--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2016-2020 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
+"""piping Feature
+Author: Nathalie Gore
+from salome.shaper import model
+from salome.shaper import geom
+import ModelAPI
+import ParametersAPI
+from GeomAPI import *
+class piping(model.Feature):
+ """Import of Construction points
+ """
+# Feature initializations
+ def __init__(self):
+ """x.__init__(...) initializes x; see x.__class__.__doc__ for signature"""
+ model.Feature.__init__(self)
+ @staticmethod
+ def ID():
+ """Return Id of the Feature."""
+ return "piping"
+ @staticmethod
+ def FILE_ID():
+ """Returns ID of the file select parameter."""
+ return "file_path"
+ @staticmethod
+ def HEXAS_ID():
+ """Returns ID of the radius parameter."""
+ return "blocking"
+ def getKind(self):
+ """Override Feature.getKind()"""
+ return piping.ID()
+# Initialization of the dialog panel
+ def initAttributes(self):
+ """Override Feature.initAttributes()"""
+ # Creating the input argument of the feature
+ self.data().addAttribute(self.FILE_ID(), ModelAPI.ModelAPI_AttributeString_typeId())
+ self.data().addAttribute(self.HEXAS_ID(), ModelAPI.ModelAPI_AttributeBoolean_typeId())
+ self.lfeatures = []
+ self.folder = None
+ self.isHexa = False
+ self.twopartwo = "2par2"
+ self.parligne = "par_ligne"
+ self.radius = 0.5
+ #self.paramRadius = None
+ #self.paramFillet = None
+# Get existing parameters names
+ def existingParameters(self, aDoc):
+ """ Returns list of already existing parameters names"""
+ #aDoc = model.activeDocument()
+ aNbFeatures = aDoc.numInternalFeatures();
+ aNames = []
+ for i in range(aNbFeatures):
+ aParamFeature = aDoc.internalFeature(i);
+ if aParamFeature is not None:
+ if aParamFeature.getKind() == ParametersAPI.ParametersAPI_Parameter.ID():
+ aNames.append(aParamFeature.name())
+ return aNames
+# Retrieve parent pipe
+ def decodingCode(self, code):
+ splitCode = code.split(".")
+ if len(splitCode) <= 1:
+ return ""
+ previousCode = code[:len(code)-len(splitCode[-1])-1]
+ return previousCode
+ def readNodeInfo(self, line):
+ #print(line)
+ splitLine = line.split(" ")
+ if len(splitLine) != 5:
+ print(line) ; return False
+ if splitLine[0] in self.infoPoints:
+ print(line) ; return False
+ if splitLine[1] not in self.infoPoints and splitLine[1] != "-":
+ print(line) ; return False
+ self.infoPoints[splitLine[0]] = {}
+ self.infoPoints[splitLine[0]]["Ref"] = splitLine[1]
+ if splitLine[1] == "-":
+ self.infoPoints[splitLine[0]]["X"] = float(splitLine[2])
+ self.infoPoints[splitLine[0]]["Y"] = float(splitLine[3])
+ self.infoPoints[splitLine[0]]["Z"] = float(splitLine[4])
+ else :
+ self.infoPoints[splitLine[0]]["X"] = self.infoPoints[splitLine[1]]["X"] + float(splitLine[2])
+ self.infoPoints[splitLine[0]]["Y"] = self.infoPoints[splitLine[1]]["Y"] + float(splitLine[3])
+ self.infoPoints[splitLine[0]]["Z"] = self.infoPoints[splitLine[1]]["Z"] + float(splitLine[4])
+ self.infoPoints[splitLine[0]]["isEnd"] = False
+ return True
+ def readConnectivity(self, line, method):
+ splitLine = line.split(" ")
+ print(line)
+ if method == self.twopartwo :
+ if self.connectivities == {} :
+ print("nouvelle ligne - Cas 1")
+ self.newConnectivity(splitLine[0], splitLine)
+ else :
+ # Recherche si ligne déjà existante ou si nouvelle ligne
+ print("Lignes existantes")
+ for key, val in self.connectivities.items():
+ print(key, " ******* ",val)
+ if val['chainage'][-1] == splitLine[0]:
+ # La ligne existe
+ val['chainage'].append(splitLine[1])
+ return True
+ # La ligne n'existe pas
+ print("nouvelle ligne - Cas 2")
+ self.newConnectivity(splitLine[0], splitLine)
+ else :
+ self.newConnectivity(splitLine[0], splitLine)
+ return True
+ def newConnectivity(self, key, value):
+ self.connectivities[key] = {}
+ self.connectivities[key]['chainage'] = value
+ def readFillet(self, line):
+ splitLine = line.split(" ")
+ if len(splitLine) != 2:
+ print(line) ; return False
+ if not splitLine[0] in self.infoPoints:
+ print(line) ; return False
+ if splitLine[1] == "angular_connection":
+ self.infoPoints[splitLine[0]]["Fillet"] = "angular_connection"
+ return True
+ elif splitLine[1][:7] == "radius=":
+ self.infoPoints[splitLine[0]]["Fillet"] = "radius"
+ self.infoPoints[splitLine[0]]["Radius"] = float(splitLine[1][7:])
+ return True
+ print(line) ; return False
+ def retrieveSubshapesforWire(self, copy, key, ind):
+ exp = GeomAPI_ShapeExplorer(copy.defaultResult().shape(), GeomAPI_Shape.EDGE)
+ end = False
+ subshapesForWire = []
+ currentInd = 0
+ isPipe = True
+ print("Current chainage : ", self.connectivities[key]['chainage'][ind:])
+ print("Indice de démarrage = ", ind)
+ while exp.more() and not end :
+ print("Analyse Edge n°", currentInd)
+ print(" => ", self.connectivities[key]['chainage'][currentInd], " - ", self.connectivities[key]['chainage'][currentInd+1])
+ print(" ==> ", self.infoPoints[self.connectivities[key]['chainage'][currentInd]]["isAngular"], " - ", self.infoPoints[self.connectivities[key]['chainage'][currentInd+1]]["isAngular"])
+ cur = exp.current().edge()
+ if currentInd < ind:
+ print("Edge non prise en compte")
+ print("test si fillet : ", currentInd+1, ind, self.infoPoints[self.connectivities[key]['chainage'][currentInd+1]]["Fillet"])
+ if currentInd+1 <= ind and self.infoPoints[self.connectivities[key]['chainage'][currentInd+1]]["Fillet"] == "radius" and not self.infoPoints[self.connectivities[key]['chainage'][currentInd]]["isAngular"]:
+ print("Fillet à ne pas prendre en compte")
+ exp.next() ; cur = exp.current().edge()
+ else :
+ subshapesForWire.append(model.selection(copy.defaultResult(), cur))
+ print("Mode normal - Nb segments dans le wire : ", len(subshapesForWire))
+ # Cas du fillet : on récupère l'edge suivante
+ if self.infoPoints[self.connectivities[key]['chainage'][currentInd]]["isAngular"] or self.infoPoints[self.connectivities[key]['chainage'][currentInd+1]]["isAngular"]:
+ end = True
+ print("Nb segments dans le wire : ", len(subshapesForWire))
+ if len(subshapesForWire) == 1:
+ print("Coude droit en cours")
+ currentInd = currentInd+1
+ isPipe = False
+ else :
+ print("Coude droit à venir")
+ subshapesForWire = subshapesForWire[:-1]
+ elif self.infoPoints[self.connectivities[key]['chainage'][currentInd]]["Fillet"] == "radius":
+ print("Ajout edge start Fillet")
+ exp.next() ; cur = exp.current().edge()
+ subshapesForWire.append(model.selection(copy.defaultResult(), cur))
+ #currentInd = currentInd+1
+ print("Mode Fillet - Nb segments dans le wire : ", len(subshapesForWire))
+ elif self.infoPoints[self.connectivities[key]['chainage'][currentInd+1]]["Fillet"] == "radius":
+ print("Ajout edge end Fillet")
+ exp.next() ; cur = exp.current().edge()
+ subshapesForWire.append(model.selection(copy.defaultResult(), cur))
+ print("Mode Fillet - Nb segments dans le wire : ", len(subshapesForWire))
+ else :
+ if self.infoPoints[self.connectivities[key]['chainage'][currentInd+1]]["isEnd"]:
+ print("Fin detectee")
+ currentInd = currentInd+1
+ end = True
+ else :
+ print("Branchement")
+ if not end:
+ currentInd = currentInd+1
+ exp.next()
+ print("End = ", end, self.connectivities[key]['chainage'][currentInd])
+ return subshapesForWire, currentInd, isPipe, self.connectivities[key]['chainage'][currentInd]
+ def retrieveLastElement(self, obj, typeOfElement):
+ exp = GeomAPI_ShapeExplorer(obj.defaultResult().shape(), typeOfElement)
+ while exp.more():
+ if typeOfElement == GeomAPI_Shape.VERTEX :
+ cur = exp.current().vertex(); exp.next()
+ elif typeOfElement == GeomAPI_Shape.EDGE :
+ cur = exp.current().edge(); exp.next()
+ elif typeOfElement == GeomAPI_Shape.FACE :
+ cur = exp.current().face(); exp.next()
+ elif typeOfElement == GeomAPI_Shape.SOLID :
+ cur = exp.current().solid(); exp.next()
+ else :
+ return None
+ return model.selection(obj.defaultResult(), cur)
+ def retrieveFirstElement(self, obj, typeOfElement):
+ exp = GeomAPI_ShapeExplorer(obj.defaultResult().shape(), typeOfElement)
+ if typeOfElement == GeomAPI_Shape.VERTEX :
+ cur = exp.current().vertex()
+ elif typeOfElement == GeomAPI_Shape.EDGE :
+ cur = exp.current().edge()
+ elif typeOfElement == GeomAPI_Shape.FACE :
+ cur = exp.current().face()
+ elif typeOfElement == GeomAPI_Shape.SOLID :
+ cur = exp.current().solid()
+ else :
+ return None
+ return model.selection(obj.defaultResult(), cur)
+ def createPiping(self, part, connectivityInfos):
+ lPipes = []
+ startFace = None
+ fuse = None
+ for ind in range(len(connectivityInfos['paths'])):
+ print("Step = ", ind)
+ if ind == 0:
+ startFace = connectivityInfos['sketch']
+ if connectivityInfos['isPipe'][ind] :
+ pipe = model.addPipe(part, [startFace], connectivityInfos['paths'][ind].result())
+ else :
+ # recherche du plan
+ if self.infoPoints[connectivityInfos['ends'][ind]]['isAngular']:
+ pipe = model.addExtrusion(part, [startFace], model.selection(), self.infoPoints[connectivityInfos['ends'][ind]]['plane'], 0, model.selection(), 0, "Faces|Wires")
+ else :
+ # le plan cible n'existe pas
+ edge = model.addAxis(part, self.infoPoints[connectivityInfos['starts'][ind]]['point'], self.infoPoints[connectivityInfos['ends'][ind]]['point']); edge.execute(True); self.lfeatures.append(edge)# self.retrieveFirstElement(connectivityInfos['paths'][ind], GeomAPI_Shape.EDGE)
+ point = self.retrieveLastElement(connectivityInfos['paths'][ind], GeomAPI_Shape.VERTEX)
+ plane = model.addPlane(part, edge.result(), point, True); plane.execute(True); self.lfeatures.append(plane)
+ pipe = model.addExtrusion(part, [startFace], edge.result(), plane.result(), 0, model.selection(), 0, "Faces|Wires")
+ pipe.execute(True); self.lfeatures.append(pipe)
+ lPipes.append(pipe.result())
+ if ind < len(connectivityInfos['paths'])-1:
+ copy = model.addCopy(part, [model.selection(pipe.defaultResult())], 1); copy.execute(True); self.lfeatures.append(copy)
+ startFace = self.retrieveLastElement(copy, GeomAPI_Shape.FACE)
+ if len(lPipes) > 1 :
+ fuse = model.addFuse(part, lPipes, False); fuse.execute(True); self.lfeatures.append(fuse)
+ else :
+ return pipe
+ return fuse
+# Execution of the Import
+ def execute(self):
+ """F.execute() -- execute the Feature"""
+ # Retrieving the user input
+ apath = self.string(self.FILE_ID())
+ filepath = apath.value()
+ if filepath != "" :
+ part = model.activeDocument()
+ if self.lfeatures :
+ for feature in self.lfeatures:
+ part.removeFeature(feature.feature())
+ self.lfeatures = []
+ model.removeFolder(self.folder)
+ self.infoPoints = {}
+ self.connectivities = {}
+ from os.path import basename
+ filename = basename(filepath)
+ nameRes = "piping_" + filename
+ # Creating the construction points in the current document
+ lFeatures = []
+ lVertices = []
+ lCodesPipes = []
+ lPipeSupports = {}
+ lPipes = []
+ with open(filepath) as file:
+ summary = 0
+ method = ""
+ for line in file:
+ if line == "\n":
+ continue
+ if line[0] == "#" or line[:3] == "...":
+ continue
+ if summary == 0 and line[:-1] == "nodes section" :
+ print("========================= Lecture des noeuds =========================")
+ summary = 1
+ continue
+ if summary == 1 and line[:-1] == "connectivity section" :
+ print("========================= Lecture de la connectivite =========================")
+ summary = 2
+ continue
+ if summary == 2 and line[:6] == "method" :
+ method = line[7:-1]
+ print(method)
+ if method != self.twopartwo and method != self.parligne:
+ raiseException("Problem with type of connectivity")
+ continue
+ if summary == 2 and line[:-1] == "fillets section" :
+ print("========================= Lecture des fillets =========================")
+ summary = 3
+ continue
+ if summary == 1:
+ isOK = self.readNodeInfo(line[:-1])
+ if not isOK:
+ raiseException("Problem with description of nodes")
+ continue
+ if summary == 2:
+ isOK = self.readConnectivity(line[:-1],method)
+ if not isOK:
+ raiseException("Problem with description of connectivities")
+ continue
+ if summary == 3:
+ isOK = self.readFillet(line[:-1])
+ if not isOK:
+ raiseException("Problem with description of fillets")
+ continue
+ file.close()
+ for key, value in self.connectivities.items():
+ self.infoPoints[value['chainage'][-1]]["isEnd"] = True
+ print("infos points = " , self.infoPoints)
+ print("connectivities = " , self.connectivities)
+ # Creation des points
+ print("========================= Creation des noeuds =========================")
+ for key, value in self.infoPoints.items():
+ point = model.addPoint(part, value['X'], value['Y'], value['Z']); point.execute(True); self.lfeatures.append(point)
+ value["point"] = point.result()
+ # Creation des polylines
+ print("========================= Creation des polylines =========================")
+ for key, value in self.connectivities.items():
+ print("key = ", key)
+ lPoints = []
+ for id_noeud in value['chainage']:
+ lPoints.append(self.infoPoints[id_noeud]["point"])
+ polyline = model.addPolyline3D(part, lPoints, False); polyline.execute(True); self.lfeatures.append(polyline)
+ value["polyline"] = polyline
+ # Creation des fillets
+ print("========================= Creation des fillets =========================")
+ for key, value in self.connectivities.items():
+ print("key = ", key)
+ # recherche des noeuds fillets
+ value["fillet"] = value["polyline"]
+ for id_noeud in value['chainage']:
+ if self.infoPoints[id_noeud]["Fillet"] == "radius" :
+ print(self.infoPoints[id_noeud])
+ fillet1D = model.addFillet(part, [model.selection("VERTEX", (self.infoPoints[id_noeud]["X"],self.infoPoints[id_noeud]["Y"],self.infoPoints[id_noeud]["Z"]))], self.infoPoints[id_noeud]["Radius"]); fillet1D.execute(True); self.lfeatures.append(fillet1D)
+ value["fillet"] = fillet1D
+ # Trouver les coudes droits
+ print("========================= Recherche des coudes droits =========================")
+ for key, value in self.connectivities.items():
+ print("key = ", key, value['chainage'])
+ # recherche des noeuds fillets
+ for ind, id_noeud in enumerate(value['chainage']):
+ #print("Info sur : " id_noeud, " => ", self.infoPoints[id_noeud]["Fillet"])
+ if ind == 0 or ind == len(value['chainage'])-1 :
+ self.infoPoints[id_noeud]["isAngular"] = False
+ else :
+ if self.infoPoints[id_noeud]["Fillet"] == "radius" :
+ self.infoPoints[id_noeud]["isAngular"] = False
+ else :
+ if id_noeud in self.connectivities:
+ self.infoPoints[id_noeud]["isAngular"] = False
+ else :
+ self.infoPoints[id_noeud]["isAngular"] = True
+ print("========================= Création du plan =========================")
+ # Axe d'extrusion
+ print(ind-1, ind, ind+1)
+ print(value["chainage"][ind-1], id_noeud, value["chainage"][ind+1])
+ print(self.infoPoints[value["chainage"][ind-1]]["point"])
+ tmpPlane = model.addPlane(part, self.infoPoints[value["chainage"][ind-1]]["point"], self.infoPoints[id_noeud]["point"], self.infoPoints[value["chainage"][ind+1]]["point"]); tmpPlane.execute(True); self.lfeatures.append(tmpPlane)
+ axis = model.addAxis(part, tmpPlane.result(), self.infoPoints[id_noeud]["point"]); axis.execute(True); self.lfeatures.append(axis)
+ self.infoPoints[id_noeud]["axis"] = axis.result()
+ # Edge a extruder
+ tmpEdge = model.addEdge(part, self.infoPoints[id_noeud]["point"], self.infoPoints[value["chainage"][ind+1]]["point"]); tmpEdge.execute(True); self.lfeatures.append(tmpEdge)
+ length = model.measureDistance(part, self.infoPoints[value["chainage"][ind-1]]["point"], self.infoPoints[id_noeud]["point"])
+ point = model.addPoint(part, tmpEdge.result(), length, False, False); point.execute(True); self.lfeatures.append(point)
+ baseEdge = model.addEdge(part, self.infoPoints[value["chainage"][ind-1]]["point"], point.result()); baseEdge.execute(True); self.lfeatures.append(baseEdge)
+ middlePoint = model.addPoint(part, baseEdge.result(), 0.5, True, False); middlePoint.execute(True); self.lfeatures.append(middlePoint)
+ Edge = model.addEdge(part, self.infoPoints[id_noeud]["point"], middlePoint.result()); Edge.execute(True); self.lfeatures.append(Edge)
+ # Extrusion
+ plane = model.addExtrusion(part, [Edge.result()], axis.result(), 10, 0); plane.execute(True); self.lfeatures.append(plane)
+ self.infoPoints[id_noeud]["plane"] = plane.result()
+ # Création des paths pour le piping
+ print("========================= Création des paths =========================")
+ for key, value in self.connectivities.items():
+ print("================================================================================= key = ", key, value['chainage'], value['fillet'])
+ # recherche des noeuds fillets
+ value["paths"] = []
+ value["isPipe"] = []
+ value["starts"] = []
+ value["ends"] = []
+ ind = 0
+ copy = value['fillet']
+ while ind < len(value['chainage'])-1:
+ value["starts"].append(self.connectivities[key]['chainage'][ind])
+ objectsForPath, ind, isPipe, end_noeud = self.retrieveSubshapesforWire(copy, key, ind)
+ print("************************* ind = ", ind)
+ print("************************* objectsForPath = ", objectsForPath)
+ path = model.addWire(part, objectsForPath, False); path.execute(True); self.lfeatures.append(path)
+ value["paths"].append(path)
+ value["isPipe"].append(isPipe)
+ value["ends"].append(end_noeud)
+ if ind < len(value['chainage'])-1:
+ copy = model.addCopy(part, [model.selection(copy.defaultResult())], 1); copy.execute(True); self.lfeatures.append(copy)
+ # Création des sketchs pour le piping
+ print("========================= Création des sketchs =========================")
+ for key, value in self.connectivities.items():
+ print("================================================================================= key = ", key)
+ # Creating sketch
+ edge = model.addEdge(part, self.infoPoints[value["chainage"][0]]["point"], self.infoPoints[value["chainage"][1]]["point"]); edge.execute(True); self.lfeatures.append(edge)
+ plane = model.addPlane(part, edge.result(), self.infoPoints[value["chainage"][0]]["point"], True); plane.execute(True); self.lfeatures.append(plane)
+ sketch = model.addSketch(part, plane.result()); sketch.execute(True); self.lfeatures.append(sketch)
+ SketchProjection = sketch.addProjection(self.infoPoints[value["chainage"][0]]["point"], False); SketchProjection.execute(True)
+ SketchPoint = SketchProjection.createdFeature(); SketchPoint.execute(True)
+ SketchCircle = sketch.addCircle(0,0,self.radius); SketchCircle.execute(True)
+ sketch.setCoincident(SketchPoint.result(), SketchCircle.center())
+ sketch.setRadius(SketchCircle.results()[1], self.radius)
+ sketch.execute(True)
+ model.do()
+ value["sketch"] = sketch.result()
+ print("infos points = " , self.infoPoints)
+ print("********************************")
+ print("connectivities = " , self.connectivities)
+ # Création des pipes
+ print("========================= Création des pipes =========================")
+ for key, value in self.connectivities.items():
+ print("================================================================================= key = ", key)
+ pipe = self.createPiping(part, value)
+ value["pipe"] = pipe.result()
+ # Fusion des pipes
+ print("========================= Fusion des pipes =========================")
+ lPipes = []
+ for key, value in self.connectivities.items():
+ lPipes.append(value["pipe"])
+ fuse = model.addFuse(part, lPipes, False)
+ fuse.execute(True); self.lfeatures.append(fuse)
+ fuse.result().setName(nameRes)
+ self.folder = model.addFolder(part, self.lfeatures[0], self.lfeatures[-1])
+ self.folder.setName(nameRes)
+ return
+ raiseException("The file does not exist")
+ def isMacro(self):
+ """Override Feature.initAttributes().
+ F.isMacro() -> True
+ piping feature is macro: removes itself on the creation transaction
+ finish.
+ """
+ return False