data_for_split_case = bytes(0).join( [data_for_split_case,part] )
iStart = iEnd; iEnd = min(iStart + EFF_CHUNK_SIZE,size)
return data_for_split_case
+FinalCode = """import pickle
+codeFileName = "{}"
+inputFileName = "{}"
+outputFileName = "{}"
+outputsKeys = {}
+with open(inputFileName,"rb") as f:
+ context = pickle.load( f )
+with open(codeFileName,"r") as f:
+ code =
+# go for execution
+exec( code , context )
+# filter part of context to be exported to father process
+context = dict( [(k,v) for k,v in context.items() if k in outputsKeys] )
+with open(outputFileName,"wb") as f:
+ pickle.dump( context, f )
+class PythonFunctionEvaluatorParams:
+ def __init__(self, mainFileName, codeFileName, inContextFileName, outContextFileName):
+ self._main_filename = mainFileName
+ self._code_filename = codeFileName
+ self._in_context_filename = inContextFileName
+ self._out_context_filename = outContextFileName
+ @property
+ def result(self):
+ import pickle
+ with open(self._out_context_filename,"rb") as f:
+ return pickle.load( f )
+ def destroyOnOK(self):
+ for fileToDestroy in [self._main_filename,self._code_filename,self._in_context_filename,self._out_context_filename]:
+ if os.path.exists( fileToDestroy ):
+ os.unlink( fileToDestroy )
+ def destroyOnKO(self):
+ for fileToDestroy in [self._out_context_filename]:
+ if os.path.exists( fileToDestroy ):
+ os.unlink( fileToDestroy )
+ @property
+ def replayCmd(self):
+ return "To replay : ( cd {} && python3 {} )".format(os.path.dirname(self._main_filename),os.path.basename(self._main_filename))
+ @property
+ def cleanOperations(self):
+ import os
+ return "To clean files : ( cd {} && rm {} )".format( os.path.dirname(self._main_filename)," ".join( [os.path.basename(self._main_filename),self._code_filename,self._in_context_filename] ) )
+ def strDependingOnReturnCode(self, returnCode):
+ if returnCode == -1:
+ return f"return with non zero code ({returnCode})"
+ else:
+ banner = 200*"*"
+ return f"""return with non zero code ({returnCode})
+Looks like a hard crash as returnCode {returnCode} != 1
+def ExecCrashProof( code, context, outargsname ):
+ """
+ Equivalent of exec(code,context) but executed in a separate subprocess to avoid to make the current process crash.
+ Args:
+ -----
+ code (str) : python code to be executed using context
+ context (dict) : context to be used for execution. This context will be updated in accordance with the execution of code.
+ """
+ import tempfile
+ import pickle
+ import subprocess as sp
+ #
+ def InternalExecResistant( code, context, outargsname):
+ EXEC_CODE_FNAME_PXF = "execsafe_"
+ def RetrieveUniquePartFromPfx( fname ):
+ return os.path.splitext( os.path.basename(fname)[len(EXEC_CODE_FNAME_PXF):] )[0]
+ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=os.getcwd(),prefix=EXEC_CODE_FNAME_PXF,suffix=".py", mode="w", delete = False) as codeFd:
+ codeFd.write( code )
+ codeFd.flush()
+ codeFileName = os.path.basename( )
+ contextFileName = "contextsafe_{}.pckl".format( RetrieveUniquePartFromPfx( codeFileName ) )
+ with open(contextFileName,"wb") as contextFd:
+ pickle.dump( context, contextFd)
+ resFileName = "outcontextsafe_{}.pckl".format( RetrieveUniquePartFromPfx( codeFileName ) )
+ mainExecFileName = os.path.abspath( "mainexecsafe_{}.py".format( RetrieveUniquePartFromPfx( codeFileName ) ) )
+ with open(mainExecFileName,"w") as f:
+ f.write( FinalCode.format( codeFileName, contextFileName, resFileName, outargsname ) )
+ p = sp.Popen(["python3", mainExecFileName],stdout = sp.PIPE, stderr = sp.PIPE)
+ stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
+ returnCode = p.returncode
+ return returnCode, stdout, stderr, PythonFunctionEvaluatorParams(mainExecFileName,codeFileName,contextFileName,resFileName)
+ returnCode, stdout, stderr, evParams = InternalExecResistant( code, context, outargsname )
+ stdout = stdout.decode()
+ stderr = stderr.decode()
+ sys.stdout.write( stdout ) ; sys.stdout.flush()
+ sys.stderr.write( stderr ) ; sys.stderr.flush()
+ if returnCode == 0:
+ context.update( evParams.result )
+ evParams.destroyOnOK()
+ if returnCode != 0:
+ evParams.destroyOnKO()
+ raise RuntimeError(f"Subprocess launched {evParams.strDependingOnReturnCode(returnCode)}stdout :\n{stdout}\nstderr :\n{stderr}")
+def ExecLocal( code, context, outargsname ):
+ exec( code, context )
class LogOfCurrentExecutionSession:
def __init__(self, handleToCentralizedInst):