-void pqExtractGroupPanel::aLev4HasBeenFired()
- pqTreeWidgetItemObject *zeItem(qobject_cast<pqTreeWidgetItemObject *>(sender()));
- if(!zeItem)
- return;
- pqTreeWidgetItemObject *father(dynamic_cast<pqTreeWidgetItemObject *>(zeItem->QTreeWidgetItem::parent()));
- if(!father)
- return ;
- if(zeItem->isChecked())
- {
- // This part garantees that all leaves having not the same father than zeItem are desactivated
- foreach(pqTreeWidgetItemObject* elt,this->_all_lev4)
- {
- QTreeWidgetItem *testFath(elt->QTreeWidgetItem::parent());
- if(testFath!=father)
- if(elt->isChecked())
- elt->setChecked(false);
- }
- //If all leaves are checked the father is check too
- bool allItemsAreChked(true);
- for(int i=0;i<father->childCount() && allItemsAreChked;i++)
- {
- pqTreeWidgetItemObject *elt(dynamic_cast<pqTreeWidgetItemObject *>(father->child(i)));
- if(elt && !elt->isChecked())
- allItemsAreChked=false;
- }
- if(allItemsAreChked && !father->isChecked())
- father->setChecked(true);
- }
- else
- {
- // if all are unchecked - check it again
- bool allItemsAreUnChked(true);
- foreach(pqTreeWidgetItemObject* elt,this->_all_lev4)
- {
- if(elt && elt->isChecked())
- allItemsAreUnChked=false;
- }
- if(allItemsAreUnChked)
- zeItem->setChecked(true);// OK zeItem was required to be unchecked but as it is the last one. Recheck it !
- else
- {// if all items are uncheked inside a same parent - uncheck the parent
- allItemsAreUnChked=true;
- for(int i=0;i<father->childCount() && allItemsAreUnChked;i++)
- {
- pqTreeWidgetItemObject *elt(dynamic_cast<pqTreeWidgetItemObject *>(father->child(i)));
- if(elt && elt->isChecked())
- allItemsAreUnChked=false;
- }
- if(allItemsAreUnChked && father->isChecked())
- father->setChecked(false);
- }
- }
std::map<std::string,int> pqExtractGroupPanel::DeduceMapOfFamilyFromSIL(vtkMutableDirectedGraph *graph)
std::map<std::string,int> ret;