incorrect: ", cur_pos, " instead of ", pos2)
errors += 1
if errors > 0:
- raise RuntimeError, "There is(are) some error(s) was(were) found... For more info see ERRORs above..."
+ raise RuntimeError("There is(are) some error(s) was(were) found... For more info see ERRORs above...")
med_reader = GetActiveSource()
if med_reader is None :
- raise RuntimeError, "TimeStamps.med wasn't imported..."
+ raise RuntimeError("TimeStamps.med wasn't imported...")
# 2. Presentations creation
errors = 0
med_field = "vitesse"
for name in prs_names:
- print "Creation of ", name, " presentation..."
+ print("Creation of ", name, " presentation...")
if name == "GaussPoints":
prs = GaussPointsOnField(med_reader, EntityType.CELL, "pression", 1)
prs = eval(name + "OnField(med_reader, EntityType.NODE, med_field, 1)")
if prs is None:
- print "ERROR!!! ", name," presentation wasn't created..."
+ print("ERROR!!! ", name," presentation wasn't created...")
# StreamLines presentation is empty for "vitesse" field defined in the loaded MED file.
# TODO: check why stream lines prs is empty
if name == "StreamLines":
- print "WARNING: Stream lines presentation is empty!"
+ print("WARNING: Stream lines presentation is empty!")
errors += 1
save_trace( path_to_save, text )
# 4. Delete the created objects, recreate the view
-source_list = GetSources().values()
+source_list = list(GetSources().values())
for source in source_list:
view = CreateRenderView()
# 5. Execution of the created script
+exec(compile(open(path_to_save).read(), path_to_save, 'exec'))
# 6. Check the restored objects
for name in prs_names:
source = FindSource(name)
if source is None:
- print "There is no ", name, " in the study (must be created by executed python script)!!!"
+ print("There is no ", name, " in the study (must be created by executed python script)!!!")
errors += 1
- print name + " was found..."
+ print(name + " was found...")
if errors > 0:
- raise RuntimeError, "There is(are) some error(s) was(were) found... For more info see ERRORs above..."
+ raise RuntimeError("There is(are) some error(s) was(were) found... For more info see ERRORs above...")
xls_file = tablesdir + "tables_test.xls"
table_reader = TableReader(FileName=xls_file)
if table_reader is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Table was not imported..."
+ raise RuntimeError("Table was not imported...")
RenameSource("tables_test.xls", table_reader)
# 4. Execution of the created script
+exec(compile(open(path_to_save).read(), path_to_save, 'exec'))
# 5. Check the restored table
restored_obj = FindSource("tables_test.xls")
if restored_obj is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "There is no tables_test.xls table in the study (must be created by executed python script)!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("There is no tables_test.xls table in the study (must be created by executed python script)!!!")
available_tables = restored_obj.GetPropertyValue("AvailableTables")
for name in tables:
if name not in available_tables:
count_not += 1
- print "ERROR!!! Table with ", name, " name was not found"
+ print("ERROR!!! Table with ", name, " name was not found")
errors += 1
- print "\"" + name + "\" table was found..."
+ print("\"" + name + "\" table was found...")
if count_not > 0:
- print "ERROR!!! "+str(count_not)+" table(s) was(were) not found!!!"
+ print("ERROR!!! "+str(count_not)+" table(s) was(were) not found!!!")
errors += 1
if errors > 0:
- raise RuntimeError, "There is(are) some error(s) was(were) found... For more info see ERRORs above..."
+ raise RuntimeError("There is(are) some error(s) was(were) found... For more info see ERRORs above...")
# 4. Execution of the created script
+exec(compile(open(path_to_save).read(), path_to_save, 'exec'))
# 5. Check the restored table
table = FindSource(title)
if table is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "There is no table in the study (must be created by executed python script)!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("There is no table in the study (must be created by executed python script)!!!")
if table.Script != orig_script:
- print "ERROR!!! The script value is incorrect:"
- print table.Script
+ print("ERROR!!! The script value is incorrect:")
+ print(table.Script)
errors += 1
if errors > 0:
- raise RuntimeError, "There is(are) some error(s) was(were) found... For more info see ERRORs above..."
+ raise RuntimeError("There is(are) some error(s) was(were) found... For more info see ERRORs above...")
# 4. Execution of the created script
+exec(compile(open(path_to_save).read(), path_to_save, 'exec'))
# 5. Check the restored table
table = FindSource(title)
if table is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "There is no table in the study (must be created by executed python script)!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("There is no table in the study (must be created by executed python script)!!!")
if table.Script != orig_script:
- print "ERROR!!! The script value is incorrect:"
- print table.Script
+ print("ERROR!!! The script value is incorrect:")
+ print(table.Script)
errors += 1
if errors > 0:
- raise RuntimeError, "There is(are) some error(s) was(were) found... For more info see ERRORs above..."
+ raise RuntimeError("There is(are) some error(s) was(were) found... For more info see ERRORs above...")
import presentations
obj = FindSource('IsoSurfaces')
if obj is None:
- print "FAILED: can't find IsoSurfaces!!!"
+ print("FAILED: can't find IsoSurfaces!!!")
# 4. Remove med reader object and all other sources
-for obj in GetSources().values():
+for obj in list(GetSources().values()):
# 5. Check results
obj = FindSource('ScalarMap')
if obj is not None:
- print "FAILED: ScalarMap was not deleted!!!"
+ print("FAILED: ScalarMap was not deleted!!!")
# 1. Import of the "Penta6.med" file
-print 'Import "Penta6.med" file........',
+print('Import "Penta6.med" file........', end=' ')
file_path = datadir + "Penta6.med"
med_reader = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
if med_reader is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Penta6.med was not imported!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("Penta6.med was not imported!!!")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
view = pvsimple.GetRenderView()
# 2. Creation of "CutPlanes" presentation, based on time stamp of "scalar field" field
-print 'Creation of "CutPlanes" presentation, based on time stamp of "scalar field" field....'
+print('Creation of "CutPlanes" presentation, based on time stamp of "scalar field" field....')
cutplanes = CutPlanesOnField(med_reader, EntityType.CELL, "scalar field", 1)
if cutplanes is None :
- raise RuntimeError, "Presentation is None!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("Presentation is None!!!")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
select_cells_with_data(med_reader, on_cells=["scalar field", "vectoriel field"])
-print "Setting of deformation:"
+print("Setting of deformation:")
warp_vector = pvsimple.WarpByVector(cutplanes.Input)
warp_vector.Vectors = ["scalar field"]
warp_vector.ScaleFactor = 5.0
-print "Got scale : ", warp_vector.ScaleFactor
-print "Got field name: ", warp_vector.Vectors
+print("Got scale : ", warp_vector.ScaleFactor)
+print("Got field name: ", warp_vector.Vectors)
presentation = pvsimple.GetRepresentation(warp_vector)
set_prs_colored(presentation, med_reader, EntityType.CELL, "scalar field", 'Magnitude', 1)
process_prs_for_test(presentation, view, pic_path)
# 3. Creation of "CutPlanes" presentation, based on time stamp of "vectoriel field" field
-print 'Creation of "CutPlanes" presentation, based on time stamp of "vectoriel field" field....'
+print('Creation of "CutPlanes" presentation, based on time stamp of "vectoriel field" field....')
cutplanes = CutPlanesOnField(med_reader, EntityType.CELL, "vectoriel field", 1)
if cutplanes is None :
- raise RuntimeError, "Presentation is None!!!"
+ raise RuntimeError("Presentation is None!!!")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
-print "Setting of deformation:"
+print("Setting of deformation:")
warp_vector = pvsimple.WarpByVector(cutplanes.Input)
warp_vector.Vectors = ["vectoriel field"]
warp_vector.ScaleFactor = 5.0
-print "Got scale : ", warp_vector.ScaleFactor
-print "Got field name: ", warp_vector.Vectors
+print("Got scale : ", warp_vector.ScaleFactor)
+print("Got field name: ", warp_vector.Vectors)
presentation = pvsimple.GetRepresentation(warp_vector)
set_prs_colored(presentation, med_reader, EntityType.CELL, "vectoriel field", 'Magnitude', 1)
timestamp = 1
# 1. Import MED file
-print 'Import "pointe.med"....................',
+print('Import "pointe.med"....................', end=' ')
med_file_path = datadir + med_file
med_reader = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
if med_reader is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
# 2. Create Scalar Map
-print "Build Scalar Map presentation"
+print("Build Scalar Map presentation")
scalar_map = ScalarMapOnField(med_reader, entity, field_name, timestamp)
# 3. Set representation type to Point
-print "Set representation type to Point"
+print("Set representation type to Point")
scalar_map.Representation = 'Points'
# 4. Set representation type to Point Sprite
-print "Set Point Sprite representation"
+print("Set Point Sprite representation")
scalar_map.Representation = 'Point Sprite'
data_range = get_data_range(med_reader, entity,
med_reader = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
if med_reader is None:
- print "Error!!! med file is not imported"
+ print("Error!!! med file is not imported")
error = error+1
# Create Scalar Map
scalarmap = ScalarMapOnField(med_reader, EntityType.NODE, 'TAUX_DE_VIDE', 1);
if scalarmap is None:
- print "Error!!! ScalarMap is not created"
+ print("Error!!! ScalarMap is not created")
error = error+1
# Check Scalar bar default properties
bar = get_bar()
if bar.Orientation != 'Vertical':
- print "Error!!! Default Scalar Bar Orientation is wrong - not vertical but ", scalarmap.Orientation
+ print("Error!!! Default Scalar Bar Orientation is wrong - not vertical but ", scalarmap.Orientation)
error = error+1
error = error + compare_lists(bar.Position, [0.85, 0.05])
error = error + compare_lists(bar.Position2, [0.12, 0.43])
if error > 0:
- raise RuntimeError, "There is(are) some error(s) was(were) found... For more info see ERRORs above..."
+ raise RuntimeError("There is(are) some error(s) was(were) found... For more info see ERRORs above...")
med_reader = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
if med_reader is None:
- print "Error!!! med file is not imported"
+ print("Error!!! med file is not imported")
error = error+1
# Create Mesh
cell_entity = EntityType.CELL
mesh = MeshOnEntity(med_reader, mesh_name, cell_entity)
if mesh is None:
- print "Error!!! Mesh is not created"
+ print("Error!!! Mesh is not created")
error = error+1
mesh.Visibility = 1
mesh_shrinked = pvsimple.GetRepresentation(mesh_shrinked)
if mesh_shrinked is None:
- print "Error!!! Mesh is not shrinked"
+ print("Error!!! Mesh is not shrinked")
error = error+1
# Create Scalar Map
scalarmap = ScalarMapOnField(med_reader, EntityType.NODE, 'TAUX_DE_VIDE', 1);
if scalarmap is None:
- print "Error!!! ScalarMap is not created"
+ print("Error!!! ScalarMap is not created")
error = error+1
if error > 0:
- raise RuntimeError, "There is(are) some error(s) was(were) found... For more info see ERRORs above..."
+ raise RuntimeError("There is(are) some error(s) was(were) found... For more info see ERRORs above...")
med_reader = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
if med_reader is None:
- print "Error!!! med file is not imported"
+ print("Error!!! med file is not imported")
error = error+1
# Create Scalar Map
scalarmap = ScalarMapOnField(med_reader, EntityType.NODE, 'RESUMECAEQUI_ELGA_SIGM__________', 1)
if scalarmap is None:
- print "Error!!! ScalarMap is not created"
+ print("Error!!! ScalarMap is not created")
error = error+1
scalarmap.Visibility = 1
if error > 0:
- raise RuntimeError, "There is(are) some error(s) was(were) found... For more info see ERRORs above..."
+ raise RuntimeError("There is(are) some error(s) was(were) found... For more info see ERRORs above...")
import pvsimple
# 1. Import MED file
-print 'Import "ResOK_0000.med"...............',
+print('Import "ResOK_0000.med"...............', end=' ')
file_path = datadir + "ResOK_0000.med"
med_reader = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
if med_reader is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "import failed"
+ raise RuntimeError("import failed")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
def _extract_all_arrays_of_type(array_type, source):
# 2. Get some information on the MED file
#fields_on_nodes = med_reader.PointArrays
fields_on_nodes = _extract_point_arrays(med_reader)
-print "Field names on NODE: ", fields_on_nodes
+print("Field names on NODE: ", fields_on_nodes)
is_ok = len(fields_on_nodes) == 2 and ("temperature" in fields_on_nodes) and ("vitesse" in fields_on_nodes)
if not is_ok:
- raise RuntimeError, "=> Error in PointArrays property"
+ raise RuntimeError("=> Error in PointArrays property")
#fields_on_cells = med_reader.CellArrays
fields_on_cells = _extract_cell_arrays(med_reader)
-print "Field names on CELL: ", fields_on_cells
+print("Field names on CELL: ", fields_on_cells)
is_ok = len(fields_on_cells) == 1 and ("pression" in fields_on_cells)
if not is_ok:
- raise RuntimeError, "=> Error in CellArrays property"
+ raise RuntimeError("=> Error in CellArrays property")
timestamps = med_reader.TimestepValues.GetData()[1:]
-print "timestamps: ", timestamps
+print("timestamps: ", timestamps)
if timestamps != [17.030882013694594]:
- raise RuntimeError, "=> Wrong TimestepValues property value"
+ raise RuntimeError("=> Wrong TimestepValues property value")
import pvsimple
# 1. Import MED file
-print "**** Step1: Import MED file"
+print("**** Step1: Import MED file")
-print 'Import "ResOK_0000.med"...',
+print('Import "ResOK_0000.med"...', end=' ')
file_path = datadir + "ResOK_0000.med"
med_reader = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
if med_reader is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
-print 'Get view...................',
+print('Get view...................', end=' ')
view = pvsimple.GetRenderView()
if view is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
cell_entity = EntityType.CELL
node_entity = EntityType.NODE
# 2. Displaying vector field
-print "**** Step2: Displaying vector field"
+print("**** Step2: Displaying vector field")
-print "Creating Scalar Map.......",
+print("Creating Scalar Map.......", end=' ')
scalarmap = ScalarMapOnField(med_reader, node_entity, 'vitesse', 1)
if scalarmap is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
bar = get_bar()
bar.Orientation = 'Horizontal'
bar.AspectRatio = 3
display_only(scalarmap, view)
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
-print "Creating Stream Lines.....",
+print("Creating Stream Lines.....", end=' ')
streamlines = StreamLinesOnField(med_reader, node_entity, 'vitesse', 1)
if streamlines is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
display_only(streamlines, view)
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
-print "Creating Vectors..........",
+print("Creating Vectors..........", end=' ')
vectors = VectorsOnField(med_reader, node_entity, 'vitesse', 1)
if vectors is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
display_only(vectors, view)
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
-print "Creating Iso Surfaces.....",
+print("Creating Iso Surfaces.....", end=' ')
isosurfaces = IsoSurfacesOnField(med_reader, node_entity, 'vitesse', 1)
contour_filter = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
if isosurfaces is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
display_only(isosurfaces, view)
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
-print "Creating Cut Planes.......",
+print("Creating Cut Planes.......", end=' ')
cutplanes = CutPlanesOnField(med_reader, node_entity, 'vitesse', 1,
nb_planes=30, orientation=Orientation.YZ)
if cutplanes is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
display_only(cutplanes, view)
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
# 3. Another MED file import
-print "**** Step3: Import another MED file"
+print("**** Step3: Import another MED file")
-print 'Import "Fields_group3D.med"...............',
+print('Import "Fields_group3D.med"...............', end=' ')
file_path = datadir + "Fields_group3D.med"
med_reader1 = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
if med_reader1 is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
# 4. Displaying scalar field
-print "**** Step4: Displaying scalar field"
+print("**** Step4: Displaying scalar field")
-print "Creating Scalar Map.......",
+print("Creating Scalar Map.......", end=' ')
scalarmap1 = ScalarMapOnField(med_reader1, cell_entity, 'scalar field', 1)
if scalarmap1 is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
display_only(scalarmap1, view)
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
-print "Creating Iso Surfaces.....",
+print("Creating Iso Surfaces.....", end=' ')
isosurfaces1 = IsoSurfacesOnField(med_reader1, cell_entity, 'scalar field', 1)
if isosurfaces1 is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
display_only(isosurfaces1, view)
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
-print "Creating Cut Planes.......",
+print("Creating Cut Planes.......", end=' ')
cutplanes1 = CutPlanesOnField(med_reader1, cell_entity, 'scalar field', 1,
if cutplanes1 is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
slice_filter = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
slice_filter.SliceType.Normal = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]
display_only(cutplanes1, view)
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
# 5. Object browser popup
-print "**** Step5: Object browser popup"
+print("**** Step5: Object browser popup")
mesh_name = 'mailles_MED'
-print "Creating mesh.............",
+print("Creating mesh.............", end=' ')
mesh = MeshOnEntity(med_reader1, mesh_name, cell_entity)
if mesh is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
display_only(mesh, view)
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
-print "Changing type of presentation of mesh:"
+print("Changing type of presentation of mesh:")
mesh.Representation = 'Wireframe'
prs_type = mesh.Representation
-print "Presentation type..", prs_type
+print("Presentation type..", prs_type)
mesh.Representation = 'Points'
prs_type = mesh.Representation
-print "Presentation type..", prs_type
+print("Presentation type..", prs_type)
mesh.Representation = 'Surface'
prs_type = mesh.Representation
-print "Presentation type..", prs_type
+print("Presentation type..", prs_type)
shrink = pvsimple.Shrink(med_reader1)
mesh_shrinked = pvsimple.GetRepresentation(shrink)
display_only(mesh_shrinked, view)
-print "Changing color of mesh....",
+print("Changing color of mesh....", end=' ')
color = [0, 0, 1]
mesh.DiffuseColor = color
display_only(mesh, view)
-print "OK"
-print "Changing first IsoSurfaces",
+print("Changing first IsoSurfaces", end=' ')
display_only(isosurfaces, view)
rgb_points = isosurfaces.LookupTable.RGBPoints
surfaces = get_contours(scalar_range, 25)
contour_filter.Isosurfaces = surfaces
-print "OK"
-print "Hide IsoSurfaces..........",
+print("Hide IsoSurfaces..........", end=' ')
isosurfaces.Visibility = 0
-print "OK"
node_entity = EntityType.NODE
# 1. Import MED file
-print "**** Step1: Import MED file"
+print("**** Step1: Import MED file")
-print 'Import "fra.med"....................',
+print('Import "fra.med"....................', end=' ')
file_path = datadir + "fra.med"
med_reader = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
if med_reader is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
view = pvsimple.GetRenderView()
field_name = 'VITESSE'
-print "Creating Cut Planes.................",
+print("Creating Cut Planes.................", end=' ')
orient = Orientation.YZ
cutplanes = CutPlanesOnField(med_reader, node_entity, field_name, 1, orientation=orient)
if cutplanes is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
display_only(cutplanes, view)
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
slice_filter = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
# 2. Changing view
-print "**** Step2: Changing view"
+print("**** Step2: Changing view")
-print "Fit All.............................",
+print("Fit All.............................", end=' ')
-print "OK"
-print "Rotate..............................",
+print("Rotate..............................", end=' ')
x_angle = 0
y_angle = 0
nb_planes = len(slice_filter.SliceOffsetValues)
-for i in xrange(1, 50):
+for i in range(1, 50):
y_angle = y_angle + 0.05
normal = get_normal_by_orientation(orient, x_angle, radians(y_angle))
slice_filter.SliceType.Normal = normal
-for i in xrange(1,50):
+for i in range(1,50):
y_angle = y_angle - 0.05
normal = get_normal_by_orientation(orient, x_angle, radians(y_angle))
slice_filter.SliceType.Normal = normal
-print "OK"
-print "View Point (FRONT)..................",
+print("View Point (FRONT)..................", end=' ')
view.CameraViewUp = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
view.CameraPosition = [2.4453961849843453, 0.03425, 0.541]
-print "OK"
-print "View Point (BACK)...................",
+print("View Point (BACK)...................", end=' ')
view.CameraPosition = [-2.0343961849843457, 0.03425, 0.541]
-print "OK"
-print "View Point (TOP)....................",
+print("View Point (TOP)....................", end=' ')
view.CameraViewUp = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
view.CameraPosition = [0.2055, 0.03425, 2.7808961849843454]
-print "OK"
-print "View Point (BOTTOM).................",
+print("View Point (BOTTOM).................", end=' ')
view.CameraPosition = [0.2055, 0.03425, -1.6988961849843456]
-print "OK"
-print "View Point (LEFT)...................",
+print("View Point (LEFT)...................", end=' ')
view.CameraViewUp = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
view.CameraPosition = [0.2055, -2.2056461849843454, 0.541]
-print "OK"
-print "View Point (RIGHT) .................",
+print("View Point (RIGHT) .................", end=' ')
view.CameraPosition = [0.2055, 2.2741461849843456, 0.541]
-print "OK"
-print "Restore View........................",
+print("Restore View........................", end=' ')
-print "OK"
node_entity = EntityType.NODE
# 1. Import MED file
-print "**** Step1: Import MED file"
+print("**** Step1: Import MED file")
-print 'Import "Hexa8.med"....................',
+print('Import "Hexa8.med"....................', end=' ')
file_path = datadir + "Hexa8.med"
med_reader1 = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
if med_reader1 is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
mesh_name1 = 'Maillage MED_HEXA8'
scalar_field = 'scalar field'
vectoriel_field = 'vectoriel field'
view = pvsimple.GetRenderView()
-print "Creating Scalar Map...................",
+print("Creating Scalar Map...................", end=' ')
scalarmap1 = ScalarMapOnField(med_reader1, cell_entity, scalar_field, 1)
if scalarmap1 is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
display_only(scalarmap1, view)
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
-print "Creating Vectors......................",
+print("Creating Vectors......................", end=' ')
vectors1 = VectorsOnField(med_reader1, cell_entity, vectoriel_field, 1)
if vectors1 is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
-print "Creating Deformed Shape...............",
+print("Creating Deformed Shape...............", end=' ')
defshape1 = DeformedShapeOnField(med_reader1, cell_entity, vectoriel_field, 1)
if defshape1 is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
-print "Creating mesh.........................",
+print("Creating mesh.........................", end=' ')
mesh1 = MeshOnEntity(med_reader1, mesh_name1, cell_entity)
if mesh1 is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
mesh1.Representation = 'Wireframe'
display_only(mesh1, view)
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
-print "Displaying vectors....................",
+print("Displaying vectors....................", end=' ')
display_only(vectors1, view)
-print "OK"
-print "Displaying Deformed Shape.............",
+print("Displaying Deformed Shape.............", end=' ')
display_only(defshape1, view)
-print "OK"
-print "Set scale factor of Deformed Shape...",
+print("Set scale factor of Deformed Shape...", end=' ')
warp_vector = defshape1.Input
warp_vector.ScaleFactor = 10
-print "OK"
-print "Displaying changed Deformed Shape.....",
+print("Displaying changed Deformed Shape.....", end=' ')
display_only(defshape1, view)
-print "OK"
-print "Editing Vectors.......................",
+print("Editing Vectors.......................", end=' ')
glyph = vectors1.Input
glyph.ScaleFactor = 2
vectors1.LineWidth = 2
glyph.GlyphType.Center = [0.5, 0.0, 0.0] # TAIL position
-print "OK"
-print "Displaying changed Vectors............",
+print("Displaying changed Vectors............", end=' ')
vectors1.Visibility = 1
-print "OK"
# 2. Second MED file import
-print 'Importing file "cube_hexa8_quad4.med".',
+print('Importing file "cube_hexa8_quad4.med".', end=' ')
file_path = datadir + "cube_hexa8_quad4.med"
mesh_name2 = 'CUBE_EN_HEXA8_QUAD4'
med_reader2 = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
if med_reader2 is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
-print "Creating mesh.........................",
+print("Creating mesh.........................", end=' ')
mesh2 = MeshOnEntity(med_reader2, mesh_name2, cell_entity)
if mesh2 is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
display_only(mesh2, view)
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
-print "Setting wireframe repr. of mesh.......",
+print("Setting wireframe repr. of mesh.......", end=' ')
mesh2.Representation = 'Wireframe'
-print "OK"
-print "Creating Vectors......................",
+print("Creating Vectors......................", end=' ')
vectors2 = VectorsOnField(med_reader2, cell_entity, "fieldcelldouble", 1)
if vectors1 is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
glyph2 = vectors2.Input
glyph2.ScaleFactor = 0.2
vectors2.LineWidth = 2
glyph2.GlyphType.Center = [0.5, 0.0, 0.0] # TAIL position
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
-print "Displaying Vectors (with mesh)........",
+print("Displaying Vectors (with mesh)........", end=' ')
vectors2.Visibility = 1
-print "OK"
# 3. Third MED file import
-print 'Importing file "Penta6.med"...........',
+print('Importing file "Penta6.med"...........', end=' ')
file_path = datadir + "Penta6.med"
med_reader3 = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
if med_reader3 is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
-print "Creating Cut Planes...................",
+print("Creating Cut Planes...................", end=' ')
cutplanes1 = CutPlanesOnField(med_reader3, cell_entity, scalar_field, 1)
if cutplanes1 is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
display_only(cutplanes1, view)
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
-print "Creating Deformed Shape...............",
+print("Creating Deformed Shape...............", end=' ')
defshape2 = DeformedShapeOnField(med_reader3, cell_entity, vectoriel_field, 1)
if defshape2 is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
-print "Creating Vectors......................",
+print("Creating Vectors......................", end=' ')
vectors3 = VectorsOnField(med_reader3, cell_entity, vectoriel_field, 1)
if vectors3 is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
-print "Creating Iso Surfaces.....",
+print("Creating Iso Surfaces.....", end=' ')
isosurfaces1 = IsoSurfacesOnField(med_reader3, cell_entity, vectoriel_field, 1)
if isosurfaces1 is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
-print "Displaying Vectors (l.w.=2, s.f.=1.5).",
+print("Displaying Vectors (l.w.=2, s.f.=1.5).", end=' ')
glyph3 = vectors3.Input
glyph3.ScaleFactor = 1.5
vectors3.LineWidth = 2
display_only(vectors3, view)
-print "OK"
-print "Displaying Deformed Shape.............",
+print("Displaying Deformed Shape.............", end=' ')
defshape2.Visibility = 1
-print "OK"
-print "Displaying Iso Surfaces...............",
+print("Displaying Iso Surfaces...............", end=' ')
isosurfaces1.Visibility = 1
-print "OK"
# 4. Import Quad4,Tetra4 and Tria3 MED files
-print 'Importing "Quad4.med".................',
+print('Importing "Quad4.med".................', end=' ')
file_path = datadir + "Quad4.med"
med_reader4 = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
if med_reader4 is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
mesh_name4 = 'Maillage MED_QUAD4'
-print "Creating Iso Surfaces.................",
+print("Creating Iso Surfaces.................", end=' ')
isosurfaces2 = IsoSurfacesOnField(med_reader4, cell_entity, scalar_field, 1)
if isosurfaces2 is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
-print "Creating Cut Planes...................",
+print("Creating Cut Planes...................", end=' ')
cutplanes2 = CutPlanesOnField(med_reader4, cell_entity, scalar_field, 1,
if cutplanes2 is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
-print "Creating Deformed Shape...............",
+print("Creating Deformed Shape...............", end=' ')
defshape3 = DeformedShapeOnField(med_reader4, cell_entity, vectoriel_field, 1, scale_factor=10)
if defshape3 is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
-print "Creating Vectors......................",
+print("Creating Vectors......................", end=' ')
vectors4 = VectorsOnField(med_reader4, cell_entity, vectoriel_field, 1)
if vectors4 is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
-print "Displaying Iso Surfaces, Def. Shape and Vectors.",
+print("Displaying Iso Surfaces, Def. Shape and Vectors.", end=' ')
display_only(isosurfaces2, view)
defshape3.Visibility = 1
vectors4.Visibility = 1
-print "OK"
-print 'Importing "Tetra4.med"................',
+print('Importing "Tetra4.med"................', end=' ')
file_path = datadir + "Tetra4.med"
med_reader5 = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
if med_reader5 is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
mesh_name5 = 'Maillage MED_TETRA4'
-print "Creating Scalar Map...................",
+print("Creating Scalar Map...................", end=' ')
scalarmap2 = ScalarMapOnField(med_reader5, cell_entity, scalar_field, 1)
if scalarmap2 is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
-print "Creating Vectors......................",
+print("Creating Vectors......................", end=' ')
vectors5 = VectorsOnField(med_reader5, cell_entity, vectoriel_field, 1)
if vectors5 is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
vectors5.LineWidth = 3
vectors5.Input.ScaleFactor = 2
-print "Displaying Scalar Map and Vectoes.....",
+print("Displaying Scalar Map and Vectoes.....", end=' ')
display_only(scalarmap2, view)
vectors5.Visibility = 1
-print "OK"
-print 'Importing "Tria3.med".................',
+print('Importing "Tria3.med".................', end=' ')
file_path = datadir + "Tria3.med"
med_reader6 = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
if med_reader6 is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
mesh_name6 = 'Maillage MED_TRIA3'
-print "Creating Scalar Map...................",
+print("Creating Scalar Map...................", end=' ')
scalarmap3 = ScalarMapOnField(med_reader6, cell_entity, scalar_field, 1)
if scalarmap3 is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
display_only(scalarmap3, view)
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
-print "Creating Iso Surfaces.................",
+print("Creating Iso Surfaces.................", end=' ')
isosurfaces3 = IsoSurfacesOnField(med_reader6, cell_entity, scalar_field, 1)
if isosurfaces3 is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
display_only(isosurfaces3, view)
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
-print "Creating Deformed Shape...............",
+print("Creating Deformed Shape...............", end=' ')
defshape4 = DeformedShapeOnField(med_reader6, cell_entity, vectoriel_field, 1)
if defshape4 is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
display_only(defshape4, view)
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
-print "Creating Vectors......................",
+print("Creating Vectors......................", end=' ')
vectors6 = VectorsOnField(med_reader6, cell_entity, vectoriel_field, 1)
if vectors6 is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
glyph = vectors6.Input
glyph.GlyphType.Center = [0.5, 0.0, 0.0] # TAIL position
vectors6.LineWidth = 2
glyph.ScaleFactor = 1
display_only(vectors6, view)
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
-print "Displaying only Def. Shape and Vectors",
+print("Displaying only Def. Shape and Vectors", end=' ')
display_only(defshape4, view)
vectors6.Visibility = 1
-print "OK"
node_entity = EntityType.NODE
# 1. Import MED file
-print "**** Step1: Import MED file"
+print("**** Step1: Import MED file")
-print 'Import "ResOK_0000.med"...............',
+print('Import "ResOK_0000.med"...............', end=' ')
file_path = datadir + "ResOK_0000.med"
med_reader = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
if med_reader is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
mesh_name = 'dom'
# 2. Creating mesh
-print "**** Step2: Mesh creation"
+print("**** Step2: Mesh creation")
-print "Creating mesh.............",
+print("Creating mesh.............", end=' ')
mesh = MeshOnEntity(med_reader, mesh_name, cell_entity)
if mesh is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
# 3. Changing type of presentation of mesh
-print "**** Step3: Changing type of presentation of mesh"
+print("**** Step3: Changing type of presentation of mesh")
view = pvsimple.GetRenderView()
display_only(mesh, view)
mesh.Representation = 'Wireframe'
prs_type = mesh.Representation
-print "Presentation type..", prs_type
+print("Presentation type..", prs_type)
mesh.Representation = 'Points'
prs_type = mesh.Representation
-print "Presentation type..", prs_type
+print("Presentation type..", prs_type)
# make shrink, in PARAVIS it's not a representation type: use shrink filter
shrink = pvsimple.Shrink(med_reader)
mesh.Representation = 'Surface With Edges'
prs_type = mesh.Representation
-print "Presentation type..", prs_type
+print("Presentation type..", prs_type)
# 4. Changing Cell color of mesh
-print "**** Step4: Changing Cell color of mesh"
+print("**** Step4: Changing Cell color of mesh")
color = mesh.DiffuseColor
-print "Mesh Cell color in RGB....(", color[0], ",", color[1], ",", color[2], ")"
+print("Mesh Cell color in RGB....(", color[0], ",", color[1], ",", color[2], ")")
color = [0, 0, 1]
mesh.DiffuseColor = color
color = mesh.DiffuseColor
-print "Mesh Cell color in RGB....(", color[0], ",", color[1], ",", color[2], ")"
+print("Mesh Cell color in RGB....(", color[0], ",", color[1], ",", color[2], ")")
# 5. Changing Node color of mesh
-print "**** Step4: Changing Node color of mesh"
+print("**** Step4: Changing Node color of mesh")
color = mesh.AmbientColor
-print "Mesh Node color in RGB....(", color[0], ",", color[1], ",", color[2], ")"
+print("Mesh Node color in RGB....(", color[0], ",", color[1], ",", color[2], ")")
color = [0, 1, 0]
mesh.AmbientColor = color
color = mesh.AmbientColor
-print "Mesh Node color in RGB....(", color[0], ",", color[1], ",", color[2], ")"
+print("Mesh Node color in RGB....(", color[0], ",", color[1], ",", color[2], ")")
## Note: no special property for edge color in PARAVIS; skip link color changing ( SetLinkColor()/GetLinkColor() methods )
med_reader = pvsimple.GetActiveSource()
if med_reader is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
# 2. Create scalar map on deformed shape
smondefshape = DeformedShapeAndScalarMapOnField(med_reader, EntityType.NODE, 'vitesse', 1)
if smondefshape is None:
- print "FAILED"
+ print("FAILED")
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
# 3. Make compare
# Scalar mode
smondefshape.LookupTable.VectorMode = 'Magnitude'
if smondefshape.LookupTable.VectorMode != 'Magnitude':
- print "ScalarMode is wrong..."
+ print("ScalarMode is wrong...")
# Scalar bar Position
bar.ComponentTitle = "Comp."
if bar.Title != 'Pression, Pa':
- print "Title is wrong..."
+ print("Title is wrong...")
if bar.ComponentTitle!= 'Comp.':
- print "Component title is wrong..."
+ print("Component title is wrong...")
# Scaling
smondefshape.LookupTable.UseLogScale = 0
if smondefshape.LookupTable.UseLogScale != 0:
- print "Error!!! Scaling is wrong"
+ print("Error!!! Scaling is wrong")
# Bar orientation
bar.Orientation = 'Horizontal'
if bar.Orientation != 'Horizontal':
- print "ERROR!!! Scalar Bar orientation is wrong..."
+ print("ERROR!!! Scalar Bar orientation is wrong...")
# Scale factor
if error > 0:
- raise RuntimeError, "There is(are) some error(s) was(were) found... For more info see ERRORs above..."
+ raise RuntimeError("There is(are) some error(s) was(were) found... For more info see ERRORs above...")
import time, sys, os, inspect
def render(ss, v, title, nframes):
- print '============================================================'
- print title
+ print('============================================================')
+ print(title)
res = []
for phires in (500, 1000):
tpr = (time.time() - c1)/nframes
ncells = ss.GetDataInformation().GetNumberOfCells()
- print tpr, " secs/frame"
- print ncells, " polys"
- print ncells/tpr, " polys/sec"
+ print(tpr, " secs/frame")
+ print(ncells, " polys")
+ print(ncells/tpr, " polys/sec")
res.append((ncells, ncells/tpr))
f = open(filesour, "w")
f = sys.stdout
- print >>f, 'configuration, %d, %d' % (results[0][1][0], results[0][2][0])
+ print('configuration, %d, %d' % (results[0][1][0], results[0][2][0]), file=f)
for i in results:
- print >>f, '"%s", %g, %g' % (i[0], i[1][1], i[2][1])
+ print('"%s", %g, %g' % (i[0], i[1][1], i[2][1]), file=f)
PointData = app.GetDataInformation().GetNumberOfPoints()
CellData = app.GetDataInformation().GetNumberOfCells()
- print PointData, " Points"
- print CellData, " Cells"
+ print(PointData, " Points")
+ print(CellData, " Cells")
# Render the default view.
# Get the list of point arrays.
avail = reader.PointVariables.Available
- print avail
+ print(avail)
# Select all arrays
reader.PointVariables = avail
pdi = reader[0].PointData
# This prints a list of all read point data arrays as well as their value ranges.
- print 'Number of point arrays:', len(pdi)
+ print('Number of point arrays:', len(pdi))
for i in range(len(pdi)):
ai = pdi[i]
- print "----------------"
- print "Array:", i, " ", ai.Name, ":"
+ print("----------------")
+ print("Array:", i, " ", ai.Name, ":")
numComps = ai.GetNumberOfComponents()
- print "Number of components:", numComps
+ print("Number of components:", numComps)
for j in range(numComps):
- print "Range:", ai.GetRange(j)
+ print("Range:", ai.GetRange(j))
# White is boring. Let's color the geometry using a variable. First create a lookup table. This object controls how scalar values are mapped to colors.
SetDisplayProperties(LookupTable = MakeBlueToRedLT(0.00678, 0.0288))
di = src.GetDataInformation()
- print "Data type:", di.GetPrettyDataTypeString()
- print "Extent:", di.GetExtent()
+ print("Data type:", di.GetPrettyDataTypeString())
+ print("Extent:", di.GetExtent())
##src.Representation = 3 # outline
Show(src, view=v)
# that spans the dataset
bounds = di.GetBounds()
- print "Bounds: ", bounds
+ print("Bounds: ", bounds)
line.Point1 = bounds[0:6:2]
line.Point2 = bounds[1:6:2]
import inspect
def medread (path, impth):
- print '============================================================'
+ print('============================================================')
if os.path.exists(path):
filelist = os.listdir(path)
WriteImage(filename = (impth + "medFile_" + str(i+1) + ".png"), view=v, Magnification=2)
- print str(i+1), "Shown file is: ", fname
+ print(str(i+1), "Shown file is: ", fname)
v1 = CreateRenderView()
// set stdout to line buffering (aka C++ std::cout)
setvbuf(stdout, (char *)NULL, _IOLBF, BUFSIZ);
char* salome_python=getenv("SALOME_PYTHON");
+ size_t size_salome_python = sizeof(salome_python) / sizeof(salome_python[0]);
if(salome_python != 0)
- Py_SetProgramName(salome_python);
+ Py_SetProgramName(Py_DecodeLocale(salome_python, NULL));
Py_Initialize(); // Initialize the interpreter
- PySys_SetArgv(argc, argv);
+ wchar_t **w_argv = new wchar_t*[argc];
+ for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++)
+ w_argv[i] = Py_DecodeLocale(argv[i], NULL);
+ PySys_SetArgv(argc, w_argv);
PyRun_SimpleString("import threading\n");
PyEval_InitThreads(); // Create (and acquire) the interpreter lock
PyThreadState *pts = PyGILState_GetThisThreadState();
#include <Python.h>
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x03050000
+static char*
+Py_EncodeLocale(const wchar_t *arg, size_t *size)
+ return _Py_wchar2char(arg, size);
+static wchar_t*
+Py_DecodeLocale(const char *arg, size_t *size)
+ return _Py_char2wchar(arg, size);
// next two MACRO must be used together only once inside a block
// -------------------------------------------------------------