-# Reorient faces by vector
+# Reorient faces
import salome
# FaceOrPoint - a SMESH.PointStruct structure
mesh.Reorient2D( localAlgo.GetSubMesh().GetIDs(), [10,1,0], SMESH.PointStruct(0,0,0))
+# Use Reorient2DBy3D() to orient faces of 2 geom faces to have their normal pointing inside volumes
+mesh3D = smesh.Mesh( box, '3D mesh')
+group0 = mesh3D.Group( faces[0] )
+group1 = mesh3D.Group( faces[1] )
+# pass group0 and ids of faces of group1 to inverse
+nbRev = mesh3D.Reorient2DBy3D([ group0, group1.GetIDs() ], mesh3D, theOutsideNormal=False)
+print "Nb reoriented faces:", nbRev
+# orient the reversed faces back
+nbRev = mesh3D.Reorient2DBy3D( mesh3D, mesh3D, theOutsideNormal=True)
+print "Nb re-reoriented faces:", nbRev
-\page reorient_faces_page Reorient faces by vector
+\page reorient_faces_page Reorient faces
-\n This operation allows changing orientation of a set of neighboring
-faces. The desired orientation is defined by a vector. Since the direction
-of face normals in the set can be even opposite, it is necessary to
-specify a control face whose normal will be compared with the vector. This
-face can be either specified explicitly or found by proximity to
-a given point.
+\n This operation allows changing orientation of faces two ways.
+<li> To reorient a set of neighboring faces by defining the desired
+ orientation by a vector. <br> Since the direction of face normals in
+ the set can be even opposite, it is necessary to specify a control
+ face whose normal will be compared with the vector. This face can be
+ either <ul>
+ <li> found by proximity to a given point or </li>
+ <li> specified explicitly. </li>
+</ul> </li>
+<li> To reorient faces with relation to adjacent volumes. </li>
Orientation of a face is changed by reverting the order of its nodes.
<em>To change orientation of faces:</em>
-<li>In the \b Modification menu select <b>Reorient faces by
- vector</b> item or click <em>Reorient faces by
- vector</em> button in the toolbar.
+<li>In the \b Modification menu select <b>Reorient faces</b>
+ item or click <em>Reorient faces</em> button in the toolbar.
\image html reorient_faces_face.png
-<em>"Reorient faces by vector" button</em>
+<em>"Reorient faces" button</em>
The following dialog box will appear:
-\image html reorient_2d_point.png
-\image html reorient_2d_face.png
+\image html reorient_2d_point.png "First mode: to reorient adjacent faces according to a vector. The control face is found by point."
+\image html reorient_2d_face.png "Second mode: to reorient adjacent faces according to a vector. The control face is explicitly given."
+\image html reorient_2d_volume.png "Third mode: to reorient faces with relation to adjacent volumes."
<li>In this dialog
-<li>Specify the way of selection of the control face: by point or
- explicitly.</li>
-<li>Select the \b Object (mesh, sub-mesh or a group of faces) containing faces to reorient in the Object Browser or in the 3D Viewer.</li>
-<li>Specify the coordinates of the \b Point by which the control face
- will be found or of the control \b Face itself. You can easy specify the \b
- Point by either picking a node in the 3D Viewer or selecting a vertex
- in the Object Browser. It is possible to pick the \b Face by mouse in
- the 3D Viewer or enter its ID.</li>
-<li>Set up the \b Direction vector to be compared with the normal of the
- control face. If you pick a node in the 3D Viewer then the \b Direction
- vector will go from the coordinate system origin to the selected node.
- If you pick two nodes (holding Shift button) then the \b Direction vector
- will go from the first to the second node.</li>
+<li>Specify either of the tree operation modes.</li>
+<li>Select the \b Object (mesh, sub-mesh or group)
+ containing faces to reorient, in the Object Browser or in the 3D
+ Viewer.</li>
+<li>To reorient according to vector: <ul>
+ <li>Specify the coordinates of the \b Point by which the control face
+ will be found or the control \b Face itself. You can easy specify the \b
+ Point by either picking a node in the 3D Viewer or selecting a vertex
+ in the Object Browser. It is possible to pick the \b Face by mouse in
+ the 3D Viewer or enter its ID.</li>
+ <li>Set up the \b Direction vector to be compared with the normal of the
+ control face. If you pick a node in the 3D Viewer then the \b Direction
+ vector will go from the coordinate system origin to the selected node.
+ If you pick two nodes (holding Shift button) then the \b Direction vector
+ will go from the first to the second node.</li> </ul> </li>
+<li>To reorient according to volumes: <ul>
+ <li>Select an object (mesh, sub-mesh or group) containing
+ reference \b Volumes, in the Object Browser or in the 3D
+ Viewer.</li>
+ <li>Specify whether face normals should point outside or inside
+ the reference volumes using <b>Face normal outside volume</b>
+ check-box.</li></ul> </li>
<br><b>See Also</b> a sample TUI Script of a
-\ref tui_reorient_faces "Reorient faces by vector" operation.
+\ref tui_reorient_faces "Reorient faces" operation.
* \param theFace - ID of face whose orientation is checked.
* It can be < 1 then \a thePoint is used to find a face.
* \param thePoint - is used to find a face if \a theFace < 1.
- * \return number of reoriented elements.
+ * \return number of reoriented faces.
long Reorient2D(in SMESH_IDSource the2Dgroup,
in DirStruct theDirection,
in long theFace,
in PointStruct thePoint) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ /*!
+ * \brief Reorient faces basing on orientation of adjacent volumes.
+ * \param faces - a list of objects containing face to reorient
+ * \param volumes - an object containing volumes.
+ * \param outsideNormal - to orient faces to have their normal
+ * pointing either \a outside or \a inside the adjacent volumes.
+ * \return number of reoriented faces.
+ */
+ long Reorient2DBy3D(in ListOfIDSources faces,
+ in SMESH_IDSource volumes,
+ in boolean outsideNormal) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
* \brief Fuse neighbour triangles into quadrangles.
+ reorient_faces_volume.png
return nbReori;
+ * \brief Reorient faces basing on orientation of adjacent volumes.
+ * \param theFaces - faces to reorient. If empty, all mesh faces are treated.
+ * \param theVolumes - reference volumes.
+ * \param theOutsideNormal - to orient faces to have their normal
+ * pointing either \a outside or \a inside the adjacent volumes.
+ * \return number of reoriented faces.
+ */
+int SMESH_MeshEditor::Reorient2DBy3D (TIDSortedElemSet & theFaces,
+ TIDSortedElemSet & theVolumes,
+ const bool theOutsideNormal)
+ int nbReori = 0;
+ SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr faceIt;
+ if ( theFaces.empty() )
+ faceIt = GetMeshDS()->elementsIterator( SMDSAbs_Face );
+ else
+ faceIt = elemSetIterator( theFaces );
+ vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* > faceNodes;
+ TIDSortedElemSet checkedVolumes;
+ set< const SMDS_MeshNode* > faceNodesSet;
+ SMDS_VolumeTool volumeTool;
+ while ( faceIt->more() ) // loop on given faces
+ {
+ const SMDS_MeshElement* face = faceIt->next();
+ if ( face->GetType() != SMDSAbs_Face )
+ continue;
+ const int nbCornersNodes = face->NbCornerNodes();
+ faceNodes.assign( face->begin_nodes(), face->end_nodes() );
+ checkedVolumes.clear();
+ SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr vIt = faceNodes[ 0 ]->GetInverseElementIterator( SMDSAbs_Volume );
+ while ( vIt->more() )
+ {
+ const SMDS_MeshElement* volume = vIt->next();
+ if ( !checkedVolumes.insert( volume ).second )
+ continue;
+ if ( !theVolumes.empty() && !theVolumes.count( volume ))
+ continue;
+ // is volume adjacent?
+ bool allNodesCommon = true;
+ for ( int iN = 1; iN < nbCornersNodes && allNodesCommon; ++iN )
+ allNodesCommon = ( volume->GetNodeIndex( faceNodes[ iN ]) > -1 );
+ if ( !allNodesCommon )
+ continue;
+ // get nodes of a corresponding volume facet
+ faceNodesSet.clear();
+ faceNodesSet.insert( faceNodes.begin(), faceNodes.end() );
+ volumeTool.Set( volume );
+ int facetID = volumeTool.GetFaceIndex( faceNodesSet );
+ if ( facetID < 0 ) continue;
+ volumeTool.SetExternalNormal();
+ const SMDS_MeshNode** facetNodes = volumeTool.GetFaceNodes( facetID );
+ // compare order of faceNodes and facetNodes
+ const int iQ = 1 + ( nbCornersNodes < faceNodes.size() );
+ int iNN[2];
+ for ( int i = 0; i < 2; ++i )
+ {
+ const SMDS_MeshNode* n = facetNodes[ i*iQ ];
+ for ( int iN = 0; iN < nbCornersNodes; ++iN )
+ if ( faceNodes[ iN ] == n )
+ {
+ iNN[ i ] = iN;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ bool isOutside = Abs( iNN[0]-iNN[1] ) == 1 ? iNN[0] < iNN[1] : iNN[0] > iNN[1];
+ if ( isOutside != theOutsideNormal )
+ nbReori += Reorient( face );
+ }
+ } // loop on given faces
+ return nbReori;
//function : getBadRate
//purpose :
// Reverse theFaces whose orientation to be same as that of theFace
// oriented according to theDirection. Return nb of reoriented faces
+ int Reorient2DBy3D (TIDSortedElemSet & theFaces,
+ TIDSortedElemSet & theVolumes,
+ const bool theOutsideNormal);
+ // Reorient faces basing on orientation of adjacent volumes.
+ // Return nb of reoriented faces
* \brief Fuse neighbour triangles into quadrangles.
* \param theElems - The triangles to be fused.
#define SPACING 6
#define MARGIN 11
- EObject, EPoint, EFace, EDirection };
+ EObject, EPoint, EFace, EDirection, EVolumes };
QPixmap iconReoriPoint (resMgr()->loadPixmap("SMESH", tr("ICON_DLG_REORIENT2D_POINT")));
QPixmap iconReoriFace (resMgr()->loadPixmap("SMESH", tr("ICON_DLG_REORIENT2D_FACE")));
+ QPixmap iconReoriVolum (resMgr()->loadPixmap("SMESH", tr("ICON_DLG_REORIENT2D_VOLUME")));
QGroupBox* aConstructorBox = new QGroupBox(tr("REORIENT_FACES"), aFrame);
myConstructorGrp = new QButtonGroup(aConstructorBox);
myConstructorGrp->addButton(aFaceBut, CONSTRUCTOR_FACE);
+ QRadioButton* aVolBut= new QRadioButton(aConstructorBox);
+ aVolBut->setIcon(iconReoriVolum);
+ aConstructorGrpLayout->addWidget(aVolBut);
+ myConstructorGrp->addButton(aVolBut, CONSTRUCTOR_VOLUME);
// Create other controls
setObjectPixmap( "SMESH", tr( "ICON_SELECT" ) );
createObject( tr("POINT") , aFrame, EPoint );
createObject( tr("FACE") , aFrame, EFace );
createObject( tr("DIRECTION"), aFrame, EDirection );
+ createObject( tr("VOLUMES"), aFrame, EVolumes );
setNameIndication( EObject, OneName );
setNameIndication( EFace, OneName );
setReadOnly( EFace, false );
if ( QLineEdit* le = qobject_cast<QLineEdit*>( objectWg( EFace, Control ) ))
le->setValidator( new SMESHGUI_IdValidator( this,1 ));
- const int width = aFaceBut->fontMetrics().width( tr("DIRECTION"));
+ int width = aFaceBut->fontMetrics().width( tr("DIRECTION"));
objectWg( EDirection, Label )->setFixedWidth( width );
objectWg( EObject , Label )->setFixedWidth( width );
objectWg( EPoint , Label )->setFixedWidth( width );
objectWg( EFace , Label )->setFixedWidth( width );
+ objectWg( EVolumes , Label )->setFixedWidth( width );
+ myOutsideChk = new QCheckBox( tr("OUTSIDE_VOLUME_NORMAL"), aFrame);
+ myOutsideChk->setChecked( true );
QLabel* aXLabel = new QLabel(tr("SMESH_X"), aFrame);
myX = new SMESHGUI_SpinBox(aFrame);
myDY->RangeStepAndValidator(COORD_MIN, COORD_MAX, 10.0, "length_precision");
myDZ->RangeStepAndValidator(COORD_MIN, COORD_MAX, 10.0, "length_precision");
+ width = Max( aFaceBut->fontMetrics().width( tr("SMESH_X")),
+ aFaceBut->fontMetrics().width( tr("SMESH_DX")));
+ aXLabel->setFixedWidth( width );
+ aYLabel->setFixedWidth( width );
+ aZLabel->setFixedWidth( width );
+ aDXLabel->setFixedWidth( width );
+ aDYLabel->setFixedWidth( width );
+ aDZLabel->setFixedWidth( width );
// Layouting
QGroupBox* anObjectGrp = new QGroupBox(tr("FACES"), aFrame);
objectWg( EPoint, Control )->hide();
aPointGrpLayout->addWidget( objectWg( EPoint, Label ) );
aPointGrpLayout->addWidget( objectWg( EPoint, Btn ) );
- aPointGrpLayout->addWidget( aXLabel );
- aPointGrpLayout->addWidget( myX );
- aPointGrpLayout->addWidget( aYLabel );
- aPointGrpLayout->addWidget( myY );
- aPointGrpLayout->addWidget( aZLabel );
- aPointGrpLayout->addWidget( myZ );
+ aPointGrpLayout->addWidget( aXLabel, 0 );
+ aPointGrpLayout->addWidget( myX, 1 );
+ aPointGrpLayout->addWidget( aYLabel, 0 );
+ aPointGrpLayout->addWidget( myY, 1 );
+ aPointGrpLayout->addWidget( aZLabel, 0 );
+ aPointGrpLayout->addWidget( myZ, 1 );
myFaceFrm = new QFrame(aFrame);
QHBoxLayout* aFaceGrpLayout = new QHBoxLayout(myFaceFrm);
aFaceGrpLayout->addWidget( objectWg( EFace, Btn ) );
aFaceGrpLayout->addWidget( objectWg( EFace, Control ) );
- QFrame* aDirectFrm = new QFrame(aFrame);
- QHBoxLayout* aDirectGrpLayout = new QHBoxLayout(aDirectFrm);
+ myVolumFrm = new QFrame(aFrame);
+ QGridLayout* aVolumGrpLayout = new QGridLayout(myVolumFrm);
+ aVolumGrpLayout->setMargin(0);
+ aVolumGrpLayout->setSpacing(SPACING);
+ aVolumGrpLayout->addWidget( objectWg( EVolumes, Label ), 0, 0 );
+ aVolumGrpLayout->addWidget( objectWg( EVolumes, Btn ), 0, 1 );
+ aVolumGrpLayout->addWidget( objectWg( EVolumes, Control ), 0, 2 );
+ aVolumGrpLayout->addWidget( myOutsideChk, 1, 0, 1, 3 );
+ myDirFrm = new QFrame(aFrame);
+ QHBoxLayout* aDirectGrpLayout = new QHBoxLayout(myDirFrm);
objectWg( EDirection, Control )->hide();
aDirectGrpLayout->addWidget( objectWg( EDirection, Label ) );
aDirectGrpLayout->addWidget( objectWg( EDirection, Btn ) );
- aDirectGrpLayout->addWidget(aDXLabel );
- aDirectGrpLayout->addWidget(myDX );
- aDirectGrpLayout->addWidget(aDYLabel );
- aDirectGrpLayout->addWidget(myDY );
- aDirectGrpLayout->addWidget(aDZLabel );
- aDirectGrpLayout->addWidget(myDZ );
+ aDirectGrpLayout->addWidget( aDXLabel, 0 );
+ aDirectGrpLayout->addWidget( myDX, 1 );
+ aDirectGrpLayout->addWidget( aDYLabel, 0 );
+ aDirectGrpLayout->addWidget( myDY, 1 );
+ aDirectGrpLayout->addWidget( aDZLabel, 0 );
+ aDirectGrpLayout->addWidget( myDZ, 1 );
QGroupBox* anOrientGrp = new QGroupBox(tr("ORIENTATION"), aFrame);
QVBoxLayout* anOrientGrpLayout = new QVBoxLayout ( anOrientGrp );
- anOrientGrpLayout->addWidget(aDirectFrm);
+ anOrientGrpLayout->addWidget(myVolumFrm);
+ anOrientGrpLayout->addWidget(myDirFrm);
QVBoxLayout* aLay = new QVBoxLayout(aFrame);
+ myVolumFrm->hide();
+ myDirFrm->show();
activateObject( EFace );
- else
+ else if ( id == CONSTRUCTOR_POINT )
+ myVolumFrm->hide();
+ myDirFrm->show();
activateObject( EPoint );
+ {
+ myFaceFrm->hide();
+ myPointFrm->hide();
+ myDirFrm->hide();
+ myVolumFrm->show();
+ activateObject( EVolumes );
+ }
case EObject:
+ case EVolumes:
setSelectionMode( ActorSelection );
filters.append( new SMESH_TypeFilter( SMESH::GROUP_FACE ));
return new SMESH_LogicalFilter( filters, SMESH_LogicalFilter::LO_OR );
+ case EVolumes:
+ {
+ QList<SUIT_SelectionFilter*> filters;
+ filters.append( new SMESH_TypeFilter( SMESH::MESH ));
+ filters.append( new SMESH_TypeFilter( SMESH::SUBMESH_SOLID ));
+ filters.append( new SMESH_TypeFilter( SMESH::GROUP_VOLUME ));
+ return new SMESH_LogicalFilter( filters, SMESH_LogicalFilter::LO_OR );
+ }
case EPoint:
QList<SUIT_SelectionFilter*> filters;
if ( !myDlg->isVisible() || !myDlg->isEnabled() )
+ if ( mySelectionMode == EVolumes )
+ {
+ SMESHGUI_SelectionOp::selectionDone();
+ return;
+ }
myDlg->clearSelection( mySelectionMode );
SALOME_ListIO aList;
try {
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var aMesh = myObject->GetMesh();
if ( aMesh->_is_nil() ) return false;
- SMESH::DirStruct direction;
- direction.PS.x = myDlg->myDX->GetValue();
- direction.PS.y = myDlg->myDY->GetValue();
- direction.PS.z = myDlg->myDZ->GetValue();
+ SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor_var aMeshEditor = aMesh->GetMeshEditor();
+ if (aMeshEditor->_is_nil()) return false;
- long face = myDlg->objectText( EFace ).toInt();
- if ( myDlg->myConstructorGrp->checkedId() == CONSTRUCTOR_POINT )
- face = -1;
+ int aResult = 0;
+ if ( myDlg->myConstructorGrp->checkedId() == CONSTRUCTOR_VOLUME )
+ {
+ SMESH::ListOfIDSources_var faceGroups = new SMESH::ListOfIDSources;
+ faceGroups->length(1);
+ faceGroups[0] = myObject;
- SMESH::PointStruct point;
- point.x = myDlg->myX->GetValue();
- point.y = myDlg->myY->GetValue();
- point.z = myDlg->myZ->GetValue();
+ bool outsideNormal = myDlg->myOutsideChk->isChecked();
- SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor_var aMeshEditor = aMesh->GetMeshEditor();
- if (aMeshEditor->_is_nil()) return false;
+ aResult = aMeshEditor->Reorient2DBy3D( faceGroups, myVolumeObj, outsideNormal );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SMESH::DirStruct direction;
+ direction.PS.x = myDlg->myDX->GetValue();
+ direction.PS.y = myDlg->myDY->GetValue();
+ direction.PS.z = myDlg->myDZ->GetValue();
+ long face = myDlg->objectText( EFace ).toInt();
+ if ( myDlg->myConstructorGrp->checkedId() == CONSTRUCTOR_POINT )
+ face = -1;
+ SMESH::PointStruct point;
+ point.x = myDlg->myX->GetValue();
+ point.y = myDlg->myY->GetValue();
+ point.z = myDlg->myZ->GetValue();
+ aMesh->SetParameters( aParameters.join(":").toLatin1().constData() );
- aMesh->SetParameters( aParameters.join(":").toLatin1().constData() );
+ aResult = aMeshEditor->Reorient2D( myObject, direction, face, point );
+ }
- int aResult = aMeshEditor->Reorient2D( myObject, direction, face, point );
if (aResult)
SALOME_ListIO aList;
return false;
+ // check volume object
+ if ( myDlg->myConstructorGrp->checkedId() == CONSTRUCTOR_VOLUME )
+ {
+ objectEntry = myDlg->selectedObject( EVolumes );
+ _PTR(SObject) pSObject = studyDS()->FindObjectID( objectEntry.toLatin1().data() );
+ myVolumeObj = SMESH::SObjectToInterface< SMESH::SMESH_IDSource>( pSObject );
+ if ( myVolumeObj->_is_nil() )
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool hasVolumes = false;
+ types = myVolumeObj->GetTypes();
+ for ( size_t i = 0; i < types->length() && !hasVolumes; ++i )
+ hasVolumes = ( types[i] == SMESH::VOLUME );
+ if ( !hasVolumes )
+ {
+ msg = tr("NO_VOLUMES");
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
// check vector
gp_Vec vec( myDlg->myDX->GetValue(),
#include "SMESHGUI_SelectionOp.h"
class QButtonGroup;
+class QCheckBox;
class QLineEdit;
class SMESHGUI_SpinBox;
class SMESHGUI_ReorientFacesDlg;
- * \brief Operation to reorient faces acoording to vector
+ * \brief Operation to reorient faces acoording to some criterion
class SMESHGUI_EXPORT SMESHGUI_ReorientFacesOp: public SMESHGUI_SelectionOp
int mySelectionMode;
SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_var myObject;
+ SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_var myVolumeObj;
QButtonGroup* myConstructorGrp;
QFrame* myFaceFrm;
QFrame* myPointFrm;
+ QFrame* myDirFrm;
+ QFrame* myVolumFrm;
+ QCheckBox* myOutsideChk;
SMESHGUI_SpinBox* myX;
SMESHGUI_SpinBox* myY;
SMESHGUI_SpinBox* myZ;
+ <message>
+ <source>ICON_DLG_REORIENT2D_VOLUME</source>
+ <translation>reorient_faces_volume.png</translation>
+ </message>
- <translation>Reorient faces by vector</translation>
+ <translation>Reorient faces</translation>
- <translation>Reorient faces by vector</translation>
+ <translation>Reorient faces</translation>
- <translation>Reorient faces by vector</translation>
+ <translation>Reorient faces</translation>
- <translation>Reorient faces by vector</translation>
+ <translation>Reorient faces</translation>
+ <message>
+ <source>VOLUMES</source>
+ <translation>Volumes</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>OUTSIDE_VOLUME_NORMAL</source>
+ <translation>Face normal outside volume</translation>
+ </message>
<translation>No object selected</translation>
+ <message>
+ <source>NO_VOLUME_OBJECT_SELECTED</source>
+ <translation>No volume object selected</translation>
+ </message>
<translation>Object includes no faces</translation>
+ <message>
+ <source>NO_VOLUMES</source>
+ <translation>Volume object includes no volumes</translation>
+ </message>
<translation>Zero size vector</translation>
"MoveNode", "MoveClosestNodeToPoint",
- "InverseDiag","DeleteDiag","Reorient","ReorientObject",
+ "InverseDiag","DeleteDiag","Reorient","ReorientObject","Reorient2DBy3D",
"TriToQuad","TriToQuadObject", "QuadTo4Tri", "SplitQuad","SplitQuadObject",
TIDSortedElemSet elements;
prepareIdSource( the2Dgroup );
if ( !idSourceToSet( the2Dgroup, getMeshDS(), elements, SMDSAbs_Face, /*emptyIfIsMesh=*/1))
+ return 0;//THROW_SALOME_CORBA_EXCEPTION("No faces in given group", SALOME::BAD_PARAM);
const SMDS_MeshElement* face = 0;
return 0;
+//function : Reorient2DBy3D
+//purpose : Reorient faces basing on orientation of adjacent volumes.
+CORBA::Long SMESH_MeshEditor_i::Reorient2DBy3D(const SMESH::ListOfIDSources& faceGroups,
+ SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr volumeGroup,
+ CORBA::Boolean outsideNormal)
+ throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception)
+ initData();
+ TIDSortedElemSet volumes;
+ prepareIdSource( volumeGroup );
+ if ( !idSourceToSet( volumeGroup, getMeshDS(), volumes, SMDSAbs_Volume, /*emptyIfIsMesh=*/1))
+ THROW_SALOME_CORBA_EXCEPTION("No volumes in a given object", SALOME::BAD_PARAM);
+ int nbReori = 0;
+ for ( size_t i = 0; i < faceGroups.length(); ++i )
+ {
+ SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr faceGrp = faceGroups[i].in();
+ prepareIdSource( faceGrp );
+ TIDSortedElemSet faces;
+ if ( !idSourceToSet( faceGrp, getMeshDS(), faces, SMDSAbs_Face, /*emptyIfIsMesh=*/1) &&
+ faceGroups.length() == 1 )
+ ; //THROW_SALOME_CORBA_EXCEPTION("No faces in a given object", SALOME::BAD_PARAM);
+ nbReori += getEditor().Reorient2DBy3D( faces, volumes, outsideNormal );
+ if ( faces.empty() ) // all faces in the mesh treated
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( nbReori ) {
+ declareMeshModified( /*isReComputeSafe=*/false );
+ }
+ TPythonDump() << this << ".Reorient2DBy3D( "
+ << faceGroups << ", "
+ << volumeGroup << ", "
+ << outsideNormal << " )";
+ return nbReori;
+ SMESH_CATCH( SMESH::throwCorbaException );
+ return 0;
* \brief Fuse neighbour triangles into quadrangles.
const SMESH::DirStruct& theDirection,
CORBA::Long theFace,
const SMESH::PointStruct& thePoint) throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ /*!
+ * \brief Reorient faces basing on orientation of adjacent volumes.
+ * \param faces - a list of objects containing face to reorient
+ * \param volumes - an object containing volumes.
+ * \param outsideNormal - to orient faces to have their normal
+ * pointing either \a outside or \a inside the adjacent volumes.
+ * \return number of reoriented faces.
+ */
+ CORBA::Long Reorient2DBy3D(const SMESH::ListOfIDSources & faces,
+ SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr volumes,
+ CORBA::Boolean outsideNormal)
+ throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
// Split/Join faces
CORBA::Boolean TriToQuad (const SMESH::long_array & IDsOfElements,
theFace = -1
return self.editor.Reorient2D( the2DObject, theDirection, theFace, thePoint )
+ ## Reorient faces according to adjacent volumes.
+ # @param the2DObject is a mesh, sub-mesh, group or list of
+ # either IDs of faces or face groups.
+ # @param the3DObject is a mesh, sub-mesh, group or list of IDs of volumes.
+ # @param theOutsideNormal to orient faces to have their normals
+ # pointing either \a outside or \a inside the adjacent volumes.
+ # @return number of reoriented faces.
+ # @ingroup l2_modif_changori
+ def Reorient2DBy3D(self, the2DObject, the3DObject, theOutsideNormal=True ):
+ unRegister = genObjUnRegister()
+ # check the2DObject
+ if not isinstance( the2DObject, list ):
+ the2DObject = [ the2DObject ]
+ elif the2DObject and isinstance( the2DObject[0], int ):
+ the2DObject = self.GetIDSource( the2DObject, SMESH.FACE )
+ unRegister.set( the2DObject )
+ the2DObject = [ the2DObject ]
+ for i,obj2D in enumerate( the2DObject ):
+ if isinstance( obj2D, Mesh ):
+ the2DObject[i] = obj2D.GetMesh()
+ if isinstance( obj2D, list ):
+ the2DObject[i] = self.GetIDSource( obj2D, SMESH.FACE )
+ unRegister.set( the2DObject[i] )
+ # check the3DObject
+ if isinstance( the3DObject, Mesh ):
+ the3DObject = the3DObject.GetMesh()
+ if isinstance( the3DObject, list ):
+ the3DObject = self.GetIDSource( the3DObject, SMESH.VOLUME )
+ unRegister.set( the3DObject )
+ return self.editor.Reorient2DBy3D( the2DObject, the3DObject, theOutsideNormal )
## Fuses the neighbouring triangles into quadrangles.
# @param IDsOfElements The triangles to be fused,
# @param theCriterion is a numerical functor, in terms of enum SMESH.FunctorType, used to