--- /dev/null
+# Makefile for Sphinx documentation
+# You can set these variables from the command line.
+SPHINXBUILD = sphinx-build
+BUILDDIR = build
+# Internal variables.
+PAPEROPT_a4 = -D latex_paper_size=a4
+PAPEROPT_letter = -D latex_paper_size=letter
+# the i18n builder cannot share the environment and doctrees with the others
+.PHONY: help clean html dirhtml singlehtml pickle json htmlhelp qthelp devhelp epub latex latexpdf text man changes linkcheck doctest gettext
+ @echo "Please use \`make <target>' where <target> is one of"
+ @echo " html to make standalone HTML files"
+ @echo " dirhtml to make HTML files named index.html in directories"
+ @echo " singlehtml to make a single large HTML file"
+ @echo " pickle to make pickle files"
+ @echo " json to make JSON files"
+ @echo " htmlhelp to make HTML files and a HTML help project"
+ @echo " qthelp to make HTML files and a qthelp project"
+ @echo " devhelp to make HTML files and a Devhelp project"
+ @echo " epub to make an epub"
+ @echo " latex to make LaTeX files, you can set PAPER=a4 or PAPER=letter"
+ @echo " latexpdf to make LaTeX files and run them through pdflatex"
+ @echo " text to make text files"
+ @echo " man to make manual pages"
+ @echo " texinfo to make Texinfo files"
+ @echo " info to make Texinfo files and run them through makeinfo"
+ @echo " gettext to make PO message catalogs"
+ @echo " changes to make an overview of all changed/added/deprecated items"
+ @echo " linkcheck to check all external links for integrity"
+ @echo " doctest to run all doctests embedded in the documentation (if enabled)"
+ -rm -rf $(BUILDDIR)/*
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished. The HTML pages are in $(BUILDDIR)/html."
+ $(SPHINXBUILD) -b dirhtml $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/dirhtml
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished. The HTML pages are in $(BUILDDIR)/dirhtml."
+ $(SPHINXBUILD) -b singlehtml $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/singlehtml
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished. The HTML page is in $(BUILDDIR)/singlehtml."
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished; now you can process the pickle files."
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished; now you can process the JSON files."
+ $(SPHINXBUILD) -b htmlhelp $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/htmlhelp
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished; now you can run HTML Help Workshop with the" \
+ ".hhp project file in $(BUILDDIR)/htmlhelp."
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished; now you can run "qcollectiongenerator" with the" \
+ ".qhcp project file in $(BUILDDIR)/qthelp, like this:"
+ @echo "# qcollectiongenerator $(BUILDDIR)/qthelp/toto.qhcp"
+ @echo "To view the help file:"
+ @echo "# assistant -collectionFile $(BUILDDIR)/qthelp/toto.qhc"
+ $(SPHINXBUILD) -b devhelp $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/devhelp
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished."
+ @echo "To view the help file:"
+ @echo "# mkdir -p $$HOME/.local/share/devhelp/toto"
+ @echo "# ln -s $(BUILDDIR)/devhelp $$HOME/.local/share/devhelp/toto"
+ @echo "# devhelp"
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished. The epub file is in $(BUILDDIR)/epub."
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished; the LaTeX files are in $(BUILDDIR)/latex."
+ @echo "Run \`make' in that directory to run these through (pdf)latex" \
+ "(use \`make latexpdf' here to do that automatically)."
+ @echo "Running LaTeX files through pdflatex..."
+ $(MAKE) -C $(BUILDDIR)/latex all-pdf
+ @echo "pdflatex finished; the PDF files are in $(BUILDDIR)/latex."
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished. The text files are in $(BUILDDIR)/text."
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished. The manual pages are in $(BUILDDIR)/man."
+ $(SPHINXBUILD) -b texinfo $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/texinfo
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished. The Texinfo files are in $(BUILDDIR)/texinfo."
+ @echo "Run \`make' in that directory to run these through makeinfo" \
+ "(use \`make info' here to do that automatically)."
+ $(SPHINXBUILD) -b texinfo $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/texinfo
+ @echo "Running Texinfo files through makeinfo..."
+ make -C $(BUILDDIR)/texinfo info
+ @echo "makeinfo finished; the Info files are in $(BUILDDIR)/texinfo."
+ $(SPHINXBUILD) -b gettext $(I18NSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/locale
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished. The message catalogs are in $(BUILDDIR)/locale."
+ $(SPHINXBUILD) -b changes $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/changes
+ @echo
+ @echo "The overview file is in $(BUILDDIR)/changes."
+ $(SPHINXBUILD) -b linkcheck $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/linkcheck
+ @echo
+ @echo "Link check complete; look for any errors in the above output " \
+ "or in $(BUILDDIR)/linkcheck/output.txt."
+ $(SPHINXBUILD) -b doctest $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/doctest
+ @echo "Testing of doctests in the sources finished, look at the " \
+ "results in $(BUILDDIR)/doctest/output.txt."
The virtual application can be configured with the virtual_app section of the configutation file.
-* APPLICATION.virtual_app
+* **APPLICATION.virtual_app**
* **name**: name of the launcher (to replace the default runAppli).
* **application_name**: (optional) the name of the virtual application directory.
Some useful configuration pathes
-* APPLICATION.profile
+* **APPLICATION.profile**
* **product**: the name of the profile product (the product in charge of holding the application stuff, like logos, splashscreen)
* **launcher_name**: the name of the launcher.
-The **prepare** command brings the sources of an application in the SOURCES application directory, in order to compile them with the compile command.
+The **prepare** command brings the sources of an application in the SOURCES
+application directory, in order to compile them with the compile command.
The sources can be prepared from VCS software (*cvs*,*svn*, *git*), an archive or a directory.
-.. warning:: When sat prepares a product, it first removes the existing directory, except if the developement mode is activated.
- When you are working on a product,, you need to declare in the application configuration this product in **dev** mode.
+.. warning:: When sat prepares a product, it first removes the
+ existing directory, except if the development mode is activated.
+ When you are working on a product, you need to declare in
+ the application configuration this product in **dev** mode.
The *prepare* command does not manage authentication on the cvs server.
For example, to prepare modules from a cvs server, you first need to login once.
-To avoid typing a password for each product, you may use a ssh key with passphrase, or store your password (in .cvspass or .gitconfig).
-If you have security concerns, it is also possible to use a bash agent and type your password only once.
+To avoid typing a password for each product,
+you may use a ssh key with passphrase, or store your password
+(in .cvspass or .gitconfig).
+If you have security concerns, it is also possible to use
+a bash agent and type your password only once.
Dev mode
-By default *prepare* uses *export* mode: it creates an image of the sources, corresponding to the tag or branch specified, without any link to the VCS base.
-To perform a *checkout* (svn, cvs) or a *git clone* (git), you need to declare the product in dev mode in your application configuration.
+By default *prepare* uses *export* mode: it creates an image
+of the sources, corresponding to the tag or branch specified,
+without any link to the VCS base.
+To perform a *checkout* (svn, cvs) or a *git clone* (git),
+you need to declare the product in dev mode in your application configuration.
For that, edit the application configuration and modify the product declaration: ::
sat config <application> -e
# edit the product section :
- <product> : {tag : "my_tag", dev : "yes", debug : "yes"}
+ # <product> : {tag : "my_tag", dev : "yes", debug : "yes"}
-The first time you will execute the *sat prepare* command, your module will be downloaded in *checkout* mode (inside the SOURCES directory of the application.
-Then, you can develop in this repository. And push them in the base when they are ready.
-If you type during the development process by mistake a *sat prepare* command, the sources in dev mode will not be altered/removed (Unless you use -f option)
+The first time you will execute the *sat prepare* command,
+your module will be downloaded in *checkout* mode
+(inside the SOURCES directory of the application.
+Then, you can develop in this repository, and finally push
+them in the base when they are ready.
+If you type during the development process by mistake
+a *sat prepare* command, the sources in dev mode will
+not be altered/removed (Unless you use -f option)
sat prepare <application> --products <product1>,<product2> ...
-* Use --force to force to prepare the products in development mode (this will remove the sources and do a new clone/checkout): ::
+* Use --force to force to prepare the products in development mode
+ (this will remove the sources and do a new clone/checkout): ::
sat prepare <application> --force
-* Use --force_patch to force to apply patch to the products in development mode (otherwise they are not applied): ::
+* Use --force_patch to force to apply patch to the products
+ in development mode (otherwise they are not applied): ::
sat prepare <application> --force_patch
Some useful configuration pathes
-* sat prepare uses the pyconf configuration of each product to know how to get the sources.
+Command *sat prepare* uses the file pyconf configuration of each product to know how to get the sources.
- * **get_method**: the method to use to prepare the module, possible values are cvs, git, archive, dir.
- * **git_info**: (used if get_method = git) information to prepare sources from git.
- * **svn_info**: (used if get_method = svn) information to prepare sources from cvs.
- * **cvs_info**: (used if get_method = cvs) information to prepare sources from cvs.
- * **archive_info**: (used if get_method = archive) the path to the archive.
- * **dir_info**: (used if get_method = dir) the directory with the sources.
+* **get_method**: the method to use to prepare the module, possible values are cvs, git, archive, dir.
+* **git_info**: (used if get_method = git) information to prepare sources from git.
+* **svn_info**: (used if get_method = svn) information to prepare sources from cvs.
+* **cvs_info**: (used if get_method = cvs) information to prepare sources from cvs.
+* **archive_info**: (used if get_method = archive) the path to the archive.
+* **dir_info**: (used if get_method = dir) the directory with the sources.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# salomeTools documentation build configuration file, created by
-# sphinx-quickstart on Wed Sep 14 11:55:14 2011.
+# sat documentation build configuration file, created by
+# sphinx-quickstart on Fri Apr 13 10:08:59 2018.
# This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its containing dir.
# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be extensions
# coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom ones.
-extensions = ['sphinx.ext.autodoc']
+extensions = ['sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'sphinx.ext.intersphinx', 'sphinx.ext.todo', 'sphinx.ext.mathjax', 'sphinx.ext.viewcode']
# do not use rst_prolog please use doc/rst_prolog.rst and '.. include:: ../rst_prolog.rst'
# https://github.com/sphinx-doc/sphinx/issues/2445
# General information about the project.
project = u'salomeTools'
-copyright = u'2010-2018, CEA'
+copyright = u'2018, CEA'
# The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for
# |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the
# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for
# a list of builtin themes.
# default sphinxdoc scrolls agogo traditional nature haiku
-html_theme = 'alabaster'
+html_theme = 'alabaster' #added in _theme dir
# Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme
# further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the
# -- Options for LaTeX output --------------------------------------------------
+latex_elements = {
+ # The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper').
+ 'papersize': 'a4paper',
+ # The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt').
+ 'pointsize': '10pt',
+ # Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble.
+ #'preamble': '',
# The paper size ('letter' or 'a4').
-latex_paper_size = 'a4'
+#latex_paper_size = 'a4'
# The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt').
#latex_font_size = '10pt'
# (source start file, target name, title, author, documentclass [howto/manual]).
latex_documents = [
('index', 'salomeTools.tex', u'salomeTools Documentation',
- u'CEA', 'manual'),
+ u'CEA DEN/DANS/DM2S/STMF/LGLS', 'manual'),
# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of
#latex_show_pagerefs = False
# If true, show URL addresses after external links.
-#latex_show_urls = False
+latex_show_urls = True
# Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble.
#latex_preamble = ''
# (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section).
man_pages = [
('index', 'salometools', u'salomeTools Documentation',
- [u'CEA'], 1)
# Append source folder to path in order to enable autodoc
+currentPath = os.path.dirname(__file__)
+print "file conf.py currentPath", currentPath
+sys.path.append(os.path.join(currentPath, '..', '..'))
(options, args) = parser.parse_args(args)
# algorithm
-How to access to salomeTools config and other commands ?
+HowTo access salomeTools config and other commands
-The runner variable is an instance of the Sat class. It gives access to cfg : the data model that is read from all configuration files of salomeTools (*.pyconf) For example, runner.cfg.APPLICATION.out_dir will contain the root directory of the application on which you are working.
+The *runner* variable is an python instance of *Sat* class.
+It gives access to *runner.cfg* : the data model that is read from all
+configuration files of salomeTools (*.pyconf)
+For example, *runner.cfg.APPLICATION.workdir* will
+contain the root directory of the application on which you are working.
-It gives also access to all other commands of salomeTools :
+The *runner* variable gives also access to other commands of salomeTools:
.. code-block:: python
-How to log ?
+HowTo logger
-The logger variable is an instance of the Logger class. It gives access to the write method.
+The logger variable is an instance of the Logger class.
+It gives access to the write method.
-When this method is called, the message passed as parameter will be displayed in the termnial and written in an xml log file.
+When this method is called, the message passed as parameter
+will be displayed in the terminal and written in an xml log file.
.. code-block:: python
logger.write("My message", 3)
-The second argument defines the level of verbosity that is wanted for this message. It has to be between 1 and 5 (the most verbose level).
+The second argument defines the level of verbosity
+that is wanted for this message.
+It has to be between 1 and 5 (the most verbose level).
+HELLO example
-Here is a hello world command :
+Here is a 'hello' command, file *commands/hello.py*:
.. code-block:: python
import src
- # Define all possible option for mycommand command : sat mycommand <options>
+ """
+ hello.py
+ Define all possible options for hello command:
+ sat hello <options>
+ """
parser = src.options.Options()
- parser.add_option('m', 'myoption', 'boolean', 'myoption', "My option changes the behavior of my command.")
+ parser.add_option('f', 'french', 'boolean', 'french', "french set hello message in french.")
def description():
- return _("The help of mycommand.")
+ return _("The help of hello.")
def run(args, runner, logger):
# Parse the options
(options, args) = parser.parse_args(args)
# algorithm
- if options.myoption:
- logger.write('HELLO, WORLD !\n')
+ if not options.french:
+ logger.write('HELLO! WORLD!\n')
- logger.write('WORLD, HELLO !\n')
+ logger.write('Bonjour tout le monde!\n')
-A first call of mycommand:
+A first call of hello:
.. code-block:: bash
- >./sat mycommand --myoption
- Tap the following command to get the log :
- /path/to/salomeTools/sat log
-Another call of mycommand:
-.. code-block:: bash
+ # Get the help of hello:
+ ./sat --help hello
- >./sat mycommand
+ # To get bonjour
+ ./sat hello -f
+ Bonjour tout le monde!
+ # To get hello
+ ./sat hello
- Tap the following command to get the log :
- /path/to/salomeTools/sat log
-Get the help of mycommand:
+ # To get the log
+ ./sat log
-.. code-block:: bash
- >./sat --help mycommand
- Version: 5.0.0dev
- Description:
- The help of mycommand.
- Available options are:
- -m, --myoption (boolean)
- My option changes the behavior of my command.
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+initial imports and utilities methods for salomeTools
import os
import shutil
import errno
CONFIG_FILENAME = "sat-config.pyconf"
class SatException(Exception):
- '''rename Exception Class
- '''
+ """rename Exception Class"""
def ensure_path_exists(p):
- '''Create a path if not existing
+ """Create a path if not existing
:param p str: The path.
- '''
+ """
if not os.path.exists(p):
def check_config_has_application( config, details = None ):
- '''check that the config has the key APPLICATION. Else raise an exception.
+ """check that the config has the key APPLICATION. Else raise an exception.
:param config class 'common.pyconf.Config': The config.
- '''
+ """
if 'APPLICATION' not in config:
message = _("An APPLICATION is required. Use 'config --list' to get"
" the list of available applications.\n")
raise SatException( message )
def check_config_has_profile( config, details = None ):
- '''check that the config has the key APPLICATION.profile.
- Else, raise an exception.
+ """\
+ check that the config has the key APPLICATION.profile.
+ else, raise an exception.
:param config class 'common.pyconf.Config': The config.
- '''
+ """
if 'profile' not in config.APPLICATION:
message = _("A profile section is required in your application.\n")
return 'APPLICATION' in config
def get_cfg_param(config, param_name, default):
- '''Search for param_name value in config.
- If param_name is not in config, then return default,
- else, return the found value
+ """\
+ eearch for param_name value in config.
+ if param_name is not in config
+ then return default,
+ else return the found value
:param config class 'common.pyconf.Config': The config.
:param param_name str: the name of the parameter to get the value
:param default str: The value to return if param_name is not in config
:return: see initial description of the function
:rtype: str
- '''
+ """
if param_name in config:
return config[param_name]
return default
def print_info(logger, info):
- '''Prints the tuples that are in info variable in a formatted way.
+ """\
+ Prints the tuples that are in info variable in a formatted way.
:param logger Logger: The logging instance to use for the prints.
:param info list: The list of tuples to display
- '''
+ """
# find the maximum length of the first value of the tuples in info
smax = max(map(lambda l: len(l[0]), info))
# Print each item of info with good indentation
logger.write("\n", 2)
def get_base_path(config):
- '''Returns the path of the products base.
+ """\
+ Returns the path of the products base.
:param config Config: The global Config instance.
:return: The path of the products base.
:rtype: str
- '''
+ """
if "base" not in config.LOCAL:
local_file_path = os.path.join(config.VARS.salometoolsway,
return base_path
def get_launcher_name(config):
- '''Returns the name of salome launcher.
+ """\
+ Returns the name of salome launcher.
:param config Config: The global Config instance.
:return: The name of salome launcher.
:rtype: str
- '''
+ """
if 'profile' in config.APPLICATION and 'launcher_name' in config.APPLICATION.profile:
launcher_name = config.APPLICATION.profile.launcher_name
return launcher_name
def get_log_path(config):
- '''Returns the path of the logs.
+ """\
+ Returns the path of the logs.
:param config Config: The global Config instance.
:return: The path of the logs.
:rtype: str
- '''
+ """
if "log_dir" not in config.LOCAL:
local_file_path = os.path.join(config.VARS.salometoolsway,
return False
def find_file_in_lpath(file_name, lpath, additional_dir = ""):
- """Find in all the directories in lpath list the file that has the same name
- as file_name. If it is found, return the full path of the file, else,
- return False.
- The additional_dir (optional) is the name of the directory to add to all
- paths in lpath.
+ """\
+ Find in all the directories in lpath list the file that has the same name
+ as file_name.
+ If it is found
+ then return the full path of the file
+ else return False.
+ The additional_dir (optional) is the name of the directory to add to all
+ paths in lpath.
:param file_name str: The file name to search
:param lpath List: The list of directories where to search
def deepcopy_list(input_list):
- """ Do a deep copy of a list
+ """\
+ Do a deep copy of a list
:param input_list List: The list to copy
:return: The copy of the list
return res
def remove_item_from_list(input_list, item):
- """ Remove all occurences of item from input_list
+ """\
+ Remove all occurences of item from input_list
:param input_list List: The list to modify
:return: The without any item
return res
def parse_date(date):
- """Transform YYYYMMDD_hhmmss into YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.
+ """\
+ Transform YYYYMMDD_hhmmss into YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.
:param date str: The date to transform
:return: The date in the new format
return res
def merge_dicts(*dict_args):
- '''
+ """\
Given any number of dicts, shallow copy and merge into a new dict,
precedence goes to key value pairs in latter dicts.
- '''
+ """
result = {}
for dictionary in dict_args:
return result
def replace_in_file(filein, strin, strout):
- '''Replace <strin> by <strout> in file <filein>
- '''
+ """Replace <strin> by <strout> in file <filein>"""
shutil.move(filein, filein + "_old")
fileout= filein
filein = filein + "_old"
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
This file assume DEBUG functionalities use
- print debug messages in sys.stderr for salomeTools
- show pretty print debug representation from instances of SAT classes
(pretty print src.pyconf.Config), and python dict/list etc. (as 'aVariable')
def tofix(title, var="", force=None):
- """
+ """\
write sys.stderr a message if _debug[-1]==True or optionaly force=True
use this only if no logger accessible for classic
logger.warning(message) or logger.debug(message)
config.__save__(aStream, indent)
def getStrConfigStd(config):
- """set string as saveConfigStd,
- as file .pyconf"""
+ """set string as saveConfigStd, as file .pyconf"""
outStream = OutStream()
saveConfigStd(config, outStream)
return outStream.value
def getStrConfigDbg(config):
- """set string as saveConfigDbg,
- as (path expression evaluation) for debug"""
+ """\
+ set string as saveConfigDbg,
+ as (path expression evaluation) for debug
+ """
outStream = OutStream()
saveConfigDbg(config, outStream)
return outStream.value
import pprint as PP
class Environ:
- '''Class to manage the environment context
- '''
+ """\
+ Class to manage the environment context
+ """
def __init__(self, environ=None):
- '''Initialization. If the environ argument is passed, the environment
+ """Initialization. If the environ argument is passed, the environment
will be add to it, else it is the external environment.
:param environ dict:
- '''
+ """
if environ is not None:
self.environ = environ
self.environ = os.environ
def __repr__(self):
- """easy non exhaustive quick resume for debug print
- """
+ """easy non exhaustive quick resume for debug print"""
return "%s(\n%s\n)" % (self.__class__.__name__, PP.pformat(self.environ))
def _expandvars(self, value):
- '''replace some $VARIABLE into its actual value in the environment
+ """\
+ replace some $VARIABLE into its actual value in the environment
:param value str: the string to be replaced
:return: the replaced variable
:rtype: str
- '''
+ """
if "$" in value:
# The string.Template class is a string class
# for supporting $-substitutions
return value
def append_value(self, key, value, sep=os.pathsep):
- '''append value to key using sep
+ """\
+ append value to key using sep
:param key str: the environment variable to append
:param value str: the value to append to key
:param sep str: the separator string
- '''
+ """
# check if the key is already in the environment
if key in self.environ:
value_list = self.environ[key].split(sep)
self.set(key, value)
def append(self, key, value, sep=os.pathsep):
- '''Same as append_value but the value argument can be a list
+ """\
+ Same as append_value but the value argument can be a list
:param key str: the environment variable to append
:param value str or list: the value(s) to append to key
:param sep str: the separator string
- '''
+ """
if isinstance(value, list):
for v in value:
self.append_value(key, v, sep)
self.append_value(key, value, sep)
def prepend_value(self, key, value, sep=os.pathsep):
- '''prepend value to key using sep
+ """\
+ prepend value to key using sep
:param key str: the environment variable to prepend
:param value str: the value to prepend to key
:param sep str: the separator string
- '''
+ """
if key in self.environ:
value_list = self.environ[key].split(sep)
if not value in value_list:
self.set(key, value)
def prepend(self, key, value, sep=os.pathsep):
- '''Same as prepend_value but the value argument can be a list
+ """\
+ Same as prepend_value but the value argument can be a list
:param key str: the environment variable to prepend
:param value str or list: the value(s) to prepend to key
:param sep str: the separator string
- '''
+ """
if isinstance(value, list):
for v in value:
self.prepend_value(key, v, sep)
self.prepend_value(key, value, sep)
def is_defined(self, key):
- '''Check if the key exists in the environment
+ """\
+ Check if the key exists in the environment
:param key str: the environment variable to check
- '''
+ """
return key in self.environ.keys()
def set(self, key, value):
- '''Set the environment variable "key" to value "value"
+ """\
+ Set the environment variable "key" to value "value"
:param key str: the environment variable to set
:param value str: the value
- '''
+ """
self.environ[key] = self._expandvars(value)
def get(self, key):
- '''Get the value of the environment variable "key"
+ """\
+ Get the value of the environment variable "key"
:param key str: the environment variable
- '''
+ """
if key in self.environ:
return self.environ[key]
return ""
def command_value(self, key, command):
- '''Get the value given by the system command "command"
- and put it in the environment variable key
+ """\
+ Get the value given by the system command "command"
+ and put it in the environment variable key
:param key str: the environment variable
:param command str: the command to execute
- '''
+ """
value = subprocess.Popen(command,
class SalomeEnviron:
- """Class to manage the environment of SALOME.
+ """\
+ Class to manage the environment of SALOME.
def __init__(self,
enable_simple_env_script = True):
- '''Initialization.
+ """\
+ Initialization.
:param cfg Config: the global config
:param environ Environ: the Environ instance where
else a build one
:param for_package str: If not None, produce a relative environment
designed for a package.
- '''
+ """
self.environ = environ
self.cfg = cfg
self.forBuild = forBuild
return "%s(\n%s\n)" % (self.__class__.__name__, PP.pformat(res))
def append(self, key, value, sep=os.pathsep):
- '''append value to key using sep
+ """\
+ append value to key using sep
:param key str: the environment variable to append
:param value str: the value to append to key
:param sep str: the separator string
- '''
+ """
return self.environ.append(key, value, sep)
def prepend(self, key, value, sep=os.pathsep):
- '''prepend value to key using sep
+ """\
+ prepend value to key using sep
:param key str: the environment variable to prepend
:param value str: the value to prepend to key
:param sep str: the separator string
- '''
+ """
return self.environ.prepend(key, value, sep)
def is_defined(self, key):
- '''Check if the key exists in the environment
+ """\
+ Check if the key exists in the environment
:param key str: the environment variable to check
- '''
+ """
return self.environ.is_defined(key)
def get(self, key):
- '''Get the value of the environment variable "key"
+ """\
+ Get the value of the environment variable "key"
:param key str: the environment variable
- '''
+ """
return self.environ.get(key)
def set(self, key, value):
- '''Set the environment variable "key" to value "value"
+ """\
+ Set the environment variable "key" to value "value"
:param key str: the environment variable to set
:param value str: the value
- '''
+ """
# check if value needs to be evaluated
if value is not None and value.startswith("`") and value.endswith("`"):
res = subprocess.Popen("echo %s" % value,
return self.environ.set(key, value)
def dump(self, out):
- """Write the environment to out
+ """\
+ Write the environment to out
:param out file: the stream where to write the environment
out.write("%s=%s\n" % (k, value))
def add_line(self, nb_line):
- """Add empty lines to the out stream (in case of file generation)
+ """\
+ Add empty lines to the out stream (in case of file generation)
:param nb_line int: the number of empty lines to add
def add_comment(self, comment):
- """Add a commentary to the out stream (in case of file generation)
+ """\
+ Add a commentary to the out stream (in case of file generation)
:param comment str: the commentary to add
def add_warning(self, warning):
- """Add a warning to the out stream (in case of file generation)
+ """\
+ Add a warning to the out stream (in case of file generation)
:param warning str: the warning to add
def finish(self, required):
- """Add a final instruction in the out file (in case of file generation)
+ """\
+ Add a final instruction in the out file (in case of file generation)
:param required bool: Do nothing if required is False
def set_python_libdirs(self):
- """Set some generic variables for python library paths
- """
+ """Set some generic variables for python library paths"""
ver = self.get('PYTHON_VERSION')
self.set('PYTHON_LIBDIR0', os.path.join('lib',
'python' + ver,
self.python_lib1 = self.get('PYTHON_LIBDIR1')
def get_names(self, lProducts):
- """Get the products name to add in SALOME_MODULES environment variable
- It is the name of the product, except in the case where the is a
- component name. And it has to be in SALOME_MODULES variable only
- if the product has the property has_salome_hui = "yes"
+ """\
+ Get the products name to add in SALOME_MODULES environment variable
+ It is the name of the product, except in the case where the is a
+ component name. And it has to be in SALOME_MODULES variable only
+ if the product has the property has_salome_hui = "yes"
:param lProducts list: List of products to potentially add
return lProdName
def set_application_env(self, logger):
- """Sets the environment defined in the APPLICATION file.
+ """\
+ Sets the environment defined in the APPLICATION file.
:param logger Logger: The logger instance to display messages
def set_salome_minimal_product_env(self, product_info, logger):
- """Sets the minimal environment for a SALOME product.
- xxx_ROOT_DIR and xxx_SRC_DIR
+ """\
+ Sets the minimal environment for a SALOME product.
+ xxx_ROOT_DIR and xxx_SRC_DIR
:param product_info Config: The product description
:param logger Logger: The logger instance to display messages
def set_salome_generic_product_env(self, pi):
- """Sets the generic environment for a SALOME product.
+ """\
+ Sets the generic environment for a SALOME product.
:param pi Config: The product description
self.prepend('PYTHONPATH', l)
def set_cpp_env(self, product_info):
- """Sets the generic environment for a SALOME cpp product.
+ """\
+ Sets the generic environment for a SALOME cpp product.
:param product_info Config: The product description
self.prepend('PYTHONPATH', l)
def load_cfg_environment(self, cfg_env):
- """Loads environment defined in cfg_env
+ """\
+ Loads environment defined in cfg_env
:param cfg_env Config: A config containing an environment
self.set(env_def, val)
def set_a_product(self, product, logger):
- """Sets the environment of a product.
+ """\
+ Sets the environment of a product.
:param product str: The product name
:param logger Logger: The logger instance to display messages
def run_env_script(self, product_info, logger=None, native=False):
- """Runs an environment script.
+ """\
+ Runs an environment script.
:param product_info Config: The product description
:param logger Logger: The logger instance to display messages
def run_simple_env_script(self, script_path, logger=None):
- """Runs an environment script. Same as run_env_script, but with a
- script path as parameter.
+ """\
+ Runs an environment script. Same as run_env_script, but with a
+ script path as parameter.
:param script_path str: a path to an environment script
:param logger Logger: The logger instance to display messages
def set_products(self, logger, src_root=None):
- """Sets the environment for all the products.
+ """\
+ Sets the environment for all the products.
:param logger Logger: The logger instance to display messages
:param src_root src: the application working directory
def set_full_environ(self, logger, env_info):
- """Sets the full environment for products
- specified in env_info dictionary.
+ """\
+ Sets the full environment for products
+ specified in env_info dictionary.
:param logger Logger: The logger instance to display messages
:param env_info list: the list of products
self.set_a_product(product, logger)
class FileEnvWriter:
- """Class to dump the environment to a file.
+ """\
+ Class to dump the environment to a file.
def __init__(self, config, logger, out_dir, src_root, env_info=None):
- '''Initialization.
+ """\
+ Initialization.
:param cfg Config: the global config
:param logger Logger: The logger instance to display messages
:param out_dir str: The directory path where t put the output files
:param src_root str: The application working directory
:param env_info str: The list of products to add in the files.
- '''
+ """
self.config = config
self.logger = logger
self.out_dir = out_dir
self.env_info = env_info
def write_env_file(self, filename, forBuild, shell, for_package = None):
- """Create an environment file.
+ """\
+ Create an environment file.
:param filename str: the file path
:param forBuild bool: if true, the build environment
additional_env = {},
for_package = None,
with_commercial = True):
- """Append to current opened aFile a cfgForPy
- environment (SALOME python launcher).
+ """\
+ Append to current opened aFile a cfgForPy
+ environment (SALOME python launcher).
:param filename str: the file path
:param additional_env dict: a dictionary of additional variables
class Shell:
- """Definition of a Shell.
+ """\
+ Definition of a Shell.
def __init__(self, name, extension):
- '''Initialization.
+ """\
+ Initialization.
:param name str: the shell name
:param extension str: the shell extension
- '''
+ """
self.name = name
self.extension = extension
def load_environment(config, build, logger):
- """Loads the environment (used to run the tests, for example).
+ """\
+ Loads the environment (used to run the tests, for example).
:param config Config: the global config
:param build bool: build environement if True
import pprint as PP
import src.debug as DBG
-bat_header="""@echo off
+@echo off
rem The following variables are used only in case of a sat package
set out_dir_Path=%~dp0
#### cleandup ###
-cfg_header='''[SALOME Configuration]
+[SALOME Configuration]
-Launcher_header='''# a generated SALOME Configuration file using python syntax
+# a generated SALOME Configuration file using python syntax
def get_file_environ(output, shell, environ=None):
"""Instantiate correct FileEnvironment sub-class.
raise Exception("FileEnviron: Unknown shell = %s" % shell)
class FileEnviron(object):
- """Base class for shell environment
+ """\
+ Base class for shell environment
def __init__(self, output, environ=None):
- """Initialization
+ """\
+ Initialization
:param output file: the output file stream.
:param environ dict: a potential additional environment.
self._do_init(output, environ)
def __repr__(self):
- """easy non exhaustive quick resume for debug print"""
+ """\
+ easy non exhaustive quick resume for debug print"""
res = {
"output" : self.output,
"environ" : self.environ,
def _do_init(self, output, environ=None):
- """Initialization
+ """\
+ Initialization
:param output file: the output file stream.
:param environ dict: a potential additional environment.
self.environ = dict(os.environ) #make a copy cvw 180320
def add_line(self, number):
- """Add some empty lines in the shell file
+ """\
+ Add some empty lines in the shell file
:param number int: the number of lines to add
self.output.write("\n" * number)
def add_comment(self, comment):
- """Add a comment in the shell file
+ """\
+ Add a comment in the shell file
:param comment str: the comment to add
self.output.write("# %s\n" % comment)
def add_echo(self, text):
- """Add a "echo" in the shell file
+ """\
+ Add a "echo" in the shell file
:param text str: the text to echo
self.output.write('echo %s"\n' % text)
def add_warning(self, warning):
- """Add a warning "echo" in the shell file
+ """\
+ Add a warning "echo" in the shell file
:param warning str: the text to echo
self.output.write('echo "WARNING %s"\n' % warning)
def append_value(self, key, value, sep=os.pathsep):
- '''append value to key using sep
+ """\
+ append value to key using sep
:param key str: the environment variable to append
:param value str: the value to append to key
:param sep str: the separator string
- '''
+ """
self.set(key, self.get(key) + sep + value)
if (key, sep) not in self.toclean:
self.toclean.append((key, sep))
def append(self, key, value, sep=os.pathsep):
- '''Same as append_value but the value argument can be a list
+ """\
+ Same as append_value but the value argument can be a list
:param key str: the environment variable to append
:param value str or list: the value(s) to append to key
:param sep str: the separator string
- '''
+ """
if isinstance(value, list):
self.append_value(key, sep.join(value), sep)
self.append_value(key, value, sep)
def prepend_value(self, key, value, sep=os.pathsep):
- '''prepend value to key using sep
+ """\
+ prepend value to key using sep
:param key str: the environment variable to prepend
:param value str: the value to prepend to key
:param sep str: the separator string
- '''
+ """
self.set(key, value + sep + self.get(key))
if (key, sep) not in self.toclean:
self.toclean.append((key, sep))
def prepend(self, key, value, sep=os.pathsep):
- '''Same as prepend_value but the value argument can be a list
+ """\
+ Same as prepend_value but the value argument can be a list
:param key str: the environment variable to prepend
:param value str or list: the value(s) to prepend to key
:param sep str: the separator string
- '''
+ """
if isinstance(value, list):
self.prepend_value(key, sep.join(value), sep)
self.prepend_value(key, value, sep)
def is_defined(self, key):
- '''Check if the key exists in the environment
+ """\
+ Check if the key exists in the environment
:param key str: the environment variable to check
- '''
+ """
return (key in self.environ)
def set(self, key, value):
- '''Set the environment variable "key" to value "value"
+ """\
+ Set the environment variable 'key' to value 'value'
:param key str: the environment variable to set
:param value str: the value
- '''
+ """
raise NotImplementedError("set is not implement for this shell!")
def get(self, key):
- '''Get the value of the environment variable "key"
+ """\
+ Get the value of the environment variable "key"
:param key str: the environment variable
- '''
+ """
return '${%s}' % key
def command_value(self, key, command):
- '''Get the value given by the system command "command"
- and put it in the environment variable key.
- Has to be overwritten in the derived classes
- This can be seen as a virtual method
+ """\
+ Get the value given by the system command "command"
+ and put it in the environment variable key.
+ Has to be overwritten in the derived classes
+ This can be seen as a virtual method
:param key str: the environment variable
:param command str: the command to execute
- '''
+ """
raise NotImplementedError("command_value is not implement "
"for this shell!")
self.output.write('clean %s "%s"\n' % (key, sep))
class BashFileEnviron(FileEnviron):
- """Class for bash shell.
+ """\
+ Class for bash shell.
def __init__(self, output, environ=None):
def set(self, key, value):
- '''Set the environment variable "key" to value "value"
+ """Set the environment variable "key" to value "value"
:param key str: the environment variable to set
:param value str: the value
- '''
+ """
self.output.write('export %s="%s"\n' % (key, value))
self.environ[key] = value
def command_value(self, key, command):
- '''Get the value given by the system command "command"
- and put it in the environment variable key.
- Has to be overwritten in the derived classes
- This can be seen as a virtual method
+ """\
+ Get the value given by the system command "command"
+ and put it in the environment variable key.
+ Has to be overwritten in the derived classes
+ This can be seen as a virtual method
:param key str: the environment variable
:param command str: the command to execute
- '''
+ """
self.output.write('export %s=$(%s)\n' % (key, command))
def finish(self, required=True):
FileEnviron.finish(self, required)
class BatFileEnviron(FileEnviron):
- """for Windows batch shell.
+ """\
+ for Windows batch shell.
def __init__(self, output, environ=None):
self.output.write("rem %s\n" % comment)
def get(self, key):
- '''Get the value of the environment variable "key"
+ """Get the value of the environment variable "key"
:param key str: the environment variable
- '''
+ """
return '%%%s%%' % key
def set(self, key, value):
- '''Set the environment variable "key" to value "value"
+ """Set the environment variable "key" to value "value"
:param key str: the environment variable to set
:param value str: the value
- '''
+ """
self.output.write('set %s=%s\n' % (key, value))
self.environ[key] = value
def command_value(self, key, command):
- '''Get the value given by the system command "command"
- and put it in the environment variable key.
- Has to be overwritten in the derived classes
- This can be seen as a virtual method
+ """\
+ Get the value given by the system command "command"
+ and put it in the environment variable key.
+ Has to be overwritten in the derived classes
+ This can be seen as a virtual method
:param key str: the environment variable
:param command str: the command to execute
- '''
+ """
self.output.write('%s > tmp.txt\n' % (command))
self.output.write('set /p %s =< tmp.txt\n' % (key))
def finish(self, required=True):
- """Add a final instruction in the out file (in case of file generation)
- In the particular windows case, do nothing
+ """\
+ Add a final instruction in the out file (in case of file generation)
+ In the particular windows case, do nothing
:param required bool: Do nothing if required is False
def set(self, key, value):
- '''Set the environment variable "key" to value "value"
+ """Set the environment variable "key" to value "value"
:param key str: the environment variable to set
:param value str: the value
- '''
+ """
self.output.write('%s="%s"\n' % (key, value))
self.environ[key] = value
def get(self, key):
- '''Get the value of the environment variable "key"
+ """Get the value of the environment variable "key"
:param key str: the environment variable
- '''
+ """
return '%({0})s'.format(key)
def command_value(self, key, command):
- '''Get the value given by the system command "command"
- and put it in the environment variable key.
- Has to be overwritten in the derived classes
- This can be seen as a virtual method
+ """\
+ Get the value given by the system command "command"
+ and put it in the environment variable key.
+ Has to be overwritten in the derived classes
+ This can be seen as a virtual method
:param key str: the environment variable
:param command str: the command to execute
- '''
+ """
raise NotImplementedError("command_value is not implement "
"for salome context files!")
self.add_comment("WARNING %s" % warning)
def prepend_value(self, key, value, sep=os.pathsep):
- '''prepend value to key using sep
+ """prepend value to key using sep
:param key str: the environment variable to prepend
:param value str: the value to prepend to key
:param sep str: the separator string
- '''
+ """
self.output.write('ADD_TO_%s: %s\n' % (key, value))
def append_value(self, key, value, sep=os.pathsep):
- '''append value to key using sep
+ """append value to key using sep
:param key str: the environment variable to append
:param value str: the value to append to key
:param sep str: the separator string
- '''
+ """
self.prepend_value(key, value)
def finish(self, required=True):
def special_path_separator(name):
- """TCLLIBPATH, TKLIBPATH, PV_PLUGIN_PATH environments variables need
- some exotic path separator.
- This function gives the separator regarding the name of the variable
- to append or prepend.
+ """\
+ TCLLIBPATH, TKLIBPATH, PV_PLUGIN_PATH environments variables need
+ some exotic path separator.
+ This function gives the separator regarding the name of the variable
+ to append or prepend.
:param name str: The name of the variable to find the separator
return res
class LauncherFileEnviron:
- """Class to generate a launcher file script
- (in python syntax) SalomeContext API
+ """\
+ Class to generate a launcher file script
+ (in python syntax) SalomeContext API
def __init__(self, output, environ=None):
"PYTHONPATH": "PythonPath"}
def change_to_launcher(self, value):
- """
- """
return res
self.output.write('# "WARNING %s"\n' % warning)
def append_value(self, key, value, sep=":"):
- '''append value to key using sep
+ """append value to key using sep
:param key str: the environment variable to append
:param value str: the value to append to key
:param sep str: the separator string
- '''
+ """
if self.is_defined(key) :
self.add(key, value)
else :
self.set(key, value)
def append(self, key, value, sep=":"):
- '''Same as append_value but the value argument can be a list
+ """Same as append_value but the value argument can be a list
:param key str: the environment variable to append
:param value str or list: the value(s) to append to key
:param sep str: the separator string
- '''
+ """
if isinstance(value, list):
self.append_value(key, sep.join(value), sep)
self.append_value(key, value, sep)
def prepend_value(self, key, value, sep=":"):
- '''prepend value to key using sep
+ """prepend value to key using sep
:param key str: the environment variable to prepend
:param value str: the value to prepend to key
:param sep str: the separator string
- '''
+ """
if self.is_defined(key) :
self.add(key, value)
else :
self.set(key, value)
def prepend(self, key, value, sep=":"):
- '''Same as prepend_value but the value argument can be a list
+ """Same as prepend_value but the value argument can be a list
:param key str: the environment variable to prepend
:param value str or list: the value(s) to prepend to key
:param sep str: the separator string
- '''
+ """
if isinstance(value, list):
self.prepend_value(key, sep.join(value), sep)
self.prepend_value(key, value, sep)
def is_defined(self, key):
- '''Check if the key exists in the environment
+ """Check if the key exists in the environment
:param key str: the environment variable to check
- '''
+ """
return key in self.environ.keys()
def get(self, key):
- '''Get the value of the environment variable "key"
+ """Get the value of the environment variable "key"
:param key str: the environment variable
- '''
+ """
return '${%s}' % key
def set(self, key, value):
- '''Set the environment variable "key" to value "value"
+ """Set the environment variable "key" to value "value"
:param key str: the environment variable to set
:param value str: the value
- '''
+ """
'(r"%s", r"%s", overwrite=True)\n' %
(key, self.change_to_launcher(value)))
self.environ[key] = value
def add(self, key, value):
- '''prepend value to key using sep
+ """prepend value to key using sep
:param key str: the environment variable to prepend
:param value str: the value to prepend to key
- '''
+ """
if key in self.specialKeys.keys():
self.output.write(self.begin+'addTo%s(r"%s")\n' %
self.environ[key]+=sep+value #here yes we know os for current execution
def command_value(self, key, command):
- '''Get the value given by the system command "command"
- and put it in the environment variable key.
+ """\
+ Get the value given by the system command "command"
+ and put it in the environment variable key.
:param key str: the environment variable
:param command str: the command to execute
- '''
+ """
self.output.write(self.indent+'#`%s`\n' % command)
import shlex, subprocess
self.output.write(self.indent+"# %s\n" % comment)
def finish(self, required=True):
- """Add a final instruction in the out file (in case of file generation)
- In the particular launcher case, do nothing
+ """\
+ Add a final instruction in the out file (in case of file generation)
+ In the particular launcher case, do nothing
:param required bool: Do nothing if required is False
self.write("load", script, "", sign="")
# The SALOME launcher template
-withProfile = """#! /usr/bin/env python
+withProfile = """\
+ #! /usr/bin/env python
# WARNING: this file is automatically generated by SalomeTools #
def addToSpecial(self, name, value, pathSep=None):
- "add special dangerous cases: TCLLIBPATH PV_PLUGIN_PATH etc..."
- #http://computer-programming-forum.com/57-tcl/1dfddc136afccb94.htm
- #TCLLIBPATH: Tcl treats the contents of that variable as a list. Be happy, for you can now use drive letters on windows.
+ # add special dangerous cases: TCLLIBPATH PV_PLUGIN_PATH etc...
+ # http://computer-programming-forum.com/57-tcl/1dfddc136afccb94.htm
+ # TCLLIBPATH: Tcl treats the contents of that variable as a list. Be happy, for you can now use drive letters on windows.
if value == '':
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-'''In this file are implemented the classes and method relative to the logging
+Implements the classes and method relative to the logging
import sys
import os
log_all_command_file_expression = "^.*[0-9]{8}_+[0-9]{6}_+.*\.xml$"
class Logger(object):
- '''Class to handle log mechanism.
- '''
+ """\
+ Class to handle log mechanism.
+ """
def __init__(self,
micro_command = False):
- '''Initialization
+ """Initialization
:param config pyconf.Config: The global configuration.
:param silent_sysstd boolean: if True, do not write anything
in terminal.
- '''
+ """
self.config = config
self.default_level = 3
self.silentSysStd = silent_sysstd
self.logTxtFile = sys.__stdout__
def put_initial_xml_fields(self):
- '''Method called at class initialization : Put all fields
- corresponding to the command context (user, time, ...)
- '''
+ """\
+ Called at class initialization: Put all fields
+ corresponding to the command context (user, time, ...)
+ """
# command name
self.xmlFile.add_simple_node("Site", attrib={"command" :
- '''Add a link to another log file.
+ """Add a link to another log file.
:param log_file_name str: The file name of the link.
:param command_name str: The name of the command linked.
:param command_res str: The result of the command linked. "0" or "1"
:parma full_launched_command str: The full lanch command
("sat command ...")
- '''
+ """
xmlLinks = self.xmlFile.xmlroot.find("Links")
"launchedCommand" : full_launched_command})
def write(self, message, level=None, screenOnly=False):
- '''the function used in the commands
- that will print in the terminal and the log file.
+ """\
+ function used in the commands
+ to print in the terminal and the log file.
:param message str: The message to print.
:param level int: The output level corresponding
to the message 0 < level < 6.
:param screenOnly boolean: if True, do not write in log file.
- '''
+ """
# do not write message starting with \r to log file
if not message.startswith("\r") and not screenOnly:
def error(self, message):
- '''Print an error.
+ """Print an error.
:param message str: The message to print.
- '''
+ """
# Print in the log file
self.xmlFile.append_node_text("traces", _('ERROR:') + message)
sys.stderr.write(_('ERROR:') + message)
def flush(self):
- '''Flush terminal
- '''
+ """Flush terminal"""
def end_write(self, attribute):
- '''Method called just after command end : Put all fields
- corresponding to the command end context (time).
- Write the log xml file on the hard drive.
- And display the command to launch to get the log
+ """\
+ Called just after command end: Put all fields
+ corresponding to the command end context (time).
+ Write the log xml file on the hard drive.
+ And display the command to launch to get the log
:param attribute dict: the attribute to add to the node "Site".
- '''
+ """
# Get current time (end of command) and format it
dt = datetime.datetime.now()
Y, m, dd, H, M, S = date_to_datetime(self.config.VARS.datehour)
def date_to_datetime(date):
- '''Little method that gets year, mon, day, hour ,
- minutes and seconds from a str in format YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS
+ """\
+ From a string date in format YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS
+ returns list year, mon, day, hour, minutes, seconds
:param date str: The date in format YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS
:return: the same date and time in separate variables.
:rtype: (str,str,str,str,str,str)
- '''
+ """
Y = date[:4]
m = date[4:6]
dd = date[6:8]
return Y, m, dd, H, M, S
def timedelta_total_seconds(timedelta):
- '''Little method to replace total_seconds from
- datetime module in order to be compatible with old python versions
+ """\
+ Replace total_seconds from datetime module
+ in order to be compatible with old python versions
:param timedelta datetime.timedelta: The delta between two dates
:return: The number of seconds corresponding to timedelta.
:rtype: float
- '''
+ """
return (
timedelta.microseconds + 0.0 +
(timedelta.seconds + timedelta.days * 24 * 3600) * 10 ** 6) / 10 ** 6
def show_command_log(logFilePath, cmd, application, notShownCommands):
- '''Used in updateHatXml. Determine if the log xml file logFilePath
- has to be shown or not in the hat log.
+ """\
+ Used in updateHatXml.
+ Determine if the log xml file logFilePath
+ has to be shown or not in the hat log.
:param logFilePath str: the path to the command xml log file
:param cmd str: the command of the log file
:return: True if cmd is not in notShownCommands and the application
in the log file corresponds to application
:rtype: boolean
- '''
+ """
# When the command is not in notShownCommands, no need to go further :
# Do not show
if cmd in notShownCommands:
return False, None, None
def list_log_file(dirPath, expression):
- '''Find all files corresponding to expression in dirPath
+ """Find all files corresponding to expression in dirPath
:param dirPath str: the directory where to search the files
:param expression str: the regular expression of files to find
:return: the list of files path and informations about it
:rtype: list
- '''
+ """
lRes = []
for fileName in os.listdir(dirPath):
# YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_namecmd.xml
return lRes
def update_hat_xml(logDir, application=None, notShownCommands = []):
- '''Create the xml file in logDir that contain all the xml file
- and have a name like YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_namecmd.xml
+ """\
+ Create the xml file in logDir that contain all the xml file
+ and have a name like YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_namecmd.xml
:param logDir str: the directory to parse
:param application str: the name of the application if there is any
- '''
+ """
# Create an instance of XmlLogFile class to create hat.xml file
xmlHatFilePath = os.path.join(logDir, 'hat.xml')
xmlHat = src.xmlManager.XmlLogFile(xmlHatFilePath,
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-'''In this file are implemented the methods
- relative to the product notion of salomeTools
+In this file are implemented the methods
+relative to the product notion of salomeTools
import os
import re
def get_product_config(config, product_name, with_install_dir=True):
- '''Get the specific configuration of a product from the global configuration
+ """Get the specific configuration of a product from the global configuration
:param config Config: The global configuration
:param product_name str: The name of the product
of the function check_config_exists)
:return: the specific configuration of the product
:rtype: Config
- '''
+ """
# Get the version of the product from the application definition
version = config.APPLICATION.products[product_name]
return prod_info
def get_product_section(config, product_name, version, section=None):
- '''Get the product description from the configuration
+ """Get the product description from the configuration
:param config Config: The global configuration
:param product_name str: The product name
explicitly given
:return: The product description
:rtype: Config
- '''
+ """
# if section is not None, try to get the corresponding section
if section:
return None
def get_install_dir(config, base, version, prod_info):
- '''Compute the installation directory of a given product
+ """Compute the installation directory of a given product
:param config Config: The global configuration
:param base str: This corresponds to the value given by user in its
application.pyconf for the specific product. If "yes", the
- user wants the product to be in base. If "no", he wants the
- product to be in the application workdir
+ user wants the product to be in base. If "no", he wants the
+ product to be in the application workdir
:param version str: The version of the product
:param product_info Config: The configuration specific to
the product
:return: The path of the product installation
:rtype: str
- '''
+ """
install_dir = ""
in_base = False
if (("install_dir" in prod_info and prod_info.install_dir == "base")
return install_dir
def get_base_install_dir(config, prod_info, version):
- '''Compute the installation directory of a product in base
+ """Compute the installation directory of a product in base
:param config Config: The global configuration
:param product_info Config: The configuration specific to
:param version str: The version of the product
:return: The path of the product installation
:rtype: str
- '''
+ """
base_path = src.get_base_path(config)
prod_dir = os.path.join(base_path, prod_info.name + "-" + version)
if not os.path.exists(prod_dir):
return install_dir
def check_config_exists(config, prod_dir, prod_info):
- '''Verify that the installation directory of a product in a base exists
- Check all the config-<i> directory and verify the sat-config.pyconf file
- that is in it
+ """\
+ Verify that the installation directory of a product in a base exists
+ Check all the config-<i> directory and verify the sat-config.pyconf file
+ that is in it
:param config Config: The global configuration
:param prod_dir str: The product installation directory path
:return: True or false is the installation is found or not
and if it is found, the path of the found installation
:rtype: (boolean, str)
- '''
+ """
# check if the directories or files of the directory corresponds to the
# directory installation of the product
l_dir_and_files = os.listdir(prod_dir)
def get_products_infos(lproducts, config):
- '''Get the specific configuration of a list of products
+ """Get the specific configuration of a list of products
:param lproducts List: The list of product names
:param config Config: The global configuration
:return: the list of tuples
(product name, specific configuration of the product)
:rtype: [(str, Config)]
- '''
+ """
products_infos = []
# Loop on product names
for prod in lproducts:
return products_infos
def get_product_dependencies(config, product_info):
- '''Get recursively the list of products that are
- in the product_info dependencies
+ """\
+ Get recursively the list of products that are
+ in the product_info dependencies
:param config Config: The global configuration
:param product_info Config: The configuration specific to
the product
:return: the list of products in dependence
:rtype: list
- '''
+ """
if "depend" not in product_info or product_info.depend == []:
return []
res = []
return res
def check_installation(product_info):
- '''Verify if a product is well installed. Checks install directory presence
- and some additional files if it is defined in the config
+ """\
+ Verify if a product is well installed. Checks install directory presence
+ and some additional files if it is defined in the config
:param product_info Config: The configuration specific to
the product
:return: True if it is well installed
:rtype: boolean
- '''
+ """
if not product_compiles(product_info):
return True
install_dir = product_info.install_dir
return True
def check_source(product_info):
- '''Verify if a sources of product is preset. Checks source directory presence
+ """Verify if a sources of product is preset. Checks source directory presence
:param product_info Config: The configuration specific to
the product
:return: True if it is well installed
:rtype: boolean
- '''
+ """
DBG.write("check_source product_info", product_info)
source_dir = product_info.source_dir
if not os.path.exists(source_dir):
return True
def product_is_sample(product_info):
- '''Know if a product has the sample type
+ """Know if a product has the sample type
:param product_info Config: The configuration specific to
the product
:return: True if the product has the sample type, else False
:rtype: boolean
- '''
+ """
if 'type' in product_info:
ptype = product_info.type
return ptype.lower() == 'sample'
return False
def product_is_salome(product_info):
- '''Know if a product is a SALOME module
+ """Know if a product is a SALOME module
:param product_info Config: The configuration specific to
the product
:return: True if the product is a SALOME module, else False
:rtype: boolean
- '''
+ """
return ("properties" in product_info and
"is_SALOME_module" in product_info.properties and
product_info.properties.is_SALOME_module == "yes")
def product_is_fixed(product_info):
- '''Know if a product is fixed
+ """Know if a product is fixed
:param product_info Config: The configuration specific to
the product
:return: True if the product is fixed, else False
:rtype: boolean
- '''
+ """
get_src = product_info.get_source
return get_src.lower() == 'fixed'
def product_is_native(product_info):
- '''Know if a product is native
+ """Know if a product is native
:param product_info Config: The configuration specific to
the product
:return: True if the product is native, else False
:rtype: boolean
- '''
+ """
get_src = product_info.get_source
return get_src.lower() == 'native'
def product_is_dev(product_info):
- '''Know if a product is in dev mode
+ """Know if a product is in dev mode
:param product_info Config: The configuration specific to
the product
:return: True if the product is in dev mode, else False
:rtype: boolean
- '''
+ """
dev = product_info.dev
res = (dev.lower() == 'yes')
DBG.write('product_is_dev %s' % product_info.name, res)
return res
def product_is_debug(product_info):
- '''Know if a product is in debug mode
+ """Know if a product is in debug mode
:param product_info Config: The configuration specific to
the product
:return: True if the product is in debug mode, else False
:rtype: boolean
- '''
+ """
debug = product_info.debug
return debug.lower() == 'yes'
def product_is_autotools(product_info):
- '''Know if a product is compiled using the autotools
+ """Know if a product is compiled using the autotools
:param product_info Config: The configuration specific to
the product
:return: True if the product is autotools, else False
:rtype: boolean
- '''
+ """
build_src = product_info.build_source
return build_src.lower() == 'autotools'
def product_is_cmake(product_info):
- '''Know if a product is compiled using the cmake
+ """Know if a product is compiled using the cmake
:param product_info Config: The configuration specific to
the product
:return: True if the product is cmake, else False
:rtype: boolean
- '''
+ """
build_src = product_info.build_source
return build_src.lower() == 'cmake'
def product_is_vcs(product_info):
- '''Know if a product is download using git, svn or cvs (not archive)
+ """Know if a product is download using git, svn or cvs (not archive)
:param product_info Config: The configuration specific to
the product
:return: True if the product is vcs, else False
:rtype: boolean
- '''
+ """
return product_info.get_source in AVAILABLE_VCS
def product_is_smesh_plugin(product_info):
- '''Know if a product is a SMESH plugin
+ """Know if a product is a SMESH plugin
:param product_info Config: The configuration specific to
the product
:return: True if the product is a SMESH plugin, else False
:rtype: boolean
- '''
+ """
return ("properties" in product_info and
"smesh_plugin" in product_info.properties and
product_info.properties.smesh_plugin == "yes")
def product_is_cpp(product_info):
- '''Know if a product is cpp
+ """Know if a product is cpp
:param product_info Config: The configuration specific to
the product
:return: True if the product is a cpp, else False
:rtype: boolean
- '''
+ """
return ("properties" in product_info and
"cpp" in product_info.properties and
product_info.properties.cpp == "yes")
def product_compiles(product_info):
- '''Know if a product compiles or not (some products do not have a
- compilation procedure)
+ """\
+ Know if a product compiles or not
+ (some products do not have a compilation procedure)
:param product_info Config: The configuration specific to
the product
:return: True if the product compiles, else False
:rtype: boolean
- '''
+ """
return not("properties" in product_info and
"compilation" in product_info.properties and
product_info.properties.compilation == "no")
def product_has_script(product_info):
- '''Know if a product has a compilation script
+ """Know if a product has a compilation script
:param product_info Config: The configuration specific to
the product
:return: True if the product it has a compilation script, else False
:rtype: boolean
- '''
+ """
if "build_source" not in product_info:
# Native case
return False
return build_src.lower() == 'script'
def product_has_env_script(product_info):
- '''Know if a product has an environment script
+ """Know if a product has an environment script
:param product_info Config: The configuration specific to
the product
:return: True if the product it has an environment script, else False
:rtype: boolean
- '''
+ """
return "environ" in product_info and "env_script" in product_info.environ
def product_has_patches(product_info):
- '''Know if a product has one or more patches
+ """Know if a product has one or more patches
:param product_info Config: The configuration specific to
the product
:return: True if the product has one or more patches
:rtype: boolean
- '''
+ """
res = ( "patches" in product_info and len(product_info.patches) > 0 )
DBG.write('product_has_patches %s' % product_info.name, res)
# if product_info.name == "XDATA": return True #test #10569
return res
def product_has_logo(product_info):
- '''Know if a product has a logo (YACSGEN generate)
+ """Know if a product has a logo (YACSGEN generate)
:param product_info Config: The configuration specific to
the product
:return: The path of the logo if the product has a logo, else False
:rtype: Str
- '''
+ """
if ("properties" in product_info and
"logo" in product_info.properties):
return product_info.properties.logo
return False
def product_has_salome_gui(product_info):
- '''Know if a product has a SALOME gui
+ """Know if a product has a SALOME gui
:param product_info Config: The configuration specific to
the product
:return: True if the product has a SALOME gui, else False
:rtype: Boolean
- '''
+ """
return ("properties" in product_info and
"has_salome_gui" in product_info.properties and
product_info.properties.has_salome_gui == "yes")
def product_is_mpi(product_info):
- '''Know if a product has openmpi in its dependencies
+ """Know if a product has openmpi in its dependencies
:param product_info Config: The configuration specific to
the product
:return: True if the product has openmpi inits dependencies
:rtype: boolean
- '''
+ """
return "openmpi" in product_info.depend
def product_is_generated(product_info):
- '''Know if a product is generated (YACSGEN)
+ """Know if a product is generated (YACSGEN)
:param product_info Config: The configuration specific to
the product
:return: True if the product is generated
:rtype: boolean
- '''
+ """
return ("properties" in product_info and
"generate" in product_info.properties and
product_info.properties.generate == "yes")
def get_product_components(product_info):
- '''Get the component list to generate with the product
+ """Get the component list to generate with the product
:param product_info Config: The configuration specific to
the product
:return: The list of names of the components
:rtype: List
- '''
+ """
if not product_is_generated(product_info):
return []
def defaultStreamOpener(name):
- """
+ """\
This function returns a read-only stream, given its name. The name passed
in should correspond to an existing stream, otherwise an exception will be
return s.isalnum()
def makePath(prefix, suffix):
- """
+ """\
Make a path from a prefix and suffix.
- Examples::
- makePath('', 'suffix') -> 'suffix'
- makePath('prefix', 'suffix') -> 'prefix.suffix'
- makePath('prefix', '[1]') -> 'prefix[1]'
- @param prefix: The prefix to use. If it evaluates as false, the suffix
- is returned.
- @type prefix: str
- @param suffix: The suffix to use. It is either an identifier or an
- index in brackets.
- @type suffix: str
- @return: The path concatenation of prefix and suffix, with a
- dot if the suffix is not a bracketed index.
- @rtype: str
+ Examples:
+ makePath('', 'suffix') -> 'suffix'
+ makePath('prefix', 'suffix') -> 'prefix.suffix'
+ makePath('prefix', '[1]') -> 'prefix[1]'
+ @param prefix: The prefix to use. If it evaluates as false, the suffix is returned.
+ @type prefix: str
+ @param suffix: The suffix to use. It is either an identifier or an index in brackets.
+ @type suffix: str
+ @return: The path concatenation of prefix and suffix, with adot if the suffix is not a bracketed index.
+ @rtype: str
if not prefix:
rv = suffix
ref.addElement(LBRACK, tv)
def defaultMergeResolve(map1, map2, key):
- """
- A default resolver for merge conflicts. Returns a string
- indicating what action to take to resolve the conflict.
+ """\
+ A default resolver for merge conflicts.
+ Returns a string indicating what action to take to resolve the conflict.
@param map1: The map being merged into.
@type map1: L{Mapping}.
@type map2: L{Mapping}.
@param key: The key in map2 (which also exists in map1).
@type key: str
@return: One of "merge", "append", "mismatch" or "overwrite"
indicating what action should be taken. This should
be appropriate to the objects being merged - e.g.
there is no point returning "merge" if the two objects
are instances of L{Sequence}.
@rtype: str
obj1 = map1[key]