+/* KeepReference is necessary on method getDesktop with SIP >= 4.15.5 to avoid garbage collection of
+ the Python objects added to the desktop. This causes a small memory leak (the wrapper around desktop
+ object is never garbage collected) but since this object contains only references this is not
+ considered a big problem. With versions < 4.15, it seems that this reference was kept implicitly.
+ No proper solution was found for versions between 4.15 and 4.15.4 (included), so those versions
+ should not be used to compile GUI module.
+%If (SIP_4_15_5 - )
+ static QWidget* getDesktop() /ReleaseGIL,KeepReference/ ;
+%If ( - SIP_4_15_5)
static QWidget* getDesktop() /ReleaseGIL/ ;
static QWidget* getMainFrame() /ReleaseGIL/ ;
static QMenuBar* getMainMenuBar() /ReleaseGIL/ ;
static QMenu* getPopupMenu( const MenuName ) /ReleaseGIL/ ;