default = "LBFGSB",
typecast = str,
message = "Minimiseur utilisé",
- listval = ["LBFGSB","TNC", "CG", "NCG", "BFGS"],
+ listval = ["LBFGSB","TNC", "CG", "NCG", "BFGS", "LM"],
name = "MaximumNumberOfSteps",
if R is not None:
RI = R.I
+ if self._parameters["Minimizer"] == "LM":
+ RdemiI = numpy.linalg.cholesky(R).I
elif self._parameters["R_scalar"] is not None:
RI = 1.0 / self._parameters["R_scalar"]
+ if self._parameters["Minimizer"] == "LM":
+ import math
+ RdemiI = 1.0 / math.sqrt( self._parameters["R_scalar"] )
raise ValueError("Observation error covariance matrix has to be properly defined!")
self.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJb"].store( Jb )
self.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJo"].store( Jo )
self.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJ" ].store( J )
- return float( J )
+ return J
def GradientOfCostFunction(x):
_X = numpy.asmatrix(x).flatten().T
logging.debug("%s GradientOfCostFunction GradJ = %s"%(self._name, numpy.asmatrix( GradJ ).flatten()))
return GradJ.A1
+ def CostFunctionLM(x):
+ _X = numpy.asmatrix(x).flatten().T
+ logging.debug("%s CostFunction X = %s"%(self._name, numpy.asmatrix( _X ).flatten()))
+ _HX = Hm( _X )
+ _HX = numpy.asmatrix(_HX).flatten().T
+ Jb = 0.
+ Jo = 0.5 * (Y - _HX).T * RI * (Y - _HX)
+ J = float( Jb ) + float( Jo )
+ logging.debug("%s CostFunction Jb = %s"%(self._name, Jb))
+ logging.debug("%s CostFunction Jo = %s"%(self._name, Jo))
+ logging.debug("%s CostFunction J = %s"%(self._name, J))
+ if self._parameters["StoreInternalVariables"]:
+ self.StoredVariables["CurrentState"].store( _X.A1 )
+ self.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJb"].store( Jb )
+ self.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJo"].store( Jo )
+ self.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJ" ].store( J )
+ #
+ return numpy.asmatrix( RdemiI*(Y - _HX) ).flatten().A1
+ #
+ def GradientOfCostFunctionLM(x):
+ _X = numpy.asmatrix(x).flatten().T
+ logging.debug("%s GradientOfCostFunction X = %s"%(self._name, numpy.asmatrix( _X ).flatten()))
+ _HX = Hm( _X )
+ _HX = numpy.asmatrix(_HX).flatten().T
+ GradJb = 0.
+ GradJo = - Ha( (_X, RI * (Y - _HX)) )
+ GradJ = numpy.asmatrix( GradJb ).flatten().T + numpy.asmatrix( GradJo ).flatten().T
+ logging.debug("%s GradientOfCostFunction GradJb = %s"%(self._name, numpy.asmatrix( GradJb ).flatten()))
+ logging.debug("%s GradientOfCostFunction GradJo = %s"%(self._name, numpy.asmatrix( GradJo ).flatten()))
+ logging.debug("%s GradientOfCostFunction GradJ = %s"%(self._name, numpy.asmatrix( GradJ ).flatten()))
+ return - RdemiI*H["Tangent"].asMatrix( _X )
+ #
# Point de démarrage de l'optimisation : Xini = Xb
# ------------------------------------
if type(Xb) is type(numpy.matrix([])):
disp = disp,
full_output = True,
+ elif self._parameters["Minimizer"] == "LM":
+ Minimum, cov_x, infodict, mesg, rc = scipy.optimize.leastsq(
+ func = CostFunctionLM,
+ x0 = Xini,
+ Dfun = GradientOfCostFunctionLM,
+ args = (),
+ ftol = self._parameters["CostDecrementTolerance"],
+ maxfev = self._parameters["MaximumNumberOfSteps"],
+ gtol = self._parameters["GradientNormTolerance"],
+ full_output = True,
+ )
+ nfeval = infodict['nfev']
raise ValueError("Error in Minimizer name: %s"%self._parameters["Minimizer"])