if ( !myBTimer )
- myBTimer = (QTimer*)1; // block reation on creation of new application
- restoreBackup();
- myBTimer = 0;
+ QString anHDFName;
+ QStringList anArgs = QCoreApplication::arguments();
+ QStringList::const_iterator anArgsIt = anArgs.constBegin();
+ for ( ; anArgsIt != anArgs.constEnd(); anArgsIt++ )
+ {
+ QString anArg = *anArgsIt;
+ QFileInfo aFileInfo( anArg );
+ if ( aFileInfo.exists() && aFileInfo.suffix().toLower() == "hdf" )
+ {
+ anHDFName = anArg;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !anHDFName.isEmpty() && app && app->useFile( anHDFName ) )
+ {
+ //Remove backup folders if it exists
+ QDir tmpDir( QDir::tempPath() );
+ QString pref = getBPrefix();
+ QFileInfoList aFolders = tmpDir.entryInfoList( QStringList() << QString( pref + "*" ),
+ QDir::Dirs );
+ QFileInfoList::const_iterator aFoldersIt = aFolders.constBegin();
+ for ( ; aFoldersIt != aFolders.constEnd(); ++aFoldersIt )
+ Qtx::rmDir( (*aFoldersIt).absoluteFilePath() );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //Try to restore backup
+ myBTimer = (QTimer*)1; // block reaction on creation of new application
+ restoreBackup();
+ myBTimer = 0;
+ }