- * This method returns all node ids used in \b this. The data array returned has to be dealt by the caller.
- * The returned node ids are sortes ascendingly. This method is closed to MEDCouplingUMesh::getNodeIdsInUse except
- * the format of returned DataArrayInt instance.
+ * This method returns all node ids used in the connectivity of \b this. The data array returned has to be dealt by the caller.
+ * The returned node ids are sorted ascendingly. This method is close to MEDCouplingUMesh::getNodeIdsInUse except
+ * the format of the returned DataArrayInt instance.
* \return a newly allocated DataArrayInt sorted ascendingly of fetched node ids.
* \sa MEDCouplingUMesh::getNodeIdsInUse, areAllNodesFetched
- * This method find in \b this cells ids that lie on mesh \b otherDimM1OnSameCoords.
+ * This method finds in \b this the cell ids that lie on mesh \b otherDimM1OnSameCoords.
* \b this and \b otherDimM1OnSameCoords have to lie on the same coordinate array pointer. The coherency of that coords array with connectivity
* of \b this and \b otherDimM1OnSameCoords is not important here because this method works only on connectivity.
* this->getMeshDimension() - 1 must be equal to otherDimM1OnSameCoords.getMeshDimension()
- * s0 is the cells ids set in \b this lying on at least one node in fetched nodes in \b otherDimM1OnSameCoords.
- * This method method returns cells ids set s = s1 + s2 where :
+ * s0 is the cell ids set in \b this lying on at least one node in the fetched nodes in \b otherDimM1OnSameCoords.
+ * This method returns the cells ids set s = s1 + s2 where:
* - s1 are cells ids in \b this whose dim-1 constituent equals a cell in \b otherDimM1OnSameCoords.
* - s2 are cells ids in \b s0 - \b s1 whose at least two neighbors are in s1.
* \throw if \b otherDimM1OnSameCoords is not part of constituent of \b this, or if coordinate pointer of \b this and \b otherDimM1OnSameCoords
* are not same, or if this->getMeshDimension()-1!=otherDimM1OnSameCoords.getMeshDimension()
- * \param [out] cellIdsRk0 a newly allocated array containing cells ids in \b this containg s0 in above algorithm.
- * \param [out] cellIdsRk1 a newly allocated array containing cells ids of s1+s2 \b into \b cellIdsRk0 subset. To get absolute ids of s1+s2 simply invoke
+ * \param [out] cellIdsRk0 a newly allocated array containing the cell ids of s0 (which are cell ids of \b this) in the above algorithm.
+ * \param [out] cellIdsRk1 a newly allocated array containing the cell ids of s1+s2 \b into the \b cellIdsRk0 subset. To get the absolute ids of s1+s2, simply invoke
* cellIdsRk1->transformWithIndArr(cellIdsRk0->begin(),cellIdsRk0->end());
void MEDCouplingUMesh::findCellIdsLyingOn(const MEDCouplingUMesh& otherDimM1OnSameCoords, DataArrayInt *&cellIdsRk0, DataArrayInt *&cellIdsRk1) const
MEDCouplingAutoRefCountObjectPtr<MEDCouplingUMesh> m0Part2=static_cast<MEDCouplingUMesh *>(buildPartOfMySelf(cellIdsRk1->begin(),cellIdsRk1->end(),true));
+ int nCells2 = m0Part2->getNumberOfCells();
MEDCouplingAutoRefCountObjectPtr<DataArrayInt> desc00=DataArrayInt::New(),descI00=DataArrayInt::New(),revDesc00=DataArrayInt::New(),revDescI00=DataArrayInt::New();
MEDCouplingAutoRefCountObjectPtr<MEDCouplingUMesh> m01=m0Part2->buildDescendingConnectivity(desc00,descI00,revDesc00,revDescI00);
+ // Neighbor information of the mesh without considering the crack (serves to count how many connex pieces it is made of)
+ DataArrayInt *tmp00=0,*tmp11=0;
+ MEDCouplingUMesh::ComputeNeighborsOfCellsAdv(desc00,descI00,revDesc00,revDescI00, tmp00, tmp11);
+ MEDCouplingAutoRefCountObjectPtr<DataArrayInt> neighInit00(tmp00);
+ MEDCouplingAutoRefCountObjectPtr<DataArrayInt> neighIInit00(tmp11);
+ // Neighbor information of the mesh WITH the crack (some neighbors are removed):
DataArrayInt *idsTmp=0;
bool b=m01->areCellsIncludedIn(&otherDimM1OnSameCoords,2,idsTmp);
MEDCouplingAutoRefCountObjectPtr<DataArrayInt> ids(idsTmp);
throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("MEDCouplingUMesh::findNodesToDuplicate : the given mdim-1 mesh in other is not a constituent of this !");
+ // In the neighbor information remove the connection between high dimension cells and its low level constituents which are part
+ // of the frontier given in parameter (i.e. the cells of low dimension from the group delimiting the crack):
DataArrayInt *tmp0=0,*tmp1=0;
+ // Compute the neighbor of each cell in m0Part2, taking into account the broken link above. Two
+ // cells on either side of the crack (defined by the mesh of low dimension) are not neighbor anymore.
MEDCouplingAutoRefCountObjectPtr<DataArrayInt> neigh00(tmp0);
MEDCouplingAutoRefCountObjectPtr<DataArrayInt> neighI00(tmp1);
- MEDCouplingAutoRefCountObjectPtr<DataArrayInt> cellsToModifyConn0_torenum=MEDCouplingUMesh::ComputeSpreadZoneGradually(neigh00,neighI00);
+ // For each initial connex part of the sub-mesh (or said differently for each independent crack):
+ int seed = 0, nIter = 0;
+ int nIterMax = nCells2+1; // Safety net for the loop
+ bool * hitCells = new bool[nCells2];
+ for (int iii=0; iii<nCells2; iii++) hitCells[iii] = false;
+ MEDCouplingAutoRefCountObjectPtr<DataArrayInt> cellsToModifyConn0_torenum = DataArrayInt::New();
+ cellsToModifyConn0_torenum->alloc(0,1);
+ while (nIter < nIterMax)
+ {
+ if (std::find(hitCells, hitCells+nCells2, false) == hitCells+nCells2)
+ break;
+ // Connex zone without the crack (to compute the next seed really)
+ int dnu;
+ MEDCouplingAutoRefCountObjectPtr<DataArrayInt> connexCheck = MEDCouplingUMesh::ComputeSpreadZoneGraduallyFromSeed(&seed, &seed+1, neighInit00,neighIInit00, -1, dnu);
+ int cnt = 0;
+ for (int * ptr = connexCheck->getPointer(); cnt < connexCheck->getNumberOfTuples(); ptr++, cnt++)
+ hitCells[*ptr] = true;
+ // Connex zone WITH the crack (to identify cells lying on either part of the crack)
+ MEDCouplingAutoRefCountObjectPtr<DataArrayInt> spreadZone = MEDCouplingUMesh::ComputeSpreadZoneGraduallyFromSeed(&seed, &seed+1, neigh00,neighI00, -1, dnu);
+ cellsToModifyConn0_torenum = DataArrayInt::Aggregate(cellsToModifyConn0_torenum, spreadZone, 0);
+ // Compute next seed, i.e. a cell in another connex part:
+ MEDCouplingAutoRefCountObjectPtr<DataArrayInt> comple = cellsToModifyConn0_torenum->buildComplement(nCells2);
+ seed = comple->getIJ(0,0);
+ nIter++;
+ }
+ delete[] hitCells;
+ if (nIter >= nIterMax)
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("MEDCouplingUMesh::findNodesToDuplicate(): internal error - too many iterations.");
MEDCouplingAutoRefCountObjectPtr<DataArrayInt> cellsToModifyConn1_torenum=cellsToModifyConn0_torenum->buildComplement(neighI00->getNumberOfTuples()-1);
* This method works on a pair input (\b arrIn, \b arrIndxIn) where \b arr indexes is in \b arrIndxIn.
* This method expects that these two input arrays come from the output of MEDCouplingUMesh::computeNeighborsOfCells method.
- * This method start from id 0 that will be contained in output DataArrayInt. It searches then all neighbors of id0 regarding arrIn[arrIndxIn[0]:arrIndxIn[0+1]].
+ * This method start from id 0 that will be contained in output DataArrayInt. It searches then all neighbors of id0 looking at arrIn[arrIndxIn[0]:arrIndxIn[0+1]].
* Then it is repeated recursively until either all ids are fetched or no more ids are reachable step by step.
* A negative value in \b arrIn means that it is ignored.
* This method is useful to see if a mesh is contiguous regarding its connectivity. If it is not the case the size of returned array is different from arrIndxIn->getNumberOfTuples()-1.
+ def testDuplicateNodesOnM1Group3(self):
+ """ Test duplicateNodesOnM1Group() with *non-connex* cracks """
+ fname = "Pyfile73.med"
+ m = MEDCouplingCMesh.New()
+ m.setCoordsAt(0, DataArrayDouble([0.0,1.1,2.3,3.6,5.0]))
+ m.setCoordsAt(1, DataArrayDouble([0.,1.,2.]))
+ m = m.buildUnstructured(); m.setName("simple")
+ m2 = m.buildDescendingConnectivity()[0]
+ m2.setName(m.getName())
+ # A crack in two non connected parts of the mesh:
+ grpSeg = DataArrayInt([2,11]) ; grpSeg.setName("Grp")
+ mm = MEDFileUMesh.New()
+ mm.setMeshAtLevel(0,m)
+ mm.setMeshAtLevel(-1,m2)
+ mm.setGroupsAtLevel(-1,[grpSeg])
+ nodes, cellsMod, cellsNotMod = mm.duplicateNodesOnM1Group("Grp")
+ self.assertEqual([5,9],nodes.getValues());
+ self.assertEqual([0,3],cellsMod.getValues());
+ self.assertEqual([4,7],cellsNotMod.getValues());
+ self.assertEqual(17,mm.getNumberOfNodes())
+ self.assertEqual([2,11],mm.getGroupArr(-1,"Grp").getValues())
+ self.assertEqual([22,23],mm.getGroupArr(-1,"Grp_dup").getValues())
+ ref0=[4, 1, 0, 15, 6, 4, 4, 3, 8, 16]
+ ref1=[4, 6, 5, 10, 11, 4, 9, 8, 13, 14]
+ self.assertEqual(ref0,mm.getMeshAtLevel(0)[[0,3]].getNodalConnectivity().getValues())
+ self.assertEqual(ref1,mm.getMeshAtLevel(0)[[4,7]].getNodalConnectivity().getValues())
+ self.assertRaises(InterpKernelException,mm.getGroup(-1,"Grp_dup").checkGeoEquivalWith,mm.getGroup(-1,"Grp"),2,1e-12);# Grp_dup and Grp are not equal considering connectivity only
+ mm.getGroup(-1,"Grp_dup").checkGeoEquivalWith(mm.getGroup(-1,"Grp"),12,1e-12)# Grp_dup and Grp are equal considering connectivity and coordinates
+ refValues=DataArrayDouble([1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4])
+ valsToTest=mm.getMeshAtLevel(0).getMeasureField(True).getArray() ; delta=(valsToTest-refValues) ; delta.abs()
+ self.assertTrue(delta.getMaxValue()[0]<1e-12)
+ #
+ mm.getCoords()[-len(nodes):]+=[0.,-0.3]
+ self.assertRaises(InterpKernelException,mm.getGroup(-1,"Grp_dup").checkGeoEquivalWith,mm.getGroup(-1,"Grp"),12,1e-12);
+ refValues2=refValues[:] ; refValues2[0] = 0.935; refValues2[3] = 1.19
+ valsToTest=mm.getMeshAtLevel(0).getMeasureField(True).getArray() ; delta=(valsToTest-refValues2) ; delta.abs()
+ self.assertTrue(delta.getMaxValue()[0]<1e-12)
+ mm.write(fname,2)
def testBasicConstructors(self):
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ unittest.main()