if (splitMeshes[inew][i]->getNumberOfCells()>0)
- if (!isParallelMode()||_domain_selector->isMyDomain(inew))
- {
- if (meshes.size()==0)
+ if (!isParallelMode()||_domain_selector->isMyDomain(inew))
+ if (meshes.size()==0)
+ {
std::cout << "WARNING : castCellMeshes fusing : no meshes try another number of processors" << std::endl;
if (!initialCollection._domain_selector->isMyDomain(iold) && _domain_selector->isMyDomain(inew))
_domain_selector->recvMesh(splitMeshes[inew][iold], _domain_selector->getProcessorID(iold));
- int nb=0;
- if (splitMeshes[inew][iold])
- nb=splitMeshes[inew][iold]->getNumberOfCells();
+ //int nb=0;
+ //if (splitMeshes[inew][iold])
+ // nb=splitMeshes[inew][iold]->getNumberOfCells();
//std::cout << "proc " << MyGlobals::_Rank << " : castFaceMeshes recv "<<inew<<" "<<iold<<" "<<nb<<std::endl;//" "<<splitMeshes[inew][iold]->getNumberOfCells()<<std::endl;
_topology = topo;
-/*! Method creating the cell graph
+/*! Method creating the cell graph in serial mode
* \param array returns the pointer to the structure that contains the graph
* \param edgeweight returns the pointer to the table that contains the edgeweights
* (only used if indivisible regions are required)
void MEDPARTITIONER::MeshCollection::buildCellGraph(MEDPARTITIONER::SkyLineArray* & array, int *& edgeweights )
+ using std::map;
+ using std::vector;
+ using std::make_pair;
+ using std::pair;
+ if (_topology->nbDomain()>1) throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("buildCellGraph should be used for one domain only");
+ const ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh* mesh=_mesh[0];
+ if (MyGlobals::_Verbose>50)
+ std::cout<<"getting nodal connectivity"<<std::endl;
+ //looking for reverse nodal connectivity i global numbering
+ if (isParallelMode() && !_domain_selector->isMyDomain(0))
+ {
+ vector<int> value;
+ vector<int> index(1,0);
+ array=new MEDPARTITIONER::SkyLineArray(index,value);
+ return;
+ }
+ int meshDim = mesh->getMeshDimension();
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt* indexr=ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt::New();
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt* revConn=ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt::New();
+ int nbNodes=mesh->getNumberOfNodes();
+ mesh->getReverseNodalConnectivity(revConn,indexr);
+ //problem saturation over 1 000 000 nodes for 1 proc
+ if (MyGlobals::_Verbose>100)
+ std::cout << "proc " << MyGlobals::_Rank << " : getReverseNodalConnectivity done on " << nbNodes << " nodes" << std::endl;
+ const int* indexr_ptr=indexr->getConstPointer();
+ const int* revConn_ptr=revConn->getConstPointer();
+ const ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt* index;
+ const ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayInt* conn;
+ conn=mesh->getNodalConnectivity();
+ index=mesh->getNodalConnectivityIndex();
+ int nbCells=mesh->getNumberOfCells();
+ if (MyGlobals::_Verbose>100)
+ std::cout << "proc " << MyGlobals::_Rank << " : getNodalConnectivity done on " << nbNodes << " nodes" << std::endl;
+ const int* index_ptr=index->getConstPointer();
+ const int* conn_ptr=conn->getConstPointer();
+ //creating graph arcs (cell to cell relations)
+ //arcs are stored in terms of (index,value) notation
+ // 0 3 5 6 6
+ // 1 2 3 2 3 3
+ // means 6 arcs (0,1), (0,2), (0,3), (1,2), (1,3), (2,3)
+ // in present version arcs are not doubled but reflexive (1,1) arcs are present for each cell
+ //warning here one node have less than or equal effective number of cell with it
+ //but cell could have more than effective nodes
+ //because other equals nodes in other domain (with other global inode)
+ if (MyGlobals::_Verbose>50)
+ std::cout<< "proc " << MyGlobals::_Rank << " : creating graph arcs on nbNodes " << _topology->nbNodes() << std::endl;
+ vector <int> cell2cell_index(nbCells+1,0);
+ vector <int> cell2cell;
+ cell2cell.reserve(3*nbCells);
+ for (int icell=0; icell<nbCells;icell++)
+ {
+ map<int,int > counter;
+ for (int iconn=index_ptr[icell]; iconn<index_ptr[icell+1];iconn++)
+ {
+ int inode=conn_ptr[iconn];
+ for (int iconnr=indexr_ptr[inode]; iconnr<indexr_ptr[inode+1];iconnr++)
+ {
+ int icell2=revConn_ptr[iconnr];
+ map<int,int>::iterator iter=counter.find(icell2);
+ if (iter!=counter.end()) (iter->second)++;
+ else counter.insert(make_pair(icell2,1));
+ }
+ }
+ for (map<int,int>::const_iterator iter=counter.begin();
+ iter!=counter.end();
+ iter++)
+ if (iter->second >= meshDim)
+ {
+ cell2cell_index[icell+1]++;
+ cell2cell.push_back(iter->first);
+ }
+ }
+ indexr->decrRef();
+ revConn->decrRef();
+ cell2cell_index[0]=0;
+ for (int icell=0; icell<nbCells;icell++)
+ cell2cell_index[icell+1]=cell2cell_index[icell]+cell2cell_index[icell+1];
+ if (MyGlobals::_Verbose>50)
+ std::cout << "proc " << MyGlobals::_Rank << " : create skylinearray" << std::endl;
+ //filling up index and value to create skylinearray structure
+ array=new MEDPARTITIONER::SkyLineArray(cell2cell_index,cell2cell);
+ if (MyGlobals::_Verbose>100)
+ {
+ std::cout << "\nproc " << _domain_selector->rank() << " : end MeshCollection::buildCellGraph " <<
+ cell2cell_index.size()-1 << " " << cell2cell.size() << std::endl;
+ int max=cell2cell_index.size()>15?15:cell2cell_index.size();
+ if (cell2cell_index.size()>1)
+ {
+ for (int i=0; i<max; ++i)
+ std::cout<<cell2cell_index[i]<<" ";
+ std::cout << "... " << cell2cell_index[cell2cell_index.size()-1] << std::endl;
+ for (int i=0; i<max; ++i)
+ std::cout<< cell2cell[i] << " ";
+ int ll=cell2cell_index[cell2cell_index.size()-1]-1;
+ std::cout << "... (" << ll << ") " << cell2cell[ll-1] << " " << cell2cell[ll] << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+/*! Method creating the cell graph in multidomain mode
+ *
+ * \param array returns the pointer to the structure that contains the graph
+ * \param edgeweight returns the pointer to the table that contains the edgeweights
+ * (only used if indivisible regions are required)
+ */
+void MEDPARTITIONER::MeshCollection::buildParallelCellGraph(MEDPARTITIONER::SkyLineArray* & array, int *& edgeweights )
using std::multimap;
using std::vector;
throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("Number of subdomains must be > 0");
MEDPARTITIONER::SkyLineArray* array=0;
int* edgeweights=0;
- buildCellGraph(array,edgeweights);
+ if (_topology->nbDomain()>1 || isParallelMode())
+ buildParallelCellGraph(array,edgeweights);
+ else
+ buildCellGraph(array,edgeweights);
Graph* cellGraph = 0;
switch (split)
MEDPARTITIONER::SkyLineArray* array=0;
int* edgeweights=0;
- buildCellGraph(array,edgeweights);
+ if ( _topology->nbDomain()>1)
+ buildParallelCellGraph(array,edgeweights);
+ else
+ buildCellGraph(array,edgeweights);
Graph* cellGraph;
std::set<int> domains;
for (int i=0; i<_topology->nbCells(); i++)