bool& myLock;
+bool isSame (double d1, double d2)
+ return Abs(d1 - d2) <= Precision::Confusion();
// class : EntityGUI_3DSketcherDlg()
// purpose : Constructs a EntityGUI_3DSketcherDlg which is a child of 'parent', with the
gp_Vec Vec1(P1,P2);
gp_Vec Vec2(P1,P3);
- gp_Vec Vec3 = Vec1;
gp_Dir aNormal; // Normal defining the plane of the presentation
if (withAngle) // If one angle
- switch(myOrientation)
+ // Transformation from the current coordinate system
+ // to the reference coordinate system
+ gp_Trsf aTransform = toReferenceSystem (P1);
+ gp_Dir N1 = gp::DZ();
+ gp_Dir N2 = gp::DY();
+ N1.Transform(aTransform);
+ N2.Transform(aTransform);
+ if (Vec1.CrossMagnitude(N1) > Precision::Confusion())
- case OXY:
- {
- if (Vec1.CrossMagnitude(gp::DZ()) > Precision::Confusion())
- aNormal = gp::DZ().Crossed(gp_Dir(Vec1)); // --> the plane is orthogonal to the angle presentation
- else // plane and contains the current edge
- aNormal = gp::DY();
- if (twoAngles) // If two angles
- {
- gp_XYZ Vec1_XY(Vec1.X(),Vec1.Y(),0.0);// --> define Vec3 as the projection of the current
- Vec3 = gp_Vec(Vec1_XY); // edge on the plane chosen for the first angle
- }
- break;
- }
- case OYZ:
- {
- if (Vec1.CrossMagnitude(gp::DX()) > Precision::Confusion())
- aNormal = gp::DX().Crossed(gp_Dir(Vec1));
- else
- aNormal = gp::DZ();
- if (twoAngles)
- {
- gp_XYZ Vec1_YZ(0.0,Vec1.Y(),Vec1.Z());
- Vec3 = gp_Vec(Vec1_YZ);
- }
- break;
- }
- case OXZ:
- {
- if (Vec1.CrossMagnitude(gp::DY()) > Precision::Confusion())
- aNormal = gp::DY().Crossed(gp_Dir(Vec1));
- else
- aNormal = gp::DZ();
- if (twoAngles)
- {
- gp_XYZ Vec1_XZ(Vec1.X(),0.0,Vec1.Z());
- Vec3 = gp_Vec(Vec1_XZ);
- }
- break;
- }
+ // The plane is orthogonal to the angle presentation plane
+ // and contains the current edge
+ aNormal = N1.Crossed(gp_Dir(Vec1));
- if(twoAngles // If two angles
- && Abs(Vec1.CrossMagnitude(Vec3)) > Precision::Confusion())
+ else
+ aNormal = N2;
+ if (twoAngles)
- aNormal = gp_Dir(Vec1.Crossed(Vec3));// --> set the normal as the cross product of
- } // the current edge with its projection
- } // it ensures that the dimension changes
- // side when the angle becomes negative
+ gp_Vec V = Vec1.Transformed(aTransform.Inverted());
+ gp_Vec Vec3(V.X(),V.Y(),0.0);
+ // Express the coordinates in the refernce coordinate system (OXY)
+ Vec3.Transform(aTransform);
+ if(Abs(Vec1.CrossMagnitude(Vec3)) > Precision::Confusion())
+ {
+ // set the normal as the cross product of the current edge with its projection
+ // it ensures that the dimension changes side when the angle becomes negative
+ aNormal = gp_Dir(Vec1.Crossed(Vec3));
+ }
+ }
+ }
// Check colinearity
Vec2 = gp_Vec(gp::DY());
- aNormal = gp_Dir(Vec1.Crossed(Vec2)); // If no angles --> the plane is the one formed by
- } // the last edge and the current one
+ // If no angles, the plane is the one formed by the last edge and the current one
+ aNormal = gp_Dir(Vec1.Crossed(Vec2));
+ }
return aNormal;
XYZ Current = getCurrentPoint();
gp_Pnt Last_Pnt(Last.x,Last.y,Last.z);
gp_Pnt P0 = Last_Pnt;
+ gp_Pnt Origin = gp::Origin();
if (myMode == 0) // Absolute coordinates
- P0=gp::Origin();
+ P0 = Origin;
gp_Pnt Current_Pnt(Current.x,Current.y,Current.z);
gp_Pnt P1, P2;
if (myCoordType == 0)
- if((( Abs(Last.x-Current.x) <= Precision::Confusion() &&
- Abs(Last.y-Current.y) <= Precision::Confusion() ) ||
- ( Abs(Last.x-Current.x) <= Precision::Confusion() &&
- Abs(Last.z-Current.z) <= Precision::Confusion() ) ||
- ( Abs(Last.y-Current.y) <= Precision::Confusion() &&
- Abs(Last.z-Current.z) <= Precision::Confusion() ))&&
- myMode == 1)
+ bool oneDimensionalMove = (isSame(Last_Pnt.X(), Current_Pnt.X()) &&
+ isSame(Last_Pnt.Y(), Current_Pnt.Y()) ) ||
+ (isSame(Last_Pnt.Y(), Current_Pnt.Y()) &&
+ isSame(Last_Pnt.Z(), Current_Pnt.Z()) ) ||
+ (isSame(Last_Pnt.X(), Current_Pnt.X()) &&
+ isSame(Last_Pnt.Z(), Current_Pnt.Z()) );
+ if(oneDimensionalMove && myMode == 1)
// For better colocation of dimensions if only one coordinate changes (aNormal is a better choice)
displayLength(P0, Current_Pnt, aNormal, store);
- displayLength(gp_Pnt(P0.X(),Current.y,P0.Z()), gp_Pnt(Current.x,Current.y,P0.Z()), gp::DZ().Reversed(), store);
- displayLength(gp_Pnt(Current.x,P0.Y(),P0.Z()), gp_Pnt(Current.x,Current.y,P0.Z()), gp::DZ(), store);
- displayLength(gp_Pnt(Current.x,Current.y,P0.Z()), Current_Pnt, gp::DX(), store);
+ if (!isSame(Last_Pnt.X(),Current_Pnt.X()))
+ displayLength(gp_Pnt(P0.X(),Current.y,P0.Z()), gp_Pnt(Current.x,Current.y,P0.Z()), gp::DZ().Reversed(), store);
+ if (!isSame(Last_Pnt.Y(),Current_Pnt.Y()))
+ displayLength(gp_Pnt(Current.x,P0.Y(),P0.Z()), gp_Pnt(Current.x,Current.y,P0.Z()), gp::DZ(), store);
+ if (!isSame(Last_Pnt.Z(),Current_Pnt.Z()))
+ displayLength(gp_Pnt(Current.x,Current.y,P0.Z()), Current_Pnt, gp::DX(), store);
else if (myCoordType == 1) // ANGLES
double anAngle1 = GroupAngles->SpinBox_DA->value();
double aLength = GroupAngles->SpinBox_DL->value();
- switch(myOrientation)
- {
- case OXY:
- {
- P1 = gp_Pnt(P0.X() + aLength,P0.Y(),P0.Z()); // X direction
- P2 = gp_Pnt(P0.X() + aLength * cos(anAngle1 * M_PI / 180.),
- P0.Y() + aLength * sin(anAngle1 * M_PI / 180.),
- P0.Z());
- break;
- }
- case OYZ:
- {
- P1 = gp_Pnt(P0.X(), P0.Y() + aLength,P0.Z()); // Y direction
- P2 = gp_Pnt(P0.X(),
- P0.Y() + aLength * cos(anAngle1 * M_PI / 180.),
- P0.Z() + aLength * sin(anAngle1 * M_PI / 180.));
- break;
- }
- case OXZ:
- {
- P1 = gp_Pnt(P0.X() + aLength,P0.Y(),P0.Z()); // X direction
- P2 = gp_Pnt(P0.X() + aLength * cos(anAngle1 * M_PI / 180.) ,
- P0.Y(),
- P0.Z() + aLength * sin(anAngle1 * M_PI / 180.));
- break;
- }
- }
+ // Set the coordinates in the current coordinate system
+ P1.SetCoord( aLength, 0.0, 0.0); // X direction
+ P2.SetCoord( aLength * cos(anAngle1 * M_PI / 180. ),
+ aLength * sin(anAngle1 * M_PI / 180. ),
+ 0.0);
+ // Express the coordinates in the refernce coordinate system (OXY)
+ gp_Trsf aTranform = toReferenceSystem(P0);
+ P1.Transform(aTranform);
+ P2.Transform(aTranform);
+ P1.Translate(Origin, P0);
+ P2.Translate(Origin, P0);
- if(!cylindrical)
- displayLength(P0, Current_Pnt, aNormal, store);
if(myMode !=0 || !store)
displayAngle(anAngle1, P0, P1, P2, store);
double anAngle2 = GroupAngles->SpinBox_DA2->value();
displayAngle(anAngle2, P0, P2, Current_Pnt, store);
+ displayLength(P0, Current_Pnt, aNormal, store);
- if(cylindrical)
- {
+ else
+ {
+ bool sameRadius = isSame ( radius(Last_Pnt), radius(Current_Pnt) );
+ bool sameHeight = isSame ( height(Last_Pnt), height(Current_Pnt) );
gp_Vec aVec(P2, Current_Pnt);
- if (myMode == 0)
+ if (myMode == 0 && !sameRadius)
+ {
displayLength(P0.Translated(aVec), P2.Translated(aVec), aNormal, store); // Radius
- else
+ }
+ else if (myMode == 1)
displayLength(P0, P2, aNormal, store);
- displayLength(P2, Current_Pnt, aNormal.Reversed(), store); // Height
+ if ( cylindrical &&
+ (myMode == 1 || !sameHeight) )
+ displayLength(P2, Current_Pnt, aNormal.Reversed(), store); // Height
return QString::number(num, format, digNum).toStdString();
+// Function : toReferenceSystem ()
+// Purpose :
+gp_Trsf EntityGUI_3DSketcherDlg::toReferenceSystem(gp_Pnt origin) const
+ gp_Trsf T; // Identity transformation
+ gp_Ax3 reference_system; // OXY
+ reference_system.SetLocation(origin);
+ gp_Ax3 current_system = reference_system;
+ switch (myOrientation)
+ {
+ case OYZ:
+ {
+ current_system = gp_Ax3(origin, gp::DX(), gp::DY());
+ break;
+ }
+ case OXZ:
+ {
+ current_system = gp_Ax3(origin, gp::DY().Reversed(), gp::DX());
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ T.SetTransformation( current_system, reference_system );
+ return T;
+// Function : toCurrentSystem ()
+// Purpose :
+gp_Trsf EntityGUI_3DSketcherDlg::toCurrentSystem(gp_Pnt origin) const
+ return toReferenceSystem(origin).Inverted();
+// Function : radius (gp_Pnt) const
+// Purpose :
+double EntityGUI_3DSketcherDlg::radius (gp_Pnt thePnt) const
+ // Get the point coordinates in the current coordinates system
+ gp_Trsf aTrsf = toCurrentSystem(gp::Origin());
+ gp_Pnt aPnt = thePnt.Transformed(aTrsf);
+ double radius = sqrt(aPnt.X()*aPnt.X() + aPnt.Y()*aPnt.Y());
+ return radius;
+// Function : height (gp_Pnt) const
+// Purpose :
+double EntityGUI_3DSketcherDlg::height (gp_Pnt thePnt) const
+ // Get the point coordinates in the current coordinates system
+ gp_Trsf aTrsf = toCurrentSystem(gp::Origin());
+ gp_Pnt aPnt = thePnt.Transformed(aTrsf);
+ return aPnt.Z();
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