--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*-coding:utf-8 -*
+import CoreFlows as cf
+import cdmath
+import sys
+def SinglePhase_2DSphericalExplosion_HEXAGON(inputfile):
+ my_mesh = cdmath.Mesh(inputfile)
+ if( my_mesh.getSpaceDimension()!=2 or my_mesh.getMeshDimension()!=2) :
+ raise ValueError("Wrong space or mesh dimension : space and mesh dimensions should be 2")
+ spaceDim=2
+ # Initial field data
+ nVar=2+spaceDim;
+ radius=0.5;
+ Center=cdmath.Vector(spaceDim);#default value is (0,0,0)
+ Vout = cdmath.Vector(nVar)
+ Vin = cdmath.Vector(nVar)
+ Pmin=100e5
+ Pmax=155e5
+ InitialTemperature = 563
+ Vin[0]=Pmax
+ Vin[1]=0;
+ Vin[2]=0;
+ Vin[3]=InitialTemperature
+ Vout[0]=Pmin;
+ Vout[1]=0;
+ Vout[2]=0;
+ Vout[3]=InitialTemperature
+ myProblem = cf.SinglePhase(cf.Liquid,cf.around155bars600K,spaceDim);
+ # Initial field creation
+ print ("Setting mesh and initial data" ) ;
+ myProblem.setInitialFieldSphericalStepFunction( my_mesh, Vin, Vout, radius, Center);
+ # set the boundary conditions
+ wallVelocityX=0;
+ wallVelocityY=0;
+ wallTemperature=InitialTemperature;
+ myProblem.setWallBoundaryCondition("BoundaryFaces", wallTemperature, wallVelocityX, wallVelocityY);
+ # set the numerical method
+ myProblem.setNumericalScheme(cf.upwind, cf.Explicit);
+ # name file save
+ fileName = "2DSphericalExplosion_HEXAGON";
+ # parameters calculation
+ MaxNbOfTimeStep = 400 ;
+ freqSave = 25;
+ cfl = 0.5;
+ maxTime = 5;
+ precision = 1e-6;
+ myProblem.setCFL(cfl);
+ myProblem.setPrecision(precision);
+ myProblem.setMaxNbOfTimeStep(MaxNbOfTimeStep);
+ myProblem.setTimeMax(maxTime);
+ myProblem.setFreqSave(freqSave);
+ myProblem.setFileName(fileName);
+ myProblem.setNewtonSolver(precision,20);
+ myProblem.saveConservativeField(True);
+ myProblem.setSaveFileFormat(cf.MED)
+ # evolution
+ myProblem.initialize();
+ masseInitiale = abs( myProblem.getDensityField().integral()[0] )
+ initialTotalEnergy=abs(myProblem.getTotalEnergyField().integral()[0] )
+ ok = myProblem.run();
+ if (ok):
+ print( "Simulation python " + fileName + " is successful !" );
+ pass
+ else:
+ print( "Simulation python " + fileName + " failed ! " );
+ pass
+ print( "------------ End of calculation !!! -----------" );
+ # Control of the results
+ PressureField=myProblem.getPressureField()
+ print( "La pression est bornée par le maximum de pression initiale : PressureField.max() < InitialPressure.max()" )
+ assert PressureField.max() < Pmax
+ temperatureField=myProblem.getTemperatureField()
+ print("La température est constante à 0.1 % près : erreur relative = ", max(abs(temperatureField.max() - InitialTemperature),abs(temperatureField.min() - InitialTemperature))/InitialTemperature )
+ assert abs(temperatureField.max() - InitialTemperature)/InitialTemperature < 0.001
+ assert abs(temperatureField.min() - InitialTemperature)/InitialTemperature < 0.001
+ densityField=myProblem.getDensityField()
+ print("La masse totale est conservée au zero machine près : erreur relative = ", abs( (abs(densityField.integral()[0]) - masseInitiale)/masseInitiale ) )
+ assert abs( (abs(densityField.integral()[0]) - masseInitiale)/masseInitiale ) < 1e-14
+ totalEnergyField=myProblem.getTotalEnergyField()
+ print("L'énergie totale est conservée au zero machine près : erreur relative = ", abs( (abs(totalEnergyField.integral()[0]) - initialTotalEnergy)/initialTotalEnergy ) )
+ assert abs( (abs(totalEnergyField.integral()[0]) - initialTotalEnergy)/initialTotalEnergy ) < 1e-13
+ myProblem.terminate();
+ return ok
+if __name__ == """__main__""":
+ if len(sys.argv) > 1 :
+ inputfile=sys.argv[1]
+ SinglePhase_2DSphericalExplosion_HEXAGON(inputfile)
+ else :
+ raise ValueError("Error : Expecting a mesh file name argument")