void ModuleBase_Dialog::initializeWidget(ModuleBase_ModelWidget* theWidget)
+ theWidget->restoreValue();
void ModuleBase_Dialog::showEvent(QShowEvent* theEvent)
#include <ModelAPI_AttributeSelectionList.h>
#include <ModelAPI_AttributeRefList.h>
#include <ModelAPI_AttributeRefAttrList.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_ResultPart.h>
#include <Events_Loop.h>
#include <ModelAPI_Data.h>
#include <QGraphicsDropShadowEffect>
#include <QColor>
#include <QApplication>
+#include <QMessageBox>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
return aResult;
+void findReferences(const QObjectPtrList& theList,
+ std::set<FeaturePtr>& aDirectRefFeatures,
+ std::set<FeaturePtr>& aIndirectRefFeatures)
+ foreach (ObjectPtr aDeletedObj, theList) {
+ std::set<FeaturePtr> alreadyProcessed;
+ refsToFeatureInAllDocuments(aDeletedObj, aDeletedObj, theList, aDirectRefFeatures,
+ aIndirectRefFeatures, alreadyProcessed);
+ std::set<FeaturePtr> aDifference;
+ std::set_difference(aIndirectRefFeatures.begin(), aIndirectRefFeatures.end(),
+ aDirectRefFeatures.begin(), aDirectRefFeatures.end(),
+ std::inserter(aDifference, aDifference.begin()));
+ aIndirectRefFeatures = aDifference;
+ }
+void refsToFeatureInAllDocuments(const ObjectPtr& theSourceObject, const ObjectPtr& theObject,
+ const QObjectPtrList& theIgnoreList,
+ std::set<FeaturePtr>& theDirectRefFeatures,
+ std::set<FeaturePtr>& theIndirectRefFeatures,
+ std::set<FeaturePtr>& theAlreadyProcessed)
+ refsDirectToFeatureInAllDocuments(theSourceObject, theObject, theIgnoreList, theDirectRefFeatures,
+ theAlreadyProcessed);
+ // Run recursion. It is possible recursive dependency, like the following: plane, extrusion uses plane,
+ // axis is built on extrusion. Delete of a plane should check the dependency from the axis also.
+ std::set<FeaturePtr>::const_iterator aFeatureIt = theDirectRefFeatures.begin();
+ for (; aFeatureIt != theDirectRefFeatures.end(); ++aFeatureIt) {
+ std::set<FeaturePtr> aRecursiveRefFeatures;
+ refsToFeatureInAllDocuments(theSourceObject, *aFeatureIt, theIgnoreList,
+ aRecursiveRefFeatures, aRecursiveRefFeatures, theAlreadyProcessed);
+ theIndirectRefFeatures.insert(aRecursiveRefFeatures.begin(), aRecursiveRefFeatures.end());
+ }
+void refsDirectToFeatureInAllDocuments(const ObjectPtr& theSourceObject, const ObjectPtr& theObject,
+ const QObjectPtrList& theIgnoreList,
+ std::set<FeaturePtr>& theDirectRefFeatures,
+ std::set<FeaturePtr>& theAlreadyProcessed)
+ FeaturePtr aFeature = ModelAPI_Feature::feature(theObject);
+ if (!aFeature.get())
+ return;
+ if (theAlreadyProcessed.find(aFeature) != theAlreadyProcessed.end())
+ return;
+ theAlreadyProcessed.insert(aFeature);
+ //convert ignore object list to containt sub-features if the composite feature is in the list
+ QObjectPtrList aFullIgnoreList;
+ QObjectPtrList::const_iterator anIIt = theIgnoreList.begin(), anILast = theIgnoreList.end();
+ for (; anIIt != anILast; anIIt++) {
+ aFullIgnoreList.append(*anIIt);
+ CompositeFeaturePtr aComposite = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_CompositeFeature>(*anIIt);
+ // if the current feature is aborted, the composite is removed and has invalid data
+ if (aComposite.get() && aComposite->data()->isValid()) {
+ int aNbSubs = aComposite->numberOfSubs();
+ for (int aSub = 0; aSub < aNbSubs; aSub++) {
+ aFullIgnoreList.append(aComposite->subFeature(aSub));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // 1. find references in the current document
+ std::set<FeaturePtr> aRefFeatures;
+ refsToFeatureInFeatureDocument(theObject, aRefFeatures);
+ std::set<FeaturePtr>::const_iterator anIt = aRefFeatures.begin(),
+ aLast = aRefFeatures.end();
+ for (; anIt != aLast; anIt++) {
+ // composite feature should not be deleted when the sub feature is to be deleted
+ if (!isSubOfComposite(theSourceObject, *anIt) && !aFullIgnoreList.contains(*anIt))
+ theDirectRefFeatures.insert(*anIt);
+ }
+ // 2. find references in all documents if the document of the feature is
+ // "PartSet". Features of this document can be used in all other documents
+ DocumentPtr aFeatureDoc = aFeature->document();
+ SessionPtr aMgr = ModelAPI_Session::get();
+ DocumentPtr aModuleDoc = aMgr->moduleDocument();
+ if (aFeatureDoc == aModuleDoc) {
+ // the feature and results of the feature should be found in references
+ std::list<ObjectPtr> aObjects;
+ aObjects.push_back(aFeature);
+ typedef std::list<std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Result> > ResultsList;
+ const ResultsList& aResults = aFeature->results();
+ ResultsList::const_iterator aRIter = aResults.begin();
+ for (; aRIter != aResults.cend(); aRIter++) {
+ ResultPtr aRes = *aRIter;
+ if (aRes.get())
+ aObjects.push_back(aRes);
+ }
+ // get all opened documents; found features in the documents;
+ // get a list of objects where a feature refers;
+ // search in these objects the deleted objects.
+ SessionPtr aMgr = ModelAPI_Session::get();
+ std::list<DocumentPtr> anOpenedDocs = aMgr->allOpenedDocuments();
+ std::list<DocumentPtr>::const_iterator anIt = anOpenedDocs.begin(),
+ aLast = anOpenedDocs.end();
+ std::list<std::pair<std::string, std::list<ObjectPtr> > > aRefs;
+ for (; anIt != aLast; anIt++) {
+ DocumentPtr aDocument = *anIt;
+ if (aDocument == aFeatureDoc)
+ continue; // this document has been already processed in 1.1
+ int aFeaturesCount = aDocument->size(ModelAPI_Feature::group());
+ for (int aId = 0; aId < aFeaturesCount; aId++) {
+ ObjectPtr anObject = aDocument->object(ModelAPI_Feature::group(), aId);
+ FeaturePtr aFeature = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_Feature>(anObject);
+ if (!aFeature.get())
+ continue;
+ aRefs.clear();
+ aFeature->data()->referencesToObjects(aRefs);
+ std::list<std::pair<std::string, std::list<ObjectPtr> > >::iterator aRef = aRefs.begin();
+ bool aHasReferenceToObject = false;
+ for(; aRef != aRefs.end() && !aHasReferenceToObject; aRef++) {
+ std::list<ObjectPtr>::iterator aRefObj = aRef->second.begin();
+ for(; aRefObj != aRef->second.end() && !aHasReferenceToObject; aRefObj++) {
+ std::list<ObjectPtr>::const_iterator aObjIt = aObjects.begin();
+ for(; aObjIt != aObjects.end() && !aHasReferenceToObject; aObjIt++) {
+ aHasReferenceToObject = *aObjIt == *aRefObj;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (aHasReferenceToObject && !isSubOfComposite(theSourceObject, aFeature) &&
+ !theIgnoreList.contains(aFeature))
+ theDirectRefFeatures.insert(aFeature);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void refsToFeatureInFeatureDocument(const ObjectPtr& theObject, std::set<FeaturePtr>& theRefFeatures)
+ FeaturePtr aFeature = ModelAPI_Feature::feature(theObject);
+ if (aFeature.get()) {
+ DocumentPtr aFeatureDoc = aFeature->document();
+ // 1. find references in the current document
+ aFeatureDoc->refsToFeature(aFeature, theRefFeatures, false);
+ }
+bool isSubOfComposite(const ObjectPtr& theObject)
+ bool isSub = false;
+ std::set<FeaturePtr> aRefFeatures;
+ refsToFeatureInFeatureDocument(theObject, aRefFeatures);
+ std::set<FeaturePtr>::const_iterator anIt = aRefFeatures.begin(),
+ aLast = aRefFeatures.end();
+ for (; anIt != aLast && !isSub; anIt++) {
+ isSub = isSubOfComposite(theObject, *anIt);
+ }
+ return isSub;
+bool isSubOfComposite(const ObjectPtr& theObject, const FeaturePtr& theFeature)
+ bool isSub = false;
+ CompositeFeaturePtr aComposite = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_CompositeFeature>(theFeature);
+ if (aComposite.get()) {
+ isSub = aComposite->isSub(theObject);
+ // the recursive is possible, the parameters are sketch circle and extrusion cut. They are
+ // separated by composite sketch feature
+ if (!isSub) {
+ int aNbSubs = aComposite->numberOfSubs();
+ for (int aSub = 0; aSub < aNbSubs && !isSub; aSub++) {
+ isSub = isSubOfComposite(theObject, aComposite->subFeature(aSub));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return isSub;
+bool isDeleteFeatureWithReferences(const QObjectPtrList& theList,
+ const std::set<FeaturePtr>& aDirectRefFeatures,
+ const std::set<FeaturePtr>& aIndirectRefFeatures,
+ QWidget* theParent,
+ bool& doDeleteReferences)
+ doDeleteReferences = true;
+ QString aDirectNames, aIndirectNames;
+ if (!aDirectRefFeatures.empty()) {
+ QStringList aDirectRefNames;
+ foreach (const FeaturePtr& aFeature, aDirectRefFeatures)
+ aDirectRefNames.append(aFeature->name().c_str());
+ aDirectNames = aDirectRefNames.join(", ");
+ QStringList aIndirectRefNames;
+ foreach (const FeaturePtr& aFeature, aIndirectRefFeatures)
+ aIndirectRefNames.append(aFeature->name().c_str());
+ aIndirectNames = aIndirectRefNames.join(", ");
+ }
+ bool aCanReplaceParameters = !aDirectRefFeatures.empty();
+ QStringList aPartFeatureNames;
+ foreach (ObjectPtr aObj, theList) {
+ FeaturePtr aFeature = ModelAPI_Feature::feature(aObj);
+ // invalid feature data means that the feature is already removed in model,
+ // we needn't process it. E.g. delete of feature from create operation. The operation abort
+ // will delete the operation
+ if (!aFeature->data()->isValid())
+ continue;
+ ResultPtr aFirstResult = aFeature->firstResult();
+ if (!aFirstResult.get())
+ continue;
+ std::string aResultGroupName = aFirstResult->groupName();
+ if (aResultGroupName == ModelAPI_ResultPart::group())
+ aPartFeatureNames.append(aFeature->name().c_str());
+ if (aCanReplaceParameters && aResultGroupName != ModelAPI_ResultParameter::group())
+ aCanReplaceParameters = false;
+ }
+ QString aPartNames = aPartFeatureNames.join(", ");
+ QMessageBox aMessageBox(theParent);
+ aMessageBox.setWindowTitle(QObject::tr("Delete features"));
+ aMessageBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Warning);
+ aMessageBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::No | QMessageBox::Yes);
+ aMessageBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::No);
+ QString aText;
+ if (!aDirectNames.isEmpty() || !aIndirectNames.isEmpty()) {
+ if (aCanReplaceParameters) {
+ aText = QString(QObject::tr("Selected parameters are used in the following features: %1.\nThese features will be deleted.\nOr parameters could be replaced by their values.\n")
+ .arg(aDirectNames));
+ if (!aIndirectNames.isEmpty())
+ aText += QString(QObject::tr("(Also these features will be deleted: %1)\n")).arg(aIndirectNames);
+ QPushButton *aReplaceButton = aMessageBox.addButton(QObject::tr("Replace"), QMessageBox::ActionRole);
+ } else {
+ aText = QString(QObject::tr("Selected features are used in the following features: %1.\nThese features will be deleted.\n")).arg(aDirectNames);
+ if (!aIndirectNames.isEmpty())
+ aText += QString(QObject::tr("(Also these features will be deleted: %1)\n")).arg(aIndirectNames);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!aPartNames.isEmpty())
+ aText += QString(QObject::tr("The following parts will be deleted: %1.\n")).arg(aPartNames);
+ if (!aText.isEmpty()) {
+ aText += "Would you like to continue?";
+ aMessageBox.setText(aText);
+ aMessageBox.exec();
+ QMessageBox::ButtonRole aButtonRole = aMessageBox.buttonRole(aMessageBox.clickedButton());
+ if (aButtonRole == QMessageBox::NoRole)
+ return false;
+ if (aButtonRole == QMessageBox::ActionRole) {
+ foreach (ObjectPtr aObj, theList)
+ ModelAPI_ReplaceParameterMessage::send(aObj, 0);
+ doDeleteReferences = false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
} // namespace ModuleBase_Tools
/// \param theMaxLineInPixels a maximum line width in pixels
MODULEBASE_EXPORT QString wrapTextByWords(const QString& theValue, QWidget* theWidget,
int theMaxLineInPixels = 150);
+//! Find all referenced features. Return direct and indirect lists of referenced object
+//! \param theList an objects to be checked
+//! \param aDirectRefFeatures a list of direct reference features
+//! \param aIndirectRefFeatures a list of features which depend on the feature through others
+MODULEBASE_EXPORT void findReferences(const QObjectPtrList& theList,
+ std::set<FeaturePtr>& aDirectRefFeatures,
+ std::set<FeaturePtr>& aIndirectRefFeatures);
+ Returns a container of references feature to the source object. The search happens in the object
+ document and in other Part documents if the object belongs to the PartSet. The search is recursive,
+ in other words it is applyed to set of the found objects until it is possible.
+ It do not returns the referenced features to the object if this references is a composite feature
+ which has the object as a sub object.
+ \param theSourceObject an object, which references are searched
+ \param theObject an intermediate recursive object, should be set in the source object
+ \param theIgnoreList an ignore list, the found referernces which coincide with the objects are ignored
+ \param theDirectRefFeatures direct references
+ \param theIndirectRefFeatures indirect references. These are features that refers to the direct features
+ \param theAlreadyProcessed set of processed elements, used for optimization (do not reanalyse processed)
+ \return a boolean value
+ */
+void MODULEBASE_EXPORT refsToFeatureInAllDocuments(const ObjectPtr& theSourceObject,
+ const ObjectPtr& theObject,
+ const QObjectPtrList& theIgnoreList,
+ std::set<FeaturePtr>& theDirectRefFeatures,
+ std::set<FeaturePtr>& theIndirectRefFeatures,
+ std::set<FeaturePtr>& theAlreadyProcessed);
+void MODULEBASE_EXPORT refsDirectToFeatureInAllDocuments(const ObjectPtr& theSourceObject,
+ const ObjectPtr& theObject,
+ const QObjectPtrList& theIgnoreList,
+ std::set<FeaturePtr>& theDirectRefFeatures,
+ std::set<FeaturePtr>& theAlreadyProcessed);
+ Returns a container of referenced feature to the current object in the object document.
+ \param theObject an object, which will be casted to a feature type
+ \param theRefFeatures an output container
+ */
+void MODULEBASE_EXPORT refsToFeatureInFeatureDocument(const ObjectPtr& theObject,
+ std::set<FeaturePtr>& theRefFeatures);
+ Returns true if the object if a sub child of the feature. The feature is casted to the
+ composite one. If it is possible, the sub object check happens. The method is applyed
+ recursively to the feature subs.
+ \param theObject a candidate to be a sub object
+ \param theFeature a candidate to be a composite feature
+ \return a boolean value
+ */
+bool MODULEBASE_EXPORT isSubOfComposite(const ObjectPtr& theObject, const FeaturePtr& theFeature);
+* Returns true if the result is a sub object of some composite object
+* \param theObject a result object
+* \returns boolean value
+bool MODULEBASE_EXPORT isSubOfComposite(const ObjectPtr& theObject);
+//! Shows a dialog box about references. Ask whether they should be also removed.
+//! \param theList an objects to be checked
+//! \param aDirectRefFeatures a list of direct reference features
+//! \param aIndirectRefFeatures a list of features which depend on the feature through others
+//! \param theParent a parent widget for the question message box
+//! \param doDeleteReferences if there are parameters between features, ask if they should be
+//! replaced to their meaning without corresponded features remove
+//! \return true if in message box answer is Yes
+bool MODULEBASE_EXPORT isDeleteFeatureWithReferences(const QObjectPtrList& theList,
+ const std::set<FeaturePtr>& aDirectRefFeatures,
+ const std::set<FeaturePtr>& aIndirectRefFeatures,
+ QWidget* theParent,
+ bool& doDeleteReferences);
#include "ParametersPlugin_WidgetParamsMgr.h"
#include "ParametersPlugin_Parameter.h"
+#include "ParametersPlugin_Validators.h"
#include <ModelAPI_ResultParameter.h>
#include <ModelAPI_AttributeString.h>
#include <ModelAPI_Events.h>
#include <ModelAPI_Session.h>
+#include <ModuleBase_Tools.h>
#include <Events_Loop.h>
#include <QLayout>
myTable->setColumnWidth(Col_Comment, 200);
+ myTable->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection);
connect(myTable, SIGNAL(doubleClicked(const QModelIndex&)),
SLOT(onDoubleClick(const QModelIndex&)));
- //myTable->viewport()->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Maximum, QSizePolicy::Maximum));
+ connect(myTable, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()), SLOT(onSelectionChanged()));
myDelegate = new ParametersPlugin_ItemDelegate(myTable);
connect(myDelegate, SIGNAL(closeEditor(QWidget*, QAbstractItemDelegate::EndEditHint)),
QHBoxLayout* aBtnLayout = new QHBoxLayout(this);
- QToolButton* aUpBtn = new QToolButton(this);
- aUpBtn->setArrowType(Qt::UpArrow);
- connect(aUpBtn, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), SLOT(onUp()));
- aBtnLayout->addWidget(aUpBtn);
+ myUpBtn = new QToolButton(this);
+ myUpBtn->setArrowType(Qt::UpArrow);
+ connect(myUpBtn, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), SLOT(onUp()));
+ aBtnLayout->addWidget(myUpBtn);
- QToolButton* aDownBtn = new QToolButton(this);
- aDownBtn->setArrowType(Qt::DownArrow);
- connect(aDownBtn, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), SLOT(onDown()));
- aBtnLayout->addWidget(aDownBtn);
+ myDownBtn = new QToolButton(this);
+ myDownBtn->setArrowType(Qt::DownArrow);
+ connect(myDownBtn, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), SLOT(onDown()));
+ aBtnLayout->addWidget(myDownBtn);
- QPushButton* aAddBtn = new QPushButton(tr("Add"), this);
- connect(aAddBtn, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), SLOT(onAdd()));
- aBtnLayout->addWidget(aAddBtn);
+ myAddBtn = new QPushButton(tr("Add"), this);
+ connect(myAddBtn, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), SLOT(onAdd()));
+ aBtnLayout->addWidget(myAddBtn);
- QPushButton* aInsertBtn = new QPushButton(tr("Insert"), this);
- connect(aInsertBtn, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), SLOT(onInsert()));
- aBtnLayout->addWidget(aInsertBtn);
+ myInsertBtn = new QPushButton(tr("Insert"), this);
+ connect(myInsertBtn, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), SLOT(onInsert()));
+ aBtnLayout->addWidget(myInsertBtn);
- QPushButton* aRemoveBtn = new QPushButton(tr("Remove"), this);
- connect(aRemoveBtn, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), SLOT(onRemove()));
- aBtnLayout->addWidget(aRemoveBtn);
+ myRemoveBtn = new QPushButton(tr("Remove"), this);
+ connect(myRemoveBtn, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), SLOT(onRemove()));
+ aBtnLayout->addWidget(myRemoveBtn);
+ onSelectionChanged();
QList<QWidget*> ParametersPlugin_WidgetParamsMgr::getControls() const
return aList;
+void ParametersPlugin_WidgetParamsMgr::selectItemScroll(QTreeWidgetItem* aItem)
+ myTable->clearSelection();
+ QModelIndex aParent = myTable->model()->index(0, 0);
+ int aChildIdx = myParameters->indexOfChild(aItem);
+ QModelIndex aIndex = myTable->model()->index(aChildIdx, Col_Name, aParent);
+ myTable->selectionModel()->select(aIndex,
+ QItemSelectionModel::SelectCurrent | QItemSelectionModel::Rows);
+ myTable->scrollToItem(aItem);
bool ParametersPlugin_WidgetParamsMgr::storeValueCustom()
- for(int i = 0; i < myParameters->childCount(); i++) {
- QTreeWidgetItem* aItem = myParameters->child(i);
- if ((aItem->text(Col_Name) == NoName) || (aItem->text(Col_Equation) == NoValue)) {
- QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Warning"), tr("Created parameter is not defined properly."));
- // The index of myParameters item
- QModelIndex aParent = myTable->model()->index(0, 0);
- int aRow = myParameters->indexOfChild(aItem);
- QModelIndex aIndex = myTable->model()->index(aRow, Col_Name, aParent);
- myTable->selectionModel()->select(aIndex,
- QItemSelectionModel::SelectCurrent | QItemSelectionModel::Rows);
- myTable->scrollToItem(aItem);
+ ParametersPlugin_ExpressionValidator aValidator;
+ std::list<std::string> aArgs;
+ std::string aAttrId = ParametersPlugin_Parameter::VARIABLE_ID();
+ std::string aErr;
+ int aId = 0;
+ foreach(FeaturePtr aFeature, myParametersList) {
+ if (!aValidator.isValid(aFeature->attribute(aAttrId), aArgs, aErr)) {
+ QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Warning"), aErr.c_str());
+ selectItemScroll(myParameters->child(aId));
return false;
+ aId++;
return true;
-void ParametersPlugin_WidgetParamsMgr::onAdd()
+FeaturePtr ParametersPlugin_WidgetParamsMgr::createParameter() const
SessionPtr aMgr = ModelAPI_Session::get();
std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Document> aDoc = aMgr->activeDocument();
FeaturePtr aFeature = aDoc->addFeature(ParametersPlugin_Parameter::ID());
- if (!aFeature.get())
- return;
- Events_Loop::loop()->flush(Events_Loop::eventByName(EVENT_OBJECT_CREATED));
- Events_Loop::loop()->flush(Events_Loop::eventByName(EVENT_OBJECT_UPDATED));
+ if (aFeature.get()) {
+ Events_Loop::loop()->flush(Events_Loop::eventByName(EVENT_OBJECT_CREATED));
+ Events_Loop::loop()->flush(Events_Loop::eventByName(EVENT_OBJECT_UPDATED));
+ }
+ return aFeature;
+QTreeWidgetItem* ParametersPlugin_WidgetParamsMgr::createNewItem() const
QStringList aValues;
aValues << NoName;
aValues << NoValue;
QTreeWidgetItem* aItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(aValues);
aItem->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEditable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled);
+ return aItem;
+void ParametersPlugin_WidgetParamsMgr::onAdd()
+ FeaturePtr aFeature = createParameter();
+ if (!aFeature.get())
+ return;
+ QTreeWidgetItem* aItem = createNewItem();
+QTreeWidgetItem* ParametersPlugin_WidgetParamsMgr::selectedItem() const
+ QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> aItemsList = myTable->selectedItems();
+ if (aItemsList.count() == 0)
+ return 0;
+ QTreeWidgetItem* aCurrentItem = aItemsList.first();
+ if (aCurrentItem->parent() != myParameters)
+ return 0;
+ return aCurrentItem;
void ParametersPlugin_WidgetParamsMgr::onInsert()
+ QTreeWidgetItem* aCurrentItem = selectedItem();
+ if (!aCurrentItem)
+ return;
+ SessionPtr aMgr = ModelAPI_Session::get();
+ std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Document> aDoc = aMgr->activeDocument();
+ FeaturePtr aNewFeature = createParameter();
+ if (!aNewFeature.get())
+ return;
+ QTreeWidgetItem* aItem = createNewItem();
+ int aCurrentPos = myParameters->indexOfChild(aCurrentItem);
+ if (aCurrentPos == 0) {
+ aDoc->moveFeature(aNewFeature, FeaturePtr());
+ } else {
+ FeaturePtr aCurFeature = myParametersList.at(aCurrentPos - 1);
+ aDoc->moveFeature(aNewFeature, aCurFeature);
+ }
+ myParametersList.insert(aCurrentPos, aNewFeature);
+ myParameters->insertChild(aCurrentPos, aItem);
void ParametersPlugin_WidgetParamsMgr::onRemove()
+ QTreeWidgetItem* aCurrentItem = selectedItem();
+ if (!aCurrentItem)
+ return;
+ SessionPtr aMgr = ModelAPI_Session::get();
+ std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Document> aDoc = aMgr->activeDocument();
+ int aCurrentPos = myParameters->indexOfChild(aCurrentItem);
+ FeaturePtr aCurFeature = myParametersList.at(aCurrentPos);
+ QObjectPtrList anObjects;
+ anObjects.append(aCurFeature);
+ std::set<FeaturePtr> aDirectRefFeatures, aIndirectRefFeatures;
+ ModuleBase_Tools::findReferences(anObjects, aDirectRefFeatures, aIndirectRefFeatures);
+ bool doDeleteReferences = true;
+ if (ModuleBase_Tools::isDeleteFeatureWithReferences(anObjects, aDirectRefFeatures,
+ aIndirectRefFeatures, this, doDeleteReferences)) {
+ myParametersList.removeOne(aCurFeature);
+ myParameters->removeChild(aCurrentItem);
+ aDoc->removeFeature(aCurFeature);
+ }
void ParametersPlugin_WidgetParamsMgr::onUp()
+ QTreeWidgetItem* aCurrentItem = selectedItem();
+ if (!aCurrentItem)
+ return;
+ QString aName = aCurrentItem->text(0);
+ int aCurrentPos = myParameters->indexOfChild(aCurrentItem);
+ if (aCurrentPos == 0)
+ return;
+ FeaturePtr aCurFeature = myParametersList.at(aCurrentPos);
+ std::string aNm = aCurFeature->data()->name();
+ SessionPtr aMgr = ModelAPI_Session::get();
+ std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Document> aDoc = aMgr->activeDocument();
+ FeaturePtr aa = myParametersList.at(aCurrentPos - 1);
+ std::string aN = aa->data()->name();
+ if (aCurrentPos == 1)
+ aDoc->moveFeature(aCurFeature, FeaturePtr());
+ else
+ aDoc->moveFeature(aCurFeature, myParametersList.at(aCurrentPos - 2));
+ myParametersList.removeOne(aCurFeature);
+ myParametersList.insert(aCurrentPos - 1, aCurFeature);
+ myParameters->removeChild(aCurrentItem);
+ myParameters->insertChild(aCurrentPos - 1, aCurrentItem);
+ selectItemScroll(aCurrentItem);
void ParametersPlugin_WidgetParamsMgr::onDown()
+ QTreeWidgetItem* aCurrentItem = selectedItem();
+ if (!aCurrentItem)
+ return;
+ int aCurrentPos = myParameters->indexOfChild(aCurrentItem);
+ if (aCurrentPos == (myParametersList.count() - 1))
+ return;
+ FeaturePtr aCurFeature = myParametersList.at(aCurrentPos);
+ SessionPtr aMgr = ModelAPI_Session::get();
+ std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Document> aDoc = aMgr->activeDocument();
+ aDoc->moveFeature(aCurFeature, myParametersList.at(aCurrentPos + 1));
+ myParametersList.removeOne(aCurFeature);
+ myParametersList.insert(aCurrentPos + 1, aCurFeature);
+ myParameters->removeChild(aCurrentItem);
+ myParameters->insertChild(aCurrentPos + 1, aCurrentItem);
+ selectItemScroll(aCurrentItem);
QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Warning"), myMessage);
+void ParametersPlugin_WidgetParamsMgr::onSelectionChanged()
+ QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> aItemsList = myTable->selectedItems();
+ bool isParameter = false;
+ foreach(QTreeWidgetItem* aItem, aItemsList) {
+ if (aItem->parent() == myParameters) {
+ isParameter = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ myInsertBtn->setEnabled(isParameter);
+ myRemoveBtn->setEnabled(isParameter);
+ myUpBtn->setEnabled(isParameter);
+ myDownBtn->setEnabled(isParameter);
class QTreeWidget;
class QTreeWidgetItem;
class ParametersPlugin_ItemDelegate;
+class QPushButton;
+class QToolButton;
* \ingroup GUI
void sendWarning();
+ void onSelectionChanged();
+ FeaturePtr createParameter() const;
+ QTreeWidgetItem* createNewItem() const;
+ QTreeWidgetItem* selectedItem() const;
+ void selectItemScroll(QTreeWidgetItem* aItem);
void updateFeaturesPart();
bool hasName(const QString& theName) const;
QList<FeaturePtr> myParametersList;
QString myMessage;
+ QPushButton* myAddBtn;
+ QPushButton* myInsertBtn;
+ QPushButton* myRemoveBtn;
+ QToolButton* myUpBtn;
+ QToolButton* myDownBtn;
-void refsToFeatureInFeatureDocument(const ObjectPtr& theObject, std::set<FeaturePtr>& theRefFeatures)
- FeaturePtr aFeature = ModelAPI_Feature::feature(theObject);
- if (aFeature.get()) {
- DocumentPtr aFeatureDoc = aFeature->document();
- // 1. find references in the current document
- aFeatureDoc->refsToFeature(aFeature, theRefFeatures, false);
- }
-bool isSubOfComposite(const ObjectPtr& theObject, const FeaturePtr& theFeature)
- bool isSub = false;
- CompositeFeaturePtr aComposite = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_CompositeFeature>(theFeature);
- if (aComposite.get()) {
- isSub = aComposite->isSub(theObject);
- // the recursive is possible, the parameters are sketch circle and extrusion cut. They are
- // separated by composite sketch feature
- if (!isSub) {
- int aNbSubs = aComposite->numberOfSubs();
- for (int aSub = 0; aSub < aNbSubs && !isSub; aSub++) {
- isSub = isSubOfComposite(theObject, aComposite->subFeature(aSub));
- }
- }
- }
- return isSub;
-bool isSubOfComposite(const ObjectPtr& theObject)
- bool isSub = false;
- std::set<FeaturePtr> aRefFeatures;
- refsToFeatureInFeatureDocument(theObject, aRefFeatures);
- std::set<FeaturePtr>::const_iterator anIt = aRefFeatures.begin(),
- aLast = aRefFeatures.end();
- for (; anIt != aLast && !isSub; anIt++) {
- isSub = isSubOfComposite(theObject, *anIt);
- }
- return isSub;
-void refsToFeatureInAllDocuments(const ObjectPtr& theSourceObject, const ObjectPtr& theObject,
- const QObjectPtrList& theIgnoreList,
- std::set<FeaturePtr>& theDirectRefFeatures,
- std::set<FeaturePtr>& theIndirectRefFeatures,
- std::set<FeaturePtr>& theAlreadyProcessed)
- refsDirectToFeatureInAllDocuments(theSourceObject, theObject, theIgnoreList, theDirectRefFeatures,
- theAlreadyProcessed);
- // Run recursion. It is possible recursive dependency, like the following: plane, extrusion uses plane,
- // axis is built on extrusion. Delete of a plane should check the dependency from the axis also.
- std::set<FeaturePtr>::const_iterator aFeatureIt = theDirectRefFeatures.begin();
- for (; aFeatureIt != theDirectRefFeatures.end(); ++aFeatureIt) {
- std::set<FeaturePtr> aRecursiveRefFeatures;
- refsToFeatureInAllDocuments(theSourceObject, *aFeatureIt, theIgnoreList,
- aRecursiveRefFeatures, aRecursiveRefFeatures, theAlreadyProcessed);
- theIndirectRefFeatures.insert(aRecursiveRefFeatures.begin(), aRecursiveRefFeatures.end());
- }
-void refsDirectToFeatureInAllDocuments(const ObjectPtr& theSourceObject, const ObjectPtr& theObject,
- const QObjectPtrList& theIgnoreList,
- std::set<FeaturePtr>& theDirectRefFeatures,
- std::set<FeaturePtr>& theAlreadyProcessed)
- FeaturePtr aFeature = ModelAPI_Feature::feature(theObject);
- if (!aFeature.get())
- return;
- if (theAlreadyProcessed.find(aFeature) != theAlreadyProcessed.end())
- return;
- theAlreadyProcessed.insert(aFeature);
- //convert ignore object list to containt sub-features if the composite feature is in the list
- QObjectPtrList aFullIgnoreList;
- QObjectPtrList::const_iterator anIIt = theIgnoreList.begin(), anILast = theIgnoreList.end();
- for (; anIIt != anILast; anIIt++) {
- aFullIgnoreList.append(*anIIt);
- CompositeFeaturePtr aComposite = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_CompositeFeature>(*anIIt);
- // if the current feature is aborted, the composite is removed and has invalid data
- if (aComposite.get() && aComposite->data()->isValid()) {
- int aNbSubs = aComposite->numberOfSubs();
- for (int aSub = 0; aSub < aNbSubs; aSub++) {
- aFullIgnoreList.append(aComposite->subFeature(aSub));
- }
- }
- }
- // 1. find references in the current document
- std::set<FeaturePtr> aRefFeatures;
- refsToFeatureInFeatureDocument(theObject, aRefFeatures);
- std::set<FeaturePtr>::const_iterator anIt = aRefFeatures.begin(),
- aLast = aRefFeatures.end();
- for (; anIt != aLast; anIt++) {
- // composite feature should not be deleted when the sub feature is to be deleted
- if (!isSubOfComposite(theSourceObject, *anIt) && !aFullIgnoreList.contains(*anIt))
- theDirectRefFeatures.insert(*anIt);
- }
- // 2. find references in all documents if the document of the feature is
- // "PartSet". Features of this document can be used in all other documents
- DocumentPtr aFeatureDoc = aFeature->document();
- SessionPtr aMgr = ModelAPI_Session::get();
- DocumentPtr aModuleDoc = aMgr->moduleDocument();
- if (aFeatureDoc == aModuleDoc) {
- // the feature and results of the feature should be found in references
- std::list<ObjectPtr> aObjects;
- aObjects.push_back(aFeature);
- typedef std::list<std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Result> > ResultsList;
- const ResultsList& aResults = aFeature->results();
- ResultsList::const_iterator aRIter = aResults.begin();
- for (; aRIter != aResults.cend(); aRIter++) {
- ResultPtr aRes = *aRIter;
- if (aRes.get())
- aObjects.push_back(aRes);
- }
- // get all opened documents; found features in the documents;
- // get a list of objects where a feature refers;
- // search in these objects the deleted objects.
- SessionPtr aMgr = ModelAPI_Session::get();
- std::list<DocumentPtr> anOpenedDocs = aMgr->allOpenedDocuments();
- std::list<DocumentPtr>::const_iterator anIt = anOpenedDocs.begin(),
- aLast = anOpenedDocs.end();
- std::list<std::pair<std::string, std::list<ObjectPtr> > > aRefs;
- for (; anIt != aLast; anIt++) {
- DocumentPtr aDocument = *anIt;
- if (aDocument == aFeatureDoc)
- continue; // this document has been already processed in 1.1
- int aFeaturesCount = aDocument->size(ModelAPI_Feature::group());
- for (int aId = 0; aId < aFeaturesCount; aId++) {
- ObjectPtr anObject = aDocument->object(ModelAPI_Feature::group(), aId);
- FeaturePtr aFeature = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_Feature>(anObject);
- if (!aFeature.get())
- continue;
- aRefs.clear();
- aFeature->data()->referencesToObjects(aRefs);
- std::list<std::pair<std::string, std::list<ObjectPtr> > >::iterator aRef = aRefs.begin();
- bool aHasReferenceToObject = false;
- for(; aRef != aRefs.end() && !aHasReferenceToObject; aRef++) {
- std::list<ObjectPtr>::iterator aRefObj = aRef->second.begin();
- for(; aRefObj != aRef->second.end() && !aHasReferenceToObject; aRefObj++) {
- std::list<ObjectPtr>::const_iterator aObjIt = aObjects.begin();
- for(; aObjIt != aObjects.end() && !aHasReferenceToObject; aObjIt++) {
- aHasReferenceToObject = *aObjIt == *aRefObj;
- }
- }
- }
- if (aHasReferenceToObject && !isSubOfComposite(theSourceObject, aFeature) &&
- !theIgnoreList.contains(aFeature))
- theDirectRefFeatures.insert(aFeature);
- }
- }
- }
XGUI_Workshop* workshop(ModuleBase_IWorkshop* theWorkshop)
bool XGUI_EXPORT allDocumentsActivated(QString& theNotActivatedNames);
- Returns a container of referenced feature to the current object in the object document.
- \param theObject an object, which will be casted to a feature type
- \param theRefFeatures an output container
- */
-void XGUI_EXPORT refsToFeatureInFeatureDocument(const ObjectPtr& theObject,
- std::set<FeaturePtr>& theRefFeatures);
- Returns true if the object if a sub child of the feature. The feature is casted to the
- composite one. If it is possible, the sub object check happens. The method is applyed
- recursively to the feature subs.
- \param theObject a candidate to be a sub object
- \param theFeature a candidate to be a composite feature
- \return a boolean value
- */
-bool XGUI_EXPORT isSubOfComposite(const ObjectPtr& theObject, const FeaturePtr& theFeature);
-void refsDirectToFeatureInAllDocuments(const ObjectPtr& theSourceObject, const ObjectPtr& theObject,
- const QObjectPtrList& theIgnoreList,
- std::set<FeaturePtr>& theDirectRefFeatures,
- std::set<FeaturePtr>& theAlreadyProcessed);
- Returns a container of references feature to the source object. The search happens in the object
- document and in other Part documents if the object belongs to the PartSet. The search is recursive,
- in other words it is applyed to set of the found objects until it is possible.
- It do not returns the referenced features to the object if this references is a composite feature
- which has the object as a sub object.
- \param theSourceObject an object, which references are searched
- \param theObject an intermediate recursive object, should be set in the source object
- \param theIgnoreList an ignore list, the found referernces which coincide with the objects are ignored
- \param theDirectRefFeatures direct references
- \param theIndirectRefFeatures indirect references. These are features that refers to the direct features
- \param theAlreadyProcessed set of processed elements, used for optimization (do not reanalyse processed)
- \return a boolean value
- */
-void XGUI_EXPORT refsToFeatureInAllDocuments(const ObjectPtr& theSourceObject,
- const ObjectPtr& theObject,
- const QObjectPtrList& theIgnoreList,
- std::set<FeaturePtr>& theDirectRefFeatures,
- std::set<FeaturePtr>& theIndirectRefFeatures,
- std::set<FeaturePtr>& theAlreadyProcessed);
-* Returns true if the result is a sub object of some composite object
-* \param theObject a result object
-* \returns boolean value
-bool XGUI_EXPORT isSubOfComposite(const ObjectPtr& theObject);
Returns converted workshop
\param theWorkshop an interface workshop
// 3. delete objects
std::set<FeaturePtr> anIgnoredFeatures;
std::set<FeaturePtr> aDirectRefFeatures, aIndirectRefFeatures;
- findReferences(anObjects, aDirectRefFeatures, aIndirectRefFeatures);
+ ModuleBase_Tools::findReferences(anObjects, aDirectRefFeatures, aIndirectRefFeatures);
bool doDeleteReferences = true;
- if (isDeleteFeatureWithReferences(anObjects, aDirectRefFeatures, aIndirectRefFeatures,
- desktop(), doDeleteReferences)) {
+ if (ModuleBase_Tools::isDeleteFeatureWithReferences(anObjects, aDirectRefFeatures,
+ aIndirectRefFeatures, desktop(), doDeleteReferences)) {
// start operation
QString aDescription = contextMenuMgr()->action("DELETE_CMD")->text();
aDescription += " " + aDescription.arg(XGUI_Tools::unionOfObjectNames(anObjects, ", "));
if (aFeature.get()) {
std::set<FeaturePtr> alreadyProcessed;
- XGUI_Tools::refsDirectToFeatureInAllDocuments(aFeature, aFeature, aFeatures,
+ ModuleBase_Tools::refsDirectToFeatureInAllDocuments(aFeature, aFeature, aFeatures,
aDirectRefFeatures, alreadyProcessed);
if (aDirectRefFeatures.empty() && !anUnusedObjects.contains(aFeature))
-void XGUI_Workshop::findReferences(const QObjectPtrList& theList,
- std::set<FeaturePtr>& aDirectRefFeatures,
- std::set<FeaturePtr>& aIndirectRefFeatures)
- foreach (ObjectPtr aDeletedObj, theList) {
- std::set<FeaturePtr> alreadyProcessed;
- XGUI_Tools::refsToFeatureInAllDocuments(aDeletedObj, aDeletedObj, theList, aDirectRefFeatures,
- aIndirectRefFeatures, alreadyProcessed);
- std::set<FeaturePtr> aDifference;
- std::set_difference(aIndirectRefFeatures.begin(), aIndirectRefFeatures.end(),
- aDirectRefFeatures.begin(), aDirectRefFeatures.end(),
- std::inserter(aDifference, aDifference.begin()));
- aIndirectRefFeatures = aDifference;
- }
-bool XGUI_Workshop::isDeleteFeatureWithReferences(const QObjectPtrList& theList,
- const std::set<FeaturePtr>& aDirectRefFeatures,
- const std::set<FeaturePtr>& aIndirectRefFeatures,
- QWidget* theParent,
- bool& doDeleteReferences)
- doDeleteReferences = true;
- QString aDirectNames, aIndirectNames;
- if (!aDirectRefFeatures.empty()) {
- QStringList aDirectRefNames;
- foreach (const FeaturePtr& aFeature, aDirectRefFeatures)
- aDirectRefNames.append(aFeature->name().c_str());
- aDirectNames = aDirectRefNames.join(", ");
- QStringList aIndirectRefNames;
- foreach (const FeaturePtr& aFeature, aIndirectRefFeatures)
- aIndirectRefNames.append(aFeature->name().c_str());
- aIndirectNames = aIndirectRefNames.join(", ");
- }
- bool aCanReplaceParameters = !aDirectRefFeatures.empty();
- QStringList aPartFeatureNames;
- foreach (ObjectPtr aObj, theList) {
- FeaturePtr aFeature = ModelAPI_Feature::feature(aObj);
- // invalid feature data means that the feature is already removed in model,
- // we needn't process it. E.g. delete of feature from create operation. The operation abort
- // will delete the operation
- if (!aFeature->data()->isValid())
- continue;
- ResultPtr aFirstResult = aFeature->firstResult();
- if (!aFirstResult.get())
- continue;
- std::string aResultGroupName = aFirstResult->groupName();
- if (aResultGroupName == ModelAPI_ResultPart::group())
- aPartFeatureNames.append(aFeature->name().c_str());
- if (aCanReplaceParameters && aResultGroupName != ModelAPI_ResultParameter::group())
- aCanReplaceParameters = false;
- }
- QString aPartNames = aPartFeatureNames.join(", ");
- QMessageBox aMessageBox(theParent);
- aMessageBox.setWindowTitle(tr("Delete features"));
- aMessageBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Warning);
- aMessageBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::No | QMessageBox::Yes);
- aMessageBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::No);
- QString aText;
- if (!aDirectNames.isEmpty() || !aIndirectNames.isEmpty()) {
- if (aCanReplaceParameters) {
- aText = QString(tr("Selected parameters are used in the following features: %1.\nThese features will be deleted.\nOr parameters could be replaced by their values.\n")
- .arg(aDirectNames));
- if (!aIndirectNames.isEmpty())
- aText += QString(tr("(Also these features will be deleted: %1)\n")).arg(aIndirectNames);
- QPushButton *aReplaceButton = aMessageBox.addButton(tr("Replace"), QMessageBox::ActionRole);
- } else {
- aText = QString(tr("Selected features are used in the following features: %1.\nThese features will be deleted.\n")).arg(aDirectNames);
- if (!aIndirectNames.isEmpty())
- aText += QString(tr("(Also these features will be deleted: %1)\n")).arg(aIndirectNames);
- }
- }
- if (!aPartNames.isEmpty())
- aText += QString(tr("The following parts will be deleted: %1.\n")).arg(aPartNames);
- if (!aText.isEmpty()) {
- aText += "Would you like to continue?";
- aMessageBox.setText(aText);
- aMessageBox.exec();
- QMessageBox::ButtonRole aButtonRole = aMessageBox.buttonRole(aMessageBox.clickedButton());
- if (aButtonRole == QMessageBox::NoRole)
- return false;
- if (aButtonRole == QMessageBox::ActionRole) {
- foreach (ObjectPtr aObj, theList)
- ModelAPI_ReplaceParameterMessage::send(aObj, this);
- doDeleteReferences = false;
- }
- }
- return true;
bool XGUI_Workshop::deleteFeatures(const QObjectPtrList& theFeatures,
const std::set<FeaturePtr>& theIgnoredFeatures)
std::set<FeaturePtr> aDirectRefFeatures, aIndirectRefFeatures;
- findReferences(theFeatures, aDirectRefFeatures, aIndirectRefFeatures);
+ ModuleBase_Tools::findReferences(theFeatures, aDirectRefFeatures, aIndirectRefFeatures);
return deleteFeaturesInternal(theFeatures, aDirectRefFeatures, aIndirectRefFeatures,
std::set<FeaturePtr> aPlacedFeatures(aFeaturesBetween.begin(), aFeaturesBetween.end());
// 2. Get all reference features to the selected object in the document
std::set<FeaturePtr> aRefFeatures;
- XGUI_Tools::refsToFeatureInFeatureDocument(aObject, aRefFeatures);
+ ModuleBase_Tools::refsToFeatureInFeatureDocument(aObject, aRefFeatures);
if (aRefFeatures.empty())
/// \param theOperation an operation
void setGrantedFeatures(ModuleBase_Operation* theOperation);
- //! Find all referenced features. Return direct and indirect lists of referenced object
- //! \param theList an objects to be checked
- //! \param aDirectRefFeatures a list of direct reference features
- //! \param aIndirectRefFeatures a list of features which depend on the feature through others
- void findReferences(const QObjectPtrList& theList,
- std::set<FeaturePtr>& aDirectRefFeatures,
- std::set<FeaturePtr>& aIndirectRefFeatures);
- //! Shows a dialog box about references. Ask whether they should be also removed.
- //! \param theList an objects to be checked
- //! \param aDirectRefFeatures a list of direct reference features
- //! \param aIndirectRefFeatures a list of features which depend on the feature through others
- //! \param theParent a parent widget for the question message box
- //! \param doDeleteReferences if there are parameters between features, ask if they should be
- //! replaced to their meaning without corresponded features remove
- //! \return true if in message box answer is Yes
- bool isDeleteFeatureWithReferences(const QObjectPtrList& theList,
- const std::set<FeaturePtr>& aDirectRefFeatures,
- const std::set<FeaturePtr>& aIndirectRefFeatures,
- QWidget* theParent,
- bool& doDeleteReferences);
//! \param theIgnoredFeatures a list of features to be ignored during delete
//! \param theList an objects to be checked
//! \param aDirectRefFeatures a list of direct reference features