connect( myValidator, SIGNAL( emptyName() ), SLOT( onEmptyName() ) );
connect( myValidator, SIGNAL( alreadyExists( QString ) ), SLOT( onAlreadyExists( QString ) ) );
+ myPolylineName = new QComboBox( aPage );
myGeomObjects = new QListWidget( aPage );
myGeomObjects->setSelectionMode( QListWidget::SingleSelection );
myGeomObjects->setEditTriggers( QListWidget::NoEditTriggers );
myGeomObjects->setViewMode( QListWidget::ListMode );
myGeomObjects->setSortingEnabled( true );
+ myAvailableGeomObjects = new QListWidget( aPage );
+ myAvailableGeomObjects->setSelectionMode( QListWidget::SingleSelection );
+ myAvailableGeomObjects->setEditTriggers( QListWidget::NoEditTriggers );
+ myAvailableGeomObjects->setViewMode( QListWidget::ListMode );
+ myAvailableGeomObjects->setSortingEnabled( true );
connect( myGeomObjects, SIGNAL( currentTextChanged( const QString & ) ),
SIGNAL( objectSelected( const QString & ) ) );
- QFrame* aBtnsFrame = new QFrame( aPage );
+ QFrame* anObjectsFrame = new QFrame( aPage );
+ QGridLayout* anObjsLayout = new QGridLayout( anObjectsFrame );
+ anObjsLayout->setMargin( 5 );
+ anObjsLayout->setSpacing( 5 );
+ anObjectsFrame->setLayout( anObjsLayout );
+ QFrame* aBtnsFrame = new QFrame( anObjectsFrame );
QVBoxLayout* aBtnsLayout = new QVBoxLayout( aBtnsFrame );
aBtnsLayout->setMargin( 5 );
aBtnsLayout->setSpacing( 5 );
aBtnsFrame->setLayout( aBtnsLayout );
- QPushButton* anAddBtn = new QPushButton( tr("ADD"), aBtnsFrame );
- QPushButton* aRemoveBtn = new QPushButton( tr("REMOVE"), aBtnsFrame );
+ QPushButton* anAddBtn = new QPushButton( tr("INCLUDE"), aBtnsFrame );
+ QPushButton* aRemoveBtn = new QPushButton( tr("EXCLUDE"), aBtnsFrame );
+ // Fill the butons frame with two buttons
aBtnsLayout->addWidget( anAddBtn );
aBtnsLayout->addWidget( aRemoveBtn );
aBtnsLayout->addStretch( 1 );
+ QLabel* anIncludedLabel = new QLabel( tr( "INCLUDED_OBJECTS" ), anObjectsFrame );
+ QLabel* anObjectsLabel = new QLabel( tr( "CALCULATION_REFERENCE_OBJECTS" ), anObjectsFrame );
+ // Fill the objects frame with two lists, two labels and with buttons frame
+ anObjsLayout->addWidget( anObjectsLabel, 0, 0, Qt::AlignHCenter );
+ anObjsLayout->addWidget( anIncludedLabel, 0, 2, Qt::AlignHCenter );
+ anObjsLayout->addWidget( myAvailableGeomObjects, 1, 0, Qt::AlignHCenter );
+ anObjsLayout->addWidget( aBtnsFrame, 1, 1, Qt::AlignHCenter );
+ anObjsLayout->addWidget( myGeomObjects, 1, 2, Qt::AlignHCenter );
QLabel* aNameLabel = new QLabel( tr( "NAME" ), aPage );
- QLabel* anObjectsLabel = new QLabel( tr( "CALCULATION_REFERENCE_OBJECTS" ), aPage );
+ QLabel* aLimitsLabel = new QLabel( tr( "LIMITS" ), aPage );
- QGridLayout* aZonesLayout = new QGridLayout( aPage );
- aZonesLayout->setMargin( 5 );
- aZonesLayout->setSpacing( 5 );
- aZonesLayout->setVerticalSpacing( 10 );
- aZonesLayout->addWidget( aNameLabel, 0, 0, Qt::AlignHCenter );
- aZonesLayout->addWidget( myObjectName, 0, 1 );
- aZonesLayout->addWidget( anObjectsLabel, 1, 0, Qt::AlignHCenter );
- aZonesLayout->addWidget( myGeomObjects, 1, 1, 2, 1 );
- aZonesLayout->addWidget( aBtnsFrame, 2, 0, Qt::AlignHCenter );
+ // Fill the page
+ QGridLayout* aPageLayout = new QGridLayout( aPage );
+ aPageLayout->setMargin( 5 );
+ aPageLayout->setSpacing( 5 );
+ aPageLayout->setVerticalSpacing( 10 );
+ aPageLayout->addWidget( aNameLabel, 0, 0, Qt::AlignHCenter );
+ aPageLayout->addWidget( myObjectName, 0, 1 );
+ aPageLayout->addWidget( aLimitsLabel, 1, 0, Qt::AlignHCenter );
+ aPageLayout->addWidget( myPolylineName, 1, 1 );
+ aPageLayout->addWidget( anObjectsFrame, 2, 0, 1, 2, Qt::AlignHCenter );
- aPage->setLayout( aZonesLayout );
+ aPage->setLayout( aPageLayout );
- connect( anAddBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SIGNAL( addObjects() ) );
- connect( aRemoveBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SIGNAL( removeObjects() ) );
+ connect( anAddBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SIGNAL( addObjects() ) );
+ connect( aRemoveBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SIGNAL( removeObjects() ) );
return aPage;
return myObjectName->text();
-void HYDROGUI_CalculationDlg::setGeomObjects( const QStringList& theObjects )
+void HYDROGUI_CalculationDlg::includeGeomObjects( const QStringList& theObjects )
- myGeomObjects->clear();
+ QList<QListWidgetItem*> aFoundItems;
+ int anIdx;
+ QListWidgetItem* anItem;
for ( int i = 0, n = theObjects.length(); i < n; ++i )
QString anObjName = i );
+ aFoundItems = myAvailableGeomObjects->findItems( anObjName, Qt::MatchExactly );
+ for ( anIdx = 0; anIdx < aFoundItems.length(); anIdx++ )
+ {
+ anItem = anIdx );
+ // Remove this object from available objects list
+ anItem = myAvailableGeomObjects->takeItem( myAvailableGeomObjects->row( anItem ) );
+ // Add the item to the included objects list
+ myGeomObjects->addItem( anItem );
+ }
+ }
- QListWidgetItem* aListItem = new QListWidgetItem( anObjName, myGeomObjects );
+void HYDROGUI_CalculationDlg::excludeGeomObjects( const QStringList& theObjects )
+ QList<QListWidgetItem*> aFoundItems;
+ int anIdx;
+ QListWidgetItem* anItem;
+ for ( int i = 0, n = theObjects.length(); i < n; ++i )
+ {
+ QString anObjName = i );
+ aFoundItems = myGeomObjects->findItems( anObjName, Qt::MatchExactly );
+ for ( anIdx = 0; anIdx < aFoundItems.length(); anIdx++ )
+ {
+ anItem = anIdx );
+ // Remove this object from included objects list
+ anItem = myGeomObjects->takeItem( myGeomObjects->row( anItem ) );
+ // Add the item to the excluded objects list
+ myAvailableGeomObjects->addItem( anItem );
+ }
+ }
+void HYDROGUI_CalculationDlg::setAllGeomObjects( const QStringList& theObjects, const QStringList& theObjectsEntries )
+ myAvailableGeomObjects->clear();
+ for ( int i = 0, n = theObjects.length(); i < n; ++i )
+ {
+ QString anObjName = i );
+ QListWidgetItem* aListItem = new QListWidgetItem( anObjName, myAvailableGeomObjects );
aListItem->setFlags( Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable );
+ aListItem->setData( Qt::UserRole, i ) );
return aResList;
+QStringList HYDROGUI_CalculationDlg::getSelectedAvailableGeomObjects() const
+ QStringList aResList;
+ QList<QListWidgetItem*> aList = myAvailableGeomObjects->selectedItems();
+ for ( int i = 0, n = aList.length(); i < n; ++i )
+ {
+ aResList.append( i )->text() );
+ }
+ return aResList;
void HYDROGUI_CalculationDlg::setEditedObject( const Handle(HYDROData_CalculationCase) theCase )
myEditedObject = theCase;
+ QStringList aList;
+ QStringList anEntryList;
+ HYDROData_SequenceOfObjects aSeq = HYDROGUI_Tool::GetGeometryObjects( module() );
+ getNamesAndEntries( aSeq, aList, anEntryList );
+ aPanel->setAllGeomObjects( aList, anEntryList );
QString anObjectName = HYDROGUI_Tool::GenerateObjectName( module(), "Case" );
if ( !myEditedObject.IsNull() )
anObjectName = myEditedObject->GetName();
- updateGeomObjectsList(aPanel);
+ aSeq = myEditedObject->GetGeometryObjects();
+ getNamesAndEntries( aSeq, aList, anEntryList );
+ aPanel->includeGeomObjects( aList );
-void HYDROGUI_CalculationOp::updateGeomObjectsList( HYDROGUI_CalculationDlg* thePanel ) const
+void HYDROGUI_CalculationOp::getNamesAndEntries( const HYDROData_SequenceOfObjects& theSeq,
+ QStringList& theNames, QStringList& theEntries ) const
Handle(HYDROData_Object) anObject;
Handle(HYDROData_Entity) anEntity;
- QStringList aList;
- // Update the list in the dialog
- HYDROData_SequenceOfObjects aSeq = myEditedObject->GetGeometryObjects();
- HYDROData_SequenceOfObjects::Iterator anIter( aSeq );
+ theNames.clear();
+ theEntries.clear();
+ HYDROData_SequenceOfObjects::Iterator anIter( theSeq );
for ( ; anIter.More(); anIter.Next() )
anEntity = anIter.Value();
anObject = Handle(HYDROData_Object)::DownCast( anEntity );
if ( !anObject.IsNull() )
- aList.append( anObject->GetName() );
+ theNames.append( anObject->GetName() );
+ theEntries.append( HYDROGUI_DataObject::dataObjectEntry( anObject ) );
- thePanel->setGeomObjects( aList );
void HYDROGUI_CalculationOp::abortOperation()
void HYDROGUI_CalculationOp::onAddObjects()
- // Add geometry objects selected in the module browser to the calculation case
- Handle(HYDROData_Object) anObject;
- Handle(HYDROData_Entity) anEntity;
- QStringList aList;
- HYDROData_SequenceOfObjects aSeq = HYDROGUI_Tool::GetSelectedObjects( module() );
- for( Standard_Integer anIndex = 1, aLength = aSeq.Length(); anIndex <= aLength; anIndex++ )
+ HYDROGUI_CalculationDlg* aPanel =
+ ::qobject_cast<HYDROGUI_CalculationDlg*>( inputPanel() );
+ if ( aPanel )
- anEntity = aSeq.Value( anIndex );
- if ( !anEntity.IsNull() )
+ // Add geometry objects selected in the module browser to the calculation case
+ Handle(HYDROData_Object) anObject;
+ Handle(HYDROData_Entity) anEntity;
+ QStringList aList;
+ QStringList aSelectedList = aPanel->getSelectedAvailableGeomObjects();
+ for (int i = 0; i < aSelectedList.length(); i++)
- anObject = Handle(HYDROData_Object)::DownCast( anEntity );
- if( !anObject.IsNull() )
+ anEntity = HYDROGUI_Tool::FindObjectByName( module(), );
+ if ( !anEntity.IsNull() )
- if (myEditedObject->AddGeometryObject( anObject ))
+ anObject = Handle(HYDROData_Object)::DownCast( anEntity );
+ if ( !anObject.IsNull() )
- aList.append( anObject->GetName() );
+ if (myEditedObject->AddGeometryObject( anObject ))
+ {
+ aList.append( anObject->GetName() );
+ }
+ if ( !aList.isEmpty() )
+ {
+ aPanel->includeGeomObjects( aList );
+ createPreview();
+ }
- HYDROGUI_CalculationDlg* aPanel =
- ::qobject_cast<HYDROGUI_CalculationDlg*>( inputPanel() );
- if ( aPanel )
- {
- updateGeomObjectsList( aPanel );
- }
- createPreview();
void HYDROGUI_CalculationOp::onRemoveObjects()
- updateGeomObjectsList( aPanel );
+ if ( !aList.isEmpty() )
+ {
+ aPanel->excludeGeomObjects( aList );
+ }