if (!isActiveOperationAborted())
QObjectPtrList anObjects = mySelector->selection()->selectedObjects();
+ // check whether the object can be deleted
+ bool anAllPartActivated = true;
+ {
+ DocumentPtr aRootDoc = ModelAPI_Session::get()->moduleDocument();
+ int aSize = aRootDoc->size(ModelAPI_ResultPart::group());
+ for (int i = 0; i < aSize && anAllPartActivated; i++) {
+ ObjectPtr aObject = aRootDoc->object(ModelAPI_ResultPart::group(), i);
+ ResultPartPtr aPart = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_ResultPart>(aObject);
+ anAllPartActivated = aPart->isActivated();
+ }
+ }
+ if (!anAllPartActivated) {
+ SessionPtr aMgr = ModelAPI_Session::get();
+ DocumentPtr aModuleDoc = aMgr->moduleDocument();
+ bool aFoundPartSetObject = false;
+ foreach (ObjectPtr aObj, anObjects) {
+ aFoundPartSetObject = aObj->document() == aModuleDoc;
+ }
+ if (aFoundPartSetObject)
+ QMessageBox::critical(myMainWindow, tr("Warning"), tr("Some Part documents are not loaded. It is not possible to perform the operation because the selected objects can be used in the documents."));
+ }
bool hasResult = false;
bool hasFeature = false;
bool hasParameter = false;
// get all opened documents; found features in the documents;
// get a list of objects where a feature refers;
// search in these objects the deleted objects.
+ SessionPtr aMgr = ModelAPI_Session::get();
std::list<DocumentPtr> anOpenedDocs = aMgr->allOpenedDocuments();
std::list<DocumentPtr>::const_iterator anIt = anOpenedDocs.begin(),
aLast = anOpenedDocs.end();