// $Header$
using namespace std;
-#include "Partition_Spliter.ixx"
#include "Partition_Inter2d.hxx"
#include "Partition_Inter3d.hxx"
#include "Partition_Loop2d.hxx"
#include "Partition_Loop3d.hxx"
+#include "Partition_Spliter.ixx"
#include "utilities.h"
-#include <TopExp_Explorer.hxx>
-#include <TopExp.hxx>
#include <Precision.hxx>
#include <TopAbs_Orientation.hxx>
+#include <TopExp.hxx>
+#include <TopExp_Explorer.hxx>
#include <TopTools_DataMapIteratorOfDataMapOfShapeListOfShape.hxx>
#include <TopTools_DataMapOfShapeListOfShape.hxx>
#include <TopTools_MapIteratorOfMapOfShape.hxx>
#include <TopTools_SequenceOfShape.hxx>
-#include <gp_Pnt2d.hxx>
-#include <gp_Pnt.hxx>
-#include <gp_Vec.hxx>
#include <Geom2d_Curve.hxx>
#include <Geom_Curve.hxx>
#include <Geom_Surface.hxx>
#include <Geom_TrimmedCurve.hxx>
+#include <gp_Pnt.hxx>
+#include <gp_Pnt2d.hxx>
+#include <gp_Vec.hxx>
#include <TopoDS.hxx>
#include <TopoDS_Compound.hxx>
#include <TopoDS_Vertex.hxx>
#include <TopoDS_Wire.hxx>
-#include <BRep_Tool.hxx>
-#include <BRepLib.hxx>
#include <BRepBndLib.hxx>
+#include <BRepClass3d_SolidClassifier.hxx>
+#include <BRepLib.hxx>
+#include <BRep_Tool.hxx>
-#include <stdio.h>
#include <Extrema_ExtPC.hxx>
#include <GeomAdaptor_Curve.hxx>
#include <TopOpeBRepTool_CurveTool.hxx>
#ifdef DEB
-#define DRAW 0
+//# define PART_PERF
-#ifdef DRAW
-#include <DBRep.hxx>
-Standard_IMPORT Standard_Boolean AffichInter3d ;
-Standard_IMPORT Standard_Boolean AffichInter2d ;
-Standard_IMPORT Standard_Boolean AffichVertex;
-Standard_IMPORT Standard_Boolean AffichFace;
-Standard_IMPORT Standard_Boolean AffichWire;
-Standard_IMPORT Standard_Boolean SelectFace;
+#ifdef PART_PERF
+# include <OSD_Chronometer.hxx>
-static char* names = new char[100];
+//function : isClosed
+//purpose : check id a shape is closed, ie is a solid or a closed shell
+static Standard_Boolean isClosed(const TopoDS_Shape& theShape)
+ Standard_Boolean isClosed = (theShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_SOLID);
+ if (!isClosed && theShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_SHELL) {
+ TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeListOfShape MEF;
+ TopExp::MapShapesAndAncestors(theShape, TopAbs_EDGE, TopAbs_FACE, MEF);
+ for (Standard_Integer i=1; isClosed && i<=MEF.Extent(); ++i)
+ isClosed = ( MEF(i).Extent() != 1 );
+ }
+ return isClosed;
//function : Partition_Spliter
void Partition_Spliter::AddTool(const TopoDS_Shape& S)
+ if (S.ShapeType() < TopAbs_SOLID) { // compound or compsolid
+ TopoDS_Iterator it (S);
+ for (; it.More(); it.Next())
+ {
+ AddTool( it.Value());
+ myFaceShapeMap.Bind( it.Value(), S ); // to know compound by shape
+ }
+ return;
+ }
for (TopExp_Explorer exp(S,TopAbs_FACE); exp.More(); exp.Next())
+ {
+ myFaceShapeMap.Bind( exp.Current(), S );
+ }
+ if (isClosed( S ))
+ myClosedShapes.Add( S );
if (S.ShapeType() < TopAbs_SOLID) { // compound or compsolid
TopoDS_Iterator it (S);
for (; it.More(); it.Next())
+ {
AddShape( it.Value());
+ myFaceShapeMap.Bind( it.Value(), S ); // to know compound by shape
+ }
//myBuilder.Add( myShape, S );
- myListShapes.Append(S);
+ Standard_Integer nbFacesBefore = myMapFaces.Extent(); // not to add twice the same S
for (; exp.More(); exp.Next()) {
- myFaceShapeMap.Bind( exp.Current(), S );
- myMapFaces.Add(exp.Current());
- myImagesFaces.SetRoot(exp.Current());
+ const TopoDS_Shape & aFace = exp.Current();
+ if ( ! myFaceShapeMap.IsBound( aFace )) // keep shape of tool face added as object
+ myFaceShapeMap.Bind( aFace, S );
+ if (myMapFaces.Add( aFace ))
+ myImagesFaces.SetRoot( aFace );
+ if (nbFacesBefore == myMapFaces.Extent())
+ return;
+ // solids must be processed before all
+ if (S.ShapeType() == TopAbs_SOLID)
+ myListShapes.Prepend(S);
+ else
+ myListShapes.Append(S);
+ if (isClosed( S ))
+ myClosedShapes.Add( S );
+ myClosedShapes.Clear();
+ myEqualEdges.Clear();
+ myNewSection.Clear();
+ myWrappingSolid.Clear();
- myNewSection.Clear();
+ myInternalFaces.Clear();
+ myIntNotClFaces.Clear();
- myInternalFaces.Clear();
TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itl;
TopExp_Explorer exp;
+#ifdef PART_PERF
+ OSD_Chronometer aCron;
if (myDoneStep > TopAbs_VERTEX) {
TopTools_ListOfShape aListFaces;
for (it.Initialize(myMapTools); it.More(); it.Next())
+#ifdef PART_PERF
+ aCron.Start();
// Intersection between faces
// result is in myAsDes as a map Face - list of new edges;
// special care is done for section edges, same domain faces and vertices:
// data about them is inside myInter3d
myInter3d.CompletPart3d(aListFaces, myFaceShapeMap);
- TopTools_MapOfShape& Modif = myInter3d.TouchedFaces();
- TopTools_MapOfShape& NewEdges = myInter3d.NewEdges();
- Handle(BRepAlgo_AsDes) SectionEdgesAD = myInter3d.SectionEdgesAD();
-#ifdef DRAW
- if (AffichInter3d) {
- Standard_Integer i=0;
- for (it.Initialize(NewEdges); it.More(); it.Next(), i++) {
- sprintf(names,"e_%d",i);
- cout << "donly " << names << endl;
- DBRep::Set(names,it.Key());
- }
- }
+#ifdef PART_PERF
+ cout << "+++ CompletPart3d()" << endl;
+ aCron.Show( cout );
+ aCron.Reset();
+ aCron.Start();
- //if (Modif.IsEmpty()) return;
- // -----------------------------------------------
- // store tools intersecting solids as object shapes,
- // they must split into faces too
- // -----------------------------------------------
- // build edge - face map for tool faces
- TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeListOfShape EFM;
- for (it.Initialize(myMapTools); it.More(); it.Next())
- TopExp::MapShapesAndAncestors( it.Key(), TopAbs_EDGE, TopAbs_FACE, EFM);
- TopTools_MapOfShape checkedEdgeMap;
- for (itl.Initialize( myListShapes ); itl.More(); itl.Next()) {
- TopExp_Explorer expSo (itl.Value(), TopAbs_SOLID);
- for (; expSo.More(); expSo.Next()) {
- TopTools_ListOfShape checkFL; // faces to check
- for ( exp.Init( expSo.Current(), TopAbs_FACE); exp.More(); exp.Next())
- checkFL.Append ( exp.Current());
- // iterate a list while appending new items
- TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itF, itCF;
- for (itCF.Initialize (checkFL) ; itCF.More(); itCF.Next()) {
- const TopoDS_Shape& F = itCF.Value();
- if ( myAsDes->HasDescendant( F )) {
- // new edges on face to check
- const TopTools_ListOfShape& NEL = myAsDes->Descendant( F );
- TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itE (NEL);
- for (; itE.More(); itE.Next()) {
- if (checkedEdgeMap.Add( itE.Value() )) {
- // intersected faces originating an edge
- itF.Initialize (myAsDes->Ascendant( itE.Value() ));
- for (; itF.More(); itF.Next()) {
- if (!myMapFaces.Contains( itF.Value())) {
- AddShape( itF.Value() );
- checkFL.Append( itF.Value() );
- }
- }
- // faces having section edges on F
- if (EFM.Contains( itE.Value()))
- itF.Initialize ( EFM.FindFromKey (itE.Value()));
- for (; itF.More(); itF.Next()) {
- if (!myMapFaces.Contains( itF.Value())) {
- AddShape( itF.Value() );
- checkFL.Append( itF.Value() );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // find faces cut by edges of F
- TopExp_Explorer expE(F, TopAbs_EDGE);
- for (; expE.More();expE.Next()) {
- if ( SectionEdgesAD->HasAscendant( expE.Current() )
- && checkedEdgeMap.Add( expE.Current() )) {
- itF.Initialize( SectionEdgesAD->Ascendant( expE.Current()) );
- for (; itF.More(); itF.Next()) {
- if (!myMapFaces.Contains( itF.Value())) {
- AddShape( itF.Value() );
- checkFL.Append( itF.Value() );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
// Intersection of edges
+ // add tool faces which must be reconstructed to myMapFaces too
+ FindToolsToReconstruct();
+#ifdef PART_PERF
+ cout << "+++ FindToolsToReconstruct()" << endl;
+ aCron.Show( cout );
+ aCron.Reset();
+ aCron.Start();
// add existing vertices to edges of object faces in myAsDes
TopTools_MapOfShape DoneEM;
for ( it.Initialize(myMapFaces); it.More(); it.Next()) {
// intersect edges that are descendants of a face in myAsDes
+ TopTools_MapOfShape& Modif = myInter3d.TouchedFaces();
for ( it.Initialize(Modif); it.More(); it.Next()) {
const TopoDS_Face& F = TopoDS::Face(it.Key());
- Partition_Inter2d::CompletPart2d (myAsDes, F, NewEdges);
+ Partition_Inter2d::CompletPart2d (myAsDes, F, myInter3d.NewEdges());
// now myAsDes contains also new vertices made at edge intersection as
// descendant of edges both new and old
myDoneStep = TopAbs_VERTEX;
+#ifdef PART_PERF
+ cout << "+++ CompletPart2d()" << endl;
+ aCron.Show( cout );
+ aCron.Reset();
+ aCron.Start();
} // if (myDoneStep > TopAbs_VERTEX)
if (Limit == TopAbs_VERTEX) {
if (myDoneStep > TopAbs_EDGE) {
- // Reconstruction of all the edges.
+ //-----------------------------------------------
+ // ------- Reconstruction of all the edges.------
+ //-----------------------------------------------
- // Add to myAsDes end vertices of new edges and cut new edges
- int j=1;
- TopTools_MapOfShape& NewEdges = myInter3d.NewEdges();
+ // ==============
+ // cut new edges
+ // ==============
TopTools_ListOfShape LSE; // all edge splits
- for ( it.Initialize(NewEdges); it.More(); it.Next()) {
+ for ( it.Initialize(myInter3d.NewEdges()); it.More(); it.Next()) {
TopoDS_Vertex V1,V2;
TopoDS_Edge EE = TopoDS::Edge(it.Key());
if (aListV.IsEmpty())
continue; // new edge does not intersect any other edge
- // one face is Tool, the other is Shape:
- if ( (myMapTools.Contains(aListF.First()) && myMapFaces.Contains(aListF.Last()) ) ||
- ( myMapFaces.Contains(aListF.First()) && myMapTools.Contains(aListF.Last()) ) )
+ // Add end vertices to new edges only if
+ // one face is Tool and the other is Shape
+ Standard_Boolean isTool1 = ! myMapFaces.Contains( aListF.First() );
+ Standard_Boolean isTool2 = ! myMapFaces.Contains( aListF.Last() );
+ if (isTool1 || isTool2)
Standard_Real Tol = Max (BRep_Tool::Tolerance( V1 ),
-#ifdef DRAW
- if (AffichVertex) {
- for(itl.Initialize(aListV);itl.More();itl.Next(), j++) {
- sprintf(names,"v_%d",j);
- cout << "donly " << names << endl;
- DBRep::Set(names,itl.Value());
- }
- }
+ // cut new edges
Standard_Integer NbV=aListV.Extent() ;
if (NbV>1 || (NbV==1 && V1.IsSame(V2)) ) {
- // cut new edges
TopTools_ListOfShape LNE;
MakeEdges (EE,aListV, LNE);
+ // ==============
// cut old edges
+ // ==============
for ( it.Initialize(myMapFaces); it.More(); it.Next()) {
for (exp.Init( it.Key(), TopAbs_EDGE); exp.More(); exp.Next()) {
const TopoDS_Edge& EE = TopoDS::Edge( exp.Current() );
LSE.Append( LNE );
+#ifdef PART_PERF
+ cout << "+++ Cut Edges" << endl;
+ aCron.Show( cout );
+ aCron.Reset();
+ aCron.Start();
+ // process same domain section edges
MergeEqualEdges( LSE );
myDoneStep = TopAbs_EDGE;
+#ifdef PART_PERF
+ cout << "+++ MergeEqualEdges()" << endl;
+ aCron.Show( cout );
+ aCron.Reset();
+ aCron.Start();
} // if (myDoneStep > TopAbs_EDGE)
if (Limit == TopAbs_EDGE) {
// add splits of old edges
TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itNE;
for (itl.Initialize( myListShapes );itl.More();itl.Next()) {
+ if (myMapTools.Contains( itl.Value() ))
+ continue; // skip tool faces
for ( exp.Init( itl.Value(), TopAbs_EDGE ); exp.More(); exp.Next()) {
itNE.Initialize( myImagesEdges.Image( exp.Current() ));
for ( ; itNE.More(); itNE.Next())
- // make faces interfering by section edges share the same splits
- //ProcessSectionEdges( SectionEdgesAD );
// split faces
myDoneStep = TopAbs_FACE;
+#ifdef PART_PERF
+ cout << "+++ MakeFaces()" << endl;
+ aCron.Show( cout );
+ aCron.Reset();
+ aCron.Start();
if (Limit == TopAbs_WIRE ||
- // split solids
+ // split and add solids and shells
- // solids must remains closed, so process them first
Standard_Boolean makeSolids = (Limit == TopAbs_SHAPE ||
Limit < TopAbs_SHELL);
+ for (itl.Initialize(myListShapes);itl.More();itl.Next())
+ {
+ const TopoDS_Shape & S = itl.Value();
+ if (S.ShapeType() > TopAbs_SHELL)
+ continue;
- for (itl.Initialize(myListShapes);itl.More();itl.Next()) {
- if (itl.Value().ShapeType() == TopAbs_SOLID) {
- TopTools_ListOfShape NSL;
- MakeShells (itl.Value() , NSL);
- TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itS(NSL);
- for ( ; itS.More(); itS.Next())
- if (makeSolids) {
- // make a solid from a shell
- TopoDS_Solid Solid;
- myBuilder.MakeSolid( Solid );
- myBuilder.Add (Solid, itS.Value());
- myBuilder.Add (myShape, Solid);
- }
- else
- myBuilder.Add (myShape, itS.Value());
- }
+ TopTools_ListOfShape NSL; // new shape list
+ MakeShells (S , NSL);
+ if (makeSolids && S.ShapeType() == TopAbs_SOLID )
+ MakeSolids( S, NSL );
+ TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itNSL (NSL);
+ for ( ; itNSL.More(); itNSL.Next())
+ myBuilder.Add (myShape, itNSL.Value());
- //-----------------------------------------------
- // split shells
- //-----------------------------------------------
+#ifdef PART_PERF
+ cout << "+++ MakeShells()" << endl;
+ aCron.Show( cout );
- for (itl.Initialize(myListShapes);itl.More();itl.Next()) {
- if (itl.Value().ShapeType() == TopAbs_SHELL) {
- TopTools_ListOfShape NSL;
- MakeShells (itl.Value() , NSL);
- TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itS(NSL);
- for ( ; itS.More(); itS.Next())
- myBuilder.Add (myShape, itS.Value());
- }
- }
// add split faces
- for (itl.Initialize(myListShapes);itl.More();itl.Next()) {
- const TopoDS_Shape& S = itl.Value();
+ for (itl.Initialize(myListShapes);itl.More();itl.Next())
+ {
+ const TopoDS_Shape & S = itl.Value();
if (S.ShapeType() != TopAbs_FACE ||
- myMapTools.Contains( S ))
+ myMapTools.Contains( S ))
TopoDS_Iterator itS( myImageShape.Image(S).First() );
for (; itS.More(); itS.Next())
if (! myAddedFacesMap.Contains( itS.Value() ))
- myBuilder.Add (myShape, itS.Value());
+ myBuilder.Add (myShape, itS.Value());
myDoneStep = makeSolids ? TopAbs_SOLID : TopAbs_SHELL;
-//function : Tri
-//purpose :
-static void Tri(const TopoDS_Edge& E,
- TopTools_SequenceOfShape& Seq)
- Standard_Boolean Invert = Standard_True;
- Standard_Integer NbPoints = Seq.Length();
- Standard_Real U1,U2;
- TopoDS_Vertex V1,V2;
- while (Invert) {
- Invert = Standard_False;
- for ( Standard_Integer i = 1; i < Seq.Length(); i++) {
- V1 = TopoDS::Vertex(Seq.Value(i));
- V2 = TopoDS::Vertex(Seq.Value(i+1));
- V1.Orientation(TopAbs_INTERNAL);
- V2.Orientation(TopAbs_INTERNAL);
- U1 = BRep_Tool::Parameter(V1,E);
- U2 = BRep_Tool::Parameter(V2,E);
- if (IsEqual(U1,U2)) {
- Seq.Remove(i);
- i--;
- continue;
- }
- if (U2 < U1) {
- Seq.Exchange(i,i+1);
- Invert = Standard_True;
- }
- }
- }
-//function : MakeEdges
-//purpose : cut E by vertices VOnE, return list of new edges NE
+//function : MakeSolids
+//purpose : make solids out of Shells
-void Partition_Spliter::MakeEdges (const TopoDS_Edge& E,
- const TopTools_ListOfShape& VOnE,
- TopTools_ListOfShape& NE ) const
+void Partition_Spliter::MakeSolids(const TopoDS_Shape & theSolid,
+ TopTools_ListOfShape & theShellList)
- TopoDS_Edge WE = E;
- WE.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD);
+ // for a solid wrapping other shells or solids without intersection,
+ // it is necessary to find shells making holes in it
- TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itv(VOnE);
- TopTools_SequenceOfShape SV;
+ TopTools_ListOfShape aNewSolids; // result
+ TopTools_ListOfShape aHoleShells;
+ TopoDS_Shape anInfinitePointShape;
- Standard_Real U1,U2, f, l;
- TopoDS_Vertex V1,V2,VF,VL;
+ Standard_Boolean isWrapping = myWrappingSolid.Contains( theSolid );
+ if (!isWrapping && !theShellList.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ // check if theSolid initially has internal shells
+ TopoDS_Iterator aShellExp (theSolid);
+ aShellExp.Next();
+ isWrapping = aShellExp.More();
+ }
+ TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape aShellIt(theShellList);
+ for ( ; aShellIt.More(); aShellIt.Next())
+ {
+ const TopoDS_Shape & aShell = aShellIt.Value();
- BRep_Tool::Range(WE,f,l);
- TopExp::Vertices(WE,VF,VL);
+ // check if a shell is a hole
+ if (isWrapping && IsInside (anInfinitePointShape, aShell))
+ aHoleShells.Append( aShell );
+ else
+ {
+ // make a solid from a shell
+ TopoDS_Solid Solid;
+ myBuilder.MakeSolid( Solid );
+ myBuilder.Add (Solid, aShell);
- if (VOnE.Extent() < 3) { // do not rebuild not cut edge
- if (( VF.IsSame( VOnE.First() ) && VL.IsSame( VOnE.Last() )) ||
- VL.IsSame( VOnE.First() ) && VF.IsSame( VOnE.Last() ) ) {
- NE.Append( E );
- return;
+ aNewSolids.Append (Solid);
- for (; itv.More(); itv.Next())
- SV.Append(itv.Value());
- Tri( WE, SV);
- Standard_Integer iVer, NbVer = SV.Length();
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- // Construction of the new edges .
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // find outer a shell most close to each hole shell
+ TopTools_DataMapOfShapeShape aInOutMap;
+ for (aShellIt.Initialize( aHoleShells ); aShellIt.More(); aShellIt.Next())
+ {
+ const TopoDS_Shape & aHole = aShellIt.Value();
+ TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape aSolisIt (aNewSolids);
+ for ( ; aSolisIt.More(); aSolisIt.Next())
+ {
+ const TopoDS_Shape & aSolid = aSolisIt.Value();
+ if (! IsInside( aHole, aSolid ))
+ continue;
- if (VF.IsSame(VL)) { // closed edge
- if (NbVer==1)
- SV.Append( SV.First() );
- else if (!SV.First().IsSame(SV.Last())) {
- Standard_Boolean isFirst=0;
- Standard_Real minDU = 1.e10;
- TopoDS_Vertex endV = Partition_Inter2d::FindEndVertex(VOnE, f,l, E, isFirst,minDU);
- if (endV.IsSame(SV.First()))
- SV.Append(endV);
- else if (endV.IsSame(SV.Last()))
- SV.Prepend(endV);
+ if ( aInOutMap.IsBound (aHole))
+ {
+ const TopoDS_Shape & aSolid2 = aInOutMap( aHole );
+ if ( IsInside( aSolid, aSolid2 ))
+ {
+ aInOutMap.UnBind( aHole );
+ aInOutMap.Bind ( aHole, aSolid );
+ }
+ }
- }
- NbVer = SV.Length();
- }
- for (iVer=1; iVer < NbVer; iVer++) {
- V1 = TopoDS::Vertex(SV(iVer));
- V2 = TopoDS::Vertex(SV(iVer+1));
- TopoDS_Shape NewEdge = WE.EmptyCopied();
- V1.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD);
- myBuilder.Add (NewEdge,V1);
- V2.Orientation(TopAbs_REVERSED);
- myBuilder.Add (NewEdge,V2);
- if (iVer==1)
- U1 = f;
- else {
- V1.Orientation(TopAbs_INTERNAL);
- U1=BRep_Tool::Parameter(V1,WE);
- }
- if (iVer+1 == NbVer)
- U2 = l;
- else {
- V2.Orientation(TopAbs_INTERNAL);
- U2=BRep_Tool::Parameter(V2,WE);
- }
- if (Abs(U1-U2) <= Precision::PConfusion()) {
- continue;
+ aInOutMap.Bind ( aHole, aSolid );
- TopoDS_Edge EE=TopoDS::Edge(NewEdge);
- myBuilder.Range (EE,U1,U2);
- TopoDS_Edge NEdge = TopoDS::Edge(NewEdge);
- myBuilder.SameParameter(NEdge,Standard_False);
- Standard_Real tol = 1.0e-2;
- Standard_Boolean flag = BRep_Tool::SameParameter(NEdge);
- if (!flag) {
- BRepLib::SameParameter(NEdge,tol);
- }
- NE.Append(NEdge.Oriented(E.Orientation()));
+ // add aHole to a solid
+ if (aInOutMap.IsBound( aHole ))
+ myBuilder.Add ( aInOutMap( aHole ), aHole );
+ theShellList.Clear();
+ theShellList.Append( aNewSolids );
//function : FindFacesInside
//purpose : return compound of faces of other shapes that are
const Standard_Boolean CheckClosed,
const Standard_Boolean All)
+ // ================================================
+ // check if internal faces have been already found
+ // ================================================
TopExp_Explorer expl;
if (myInternalFaces.IsBound( theShape ))
return C;
+ // ===================================
+ // get data for internal faces search
+ // ===================================
// compound of split faces of theShape
const TopoDS_Shape& CSF = myImageShape.Image(theShape).First();
// MSE filling: map of new section edges of CSF
for (expl.Init(CSF,TopAbs_EDGE); expl.More(); expl.Next()) {
- TopoDS_Shape resE = expl.Current() ;
+ const TopoDS_Shape & resE = expl.Current() ;
if (myNewSection.Contains( resE )) // only new edges
+ // add tool faces having section edges on faces of theShape to MFP and DMSEFP;
+ // such tool faces need not to be reconstructed and so they are not in myListShapes
+ for (itm.Initialize(myMapTools); itm.More(); itm.Next())
+ {
+ const TopoDS_Shape & aToolFace = itm.Key();
+ if (myMapFaces.Contains( aToolFace ))
+ continue;
+ MFP.Add(aToolFace);
+ for (expl.Init( aToolFace, TopAbs_EDGE ); expl.More(); expl.Next()) {
+ TopoDS_Shape se = expl.Current();
+ if ( MSE.Contains( se )) {// section edge
+ if (!DMSEFP.IsBound( se ))
+ DMSEFP.Bind( se, EmptyL );
+ DMSEFP( se ).Append( aToolFace );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // ===========================
// find faces inside theShape
+ // ===========================
Standard_Boolean skipAlreadyAdded = Standard_False;
Standard_Boolean GoodOri, inside;
const TopoDS_Edge& E = TopoDS::Edge (Mapit.Key());
// an original edge of which E is a split
const TopoDS_Edge& OrigE = TopoDS::Edge ( myImagesEdges.Root( E ));
- // is OrigE itself splits a face
+ // does OrigE itself splits a face
Standard_Boolean isSectionE = myInter3d.IsSectionEdge ( OrigE );
// split faces of other shapes sharing E
// find another face which originates from the same face as aFace1:
// usually aFace2 is internal if aFace1 is not and vice versa
- const TopoDS_Shape& anOrigFace = myImagesFaces.Root(aFace1);
+ TopoDS_Shape anOrigFace = aFace1;
+ if (myImagesFaces.IsImage(aFace1))
+ anOrigFace = myImagesFaces.Root(aFace1);
TopoDS_Shape aFace2;
if ( !isSectionE ) {
while (itl.More()) {
// keep one of found faces
- //face of CSF sharing E
+ //face of CSF sharing E
const TopoDS_Shape& aShapeFace = sameDom1 ? FL.Last() : FL.First();
// analyse aFace1 state
inside = Partition_Loop3d::IsInside (E, TopoDS::Face(aShapeFace), aFace1,
1, dot, GoodOri);
+ if (inside && isSectionE)
+ {
+ // aFace1 must be tested with both adjacent faces of CSF
+ const TopoDS_Shape& aShapeFace2 = sameDom1 ? FL.First() : FL.Last();
+ if (aShapeFace2 != aShapeFace)
+ inside = Partition_Loop3d::IsInside (E, TopoDS::Face(aShapeFace2), aFace1,
+ 1, dot, GoodOri);
+ }
// store internal face
if (inside)
- KeepFaces.Append(aFace1);
+ KeepFaces.Append(aFace1);
else if (!aFace2.IsNull())
if (dot + Precision::Angular() >= 1.0)
LSF.Append( aFace2 );
- KeepFaces.Append(aFace2);
+ KeepFaces.Append(aFace2);
+ // ===================================================
// add not distributed faces connected with KeepFaces
+ // ===================================================
// ultimate list of internal faces
TopTools_ListOfShape KeptFaces;
- // check if kept faces form a shell without free edges
+ // ===============================================================
+ // here MFP contains faces outer of theShape and those of shapes
+ // which do not interfere with theShape at all and between which
+ // there may be those wrapped by theShape and whose faces may be
+ // needed to be returned as well
+ // ===============================================================
- DMEF.Clear(); // edge - kept faces
- MFP.Clear(); // wrong faces
- if (CheckClosed) {
- for (itl.Initialize(KeptFaces); itl.More(); itl.Next() )
- TopExp::MapShapesAndAncestors(itl.Value(), TopAbs_EDGE, TopAbs_FACE, DMEF);
+ Standard_Boolean isSolid = (theShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_SOLID);
+ if (All || isSolid) // All is for sub-result removal
+ {
+ for ( itm.Initialize( MFP ); itm.More(); itm.Next() ) {
+ TopoDS_Shape aFace = itm.Key();
- Standard_Integer i, nb = DMEF.Extent();
- Standard_Boolean isClosed = Standard_False;
- while (!isClosed) {
+ // find a shape aFace originates from
+ TopoDS_Shape anOrigShape = GetOriginalShape( aFace );
+ // find out if all faces of anOrigShape are not in MFP
+ // and by the way remove them from MFP
+ Standard_Boolean isAllOut = Standard_True;
+ TopoDS_Shape aSplitFaces = anOrigShape;
+ if (myImageShape.HasImage(anOrigShape))
+ aSplitFaces = myImageShape.Image(anOrigShape).First();
+ TopTools_ListOfShape aSplitFaceL;
+ for (expl.Init( aSplitFaces, TopAbs_FACE ); expl.More(); expl.Next())
+ {
+ const TopoDS_Shape & aSpFace = expl.Current();
+ // a tool face which become object has image but the whole tool shape has not
+ if (myImageShape.HasImage( aSpFace ))
+ {
+ TopExp_Explorer exF (myImageShape.Image( aSpFace ).First(), TopAbs_FACE );
+ for ( ; exF.More(); exF.Next() )
+ {
+ aSplitFaceL.Append( exF.Current() );
+ if ( ! MFP.Remove( exF.Current() ))
+ isAllOut = Standard_False;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aSplitFaceL.Append( aSpFace );
+ if ( ! MFP.Remove( aSpFace ))
+ isAllOut = Standard_False;
+ }
+ }
+ itm.Initialize( MFP );
+ if ( !isAllOut )
+ continue;
+ // classify anOrigShape against theShape
+ if (IsInside (anOrigShape, theShape))
+ {
+ if (isSolid && myClosedShapes.Contains( anOrigShape ))
+ // to make a special care at solid reconstruction
+ myWrappingSolid.Add ( theShape );
+ // keep faces of an internal shape anOrigShape
+ KeptFaces.Append( aSplitFaceL );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // ====================================================
+ // check if kept faces form a shell without free edges
+ // ====================================================
+ DMEF.Clear(); // edge - kept faces
+ MFP.Clear(); // reuse it for wrong faces
+ if (CheckClosed) {
+ for (itl.Initialize(KeptFaces); itl.More(); itl.Next() )
+ TopExp::MapShapesAndAncestors(itl.Value(), TopAbs_EDGE, TopAbs_FACE, DMEF);
+ Standard_Integer i, nb = DMEF.Extent();
+ Standard_Boolean isClosed = Standard_False;
+ while (!isClosed) {
isClosed = Standard_True;
for (i=1; isClosed && i<=nb; ++i) {
const TopoDS_Shape& E = DMEF.FindKey( i );
- if (! MSE.Contains( E ))
+ if (! BRep_Tool::Degenerated( TopoDS::Edge( E )) &&
+ ! MSE.Contains( E ))
isClosed = ( DMEF(i).Extent() != 1 );
if (!isClosed) {
- // a result compound
+ // ==============
+ // make a result
+ // ==============
TopoDS_Compound C;
// compound of removed internal faces
TopoDS_Compound CNotCl;
void Partition_Spliter::MakeShells(const TopoDS_Shape& S,
TopTools_ListOfShape& NS)
- // check if S is closed shape
- Standard_Boolean isClosed = Standard_True;
- TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeListOfShape MEF;
- Standard_Integer i;
- if (S.ShapeType() != TopAbs_SOLID) {
- TopExp::MapShapesAndAncestors(S, TopAbs_EDGE, TopAbs_FACE, MEF);
- for (i=1; isClosed && i<=MEF.Extent(); ++i)
- isClosed = ( MEF(i).Extent() != 1 );
- }
Partition_Loop3d ShellMaker;
// get compound of split faces of S
const TopoDS_Shape& FacesComp = myImageShape.Image(S).First();
ShellMaker.AddConstFaces( FacesComp );
- // split faces inside S
- if (isClosed) {
+ // add split faces inside S
+ if (myClosedShapes.Contains( S )) {
TopoDS_Shape InternalFacesComp = FindFacesInside(S, Standard_True);
ShellMaker.AddSectionFaces( InternalFacesComp );
-// } else { // a shell may become closed
-// ShellMaker.AddConstFaces( InternalFacesComp );
NS = ShellMaker.MakeShells( myAddedFacesMap );
- // 1. Add faces added to new shell to myAddedFacesMap:
+ // Add faces added to new shell to myAddedFacesMap:
// avoid rebuilding twice commont part of 2 solids.
- // 2. Check shell closeness (DEBUG)
TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itS(NS);
while ( itS.More()) {
-#ifdef DEB
- Standard_Boolean checkCloseness = Standard_True;
TopExp_Explorer expF (itS.Value(), TopAbs_FACE);
- for (; expF.More(); expF.Next()) {
+ for (; expF.More(); expF.Next())
myAddedFacesMap.Add (expF.Current());
-#ifdef DEB
- if (checkCloseness &&
- ! myInter3d.HasSameDomainF( myImagesFaces.Root(expF.Current()) ))
- checkCloseness = Standard_False;
- }
-#ifdef DEB
- if (checkCloseness) {
- // if S is closed, a new shell must be closed too;
- if (isClosed) {
- // check that a new shell is closed
- MEF.Clear();
- TopExp::MapShapesAndAncestors(itS.Value(), TopAbs_EDGE, TopAbs_FACE, MEF);
- for (i=1; isClosed && i<=MEF.Extent(); ++i)
- isClosed = ( MEF(i).Extent() != 1 );
- if (!isClosed) { // remove not closed shell
- //NS.Remove( itS );
- itS.Next();
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- } // loop on new shells
+ }
//function : findEqual
-//purpose : compare edges form EL1 against edges from EL2,
-// Result is in EMM binding edge form EL1 to list of equal edges
-// Edges are considered equall only if they have same vertices
+//purpose : compare edges of EL1 against edges of EL2,
+// Result is in EMM binding EL1 edges to list of equal edges.
+// Edges are considered equall only if they have same vertices.
// <addSame>==True makes consider same edges as equal
// Put in <AllEqMap> all equal edges
itE2.Initialize( VEM(V1) );
for (; itE2.More(); itE2.Next()) {
const TopoDS_Edge& E2 = TopoDS::Edge( itE2.Value());
- if (BRep_Tool::Degenerated( E2 ))
+ if (BRep_Tool::Degenerated( E2 ) || AllEqMap.Contains (E2))
if (E1.IsSame(E2)) {
TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape EM;
TopExp::MapShapes( F, TopAbs_EDGE, EM);
- TopTools_MapOfShape AddedEqualM;
+ TopTools_MapOfShape AddedEqualM, EqualSeamM;
Standard_Boolean needRebuild = Standard_False;
// add splits to loops
Standard_Boolean isSameE = NE.IsSame ( E );
if ( isNewE || isSectionE || !isSameE) {
- if (AddedEqualM.Contains( NE ))
- continue;
+ if (AddedEqualM.Contains( NE )) {
+ // a seam must be twice in a loop
+ if (!BRep_Tool::IsClosed( E, F ) || !EqualSeamM.Add( NE ))
+ continue;
+ }
if (isNewE) {
if (isSectionE) {
- if (myEqualEdges.Contains( NE ) && !AddedEqualM.Add( NE ))
- continue;
+ if (myEqualEdges.Contains( NE ))
+ AddedEqualM.Add( NE );
needRebuild = Standard_True;
return C;
+//function : Tri
+//purpose :
+static void Tri(const TopoDS_Edge& E,
+ TopTools_SequenceOfShape& Seq,
+ const Partition_Inter3d & theInter3d)
+ Standard_Boolean Invert = Standard_True;
+ Standard_Real U1,U2;
+ TopoDS_Vertex V1,V2;
+ while (Invert) {
+ Invert = Standard_False;
+ for ( Standard_Integer i = 1; i < Seq.Length(); i++) {
+ V1 = TopoDS::Vertex(Seq.Value(i));
+ V2 = TopoDS::Vertex(Seq.Value(i+1));
+ V1.Orientation(TopAbs_INTERNAL);
+ V2.Orientation(TopAbs_INTERNAL);
+ U1 = BRep_Tool::Parameter(V1,E);
+ U2 = BRep_Tool::Parameter(V2,E);
+ if (IsEqual(U1,U2)) {
+ if (theInter3d.ReplaceSameDomainV( V1, E ).IsSame( V1 ))
+ Seq.Remove(i+1); // remove V2
+ else
+ Seq.Remove(i);
+ i--;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (U2 < U1) {
+ Seq.Exchange(i,i+1);
+ Invert = Standard_True;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+//function : MakeEdges
+//purpose : cut E by vertices VOnE, return list of new edges NE
+void Partition_Spliter::MakeEdges (const TopoDS_Edge& E,
+ const TopTools_ListOfShape& VOnE,
+ TopTools_ListOfShape& NE ) const
+ TopoDS_Edge WE = E;
+ WE.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD);
+ Standard_Real U1,U2, f, l;
+ TopoDS_Vertex V1,V2,VF,VL;
+ BRep_Tool::Range(WE,f,l);
+ TopExp::Vertices(WE,VF,VL);
+ if (VOnE.Extent() < 3) { // do not rebuild not cut edge
+ if (( VF.IsSame( VOnE.First() ) && VL.IsSame( VOnE.Last() )) ||
+ VL.IsSame( VOnE.First() ) && VF.IsSame( VOnE.Last() ) ) {
+ NE.Append( E );
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ TopTools_SequenceOfShape SV;
+ TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itv(VOnE);
+ TopTools_MapOfOrientedShape VM( VOnE.Extent() );
+ for (; itv.More(); itv.Next())
+ if ( VM.Add( itv.Value() ))
+ SV.Append(itv.Value());
+ Tri( WE, SV, myInter3d );
+ if (SV.Length() < 3) { // do not rebuild not cut edge
+ if (( VF.IsSame( SV.First() ) && VL.IsSame( SV.Last() )) ||
+ VL.IsSame( SV.First() ) && VF.IsSame( SV.Last() ) ) {
+ NE.Append( E );
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ Standard_Integer iVer, NbVer = SV.Length();
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Construction of the new edges .
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ if (VF.IsSame(VL)) { // closed edge
+ if (NbVer==1)
+ SV.Append( SV.First() );
+ else if (!SV.First().IsSame(SV.Last())) {
+ Standard_Boolean isFirst=0;
+ Standard_Real minDU = 1.e10;
+ TopoDS_Vertex endV = Partition_Inter2d::FindEndVertex(VOnE, f,l, E, isFirst,minDU);
+ if (endV.IsSame(SV.First()))
+ SV.Append(endV);
+ else if (endV.IsSame(SV.Last()))
+ SV.Prepend(endV);
+ else
+ }
+ NbVer = SV.Length();
+ }
+ for (iVer=1; iVer < NbVer; iVer++) {
+ V1 = TopoDS::Vertex(SV(iVer));
+ V2 = TopoDS::Vertex(SV(iVer+1));
+ TopoDS_Shape NewEdge = WE.EmptyCopied();
+ V1.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD);
+ myBuilder.Add (NewEdge,V1);
+ V2.Orientation(TopAbs_REVERSED);
+ myBuilder.Add (NewEdge,V2);
+ if (iVer==1)
+ U1 = f;
+ else {
+ V1.Orientation(TopAbs_INTERNAL);
+ U1=BRep_Tool::Parameter(V1,WE);
+ }
+ if (iVer+1 == NbVer)
+ U2 = l;
+ else {
+ V2.Orientation(TopAbs_INTERNAL);
+ U2=BRep_Tool::Parameter(V2,WE);
+ }
+ if (Abs(U1-U2) <= Precision::PConfusion()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ TopoDS_Edge EE=TopoDS::Edge(NewEdge);
+ myBuilder.Range (EE,U1,U2);
+ TopoDS_Edge NEdge = TopoDS::Edge(NewEdge);
+ myBuilder.SameParameter(NEdge,Standard_False);
+ Standard_Real tol = 1.0e-2;
+ Standard_Boolean flag = BRep_Tool::SameParameter(NEdge);
+ if (!flag) {
+ BRepLib::SameParameter(NEdge,tol);
+ }
+ NE.Append(NEdge.Oriented(E.Orientation()));
+ }
//function : MergeEqualEdges
//purpose : find equal edges, choose ones to keep and make
for ( ; itM.More(); itM.Next()) {
EEL = itM.Value();
EEL.Append( itM.Key() );
// choose an edge to keep, section edges have priority
TopoDS_Edge EKeep;
TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itEE (EEL);
+ // update edge images and build pcurves
Standard_Real f,l, tol;
for (itEE.Initialize (EEL); itEE.More(); itEE.Next()) {
const TopoDS_Edge& E = TopoDS::Edge( itEE.Value() );
if ( E.IsSame( EKeep ))
+ // 1. build pcurves of the kept edge on faces where replaced edges exist
const TopoDS_Edge& EReplOrig = TopoDS::Edge( myImagesEdges.Root( E ));
TopTools_ListOfShape FL;
- if (myInter3d.IsSectionEdge( EReplOrig ))
- FL = myInter3d.SectionEdgeFaces ( EReplOrig );
- else
- FL = myAsDes->Ascendant( EReplOrig );
+ FL = myAsDes->Ascendant( EReplOrig );
+ Standard_Integer iFace, iFirstSectionFace = FL.Extent() + 1;
+ // add faces where the replaced edge is a section edge
+ if (myInter3d.IsSectionEdge( EReplOrig )) {
+ TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape seIt;
+ seIt.Initialize( myInter3d.SectionEdgeFaces ( EReplOrig ));
+ for ( ; seIt.More(); seIt.Next())
+ FL.Append( seIt.Value() );
+ }
+ // loop on faces
TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itF (FL);
- for ( ; itF.More(); itF.Next()) {
+ for ( iFace = 1 ; itF.More(); itF.Next(), ++iFace ) {
const TopoDS_Face& F = TopoDS::Face( itF.Value());
- // build pcurves
Handle(Geom2d_Curve) pc = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface( EKeep, F, f,l);
if (pc.IsNull()) {
Handle(Geom_Curve) C3d = BRep_Tool::Curve( EKeep, f, l);
myBuilder.UpdateEdge( EKeep, pc, F, tol);
- }
- // replace edges in faces
- if (!myImagesEdges.HasImage( E ))
- myImagesEdges.Bind( E, EKeep );
- }
- }
+ if (iFace >= iFirstSectionFace ||
+ !BRep_Tool::IsClosed( EReplOrig, F ))
+ continue;
+ // build the second pcurve for a seam
+ TopoDS_Vertex V = TopExp::FirstVertex( EKeep );
+ Standard_Real Ukeep = BRep_Tool::Parameter( V, EKeep );
+ Standard_Real Urepl = BRep_Tool::Parameter( V, E );
+ TopoDS_Edge EReplRev = E;
+ EReplRev.Reverse();
+ Handle(Geom2d_Curve) pcRepl1 = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface( E, F, f,l);
+ Handle(Geom2d_Curve) pcRepl2 = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface( EReplRev, F, f,l);
+ gp_Pnt2d p1r, p2r, pk;
+ p1r = pcRepl1->Value( Urepl );
+ p2r = pcRepl2->Value( Urepl );
+ pk = pc->Value( Ukeep );
+ // suppose that pk is equal to either p1r or p2r
+ Standard_Boolean isUPeriod =
+ ( Abs( p1r.X() - p2r.X() ) > Abs( p1r.Y() - p2r.Y() ));
+ Standard_Boolean is1Equal;
+ if (isUPeriod)
+ is1Equal = ( Abs( p1r.X() - pk.X() ) < Abs( p2r.X() - pk.X() ));
+ else
+ is1Equal = ( Abs( p1r.Y() - pk.Y() ) < Abs( p2r.Y() - pk.Y() ));
+ Handle(Geom2d_Curve) pc2 = Handle(Geom2d_Curve)::DownCast
+ ( pc->Translated( pk, is1Equal ? p2r : p1r ) );
+ if (E.Orientation() == TopAbs_REVERSED)
+ is1Equal = !is1Equal;
+ if (is1Equal)
+ myBuilder.UpdateEdge( EKeep, pc, pc2, F, tol);
+ else
+ myBuilder.UpdateEdge( EKeep, pc2, pc, F, tol);
+ } // loop on a Faces where a replaced edge exists
+ // 2. update edge images according to replacement
+ if (myImagesEdges.HasImage( E ))
+ myImagesEdges.Remove( E );
+ myImagesEdges.Bind( E, EKeep );
+ } // loop on a list of equal edges EEL
+ } // loop on a map of equal edges EEM
// build map of internal faces
TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape MIF;
- // if S is not a tool, make sure that split faces of S are in MIF
- if (!isTool)
- TopExp::MapShapes( myImageShape.Image(S).First(), TopAbs_FACE, MIF);
- TopoDS_Shape InsFacesComp = FindFacesInside( S, Standard_False, Standard_True);
- TopExp::MapShapes( InsFacesComp, TopAbs_FACE, MIF );
+ TopoDS_Shape IntFacesComp = FindFacesInside( S, Standard_False, Standard_True);
+ TopExp::MapShapes( IntFacesComp, TopAbs_FACE, MIF );
TopoDS_Compound C;
- // leave in the result only those shapes having a face in MIF
- for (it.Initialize( myShape ); it.More(); it.Next()) {
+ TopAbs_ShapeEnum anInternalShapeType = TopAbs_SHAPE;
+ if (!MIF.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ // leave in the result only those shapes having a face in MIF
+ for (it.Initialize( myShape ); it.More(); it.Next()) {
+ const TopoDS_Shape & aResShape = it.Value();
+ TopExp_Explorer expResF( aResShape, TopAbs_FACE );
+ for (; expResF.More(); expResF.Next()) {
+ if ( MIF.Contains( expResF.Current())) {
+ myBuilder.Add( C, aResShape );
+ if (aResShape.ShapeType() < anInternalShapeType)
+ anInternalShapeType = aResShape.ShapeType();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
- TopExp_Explorer expResF( it.Value(), TopAbs_FACE );
- for (; expResF.More(); expResF.Next()) {
- if ( MIF.Contains( expResF.Current())) {
+ // may be S was not split by internal faces then it is missing
+ // in myShape, add it
+ if (!isTool &&
+ (anInternalShapeType > TopAbs_SOLID || S.ShapeType() > TopAbs_SOLID))
+ {
+ TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape MSF; // map of split faces of S
+ TopExp::MapShapes( myImageShape.Image(S).First(), TopAbs_FACE, MSF);
+ // find a shape having all faces in MSF
+ for (it.Initialize( myShape ); it.More(); it.Next()) {
+ TopExp_Explorer expResF( it.Value(), TopAbs_FACE );
+ for (; expResF.More(); expResF.Next()) {
+ if (! MSF.Contains( expResF.Current()))
+ break;
+ }
+ if (! expResF.More()) {
myBuilder.Add( C, it.Value() );
if (!isTool) return;
- TopoDS_Shape InsFacesComp = FindFacesInside( S, Standard_False, Standard_True);
+ TopoDS_Shape IntFacesComp = FindFacesInside( S, Standard_False, Standard_True);
TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape MIF; // map of internal faces
- TopExp::MapShapes( InsFacesComp, TopAbs_FACE, MIF);
+ TopExp::MapShapes( IntFacesComp, TopAbs_FACE, MIF);
if (MIF.IsEmpty()) return;
Standard_Boolean hasSectionE = myInter3d.HasSectionEdge( F );
Standard_Boolean hasNewE = myAsDes->HasDescendant( F );
if (!hasSectionE && !hasNewE)
- continue; // F intersects nothing
+ {
+ // F intersects nothing
+ myBuilder.Add( C, F );
+ continue;
+ }
// make an image for F
return isTool;
+//function : IsInside
+//purpose : Return True if the first vertex of S1 inside S2.
+// If S1.IsNull(), check infinite point against S2.
+Standard_Boolean Partition_Spliter::IsInside (const TopoDS_Shape& theS1,
+ const TopoDS_Shape& theS2)
+ BRepClass3d_SolidClassifier aClassifier( theS2 );
+ TopExp_Explorer expl( theS1, TopAbs_VERTEX );
+ if (!expl.More())
+ aClassifier.PerformInfinitePoint( ::RealSmall());
+ else
+ {
+ const TopoDS_Vertex & aVertex = TopoDS::Vertex( expl.Current() );
+ aClassifier.Perform (BRep_Tool::Pnt( aVertex ),
+ BRep_Tool::Tolerance( aVertex ));
+ }
+ return ( aClassifier.State() == TopAbs_IN );
+//function : GetOriginalShape
+//purpose : Return the shape aShape originates from. aShape
+// should be a face or more complex result shape
+TopoDS_Shape Partition_Spliter::GetOriginalShape(const TopoDS_Shape& theShape) const
+ TopoDS_Shape anOrigShape;
+ TopExp_Explorer expl( theShape, TopAbs_FACE);
+ if (expl.More())
+ {
+ TopoDS_Shape aFace = expl.Current();
+ if (myImagesFaces.IsImage( aFace ))
+ aFace = myImagesFaces.Root( aFace );
+ anOrigShape = myFaceShapeMap.Find( aFace );
+ }
+ return anOrigShape;
+//function : FindToolsToReconstruct
+//purpose : find and store as objects tools which interfere
+// with solids or are inside solids without
+// an interference
+void Partition_Spliter::FindToolsToReconstruct()
+ if (myMapTools.IsEmpty())
+ return;
+ Standard_Integer nbFoundTools = 0;
+ // build edge - face map in order to detect interference with section edges
+ TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeListOfShape EFM;
+ TopTools_MapIteratorOfMapOfShape aMapIt;
+ for (aMapIt.Initialize(myMapTools); aMapIt.More(); aMapIt.Next())
+ TopExp::MapShapesAndAncestors( aMapIt.Key(), TopAbs_EDGE, TopAbs_FACE, EFM);
+ for (aMapIt.Initialize(myMapFaces); aMapIt.More(); aMapIt.Next())
+ TopExp::MapShapesAndAncestors( aMapIt.Key(), TopAbs_EDGE, TopAbs_FACE, EFM);
+ TopTools_MapOfShape aCurrentSolids, aCheckedShapes;
+ // faces cut by new edges
+ TopTools_MapOfShape & aSectionFaces = myInter3d.TouchedFaces();
+ // keep solids interfering with each other in aCurrentSolids map
+ // and add tool faces intersecting solids as object shapes
+ TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itS, itF, itCF, itE;
+ for (itS.Initialize( myListShapes ); itS.More(); itS.Next()) {
+ TopExp_Explorer expSo (itS.Value(), TopAbs_SOLID);
+ for (; expSo.More(); expSo.Next()) {
+ // check if a solid has been already processed
+ const TopoDS_Shape & aSo = expSo.Current();
+ if (!aCheckedShapes.Add( aSo ))
+ continue;
+ aCurrentSolids.Add( aSo );
+ // faces to check
+ TopTools_ListOfShape aFacesToCheck;
+ TopExp_Explorer exp( aSo, TopAbs_FACE );
+ for ( ; exp.More(); exp.Next())
+ aFacesToCheck.Append ( exp.Current());
+ // add other shapes interefering with a solid.
+ // iterate faces to check while appending new ones
+ for (itCF.Initialize (aFacesToCheck) ; itCF.More(); itCF.Next())
+ {
+ const TopoDS_Shape& aCheckFace = itCF.Value();
+// if (!aCheckedShapes.Add( aCheckFace ))
+// continue;
+ // find faces interfering with aCheckFace
+ TopTools_ListOfShape anIntFaces;
+ // ** 1. faces intersecting aCheckFace with creation of new edges on it
+ if ( myAsDes->HasDescendant( aCheckFace ))
+ {
+ // new edges on aCheckFace
+ const TopTools_ListOfShape& NEL = myAsDes->Descendant( aCheckFace );
+ for (itE.Initialize( NEL); itE.More(); itE.Next())
+ {
+ const TopoDS_Shape & aNewEdge = itE.Value();
+ if (!aCheckedShapes.Add( aNewEdge ))
+ continue;
+ // faces interfering by aNewEdge
+ itF.Initialize (myAsDes->Ascendant( aNewEdge ));
+ for (; itF.More(); itF.Next())
+ if (aCheckFace != itF.Value())
+ anIntFaces.Append( itF.Value() );
+ // ** 2. faces having section edge aNewEdge on aFacesToCheck
+ if (EFM.Contains( aNewEdge))
+ {
+ itF.Initialize ( EFM.FindFromKey (itE.Value()));
+ for (; itF.More(); itF.Next())
+ if (aCheckFace != itF.Value())
+ anIntFaces.Append( itF.Value() );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // ** 3. faces cut by edges of aCheckFace
+ TopExp_Explorer expE (aCheckFace, TopAbs_EDGE);
+ for ( ; expE.More(); expE.Next())
+ {
+ const TopoDS_Shape & aCheckEdge = expE.Current();
+ if (aCheckedShapes.Add( aCheckEdge ) &&
+ myInter3d.IsSectionEdge( TopoDS::Edge( aCheckEdge )))
+ {
+ itF.Initialize( myInter3d.SectionEdgeFaces( TopoDS::Edge( aCheckEdge )));
+ for (; itF.More(); itF.Next())
+ if (aCheckFace != itF.Value())
+ anIntFaces.Append( itF.Value() );
+ }
+ }
+ // process faces interfering with aCheckFace and shapes they
+ // belong to
+ for (itF.Initialize (anIntFaces); itF.More(); itF.Next())
+ {
+ const TopoDS_Shape & F = itF.Value();
+ if (! aCheckedShapes.Add( F ))
+ continue;
+ Standard_Boolean isTool = myMapTools.Contains( F );
+ if (isTool &&
+ myFaceShapeMap( aCheckFace ).ShapeType() == TopAbs_SOLID )
+ {
+ // a tool interfering with a solid
+ if (aSectionFaces.Contains( F ))
+ AddShape( F );
+ ++ nbFoundTools;
+ if (nbFoundTools == myMapTools.Extent())
+ return;
+ }
+ const TopoDS_Shape & S = myFaceShapeMap( F );
+ if (aCheckedShapes.Add( S ))
+ {
+ // a new shape interefering with aCurrentSolids is found
+ if (!isTool && S.ShapeType() == TopAbs_SOLID)
+ aCurrentSolids.Add ( S );
+ // add faces to aFacesToCheck list
+ for ( exp.Init( S, TopAbs_FACE ); exp.More(); exp.Next())
+ aFacesToCheck.Append ( exp.Current() );
+ }
+ }
+ } // loop on aFacesToCheck
+ // Here aCurrentSolids contains all solids interfering with each other.
+ // aCheckedShapes contains all faces belonging to shapes included
+ // in or interfering with aCurrentSolids or previously checked solids.
+ // Test if tool faces that do not interefere with other shapes are
+ // wrapped by any of aCurrentSolids
+ TopTools_MapIteratorOfMapOfShape aSolidIt (aCurrentSolids);
+ for ( ; aSolidIt.More(); aSolidIt.Next())
+ {
+ const TopoDS_Shape & aSolid = aSolidIt.Key();
+ TopTools_MapOfShape aCheckedTools( myMapTools.Extent() );
+ TopTools_MapIteratorOfMapOfShape aToolIt (myMapTools);
+ for ( ; aToolIt.More(); aToolIt.Next())
+ {
+ const TopoDS_Shape & aToolFace = aToolIt.Key();
+ if (aCheckedShapes.Contains( aToolFace ) || // already found
+ aCheckedTools.Contains( aToolFace )) // checked against aSolid
+ continue;
+ const TopoDS_Shape & aToolShape = myFaceShapeMap( aToolFace );
+ TopExp_Explorer aToolFaceIt( aToolShape, TopAbs_FACE );
+ Standard_Boolean isInside = IsInside( aToolShape, aSolid );
+ for ( ; aToolFaceIt.More(); aToolFaceIt.Next() )
+ {
+ const TopoDS_Shape & aTool = aToolFaceIt.Current();
+ aCheckedTools.Add( aTool );
+ if (isInside)
+ {
+ if (aSectionFaces.Contains( aTool ))
+ AddShape( aTool );
+ ++ nbFoundTools;
+ if (nbFoundTools == myMapTools.Extent())
+ return;
+ aCheckedShapes.Add( aTool );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } // loop on solid shapes
+ }
--- /dev/null
+diff -r ../src/ARCHIMEDE/Archimede_VolumeSection.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/ARCHIMEDE/Archimede_VolumeSection.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/ARCHIMEDE/Archimede_VolumeSection.hxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/ARCHIMEDE/Archimede_VolumeSection.hxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+Only in ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/ARCHIMEDE: CVS
+diff -r ../src/ARCHIMEDE/Makefile.in ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/ARCHIMEDE/Makefile.in
+< # $Header$
+> # $Header$
+< top_builddir=../../..
+> top_builddir=../..
+< LIB = libGeometryArchimede.la
+> LIB = libGEOMArchimede.la
+< LDFLAGS += $(CAS_LDPATH) -lTKGeomBase
+> CXXFLAGS += $(OCC_CXXFLAGS) -I${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/include/salome
+Only in ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/: CVS
+Only in ../src/: diffs
+Only in ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOM: CVS
+diff -r ../src/GEOM/geom.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOM/geom.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOM/GEOM_Gen_i.cc ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOM/GEOM_Gen_i.cc
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+> #include <gp_Elips.hxx>
+< #include <BRepAlgo.hxx>
+< #else
+< #endif
+< Standard_EXPORT static Standard_Boolean IsValid(const TopoDS_Shape& S) {
+< return BRepAlgo::IsValid(S);
+< #else
+< return BRepAlgoAPI::IsValid(S);
+< #endif
+< }
+< GEOM::GEOM_Shape_var shapeIOR;
+< if(strcmp(stringIOR,"") != 0){
+< CORBA::Object_var anObject = _orb->string_to_object(stringIOR);
+< if(!CORBA::is_nil(anObject))
+< shapeIOR = GEOM::GEOM_Shape::_narrow(anObject.in()) ;
+< }
+< return shapeIOR._retn() ;
+> GEOM::GEOM_Shape_var shapeIOR = GEOM::GEOM_Shape::_narrow(_orb->string_to_object(stringIOR)) ;
+> return shapeIOR ;
+< if( tds.IsNull() || !IsValid(tds) )
+> if( tds.IsNull() || !BRepAlgoAPI::IsValid(tds) )
+< if( outW.IsNull() || !IsValid(outW) )
+> if( outW.IsNull() || !BRepAlgoAPI::IsValid(outW) )
+< if( !IsValid(aShape) )
+> if( !BRepAlgoAPI::IsValid(aShape) )
+< if( !IsValid(aFace) )
+> if( !BRepAlgoAPI::IsValid(aFace) )
+< if( !IsValid(aWire) )
+> if( !BRepAlgoAPI::IsValid(aWire) )
+< if( outerW.IsNull() || !IsValid(outerW) )
+> if( outerW.IsNull() || !BRepAlgoAPI::IsValid(outerW) )
+< if( !GetShapeFromIndex( aShape, TopAbs_FACE, ListIdEndFace[0], aTemp ) || tmp.IsNull() || !IsValid(aTemp) )
+> if( !GetShapeFromIndex( aShape, TopAbs_FACE, ListIdEndFace[0], aTemp ) || tmp.IsNull() || !BRepAlgoAPI::IsValid(aTemp) )
+< if( !W.IsNull() && IsValid(W) )
+> if( !W.IsNull() && BRepAlgoAPI::IsValid(W) )
+< if( !IsValid(F) ) {
+> if( !BRepAlgoAPI::IsValid(F) ) {
+< if( outerW.IsNull() || !IsValid(outerW) ) {
+> if( outerW.IsNull() || !BRepAlgoAPI::IsValid(outerW) ) {
+< if( !IsValid(shape) ) {
+> if( !BRepAlgoAPI::IsValid(shape) ) {
+< if( !IsValid(shape) ) {
+> if( !BRepAlgoAPI::IsValid(shape) ) {
+< if( !IsValid(tds) ) {
+> if( !BRepAlgoAPI::IsValid(tds) ) {
+< if( !IsValid(tds) ) {
+> if( !BRepAlgoAPI::IsValid(tds) ) {
+< if( !IsValid(tds) ) {
+> if( !BRepAlgoAPI::IsValid(tds) ) {
+< if( !IsValid(tds) ) {
+> if( !BRepAlgoAPI::IsValid(tds) ) {
+> // function : MakeEllipse()
+> // purpose :
+> //================================================================================
+> GEOM::GEOM_Shape_ptr GEOM_Gen_i::MakeEllipse( const GEOM::PointStruct& pstruct,
+> const GEOM::DirStruct& dstruct,
+> CORBA::Double radius_major,
+> CORBA::Double radius_minor )
+> throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception)
+> {
+> GEOM::GEOM_Shape_var result;
+> TopoDS_Shape tds ;
+> try {
+> gp_Pnt p(pstruct.x, pstruct.y, pstruct.z) ;
+> gp_Dir d(dstruct.PS.x, dstruct.PS.y, dstruct.PS.z) ;
+> const gp_Ax2 axis(p, d) ;
+> gp_Elips anEllipse( axis, radius_major, radius_minor ) ;
+> BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge MakeEdge( anEllipse );
+> tds = MakeEdge.Edge();
+> }
+> catch(Standard_Failure) {
+> THROW_SALOME_CORBA_EXCEPTION("Exception catched in GEOM_Gen_i::MakeEllipse", SALOME::BAD_PARAM);
+> }
+> if (tds.IsNull()) {
+> }
+> result = CreateObject(tds);
+> const char *entry = InsertInLabel(tds, result->Name(), myCurrentOCAFDoc) ;
+> result->ShapeId(entry);
+> return result ;
+> }
+> //================================================================================
+< if ( !IsValid(tds) ) {
+> if ( !BRepAlgoAPI::IsValid(tds) ) {
+< PortableServer::ObjectId * GeometryEngine_factory(CORBA::ORB_ptr orb,
+< PortableServer::POA_ptr poa,
+< PortableServer::ObjectId * contId,
+< const char *instanceName,
+< const char * interfaceName)
+> PortableServer::ObjectId * GEOMEngine_factory(CORBA::ORB_ptr orb,
+> PortableServer::POA_ptr poa,
+> PortableServer::ObjectId * contId,
+> const char *instanceName,
+> const char * interfaceName)
+< MESSAGE("mygeom")
+< MESSAGE("mygeom")
+< MESSAGE("mygeom")
+diff -r ../src/GEOM/GEOM_Gen_i.hh ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOM/GEOM_Gen_i.hh
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+> GEOM::GEOM_Shape_ptr MakeEllipse(const GEOM::PointStruct& pstruct,
+> const GEOM::DirStruct& dstruct,
+> CORBA::Double radius_major,
+> CORBA::Double radiusminus )
+> throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception) ;
+diff -r ../src/GEOM/GEOM_Shape_i.cc ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOM/GEOM_Shape_i.cc
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOM/GEOM_Shape_i.hh ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOM/GEOM_Shape_i.hh
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOM/Makefile.in ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOM/Makefile.in
+< # $Header$
+> # $Header$
+< top_builddir=../../..
+> top_builddir=../..
+< LIB = libGeometryEngine.la
+> LIB = libGEOMEngine.la
+< LIB_SERVER_IDL = SALOME_Component.idl SALOMEDS.idl SALOME_Exception.idl GEOM_Gen.idl GEOM_Shape.idl
+> LIB_SERVER_IDL = SALOME_Component.idl SALOMEDS.idl SALOME_Exception.idl GEOM_Gen.idl GEOM_Shape.idl
+< LDFLAGS += -lGeometryDS -lTOOLSDS -lSalomeNS -lSalomeContainer -lGeometryPartition -lGeometryArchimede $(CAS_LDPATH) -lTKIGES -lTKSTEP -lTKFillet -lTKOffset
+> CPPFLAGS += $(OCC_INCLUDES) -I${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/include/salome
+> CXXFLAGS += $(OCC_CXXFLAGS) -I${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/include/salome
+> LDFLAGS += $(OCC_KERNEL_LIBS) $(OCC_MODELER_LIBS) $(OCC_DATAEXCHANGE_LIBS) -lGEOMDS -lSalomeDS -lSalomeNS -lSalomeContainer -lGEOMPartition -lGEOMArchimede -L${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/lib/salome
+Only in ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMClient: CVS
+diff -r ../src/GEOMClient/GEOM_Client.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMClient/GEOM_Client.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMClient/GEOM_Client.hxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMClient/GEOM_Client.hxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMClient/Makefile.in ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMClient/Makefile.in
+< # $Header$
+> # $Header$
+< top_builddir=../../..
+> top_builddir=../..
+< LIB = libGeometryClient.la
+> LIB = libGEOMClient.la
+> CPPFLAGS += $(OCC_INCLUDES) -I${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/include/salome
+> CXXFLAGS += $(OCC_CXXFLAGS) -I${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/include/salome
+Only in ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMDS: CVS
+diff -r ../src/GEOMDS/GEOMDS_Application.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMDS/GEOMDS_Application.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< return Standard_CString ("Resources");
+> return Standard_CString ("GEOMDS_Resources");
+diff -r ../src/GEOMDS/GEOMDS_Commands.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMDS/GEOMDS_Commands.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMDS/GEOMDS_Commands.hxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMDS/GEOMDS_Commands.hxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMDS/GEOMDS_Explorer.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMDS/GEOMDS_Explorer.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMDS/Makefile.in ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMDS/Makefile.in
+< # $Header$
+> # $Header$
+< top_builddir=../../..
+> top_builddir=../..
+< LIB = libGeometryDS.la
+> LIB = libGEOMDS.la
+> CPPFLAGS += $(OCC_INCLUDES) -I${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/include/salome
+> CXXFLAGS += $(OCC_CXXFLAGS) -I${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/include/salome
+Only in ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMFiltersSelection: CVS
+diff -r ../src/GEOMFiltersSelection/GEOM_EdgeFilter.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMFiltersSelection/GEOM_EdgeFilter.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMFiltersSelection/GEOM_FaceFilter.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMFiltersSelection/GEOM_FaceFilter.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMFiltersSelection/GEOM_ShapeTypeFilter.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMFiltersSelection/GEOM_ShapeTypeFilter.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMFiltersSelection/Makefile.in ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMFiltersSelection/Makefile.in
+< # $Header$
+> # $Header$
+< top_builddir=../../..
+> top_builddir=../..
+< LIB = libGeometryFiltersSelection.la
+> LIB = libGEOMFiltersSelection.la
+< LDFLAGS += -lSalomeGUI
+> CXXFLAGS += $(OCC_CXXFLAGS) -I${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/include/salome
+Only in ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI: CVS
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_aParameterDlg.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_aParameterDlg.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_aParameterDlg.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_aParameterDlg.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_ArcDlg.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_ArcDlg.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_ARC")));
+< QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+> QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_ARC")));
+> QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_ArcDlg.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_ArcDlg.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_ArchimedeDlg.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_ArchimedeDlg.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_ARCHIMEDE")));
+< QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+> QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_ARCHIMEDE")));
+> QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_ArchimedeDlg.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_ArchimedeDlg.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_BndBoxDlg.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_BndBoxDlg.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_BOUNDING_BOX")));
+< QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+> QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_BOUNDING_BOX")));
+> QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_BndBoxDlg.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_BndBoxDlg.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_BoxDlg.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_BoxDlg.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_BOX_2P")));
+< QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+< QPixmap image2(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_BOX_DXYZ")));
+> QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_BOX_2P")));
+> QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+> QPixmap image2(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_BOX_DXYZ")));
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_BoxDlg.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_BoxDlg.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_CenterMassDlg.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_CenterMassDlg.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_CENTERMASS")));
+< QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+> QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_CENTERMASS")));
+> QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_ChamferDlg.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_ChamferDlg.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_CHAMFER_ALL")));
+< QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+< QPixmap image2(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_CHAMFER_EDGE")));
+< QPixmap image3(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_CHAMFER_FACE")));
+> QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_CHAMFER_ALL")));
+> QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+> QPixmap image2(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_CHAMFER_EDGE")));
+> QPixmap image3(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_CHAMFER_FACE")));
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_ChamferDlg.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_ChamferDlg.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_CheckShape.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_CheckShape.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_CHECKSHAPE")));
+< QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+> QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_CHECKSHAPE")));
+> QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_CheckShape.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_CheckShape.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_CircleDlg.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_CircleDlg.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_CIRCLE_PV")));
+< QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+> QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_CIRCLE_PV")));
+> QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_CircleDlg.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_CircleDlg.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_CommonDlg.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_CommonDlg.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_COMMON")));
+< QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+> QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_COMMON")));
+> QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_CommonDlg.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_CommonDlg.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_CompoundDlg.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_CompoundDlg.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_BUILD_COMPOUND")));
+< QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+> QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_BUILD_COMPOUND")));
+> QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_CompoundDlg.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_CompoundDlg.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_ConeDlg.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_ConeDlg.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_CONE_PV")));
+< QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+< QPixmap image2(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_CONE_DXYZ")));
+> QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_CONE_PV")));
+> QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+> QPixmap image2(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_CONE_DXYZ")));
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_ConeDlg.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_ConeDlg.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_CutDlg.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_CutDlg.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_CUT")));
+< QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+> QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_CUT")));
+> QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_CutDlg.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_CutDlg.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+> #include "GeometryGUI_EllipseDlg.h" // Method ELLIPSE
+< Engines::Component_var comp = desktop->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = desktop->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+< GEOM::GEOM_Shape_var aShape ;
+> GEOM::GEOM_Shape_ptr aShape ;
+< if (obj->FindAttribute(anAttr, "AttributeIOR")) {
+< anIOR = SALOMEDS::AttributeIOR::_narrow(anAttr);
+< aShape = myComponentGeom->GetIORFromString(anIOR->Value()) ;
+< if(!CORBA::is_nil(aShape)) testResult = true ;
+< return aShape._retn();
+< }
+> if (obj->FindAttribute(anAttr, "AttributeIOR")) {
+> anIOR = SALOMEDS::AttributeIOR::_narrow(anAttr);
+> aShape = myComponentGeom->GetIORFromString(anIOR->Value()) ;
+> testResult = true ;
+> return aShape;
+> }
+> testResult = true ;
+< if(!CORBA::is_nil(aShape)) testResult = true ;
+< return aShape._retn();
+< }
+< return aShape._retn();
+> return aShape;
+> }
+> return aShape ;
+> //=====================================================================================
+> // function : MakeEllipseAndDisplay()
+> // purpose :
+> //=====================================================================================
+> void GeometryGUI::MakeEllipseAndDisplay( const gp_Pnt CenterPoint,
+> const gp_Dir dir,
+> const Standard_Real Major_Radius,
+> const Standard_Real Minor_Radius )
+> {
+> try {
+> GEOM::PointStruct pstruct = myComponentGeom->MakePointStruct( CenterPoint.X(), CenterPoint.Y(), CenterPoint.Z() ) ;
+> GEOM::PointStruct d = myComponentGeom->MakePointStruct( dir.X(), dir.Y(), dir.Z() ) ;
+> GEOM::DirStruct dstruct = myComponentGeom->MakeDirection(d) ;
+> GEOM::GEOM_Shape_var result = myComponentGeom->MakeEllipse(pstruct, dstruct, Major_Radius, Minor_Radius) ;
+> if ( result->_is_nil() ) {
+> myDesktop->putInfo(tr("GEOM_PRP_ABORT") );
+> return ;
+> }
+> result->NameType(tr("GEOM_ELLIPSE"));
+> if ( Display( result ) )
+> myDesktop->putInfo(tr("GEOM_PRP_DONE"));
+> }
+> catch (const SALOME::SALOME_Exception& S_ex) {
+> QtCatchCorbaException(S_ex);
+> }
+> return ;
+> }
+> case 3014: // ELLIPSE
+> {
+> GeomGUI->EmitSignalDeactivateDialog() ;
+> SALOME_Selection* Sel = SALOME_Selection::Selection( GeomGUI->myActiveStudy->getSelection() );
+> GeometryGUI_EllipseDlg *aDlg = new GeometryGUI_EllipseDlg( parent, "", Sel ) ;
+> break ;
+> }
+< Engines::Component_var comp = GeomGUI->myDesktop->getEngine("FactoryServer","Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = GeomGUI->myDesktop->getEngine("FactoryServer","GEOM");
+< aName->SetValue( tr("GEOM_MEN_COMPONENT") );
+> // aName->SetValue( tr("GEOM_MEN_COMPONENT") );
+> aName->SetValue( QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getComponentUserName( "GEOM" ) );
+< aName->SetValue( tr("GEOM_MEN_COMPONENT") );
+> // aName->SetValue( tr("GEOM_MEN_COMPONENT") );
+> aName->SetValue( QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getComponentUserName( "GEOM" ) );
+< aName->SetValue( tr("GEOM_MEN_COMPONENT") );
+> // aName->SetValue( tr("GEOM_MEN_COMPONENT") );
+> aName->SetValue( QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getComponentUserName( "GEOM" ) );
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_CylinderDlg.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_CylinderDlg.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_CYLINDER_PV")));
+< QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+< QPixmap image2(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_CYLINDER_DXYZ")));
+> QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_CYLINDER_PV")));
+> QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+> QPixmap image2(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_CYLINDER_DXYZ")));
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_CylinderDlg.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_CylinderDlg.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_DistanceDlg.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_DistanceDlg.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_MINDIST")));
+< QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+> QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_MINDIST")));
+> QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_DistanceDlg.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_DistanceDlg.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_EdgeDlg.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_EdgeDlg.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_BUILD_EDGE")));
+< QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+> QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_BUILD_EDGE")));
+> QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_EdgeDlg.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_EdgeDlg.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+Only in ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI: GeometryGUI_EllipseDlg.cxx
+Only in ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI: GeometryGUI_EllipseDlg.h
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_FaceDlg.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_FaceDlg.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_BUILD_FACE")));
+< QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+> QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_BUILD_FACE")));
+> QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_FaceDlg.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_FaceDlg.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_FilletDlg.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_FilletDlg.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_FILLET_ALL")));
+< QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+< QPixmap image2(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_FILLET_EDGE")));
+< QPixmap image3(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_FILLET_FACE")));
+> QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_FILLET_ALL")));
+> QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+> QPixmap image2(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_FILLET_EDGE")));
+> QPixmap image3(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_FILLET_FACE")));
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_FilletDlg.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_FilletDlg.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_FillingDlg.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_FillingDlg.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_FILLING")));
+< QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+> QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_FILLING")));
+> QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_FillingDlg.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_FillingDlg.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_FillingHoleDlg.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_FillingHoleDlg.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_SEWING")));
+< QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+> QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_SEWING")));
+> QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_FillingHoleDlg.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_FillingHoleDlg.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_FuseDlg.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_FuseDlg.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_FUSE")));
+< QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+> QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_FUSE")));
+> QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_FuseDlg.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_FuseDlg.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+> void MakeEllipseAndDisplay( const gp_Pnt CenterPoint, const gp_Dir dir, const Standard_Real Major_Radius, const Standard_Real Minor_Radius) ;
+Only in ../src/GEOMGUI: GeometryGUI_icons.po
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_InertiaDlg.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_InertiaDlg.cxx
+< QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_INERTIA")));
+< QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+> QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_INERTIA")));
+> QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_InertiaDlg.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_InertiaDlg.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_LineDlg.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_LineDlg.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_LINE_2P")));
+< QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+< QPixmap image2(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_LINE_PV")));
+< QPixmap image3(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_LINE_EDGE")));
+> QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_LINE_2P")));
+> QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+> QPixmap image2(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_LINE_PV")));
+> QPixmap image3(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_LINE_EDGE")));
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_LineDlg.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_LineDlg.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_MaxToleranceDlg.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_MaxToleranceDlg.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_TOLERANCE")));
+< QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+> QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_TOLERANCE")));
+> QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_MaxToleranceDlg.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_MaxToleranceDlg.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_MirrorDlg.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_MirrorDlg.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_MIRROR")));
+< QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+> QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_MIRROR")));
+> QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_MirrorDlg.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_MirrorDlg.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+Only in ../src/GEOMGUI: GeometryGUI_msg_en.po
+Only in ../src/GEOMGUI: GeometryGUI_msg_fr.po
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_MultiRotationDlg.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_MultiRotationDlg.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_MULTIROTATION_SIMPLE")));
+< QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+< QPixmap image2(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_MULTIROTATION_DOUBLE")));
+> QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_MULTIROTATION_SIMPLE")));
+> QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+> QPixmap image2(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_MULTIROTATION_DOUBLE")));
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_MultiRotationDlg.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_MultiRotationDlg.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_MultiTranslationDlg.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_MultiTranslationDlg.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_MULTITRANSLATION_SIMPLE")));
+< QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+< QPixmap image2(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_MULTITRANSLATION_DOUBLE")));
+> QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_MULTITRANSLATION_SIMPLE")));
+> QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+> QPixmap image2(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_MULTITRANSLATION_DOUBLE")));
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_MultiTranslationDlg.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_MultiTranslationDlg.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_OrientationDlg.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_OrientationDlg.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_ORIENTATION")));
+< QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+> QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_ORIENTATION")));
+> QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_OrientationDlg.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_OrientationDlg.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_PartitionDlg.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_PartitionDlg.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_PARTITION")));
+< QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+> QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_PARTITION")));
+> QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_PartitionDlg.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_PartitionDlg.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_PipeDlg.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_PipeDlg.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< #include <BRepAlgo.hxx>
+< #else
+< #endif
+< QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_PIPE")));
+< QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+> QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_PIPE")));
+> QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+< if ( BRepAlgo::IsValid(tds) )
+< #else
+< #endif
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_PipeDlg.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_PipeDlg.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_PlaneDlg.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_PlaneDlg.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_PLANE_PV")));
+< QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+< QPixmap image2(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_PLANE_DXYZ")));
+< QPixmap image3(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_PLANE_FACE")));
+> QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_PLANE_PV")));
+> QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+> QPixmap image2(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_PLANE_DXYZ")));
+> QPixmap image3(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_PLANE_FACE")));
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_PlaneDlg.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_PlaneDlg.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_PointDlg.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_PointDlg.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< #include <BRepAlgo.hxx>
+< #else
+< #endif
+< QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_POINT")));
+< QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+< QPixmap image2(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_POINT_EDGE")));
+> QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_POINT")));
+> QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+> QPixmap image2(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_POINT_EDGE")));
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+< if( anEdge.IsNull() || !BRepAlgo::IsValid(anEdge) )
+< #else
+< #endif
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_PointDlg.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_PointDlg.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_PrismDlg.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_PrismDlg.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_PRISM")));
+< QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+> QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_PRISM")));
+> QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_PrismDlg.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_PrismDlg.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_PropertiesDlg.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_PropertiesDlg.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_BASICPROPERTIES")));
+< QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+> QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_BASICPROPERTIES")));
+> QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_RevolDlg.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_RevolDlg.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_REVOL")));
+< QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+> QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_REVOL")));
+> QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_RevolDlg.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_RevolDlg.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_RotationDlg.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_RotationDlg.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_ROTATION")));
+< QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+> QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_ROTATION")));
+> QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_RotationDlg.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_RotationDlg.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_ScaleDlg.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_ScaleDlg.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_SCALE")));
+< QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+> QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_SCALE")));
+> QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_ScaleDlg.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_ScaleDlg.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_SectionDlg.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_SectionDlg.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_SECTION")));
+< QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+> QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_SECTION")));
+> QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_SewingDlg.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_SewingDlg.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_SEWING")));
+< QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+> QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_SEWING")));
+> QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_SewingDlg.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_SewingDlg.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_ShellDlg.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_ShellDlg.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_SHELL")));
+< QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+> QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_SHELL")));
+> QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_ShellDlg.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_ShellDlg.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_SphereDlg.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_SphereDlg.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_SPHERE_P")));
+< QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+< QPixmap image2(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_SPHERE_DXYZ")));
+> QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_SPHERE_P")));
+> QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+> QPixmap image2(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_SPHERE_DXYZ")));
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_SphereDlg.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_SphereDlg.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_SpinBox.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_SpinBox.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_SpinBox.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_SpinBox.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_SubShapeDlg.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_SubShapeDlg.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_SUBSHAPE")));
+< QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+> QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_SUBSHAPE")));
+> QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_SubShapeDlg.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_SubShapeDlg.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_SuppressFacesDlg.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_SuppressFacesDlg.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_SUPRESS_FACE")));
+< QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+> QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_SUPRESS_FACE")));
+> QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_SuppressFacesDlg.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_SuppressFacesDlg.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_SuppressHoleDlg.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_SuppressHoleDlg.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_SUPRESS_HOLE")));
+< QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+< QPixmap image2(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_SUPRESS_HOLE_FACE_SHELL")));
+> QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_SUPRESS_HOLE")));
+> QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+> QPixmap image2(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_SUPRESS_HOLE_FACE_SHELL")));
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_SuppressHoleDlg.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_SuppressHoleDlg.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_Swig.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_Swig.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< GeometryGUI_Swig::GeometryGUI_Swig()
+> GEOM_Swig::GEOM_Swig()
+< GeometryGUI_Swig::~GeometryGUI_Swig()
+> GEOM_Swig::~GEOM_Swig()
+< void GeometryGUI_Swig::createAndDisplayGO(const char* Entry)
+> void GEOM_Swig::createAndDisplayGO(const char* Entry)
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+< int GeometryGUI_Swig::getIndexTopology(const char* SubIOR, const char* IOR)
+> int GEOM_Swig::getIndexTopology(const char* SubIOR, const char* IOR)
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+< const char* GeometryGUI_Swig::getShapeTypeString(const char* IOR)
+> const char* GEOM_Swig::getShapeTypeString(const char* IOR)
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+< const char* GeometryGUI_Swig::getShapeTypeIcon(const char* IOR)
+> const char* GEOM_Swig::getShapeTypeIcon(const char* IOR)
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+< void GeometryGUI_Swig::setDisplayMode(const char* Entry, int mode)
+> void GEOM_Swig::setDisplayMode(const char* Entry, int mode)
+< void GeometryGUI_Swig::setColor(const char* Entry, int red, int green, int blue)
+> void GEOM_Swig::setColor(const char* Entry, int red, int green, int blue)
+< void GeometryGUI_Swig::setTransparency(const char* Entry, float transp)
+> void GEOM_Swig::setTransparency(const char* Entry, float transp)
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_Swig.hxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_Swig.hxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< class GeometryGUI_Swig
+> class GEOM_Swig
+< GeometryGUI_Swig();
+< ~GeometryGUI_Swig();
+> GEOM_Swig();
+> ~GEOM_Swig();
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_Swig.i ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_Swig.i
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< class GeometryGUI_Swig
+> class GEOM_Swig
+< GeometryGUI_Swig();
+< ~GeometryGUI_Swig();
+> GEOM_Swig();
+> ~GEOM_Swig();
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_TorusDlg.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_TorusDlg.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_TORUS_PV")));
+< QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+< QPixmap image2(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_TORUS_DXYZ")));
+> QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_TORUS_PV")));
+> QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+> QPixmap image2(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_TORUS_DXYZ")));
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_TorusDlg.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_TorusDlg.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_TranslationDlg.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_TranslationDlg.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_TRANSLATION")));
+< QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+> QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_TRANSLATION")));
+> QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_TranslationDlg.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_TranslationDlg.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_TransparencyDlg.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_TransparencyDlg.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_VectorDlg.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_VectorDlg.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_VECTOR_2P")));
+< QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+< QPixmap image2(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_VECTOR_DXYZ")));
+> QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_VECTOR_2P")));
+> QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+> QPixmap image2(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_VECTOR_DXYZ")));
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_VectorDlg.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_VectorDlg.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_WhatisDlg.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_WhatisDlg.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_WHATIS")));
+< QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+> QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_WHATIS")));
+> QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_WhatisDlg.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_WhatisDlg.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_WireDlg.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_WireDlg.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_BUILD_WIRE")));
+< QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+> QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_BUILD_WIRE")));
+> QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_WireDlg.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_WireDlg.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_WorkingPlaneDlg.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/GeometryGUI_WorkingPlaneDlg.cxx
+< QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_DLG_WPLANE_FACE")));
+< QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GeometryGUI",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+> QPixmap image0(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_DLG_WPLANE_FACE")));
+> QPixmap image1(QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr("ICON_SELECT")));
+< Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "Geometry");
+> Engines::Component_var comp = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getEngine("FactoryServer", "GEOM");
+Only in ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI: GEOM_icons.po
+Only in ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI: GEOM_msg_en.po
+Only in ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI: GEOM_msg_fr.po
+diff -r ../src/GEOMGUI/Makefile.in ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOMGUI/Makefile.in
+< # $Header$
+> # $Header$
+< top_builddir=../../..
+> top_builddir=../..
+< GeometryGUI_icons.po \
+< GeometryGUI_msg_en.po \
+< GeometryGUI_msg_fr.po
+> GEOM_icons.po \
+> GEOM_msg_en.po \
+> GEOM_msg_fr.po
+< LIB = libGeometryGUI.la
+> LIB = libGEOMGUI.la
+> GeometryGUI_EllipseDlg.cxx
+< GeometryGUI_SuppressHoleDlg.h
+> GeometryGUI_SuppressHoleDlg.h \
+> GeometryGUI_EllipseDlg.h
+> CXXFLAGS += $(OCC_CXXFLAGS) -I${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/include/salome
+< LDFLAGS += -lOCCViewer -lVTKViewer -lSalomeObject -lSalomeGUI -lGeometryClient -lGeometryObject -lGeometryFiltersSelection -lGeometrySketcher $(CAS_LDPATH) -lTKFillet -lTKOffset
+> LDFLAGS += -lOCCViewer -lVTKViewer -lSalomeObject -lSalomeGUI -lGEOMClient -lGEOMObject -lGEOMFiltersSelection -lGEOMSketcher $(OCC_KERNEL_LIBS) $(OCC_MODELER_LIBS) -L${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/lib/salome
+diff -r ../src/GEOM_SWIG/batchmode_geompy.py ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOM_SWIG/batchmode_geompy.py
+< # $Header$
+> # $Header$
+> import GEOM
+> modulecatalog = naming_service.Resolve("/Kernel/ModulCatalog")
+< geom = lcc.FindOrLoadComponent("FactoryServer", "Geometry")
+> geom = lcc.FindOrLoadComponent("FactoryServer", "GEOM")
+< FName.SetValue("Geometry")
+> # FName.SetValue("Geometry")
+> Comp = modulecatalog.GetComponent( "GEOM" )
+> FName.SetValue( Comp._get_componentusername() )
+Only in ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOM_SWIG: CVS
+diff -r ../src/GEOM_SWIG/GEOM_example2.py ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOM_SWIG/GEOM_example2.py
+< # $Header$
+> # $Header$
+< geom = salome.lcc.FindOrLoadComponent("FactoryServer", "Geometry")
+> geom = salome.lcc.FindOrLoadComponent("FactoryServer", "GEOM")
+diff -r ../src/GEOM_SWIG/GEOM_example3.py ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOM_SWIG/GEOM_example3.py
+< # $Header$
+> # $Header$
+< geom = salome.lcc.FindOrLoadComponent("FactoryServer", "Geometry")
+> geom = salome.lcc.FindOrLoadComponent("FactoryServer", "GEOM")
+< gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("Geometry")
+> gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")
+< #gg.setColor(id_cage,255,255,0)
+\ No newline at end of file
+> #gg.setColor(id_cage,255,255,0)
+diff -r ../src/GEOM_SWIG/GEOM_example4.py ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOM_SWIG/GEOM_example4.py
+< geom = salome.lcc.FindOrLoadComponent("FactoryServer", "Geometry")
+> geom = salome.lcc.FindOrLoadComponent("FactoryServer", "GEOM")
+diff -r ../src/GEOM_SWIG/GEOM_example.py ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOM_SWIG/GEOM_example.py
+< # $Header$
+> # $Header$
+diff -r ../src/GEOM_SWIG/GEOM_moteur.py ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOM_SWIG/GEOM_moteur.py
+< # $Header$
+> # $Header$
+< geom = salome.lcc.FindOrLoadComponent("FactoryServer", "Geometry")
+> geom = salome.lcc.FindOrLoadComponent("FactoryServer", "GEOM")
+diff -r ../src/GEOM_SWIG/geompy.py ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOM_SWIG/geompy.py
+< # $Header$
+> # $Header$
+< geom = salome.lcc.FindOrLoadComponent("FactoryServer", "Geometry")
+> geom = salome.lcc.FindOrLoadComponent("FactoryServer", "GEOM")
+< gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("Geometry")
+> gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")
+< FName.SetValue("Geometry")
+> FName.SetValue( salome.sg.getComponentUserName("GEOM") )
+Only in ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOM_SWIG: GEOM_shared_modules.py
+Only in ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOM_SWIG: GEOM_shared_modules.py~
+diff -r ../src/GEOM_SWIG/GEOM_usinggeom.py ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOM_SWIG/GEOM_usinggeom.py
+< # $Header$
+> # $Header$
+< geom = salome.lcc.FindOrLoadComponent("FactoryServer", "Geometry")
+> geom = salome.lcc.FindOrLoadComponent("FactoryServer", "GEOM")
+Only in ../src/GEOM_SWIG: libGeometry_Swig.i
+Only in ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOM_SWIG: libGEOM_Swig.i
+diff -r ../src/GEOM_SWIG/Makefile.in ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/GEOM_SWIG/Makefile.in
+< # $Header$
+> # $Header$
+< top_builddir=../../..
+> top_builddir=../..
+< LIB = libGeometry_Swigcmodule.la
+> LIB = libGEOM_Swigcmodule.la
+< SWIG_DEF = libGeometry_Swig.i
+< EXPORT_PYSCRIPTS = libGeometry_Swig.py geompy.py batchmode_geompy.py \
+> SWIG_DEF = libGEOM_Swig.i
+> EXPORT_PYSCRIPTS = libGEOM_Swig.py geompy.py batchmode_geompy.py \
+> GEOM_shared_modules.py
+< LDFLAGS+= -lGeometryGUI
+diff -r ../src/Makefile.in ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/Makefile.in
+< # $Header$
+> # $Header$
+< top_builddir=../..
+> top_builddir=..
+Only in ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/OBJECT: CVS
+diff -r ../src/OBJECT/GEOM_Actor.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/OBJECT/GEOM_Actor.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< if(WireframeMapper!=NULL) this->EstimatedRenderTime = WireframeMapper->GetTimeToDraw();
+< else if(ShadingMapper!=NULL) this->EstimatedRenderTime = ShadingMapper->GetTimeToDraw();
+> this->EstimatedRenderTime = WireframeMapper->GetTimeToDraw();
+diff -r ../src/OBJECT/GEOM_Actor.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/OBJECT/GEOM_Actor.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/OBJECT/GEOM_AISShape.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/OBJECT/GEOM_AISShape.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< Graphic3d_MaterialAspect aMatAspect;
+< aMatAspect.SetAmbient( 1 );
+< aMatAspect.SetDiffuse( 0 );
+< aMatAspect.SetEmissive( 0 );
+< aMatAspect.SetShininess(1 );
+< aMatAspect.SetSpecular( 0 );
+< myDrawer->ShadingAspect()->Aspect()->SetFrontMaterial(aMatAspect);
+> myDrawer->ShadingAspect()->Aspect()->SetFrontMaterial(Graphic3d_NOM_BRASS);
+diff -r ../src/OBJECT/GEOM_AssemblyBuilder.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/OBJECT/GEOM_AssemblyBuilder.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/OBJECT/GEOM_AssemblyBuilder.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/OBJECT/GEOM_AssemblyBuilder.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/OBJECT/GEOM_InteractiveObject.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/OBJECT/GEOM_InteractiveObject.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/OBJECT/GEOM_OCCReader.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/OBJECT/GEOM_OCCReader.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/OBJECT/GEOM_OCCReader.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/OBJECT/GEOM_OCCReader.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/OBJECT/Makefile.in ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/OBJECT/Makefile.in
+< top_builddir=../../..
+> top_builddir=../..
+< LIB = libGeometryObject.la
+> LIB = libGEOMObject.la
+> CXXFLAGS += -I${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/include/salome
+Only in ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/PARTITION: CVS
+diff -r ../src/PARTITION/Makefile.in ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/PARTITION/Makefile.in
+< # $Header$
+> # $Header$
+< top_builddir=../../..
+> top_builddir=../..
+< LIB = libGeometryPartition.la
+> LIB = libGEOMPartition.la
+> CPPFLAGS += $(OCC_INCLUDES) -I${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/include/salome
+> CXXFLAGS += $(OCC_CXXFLAGS) -I${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/include/salome
+diff -r ../src/PARTITION/Partition_Inter2d.cdl ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/PARTITION/Partition_Inter2d.cdl
+< AsDes : mutable AsDes from BRepAlgo;
+< F: Face from TopoDS)
+> AsDes : mutable AsDes from BRepAlgo)
+< -- is returned insead of V.
+< -- Optional F is a face E1 and E2 are on. If F is
+< -- provided, it is used to find new vertices on E1
+< -- and E2 resulting from intersection of new edges on
+< -- the two other faces the F interferes with and
+< -- through which E1 and E2 pass too. This helps to
+< -- avoid small edges.
+< GetTolerance(myclass; theV : Vertex from TopoDS;
+< theU : Real from Standard;
+< theE : Edge from TopoDS;
+< theAsDes : AsDes from BRepAlgo)
+< returns Real from Standard;
+< ---Purpose: Returns tolerance theV must have atfer its
+< -- addition to theE with theU parameter. theAsDes is
+< -- used to find pcurves of theE
+> -- is returned insead of V.
+diff -r ../src/PARTITION/Partition_Inter2d.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/PARTITION/Partition_Inter2d.cxx
+< //
+< // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+< // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+< // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+< // version 2.1 of the License.
+< //
+< // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+< // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+< // Lesser General Public License for more details.
+< //
+< // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+< // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+< // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+< //
+< // See http://www.opencascade.org/SALOME/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.org
+> //
+> // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+> // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+> // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+> // version 2.1 of the License.
+> //
+> // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+> // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+> // Lesser General Public License for more details.
+> //
+> // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+> // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+> // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+> //
+> // See http://www.opencascade.org/SALOME/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.org
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< #include <BRepAdaptor_Curve.hxx>
+> #include <TopExp.hxx>
+> #include <TopExp_Explorer.hxx>
+< #include <BRepLib_MakeVertex.hxx>
+< #include <Geom_Surface.hxx>
+< #include <Precision.hxx>
+< #include <TopExp.hxx>
+< #include <TopExp_Explorer.hxx>
+< #include <TopOpeBRepDS_Transition.hxx>
+> #include <BRepLib_MakeVertex.hxx>
+> #include <BRepAdaptor_Curve.hxx>
+> #include <gp_Pnt.hxx>
+> #include <TopoDS.hxx>
+> #include <TopoDS_Edge.hxx>
+> #include <TopoDS_Vertex.hxx>
+< #include <TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape.hxx>
+> #include <TopOpeBRepDS_Transition.hxx>
+< #include <TopTools_MapIteratorOfMapOfShape.hxx>
+> #include <TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape.hxx>
+< #include <TopoDS.hxx>
+< #include <TopoDS_Edge.hxx>
+< #include <TopoDS_Vertex.hxx>
+< #include <gp_Pnt.hxx>
+> #include <TopTools_MapIteratorOfMapOfShape.hxx>
+> #include <stdio.h>
+> #include <Precision.hxx>
+< //function : getOtherShape
+< //purpose :
+< //=======================================================================
+< static TopoDS_Shape getOtherShape(const TopoDS_Shape& theS,
+< const TopTools_ListOfShape& theSList)
+< {
+< TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape anIt( theSList );
+< for ( ; anIt.More(); anIt.Next() )
+< if (!theS.IsSame( anIt.Value() ))
+< return anIt.Value();
+< return TopoDS_Shape();
+< }
+< //=======================================================================
+< //function : findVOnE
+< //purpose : on theE, find a vertex close to theV, such that an edge
+< // passing through it is an itersection of theF1 and theF2.
+< // theE intersects theE2 at theV
+< //=======================================================================
+< static Standard_Boolean findVOnE(const TopoDS_Vertex & theV,
+< const TopoDS_Edge& theE,
+< const TopoDS_Edge& theE2,
+< const TopoDS_Shape& theF1,
+< const TopoDS_Shape& theF2,
+< const Handle(BRepAlgo_AsDes)& theAsDes,
+< TopoDS_Vertex & theFoundV)
+< {
+< Standard_Real MinDist2 = ::RealLast();
+< gp_Pnt P;
+< // check all vertices on theE
+< const TopTools_ListOfShape& aVList = theAsDes->Descendant( theE );
+< TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape anIt( aVList );
+< if (anIt.More())
+< P = BRep_Tool::Pnt( theV );
+< for ( ; anIt.More(); anIt.Next() )
+< {
+< // check by distance
+< TopoDS_Vertex & V = TopoDS::Vertex( anIt.Value() );
+< Standard_Real dist2 = P.SquareDistance( BRep_Tool::Pnt( V ));
+< if (dist2 < MinDist2)
+< MinDist2 = dist2;
+< else
+< continue;
+< // V is a candidate if among edges passing through V there is one
+< // which is an intersection of theF1 and theF2
+< TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape anEIt( theAsDes->Ascendant( V ));
+< Standard_Boolean isOk = Standard_False;
+< for ( ; !isOk && anEIt.More(); anEIt.Next() )
+< {
+< const TopoDS_Shape & E2 = anEIt.Value();
+< if ( theE2.IsSame( E2 ))
+< continue;
+< const TopTools_ListOfShape & aFList = theAsDes->Ascendant( E2 );
+< if (aFList.IsEmpty())
+< continue;
+< if ( theF1.IsSame( aFList.First() ))
+< isOk = theF2.IsSame( aFList.Last() );
+< else
+< isOk = theF2.IsSame( aFList.First() ) && theF1.IsSame( aFList.Last() );
+< }
+< if (isOk)
+< theFoundV = V;
+< }
+< if (theFoundV.IsNull())
+< return Standard_False;
+< // check that MinDist2 is not too large
+< Standard_Real f, l;
+< TopLoc_Location L;
+< Handle(Geom_Curve) aCurve = BRep_Tool::Curve( theE, L, f, l );
+< gp_Pnt P1 = aCurve->Value( f );
+< gp_Pnt P2 = aCurve->Value( 0.3 * f + 0.7 * l );
+< //gp_Pnt P2 = aCurve->Value( 0.5 * ( f + l ));
+< if (MinDist2 > P1.SquareDistance( P2 ))
+< return Standard_False;
+< #ifdef DEB
+< cout << "findVOnE: found MinDist = " << sqrt (MinDist2) << endl;
+< #endif
+< return Standard_True;
+< }
+< //=======================================================================
+< //function : AddVonE
+< //purpose : Put V in AsDes as intersection of E1 and E2.
+< // Check that vertex equal to V already exists on one
+< // of edges, in such a case, V is not added but
+< // existing vertex is updated to be on E1 and E2 and
+< // is returned insead of V.
+> //function : StorePart2d
+> //purpose :
+> // static void StorePart2d (const TopoDS_Edge& E1,
+> // const TopoDS_Edge& E2,
+> // TopTools_ListOfShape& LV1,
+> // TopTools_ListOfShape& LV2,
+> // Handle(BRepAlgo_AsDes) AsDes,
+> // Standard_Real Tol)
+< const TopoDS_Edge& E1,
+< const TopoDS_Edge& E2,
+< const Handle(BRepAlgo_AsDes)& AsDes,
+< const TopoDS_Face& theF)
+> const TopoDS_Edge& E1,
+> const TopoDS_Edge& E2,
+> const Handle(BRepAlgo_AsDes)& AsDes)
+> TopTools_ListOfShape NewVOnE1;
+> TopTools_ListOfShape NewVOnE2;
+< TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape it;
+> TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape it, itLV1, itLV2;
+< TopoDS_Vertex V = theV;
+< U1 = BRep_Tool::Parameter(V,E1);
+< U2 = BRep_Tool::Parameter(V,E2);
+< O1 = V.Orientation();
+< O2 = O1;
+< P1 = BRep_Tool::Pnt(V);
+< Tol = BRep_Tool::Tolerance( V );
+< OnE1 = OnE2 = Standard_False;
+< //-----------------------------------------------------------------
+< // Search if the point of intersection is a vertex of E1.
+< //-----------------------------------------------------------------
+< for (it.Initialize(VOnE1); it.More(); it.Next()) {
+< const TopoDS_Vertex& CV = TopoDS::Vertex( it.Value() );
+< if (V.IsSame( CV )) {
+< V1 = V;
+< OnE1 = Standard_True;
+< break;
+< }
+< P2 = BRep_Tool::Pnt( CV );
+< Tol1 = 1.1*(Tol + BRep_Tool::Tolerance( CV ));
+< if (P1.SquareDistance(P2) <= Tol1*Tol1) {
+< V = CV;
+< V1 = V;
+< OnE1 = Standard_True;
+< break;
+< }
+< }
+< if (OnE1) {
+> // for (itLV1.Initialize(LV1),itLV2.Initialize(LV2);
+> // itLV1.More();
+> // itLV1.Next() ,itLV2.Next()) {
+> TopoDS_Vertex V = theV;
+> // TopoDS_Vertex V = TopoDS::Vertex(itLV1.Value());
+> U1 = BRep_Tool::Parameter(V,E1);
+> U2 = BRep_Tool::Parameter(V,E2);
+> O1 = V.Orientation();
+> O2 = O1;///itLV2.Value().Orientation();
+> P1 = BRep_Tool::Pnt(V);
+> Tol = BRep_Tool::Tolerance( V );
+> OnE1 = OnE2 = Standard_False;
+< // Search if the vertex found is still on E2.
+> // Search if the point of intersection is a vertex of E1.
+< for (it.Initialize(VOnE2); it.More(); it.Next()) {
+< if (V.IsSame( it.Value() )) {
+< OnE2 = Standard_True;
+< V2 = V;
+> for (it.Initialize(VOnE1); it.More(); it.Next()) {
+> const TopoDS_Vertex& CV = TopoDS::Vertex( it.Value() );
+> if (V.IsSame( CV )) {
+> V1 = V;
+> OnE1 = Standard_True;
+> break;
+> }
+> P2 = BRep_Tool::Pnt( CV );
+> Tol1 = 1.1*(Tol + BRep_Tool::Tolerance( CV ));
+> if (P1.SquareDistance(P2) <= Tol1*Tol1) {
+> V = CV;
+> V1 = V;
+> OnE1 = Standard_True;
+< }
+< if (!OnE2) {
+< for (it.Initialize(VOnE2); it.More(); it.Next()) {
+> if (OnE1) {
+< // Search if the point of intersection is a vertex of E2.
+> // Search if the vertex found is still on E2.
+< const TopoDS_Vertex& CV = TopoDS::Vertex( it.Value() );
+< P2 = BRep_Tool::Pnt( CV );
+< Tol2 = 1.1*(Tol + BRep_Tool::Tolerance( CV ));
+< if (P1.SquareDistance(P2) <= Tol2*Tol2) {
+< V = CV;
+< V2 = V;
+< OnE2 = Standard_True;
+< break;
+> for (it.Initialize(VOnE2); it.More(); it.Next()) {
+> if (V.IsSame( it.Value() )) {
+> OnE2 = Standard_True;
+> V2 = V;
+> break;
+> }
+< }
+< if (!OnE1 && !OnE2 && !theF.IsNull())
+< {
+< // analitically find vertices E1 and E2 must pass trough
+< TopoDS_Shape F1 = getOtherShape( theF, AsDes->Ascendant( E1 ));
+< TopoDS_Shape F2 = getOtherShape( theF, AsDes->Ascendant( E2 ));
+< if (!F1.IsNull() && !F2.IsNull())
+< {
+< OnE1 = findVOnE ( theV, E1, E2, F1, F2, AsDes, V1 );
+< OnE2 = findVOnE ( theV, E2, E1, F1, F2, AsDes, V2 );
+< if (OnE2) V = V2;
+< if (OnE1) V = V1;
+> if (!OnE2) {
+> for (it.Initialize(VOnE2); it.More(); it.Next()) {
+> //-----------------------------------------------------------------
+> // Search if the point of intersection is a vertex of E2.
+> //-----------------------------------------------------------------
+> const TopoDS_Vertex& CV = TopoDS::Vertex( it.Value() );
+> P2 = BRep_Tool::Pnt( CV );
+> Tol2 = 1.1*(Tol + BRep_Tool::Tolerance( CV ));
+> if (P1.SquareDistance(P2) <= Tol2*Tol2) {
+> V = CV;
+> V2 = V;
+> OnE2 = Standard_True;
+> break;
+> }
+> }
+< }
+< if (OnE1 && OnE2) {
+< if (!V1.IsSame(V2)) {
+< // replace V1 with V2 on all edges V1 is on
+< Standard_Real UV1;
+< TopoDS_Edge EWE1;
+< TopoDS_Vertex VI;
+< const TopTools_ListOfShape& EdgeWithV1 = AsDes->Ascendant(V1);
+< for (it.Initialize(EdgeWithV1); it.More(); it.Next()) {
+< EWE1 = TopoDS::Edge(it.Value());
+< VI = V1;
+< VI.Orientation(TopAbs_INTERNAL);
+< UV1 = BRep_Tool::Parameter(VI,EWE1);
+< VI = V2;
+< VI.Orientation(TopAbs_INTERNAL);
+< B.UpdateVertex( VI, UV1, EWE1, GetTolerance( VI, UV1, EWE1, AsDes));
+> if (OnE1 && OnE2) {
+> if (!V1.IsSame(V2)) {
+> Standard_Real UV2;
+> TopoDS_Edge EWE2;
+> TopoDS_Vertex VI;
+> const TopTools_ListOfShape& EdgeWithV2 = AsDes->Ascendant(V2);
+> for (it.Initialize(EdgeWithV2); it.More(); it.Next()) {
+> EWE2 = TopoDS::Edge(it.Value());
+> VI = V2;
+> VI.Orientation(TopAbs_INTERNAL);
+> UV2 = BRep_Tool::Parameter(VI,EWE2);
+> VI = V1;
+> VI.Orientation(TopAbs_INTERNAL);
+> B.UpdateVertex(VI,UV2,EWE2, Max(Tol1,Tol2));
+> }
+> AsDes->Replace(V2,V1);
+< AsDes->Replace(V1,V2);
+< V = V2;
+< }
+< // add existing vertices instead of new ones
+< if (!OnE1) {
+< if (OnE2) {
+< V.Orientation(TopAbs_INTERNAL);
+< B.UpdateVertex (V, U1, E1, GetTolerance( V, U1, E1, AsDes));
+> // add existing vertices instead of new ones
+> if (!OnE1) {
+> if (OnE2) {
+> V.Orientation(TopAbs_INTERNAL);
+> B.UpdateVertex(V,U1,E1, Tol2);
+> }
+> V.Orientation(O1);
+> NewVOnE1.Prepend(V);
+< V.Orientation(O1);
+< AsDes->Add(E1,V);
+< }
+< if (!OnE2) {
+< if (OnE1) {
+< V.Orientation(TopAbs_INTERNAL);
+< B.UpdateVertex (V, U2, E2, GetTolerance( V, U2, E2, AsDes ));
+> if (!OnE2) {
+> if (OnE1) {
+> V.Orientation(TopAbs_INTERNAL);
+> B.UpdateVertex(V,U2,E2, Tol1);
+> }
+> V.Orientation(O2);
+> NewVOnE2.Prepend(V);
+< V.Orientation(O2);
+< AsDes->Add(E2,V);
+< }
+> // }
+> if (!NewVOnE1.IsEmpty()) AsDes->Add(E1,NewVOnE1);
+> if (!NewVOnE2.IsEmpty()) AsDes->Add(E2,NewVOnE2);
+< const Standard_Real f,
+< const Standard_Real l,
+< const TopoDS_Edge& E,
+< Standard_Boolean& isFirst,
+< Standard_Real& minDU)
+> const Standard_Real f,
+> const Standard_Real l,
+> const TopoDS_Edge& E,
+> Standard_Boolean& isFirst,
+> Standard_Real& minDU)
+< const Standard_Real f,
+< const Standard_Real l,
+< TopTools_ListOfShape& LV1,
+< TopTools_ListOfShape& /*LV2*/)
+> const Standard_Real f,
+> const Standard_Real l,
+> TopTools_ListOfShape& LV1,
+> TopTools_ListOfShape& /*LV2*/)
+< Standard_Real newU;
+> Standard_Real newU;
+< //purpose :
+> //purpose :
+< const TopoDS_Edge& E1,
+< const TopoDS_Edge& E2,
+< const Handle(BRepAlgo_AsDes)& AsDes,
+< const TopTools_MapOfShape& NewEdges,
+< const Standard_Boolean WithOri)
+> const TopoDS_Edge& E1,
+> const TopoDS_Edge& E2,
+> const Handle(BRepAlgo_AsDes)& AsDes,
+> const TopTools_MapOfShape& NewEdges,
+> const Standard_Boolean WithOri)
+< BRep_Tool::Tolerance(E2));
+> BRep_Tool::Tolerance(E2));
+< if (ME.Contains( exp.Current())) {
+< intersect = Standard_False;
+< break;
+< }
+> if (ME.Contains( exp.Current())) {
+> intersect = Standard_False;
+> break;
+> }
+< for ( ; EInter.MorePoint(); EInter.NextPoint() )
+< {
+> for (;EInter.MorePoint();EInter.NextPoint()) {
+< if (sqd1 > MilTol2 || sqd2 > MilTol2 )
+< continue;
+> if (sqd1 > MilTol2 || sqd2 > MilTol2 ) {
+> //MESSAGE ( "Inter2d : Solution rejected, dist: " << sqrt(Max(sqd1,sqd2)) )
+> #ifdef DEB
+> if (TestEdges) {
+> MESSAGE ( " edges : E2d_"<<NbE2d-2<<" E2d_"<<NbE2d-1 ); }
+> #endif
+> continue;
+> }
+< Standard_Real toler = Max( Tol, sqrt( Max( sqd1, sqd2 )));
+> Standard_Real toler = 1.5 * Max (Tol, sqrt(Max(sqd1,sqd2)) );
+< Standard_Real U = P2D.Parameter(i);
+< V.Orientation(TopAbs_INTERNAL);
+< B.UpdateVertex( V,U,EI[i], toler);
+< TopAbs_Orientation OO = TopAbs_REVERSED;
+< if (WithOri) {
+< if (P2D.IsVertex(i))
+< OO = P2D.Vertex(i).Orientation();
+< else if (P2D.Transition(i).Before() == TopAbs_OUT) {
+< OO = TopAbs_FORWARD;
+< }
+< V.Orientation(OO);
+< if (i == 1) LV1.Append(V);
+> Standard_Real U = P2D.Parameter(i);
+> #ifdef DEB
+> if (U < f[i]-Tol || U > l[i]+Tol) {
+> MESSAGE ( "out" );
+> }
+> #endif
+> V.Orientation(TopAbs_INTERNAL);
+> B.UpdateVertex( V,U,EI[i], toler);
+> TopAbs_Orientation OO = TopAbs_REVERSED;
+> if (WithOri) {
+> if (P2D.IsVertex(i))
+> OO = P2D.Vertex(i).Orientation();
+> else if (P2D.Transition(i).Before() == TopAbs_OUT) {
+> OO = TopAbs_FORWARD;
+> }
+> V.Orientation(OO);
+> if (i == 1) LV1.Append(V);
+< TolConf2 *= 100;
+> TolConf2 *= 100;
+< it1LV1.More();
+< it1LV1.Next(),it1LV2.Next()) {
+> it1LV1.More(); it1LV1.Next(),it1LV2.Next()) {
+< const TopoDS_Vertex& VE1 = TopoDS::Vertex(it1LV1.Value());
+< const TopoDS_Vertex& VE2 = TopoDS::Vertex(it2LV1.Value());
+< Standard_Real Tol1 = BRep_Tool::Tolerance( VE1 );
+< Standard_Real Tol2 = BRep_Tool::Tolerance( VE2 );
+> const TopoDS_Vertex& VE1 = TopoDS::Vertex(it1LV1.Value());
+> const TopoDS_Vertex& VE2 = TopoDS::Vertex(it2LV1.Value());
+> Standard_Real Tol1 = BRep_Tool::Tolerance( VE1 );
+> Standard_Real Tol2 = BRep_Tool::Tolerance( VE2 );
+< Purge = Standard_True;
+< break;
+< }
+< j++;
+< it2LV1.Next();
+> if (AffichPurge) {
+> MESSAGE ("Vertices confused purged in EdgeInter.")
+> }
+> Purge = Standard_True;
+> break;
+> }
+> j++;
+> it2LV1.Next();
+< treatClosed (E1, f[1], l[1], LV1, LV2);
+> treatClosed (E1,f[1],l[1],LV1,LV2);
+< treatClosed (E2, f[2], l[2], LV2, LV1);
+< //----------------
+< // Stocking vertex
+< //----------------
+> treatClosed (E2,f[2],l[2],LV2,LV1);
+> //---------------------------------
+> // Stocking vertex .
+> //---------------------------------
+> //StorePart2d (E1,E2,LV1,LV2,AsDes,Tol);
+< Partition_Inter2d::AddVonE (TopoDS::Vertex( it1LV1.Value()),
+< E1, E2, AsDes, F);
+> Partition_Inter2d::AddVonE ( TopoDS::Vertex( it1LV1.Value()), E1,E2,AsDes);
+< const TopoDS_Face& F,
+< const TopTools_MapOfShape& NewEdges)
+> const TopoDS_Face& F,
+> const TopTools_MapOfShape& NewEdges)
+< (NewEdges.Contains(E1) || NewEdges.Contains(E2)) ) {
+< EdgesPartition(FF,E1,E2,AsDes,NewEdges,Standard_True);
+> (NewEdges.Contains(E1) || NewEdges.Contains(E2)) ) {
+> EdgesPartition(FF,E1,E2,AsDes,NewEdges,Standard_True);
+< //=======================================================================
+< //function : GetTolerance
+< //purpose : Returns tolerance theV must have atfer its
+< // addition to theE with theU parameter. theAsDes is
+< // used to find pcurves of theE
+< //=======================================================================
+< Standard_Real Partition_Inter2d::GetTolerance
+< (const TopoDS_Vertex & theV,
+< const Standard_Real theU,
+< const TopoDS_Edge & theE,
+< const Handle(BRepAlgo_AsDes)& theAsDes)
+< {
+< Standard_Real aTol = BRep_Tool::Tolerance( theV );
+< gp_Pnt aPnt = BRep_Tool::Pnt( theV );
+< // check point on 3D curve
+< Standard_Real f,l;
+< Handle(Geom_Curve) C = BRep_Tool::Curve( theE, f, l );
+< if (!C.IsNull())
+< aTol = Max ( aTol, aPnt.Distance( C->Value( theU )));
+< // check points on pcurves
+< const TopTools_ListOfShape& aFList = theAsDes->Ascendant( theE );
+< TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape aFIt( aFList );
+< for ( ; aFIt.More(); aFIt.Next() )
+< {
+< const TopoDS_Face& F = TopoDS::Face( aFIt.Value() );
+< Handle(Geom2d_Curve) pcurve = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface( theE, F, f, l );
+< if (!pcurve.IsNull())
+< {
+< gp_Pnt2d aPnt2d = pcurve->Value( theU );
+< TopLoc_Location L;
+< Handle(Geom_Surface) S = BRep_Tool::Surface( F, L );
+< gp_Pnt aPntOnS = S->Value( aPnt2d.X(), aPnt2d.Y() );
+< if (!L.IsIdentity())
+< aPntOnS.Transform( L.Transformation() );
+< aTol = Max ( aTol, aPnt.Distance( aPntOnS ));
+< }
+< }
+< return aTol;
+< }
+diff -r ../src/PARTITION/Partition_Inter2d.hxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/PARTITION/Partition_Inter2d.hxx
+< Standard_EXPORT static TopoDS_Vertex AddVonE(const TopoDS_Vertex& V,const TopoDS_Edge& E1,const TopoDS_Edge& E2,const Handle(BRepAlgo_AsDes)& AsDes,const TopoDS_Face& F) ;
+< Standard_EXPORT static Standard_Real GetTolerance(const TopoDS_Vertex& theV,const Standard_Real theU,const TopoDS_Edge& theE,const Handle(BRepAlgo_AsDes)& theAsDes) ;
+> Standard_EXPORT static TopoDS_Vertex AddVonE(const TopoDS_Vertex& V,const TopoDS_Edge& E1,const TopoDS_Edge& E2,const Handle(BRepAlgo_AsDes)& AsDes) ;
+diff -r ../src/PARTITION/Partition_Inter3d.cdl ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/PARTITION/Partition_Inter3d.cdl
+< ---Purpose: return map of faces cut by new or section edges
+< NewEdges(me : in out) returns MapOfShape from TopTools
+< ---C++: return &
+< is static;
+< ---Purpose: return new and section edges
+> ---Purpose: return map of
+< ---Purpose: return an object containing info about
+< -- Ascendants | Descendants
+< -- ------------------+---------------------
+< -- 1. faces | edges cutting them
+< -- 2. sectoin edges | new vertices on them
+> NewEdges(me : in out) returns MapOfShape from TopTools
+> ---C++: return &
+> is static;
+diff -r ../src/PARTITION/Partition_Inter3d.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/PARTITION/Partition_Inter3d.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< #include "Partition_Inter2d.hxx"
+> #include "Partition_Inter2d.hxx"
+< #include <BRepAlgo_AsDes.hxx>
+< #include <BRepAlgo_Image.hxx>
+< #include <BRepLib.hxx>
+> #include <BRepAlgo_AsDes.hxx>
+> #include <BRepAlgo_Image.hxx>
+> #include <BRepLib.hxx>
+< #include <TopOpeBRepTool_BoxSort.hxx>
+< #include <TopTools_DataMapIteratorOfDataMapOfShapeListOfShape.hxx>
+< #include <TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape.hxx>
+< #include <TopTools_ListOfShape.hxx>
+< #include <TopoDS_Compound.hxx>
+> #include <TopoDS_Vertex.hxx>
+< #include <TopoDS_Vertex.hxx>
+> #include <TopoDS_Compound.hxx>
+> #include <TopTools_ListOfShape.hxx>
+> #include <TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape.hxx>
+> #include <TopTools_DataMapIteratorOfDataMapOfShapeListOfShape.hxx>
+> #include <TopOpeBRepTool_BoxSort.hxx>
+< #include <BRepLib_MakeVertex.hxx>
+< #include <BRepTools.hxx>
+< #include <Extrema_ExtPS.hxx>
+< #include <Extrema_POnSurf.hxx>
+< #include <Geom2dAPI_ProjectPointOnCurve.hxx>
+< #include <Geom2d_Curve.hxx>
+< #include <GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnCurve.hxx>
+< #include <GeomAdaptor_Surface.hxx>
+< #include <Geom_Curve.hxx>
+< #include <Geom_RectangularTrimmedSurface.hxx>
+< #include <Geom_SphericalSurface.hxx>
+< #include <Geom_Surface.hxx>
+< #include <Geom_ToroidalSurface.hxx>
+< #include <Geom_TrimmedCurve.hxx>
+< #include <Precision.hxx>
+< #include <TColStd_MapOfInteger.hxx>
+< #include <TopOpeBRepBuild_Builder.hxx>
+> #include <stdio.h>
+> #include <TopOpeBRepDS_HDataStructure.hxx>
+> #include <TopOpeBRep_DSFiller.hxx>
+> #include <TopOpeBRepTool_GeomTool.hxx>
+> #include <TopOpeBRepTool_OutCurveType.hxx>
+> #include <TopOpeBRepBuild_Builder.hxx>
+< #include <TopOpeBRepDS_HDataStructure.hxx>
+< #include <TopOpeBRepDS_Interference.hxx>
+> #include <Geom2d_Curve.hxx>
+> #include <Geom_Curve.hxx>
+< #include <TopOpeBRepTool_GeomTool.hxx>
+< #include <TopOpeBRepTool_OutCurveType.hxx>
+< #include <TopOpeBRep_DSFiller.hxx>
+> #include <TopOpeBRepDS_Interference.hxx>
+< #include <stdio.h>
+> #include <BRepLib_MakeVertex.hxx>
+> #include <Precision.hxx>
+> #include <TColStd_MapOfInteger.hxx>
+> #include <BRepTools.hxx>
+> #include <Geom_RectangularTrimmedSurface.hxx>
+> #include <Geom_Surface.hxx>
+> #include <Geom_TrimmedCurve.hxx>
+> #include <Geom2dAPI_ProjectPointOnCurve.hxx>
+> #include <GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnCurve.hxx>
+< if (!S->IsUPeriodic() && !S->IsVPeriodic())
+< return;
+< BRepTools::UVBounds(F,umin,umax,vmin,vmax);
+< gp_Pnt2d Pf = C2d->Value(f);
+< gp_Pnt2d Pl = C2d->Value(l);
+< const Standard_Real Um = 0.34*f + 0.66*l;
+< gp_Pnt2d Pm = C2d->Value( Um );
+< // sometimes on shpere, pcurve is out of domain by V though S is
+< // UPeriodic, sometimes it is in domain but nontheless it has
+< // wrong position.
+< // Check pcurve position by 3D point
+< if (S->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE( Geom_SphericalSurface )) ||
+< S->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE( Geom_ToroidalSurface )))
+< {
+< // get point on the surface
+< gp_Pnt Ps = S->Value( Pm.X(), Pm.Y() );
+< // get point on the edge
+< Handle(Geom_Curve) C = BRep_Tool::Curve( E, f, l );
+< gp_Pnt Pc = C->Value( Um );
+< // compare points
+< Standard_Real TolE = BRep_Tool::Tolerance( E );
+< if ( Pc.SquareDistance( Ps ) * 0.95 < TolE * TolE )
+< return; // OK
+< // find good UV for Pc: project Pc on S
+< GeomAdaptor_Surface SA (S);
+< Extrema_ExtPS anExtPS (Pc, SA,
+< SA.UResolution( TolE ), SA.VResolution( TolE ));
+< if (anExtPS.IsDone())
+< {
+< Standard_Integer i, nbExt = anExtPS.NbExt();
+< Extrema_POnSurf aPOnSurf;
+< for (i = 1; i <= nbExt; ++i )
+< if (anExtPS.Value( i ) <= TolE) {
+< aPOnSurf = anExtPS.Point( i );
+< break;
+< }
+< if (i <= nbExt) {
+< // a point found
+< Standard_Real u, v;
+< aPOnSurf.Parameter( u, v );
+< gp_Pnt2d aGoodPm ( u, v );
+< C2d->Translate( Pm , aGoodPm );
+< }
+< }
+< }
+> if (!S->IsUPeriodic() && !S->IsVPeriodic()) return;
+> BRepTools::UVBounds(F,umin,umax,vmin,vmax);
+> gp_Pnt2d Pf = C2d->Value(f);
+> gp_Pnt2d Pl = C2d->Value(l);
+> gp_Pnt2d Pm = C2d->Value(0.34*f + 0.66*l);
+> gp_Pnt2d Pf = C2d->Value(f);
+> gp_Pnt2d Pl = C2d->Value(l);
+> gp_Pnt2d Pm = C2d->Value(0.34*f + 0.66*l);
+> // Standard_Real f,l;
+> // BRep_Tool::Range(E,f,l);
+< // ========================
+< // store same domain faces
+< // ========================
+> // ===================================================
+> // Store section edges, same domain faces and verives
+> // ===================================================
+> TopTools_ListOfShape empty, LSP, LSE;
+< if ( DatStr->HasSameDomain( F1 ))
+< {
+< TopTools_ListOfShape emptyList;
+> if ( DatStr->HasSameDomain( F1 )) { // same domain faces
+< mySameDomainFM.Bind(F1,emptyList);
+> mySameDomainFM.Bind(F1,empty);
+< mySameDomainFM.Bind(F2,emptyList);
+> mySameDomainFM.Bind(F2,empty);
+< // ====================
+< // Store section edges
+< // ====================
+< Standard_Integer j,i,nse = DS.NbSectionEdges();
+< if (nse == 0) return;
+> Standard_Integer j,i,nes = DS.NbSectionEdges();
+> if (!nes) return;
+< TopTools_ListOfShape LSE; // list of section edges
+< TopoDS_Face dummyF;
+< for (i = 1; i <= nse; i++)
+< {
+< const TopoDS_Edge & se = DS.SectionEdge(i);
+> // put vertices on section edges
+> for (i=1;i<=nes;i++) {
+> TopoDS_Edge se, sde, oe; // section, same domain, other edge
+> se = DS.SectionEdge(i);
+< LSE.Append( se );
+< // add vertices where section edges interferes with other
+< // edges as its descendant in myAsDes
+< TopoDS_Edge sde, oe; // same domain, other edge
+< TColStd_MapOfInteger MIV; // indices of added edges
+> TColStd_MapOfInteger MIV;
+< // loop on intersections of se
+< // there is a vertex at intersection
+< B.UpdateVertex( V, itP.Parameter(), se, 0.); // AddVonE() sets real U
+> B.UpdateVertex( V, itP.Parameter(), se, 0.);
+< // create a new vertex at the intersection point
+< // add V on the both intersecting edges
+< TopoDS_Vertex addedV = Partition_Inter2d::AddVonE( V,se,oe,myAsDes,dummyF);
+> TopoDS_Vertex addedV = Partition_Inter2d::AddVonE( V,se,oe,myAsDes);
+< mySameDomainVM.Bind (V, addedV); // equal vertex is already there
+< MV.Add( addedV ); // to ease storage of vertices of ON splits
+> mySameDomainVM.Bind (V, addedV);
+> MV.Add( addedV );
+< // add section edge to the face it intersects and find
+< // splits ON that do not have same domain pair
+< TopB.SplitSectionEdges(); // let TopB find ON splits
+> TopB.SplitSectionEdges();
+< TopTools_MapOfShape SPM; // map of ON splits
+> TopTools_DataMapOfShapeShape SEM; // map split - section edge
+< TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itSP, itLSE (LSE);
+< while ( itLSE.More() ) {
+> // add section edge to the face it intersects and find
+> // splits ON that do not have same domain pair
+> for (i=1;i<=nes;i++) {
+< TopoDS_Edge se = TopoDS::Edge( itLSE.Value() );
+> const TopoDS_Edge& se = DS.SectionEdge(i);
+> if (! TopB.IsSplit(se,TopAbs_ON))
+> continue;
+< LSE.Remove( itLSE ); // se is an edge of face it intersects
+< else
+< itLSE.Next();
+> continue; // se is an edge of face it intersects
+< TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itE( myAsDes->Descendant( F ));
+> TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itE;
+< for ( ; itE.More(); itE.Next())
+> for (itE.Initialize( (myAsDes->Descendant( F )) ); itE.More(); itE.Next())
+< if (!itE.More())
+< {
+> if (!itE.More()) {
+< // check se pcurve on F
+< itSP.Initialize( TopB.Splits(se,TopAbs_ON) );
+< for ( ; itSP.More(); itSP.Next()) {
+< const TopoDS_Edge& E = TopoDS::Edge ( itSP.Value());
+> TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape it( TopB.Splits(se,TopAbs_ON) );
+> for ( ;it.More();it.Next()) {
+> const TopoDS_Edge& E = TopoDS::Edge ( it.Value());
+< // ie which split a face into parts and not pass by its boundary
+< itSP.Initialize( TopB.Splits(se,TopAbs_ON) );
+< for ( ; itSP.More(); itSP.Next()) {
+< const TopoDS_Shape& SP = itSP.Value();
+< if (!SPM.Add( SP ))
+< SPM.Remove( SP );
+> TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape it( TopB.Splits(se,TopAbs_ON) );
+> for ( ;it.More();it.Next()) {
+> const TopoDS_Edge& S = TopoDS::Edge ( it.Value());
+> if (SEM.IsBound( S ))
+> SEM.UnBind( S );
+> else
+> SEM.Bind( S, se);
+< for (itLSE.Initialize (LSE); itLSE.More(); itLSE.Next())
+< {
+< const TopoDS_Shape& se = itLSE.Value();
+> for (i=1;i<=nes;i++) {
+> const TopoDS_Edge& se = DS.SectionEdge(i);
+> if (! TopB.IsSplit(se,TopAbs_ON))
+> continue;
+> if (ME[ancRank-1].Contains( se ))
+> continue; // se is an edge of face it intersects
+< // add vertices of ON splits which have no same domain pair
+> // add vertices of splits
+< itSP.Initialize( TopB.Splits(se,TopAbs_ON) );
+< for ( ; itSP.More(); itSP.Next())
+< {
+< if (!SPM.Contains( itSP.Value() ))
+> TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape it( TopB.Splits(se,TopAbs_ON) );
+> for ( ;it.More();it.Next()) {
+> const TopoDS_Edge& S = TopoDS::Edge ( it.Value());
+> if (!SEM.IsBound( S ))
+< const TopoDS_Edge& S = TopoDS::Edge ( itSP.Value());
+< for (j=0; j<2; ++j)
+< {
+> for (j=0; j<2; ++j) {
+< if ( V.IsSame( VS[j] ))
+< break;
+< // add ends of ON splits to F in order to detect later
+< // if a split is on face in IsSplitOn()
+< // in the descendants of F, first go ends of an ON split and
+< // then a split itself
+< TopTools_ListOfShape emptyList;
+< myDone.Bind(F1,emptyList);
+> TopTools_ListOfShape empty;
+> myDone.Bind(F1,empty);
+< TopTools_ListOfShape emptyList;
+< myDone.Bind(F2,emptyList);
+> TopTools_ListOfShape empty;
+> myDone.Bind(F2,empty);
+< static TopTools_ListOfShape emptyList;
+< return emptyList;
+> static TopTools_ListOfShape empty;
+> return empty;
+diff -r ../src/PARTITION/Partition_Loop2d.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/PARTITION/Partition_Loop2d.cxx
+< // Copyright (C) 2003 CEA/DEN, EDF R& D
+> // Copyright (C) 2003 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+< #include <BRepAlgo_FaceRestrictor.hxx>
+< //function : preciseU
+< //purpose : find u such that the 3D point on theE is just out of tolerance
+< // of theV
+< //=======================================================================
+< static Standard_Real preciseU (const BRepAdaptor_Surface& theSurf,
+< const TopoDS_Edge& theE,
+< const TopoDS_Vertex& theV,
+< const Handle(Geom2d_Curve)& theC,
+< const Standard_Boolean theFirstEnd)
+< {
+< Standard_Boolean isForward = ( theE.Orientation () == TopAbs_FORWARD );
+< if (theFirstEnd) isForward = !isForward;
+< // find the first point in 2d and 3d
+< Standard_Real f,l;
+< BRep_Tool::Range( theE, f, l );
+< Standard_Real u0 = isForward ? l : f;
+< gp_Pnt2d aP2d0 = theC->Value( u0 );
+< gp_Pnt aPnt0 = theSurf.Value( aP2d0.X(), aP2d0.Y() );
+< // shift in 2d and 3d
+< Standard_Real du = ( l - f ) / 100, du3d = 0;
+< if (isForward)
+< du = -du;
+< // target parameter
+< Standard_Real u;
+< while (du3d < ::RealSmall())
+< {
+< // u for test
+< u = u0 + du;
+< du *= 10; // for the next iteration: increase du untill du3d is large enough
+< // find out how u is far from u0 in 3D
+< gp_Pnt2d aP2d = theC->Value( u );
+< gp_Pnt aPnt = theSurf.Value( aP2d.X(), aP2d.Y() );
+< du3d = aPnt0.Distance( aPnt );
+< }
+< // find u such that the 3D point is just out of tolerance of theV
+< Standard_Real tolV = BRep_Tool::Tolerance( theV ) + Precision::Confusion();
+< u = u0 + du * tolV / du3d;
+< // check that u is within the range
+< if ( isForward ? (u < f) : (u > l) )
+< u = u0 + du;
+< return u;
+< }
+< //=======================================================================
+< //purpose : Find in the list <LE> the edge <NE> connected with <CE> by
+< // the vertex <CV>.
+< // <NE> is removed from the list. If <CE> is in <LE>
+< // with the same orientation, it's removed from the list
+> //purpose : Find the edge <NE> connected <CE> by the vertex <CV> in the list <LE>.
+> // <NE> Is erased of the list. If <CE> is too in the list <LE>
+> // with the same orientation, it's erased of the list
+< const TopoDS_Edge& CE,
+< const TopoDS_Vertex& CV,
+< TopoDS_Edge& NE,
+< const TopTools_ListOfShape& LE)
+> const TopoDS_Edge& CE,
+> const TopoDS_Vertex& CV,
+> TopoDS_Edge& NE,
+> const TopTools_ListOfShape& LE)
+< TopoDS_Edge aPrevNE;
+< gp_Vec2d CTg1, Tg1, CTg2, Tg2;
+< gp_Pnt2d PC, P;
+< Standard_Real f, l;
+> Standard_Real cf, cl, f, l;
+< Cc = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface(CE,FForward,f,l);
+> Cc = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface(CE,FForward,cf,cl);
+> // Standard_Real tolV, tol2d2;
+> Standard_Real tolV = BRep_Tool::Tolerance(CV);
+> // tol2d2 = Max ( Surf.UResolution(tolV) , Surf.VResolution(tolV) );
+> // tol2d2 = 2 * Max ( tol2d2, Precision::PConfusion() );
+> // tol2d2 *= tol2d2;
+> Standard_Real uc,u, du = Precision::PConfusion();
+> if (CE.Orientation () == TopAbs_FORWARD) uc = cl + du;
+> else uc = cf - du;
+> gp_Vec2d CTg1, Tg1;
+> gp_Pnt2d PC, P;
+> gp_Pnt P3d;
+< Standard_Boolean isForward = ( CE.Orientation () == TopAbs_FORWARD );
+< Standard_Real uc, u, du = Precision::PConfusion();
+< uc = isForward ? ( l - du ) : ( f + du );
+< if (!isForward) CTg1.Reverse();
+> if (CE.Orientation () == TopAbs_REVERSED) CTg1.Reverse();
+< Standard_Real anglemin = 3 * PI, tolAng = 1.e-8;
+> Standard_Real anglemin = 3 * PI;
+> // Standard_Real sqdist, sqdistmin = 1.0e50;
+< // select an edge whose first derivative is most left of CTg1
+< // ie an angle between Tg1 and CTg1 is least
+< continue;
+> continue;
+< continue;
+< isForward = ( E.Orientation () == TopAbs_FORWARD );
+> continue;
+< // get E curve
+< // get the first derivative Tg1
+< u = isForward ? ( f + du ) : ( l - du );
+< C->D1(u, P, Tg1);
+< if (!isForward) Tg1.Reverse();
+> if (E.Orientation () == TopAbs_FORWARD) u = f + du;
+> else u = l - du;
+< // -PI < angle < PI
+< Standard_Real angle = Tg1.Angle(CTg1);
+> C->D1(u, P, Tg1);
+> // if (P.SquareDistance(PC); > tol2d2)
+> // continue;
+< if (PI - Abs(angle) <= tolAng)
+< {
+< // an angle is too close to PI; assure that an angle sign really
+< // reflects an edge position: +PI - an edge is worst,
+< // -PI - an edge is best.
+< u = preciseU( Surf, CE, CV, Cc, Standard_False);
+< gp_Vec2d CTg;
+< Cc->D1(u, PC, CTg);
+< if (CE.Orientation() == TopAbs_REVERSED) CTg.Reverse();
+< u = preciseU( Surf, E, CV, C, Standard_True);
+< C->D1(u, P, Tg1);
+< if (!isForward) Tg1.Reverse();
+> if (E.Orientation () == TopAbs_REVERSED) Tg1.Reverse();
+< angle = Tg1.Angle(CTg);
+< }
+> Standard_Real angle = Tg1.Angle(CTg1);
+< Standard_Boolean isClose = ( Abs( angle - anglemin ) <= tolAng );
+< if (isClose)
+< aPrevNE = NE;
+< else
+< aPrevNE.Nullify();
+< anglemin = angle ;
+< NE = E;
+> anglemin = angle ;
+> NE = E;
+> #ifdef DEB
+> // sqdist = P.SquareDistance(PC);
+> // if (sqdist < sqdistmin)
+> // sqdistmin = sqdist;
+> P3d = Surf.Value (PC.X(), PC.Y());
+> #endif
+< else
+< if (isClose)
+< aPrevNE = E;
+< if (!aPrevNE.IsNull()) {
+< // select one of close edges, the most left one.
+< Cc = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface( NE, FForward, f, l );
+< uc = preciseU( Surf, NE, CV, Cc, Standard_True);
+< Cc->D1(uc, PC, CTg1);
+< if (NE.Orientation() != TopAbs_FORWARD) CTg1.Reverse();
+< u = preciseU( Surf, aPrevNE, CV, C, Standard_True);
+< C->D1(u, P, Tg1);
+< if (aPrevNE.Orientation() != TopAbs_FORWARD) Tg1.Reverse();
+< if ( Tg1.Angle(CTg1) < 0)
+< NE = aPrevNE;
+> #ifdef DEB
+> if (!NE.IsNull() && P3d.Distance( BRep_Tool::Pnt(CV)) > tolV) {
+> cout << "point p " << P3d.X() << " " << P3d.Y() << " " << P3d.Z() << endl;
+> #endif
+< const TopoDS_Edge& E1,
+< const TopoDS_Vertex& V2,
+< const TopoDS_Edge& E2,
+< const TopoDS_Face& F)
+> const TopoDS_Edge& E1,
+> const TopoDS_Vertex& V2,
+> const TopoDS_Edge& E2,
+> const TopoDS_Face& F)
+< TopoDS_Edge& E,
+< TopTools_DataMapOfShapeListOfShape& MVE )
+> TopoDS_Edge& E,
+> TopTools_DataMapOfShapeListOfShape& MVE )
+< //purpose :
+> //purpose :
+< TopTools_DataMapOfShapeListOfShape& MVE)
+> TopTools_DataMapOfShapeListOfShape& MVE)
+< MVE(V1).Remove(itl);
+< break;
+> MVE(V1).Remove(itl);
+> break;
+< MVE(V2).Remove(itl);
+< break;
+> MVE(V2).Remove(itl);
+> break;
+< TopTools_MapOfShape& EM,
+< TopTools_MapOfShape& VM,
+< const TopTools_DataMapOfShapeListOfShape& MVE)
+> TopTools_MapOfShape& EM,
+> TopTools_MapOfShape& VM,
+> const TopTools_DataMapOfShapeListOfShape& MVE)
+< addConnected ( itE.Value(), EM, VM, MVE );
+> addConnected ( itE.Value(), EM, VM, MVE );
+< // static Standard_Boolean canPassToOld (const TopoDS_Shape& V,
+< // TopTools_MapOfShape& UsedShapesMap,
+< // const TopTools_DataMapOfShapeListOfShape& MVE,
+< // const TopTools_MapOfShape& SectionEdgesMap)
+< // {
+< // TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itE( MVE(V) );
+< // // Loop on edges sharing V
+< // for (; itE.More(); itE.Next()) {
+< // if ( !UsedShapesMap.Add( itE.Value() ))
+< // continue; // already checked
+< // if ( !SectionEdgesMap.Contains( itE.Value() ))
+< // return Standard_True; // WE PASSED
+< // TopoDS_Iterator itV( itE.Value() );
+< // // Loop on vertices of an edge
+< // for (; itV.More(); itV.Next()) {
+< // if ( !UsedShapesMap.Add( itV.Value() ))
+< // continue; // already checked
+< // else
+< // return canPassToOld( itV.Value(), UsedShapesMap, MVE, SectionEdgesMap);
+< // }
+< // }
+< // return Standard_False;
+< // }
+> static Standard_Boolean canPassToOld (const TopoDS_Shape& V,
+> TopTools_MapOfShape& UsedShapesMap,
+> const TopTools_DataMapOfShapeListOfShape& MVE,
+> const TopTools_MapOfShape& SectionEdgesMap)
+> {
+> TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itE( MVE(V) );
+> // Loop on edges sharing V
+> for (; itE.More(); itE.Next()) {
+> if ( !UsedShapesMap.Add( itE.Value() ))
+> continue; // already checked
+> if ( !SectionEdgesMap.Contains( itE.Value() ))
+> return Standard_True; // WE PASSED
+> TopoDS_Iterator itV( itE.Value() );
+> // Loop on vertices of an edge
+> for (; itV.More(); itV.Next()) {
+> if ( !UsedShapesMap.Add( itV.Value() ))
+> continue; // already checked
+> else
+> return canPassToOld( itV.Value(), UsedShapesMap, MVE, SectionEdgesMap);
+> }
+> }
+> return Standard_False;
+> }
+< const TopoDS_Vertex& CV,
+< TopoDS_Edge& NE,
+< TopTools_SequenceOfShape& EdgesSeq,
+< TColStd_SequenceOfReal& USeq,
+< const TopoDS_Edge& DE)
+> const TopoDS_Vertex& CV,
+> TopoDS_Edge& NE,
+> TopTools_SequenceOfShape& EdgesSeq,
+> TColStd_SequenceOfReal& USeq,
+> const TopoDS_Edge& DE)
+< continue;
+> continue;
+< const TopoDS_Face& F,
+< const TopTools_DataMapOfShapeListOfShape& MVE,
+< TopTools_SequenceOfShape& EdgesSeq,
+< TColStd_SequenceOfReal& USeq,
+< TopTools_DataMapOfShapeInteger& MVDEI,
+< const Standard_Integer DegEdgeIndex)
+> const TopoDS_Face& F,
+> const TopTools_DataMapOfShapeListOfShape& MVE,
+> TopTools_SequenceOfShape& EdgesSeq,
+> TColStd_SequenceOfReal& USeq,
+> TopTools_DataMapOfShapeInteger& MVDEI,
+> const Standard_Integer DegEdgeIndex)
+< first = Standard_False;
+> first = Standard_False;
+< first = !first;
+> first = !first;
+< continue;
+> continue;
+< WEL.Append( CE );
+> WEL.Append( CE );
+< doubleEM.Add( CE );
+< RemoveFromMVE (CE,MVE2);
+< TopoDS_Edge CERev = CE;
+< CERev.Reverse();
+< RemoveFromMVE (CERev,MVE2);
+> doubleEM.Add( CE );
+> RemoveFromMVE (CE,MVE2);
+> TopoDS_Edge CERev = CE;
+> CERev.Reverse();
+> RemoveFromMVE (CERev,MVE2);
+< // wire is internal if all edges are section ones
+< isInternCW = Standard_False;
+> // wire is internal if all edges are section ones
+> isInternCW = Standard_False;
+< iDeg = MVDEI( CV );
+< TopoDS_Edge NewDegen;
+< NewDegen = MakeDegenAndSelect( CE, CV, NE, SEID[iDeg], SeqU[iDeg], DE[iDeg]);
+< WEL.Append( NewDegen );
+> iDeg = MVDEI( CV );
+> TopoDS_Edge NewDegen;
+> NewDegen = MakeDegenAndSelect( CE, CV, NE, SEID[iDeg], SeqU[iDeg], DE[iDeg]);
+> WEL.Append( NewDegen );
+< continue;
+> continue;
+< End=Standard_True;
+< MVE.UnBind(CV);
+> End=Standard_True;
+> MVE.UnBind(CV);
+< End = Standard_True;
+> End = Standard_True;
+< //----------------------------
+< // select new current edge
+< //----------------------------
+< if (! SelectEdge (Surface,CE,CV,NE,MVE(CV))) {
+< End=Standard_True;
+< }
+< else
+< CE = NE;
+> //----------------------------
+> // select new current edge
+> //----------------------------
+> if (! SelectEdge (Surface,CE,CV,NE,MVE(CV))) {
+> End=Standard_True;
+> }
+> else
+> CE = NE;
+< } // while ( !End )
+> } // while ( !End )
+< B.Add ( NW, itl.Value());
+> B.Add ( NW, itl.Value());
+< const TopoDS_Edge& E = TopoDS::Edge ( itl.Value() );
+< if ( doubleEM.Contains( E ) || BRep_Tool::Degenerated( E ))
+< WEL.Remove( itl );
+< else
+< itl.Next();
+> const TopoDS_Edge& E = TopoDS::Edge ( itl.Value() );
+> if ( doubleEM.Contains( E ) || BRep_Tool::Degenerated( E ))
+> WEL.Remove( itl );
+> else
+> itl.Next();
+< continue;
+> continue;
+< for (i=1; i<=SEID[j].Length(); ++i) {
+< if (doubleEM.Contains( SEID[j].Value(i))) {
+< SEID[j].Remove( i );
+< SeqU[j].Remove( i-- );
+< }
+< }
+> for (i=1; i<=SEID[j].Length(); ++i) {
+> if (doubleEM.Contains( SEID[j].Value(i))) {
+> SEID[j].Remove( i );
+> SeqU[j].Remove( i-- );
+> }
+> }
+< CE = TopoDS::Edge( WEL.First() );
+< WEL.RemoveFirst();
+< B.MakeWire( NW );
+< VF = TopExp::FirstVertex ( CE, Standard_True);
+< End = Standard_False;
+< while ( !End) {
+< B.Add( NW, CE );
+< CV = TopExp::LastVertex ( CE, Standard_True);
+> CE = TopoDS::Edge( WEL.First() );
+> WEL.RemoveFirst();
+> B.MakeWire( NW );
+> VF = TopExp::FirstVertex ( EF, Standard_True);
+> End = Standard_False;
+> while ( !End) {
+> B.Add( NW, CE );
+> CV = TopExp::LastVertex ( CE, Standard_True);
+< if (MVDEI.IsBound( CV )) { // CE comes to the degeneration
+< iDeg = MVDEI( CV );
+> if (MVDEI.IsBound( CV )) { // CE comes to the degeneration
+> iDeg = MVDEI( CV );
+< CE = NE;
+< if (!NE.IsNull()) { // remove NE from WEL
+< for (itl.Initialize( WEL ); itl.More(); itl.Next())
+< if ( NE == itl.Value()) {
+< WEL.Remove( itl );
+< break;
+< }
+< }
+< } // end degeneration
+< else {
+< if (CV.IsSame( VF )) {
+< End = Standard_True;
+< continue;
+< }
+< // edges in WEL most often are well ordered
+< // so try to iterate until the End
+< Standard_Boolean add = Standard_False;
+< itl.Initialize(WEL);
+< while ( itl.More() && !End) {
+> CE = NE;
+> if (!NE.IsNull()) { // remove NE from WEL
+> for (itl.Initialize( WEL ); itl.More(); itl.Next())
+> if ( NE == itl.Value()) {
+> WEL.Remove( itl );
+> break;
+> }
+> }
+> } // end degeneration
+> else {
+> if (CV.IsSame( VF )) {
+> End = Standard_True;
+> continue;
+> }
+> // edges in WEL most often are well ordered
+> // so try to iterate until the End
+> Standard_Boolean add = Standard_False;
+> itl.Initialize(WEL);
+> while ( itl.More() && !End) {
+< if (add)
+< B.Add( NW, CE );
+< CE = NE;
+> if (add)
+> B.Add( NW, CE );
+> CE = NE;
+< else
+< itl.Next();
+< }
+< if (!add)
+< End = Standard_True;
+< }
+< } // !End
+< myInternalWL.Append( NW );
+> else
+> itl.Next();
+> }
+> if (!add)
+> End = Standard_True;
+> }
+> } // !End
+> myInternalWL.Append( NW );
+< if (nbIW == 0)
+< return;
+< if ( myNewWires.Extent() != 1 && nbIW > 1) {
+> if ( nbIW == 1 ) {
+> TopTools_MapOfShape UsedShapes( 2*NbConstEdges );
+> TopExp_Explorer expV (myInternalWL.First(), TopAbs_VERTEX);
+> if (canPassToOld (expV.Current(), UsedShapes, MVE2, mySectionEdges))
+> myNewWires.Append ( myInternalWL );
+> }
+> else if ( nbIW > 1 ) {
+< if ( ! mySectionEdges.Contains( itl.Value() ))
+> if ( ! mySectionEdges.Contains( itl.Value() ))
+< const TopoDS_Face& F)
+> const TopoDS_Face& F)
+< Precision::PConfusion());
+> Precision::PConfusion());
+< const TopoDS_Wire& W1,
+< const TopoDS_Wire& W2)
+> const TopoDS_Wire& W1,
+> const TopoDS_Wire& W2)
+< if (BRep_Tool::Degenerated( TopoDS::Edge( exp.Current() )))
+< exp.Next();
+< const TopoDS_Edge& e = TopoDS::Edge(exp.Current());
+> const TopoDS_Edge& edg = TopoDS::Edge(exp.Current());
+< Handle(Geom2d_Curve) C2d = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface(e,F,f,l);
+< gp_Pnt2d pt2d(C2d->Value( 0.5 * ( f + l )));
+> Handle(Geom2d_Curve) C2d = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface(edg,F,f,l);
+> gp_Pnt2d pt2d(C2d->Value(f));
+< TopTools_DataMapOfShapeShape& EqWM,
+< const TopoDS_Face& F)
+> TopTools_DataMapOfShapeShape& EqWM,
+> const TopoDS_Face& F)
+< if ( !EdgesMap.Contains( itE.Value()) )
+< break;
+> if ( !EdgesMap.Contains( itE.Value()) )
+> break;
+< if (isHole( Wire1, F)) {
+< EqWM.Bind ( Wire1, Wire2 );
+< }
+< else {
+< EqWM.Bind ( Wire2, Wire1 );
+< }
+< IndMap.Add(i);
+< IndMap.Add(j);
+< break;
+> if (isHole( Wire1, F)) {
+> EqWM.Bind ( Wire1, Wire2 );
+> }
+> else {
+> EqWM.Bind ( Wire2, Wire1 );
+> }
+> IndMap.Add(i);
+> IndMap.Add(j);
+> break;
+< BRepAlgo_AsDes& OuterInner,
+< const TopoDS_Face& F)
+> BRepAlgo_AsDes& OuterInner,
+> const TopoDS_Face& F)
+< // find next after it1.Value()
+< for (it2.Initialize(EqWM); it2.More(); it2.Next())
+< if (it1.Value().IsSame( it2.Value() ))
+< {
+< it2.Next();
+< break;
+< }
+< for ( ; it2.More(); it2.Next()) {
+> for (it2.Initialize(EqWM); it2.More(); it2.Next()) {
+> if (it1.Value().IsSame( it2.Value() )) continue;
+< OuterInner.Add (Wire2, Wire1);
+> OuterInner.Add (Wire2, Wire1);
+< OuterInner.Add (Wire1, Wire2);
+> OuterInner.Add (Wire1, Wire2);
+> # include <BRepFeat_SplitShape.hxx>
+> void Partition_Loop2d::WiresToFaces(const BRepAlgo_Image& EdgeImage)
+> #else
+> # include <BRepAlgo_FaceRestrictor.hxx>
+> #endif
+> // ============================================================
+> // use BRepAlgo_FaceRestrictor to make faces
+> // ============================================================
+< Standard_Integer nbEqW = EqWM.Extent(); // protection against infinite loop
+< TopoDS_Wire outerW = TopoDS::Wire ( it.Value() );
+< if ( OuterInner.HasDescendant( outerW ) && // has internal
+< ! OuterInner.Descendant( outerW ).IsEmpty() )
+< continue;
+> TopoDS_Wire outerW = TopoDS::Wire ( it.Value() );
+> if ( OuterInner.HasDescendant( outerW ) && // has internal
+> ! OuterInner.Descendant( outerW ).IsEmpty() )
+> continue;
+< FR.Add( outerW );
+> FR.Add( outerW );
+< FR.Add (IW);
+< myInternalWL.Remove( itIW ); // == itIW.Next() !!!
+< }
+< else
+< itIW.Next();
+< }
+> FR.Add (IW);
+> myInternalWL.Remove( itIW ); // == itIW.Next() !!!
+> }
+> else
+> itIW.Next();
+> }
+< // the hole-part of current pair of equal wires will be in the next new face
+< prevHolesL.Append ( it.Key() );
+> // the hole-part of current pair of equal wires will be in the next new face
+> prevHolesL.Append ( it.Key() );
+< for (; FR.More(); FR.Next())
+< myNewFaces.Append(FR.Current());
+> for (; FR.More(); FR.Next())
+> myNewFaces.Append(FR.Current());
+< // remove them from the EqWM,
+> // remove themfrom the EqWM,
+< TopoDS_Wire& Hole = TopoDS::Wire ( itPrev.Value() );
+< FR.Add ( Hole );
+< if (clearOuterInner) {
+< const TopoDS_Wire& outerW = TopoDS::Wire ( EqWM.Find( Hole ) );
+< // Loop on wires including outerW
+< TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itO( OuterInner.Ascendant( outerW ));
+< for (; itO.More(); itO.Next()) {
+< TopTools_ListOfShape& innerL = OuterInner.ChangeDescendant( itO.Value() );
+< TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itI (innerL);
+< // Loop on internal wires of current including wire
+< for (; itI.More(); itI.Next())
+< if ( outerW.IsSame( itI.Value() )) {
+< innerL.Remove( itI ); break;
+< }
+< }
+< }
+< EqWM.UnBind ( Hole );
+< }
+< if (nbEqW == EqWM.Extent())
+< {
+< // error: pb with wires classification
+< #ifdef DEB
+< cout << "Partition_Loop2d::WiresToFaces(), pb with wires classification" << endl;
+< #endif
+< break;
+> TopoDS_Wire& Hole = TopoDS::Wire ( itPrev.Value() );
+> FR.Add ( Hole );
+> if (clearOuterInner) {
+> const TopoDS_Wire& outerW = TopoDS::Wire ( EqWM.Find( Hole ) );
+> // Loop on wires including outerW
+> TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itO( OuterInner.Ascendant( outerW ));
+> for (; itO.More(); itO.Next()) {
+> TopTools_ListOfShape& innerL = OuterInner.ChangeDescendant( itO.Value() );
+> TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itI (innerL);
+> // Loop on internal wires of current including wire
+> for (; itI.More(); itI.Next())
+> if ( outerW.IsSame( itI.Value() )) {
+> innerL.Remove( itI ); break;
+> }
+> }
+> }
+> EqWM.UnBind ( Hole );
+< } // if !EqWM.IsEmpty()
+> } // !EqWM.IsEmpty()
+> #else // ifndef USE_BREPFEAT_SPLITSHAPE
+> // ============================================================
+> // use BRepFeat_SplitShape to make faces
+> // ============================================================
+> BRepFeat_SplitShape Split(myFace);
+> TopTools_MapOfShape AddedSectionEdgesMap;
+> myNewWires.Append(myInternalWL);
+> TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape it(myNewWires);
+> for (; it.More(); it.Next()) {
+> TopoDS_Iterator itE(it.Value());
+> for (; itE.More(); itE.Next()) {
+> const TopoDS_Edge& newE = TopoDS::Edge( itE.Value() );
+> if (AddedSectionEdgesMap.Add(newE)) {
+> if (mySectionEdges.Contains(newE))
+> Split.Add(newE,F); // new edge on face
+> else {
+> const TopoDS_Edge& oldE = TopoDS::Edge( EdgeImage.ImageFrom(newE) );
+> Split.Add(newE, oldE); // splited edge
+> }
+> }
+> }
+> }
+> Split.Build();
+> if (Split.IsDone())
+> myNewFaces = Split.Modified(F);
+> #endif // ifndef USE_BREPFEAT_SPLITSHAPE
+> #ifdef DEB
+> Standard_Integer nbF = myNewFaces.Extent();
+> if (nbW != nbF)
+> cout << "WiresToFaces(): " << nbW << " wires --> " << myNewFaces.Extent() << " faces "
+> << endl;
+> #endif
+< for (; itNF.More(); itNF.Next())
+> for (; itNF.More(); itNF.Next())
+diff -r ../src/PARTITION/Partition_Loop.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/PARTITION/Partition_Loop.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/PARTITION/Partition_Spliter.cdl ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/PARTITION/Partition_Spliter.cdl
+< MakeSolids (me: in out; Solid : Shape from TopoDS;
+< Shells: in out ListOfShape from TopTools)
+< is private;
+< ---Purpose: make solids out of Shells
+< IsInside (myclass; S1,S2 : Shape from TopoDS)
+< returns Boolean from Standard is private;
+< ---Purpose: Return True if the first vertex of S1 inside S2.
+< -- If S1.IsNull(), check infinite point against S2.
+< GetOriginalShape(me; aShape : Shape from TopoDS)
+< returns Shape from TopoDS is private;
+< ---Purpose: Return the shape aShape originates from. aShape
+< -- should be a face or more complex result shape
+< FindToolsToReconstruct(me: in out) is private;
+< ---Purpose: find and store as objects tools which interfere
+< -- with solids or are inside solids without
+< -- an interference
+< myDoneStep : ShapeEnum from TopAbs; -- rebuilt level
+> myDoneStep : ShapeEnum from TopAbs; -- reconstructed topology
+< myEqualEdges : MapOfShape from TopTools; -- equal splits
+< myNewSection : MapOfShape from TopTools; -- new secton edges
+< myClosedShapes : MapOfShape from TopTools;
+< myWrappingSolid: MapOfShape from TopTools; -- solids having other shapes inside
+< myInternalFaces: DataMapOfShapeShape from TopTools; -- shape and its internal faces
+< myIntNotClFaces: DataMapOfShapeShape from TopTools; -- internal but not closed
+> myNewSection : MapOfShape from TopTools; -- new secton edges
+> -- equal splits
+> myEqualEdges : MapOfShape from TopTools;
+> -- shape and its internal faces
+> myInternalFaces: DataMapOfShapeShape from TopTools;
+> myIntNotClFaces: DataMapOfShapeShape from TopTools;-- internal but not closed
+diff -r ../src/PARTITION/Partition_Spliter.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/PARTITION/Partition_Spliter.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+> #include "Partition_Spliter.ixx"
+< #include "Partition_Spliter.ixx"
+> #include <TopExp_Explorer.hxx>
+> #include <TopExp.hxx>
+< #include <TopExp.hxx>
+< #include <TopExp_Explorer.hxx>
+> #include <gp_Pnt2d.hxx>
+> #include <gp_Pnt.hxx>
+> #include <gp_Vec.hxx>
+< #include <gp_Pnt.hxx>
+< #include <gp_Pnt2d.hxx>
+< #include <gp_Vec.hxx>
+< #include <BRepBndLib.hxx>
+< #include <BRepClass3d_SolidClassifier.hxx>
+< #include <BRepLib.hxx>
+> #include <BRepLib.hxx>
+> #include <BRepBndLib.hxx>
+> #include <stdio.h>
+< //# define PART_PERF
+> #define DRAW 0
+< #ifdef PART_PERF
+< # include <OSD_Chronometer.hxx>
+< #endif
+< //=======================================================================
+< //function : isClosed
+< //purpose : check id a shape is closed, ie is a solid or a closed shell
+< //=======================================================================
+> #ifdef DRAW
+> #include <DBRep.hxx>
+> Standard_IMPORT Standard_Boolean AffichInter3d ;
+> Standard_IMPORT Standard_Boolean AffichInter2d ;
+> Standard_IMPORT Standard_Boolean AffichVertex;
+> Standard_IMPORT Standard_Boolean AffichFace;
+> Standard_IMPORT Standard_Boolean AffichWire;
+> Standard_IMPORT Standard_Boolean SelectFace;
+< static Standard_Boolean isClosed(const TopoDS_Shape& theShape)
+< {
+< Standard_Boolean isClosed = (theShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_SOLID);
+> static char* names = new char[100];
+< if (!isClosed && theShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_SHELL) {
+< TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeListOfShape MEF;
+< TopExp::MapShapesAndAncestors(theShape, TopAbs_EDGE, TopAbs_FACE, MEF);
+< for (Standard_Integer i=1; isClosed && i<=MEF.Extent(); ++i)
+< isClosed = ( MEF(i).Extent() != 1 );
+< }
+< return isClosed;
+< }
+> #endif
+< if (S.ShapeType() < TopAbs_SOLID) { // compound or compsolid
+< TopoDS_Iterator it (S);
+< for (; it.More(); it.Next())
+< {
+< AddTool( it.Value());
+< myFaceShapeMap.Bind( it.Value(), S ); // to know compound by shape
+< }
+< return;
+< }
+< {
+< myFaceShapeMap.Bind( exp.Current(), S );
+< }
+< if (isClosed( S ))
+< myClosedShapes.Add( S );
+< {
+< myFaceShapeMap.Bind( it.Value(), S ); // to know compound by shape
+< }
+> myListShapes.Append(S);
+< Standard_Integer nbFacesBefore = myMapFaces.Extent(); // not to add twice the same S
+< const TopoDS_Shape & aFace = exp.Current();
+< if ( ! myFaceShapeMap.IsBound( aFace )) // keep shape of tool face added as object
+< myFaceShapeMap.Bind( aFace, S );
+< if (myMapFaces.Add( aFace ))
+< myImagesFaces.SetRoot( aFace );
+> myFaceShapeMap.Bind( exp.Current(), S );
+> myMapFaces.Add(exp.Current());
+> myImagesFaces.SetRoot(exp.Current());
+< if (nbFacesBefore == myMapFaces.Extent())
+< return;
+< // solids must be processed before all
+< if (S.ShapeType() == TopAbs_SOLID)
+< myListShapes.Prepend(S);
+< else
+< myListShapes.Append(S);
+< if (isClosed( S ))
+< myClosedShapes.Add( S );
+< myClosedShapes.Clear();
+< myEqualEdges.Clear();
+< myNewSection.Clear();
+< myWrappingSolid.Clear();
+< myInternalFaces.Clear();
+< myIntNotClFaces.Clear();
+> myNewSection.Clear();
+> myInternalFaces.Clear();
+< #ifdef PART_PERF
+< OSD_Chronometer aCron;
+< #endif
+< #ifdef PART_PERF
+< aCron.Start();
+< #endif
+< #ifdef PART_PERF
+< cout << "+++ CompletPart3d()" << endl;
+< aCron.Show( cout );
+< aCron.Reset();
+< aCron.Start();
+> TopTools_MapOfShape& Modif = myInter3d.TouchedFaces();
+> TopTools_MapOfShape& NewEdges = myInter3d.NewEdges();
+> Handle(BRepAlgo_AsDes) SectionEdgesAD = myInter3d.SectionEdgesAD();
+> #ifdef DRAW
+> if (AffichInter3d) {
+> Standard_Integer i=0;
+> for (it.Initialize(NewEdges); it.More(); it.Next(), i++) {
+> sprintf(names,"e_%d",i);
+> cout << "donly " << names << endl;
+> DBRep::Set(names,it.Key());
+> }
+> }
+> //if (Modif.IsEmpty()) return;
+> // -----------------------------------------------
+> // store tools intersecting solids as object shapes,
+> // they must split into faces too
+> // -----------------------------------------------
+> // build edge - face map for tool faces
+> TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeListOfShape EFM;
+> for (it.Initialize(myMapTools); it.More(); it.Next())
+> TopExp::MapShapesAndAncestors( it.Key(), TopAbs_EDGE, TopAbs_FACE, EFM);
+> TopTools_MapOfShape checkedEdgeMap;
+> for (itl.Initialize( myListShapes ); itl.More(); itl.Next()) {
+> TopExp_Explorer expSo (itl.Value(), TopAbs_SOLID);
+> for (; expSo.More(); expSo.Next()) {
+> TopTools_ListOfShape checkFL; // faces to check
+> for ( exp.Init( expSo.Current(), TopAbs_FACE); exp.More(); exp.Next())
+> checkFL.Append ( exp.Current());
+> // iterate a list while appending new items
+> TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itF, itCF;
+> for (itCF.Initialize (checkFL) ; itCF.More(); itCF.Next()) {
+> const TopoDS_Shape& F = itCF.Value();
+> if ( myAsDes->HasDescendant( F )) {
+> // new edges on face to check
+> const TopTools_ListOfShape& NEL = myAsDes->Descendant( F );
+> TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itE (NEL);
+> for (; itE.More(); itE.Next()) {
+> if (checkedEdgeMap.Add( itE.Value() )) {
+> // intersected faces originating an edge
+> itF.Initialize (myAsDes->Ascendant( itE.Value() ));
+> for (; itF.More(); itF.Next()) {
+> if (!myMapFaces.Contains( itF.Value())) {
+> AddShape( itF.Value() );
+> checkFL.Append( itF.Value() );
+> }
+> }
+> // faces having section edges on F
+> if (EFM.Contains( itE.Value()))
+> itF.Initialize ( EFM.FindFromKey (itE.Value()));
+> for (; itF.More(); itF.Next()) {
+> if (!myMapFaces.Contains( itF.Value())) {
+> AddShape( itF.Value() );
+> checkFL.Append( itF.Value() );
+> }
+> }
+> }
+> }
+> }
+> // find faces cut by edges of F
+> TopExp_Explorer expE(F, TopAbs_EDGE);
+> for (; expE.More();expE.Next()) {
+> if ( SectionEdgesAD->HasAscendant( expE.Current() )
+> && checkedEdgeMap.Add( expE.Current() )) {
+> itF.Initialize( SectionEdgesAD->Ascendant( expE.Current()) );
+> for (; itF.More(); itF.Next()) {
+> if (!myMapFaces.Contains( itF.Value())) {
+> AddShape( itF.Value() );
+> checkFL.Append( itF.Value() );
+> }
+> }
+> }
+> }
+> }
+> }
+> }
+< // add tool faces which must be reconstructed to myMapFaces too
+< FindToolsToReconstruct();
+< #ifdef PART_PERF
+< cout << "+++ FindToolsToReconstruct()" << endl;
+< aCron.Show( cout );
+< aCron.Reset();
+< aCron.Start();
+< #endif
+< TopTools_MapOfShape& Modif = myInter3d.TouchedFaces();
+< Partition_Inter2d::CompletPart2d (myAsDes, F, myInter3d.NewEdges());
+> Partition_Inter2d::CompletPart2d (myAsDes, F, NewEdges);
+< #ifdef PART_PERF
+< cout << "+++ CompletPart2d()" << endl;
+< aCron.Show( cout );
+< aCron.Reset();
+< aCron.Start();
+< #endif
+< //-----------------------------------------------
+< // ------- Reconstruction of all the edges.------
+< //-----------------------------------------------
+> // Reconstruction of all the edges.
+< // ==============
+< // cut new edges
+< // ==============
+> // Add to myAsDes end vertices of new edges and cut new edges
+> int j=1;
+> TopTools_MapOfShape& NewEdges = myInter3d.NewEdges();
+< for ( it.Initialize(myInter3d.NewEdges()); it.More(); it.Next()) {
+> for ( it.Initialize(NewEdges); it.More(); it.Next()) {
+< // Add end vertices to new edges only if
+< // one face is Tool and the other is Shape
+< Standard_Boolean isTool1 = ! myMapFaces.Contains( aListF.First() );
+< Standard_Boolean isTool2 = ! myMapFaces.Contains( aListF.Last() );
+< if (isTool1 || isTool2)
+> // one face is Tool, the other is Shape:
+> if ( (myMapTools.Contains(aListF.First()) && myMapFaces.Contains(aListF.Last()) ) ||
+> ( myMapFaces.Contains(aListF.First()) && myMapTools.Contains(aListF.Last()) ) )
+> #ifdef DRAW
+> if (AffichVertex) {
+> for(itl.Initialize(aListV);itl.More();itl.Next(), j++) {
+> sprintf(names,"v_%d",j);
+> cout << "donly " << names << endl;
+> DBRep::Set(names,itl.Value());
+> }
+> }
+> #endif
+< // cut new edges
+> // cut new edges
+< // ==============
+< // ==============
+< #ifdef PART_PERF
+< cout << "+++ Cut Edges" << endl;
+< aCron.Show( cout );
+< aCron.Reset();
+< aCron.Start();
+< #endif
+< // process same domain section edges
+< #ifdef PART_PERF
+< cout << "+++ MergeEqualEdges()" << endl;
+< aCron.Show( cout );
+< aCron.Reset();
+< aCron.Start();
+< #endif
+< if (myMapTools.Contains( itl.Value() ))
+< continue; // skip tool faces
+> // make faces interfering by section edges share the same splits
+> //ProcessSectionEdges( SectionEdgesAD );
+< #ifdef PART_PERF
+< cout << "+++ MakeFaces()" << endl;
+< aCron.Show( cout );
+< aCron.Reset();
+< aCron.Start();
+< #endif
+< // split and add solids and shells
+> // split solids
+> // solids must remains closed, so process them first
+< for (itl.Initialize(myListShapes);itl.More();itl.Next())
+< {
+< const TopoDS_Shape & S = itl.Value();
+< if (S.ShapeType() > TopAbs_SHELL)
+< continue;
+< TopTools_ListOfShape NSL; // new shape list
+< MakeShells (S , NSL);
+< if (makeSolids && S.ShapeType() == TopAbs_SOLID )
+< MakeSolids( S, NSL );
+< TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itNSL (NSL);
+< for ( ; itNSL.More(); itNSL.Next())
+< myBuilder.Add (myShape, itNSL.Value());
+< }
+< #ifdef PART_PERF
+< cout << "+++ MakeShells()" << endl;
+< aCron.Show( cout );
+< #endif
+> for (itl.Initialize(myListShapes);itl.More();itl.Next()) {
+> if (itl.Value().ShapeType() == TopAbs_SOLID) {
+> TopTools_ListOfShape NSL;
+> MakeShells (itl.Value() , NSL);
+> TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itS(NSL);
+> for ( ; itS.More(); itS.Next())
+> if (makeSolids) {
+> // make a solid from a shell
+> TopoDS_Solid Solid;
+> myBuilder.MakeSolid( Solid );
+> myBuilder.Add (Solid, itS.Value());
+> myBuilder.Add (myShape, Solid);
+> }
+> else
+> myBuilder.Add (myShape, itS.Value());
+> }
+> }
+> //-----------------------------------------------
+> // split shells
+> //-----------------------------------------------
+> for (itl.Initialize(myListShapes);itl.More();itl.Next()) {
+> if (itl.Value().ShapeType() == TopAbs_SHELL) {
+> TopTools_ListOfShape NSL;
+> MakeShells (itl.Value() , NSL);
+> TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itS(NSL);
+> for ( ; itS.More(); itS.Next())
+> myBuilder.Add (myShape, itS.Value());
+> }
+> }
+< for (itl.Initialize(myListShapes);itl.More();itl.Next())
+< {
+< const TopoDS_Shape & S = itl.Value();
+> for (itl.Initialize(myListShapes);itl.More();itl.Next()) {
+> const TopoDS_Shape& S = itl.Value();
+< myMapTools.Contains( S ))
+> myMapTools.Contains( S ))
+< myBuilder.Add (myShape, itS.Value());
+> myBuilder.Add (myShape, itS.Value());
+< //function : MakeSolids
+< //purpose : make solids out of Shells
+> //function : Tri
+> //purpose :
+< void Partition_Spliter::MakeSolids(const TopoDS_Shape & theSolid,
+< TopTools_ListOfShape & theShellList)
+> static void Tri(const TopoDS_Edge& E,
+> TopTools_SequenceOfShape& Seq)
+< // for a solid wrapping other shells or solids without intersection,
+< // it is necessary to find shells making holes in it
+< TopTools_ListOfShape aNewSolids; // result
+< TopTools_ListOfShape aHoleShells;
+< TopoDS_Shape anInfinitePointShape;
+> Standard_Boolean Invert = Standard_True;
+> Standard_Integer NbPoints = Seq.Length();
+> Standard_Real U1,U2;
+> TopoDS_Vertex V1,V2;
+< Standard_Boolean isWrapping = myWrappingSolid.Contains( theSolid );
+< if (!isWrapping && !theShellList.IsEmpty())
+< {
+< // check if theSolid initially has internal shells
+< TopoDS_Iterator aShellExp (theSolid);
+< aShellExp.Next();
+< isWrapping = aShellExp.More();
+> while (Invert) {
+> Invert = Standard_False;
+> for ( Standard_Integer i = 1; i < Seq.Length(); i++) {
+> V1 = TopoDS::Vertex(Seq.Value(i));
+> V2 = TopoDS::Vertex(Seq.Value(i+1));
+> V1.Orientation(TopAbs_INTERNAL);
+> V2.Orientation(TopAbs_INTERNAL);
+> U1 = BRep_Tool::Parameter(V1,E);
+> U2 = BRep_Tool::Parameter(V2,E);
+> if (IsEqual(U1,U2)) {
+> Seq.Remove(i);
+> i--;
+> continue;
+> }
+> if (U2 < U1) {
+> Seq.Exchange(i,i+1);
+> Invert = Standard_True;
+> }
+> }
+< TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape aShellIt(theShellList);
+< for ( ; aShellIt.More(); aShellIt.Next())
+< {
+< const TopoDS_Shape & aShell = aShellIt.Value();
+> }
+< // check if a shell is a hole
+< if (isWrapping && IsInside (anInfinitePointShape, aShell))
+< aHoleShells.Append( aShell );
+< else
+< {
+< // make a solid from a shell
+< TopoDS_Solid Solid;
+< myBuilder.MakeSolid( Solid );
+< myBuilder.Add (Solid, aShell);
+> //=======================================================================
+> //function : MakeEdges
+> //purpose : cut E by vertices VOnE, return list of new edges NE
+> //=======================================================================
+> void Partition_Spliter::MakeEdges (const TopoDS_Edge& E,
+> const TopTools_ListOfShape& VOnE,
+> TopTools_ListOfShape& NE ) const
+> {
+> TopoDS_Edge WE = E;
+> WE.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD);
+> TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itv(VOnE);
+> TopTools_SequenceOfShape SV;
+> Standard_Real U1,U2, f, l;
+> TopoDS_Vertex V1,V2,VF,VL;
+> BRep_Tool::Range(WE,f,l);
+> TopExp::Vertices(WE,VF,VL);
+< aNewSolids.Append (Solid);
+> if (VOnE.Extent() < 3) { // do not rebuild not cut edge
+> if (( VF.IsSame( VOnE.First() ) && VL.IsSame( VOnE.Last() )) ||
+> VL.IsSame( VOnE.First() ) && VF.IsSame( VOnE.Last() ) ) {
+> NE.Append( E );
+> return;
+< // find outer a shell most close to each hole shell
+< TopTools_DataMapOfShapeShape aInOutMap;
+< for (aShellIt.Initialize( aHoleShells ); aShellIt.More(); aShellIt.Next())
+< {
+< const TopoDS_Shape & aHole = aShellIt.Value();
+< TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape aSolisIt (aNewSolids);
+< for ( ; aSolisIt.More(); aSolisIt.Next())
+< {
+< const TopoDS_Shape & aSolid = aSolisIt.Value();
+< if (! IsInside( aHole, aSolid ))
+< continue;
+> for (; itv.More(); itv.Next())
+> SV.Append(itv.Value());
+< if ( aInOutMap.IsBound (aHole))
+< {
+< const TopoDS_Shape & aSolid2 = aInOutMap( aHole );
+< if ( IsInside( aSolid, aSolid2 ))
+< {
+< aInOutMap.UnBind( aHole );
+< aInOutMap.Bind ( aHole, aSolid );
+< }
+< }
+> Tri( WE, SV);
+> Standard_Integer iVer, NbVer = SV.Length();
+> //----------------------------------------------------------------
+> // Construction of the new edges .
+> //----------------------------------------------------------------
+> if (VF.IsSame(VL)) { // closed edge
+> if (NbVer==1)
+> SV.Append( SV.First() );
+> else if (!SV.First().IsSame(SV.Last())) {
+> Standard_Boolean isFirst=0;
+> Standard_Real minDU = 1.e10;
+> TopoDS_Vertex endV = Partition_Inter2d::FindEndVertex(VOnE, f,l, E, isFirst,minDU);
+> if (endV.IsSame(SV.First()))
+> SV.Append(endV);
+> else if (endV.IsSame(SV.Last()))
+> SV.Prepend(endV);
+< aInOutMap.Bind ( aHole, aSolid );
+< // add aHole to a solid
+< if (aInOutMap.IsBound( aHole ))
+< myBuilder.Add ( aInOutMap( aHole ), aHole );
+> NbVer = SV.Length();
+< theShellList.Clear();
+< theShellList.Append( aNewSolids );
+> for (iVer=1; iVer < NbVer; iVer++) {
+> V1 = TopoDS::Vertex(SV(iVer));
+> V2 = TopoDS::Vertex(SV(iVer+1));
+> TopoDS_Shape NewEdge = WE.EmptyCopied();
+> V1.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD);
+> myBuilder.Add (NewEdge,V1);
+> V2.Orientation(TopAbs_REVERSED);
+> myBuilder.Add (NewEdge,V2);
+> if (iVer==1)
+> U1 = f;
+> else {
+> V1.Orientation(TopAbs_INTERNAL);
+> U1=BRep_Tool::Parameter(V1,WE);
+> }
+> if (iVer+1 == NbVer)
+> U2 = l;
+> else {
+> V2.Orientation(TopAbs_INTERNAL);
+> U2=BRep_Tool::Parameter(V2,WE);
+> }
+> if (Abs(U1-U2) <= Precision::PConfusion()) {
+> continue;
+> }
+> TopoDS_Edge EE=TopoDS::Edge(NewEdge);
+> myBuilder.Range (EE,U1,U2);
+> TopoDS_Edge NEdge = TopoDS::Edge(NewEdge);
+> myBuilder.SameParameter(NEdge,Standard_False);
+> Standard_Real tol = 1.0e-2;
+> Standard_Boolean flag = BRep_Tool::SameParameter(NEdge);
+> if (!flag) {
+> BRepLib::SameParameter(NEdge,tol);
+> }
+> NE.Append(NEdge.Oriented(E.Orientation()));
+> }
+< // ================================================
+< // check if internal faces have been already found
+< // ================================================
+< // ===================================
+< // get data for internal faces search
+< // ===================================
+< const TopoDS_Shape & resE = expl.Current() ;
+> TopoDS_Shape resE = expl.Current() ;
+< // add tool faces having section edges on faces of theShape to MFP and DMSEFP;
+< // such tool faces need not to be reconstructed and so they are not in myListShapes
+< for (itm.Initialize(myMapTools); itm.More(); itm.Next())
+< {
+< const TopoDS_Shape & aToolFace = itm.Key();
+< if (myMapFaces.Contains( aToolFace ))
+< continue;
+< MFP.Add(aToolFace);
+< for (expl.Init( aToolFace, TopAbs_EDGE ); expl.More(); expl.Next()) {
+< TopoDS_Shape se = expl.Current();
+< if ( MSE.Contains( se )) {// section edge
+< if (!DMSEFP.IsBound( se ))
+< DMSEFP.Bind( se, EmptyL );
+< DMSEFP( se ).Append( aToolFace );
+< }
+< }
+< }
+< // ===========================
+< // ===========================
+< // does OrigE itself splits a face
+> // is OrigE itself splits a face
+< TopoDS_Shape anOrigFace = aFace1;
+< if (myImagesFaces.IsImage(aFace1))
+< anOrigFace = myImagesFaces.Root(aFace1);
+> const TopoDS_Shape& anOrigFace = myImagesFaces.Root(aFace1);
+< //face of CSF sharing E
+> //face of CSF sharing E
+< if (inside && isSectionE)
+< {
+< // aFace1 must be tested with both adjacent faces of CSF
+< const TopoDS_Shape& aShapeFace2 = sameDom1 ? FL.First() : FL.Last();
+< if (aShapeFace2 != aShapeFace)
+< inside = Partition_Loop3d::IsInside (E, TopoDS::Face(aShapeFace2), aFace1,
+< 1, dot, GoodOri);
+< }
+< KeepFaces.Append(aFace1);
+> KeepFaces.Append(aFace1);
+< KeepFaces.Append(aFace2);
+> KeepFaces.Append(aFace2);
+< // ===================================================
+< // ===================================================
+< // ===============================================================
+< // here MFP contains faces outer of theShape and those of shapes
+< // which do not interfere with theShape at all and between which
+< // there may be those wrapped by theShape and whose faces may be
+< // needed to be returned as well
+< // ===============================================================
+> // check if kept faces form a shell without free edges
+< Standard_Boolean isSolid = (theShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_SOLID);
+< if (All || isSolid) // All is for sub-result removal
+< {
+< for ( itm.Initialize( MFP ); itm.More(); itm.Next() ) {
+< TopoDS_Shape aFace = itm.Key();
+< // find a shape aFace originates from
+< TopoDS_Shape anOrigShape = GetOriginalShape( aFace );
+< // find out if all faces of anOrigShape are not in MFP
+< // and by the way remove them from MFP
+< Standard_Boolean isAllOut = Standard_True;
+< TopoDS_Shape aSplitFaces = anOrigShape;
+< if (myImageShape.HasImage(anOrigShape))
+< aSplitFaces = myImageShape.Image(anOrigShape).First();
+< TopTools_ListOfShape aSplitFaceL;
+< for (expl.Init( aSplitFaces, TopAbs_FACE ); expl.More(); expl.Next())
+< {
+< const TopoDS_Shape & aSpFace = expl.Current();
+< // a tool face which become object has image but the whole tool shape has not
+< if (myImageShape.HasImage( aSpFace ))
+< {
+< TopExp_Explorer exF (myImageShape.Image( aSpFace ).First(), TopAbs_FACE );
+< for ( ; exF.More(); exF.Next() )
+< {
+< aSplitFaceL.Append( exF.Current() );
+< if ( ! MFP.Remove( exF.Current() ))
+< isAllOut = Standard_False;
+< }
+< }
+< else
+< {
+< aSplitFaceL.Append( aSpFace );
+< if ( ! MFP.Remove( aSpFace ))
+< isAllOut = Standard_False;
+< }
+< }
+< itm.Initialize( MFP );
+< if ( !isAllOut )
+< continue;
+< // classify anOrigShape against theShape
+< if (IsInside (anOrigShape, theShape))
+< {
+< if (isSolid && myClosedShapes.Contains( anOrigShape ))
+< // to make a special care at solid reconstruction
+< myWrappingSolid.Add ( theShape );
+< // keep faces of an internal shape anOrigShape
+< KeptFaces.Append( aSplitFaceL );
+< }
+< }
+< }
+< // ====================================================
+< // check if kept faces form a shell without free edges
+< // ====================================================
+< DMEF.Clear(); // edge - kept faces
+< MFP.Clear(); // reuse it for wrong faces
+< if (CheckClosed) {
+< for (itl.Initialize(KeptFaces); itl.More(); itl.Next() )
+< TopExp::MapShapesAndAncestors(itl.Value(), TopAbs_EDGE, TopAbs_FACE, DMEF);
+> DMEF.Clear(); // edge - kept faces
+> MFP.Clear(); // wrong faces
+> if (CheckClosed) {
+> for (itl.Initialize(KeptFaces); itl.More(); itl.Next() )
+> TopExp::MapShapesAndAncestors(itl.Value(), TopAbs_EDGE, TopAbs_FACE, DMEF);
+< if (! BRep_Tool::Degenerated( TopoDS::Edge( E )) &&
+< ! MSE.Contains( E ))
+> if (! MSE.Contains( E ))
+< // ==============
+< // make a result
+< // ==============
+> // a result compound
+> // check if S is closed shape
+> Standard_Boolean isClosed = Standard_True;
+> TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeListOfShape MEF;
+> Standard_Integer i;
+> if (S.ShapeType() != TopAbs_SOLID) {
+> TopExp::MapShapesAndAncestors(S, TopAbs_EDGE, TopAbs_FACE, MEF);
+> for (i=1; isClosed && i<=MEF.Extent(); ++i)
+> isClosed = ( MEF(i).Extent() != 1 );
+> }
+< // add split faces inside S
+< if (myClosedShapes.Contains( S )) {
+> // split faces inside S
+> if (isClosed) {
+> // } else { // a shell may become closed
+> // ShellMaker.AddConstFaces( InternalFacesComp );
+< // Add faces added to new shell to myAddedFacesMap:
+> // 1. Add faces added to new shell to myAddedFacesMap:
+> // 2. Check shell closeness (DEBUG)
+> #ifdef DEB
+> Standard_Boolean checkCloseness = Standard_True;
+> #endif
+< for (; expF.More(); expF.Next())
+> for (; expF.More(); expF.Next()) {
+> #ifdef DEB
+> if (checkCloseness &&
+> ! myInter3d.HasSameDomainF( myImagesFaces.Root(expF.Current()) ))
+> checkCloseness = Standard_False;
+> #endif
+> }
+> #ifdef DEB
+> if (checkCloseness) {
+> // if S is closed, a new shell must be closed too;
+> if (isClosed) {
+> // check that a new shell is closed
+> MEF.Clear();
+> TopExp::MapShapesAndAncestors(itS.Value(), TopAbs_EDGE, TopAbs_FACE, MEF);
+> for (i=1; isClosed && i<=MEF.Extent(); ++i)
+> isClosed = ( MEF(i).Extent() != 1 );
+> if (!isClosed) { // remove not closed shell
+> //NS.Remove( itS );
+> itS.Next();
+> continue;
+> }
+> }
+> }
+> #endif
+< }
+> } // loop on new shells
+< //purpose : compare edges of EL1 against edges of EL2,
+< // Result is in EMM binding EL1 edges to list of equal edges.
+< // Edges are considered equall only if they have same vertices.
+> //purpose : compare edges form EL1 against edges from EL2,
+> // Result is in EMM binding edge form EL1 to list of equal edges
+> // Edges are considered equall only if they have same vertices
+< if (BRep_Tool::Degenerated( E2 ) || AllEqMap.Contains (E2))
+> if (BRep_Tool::Degenerated( E2 ))
+< TopTools_MapOfShape AddedEqualM, EqualSeamM;
+> TopTools_MapOfShape AddedEqualM;
+< if (AddedEqualM.Contains( NE )) {
+< // a seam must be twice in a loop
+< if (!BRep_Tool::IsClosed( E, F ) || !EqualSeamM.Add( NE ))
+< continue;
+< }
+> if (AddedEqualM.Contains( NE ))
+> continue;
+< if (myEqualEdges.Contains( NE ))
+< AddedEqualM.Add( NE );
+> if (myEqualEdges.Contains( NE ) && !AddedEqualM.Add( NE ))
+> continue;
+< //=======================================================================
+< //function : Tri
+< //purpose :
+< //=======================================================================
+< static void Tri(const TopoDS_Edge& E,
+< TopTools_SequenceOfShape& Seq,
+< const Partition_Inter3d & theInter3d)
+< {
+< Standard_Boolean Invert = Standard_True;
+< Standard_Real U1,U2;
+< TopoDS_Vertex V1,V2;
+< while (Invert) {
+< Invert = Standard_False;
+< for ( Standard_Integer i = 1; i < Seq.Length(); i++) {
+< V1 = TopoDS::Vertex(Seq.Value(i));
+< V2 = TopoDS::Vertex(Seq.Value(i+1));
+< V1.Orientation(TopAbs_INTERNAL);
+< V2.Orientation(TopAbs_INTERNAL);
+< U1 = BRep_Tool::Parameter(V1,E);
+< U2 = BRep_Tool::Parameter(V2,E);
+< if (IsEqual(U1,U2)) {
+< if (theInter3d.ReplaceSameDomainV( V1, E ).IsSame( V1 ))
+< Seq.Remove(i+1); // remove V2
+< else
+< Seq.Remove(i);
+< i--;
+< continue;
+< }
+< if (U2 < U1) {
+< Seq.Exchange(i,i+1);
+< Invert = Standard_True;
+< }
+< }
+< }
+< }
+< //=======================================================================
+< //function : MakeEdges
+< //purpose : cut E by vertices VOnE, return list of new edges NE
+< //=======================================================================
+< void Partition_Spliter::MakeEdges (const TopoDS_Edge& E,
+< const TopTools_ListOfShape& VOnE,
+< TopTools_ListOfShape& NE ) const
+< {
+< TopoDS_Edge WE = E;
+< WE.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD);
+< Standard_Real U1,U2, f, l;
+< TopoDS_Vertex V1,V2,VF,VL;
+< BRep_Tool::Range(WE,f,l);
+< TopExp::Vertices(WE,VF,VL);
+< if (VOnE.Extent() < 3) { // do not rebuild not cut edge
+< if (( VF.IsSame( VOnE.First() ) && VL.IsSame( VOnE.Last() )) ||
+< VL.IsSame( VOnE.First() ) && VF.IsSame( VOnE.Last() ) ) {
+< NE.Append( E );
+< return;
+< }
+< }
+< TopTools_SequenceOfShape SV;
+< TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itv(VOnE);
+< TopTools_MapOfOrientedShape VM( VOnE.Extent() );
+< for (; itv.More(); itv.Next())
+< if ( VM.Add( itv.Value() ))
+< SV.Append(itv.Value());
+< Tri( WE, SV, myInter3d );
+< if (SV.Length() < 3) { // do not rebuild not cut edge
+< if (( VF.IsSame( SV.First() ) && VL.IsSame( SV.Last() )) ||
+< VL.IsSame( SV.First() ) && VF.IsSame( SV.Last() ) ) {
+< NE.Append( E );
+< return;
+< }
+< }
+< Standard_Integer iVer, NbVer = SV.Length();
+< //----------------------------------------------------------------
+< // Construction of the new edges .
+< //----------------------------------------------------------------
+< if (VF.IsSame(VL)) { // closed edge
+< if (NbVer==1)
+< SV.Append( SV.First() );
+< else if (!SV.First().IsSame(SV.Last())) {
+< Standard_Boolean isFirst=0;
+< Standard_Real minDU = 1.e10;
+< TopoDS_Vertex endV = Partition_Inter2d::FindEndVertex(VOnE, f,l, E, isFirst,minDU);
+< if (endV.IsSame(SV.First()))
+< SV.Append(endV);
+< else if (endV.IsSame(SV.Last()))
+< SV.Prepend(endV);
+< else
+< }
+< NbVer = SV.Length();
+< }
+< for (iVer=1; iVer < NbVer; iVer++) {
+< V1 = TopoDS::Vertex(SV(iVer));
+< V2 = TopoDS::Vertex(SV(iVer+1));
+< TopoDS_Shape NewEdge = WE.EmptyCopied();
+< V1.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD);
+< myBuilder.Add (NewEdge,V1);
+< V2.Orientation(TopAbs_REVERSED);
+< myBuilder.Add (NewEdge,V2);
+< if (iVer==1)
+< U1 = f;
+< else {
+< V1.Orientation(TopAbs_INTERNAL);
+< U1=BRep_Tool::Parameter(V1,WE);
+< }
+< if (iVer+1 == NbVer)
+< U2 = l;
+< else {
+< V2.Orientation(TopAbs_INTERNAL);
+< U2=BRep_Tool::Parameter(V2,WE);
+< }
+< if (Abs(U1-U2) <= Precision::PConfusion()) {
+< continue;
+< }
+< TopoDS_Edge EE=TopoDS::Edge(NewEdge);
+< myBuilder.Range (EE,U1,U2);
+< TopoDS_Edge NEdge = TopoDS::Edge(NewEdge);
+< myBuilder.SameParameter(NEdge,Standard_False);
+< Standard_Real tol = 1.0e-2;
+< Standard_Boolean flag = BRep_Tool::SameParameter(NEdge);
+< if (!flag) {
+< BRepLib::SameParameter(NEdge,tol);
+< }
+< NE.Append(NEdge.Oriented(E.Orientation()));
+< }
+< }
+< // update edge images and build pcurves
+< // 1. build pcurves of the kept edge on faces where replaced edges exist
+< FL = myAsDes->Ascendant( EReplOrig );
+< Standard_Integer iFace, iFirstSectionFace = FL.Extent() + 1;
+< // add faces where the replaced edge is a section edge
+< if (myInter3d.IsSectionEdge( EReplOrig )) {
+< TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape seIt;
+< seIt.Initialize( myInter3d.SectionEdgeFaces ( EReplOrig ));
+< for ( ; seIt.More(); seIt.Next())
+< FL.Append( seIt.Value() );
+< }
+< // loop on faces
+> if (myInter3d.IsSectionEdge( EReplOrig ))
+> FL = myInter3d.SectionEdgeFaces ( EReplOrig );
+> else
+> FL = myAsDes->Ascendant( EReplOrig );
+< for ( iFace = 1 ; itF.More(); itF.Next(), ++iFace ) {
+> for ( ; itF.More(); itF.Next()) {
+> // build pcurves
+< if (iFace >= iFirstSectionFace ||
+< !BRep_Tool::IsClosed( EReplOrig, F ))
+< continue;
+< // build the second pcurve for a seam
+< TopoDS_Vertex V = TopExp::FirstVertex( EKeep );
+< Standard_Real Ukeep = BRep_Tool::Parameter( V, EKeep );
+< Standard_Real Urepl = BRep_Tool::Parameter( V, E );
+< TopoDS_Edge EReplRev = E;
+< EReplRev.Reverse();
+< Handle(Geom2d_Curve) pcRepl1 = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface( E, F, f,l);
+< Handle(Geom2d_Curve) pcRepl2 = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface( EReplRev, F, f,l);
+< gp_Pnt2d p1r, p2r, pk;
+< p1r = pcRepl1->Value( Urepl );
+< p2r = pcRepl2->Value( Urepl );
+< pk = pc->Value( Ukeep );
+< // suppose that pk is equal to either p1r or p2r
+< Standard_Boolean isUPeriod =
+< ( Abs( p1r.X() - p2r.X() ) > Abs( p1r.Y() - p2r.Y() ));
+< Standard_Boolean is1Equal;
+< if (isUPeriod)
+< is1Equal = ( Abs( p1r.X() - pk.X() ) < Abs( p2r.X() - pk.X() ));
+< else
+< is1Equal = ( Abs( p1r.Y() - pk.Y() ) < Abs( p2r.Y() - pk.Y() ));
+< Handle(Geom2d_Curve) pc2 = Handle(Geom2d_Curve)::DownCast
+< ( pc->Translated( pk, is1Equal ? p2r : p1r ) );
+< if (E.Orientation() == TopAbs_REVERSED)
+< is1Equal = !is1Equal;
+< if (is1Equal)
+< myBuilder.UpdateEdge( EKeep, pc, pc2, F, tol);
+< else
+< myBuilder.UpdateEdge( EKeep, pc2, pc, F, tol);
+< } // loop on a Faces where a replaced edge exists
+< // 2. update edge images according to replacement
+< if (myImagesEdges.HasImage( E ))
+< myImagesEdges.Remove( E );
+< myImagesEdges.Bind( E, EKeep );
+< } // loop on a list of equal edges EEL
+< } // loop on a map of equal edges EEM
+> }
+> // replace edges in faces
+> if (!myImagesEdges.HasImage( E ))
+> myImagesEdges.Bind( E, EKeep );
+> }
+> }
+< TopoDS_Shape IntFacesComp = FindFacesInside( S, Standard_False, Standard_True);
+< TopExp::MapShapes( IntFacesComp, TopAbs_FACE, MIF );
+> // if S is not a tool, make sure that split faces of S are in MIF
+> if (!isTool)
+> TopExp::MapShapes( myImageShape.Image(S).First(), TopAbs_FACE, MIF);
+> TopoDS_Shape InsFacesComp = FindFacesInside( S, Standard_False, Standard_True);
+> TopExp::MapShapes( InsFacesComp, TopAbs_FACE, MIF );
+< TopAbs_ShapeEnum anInternalShapeType = TopAbs_SHAPE;
+< if (!MIF.IsEmpty())
+< {
+< // leave in the result only those shapes having a face in MIF
+< for (it.Initialize( myShape ); it.More(); it.Next()) {
+< const TopoDS_Shape & aResShape = it.Value();
+< TopExp_Explorer expResF( aResShape, TopAbs_FACE );
+< for (; expResF.More(); expResF.Next()) {
+< if ( MIF.Contains( expResF.Current())) {
+< myBuilder.Add( C, aResShape );
+< if (aResShape.ShapeType() < anInternalShapeType)
+< anInternalShapeType = aResShape.ShapeType();
+< break;
+< }
+< }
+< }
+< }
+< // may be S was not split by internal faces then it is missing
+< // in myShape, add it
+< if (!isTool &&
+< (anInternalShapeType > TopAbs_SOLID || S.ShapeType() > TopAbs_SOLID))
+< {
+< TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape MSF; // map of split faces of S
+< TopExp::MapShapes( myImageShape.Image(S).First(), TopAbs_FACE, MSF);
+> // leave in the result only those shapes having a face in MIF
+> for (it.Initialize( myShape ); it.More(); it.Next()) {
+< // find a shape having all faces in MSF
+< for (it.Initialize( myShape ); it.More(); it.Next()) {
+< TopExp_Explorer expResF( it.Value(), TopAbs_FACE );
+< for (; expResF.More(); expResF.Next()) {
+< if (! MSF.Contains( expResF.Current()))
+< break;
+< }
+< if (! expResF.More()) {
+> TopExp_Explorer expResF( it.Value(), TopAbs_FACE );
+> for (; expResF.More(); expResF.Next()) {
+> if ( MIF.Contains( expResF.Current())) {
+< TopoDS_Shape IntFacesComp = FindFacesInside( S, Standard_False, Standard_True);
+> TopoDS_Shape InsFacesComp = FindFacesInside( S, Standard_False, Standard_True);
+< TopExp::MapShapes( IntFacesComp, TopAbs_FACE, MIF);
+> TopExp::MapShapes( InsFacesComp, TopAbs_FACE, MIF);
+< {
+< // F intersects nothing
+< myBuilder.Add( C, F );
+< continue;
+< }
+> continue; // F intersects nothing
+< //=======================================================================
+< //function : IsInside
+< //purpose : Return True if the first vertex of S1 inside S2.
+< // If S1.IsNull(), check infinite point against S2.
+< //=======================================================================
+< Standard_Boolean Partition_Spliter::IsInside (const TopoDS_Shape& theS1,
+< const TopoDS_Shape& theS2)
+< {
+< BRepClass3d_SolidClassifier aClassifier( theS2 );
+< TopExp_Explorer expl( theS1, TopAbs_VERTEX );
+< if (!expl.More())
+< aClassifier.PerformInfinitePoint( ::RealSmall());
+< else
+< {
+< const TopoDS_Vertex & aVertex = TopoDS::Vertex( expl.Current() );
+< aClassifier.Perform (BRep_Tool::Pnt( aVertex ),
+< BRep_Tool::Tolerance( aVertex ));
+< }
+< return ( aClassifier.State() == TopAbs_IN );
+< }
+< //=======================================================================
+< //function : GetOriginalShape
+< //purpose : Return the shape aShape originates from. aShape
+< // should be a face or more complex result shape
+< //=======================================================================
+< TopoDS_Shape Partition_Spliter::GetOriginalShape(const TopoDS_Shape& theShape) const
+< {
+< TopoDS_Shape anOrigShape;
+< TopExp_Explorer expl( theShape, TopAbs_FACE);
+< if (expl.More())
+< {
+< TopoDS_Shape aFace = expl.Current();
+< if (myImagesFaces.IsImage( aFace ))
+< aFace = myImagesFaces.Root( aFace );
+< anOrigShape = myFaceShapeMap.Find( aFace );
+< }
+< return anOrigShape;
+< }
+< //=======================================================================
+< //function : FindToolsToReconstruct
+< //purpose : find and store as objects tools which interfere
+< // with solids or are inside solids without
+< // an interference
+< //=======================================================================
+< void Partition_Spliter::FindToolsToReconstruct()
+< {
+< if (myMapTools.IsEmpty())
+< return;
+< Standard_Integer nbFoundTools = 0;
+< // build edge - face map in order to detect interference with section edges
+< TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeListOfShape EFM;
+< TopTools_MapIteratorOfMapOfShape aMapIt;
+< for (aMapIt.Initialize(myMapTools); aMapIt.More(); aMapIt.Next())
+< TopExp::MapShapesAndAncestors( aMapIt.Key(), TopAbs_EDGE, TopAbs_FACE, EFM);
+< for (aMapIt.Initialize(myMapFaces); aMapIt.More(); aMapIt.Next())
+< TopExp::MapShapesAndAncestors( aMapIt.Key(), TopAbs_EDGE, TopAbs_FACE, EFM);
+< TopTools_MapOfShape aCurrentSolids, aCheckedShapes;
+< // faces cut by new edges
+< TopTools_MapOfShape & aSectionFaces = myInter3d.TouchedFaces();
+< // keep solids interfering with each other in aCurrentSolids map
+< // and add tool faces intersecting solids as object shapes
+< TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itS, itF, itCF, itE;
+< for (itS.Initialize( myListShapes ); itS.More(); itS.Next()) {
+< TopExp_Explorer expSo (itS.Value(), TopAbs_SOLID);
+< for (; expSo.More(); expSo.Next()) {
+< // check if a solid has been already processed
+< const TopoDS_Shape & aSo = expSo.Current();
+< if (!aCheckedShapes.Add( aSo ))
+< continue;
+< aCurrentSolids.Add( aSo );
+< // faces to check
+< TopTools_ListOfShape aFacesToCheck;
+< TopExp_Explorer exp( aSo, TopAbs_FACE );
+< for ( ; exp.More(); exp.Next())
+< aFacesToCheck.Append ( exp.Current());
+< // add other shapes interefering with a solid.
+< // iterate faces to check while appending new ones
+< for (itCF.Initialize (aFacesToCheck) ; itCF.More(); itCF.Next())
+< {
+< const TopoDS_Shape& aCheckFace = itCF.Value();
+< // if (!aCheckedShapes.Add( aCheckFace ))
+< // continue;
+< // find faces interfering with aCheckFace
+< TopTools_ListOfShape anIntFaces;
+< // ** 1. faces intersecting aCheckFace with creation of new edges on it
+< if ( myAsDes->HasDescendant( aCheckFace ))
+< {
+< // new edges on aCheckFace
+< const TopTools_ListOfShape& NEL = myAsDes->Descendant( aCheckFace );
+< for (itE.Initialize( NEL); itE.More(); itE.Next())
+< {
+< const TopoDS_Shape & aNewEdge = itE.Value();
+< if (!aCheckedShapes.Add( aNewEdge ))
+< continue;
+< // faces interfering by aNewEdge
+< itF.Initialize (myAsDes->Ascendant( aNewEdge ));
+< for (; itF.More(); itF.Next())
+< if (aCheckFace != itF.Value())
+< anIntFaces.Append( itF.Value() );
+< // ** 2. faces having section edge aNewEdge on aFacesToCheck
+< if (EFM.Contains( aNewEdge))
+< {
+< itF.Initialize ( EFM.FindFromKey (itE.Value()));
+< for (; itF.More(); itF.Next())
+< if (aCheckFace != itF.Value())
+< anIntFaces.Append( itF.Value() );
+< }
+< }
+< }
+< // ** 3. faces cut by edges of aCheckFace
+< TopExp_Explorer expE (aCheckFace, TopAbs_EDGE);
+< for ( ; expE.More(); expE.Next())
+< {
+< const TopoDS_Shape & aCheckEdge = expE.Current();
+< if (aCheckedShapes.Add( aCheckEdge ) &&
+< myInter3d.IsSectionEdge( TopoDS::Edge( aCheckEdge )))
+< {
+< itF.Initialize( myInter3d.SectionEdgeFaces( TopoDS::Edge( aCheckEdge )));
+< for (; itF.More(); itF.Next())
+< if (aCheckFace != itF.Value())
+< anIntFaces.Append( itF.Value() );
+< }
+< }
+< // process faces interfering with aCheckFace and shapes they
+< // belong to
+< for (itF.Initialize (anIntFaces); itF.More(); itF.Next())
+< {
+< const TopoDS_Shape & F = itF.Value();
+< if (! aCheckedShapes.Add( F ))
+< continue;
+< Standard_Boolean isTool = myMapTools.Contains( F );
+< if (isTool &&
+< myFaceShapeMap( aCheckFace ).ShapeType() == TopAbs_SOLID )
+< {
+< // a tool interfering with a solid
+< if (aSectionFaces.Contains( F ))
+< AddShape( F );
+< ++ nbFoundTools;
+< if (nbFoundTools == myMapTools.Extent())
+< return;
+< }
+< const TopoDS_Shape & S = myFaceShapeMap( F );
+< if (aCheckedShapes.Add( S ))
+< {
+< // a new shape interefering with aCurrentSolids is found
+< if (!isTool && S.ShapeType() == TopAbs_SOLID)
+< aCurrentSolids.Add ( S );
+< // add faces to aFacesToCheck list
+< for ( exp.Init( S, TopAbs_FACE ); exp.More(); exp.Next())
+< aFacesToCheck.Append ( exp.Current() );
+< }
+< }
+< } // loop on aFacesToCheck
+< // Here aCurrentSolids contains all solids interfering with each other.
+< // aCheckedShapes contains all faces belonging to shapes included
+< // in or interfering with aCurrentSolids or previously checked solids.
+< // Test if tool faces that do not interefere with other shapes are
+< // wrapped by any of aCurrentSolids
+< TopTools_MapIteratorOfMapOfShape aSolidIt (aCurrentSolids);
+< for ( ; aSolidIt.More(); aSolidIt.Next())
+< {
+< const TopoDS_Shape & aSolid = aSolidIt.Key();
+< TopTools_MapOfShape aCheckedTools( myMapTools.Extent() );
+< TopTools_MapIteratorOfMapOfShape aToolIt (myMapTools);
+< for ( ; aToolIt.More(); aToolIt.Next())
+< {
+< const TopoDS_Shape & aToolFace = aToolIt.Key();
+< if (aCheckedShapes.Contains( aToolFace ) || // already found
+< aCheckedTools.Contains( aToolFace )) // checked against aSolid
+< continue;
+< const TopoDS_Shape & aToolShape = myFaceShapeMap( aToolFace );
+< TopExp_Explorer aToolFaceIt( aToolShape, TopAbs_FACE );
+< Standard_Boolean isInside = IsInside( aToolShape, aSolid );
+< for ( ; aToolFaceIt.More(); aToolFaceIt.Next() )
+< {
+< const TopoDS_Shape & aTool = aToolFaceIt.Current();
+< aCheckedTools.Add( aTool );
+< if (isInside)
+< {
+< if (aSectionFaces.Contains( aTool ))
+< AddShape( aTool );
+< ++ nbFoundTools;
+< if (nbFoundTools == myMapTools.Extent())
+< return;
+< aCheckedShapes.Add( aTool );
+< }
+< }
+< }
+< }
+< } // loop on solid shapes
+< }
+< }
+diff -r ../src/PARTITION/Partition_Spliter.hxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/PARTITION/Partition_Spliter.hxx
+< // Copyright (C) 2003 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
+> // Copyright (C) 2003 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
+> //
+> // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+> // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+> // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+> // version 2.1 of the License.
+> //
+> // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+> // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+> // Lesser General Public License for more details.
+> //
+> // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+> // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+> // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+> //
+> // See http://www.opencascade.org/SALOME/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.org
+< Standard_EXPORT void MakeSolids(const TopoDS_Shape& Solid,TopTools_ListOfShape& Shells) ;
+< Standard_EXPORT static Standard_Boolean IsInside(const TopoDS_Shape& S1,const TopoDS_Shape& S2) ;
+< Standard_EXPORT TopoDS_Shape GetOriginalShape(const TopoDS_Shape& aShape) const;
+< Standard_EXPORT void FindToolsToReconstruct() ;
+< TopTools_MapOfShape myEqualEdges;
+< TopTools_MapOfShape myNewSection;
+< TopTools_MapOfShape myClosedShapes;
+< TopTools_MapOfShape myWrappingSolid;
+< TopTools_DataMapOfShapeShape myInternalFaces;
+< TopTools_DataMapOfShapeShape myIntNotClFaces;
+> TopTools_MapOfShape myNewSection;
+> TopTools_MapOfShape myEqualEdges;
+> TopTools_DataMapOfShapeShape myInternalFaces;
+> TopTools_DataMapOfShapeShape myIntNotClFaces;
+Only in ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/SKETCHER: CVS
+diff -r ../src/SKETCHER/GEOM_Sketcher.cxx ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/SKETCHER/GEOM_Sketcher.cxx
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/SKETCHER/GEOM_Sketcher.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/SKETCHER/GEOM_Sketcher.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/SKETCHER/GEOM_SketcherStatus.h ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/SKETCHER/GEOM_SketcherStatus.h
+< // $Header$
+> // $Header$
+diff -r ../src/SKETCHER/Makefile.in ../../../GEOM_SRC/src/SKETCHER/Makefile.in
+< # $Header$
+> # $Header$
+< top_builddir=../../..
+> top_builddir=../..
+< LIB = libGeometrySketcher.la
+> LIB = libGEOMSketcher.la
+> CXXFLAGS += $(OCC_CXXFLAGS) -I${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/include/salome