Keyword to indicate the Desroziers-Ivanov parameter measuring the
background part consistency of the data assimilation optimal state
- estimation.
+ estimation. It can be compared to 1.
Keyword to indicate the Desroziers-Ivanov parameter measuring the
observation part consistency of the data assimilation optimal state
- estimation.
+ estimation. It can be compared to 1.
Keyword to indicate the Mahalanobis parameter measuring the consistency of
- the data assimilation optimal state estimation.
+ the data assimilation optimal state estimation. It can be compared to 1.
The optimal state estimation through a data assimilation or optimization
# ---------------------------------
if "APosterioriCovariance" in self._parameters["StoreSupplementaryCalculations"]:
HtM = H["Tangent"].asMatrix(ValueForMethodForm = Xa)
- HtM = HtM.reshape(len(Y),len(Xa.A1)) # ADAO & check shape
+ HtM = HtM.reshape(Y.size,Xa.size) # ADAO & check shape
HaM = H["Adjoint"].asMatrix(ValueForMethodForm = Xa)
- HaM = HaM.reshape(len(Xa.A1),len(Y)) # ADAO & check shape
+ HaM = HaM.reshape(Xa.size,Y.size) # ADAO & check shape
HessienneI = []
- nb = len(Xa.A1)
+ nb = Xa.size
for i in range(nb):
_ee = numpy.matrix(numpy.zeros(nb)).T
_ee[i] = 1.
HessienneI = numpy.matrix( HessienneI )
A = HessienneI.I
if min(A.shape) != max(A.shape):
- raise ValueError("The 3DVAR a posteriori covariance matrix A is of shape %s, despites it has to be a squared matrix. There is an error in the observation operator."%str(A.shape))
+ raise ValueError("The %s a posteriori covariance matrix A is of shape %s, despites it has to be a squared matrix. There is an error in the observation operator, please check it."%(self._name,str(A.shape)))
+ if (numpy.diag(A) < 0).any():
+ raise ValueError("The %s a posteriori covariance matrix A has at least one negative value on its diagonal. There is an error in the observation operator, please check it."%(self._name,))
if logging.getLogger().level < logging.WARNING: # La verification n'a lieu qu'en debug
L = numpy.linalg.cholesky( A )
- raise ValueError("The 3DVAR a posteriori covariance matrix A is not symmetric positive-definite. Check your B and R a priori covariances.")
+ raise ValueError("The %s a posteriori covariance matrix A is not symmetric positive-definite. Please check your a priori covariances and your observation operator."%(self._name,))
self.StoredVariables["APosterioriCovariance"].store( A )
# Calculs et/ou stockages supplémentaires
if "OMB" in self._parameters["StoreSupplementaryCalculations"]:
self.StoredVariables["OMB"].store( numpy.ravel(d) )
if "SigmaObs2" in self._parameters["StoreSupplementaryCalculations"]:
- self.StoredVariables["SigmaObs2"].store( float( (d.T * (Y-Hm(Xa))) / R.trace() ) )
+ if R is not None:
+ TraceR = R.trace()
+ elif self._parameters["R_scalar"] is not None:
+ TraceR = float(self._parameters["R_scalar"]*Y.size)
+ self.StoredVariables["SigmaObs2"].store( float( (d.T * (numpy.asmatrix(numpy.ravel(Y)).T-numpy.asmatrix(numpy.ravel(Hm(Xa))).T)) ) / TraceR )
if "MahalanobisConsistency" in self._parameters["StoreSupplementaryCalculations"]:
- self.StoredVariables["MahalanobisConsistency"].store( float( 2.*MinJ/len(d) ) )
+ self.StoredVariables["MahalanobisConsistency"].store( float( 2.*MinJ/d.size ) )
logging.debug("%s Taille mémoire utilisée de %.1f Mo"%(self._name, m.getUsedMemory("M")))
logging.debug("%s Terminé"%self._name)
if "APosterioriCovariance" in self._parameters["StoreSupplementaryCalculations"]:
A = B - K * Hm * B
if min(A.shape) != max(A.shape):
- raise ValueError("The 3DVAR a posteriori covariance matrix A is of shape %s, despites it has to be a squared matrix. There is an error in the observation operator."%str(A.shape))
+ raise ValueError("The %s a posteriori covariance matrix A is of shape %s, despites it has to be a squared matrix. There is an error in the observation operator, please check it."%(self._name,str(A.shape)))
+ if (numpy.diag(A) < 0).any():
+ raise ValueError("The %s a posteriori covariance matrix A has at least one negative value on its diagonal. There is an error in the observation operator, please check it."%(self._name,))
if logging.getLogger().level < logging.WARNING: # La verification n'a lieu qu'en debug
L = numpy.linalg.cholesky( A )
- raise ValueError("The BLUE a posteriori covariance matrix A is not symmetric positive-definite. Check your B and R a priori covariances.")
+ raise ValueError("The %s a posteriori covariance matrix A is not symmetric positive-definite. Please check your a priori covariances and your observation operator."%(self._name,))
self.StoredVariables["APosterioriCovariance"].store( A )
# Calculs et/ou stockages supplémentaires
if "OMB" in self._parameters["StoreSupplementaryCalculations"]:
self.StoredVariables["OMB"].store( numpy.ravel(d) )
if "SigmaObs2" in self._parameters["StoreSupplementaryCalculations"]:
- self.StoredVariables["SigmaObs2"].store( float( (d.T * (Y-Hm*Xa)) / R.trace() ) )
+ if R is not None:
+ TraceR = R.trace()
+ elif self._parameters["R_scalar"] is not None:
+ TraceR = float(self._parameters["R_scalar"]*Y.size)
+ self.StoredVariables["SigmaObs2"].store( float( (d.T * (numpy.asmatrix(numpy.ravel(oma)).T)) ) / TraceR )
if "SigmaBck2" in self._parameters["StoreSupplementaryCalculations"]:
self.StoredVariables["SigmaBck2"].store( float( (d.T * Hm * (Xa - Xb))/(Hm * B * Hm.T).trace() ) )
if "MahalanobisConsistency" in self._parameters["StoreSupplementaryCalculations"]:
- self.StoredVariables["MahalanobisConsistency"].store( float( 2.*J/len(d) ) )
+ self.StoredVariables["MahalanobisConsistency"].store( float( 2.*J/d.size ) )
logging.debug("%s Taille mémoire utilisée de %.1f Mo"%(self._name, m.getUsedMemory("M")))
logging.debug("%s Terminé"%self._name)
# de la diagonale de R
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
DiagonaleR = numpy.diag(R)
- EnsembleY = numpy.zeros([len(Y),nb_ens])
- for npar in range(len(DiagonaleR)) :
+ EnsembleY = numpy.zeros([Y.size,nb_ens])
+ for npar in range(DiagonaleR.size) :
bruit = numpy.random.normal(0,DiagonaleR[npar],nb_ens)
EnsembleY[npar,:] = Y[npar] + bruit
EnsembleY = numpy.matrix(EnsembleY)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
if Y.size <= Xb.valueserie(0).size:
if self._parameters["R_scalar"] is not None:
- R = self._parameters["R_scalar"] * numpy.eye(len(Y), dtype=numpy.float)
+ R = self._parameters["R_scalar"] * numpy.eye(Y.size, dtype=numpy.float)
K = B * Ha * (Hm * B * Ha + R).I
K = (Ha * RI * Hm + BI).I * Ha * RI