#include <GEOMImpl_RevolutionDriver.hxx>
#include <GEOMImpl_ShapeDriver.hxx>
#include <GEOMImpl_FillingDriver.hxx>
+#include <GEOMImpl_ThruSectionsDriver.hxx>
#include <GEOMImpl_IBox.hxx>
#include <GEOMImpl_ICylinder.hxx>
#include <GEOMImpl_IRevolution.hxx>
#include <GEOMImpl_IShapes.hxx>
#include <GEOMImpl_IFilling.hxx>
+#include <GEOMImpl_IThruSections.hxx>
+#include <GEOMImpl_IPipeDiffSect.hxx>
#include <Standard_ErrorHandler.hxx> // CAREFUL ! position of this file is critic : see Lucien PIGNOLONI / OCC
return aFilling;
+ * MakeThruSections
+ */
+Handle(GEOM_Object) GEOMImpl_I3DPrimOperations::MakeThruSections(
+ const Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient)& theSeqSections,
+ bool theModeSolid,
+ double thePreci,
+ bool theRuled)
+ Handle(GEOM_Object) anObj;
+ SetErrorCode(KO);
+ if(theSeqSections.IsNull())
+ return anObj;
+ Standard_Integer nbObj = theSeqSections->Length();
+ if (!nbObj)
+ return anObj;
+ //Add a new ThruSections object
+ Handle(GEOM_Object) aThruSect = GetEngine()->AddObject(GetDocID(), GEOM_THRUSECTIONS);
+ //Add a new ThruSections function
+ Handle(GEOM_Function) aFunction =
+ aThruSect->AddFunction(GEOMImpl_ThruSectionsDriver::GetID(), aTypeFunc);
+ if (aFunction.IsNull()) return anObj;
+ //Check if the function is set correctly
+ if (aFunction->GetDriverGUID() != GEOMImpl_ThruSectionsDriver::GetID()) return NULL;
+ GEOMImpl_IThruSections aCI (aFunction);
+ Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient) aSeqSections = new TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient;
+ Standard_Integer i =1;
+ for( ; i <= nbObj; i++) {
+ Handle(Standard_Transient) anItem = theSeqSections->Value(i);
+ if(anItem.IsNull())
+ continue;
+ Handle(GEOM_Object) aSectObj = Handle(GEOM_Object)::DownCast(anItem);
+ if(!aSectObj.IsNull())
+ {
+ Handle(GEOM_Function) aRefSect = aSectObj->GetLastFunction();
+ if(!aRefSect.IsNull())
+ aSeqSections->Append(aRefSect);
+ }
+ }
+ if(!aSeqSections->Length())
+ return anObj;
+ aCI.SetSections(aSeqSections);
+ aCI.SetSolidMode(theModeSolid);
+ aCI.SetPrecision(thePreci);
+ //Compute the ThruSections value
+ try {
+ if (!GetSolver()->ComputeFunction(aFunction)) {
+ SetErrorCode("ThruSections driver failed");
+ return anObj;
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Standard_Failure) {
+ Handle(Standard_Failure) aFail = Standard_Failure::Caught();
+ SetErrorCode(aFail->GetMessageString());
+ return anObj;
+ }
+ //Make a Python command
+ GEOM::TPythonDump pyDump(aFunction);
+ pyDump << aThruSect << " = geompy.MakeThruSections([";
+ for(i =1 ; i <= nbObj; i++) {
+ Handle(Standard_Transient) anItem = theSeqSections->Value(i);
+ if(anItem.IsNull())
+ continue;
+ Handle(GEOM_Object) aSectObj = Handle(GEOM_Object)::DownCast(anItem);
+ if(!aSectObj.IsNull()) {
+ pyDump<< aSectObj;
+ if(i < nbObj)
+ pyDump<<", ";
+ }
+ }
+ pyDump<< "],"<<theModeSolid << "," << thePreci <<","<< theRuled <<")";
+ SetErrorCode(OK);
+ return aThruSect;
+ * MakePipeWithDifferentSections
+ */
+Handle(GEOM_Object) GEOMImpl_I3DPrimOperations::MakePipeWithDifferentSections(
+ const Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient)& theBases,
+ const Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient)& theLocations,
+ const Handle(GEOM_Object)& thePath,
+ bool theWithContact,
+ bool theWithCorrections)
+ Handle(GEOM_Object) anObj;
+ SetErrorCode(KO);
+ if(theBases.IsNull())
+ return anObj;
+ Standard_Integer nbBases = theBases->Length();
+ if (!nbBases)
+ return anObj;
+ Standard_Integer nbLocs = (theLocations.IsNull() ? 0 :theLocations->Length());
+ //Add a new Pipe object
+ Handle(GEOM_Object) aPipeDS = GetEngine()->AddObject(GetDocID(), GEOM_PIPE);
+ //Add a new Pipe function
+ Handle(GEOM_Function) aFunction =
+ aPipeDS->AddFunction(GEOMImpl_PipeDriver::GetID(), PIPE_DIFFERENT_SECTIONS);
+ if (aFunction.IsNull()) return anObj;
+ //Check if the function is set correctly
+ if (aFunction->GetDriverGUID() != GEOMImpl_PipeDriver::GetID()) return anObj;
+ GEOMImpl_IPipeDiffSect aCI (aFunction);
+ Handle(GEOM_Function) aRefPath = thePath->GetLastFunction();
+ if(aRefPath.IsNull())
+ return anObj;
+ Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient) aSeqBases = new TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient;
+ Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient) aSeqLocs = new TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient;
+ Standard_Integer i =1;
+ for( ; i <= nbBases; i++) {
+ Handle(Standard_Transient) anItem = theBases->Value(i);
+ if(anItem.IsNull())
+ continue;
+ Handle(GEOM_Object) aBase = Handle(GEOM_Object)::DownCast(anItem);
+ if(aBase.IsNull())
+ continue;
+ Handle(GEOM_Function) aRefBase = aBase->GetLastFunction();
+ if(aRefBase.IsNull())
+ continue;
+ if(nbLocs)
+ {
+ Handle(Standard_Transient) anItemLoc = theLocations->Value(i);
+ if(anItemLoc.IsNull())
+ continue;
+ Handle(GEOM_Object) aLoc = Handle(GEOM_Object)::DownCast(anItem);
+ if(aLoc.IsNull())
+ continue;
+ Handle(GEOM_Function) aRefLoc = aLoc->GetLastFunction();
+ if(aRefLoc.IsNull())
+ continue;
+ aSeqLocs->Append(aRefLoc);
+ }
+ aSeqBases->Append(aRefBase);
+ }
+ if(!aSeqBases->Length())
+ return anObj;
+ aCI.SetBases(aSeqBases);
+ aCI.SetLocations(aSeqLocs);
+ aCI.SetPath(aRefPath);
+ aCI.SetWithContactMode(theWithContact);
+ aCI.SetWithCorrectionMode(theWithCorrections);
+ //Compute the Pipe value
+ try {
+ if (!GetSolver()->ComputeFunction(aFunction)) {
+ SetErrorCode("ThruSections driver failed");
+ return anObj;
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Standard_Failure) {
+ Handle(Standard_Failure) aFail = Standard_Failure::Caught();
+ SetErrorCode(aFail->GetMessageString());
+ return anObj;
+ }
+ //Make a Python command
+ GEOM::TPythonDump pyDump(aFunction);
+ pyDump << aPipeDS << " = geompy.MakePipeWithDifferentSections([";
+ for(i =1 ; i <= nbBases; i++) {
+ Handle(Standard_Transient) anItem = theBases->Value(i);
+ if(anItem.IsNull())
+ continue;
+ Handle(GEOM_Object) anObj = Handle(GEOM_Object)::DownCast(anItem);
+ if(!anObj.IsNull()) {
+ pyDump<< anObj;
+ if(i < nbBases)
+ pyDump<<", ";
+ }
+ }
+ pyDump<< "], [";
+ for(i =1 ; i <= nbLocs; i++) {
+ Handle(Standard_Transient) anItem = theLocations->Value(i);
+ if(anItem.IsNull())
+ continue;
+ Handle(GEOM_Object) anObj = Handle(GEOM_Object)::DownCast(anItem);
+ if(!anObj.IsNull()) {
+ pyDump<< anObj;
+ if(i < nbLocs)
+ pyDump<<", ";
+ }
+ }
+ pyDump<< "], "<<thePath<<","<<theWithContact << "," << theWithCorrections<<")";
+ SetErrorCode(OK);
+ return aPipeDS;