GEOM::GEOM_Object_var aGeomObj;
TopoDS_Shape S = TopoDS_Shape();
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aSObj = myStudy->FindObjectID( entry.c_str() );
- SALOMEDS::GenericAttribute_var anAttr;
- if (!aSObj->_is_nil() && aSObj->FindAttribute(anAttr, "AttributeIOR")) {
- SALOMEDS::AttributeIOR_var anIOR = SALOMEDS::AttributeIOR::_narrow(anAttr);
- CORBA::String_var aVal = anIOR->Value();
- CORBA::Object_var obj = myStudy->ConvertIORToObject(aVal);
+ if (!aSObj->_is_nil()) {
+ CORBA::Object_var obj = aSObj->GetObject();
aGeomObj = GEOM::GEOM_Object::_narrow(obj);
+ aSObj->UnRegister();
if ( !aGeomObj->_is_nil() )
S = smeshGen_i->GeomObjectToShape( );
const BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis* hyp,
cadsurf_session_t * css,
precad_session_t * pcs,
- SMESH_Mesh& mesh,
+ const TopoDS_Shape& GeomShape,
bool * use_precad
// Clear map so that it is not stored in the algorithm with old enforced vertices in it
- double diagonal = mesh.GetShapeDiagonalSize();
+ double diagonal = SMESH_Mesh::GetShapeDiagonalSize( GeomShape );
double bbSegmentation = _gen->GetBoundaryBoxSegmentation();
int _physicalMesh = BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultPhysicalMesh();
int _geometricMesh = BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultGeometricMesh();
_physicalMesh = (int) hyp->GetPhysicalMesh();
_geometricMesh = (int) hyp->GetGeometricMesh();
- if (hyp->GetPhySize() > 0)
- _phySize = hyp->GetPhySize();
- _phySizeRel = hyp->IsPhySizeRel();
- if (hyp->GetMinSize() > 0)
- _minSize = hyp->GetMinSize();
- _minSizeRel = hyp->IsMinSizeRel();
- if (hyp->GetMaxSize() > 0)
- _maxSize = hyp->GetMaxSize();
- _maxSizeRel = hyp->IsMaxSizeRel();
- if (hyp->GetGradation() > 0)
- _gradation = hyp->GetGradation();
+ if (hyp->GetPhySize() > 0) {
+ _phySize = hyp->GetPhySize();
+ // if user size is not explicitly specified, "relative" flag is ignored
+ _phySizeRel = hyp->IsPhySizeRel();
+ }
+ if (hyp->GetMinSize() > 0) {
+ _minSize = hyp->GetMinSize();
+ // if min size is not explicitly specified, "relative" flag is ignored
+ _minSizeRel = hyp->IsMinSizeRel();
+ }
+ if (hyp->GetMaxSize() > 0) {
+ _maxSize = hyp->GetMaxSize();
+ // if max size is not explicitly specified, "relative" flag is ignored
+ _maxSizeRel = hyp->IsMaxSizeRel();
+ }
+ if (hyp->GetGradation() > 0)
+ _gradation = hyp->GetGradation();
_quadAllowed = hyp->GetQuadAllowed();
if (hyp->GetAngleMesh() > 0)
_angleMesh = hyp->GetAngleMesh();
for ( opIt = opts.begin(); opIt != opts.end(); ++opIt )
if ( !opIt->second.empty() ) {
MESSAGE("cadsurf_set_param(): " << opIt->first << " = " << opIt->second);
- cadsurf_set_param(css, opIt->first.c_str(), opIt->second.c_str());
+ set_param(css, opIt->first.c_str(), opIt->second.c_str());
const BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TOptionValues & preCADopts = hyp->GetPreCADOptionValues();
switch (_physicalMesh)
case BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::PhysicalGlobalSize:
- cadsurf_set_param(css, "physical_size_mode", "global");
- cadsurf_set_param(css, "global_physical_size", _phySizeRel ? to_string_rel(_phySize).c_str() : to_string(_phySize).c_str());
+ set_param(css, "physical_size_mode", "global");
+ set_param(css, "global_physical_size", _phySizeRel ? to_string_rel(_phySize).c_str() : to_string(_phySize).c_str());
case BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::PhysicalLocalSize:
- cadsurf_set_param(css, "physical_size_mode", "local");
- cadsurf_set_param(css, "global_physical_size", _phySizeRel ? to_string_rel(_phySize).c_str() : to_string(_phySize).c_str());
+ set_param(css, "physical_size_mode", "local");
+ set_param(css, "global_physical_size", _phySizeRel ? to_string_rel(_phySize).c_str() : to_string(_phySize).c_str());
useGradation = true;
- cadsurf_set_param(css, "physical_size_mode", "none");
+ set_param(css, "physical_size_mode", "none");
switch (_geometricMesh)
case BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::GeometricalGlobalSize:
- cadsurf_set_param(css, "geometric_size_mode", "global");
- cadsurf_set_param(css, "geometric_approximation", to_string(_angleMesh).c_str());
- cadsurf_set_param(css, "chordal_error", to_string(_chordalError).c_str());
+ set_param(css, "geometric_size_mode", "global");
+ set_param(css, "geometric_approximation", to_string(_angleMesh).c_str());
+ set_param(css, "chordal_error", to_string(_chordalError).c_str());
useGradation = true;
case BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::GeometricalLocalSize:
- cadsurf_set_param(css, "geometric_size_mode", "local");
- cadsurf_set_param(css, "geometric_approximation", to_string(_angleMesh).c_str());
- cadsurf_set_param(css, "chordal_error", to_string(_chordalError).c_str());
+ set_param(css, "geometric_size_mode", "local");
+ set_param(css, "geometric_approximation", to_string(_angleMesh).c_str());
+ set_param(css, "chordal_error", to_string(_chordalError).c_str());
useGradation = true;
- cadsurf_set_param(css, "geometric_size_mode", "none");
+ set_param(css, "geometric_size_mode", "none");
- cadsurf_set_param(css, "minsize", _minSizeRel ? to_string_rel(_minSize).c_str() : to_string(_minSize).c_str());
- cadsurf_set_param(css, "maxsize", _maxSizeRel ? to_string_rel(_maxSize).c_str() : to_string(_maxSize).c_str());
- if ( useGradation )
- cadsurf_set_param(css, "gradation", to_string(_gradation).c_str());
- cadsurf_set_param(css, "element_generation", _quadAllowed ? "quad_dominant" : "triangle");
+ if ( hyp && hyp->GetPhySize() > 0 ) {
+ // user size is explicitly specified via hypothesis parameters
+ // min and max sizes should be compared with explicitly specified user size
+ // - compute absolute min size
+ double mins = _minSizeRel ? _minSize * diagonal : _minSize;
+ // - min size should not be greater than user size
+ if ( _phySize < mins )
+ set_param(css, "min_size", _phySizeRel ? to_string_rel(_phySize).c_str() : to_string(_phySize).c_str());
+ else
+ set_param(css, "min_size", _minSizeRel ? to_string_rel(_minSize).c_str() : to_string(_minSize).c_str());
+ // - compute absolute max size
+ double maxs = _maxSizeRel ? _maxSize * diagonal : _maxSize;
+ // - max size should not be less than user size
+ if ( _phySize > maxs )
+ set_param(css, "max_size", _phySizeRel ? to_string_rel(_phySize).c_str() : to_string(_phySize).c_str());
+ else
+ set_param(css, "max_size", _maxSizeRel ? to_string_rel(_maxSize).c_str() : to_string(_maxSize).c_str());
+ }
+ else {
+ // user size is not explicitly specified
+ // - if minsize is not explicitly specified, we pass default value computed automatically, in this case "relative" flag is ignored
+ set_param(css, "min_size", _minSizeRel ? to_string_rel(_minSize).c_str() : to_string(_minSize).c_str());
+ // - if maxsize is not explicitly specified, we pass default value computed automatically, in this case "relative" flag is ignored
+ set_param(css, "max_size", _maxSizeRel ? to_string_rel(_maxSize).c_str() : to_string(_maxSize).c_str());
+ }
+ if ( useGradation )
+ set_param(css, "gradation", to_string(_gradation).c_str());
+ set_param(css, "element_generation", _quadAllowed ? "quad_dominant" : "triangle");
- cadsurf_set_param(css, "metric", _anisotropic ? "anisotropic" : "isotropic");
+ set_param(css, "metric", _anisotropic ? "anisotropic" : "isotropic");
if ( _anisotropic )
- cadsurf_set_param(css, "anisotropic_ratio", to_string(_anisotropicRatio).c_str());
- cadsurf_set_param(css, "remove_tiny_edges", _removeTinyEdges ? "1" : "0");
+ set_param(css, "anisotropic_ratio", to_string(_anisotropicRatio).c_str());
+ set_param(css, "remove_tiny_edges", _removeTinyEdges ? "1" : "0");
if ( _removeTinyEdges )
- cadsurf_set_param(css, "tiny_edge_length", to_string(_tinyEdgeLength).c_str());
- cadsurf_set_param(css, "force_bad_surface_element_removal", _badElementRemoval ? "1" : "0");
+ set_param(css, "tiny_edge_length", to_string(_tinyEdgeLength).c_str());
+ set_param(css, "force_bad_surface_element_removal", _badElementRemoval ? "1" : "0");
if ( _badElementRemoval )
- cadsurf_set_param(css, "bad_surface_element_aspect_ratio", to_string(_badElementAspectRatio).c_str());
- cadsurf_set_param(css, "optimisation", _optimizeMesh ? "yes" : "no");
- cadsurf_set_param(css, "element_order", _quadraticMesh ? "quadratic" : "linear");
- cadsurf_set_param(css, "verbose", to_string(_verb).c_str());
+ set_param(css, "bad_surface_element_aspect_ratio", to_string(_badElementAspectRatio).c_str());
+ set_param(css, "optimisation", _optimizeMesh ? "yes" : "no");
+ set_param(css, "element_order", _quadraticMesh ? "quadratic" : "linear");
+ set_param(css, "verbose", to_string(_verb).c_str());
_smp_phy_size = _phySizeRel ? _phySize*diagonal : _phySize;
- std::cout << "_smp_phy_size = " << _smp_phy_size << std::endl;
+ if ( _verb > 0 )
+ std::cout << "_smp_phy_size = " << _smp_phy_size << std::endl;
if (_physicalMesh == BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::PhysicalLocalSize){
TopoDS_Shape GeomShape;
if (useInternalVertexAllFaces) {
std::string grpName = BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::GetInternalEnforcedVertexAllFacesGroup(hyp);
MESSAGE("Setting Internal Enforced Vertices");
- GeomShape = mesh.GetShapeToMesh();
gp_Pnt aPnt;
TopExp_Explorer exp (GeomShape, TopAbs_FACE);
for (; exp.More(); exp.Next()){
+ * \brief Throws an exception if a parameter name is wrong
+ */
+void BLSURFPlugin_BLSURF::set_param(cadsurf_session_t *css,
+ const char * option_name,
+ const char * option_value)
+ status_t status = cadsurf_set_param(css, option_name, option_value );
+ if ( status != MESHGEMS_STATUS_OK )
+ {
+ throw SALOME_Exception
+ ( SMESH_Comment("Invalid name of CADSURF parameter: ") << option_name );
+ }
+ else if ( status == MESHGEMS_STATUS_NOLICENSE )
+ throw SALOME_Exception
+ ( "No valid license available" );
+ else
+ throw SALOME_Exception
+ ( SMESH_Comment("Unacceptable value of CADSURF parameter '")
+ << option_name << "': " << option_value);
+ }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /*!
+ * \brief A structure holding an error description and a verbisity level
+ */
+ struct message_cb_user_data
+ {
+ std::string * _error;
+ int _verbosity;
+ };
} // namespace
context_t *ctx = context_new();
/* Set the message callback in the working context */
- context_set_message_callback(ctx, message_cb, &_comment);
+ message_cb_user_data mcud;
+ mcud._error = & this->SMESH_Algo::_comment;
+ mcud._verbosity =
+ _hypothesis ? _hypothesis->GetVerbosity() : BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultVerbosity();
+ context_set_message_callback(ctx, message_cb, &mcud);
+ /* set the interruption callback */
_compute_canceled = false;
context_set_interrupt_callback(ctx, interrupt_cb, this);
- context_set_interrupt_callback(ctx, interrupt_cb, NULL);
/* create the CAD object we will work on. It is associated to the context ctx. */
cad_t *c = cad_new(ctx);
// #if BLSURF_VERSION_LONG >= "3.1.1"
// c,
// #endif
- _hypothesis, css, pcs, aMesh, &use_precad);
+ _hypothesis, css, pcs, aShape, &use_precad);
MESSAGE("END SetParameters");
haveQuadraticSubMesh = haveQuadraticSubMesh || (_hypothesis != NULL && _hypothesis->GetQuadraticMesh());
message_get_number(msg, &errnumber);
message_get_description(msg, &desc);
string err( desc );
+ message_cb_user_data * mcud = (message_cb_user_data*)user_data;
if ( errnumber < 0 || err.find("license") != string::npos ) {
- string * error = (string*)user_data;
-// if ( !error->empty() )
-// *error += "\n";
// remove ^A from the tail
int len = strlen( desc );
while (len > 0 && desc[len-1] != '\n')
- error->append( desc, len );
+ mcud->_error->append( desc, len );
- else {
- std::cout << desc << std::endl;
+ else if ( mcud->_verbosity > 0 ) {
+ std::cout << desc << std::endl;
return STATUS_OK;
const TopoDS_Shape& aShape,
SMESH_Hypothesis::Hypothesis_Status& aStatus);
- void SetParameters(const BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis* hyp, blsurf_session_t *bls, precad_session_t *pcs, SMESH_Mesh& aMesh, bool *use_precad);
+ void SetParameters(const BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis* hyp, blsurf_session_t *bls, precad_session_t *pcs, const TopoDS_Shape& shape, bool *use_precad);
virtual bool Compute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh, const TopoDS_Shape& aShape);
virtual void CancelCompute();
bool computeCanceled() { return _compute_canceled; }
virtual bool Evaluate(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh, const TopoDS_Shape& aShape,
MapShapeNbElems& aResMap);
bool compute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh,
const TopoDS_Shape& aShape);
+ void set_param(cadsurf_session_t *css,
+ const char * option_name,
+ const char * option_value);
TopoDS_Shape entryToShape(std::string entry);
void createEnforcedVertexOnFace(TopoDS_Shape FaceShape, BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TEnfVertexList enfVertexList);
void Set_NodeOnEdge(SMESHDS_Mesh* meshDS, SMDS_MeshNode* node, const TopoDS_Shape& ed);
SALOMEDS::Study_var myStudy;
SMESH_Gen_i* smeshGen_i;
volatile bool _compute_canceled;
TopoDS_Shape S = TopoDS_Shape();
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aSObj = myStudy->FindObjectID( entry.c_str() );
- SALOMEDS::GenericAttribute_var anAttr;
- if (!aSObj->_is_nil() && aSObj->FindAttribute(anAttr, "AttributeIOR")) {
- SALOMEDS::AttributeIOR_var anIOR = SALOMEDS::AttributeIOR::_narrow(anAttr);
- CORBA::String_var aVal = anIOR->Value();
- CORBA::Object_var obj = myStudy->ConvertIORToObject(aVal);
+ if (!aSObj->_is_nil() ) {
+ CORBA::Object_var obj = aSObj->GetObject();
aGeomObj = GEOM::GEOM_Object::_narrow(obj);
+ aSObj->UnRegister();
if ( !aGeomObj->_is_nil() )
S = smeshGen_i->GeomObjectToShape( );
// ---
#include "BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i.hxx"
-#include "SMESH_Gen.hxx"
-#include "SMESH_Gen_i.hxx"
-#include "SMESH_PythonDump.hxx"
-#include "GEOM_Object.hxx"
-#include "Utils_CorbaException.hxx"
-#include "utilities.h"
+#include <SMESH_Gen.hxx>
+#include <SMESH_Gen_i.hxx>
+#include <SMESH_PythonDump.hxx>
+#include <GEOM_Object.hxx>
+#include <SALOMEDS_wrap.hxx>
+#include <Utils_CorbaException.hxx>
+#include <utilities.h>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <cstring>
-#include "boost/regex.hpp"
+#include <boost/regex.hpp>
void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetMinSize(CORBA::Double theMinSize) {
- if (GetMinSize() != theMinSize) {
+ if (IsMinSizeRel() || GetMinSize() != theMinSize ) {
this->GetImpl()->SetMinSize(theMinSize, false);
SMESH::TPythonDump() << _this() << ".SetMinSize( " << theMinSize << " )";
void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetMinSizeRel(CORBA::Double theMinSize) {
- if ( IsMinSizeRel() && (GetMinSize() != theMinSize) ) {
+ if ( !IsMinSizeRel() || (GetMinSize() != theMinSize) ) {
this->GetImpl()->SetMinSize(theMinSize, true);
SMESH::TPythonDump() << _this() << ".SetMinSize( " << theMinSize << ", isRelative = True )";
void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetMaxSize(CORBA::Double theMaxSize) {
- if (GetMaxSize() != theMaxSize) {
+ if (IsMaxSizeRel() || GetMaxSize() != theMaxSize) {
this->GetImpl()->SetMaxSize(theMaxSize, false);
SMESH::TPythonDump() << _this() << ".SetMaxSize( " << theMaxSize << " )";
void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetMaxSizeRel(CORBA::Double theMaxSize) {
- if ( IsMaxSizeRel() && (GetMaxSize() != theMaxSize) ) {
+ if ( !IsMaxSizeRel() || (GetMaxSize() != theMaxSize) ) {
this->GetImpl()->SetMaxSize(theMaxSize, true);
SMESH::TPythonDump() << _this() << ".SetMaxSize( " << theMaxSize << ", isRelative = True )";
if (theFaceEntry.empty()) {
aName = "Face_";
aName += theFace->GetEntry();
- SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theSFace = geomGen->PublishInStudy(smeshGen->GetCurrentStudy(), NULL, theFace, aName.c_str());
+ SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap theSFace = geomGen->PublishInStudy(smeshGen->GetCurrentStudy(), NULL, theFace, aName.c_str());
if (!theSFace->_is_nil())
theFaceEntry = theSFace->GetID();
if (theAttractor->GetShapeType() == GEOM::COMPOUND)
aName = "Compound_";
aName += theAttractor->GetEntry();
- SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theSAtt = geomGen->PublishInStudy(smeshGen->GetCurrentStudy(), NULL, theAttractor, aName.c_str());
+ SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap theSAtt = geomGen->PublishInStudy(smeshGen->GetCurrentStudy(), NULL, theAttractor, aName.c_str());
if (!theSAtt->_is_nil())
theAttEntry = theSAtt->GetID();
if (theFaceEntry.empty()) {
aName = "Face_";
aName += theFace->GetEntry();
- SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theSFace = geomGen->PublishInStudy(smeshGen->GetCurrentStudy(), NULL, theFace, aName.c_str());
+ SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap theSFace = geomGen->PublishInStudy(smeshGen->GetCurrentStudy(), NULL, theFace, aName.c_str());
if (!theSFace->_is_nil())
theFaceEntry = theSFace->GetID();
if (theFace->GetShapeType() == GEOM::COMPOUND)
aName = "Compound_";
aName += theFace->GetEntry();
- SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theSFace = geomGen->PublishInStudy(smeshGen->GetCurrentStudy(), NULL, theFace, aName.c_str());
+ SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap theSFace = geomGen->PublishInStudy(smeshGen->GetCurrentStudy(), NULL, theFace, aName.c_str());
if (!theSFace->_is_nil())
theFaceEntry = theSFace->GetID();
if (theFace->GetShapeType() == GEOM::COMPOUND)
aName = "Compound_";
aName += theFace->GetEntry();
- SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theSFace = geomGen->PublishInStudy(smeshGen->GetCurrentStudy(), NULL, theFace, aName.c_str());
+ SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap theSFace = geomGen->PublishInStudy(smeshGen->GetCurrentStudy(), NULL, theFace, aName.c_str());
if (!theSFace->_is_nil())
theFaceEntry = theSFace->GetID();
if (theFace->GetShapeType() == GEOM::COMPOUND)
aName = "Compound_";
aName += theFace->GetEntry();
- SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theSFace = geomGen->PublishInStudy(smeshGen->GetCurrentStudy(), NULL, theFace, aName.c_str());
+ SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap theSFace = geomGen->PublishInStudy(smeshGen->GetCurrentStudy(), NULL, theFace, aName.c_str());
if (!theSFace->_is_nil())
theFaceEntry = theSFace->GetID();
if (theVertex->GetShapeType() == GEOM::COMPOUND)
aName = "Compound_";
aName += theVertex->GetEntry();
- SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theSVertex = geomGen->PublishInStudy(smeshGen->GetCurrentStudy(), NULL, theVertex, aName.c_str());
+ SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap theSVertex = geomGen->PublishInStudy(smeshGen->GetCurrentStudy(), NULL, theVertex, aName.c_str());
if (!theSVertex->_is_nil())
theVertexEntry = theSVertex->GetID();
if (theFace->GetShapeType() == GEOM::COMPOUND)
aName = "Compound_";
aName += theFace->GetEntry();
- SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theSFace = geomGen->PublishInStudy(smeshGen->GetCurrentStudy(), NULL, theFace, aName.c_str());
+ SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap theSFace = geomGen->PublishInStudy(smeshGen->GetCurrentStudy(), NULL, theFace, aName.c_str());
if (!theSFace->_is_nil())
theFaceEntry = theSFace->GetID();
if (theFace->GetShapeType() == GEOM::COMPOUND)
aName = "Compound_";
aName += theFace->GetEntry();
- SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theSFace = geomGen->PublishInStudy(smeshGen->GetCurrentStudy(), NULL, theFace, aName.c_str());
+ SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap theSFace = geomGen->PublishInStudy(smeshGen->GetCurrentStudy(), NULL, theFace, aName.c_str());
if (!theSFace->_is_nil())
theFaceEntry = theSFace->GetID();
if (theFace->GetShapeType() == GEOM::COMPOUND)
aName = "Compound_";
aName += theFace->GetEntry();
- SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theSFace = geomGen->PublishInStudy(smeshGen->GetCurrentStudy(), NULL, theFace, aName.c_str());
+ SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap theSFace = geomGen->PublishInStudy(smeshGen->GetCurrentStudy(), NULL, theFace, aName.c_str());
if (!theSFace->_is_nil())
theFaceEntry = theSFace->GetID();
if (theVertex->GetShapeType() == GEOM::COMPOUND)
aName = "Compound_";
aName += theVertex->GetEntry();
- SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theSVertex = geomGen->PublishInStudy(smeshGen->GetCurrentStudy(), NULL, theVertex, aName.c_str());
+ SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap theSVertex = geomGen->PublishInStudy(smeshGen->GetCurrentStudy(), NULL, theVertex, aName.c_str());
if (!theSVertex->_is_nil())
theVertexEntry = theSVertex->GetID();
// if (theFace->GetShapeType() == GEOM::COMPOUND)
// aName = "Compound_";
// aName += theFace->GetEntry();
-// SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theSFace = geomGen->PublishInStudy(smeshGen->GetCurrentStudy(), NULL, theFace, aName.c_str());
+// SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap theSFace = geomGen->PublishInStudy(smeshGen->GetCurrentStudy(), NULL, theFace, aName.c_str());
// if (!theSFace->_is_nil())
// theFaceEntry = theSFace->GetID();
// }
if (theFace->GetShapeType() == GEOM::COMPOUND)
aName = "Compound_";
aName += theFace->GetEntry();
- SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theSFace = geomGen->PublishInStudy(smeshGen->GetCurrentStudy(), NULL, theFace, aName.c_str());
+ SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap theSFace = geomGen->PublishInStudy(smeshGen->GetCurrentStudy(), NULL, theFace, aName.c_str());
if (!theSFace->_is_nil())
theFaceEntry = theSFace->GetID();
if (theFace->GetShapeType() == GEOM::COMPOUND)
aName = "Compound_";
aName += theFace->GetEntry();
- SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theSFace = geomGen->PublishInStudy(smeshGen->GetCurrentStudy(), NULL, theFace, aName.c_str());
+ SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap theSFace = geomGen->PublishInStudy(smeshGen->GetCurrentStudy(), NULL, theFace, aName.c_str());
if (!theSFace->_is_nil())
theFaceEntry = theSFace->GetID();
if (theFace->GetShapeType() == GEOM::COMPOUND)
aName = "Compound_";
aName += theFace->GetEntry();
- SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theSFace = geomGen->PublishInStudy(smeshGen->GetCurrentStudy(), NULL, theFace, aName.c_str());
+ SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap theSFace = geomGen->PublishInStudy(smeshGen->GetCurrentStudy(), NULL, theFace, aName.c_str());
if (!theSFace->_is_nil())
theFaceEntry = theSFace->GetID();
if (theVertex->GetShapeType() == GEOM::COMPOUND)
aName = "Compound_";
aName += theVertex->GetEntry();
- SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theSVertex = geomGen->PublishInStudy(smeshGen->GetCurrentStudy(), NULL, theVertex, aName.c_str());
+ SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap theSVertex = geomGen->PublishInStudy(smeshGen->GetCurrentStudy(), NULL, theVertex, aName.c_str());
if (!theSVertex->_is_nil())
theVertexEntry = theSVertex->GetID();
if (theFace->GetShapeType() == GEOM::COMPOUND)
aName = "Compound_";
aName += theFace->GetEntry();
- SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theSFace = geomGen->PublishInStudy(smeshGen->GetCurrentStudy(), NULL, theFace, aName.c_str());
+ SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap theSFace = geomGen->PublishInStudy(smeshGen->GetCurrentStudy(), NULL, theFace, aName.c_str());
if (!theSFace->_is_nil())
theFaceEntry = theSFace->GetID();
if (theFace->GetShapeType() == GEOM::COMPOUND)
aName = "Compound_";
aName += theFace->GetEntry();
- SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theSFace = geomGen->PublishInStudy(smeshGen->GetCurrentStudy(), NULL, theFace, aName.c_str());
+ SALOMEDS::SObject_wrap theSFace = geomGen->PublishInStudy(smeshGen->GetCurrentStudy(), NULL, theFace, aName.c_str());
if (!theSFace->_is_nil())
theFaceEntry = theSFace->GetID();
h->SetGeometricMesh( (int) h_data.myGeometricMesh );
if ( ((int) h_data.myPhysicalMesh == PhysicalGlobalSize)||((int) h_data.myPhysicalMesh == PhysicalLocalSize) ) {
- if ( h->GetPhySize() != h_data.myPhySize ) {
+ if ( h->GetPhySize() != h_data.myPhySize ||
+ h->IsPhySizeRel() != h_data.myPhySizeRel ) {
if ( h_data.myPhySizeRel )
h->SetPhySizeRel( h_data.myPhySize );
h->SetPhySize( h_data.myPhySize );
- if (h->GetMinSize() != h_data.myMinSize) {
+ if (h->GetMinSize() != h_data.myMinSize ||
+ h->IsMinSizeRel() != h_data.myMinSizeRel ) {
if ( h_data.myMinSizeRel )
h->SetMinSizeRel( h_data.myMinSize <= 0 ? -1 : h_data.myMinSize );
h->SetMinSize( h_data.myMinSize <= 0 ? -1 : h_data.myMinSize );
- if (h->GetMaxSize() != h_data.myMaxSize) {
+ if (h->GetMaxSize() != h_data.myMaxSize ||
+ h->IsMaxSizeRel() != h_data.myMaxSizeRel ) {
if ( h_data.myMaxSizeRel )
h->SetMaxSizeRel( h_data.myMaxSize <= 0 ? -1 : h_data.myMaxSize );
CORBA::Object_var BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator::entryToObject(QString entry)
SMESH_Gen_i* smeshGen_i = SMESH_Gen_i::GetSMESHGen();
- SALOMEDS::Study_ptr myStudy = smeshGen_i->GetCurrentStudy();
+ SALOMEDS::Study_var myStudy = smeshGen_i->GetCurrentStudy();
CORBA::Object_var obj;
- SALOMEDS::GenericAttribute_var anAttr;
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aSObj = myStudy->FindObjectID( entry.toStdString().c_str() );
- if (!aSObj->_is_nil() && aSObj->FindAttribute(anAttr, "AttributeIOR")) {
- SALOMEDS::AttributeIOR_var anIOR = SALOMEDS::AttributeIOR::_narrow(anAttr);
- CORBA::String_var aVal = anIOR->Value();
- obj = myStudy->ConvertIORToObject(aVal);
+ if (!aSObj->_is_nil()) {
+ obj = aSObj->GetObject();
+ aSObj->UnRegister();
return obj;