+++ /dev/null
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-import os
-import sys
-import glob
-import subprocess
-import re
-Define a specific exception class to manage exceptions related to SalomeRunner
-class SalomeRunnerException(Exception):
- """Report error messages to the user interface of SalomeRunner."""
-def __listDirectory(path):
- allFiles = []
- for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
- configFileNames = glob.glob(os.path.join(root,'*.cfg')) + glob.glob(os.path.join(root,'*.sh'))
- allFiles += configFileNames
- return allFiles
-def __getConfigFileNamesDefault():
- absoluteAppliPath = os.getenv('ABSOLUTE_APPLI_PATH','')
- if not absoluteAppliPath:
- return []
- envdDir = absoluteAppliPath + '/env.d'
- if not os.path.isdir(envdDir):
- return []
- return __listDirectory(envdDir)
-def getConfigFileNames(args, checkExistence=False):
- # special case: configuration files are provided by user
- # Search for command-line argument(s) --config=file1,file2,..., filen
- # Search for command-line argument(s) --config=dir1,dir2,..., dirn
- configOptionPrefix = "--config="
- configArgs = [ str(x) for x in args if str(x).startswith(configOptionPrefix) ]
- if len(configArgs) == 0:
- return __getConfigFileNamesDefault(), args, []
- args = [ x for x in args if not x.startswith(configOptionPrefix) ]
- allLists = [ x.replace(configOptionPrefix, '') for x in configArgs ]
- configFileNames = []
- unexisting = []
- for currentList in allLists:
- elements = currentList.split(',')
- for elt in elements:
- elt = os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser(elt))
- if os.path.isdir(elt):
- configFileNames += __listDirectory(elt)
- else:
- if checkExistence and not os.path.isfile(elt):
- unexisting += [elt]
- else:
- configFileNames += [elt]
- return configFileNames, args, unexisting
-# Return an array of dictionaries {script_name: [list_of_its_args]}
-def getScriptsAndArgs(args=[]):
- # Syntax of args: script.py [args:a1,a2=val,an] ... script.py [args:a1,a2=val,an]
- scriptArgs = []
- currentKey = None
- argsPrefix = "args:"
- callPython = False
- currentScript = None
- for i in range(len(args)):
- elt = args[i]
- if elt.startswith(argsPrefix):
- if not currentKey or callPython:
- raise SalomeRunnerException("args list must follow corresponding script file in command line.")
- elt = elt.replace(argsPrefix, '')
- scriptArgs[len(scriptArgs)-1][currentKey] = elt.split(",")
- currentKey = None
- callPython = False
- elif elt.startswith("python"):
- callPython = True
- elif os.path.isfile(elt) or os.path.isfile(elt+".py"):
- if elt[-4:] != ".hdf":
- if elt[-3:] == ".py":
- currentScript = os.path.abspath(elt)
- elif os.path.isfile(elt+".py"):
- currentScript = os.path.abspath(elt+".py")
- else:
- currentScript = os.path.abspath(elt) # python script not necessary has .py extension
- pass
- if currentScript and callPython:
- currentKey = "python "+currentScript
- scriptArgs.append({currentKey:[]})
- callPython = False
- elif currentScript:
- if not os.access(currentScript, os.X_OK):
- currentKey = "python "+currentScript
- scriptArgs.append({currentKey:[]})
- else:
- ispython = False
- try:
- fn = open(currentScript)
- for i in xrange(10): # read only 10 first lines
- ln = fn.readline()
- if re.search("#!.*python"):
- ispython = True
- break
- pass
- fn.close()
- except:
- pass
- if not ispython and currentScript[-3:] == ".py":
- currentKey = "python "+currentScript
- else:
- currentKey = currentScript
- pass
- scriptArgs.append({currentKey:[]})
- # end for loop
- return scriptArgs
-# Formatting scripts and args as a Bash-like command-line:
-# script1.py [args] ; script2.py [args] ; ...
-def formatScriptsAndArgs(scriptArgs=[]):
- commands = []
- for sc_dict in scriptArgs:
- for script, sc_args in sc_dict.items(): # single entry
- cmd = script
- if sc_args:
- cmd = cmd + " " + " ".join(sc_args)
- commands.append(cmd)
- command = "; ".join(["%s"%x for x in commands])
- return command
-# Ensure OMNIORB_USER_PATH is defined. This variable refers to a the folder in which
-# SALOME will write omniOrb configuration files.
-# If OMNIORB_USER_PATH is already set, only checks write access to associated directory ;
-# an exception is raised if check fails. It allows users for choosing a specific folder.
-# Else the function sets OMNIORB_USER_PATH this way:
-# - If APPLI environment variable is set, OMNIORB_USER_PATH is set to ${APPLI}/USERS.
-# The function does not check USERS folder existence or wrute access. This folder
-# must exist ; this is the case if SALOME virtual application has been create using
-# appli_gen.py script.
-# - Else OMNIORB_USER_PATH is set to user home directory.
-def setOmniOrbUserPath():
- omniorbUserPath = os.getenv("OMNIORB_USER_PATH")
- if omniorbUserPath:
- if not os.access(omniorbUserPath, os.W_OK):
- raise Exception("Unable to get write access to directory: %s"%omniorbUserPath)
- pass
- else:
- homePath = os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser('~'))
- #defaultOmniorbUserPath = os.path.join(homePath, ".salomeConfig/USERS")
- defaultOmniorbUserPath = homePath
- if os.getenv("APPLI"):
- defaultOmniorbUserPath = os.path.join(homePath, os.getenv("APPLI"), "USERS")
- pass
- os.environ["OMNIORB_USER_PATH"] = defaultOmniorbUserPath