typecast = tuple,
message = "Liste de calculs supplémentaires à stocker et/ou effectuer",
listval = [
+ "Analysis",
+ "CostFunctionJAtCurrentOptimum",
+ "CostFunctionJbAtCurrentOptimum",
+ "CostFunctionJoAtCurrentOptimum",
+ "CurrentOptimum",
- "Innovation",
+ "IndexOfOptimum",
+ "InnovationAtCurrentState",
+ "PredictedState",
+ "SimulatedObservationAtCurrentOptimum",
+ "SimulatedObservationAtCurrentState",
# Précalcul des inversions de B et R
# ----------------------------------
- if self._parameters["StoreInternalVariables"] or \
- self._toStore("CostFunctionJ") or \
- self._toStore("CostFunctionJb") or \
- self._toStore("CostFunctionJo") or \
- self._toStore("APosterioriCovariance"):
+ if self._parameters["StoreInternalVariables"] \
+ or self._toStore("CostFunctionJ") \
+ or self._toStore("CostFunctionJb") \
+ or self._toStore("CostFunctionJo") \
+ or self._toStore("APosterioriCovariance"):
BI = B.getI()
RI = R.getI()
BIdemi = B.choleskyI()
for i in range(__m):
Xn[:,i] = Xn_predicted[:,i] + K * (Yo[:,i] - HX_predicted[:,i])
+ del Yo, PfHT, HPfHT
Xa = Xn.mean(axis=1, dtype=mfp)
- self.StoredVariables["Analysis"].store( Xa )
- del Yo, PfHT, HPfHT
- if self._parameters["StoreInternalVariables"] or \
- self._toStore("CostFunctionJ") or \
- self._toStore("CostFunctionJb") or \
- self._toStore("CostFunctionJo") or \
- self._toStore("APosterioriCovariance") or \
- self._toStore("Innovation"):
- d = Ynpu - numpy.asmatrix(numpy.ravel( H((Xa, Un)) )).T
- self.StoredVariables["Innovation"].store( d )
if self._parameters["StoreInternalVariables"] \
- or self._toStore("CurrentState"):
- self.StoredVariables["CurrentState"].store( Xn )
- if self._parameters["StoreInternalVariables"] or \
- self._toStore("CostFunctionJ") or \
- self._toStore("CostFunctionJb") or \
- self._toStore("CostFunctionJo") or \
- self._toStore("APosterioriCovariance"):
- Jb = 0.5 * (Xa - Xb).T * BI * (Xa - Xb)
- Jo = 0.5 * d.T * RI * d
- J = float( Jb ) + float( Jo )
+ or self._toStore("CostFunctionJ") \
+ or self._toStore("CostFunctionJb") \
+ or self._toStore("CostFunctionJo") \
+ or self._toStore("APosterioriCovariance") \
+ or self._toStore("InnovationAtCurrentState") \
+ or self._toStore("SimulatedObservationAtCurrentState") \
+ or self._toStore("SimulatedObservationAtCurrentOptimum"):
+ _HX = numpy.asmatrix(numpy.ravel( H((Xa, Un)) )).T
+ _Innovation = Ynpu - _HX
+ #
+ self.StoredVariables["Analysis"].store( Xa )
+ if self._parameters["StoreInternalVariables"] \
+ or self._toStore("CurrentState") \
+ or self._toStore("CurrentOptimum"):
+ self.StoredVariables["CurrentState"].store( Xa )
+ if self._toStore("BMA"):
+ self.StoredVariables["BMA"].store( Xn_predicted - Xa )
+ if self._toStore("InnovationAtCurrentState"):
+ self.StoredVariables["InnovationAtCurrentState"].store( _Innovation )
+ if self._toStore("SimulatedObservationAtCurrentState") \
+ or self._toStore("SimulatedObservationAtCurrentOptimum"):
+ self.StoredVariables["SimulatedObservationAtCurrentState"].store( _HX )
+ if self._parameters["StoreInternalVariables"] \
+ or self._toStore("CostFunctionJ") \
+ or self._toStore("CostFunctionJb") \
+ or self._toStore("CostFunctionJo") \
+ or self._toStore("CurrentOptimum") \
+ or self._toStore("APosterioriCovariance"):
+ Jb = float( 0.5 * (Xa - Xb).T * BI * (Xa - Xb) )
+ Jo = float( 0.5 * _Innovation.T * RI * _Innovation )
+ J = Jb + Jo
self.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJb"].store( Jb )
self.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJo"].store( Jo )
self.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJ" ].store( J )
+ #
+ if self._toStore("IndexOfOptimum") \
+ or self._toStore("CurrentOptimum") \
+ or self._toStore("CostFunctionJAtCurrentOptimum") \
+ or self._toStore("CostFunctionJbAtCurrentOptimum") \
+ or self._toStore("CostFunctionJoAtCurrentOptimum") \
+ or self._toStore("SimulatedObservationAtCurrentOptimum"):
+ IndexMin = numpy.argmin( self.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJ"][nbPreviousSteps:] ) + nbPreviousSteps
+ if self._toStore("IndexOfOptimum"):
+ self.StoredVariables["IndexOfOptimum"].store( IndexMin )
+ if self._toStore("CurrentOptimum"):
+ self.StoredVariables["CurrentOptimum"].store( self.StoredVariables["CurrentState"][IndexMin] )
+ if self._toStore("SimulatedObservationAtCurrentOptimum"):
+ self.StoredVariables["SimulatedObservationAtCurrentOptimum"].store( self.StoredVariables["SimulatedObservationAtCurrentState"][IndexMin] )
+ if self._toStore("CostFunctionJbAtCurrentOptimum"):
+ self.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJbAtCurrentOptimum"].store( self.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJb"][IndexMin] )
+ if self._toStore("CostFunctionJoAtCurrentOptimum"):
+ self.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJoAtCurrentOptimum"].store( self.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJo"][IndexMin] )
+ if self._toStore("CostFunctionJAtCurrentOptimum"):
+ self.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJAtCurrentOptimum" ].store( self.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJ" ][IndexMin] )
if self._toStore("APosterioriCovariance"):
Ht = HO["Tangent"].asMatrix(ValueForMethodForm = Xa)
Ht = Ht.reshape(__p,__n) # ADAO & check shape
Pf = (1./(__m-1)) * Pf
Pn = (1. - K * Ht) * Pf
self.StoredVariables["APosterioriCovariance"].store( Pn )
- if J < previousJMinimum:
+ if self._parameters["EstimationOf"] == "Parameters" \
+ and J < previousJMinimum:
previousJMinimum = J
- Xa = Xn
- covarianceXa = Pn
+ # Inutile ici : Xa = Xa
+ covarianceXa = Pn
- # Stockage supplementaire de l'optimum en estimation de parametres
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Stockage final supplémentaire de l'optimum en estimation de paramètres
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
if self._parameters["EstimationOf"] == "Parameters":
self.StoredVariables["Analysis"].store( Xa.A1 )
if self._toStore("APosterioriCovariance"):
self.StoredVariables["APosterioriCovariance"].store( covarianceXa )
- #
- if self._toStore("BMA"):
- self.StoredVariables["BMA"].store( numpy.ravel(Xb) - numpy.ravel(Xa) )
+ if self._toStore("BMA"):
+ self.StoredVariables["BMA"].store( numpy.ravel(Xb) - numpy.ravel(Xa) )
return 0
typecast = tuple,
message = "Liste de calculs supplémentaires à stocker et/ou effectuer",
listval = [
+ "Analysis",
- "CurrentState",
+ "CostFunctionJAtCurrentOptimum",
+ "CostFunctionJbAtCurrentOptimum",
- "Innovation",
+ "CostFunctionJoAtCurrentOptimum",
+ "CurrentOptimum",
+ "CurrentState",
+ "IndexOfOptimum",
+ "InnovationAtCurrentState",
+ "SimulatedObservationAtCurrentOptimum",
+ "SimulatedObservationAtCurrentState",
self.defineRequiredParameter( # Pas de type
message = "Liste des valeurs de bornes",
- mandatory= ("Xb", "Y", "HO", "R", "B" ),
+ mandatory= ("Xb", "Y", "HO", "R", "B"),
optional = ("U", "EM", "CM", "Q"),
if self._parameters["StoreInternalVariables"] \
or self._toStore("CostFunctionJ") \
or self._toStore("CostFunctionJb") \
- or self._toStore("CostFunctionJo"):
+ or self._toStore("CostFunctionJo") \
+ or self._toStore("CurrentOptimum") \
+ or self._toStore("APosterioriCovariance"):
BI = B.getI()
RI = R.getI()
Xn_predicted = numpy.min(numpy.hstack((Xn_predicted,numpy.asmatrix(self._parameters["Bounds"])[:,1])),axis=1)
if self._parameters["EstimationOf"] == "State":
- d = Ynpu - numpy.asmatrix(numpy.ravel( Hm( (Xn_predicted, None) ) )).T
+ _HX = numpy.asmatrix(numpy.ravel( Hm( (Xn_predicted, None) ) )).T
+ _Innovation = Ynpu - _HX
elif self._parameters["EstimationOf"] == "Parameters":
- d = Ynpu - numpy.asmatrix(numpy.ravel( Hm( (Xn_predicted, Un) ) )).T
+ _HX = numpy.asmatrix(numpy.ravel( Hm( (Xn_predicted, Un) ) )).T
+ _Innovation = Ynpu - _HX
if Cm is not None and Un is not None: # Attention : si Cm est aussi dans H, doublon !
- d = d - Cm * Un
+ _Innovation = _Innovation - Cm * Un
_A = R + numpy.dot(Ht, Pn_predicted * Ha)
- _u = numpy.linalg.solve( _A , d )
+ _u = numpy.linalg.solve( _A , _Innovation )
Xn = Xn_predicted + Pn_predicted * Ha * _u
Kn = Pn_predicted * Ha * (R + numpy.dot(Ht, Pn_predicted * Ha)).I
Pn = Pn_predicted - Kn * Ht * Pn_predicted
- self.StoredVariables["Analysis"].store( Xn.A1 )
- if self._toStore("APosterioriCovariance"):
- self.StoredVariables["APosterioriCovariance"].store( Pn )
- if self._toStore("Innovation"):
- self.StoredVariables["Innovation"].store( numpy.ravel( d.A1 ) )
+ self.StoredVariables["Analysis"].store( Xn )
if self._parameters["StoreInternalVariables"] \
- or self._toStore("CurrentState"):
+ or self._toStore("CurrentState") \
+ or self._toStore("CurrentOptimum"):
self.StoredVariables["CurrentState"].store( Xn )
- if self._parameters["StoreInternalVariables"] \
- or self._toStore("PredictedState"):
+ if self._toStore("PredictedState"):
self.StoredVariables["PredictedState"].store( Xn_predicted )
+ if self._toStore("BMA"):
+ self.StoredVariables["BMA"].store( Xn_predicted - Xn )
+ if self._toStore("InnovationAtCurrentState"):
+ self.StoredVariables["InnovationAtCurrentState"].store( _Innovation )
+ if self._toStore("SimulatedObservationAtCurrentState") \
+ or self._toStore("SimulatedObservationAtCurrentOptimum"):
+ self.StoredVariables["SimulatedObservationAtCurrentState"].store( _HX )
if self._parameters["StoreInternalVariables"] \
or self._toStore("CostFunctionJ") \
or self._toStore("CostFunctionJb") \
- or self._toStore("CostFunctionJo"):
- Jb = 0.5 * (Xn - Xb).T * BI * (Xn - Xb)
- Jo = 0.5 * d.T * RI * d
- J = float( Jb ) + float( Jo )
+ or self._toStore("CostFunctionJo") \
+ or self._toStore("CurrentOptimum") \
+ or self._toStore("APosterioriCovariance"):
+ Jb = float( 0.5 * (Xn - Xb).T * BI * (Xn - Xb) )
+ Jo = float( 0.5 * _Innovation.T * RI * _Innovation )
+ J = Jb + Jo
self.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJb"].store( Jb )
self.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJo"].store( Jo )
self.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJ" ].store( J )
- if J < previousJMinimum:
+ if self._parameters["EstimationOf"] == "Parameters" \
+ and J < previousJMinimum:
previousJMinimum = J
Xa = Xn
- if self._toStore("APosterioriCovariance"):
- covarianceXa = Pn
- else:
- Xa = Xn
- #
+ if self._toStore("APosterioriCovariance"): covarianceXa = Pn
+ #
+ if self._toStore("IndexOfOptimum") \
+ or self._toStore("CurrentOptimum") \
+ or self._toStore("CostFunctionJAtCurrentOptimum") \
+ or self._toStore("CostFunctionJbAtCurrentOptimum") \
+ or self._toStore("CostFunctionJoAtCurrentOptimum") \
+ or self._toStore("SimulatedObservationAtCurrentOptimum"):
+ IndexMin = numpy.argmin( self.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJ"][nbPreviousSteps:] ) + nbPreviousSteps
+ if self._toStore("IndexOfOptimum"):
+ self.StoredVariables["IndexOfOptimum"].store( IndexMin )
+ if self._toStore("CurrentOptimum"):
+ self.StoredVariables["CurrentOptimum"].store( self.StoredVariables["CurrentState"][IndexMin] )
+ if self._toStore("SimulatedObservationAtCurrentOptimum"):
+ self.StoredVariables["SimulatedObservationAtCurrentOptimum"].store( self.StoredVariables["SimulatedObservationAtCurrentState"][IndexMin] )
+ if self._toStore("CostFunctionJbAtCurrentOptimum"):
+ self.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJbAtCurrentOptimum"].store( self.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJb"][IndexMin] )
+ if self._toStore("CostFunctionJoAtCurrentOptimum"):
+ self.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJoAtCurrentOptimum"].store( self.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJo"][IndexMin] )
+ if self._toStore("CostFunctionJAtCurrentOptimum"):
+ self.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJAtCurrentOptimum" ].store( self.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJ" ][IndexMin] )
+ if self._toStore("APosterioriCovariance"):
+ self.StoredVariables["APosterioriCovariance"].store( Pn )
- # Stockage supplementaire de l'optimum en estimation de parametres
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Stockage final supplémentaire de l'optimum en estimation de paramètres
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
if self._parameters["EstimationOf"] == "Parameters":
self.StoredVariables["Analysis"].store( Xa.A1 )
if self._toStore("APosterioriCovariance"):
self.StoredVariables["APosterioriCovariance"].store( covarianceXa )
- #
- if self._toStore("BMA"):
- self.StoredVariables["BMA"].store( numpy.ravel(Xb) - numpy.ravel(Xa) )
+ if self._toStore("BMA"):
+ self.StoredVariables["BMA"].store( numpy.ravel(Xb) - numpy.ravel(Xa) )
return 0
typecast = tuple,
message = "Liste de calculs supplémentaires à stocker et/ou effectuer",
listval = [
+ "Analysis",
- "CurrentState",
+ "CostFunctionJAtCurrentOptimum",
+ "CostFunctionJbAtCurrentOptimum",
- "Innovation",
+ "CostFunctionJoAtCurrentOptimum",
+ "CurrentOptimum",
+ "CurrentState",
+ "IndexOfOptimum",
+ "InnovationAtCurrentState",
+ "SimulatedObservationAtCurrentOptimum",
+ "SimulatedObservationAtCurrentState",
- mandatory= ("Xb", "Y", "HO", "R", "B" ),
+ mandatory= ("Xb", "Y", "HO", "R", "B"),
optional = ("U", "EM", "CM", "Q"),
if self._parameters["StoreInternalVariables"] \
or self._toStore("CostFunctionJ") \
or self._toStore("CostFunctionJb") \
- or self._toStore("CostFunctionJo"):
+ or self._toStore("CostFunctionJo") \
+ or self._toStore("CurrentOptimum") \
+ or self._toStore("APosterioriCovariance"):
BI = B.getI()
RI = R.getI()
Pn_predicted = Pn
if self._parameters["EstimationOf"] == "State":
- d = Ynpu - Ht * Xn_predicted
+ _HX = Ht * Xn_predicted
+ _Innovation = Ynpu - _HX
elif self._parameters["EstimationOf"] == "Parameters":
- d = Ynpu - Ht * Xn_predicted
+ _HX = Ht * Xn_predicted
+ _Innovation = Ynpu - _HX
if Cm is not None and Un is not None: # Attention : si Cm est aussi dans H, doublon !
- d = d - Cm * Un
+ _Innovation = _Innovation - Cm * Un
_A = R + numpy.dot(Ht, Pn_predicted * Ha)
- _u = numpy.linalg.solve( _A , d )
+ _u = numpy.linalg.solve( _A , _Innovation )
Xn = Xn_predicted + Pn_predicted * Ha * _u
Kn = Pn_predicted * Ha * (R + numpy.dot(Ht, Pn_predicted * Ha)).I
Pn = Pn_predicted - Kn * Ht * Pn_predicted
- self.StoredVariables["Analysis"].store( Xn.A1 )
- if self._toStore("APosterioriCovariance"):
- self.StoredVariables["APosterioriCovariance"].store( Pn )
- if self._toStore("Innovation"):
- self.StoredVariables["Innovation"].store( numpy.ravel( d.A1 ) )
+ self.StoredVariables["Analysis"].store( Xn )
if self._parameters["StoreInternalVariables"] \
- or self._toStore("CurrentState"):
+ or self._toStore("CurrentState") \
+ or self._toStore("CurrentOptimum"):
self.StoredVariables["CurrentState"].store( Xn )
- if self._parameters["StoreInternalVariables"] \
- or self._toStore("PredictedState"):
+ if self._toStore("PredictedState"):
self.StoredVariables["PredictedState"].store( Xn_predicted )
+ if self._toStore("BMA"):
+ self.StoredVariables["BMA"].store( Xn_predicted - Xn )
+ if self._toStore("InnovationAtCurrentState"):
+ self.StoredVariables["InnovationAtCurrentState"].store( _Innovation )
+ if self._toStore("SimulatedObservationAtCurrentState") \
+ or self._toStore("SimulatedObservationAtCurrentOptimum"):
+ self.StoredVariables["SimulatedObservationAtCurrentState"].store( _HX )
if self._parameters["StoreInternalVariables"] \
or self._toStore("CostFunctionJ") \
or self._toStore("CostFunctionJb") \
- or self._toStore("CostFunctionJo"):
- Jb = 0.5 * (Xn - Xb).T * BI * (Xn - Xb)
- Jo = 0.5 * d.T * RI * d
- J = float( Jb ) + float( Jo )
+ or self._toStore("CostFunctionJo") \
+ or self._toStore("CurrentOptimum") \
+ or self._toStore("APosterioriCovariance"):
+ Jb = float( 0.5 * (Xn - Xb).T * BI * (Xn - Xb) )
+ Jo = float( 0.5 * _Innovation.T * RI * _Innovation )
+ J = Jb + Jo
self.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJb"].store( Jb )
self.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJo"].store( Jo )
self.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJ" ].store( J )
- if J < previousJMinimum:
+ if self._parameters["EstimationOf"] == "Parameters" \
+ and J < previousJMinimum:
previousJMinimum = J
Xa = Xn
- if self._toStore("APosterioriCovariance"):
- covarianceXa = Pn
- else:
- Xa = Xn
- #
+ if self._toStore("APosterioriCovariance"): covarianceXa = Pn
+ #
+ if self._toStore("IndexOfOptimum") \
+ or self._toStore("CurrentOptimum") \
+ or self._toStore("CostFunctionJAtCurrentOptimum") \
+ or self._toStore("CostFunctionJbAtCurrentOptimum") \
+ or self._toStore("CostFunctionJoAtCurrentOptimum") \
+ or self._toStore("SimulatedObservationAtCurrentOptimum"):
+ IndexMin = numpy.argmin( self.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJ"][nbPreviousSteps:] ) + nbPreviousSteps
+ if self._toStore("IndexOfOptimum"):
+ self.StoredVariables["IndexOfOptimum"].store( IndexMin )
+ if self._toStore("CurrentOptimum"):
+ self.StoredVariables["CurrentOptimum"].store( self.StoredVariables["CurrentState"][IndexMin] )
+ if self._toStore("SimulatedObservationAtCurrentOptimum"):
+ self.StoredVariables["SimulatedObservationAtCurrentOptimum"].store( self.StoredVariables["SimulatedObservationAtCurrentState"][IndexMin] )
+ if self._toStore("CostFunctionJbAtCurrentOptimum"):
+ self.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJbAtCurrentOptimum"].store( self.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJb"][IndexMin] )
+ if self._toStore("CostFunctionJoAtCurrentOptimum"):
+ self.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJoAtCurrentOptimum"].store( self.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJo"][IndexMin] )
+ if self._toStore("CostFunctionJAtCurrentOptimum"):
+ self.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJAtCurrentOptimum" ].store( self.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJ" ][IndexMin] )
+ if self._toStore("APosterioriCovariance"):
+ self.StoredVariables["APosterioriCovariance"].store( Pn )
- # Stockage supplementaire de l'optimum en estimation de parametres
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Stockage final supplémentaire de l'optimum en estimation de paramètres
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
if self._parameters["EstimationOf"] == "Parameters":
self.StoredVariables["Analysis"].store( Xa.A1 )
if self._toStore("APosterioriCovariance"):
self.StoredVariables["APosterioriCovariance"].store( covarianceXa )
- #
- if self._toStore("BMA"):
- self.StoredVariables["BMA"].store( numpy.ravel(Xb) - numpy.ravel(Xa) )
+ if self._toStore("BMA"):
+ self.StoredVariables["BMA"].store( numpy.ravel(Xb) - numpy.ravel(Xa) )
return 0
typecast = tuple,
message = "Liste de calculs supplémentaires à stocker et/ou effectuer",
listval = [
+ "Analysis",
- "CurrentState",
- "Innovation",
+ "CurrentState",
+ "InnovationAtCurrentState",
self.defineRequiredParameter( # Pas de type
# Initialisation
# --------------
Xn = Xb
- if hasattr(B,"asfullmatrix"):
- Pn = B.asfullmatrix(Xn.size)
- else:
- Pn = B
+ if hasattr(B,"asfullmatrix"): Pn = B.asfullmatrix(Xn.size)
+ else: Pn = B
self.StoredVariables["Analysis"].store( Xn.A1 )
if self._toStore("APosterioriCovariance"):
self.StoredVariables["Analysis"].store( Xn.A1 )
if self._toStore("APosterioriCovariance"):
self.StoredVariables["APosterioriCovariance"].store( Pn )
- if self._toStore("Innovation"):
- self.StoredVariables["Innovation"].store( numpy.ravel( d.A1 ) )
+ if self._toStore("InnovationAtCurrentState"):
+ self.StoredVariables["InnovationAtCurrentState"].store( numpy.ravel( d.A1 ) )
if self._parameters["StoreInternalVariables"] \
or self._toStore("CurrentState"):
self.StoredVariables["CurrentState"].store( Xn )
covarianceXa = Pn
Xa = Xn
- #
# Stockage supplementaire de l'optimum en estimation de parametres
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
self.StoredVariables["Analysis"].store( Xa.A1 )
if self._toStore("APosterioriCovariance"):
self.StoredVariables["APosterioriCovariance"].store( covarianceXa )
- #
- if self._toStore("BMA"):
- self.StoredVariables["BMA"].store( numpy.ravel(Xb) - numpy.ravel(Xa) )
+ if self._toStore("BMA"):
+ self.StoredVariables["BMA"].store( numpy.ravel(Xb) - numpy.ravel(Xa) )
return 0