\image html measures4.png
The table displays:
-- 3*3 matrix of its own moments of inertia (in rows <b> 1:1, 2:1</b> and <b>3:1</b>) and
-- the main (principal) moments of inertia (in row <b>IX & IY & IZ</b>)
+ - 3*3 matrix of its own moments of inertia (in cells <b>i:j</b>) and
+ - the main (principal) moments of inertia <b>Ip1</b>, <b>Ip2</b> and <b>Ip3</b>
\note The matrix of inertia is returned in the central coordinate
system (G, Gx, Gy, Gz) where G is the centre of mass of the system
myGrp->TextLabel4_1->setText( "3:1" );
myGrp->TextLabel4_2->setText( "3:2" );
myGrp->TextLabel4_3->setText( "3:3" );
- myGrp->TextLabel5_1->setText( "IX" );
- myGrp->TextLabel5_2->setText( "IY" );
- myGrp->TextLabel5_3->setText( "IZ" );
+ myGrp->TextLabel5_1->setText( "Ip1" ); // old name "IX"
+ myGrp->TextLabel5_2->setText( "Ip2" ); // old name "IY"
+ myGrp->TextLabel5_3->setText( "Ip3" ); // old name "IZ"
myGrp->LineEdit11->setReadOnly( true );
myGrp->LineEdit12->setReadOnly( true );
myGrp->LineEdit13->setReadOnly( true );