\anchor blsurf_local_size
<h1>Local size</h1>
-\image html blsurf_parameters_sizemap1.png
Local sizes can be defined on faces, edges or vertices.
<li>The faces, edges and vertices can belong to the meshed geometrical
+3 different types of size maps can be defined:
+<li type="a">\ref blsurf_sizemap_computation "Computation of the physical size"</li>
+<li type="a">\ref blsurf_attractor "Advanced maps"</li>
+<li type="a">\ref blsurf_attractor_computation "Computation of attractors"</li>
\ref blsurf_top "Back to top"
\anchor blsurf_sizemap_computation
<h2>Computation of the physical size</h2>
+\image html blsurf_parameters_sizemap1.png
The physical size is obtained by querying sizemap functions associated to the input CAD object for surfaces, curves and points.
Each function can either return a value h (which is then trimmed
between the two bounds hphymin and hphymax), or "no answer" (by not
In order to compute the mean of several values, the arithmetic mean is used by default, but this can be modified by the parameter \ref blsurf_hmean_flag "hmean flag". In the same way, in order to interpolate two values, a linear interpolation is used by default, but this can be modified by \ref blsurf_hinterpol_flag "hinterpol flag".
+\ref blsurf_local_size "Back to \"Local size\"" \n
\ref blsurf_top "Back to top"
\anchor blsurf_attractor
-\image html blsurf_attractors2.png "Example of mesh created using
-attractors, the attractors here are the side edges and the size grows
-from the side of the surface towards the apex"
-\image html blsurf_const_size_near_shape2.png "Example of size map
-with constant size option, the size is kept constant on the left side
-of the surface until a certain distance"
+\image html blsurf_const_size_near_shape2.png "Example of size map with constant size option, the size is kept constant on the left side of the surface until a certain distance"
Remark : The validation of the hypothesis might take a few seconds if
attractors are defined or the "constant size" option is used because a
map of distances has to be built on the whole surface for each face
<br><b>See Also</b> a sample TUI Script of the \ref tui_blsurf "creation of a BLSurf hypothesis", including size map.
+\ref blsurf_local_size "Back to \"Local size\"" \n
\ref blsurf_top "Back to top"
\anchor blsurf_attractor_computation
<li>R is called the distance of influence and allows controlling the growth rate of the mesh </li>
+\image html blsurf_attractors2.png "Example of mesh created using attractors, the attractors here are the side edges and the size grows from the side of the surface towards the apex"
+\ref blsurf_local_size "Back to \"Local size\"" \n
\ref blsurf_top "Back to top"
\anchor blsurf_enforced_elements