@srcdir@/../../src/INTERP_KERNEL \
@srcdir@/../../src/INTERP_KERNEL/Geometric2D \
@srcdir@/../../src/MEDCoupling \
+ @srcdir@/../../src/MEDLoader \
+ MEDMEM_Mesh.* \
MEDMEM_Grid.* \
MEDMEM_Meshing.* \
MEDMEM_Support.* \
MEDMEM_Field.* \
- MEDMEM_Med.* \
+ MEDMEM_MedFileBrowser.* \
InterpKernelDEC.* \
DEC.* \
MPIProcessorGroup.* \
PlanarIntersector.* \
TargetIntersector.* \
Interpolation.* \
+ InterpolationOptions.* \
InterpKernelGeo2DAbstractEdge.* \
InterpKernelGeo2DEdge.* \
InterpKernelGeo2DEdgeArcCircle.* \
MEDCouplingCMesh.* \
MEDCouplingExtrudedMesh.* \
MEDCouplingFieldDouble.* \
+ MEDCouplingField.* \
MEDCouplingFieldDiscretization.* \
MEDCouplingTimeDiscretization.* \
+ MEDCouplingTimeLabel.* \
+ MEDCouplingRefCountObject.* \
+ MEDCouplingMemArray.* \
+ MEDCouplingRemapper.* \
+ MEDLoader.* \
EXAMPLE_PATH = @srcdir@/../../src/ParaMEDMEM/ \
@srcdir@/../../doc/MEDMEM \
+ @srcdir@/../../src/MEDMEMBinTest \
+++ /dev/null
-\page MED_class MED object
-\section MED_general General Information
-This object is used to give information about the different
-meshes/supports/fields that are contained in a file.
-This enables the user to know about the file content without
-loading the meshes in memory. Also, it can be useful for
-memory management since meshes, supports and fields accessed through a MED
-object are destroyed when the MED object is destroyed.
-\section MED_object_outline
-The methods are described in the following sections :
-- constructors : \ref MED_constructors
-- query methods : \ref MED_query
-For an example using these methods, one may see the Python scripts in the
-directory \c $MED_ROOT_DIR/bin/salome/,\c testMedObj.py, or C++
-example program in the directory \c $MED_SRC_DIR/src/MEDMEM,
-\c duplicateMED.cxx.
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-\page dualmesh DualMESH
-The \ref INTERP_KERNEL::DualMESH "DualMESH" class is an auxiliary class used to perform P0->P1
-interpolation in \ref interpkernel. It takes place of target mesh in
-interpolation process and is initialized by the target mesh.
-DualMESH inherits from MEDMEM::MESH. It's API consists of only a
-constructor with one argument of the input target MEDMEM::MESH.
-The dual mesh is a polygonal mesh in 2D space or polyhedral mesh in 3D space
-consisting of dual cells built around each node of input target mesh.
-In 2D the dual cell is bound by edges connecting barycentres of cells
-sharing the input node with middles of cell edges ending at the input node.
-In 3D the dual polyhedron is bound by triangle faces. Each triangle is built
-on three following points:
-- barycentre of a cell sharing the input node;
-- barycentre of a face bounding the cell and sharing the input node;
-- middle of an edge bounding the face and ending at the input node.
-\section DualMESHUsage DualMESH usage
-An exemple of DualMESH usage to perform P0->P1 interpolation with INTERP_KERNEL::Remapper :
-std::string sourceFileName("source.med");
-MEDMEM::MESH med_source_mesh(MED_DRIVER,sourceFileName,"Source_Mesh");
-std::string targetFileName("target.med");
-MEDMEM::MESH med_target_mesh(MED_DRIVER,targetFileName,"Target_Mesh");
-FIELD<double> sourceField(MED_DRIVER,sourceFileName,"Density",0,0);
-FIELD<double> targetField;
-Remapper mapper;
-mapper.prepare(med_source_mesh, DualMESH(med_target_mesh), "P0P1"); //<--- DualMESH
-//use targetField
\subsection InterpKerHighLevUsage high-level usage
-This the simplest mode of usage of interpolator. This way is strongly
-linked with MED data-structure. All interpolators is completely hidden
-to you. Even sparse interpolation matrix is hidden. An exemple of
-usage :
+The simplest mode of usage of interpolator in sequential mode is to use REMAPPER classes. These classes fulfill HXX2SALOME rules to allow the user to use it
+in coupling graphs. 2 REMAPPERS exist, ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingRemapper and Remapper. These classes are strongly linked to their corresponding data structure, respectively
+MEDCoupling and MEDMEM. In return, all interpolation request and spare interpolation matrix are hidden from you. Here two examples of REMAPPER classes :
+- If you intend to use MEDCoupling data struture, ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingRemapper class should be used :
+const char sourceFileName[]="source.med";
+MEDCouplingFieldDouble *sourceField=MEDLoader::ReadFieldCell(sourceFileName,"Source_Mesh",0,"Density",/*iteration*/0,/*order*/0);
+const char targetFileName[]="target.med";
+MEDCouplingUMesh *med_target_mesh=MEDLoader::ReadUMeshFromFile(targetFileName,"Target_Mesh",0);
+sourceField->setNature(ConservativeVolumic);//Specify nature is needed to allow remapper object to apply correct policy for denominator computation !
+MEDCouplingRemapper remapper;
+MEDCouplingFieldDouble *targetField=remapper.transferField(sourceField,/*default_value*/4.57);//Any target cell not intercepted by any source cell will have value set to 4.57.
+// clean-up
+- If you intend to use MEDMEM data structure, Remapper class should be used :
instanciating an underneath mesh data structure. The two following
examples show how to use interpolator at this level.
-- The simplest way to use the interpolator with MED datastructure is :
+- The simplest way to use interpolator with MEDCoupling datastruture is put in the following example. Note that this code is close to those used by ParaMEDMEM
+to perform synchronization of meshes between processes of a MPI communicator :
+MEDCouplingUMesh *med_source_mesh=MEDLoader::ReadUMeshFromFile("source.med","Source_mesh",0);
+MEDCouplingUMesh *med_target_mesh=MEDLoader::ReadUMeshFromFile("target.med","Target_mesh",0);
+MEDCouplingNormalizedUnstructuredMesh<2,2> wrap_source_mesh(med_source_mesh);
+MEDCouplingNormalizedUnstructuredMesh<2,2> wrap_target_mesh(med_target_mesh);
+// Go for interpolation...
+INTERP_KERNEL::Interpolation2D myInterpolator;
+std::vector<std::map<int,double> > resultMatrix;
+INTERP_KERNEL::Matrix<double,ALL_C_MODE> resultMatrix2;
+// here the interpolation is performed twice for this code to show the capability of storing data of out matrix in 2 different data structures.
+//Ok resultMatrix and resultMatrix2 contain matrix now
+- An another way to use the interpolator with MEDMEM datastructure is :
- Chapter \ref medcoupling describes DataStructures used for cross
process exchange of meshes and fields.
- Chapter \ref paramedmem describes its MPI implementation, which is called %ParaMEDMEM.
+- Chapter \ref medloader describes API for I/O from or to a MED file
+coming from a \ref medcoupling data structure.
- Chapter \ref tools describes various tools based on MEDMEM that can
be helpful for handling MED files (conversion tools and splitting tools).
--- /dev/null
+\section MED_general General Information
+This object is used to get information about the different
+meshes/fields that are contained in a file.
+This enables the user to know about the file content without
+loading med objects in memory.
+\section MEDFILEBROWSER_object_outline Outline
+The methods are described in the following sections :
+- \ref MEDFILEBROWSER_constructors
+- \ref MEDFILEBROWSER_query
+For an example using these methods, one may see the Python scripts in the
+directory \c $MED_ROOT_DIR/bin/salome/,\c med_test1.py, or C++
+example program in the directory \c $MED_SRC_DIR/src/MEDMEMBinTest,
+\c duplicateMED.cxx.
--- /dev/null
+\page medloader MEDLoader
+\section MEDLoaderIntro Introduction
+MEDLoader is a package in charge of loading from a file or write to a file
+in MED format a \ref medcoupling data structure. The fact that these
+functionalities are not merged in \ref medcoupling is explained by a
+willingness of reducing as much as possible the dependancies of \ref medcoupling libraries.
+As a MED file can combine several \ref medcoupling aspects in one (for exemple meshes in
+MED file on different mesh dimension with families and groups) the API of MEDLoader is much more rich than simply read and write.
+MEDLoader offers \b static methods whose method names have the first
+character in capital. You are intended to use these methods. The following
+chapters will try to describe in details some of important ones.
+The basic idea of MEDLoader is to exploite as much as possible MED
+file capabilities to store MEDCoupling data file in a MED file and
+reversely to load from a MED file into a MEDCoupling data structure.
+Basically, the info on components of ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble
+instances are stores into components and units into MED files. The
+name of meshes and fields are used by MEDLoader to use it as this into
+MED file. A field f with \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingTimeDiscretization
+"time discretization" set to ONE_TIME, the value of
+\c f->getTime(time,iteration,order) are used by MEDLoader to store
+identifies the field into MED file. All strings used by MEDLoader to
+use it into MED file should fulfill the rules of MED file where length
+are limited.
+That's why the user should be aware of these constaints when trying to read/write a MED file using MEDLoader.
+MEDLoader tries to manage that by protecting the user by throwing exceptions when the rules are not followed.
+\section MEDLoaderMainC Main concepts of MED files
+Here we will describes some of basic concepts of MED files in order to
+use the best methods proposed by MEDLoader API.
+\subsection MEDLoaderMEDFileGen Basics in MED files
+First of all MEDLoader \b will \b not read MED files whose version is
+\b lower \b than \b 2.2. The MEDLoader::CheckFileForRead will perform
+the check of that before any attempt of read.
+For new comers in MED file world some of basics principles are
+recalled here. Let's recall basic principles that explains some of the aspect of MEDLoade API.
+\anchor MEDLoaderMeshNameConstraint MED file can contain several meshes. These meshes are
+discriminated by their names (two meshes could not have the same
+names). By the same way a MED file can contain several fields in MED.
+So MEDLoader propose to you the MEDLoader::GetMeshNames method to
+discover all the mesh names contained in your file.
+A field is also discriminated by its name. The method MEDLoader::GetCellFieldNamesOnMesh and MEDLoader::GetNodeFieldNamesOnMesh are available to know all fields
+respectively on cells and on nodes lying on a specified mesh.
+ A field is defined by several time steps discriminated by a pair of int
+(iteration,order). It is \b not possible to store 2 time steps of a same
+field having the same iteration and order
+number. The floatting point value attached on this couple of ids (iteration,order) is only present for information.
+Static methods MEDLoader::GetCellFieldIterations and
+MEDLoader::GetNodeFieldIterations return a vector of pair containing
+each respectively iteration and order.
+A time step of a field lyies on one \b or \b more mesh(es) specified by its \b or \b their name. A time step of a field in
+MED file could be defined on point \b and on cell \b and, \b or on gauss points \b and, \b or on point per element.
+This recalled specificities of MED file explains that it is necessary to specify
+each time, at field-read time, the type of field, the iteration and order
+number the mesh you are interested in.
+\subsection MEDLoaderMEDFileMesh Meshes in MED files
+In MED file meshes could combine in one unstructured mesh cells that
+have different dimension. For example it is possible to mix
+MED_POLYHEDRA in a same mesh. In MEDCouplingUMesh such a mix is not
+allowed as described \ref MEDCouplingUMeshes "here". So to \b read such mesh it
+is important to know which meshdimension you are interested to. In API
+the parameter \b meshDimRelToMax discreminates the meshdim you are
+interested to relatively to the maximal dimension of cells contained
+in the mesh in file.
+Let's take 2 examples :
+- If you have a mesh called "MyMesh" in file "file1.med" with
+MED_POLYGON, MED_TRI3, MED_SEG2 and MED_SEG3 : The max dimension of
+cells is 2 (for MED_POLYGON and MED_TRI3). So if you want exclusively
+cells with type MED_POLYGON and MED_TRI3 you should use :
+MEDCouplingUMesh *m2D=MEDLoader::ReadUMeshFromFile("file1.med","MyMesh",0);
+If you are interested in MED_SEG2 and MED_SEG3 you should use :
+MEDCouplingUMesh *m1D=MEDLoader::ReadUMeshFromFile("file1.med","MyMesh",-1);
+The method MEDLoader::ReadUMeshDimFromFile could
+help you to have this mesh dimension.
+\anchor MEDLoaderExample2
+- Consider an another mesh called "Example2" in file "file2.med"
+and MED_POINT0. In this case you will have :
+To get 3D cells (MED_POLYHEDRA and MED_TETRA4) you should type :
+MEDCouplingUMesh *m3D=MEDLoader::ReadUMeshFromFile("file2.med","Example2",0);
+To get 2D cells (MED_TRI6 and MED_QUAD8) you should type :
+MEDCouplingUMesh *m2D=MEDLoader::ReadUMeshFromFile("file2.med","Example2",-1);
+To get 1D cells (MED_SEG2) you should type :
+MEDCouplingUMesh *m1D=MEDLoader::ReadUMeshFromFile("file2.med","Example2",-2);
+And finally for 0D cells (MED_POINT0) you will write :
+MEDCouplingUMesh *m0D=MEDLoader::ReadUMeshFromFile("file2.med","Example2",-3);
+To finish this subsection, it is important to know that MEDLoader
+takes into account of the cell numbers stored in a mesh of a med
+file. This renumbering allows MEDLoader to conserve the order of
+MEDCoupling cells into the file. So if the renumbering of cells in MED
+file is not correct an exception will be thrown.
+\subsection MEDLoaderMEDFilePoMesh Part of meshes in MED files
+A mesh contains one or more families on nodes and/or on cells. A family is a partition
+(mathematical sense) of the mesh it lies to. A family can be described
+by an integer field on \b all nodes and on \b all cells of a same mesh.
+All cells and nodes having the same ids defines this family. This id
+is called the familyId. A family is discriminated by its id. MED file
+attach a name to its id to be more userfriendly. So by construction, 2 different
+families could not share anything. The user can retrieve all the
+families names available on a mesh with the static method MEDLoader::GetMeshFamiliesNames.
+A group is a set of families. So groups can overlap each other,
+contrary to families. Groups are also discriminated by a name. As for
+families the static method to retrieves the groups of a specified mesh is MEDLoader::GetMeshGroupsNames.
+MEDLoader allows you to retrieve the
+corresponding "part of meshes" thanks to static methods
+MEDLoader::ReadUMeshFromFamilies and MEDLoader::ReadUMeshFromGroups.
+This method allows you to combine several families and groups in the
+same returned mesh.
+\subsection MEDLoaderMEDFileField Reading a field at one time step in MED files
+A field at one time step on one mesh, with one entity (cell, node)
+lies on all mesh on on a part of it. In this last case a definition of
+a profile is needed. Even if the notions of profile on mesh and group
+on mesh could appear close, these two concepts are totally
+disconnected in MED file.
+The aspect of profile is managed by MEDLoader, thats why this
+aspect does not appear in the MEDLoader API.
+So to retrieve a field on 3D cell called "F1Cell" in example file
+\ref MEDLoaderExample2 "file2.med (seen in meshes section)" on a mesh "Example2" on time
+step defined by iteration number 2 and iteration 3 the request will be :
+MEDCouplingFieldDouble *f1Cell_3D=MEDLoader::ReadFieldCell("file2.med","Example2",0,"F1Cell",2,3);
+To retrive the same field (same iteration) on 2D cells only the call will be :
+MEDCouplingFieldDouble *f1Cell_2D=MEDLoader::ReadFieldCell("file2.med","Example2",-1,"F1Cell",2,3);
+\subsection MEDLoaderMEDFieldsRead Reading several field time steps at a time in MED files
+It is possible with MEDLoader to read several time steps of a field at
+a time.
+The advantage with this approach is to avoid to read and load several
+time a same mesh. This is typically recommanded to use the following
+code when you desire to load all time steps of a field on cell "myField" lying on
+same mesh "mesh1" in one shot :
+std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > timeStepsIds=MEDLoader::GetCellFieldIterations("file4.med");
+std::vector<MEDCouplingFieldDouble *> fs=MEDLoader::ReadFieldsCellOnSameMesh("file4.med","mesh1",0,"myField",timeStepsIds);
+\section MEDLoaderWriteMain Writing a MED file with MEDLoader
+As MEDMEM and MED file do, MEDLoader write process separates clearly
+meshes from fields. The reason is that a common use case in write mode
+is to write in a first time a mesh and then writes several time steps
+of a same field in appended mode.
+The fact that the write process is rarely in a one shot put a
+constraint on API (as MEDMEM does) to precise to MEDLoader if you intend
+to append data to an existing file, or if you want to create a new
+file from scratch. This explains the presence of boolean parameter \b
+writeFromScratch in API of MEDLoader starting with \b
+MEDLoader::Write* .
+If \b writeFromScratch parameter is set to \b true and if the file
+already exists the file will be crashed and replaced by the new
+corresponding data. If \b writeFromScratch parameter is set to \b false and if the
+file does \b not \b exist the new file is created, but if the file
+exists MEDLoader will enter in appended mode.
+Two classes of MEDLoader write methods exists when \b writeFromScratch
+is set to \b false :
+- Methods \b MEDLoader::Write*Dep : The behaviour is as MEDMEM, that
+ is to say, the write is done without any question in file. The
+ responsability is let to the user because the MED file could be
+ corrupted. The advantage of this method is that it is faster
+ because no check is done.
+- Methods \b MEDLoader::Write* : MEDLoader will not corrupt your file
+ by always trying to append data. The consequence of that is that a
+ read of part (and data processing) of MED file could be needed before any attempt of
+ writing. So these methods could be in some cases much time and memory consuming.
+The behaviour of MEDLoader when \b writeFromScratch is set to false will be precised
+for each \b MEDLoader::Write* methods is the next subsections.
+\subsection MEDLoaderWriteMesh Writing one mesh in a MED file with MEDLoader
+The first think to know is that MEDLoader is using the \b meshName in
+ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingMesh instance to put it in MED file.
+As explained in previous section \ref MEDLoaderMeshNameConstraint "here",
+a mesh in MED file is discriminated by a name, so the \b meshName
+\b should \b be \b non \b empty. If it is the case an
+INTERP_KERNEL::Exception will be thrown.
+To write one mesh \b myMesh with name \b "myMeshName" in a MED file \b "wfile1.med" the following code should be typed :
+MEDCouplingUMesh *myMesh=...;
+With the previous code, if "wFile1.med" file existed the file is
+crashed and will contain after the call only the content of myMesh
+If you desire to append a mesh in "wFile1.med" you should type :
+MEDCouplingUMesh *myMesh=...;
+With the previous code, if the "wFile1.med" had already a mesh called "myMeshName" an
+INTERP_KERNEL::Exception will be thrown.
+\subsection MEDLoaderWriteMeshes Writing several meshes in a MED file with MEDLoader
+It could be interesting to write several meshes in one shot. Two
+possiblities are possible :
+- Write several instances of ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh
+ lying \b on \b same \b coords \b with \b different \b mesh \b dimension. In this case the
+ use of MEDLoader::WriteUMeshes is the method you should
+ use. Typically this method should be used to write such of file
+ defined \ref MEDLoaderExample2 "here".
+ This method first checks that all instances share the same
+ ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble instance as coords. If not an
+ INTERP_KERNEL::Exception will be thrown and an invocation on
+ ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingPointSet::tryToShareSameCoords will be necessary.
+- Write a partition of meshes having \b same \b mesh \b dimension, that is to say a set of
+ groups and families from given meshes. As in the previous case the
+ check of same coords will be done (if not an INTERP_KERNEL::Exception is
+ thrown). After this step this method will
+ merge (by concerving the order in input) and will simplify the
+ merged mesh. After this operation, the groups will be constituted by
+ assigning the groups names with the conresponding names of
+ instance. That's why all meshes have to have a not empty name and
+ different each other. The method to use in this case is
+ MEDLoader::WriteUMeshesPartition.
+For these 2 described methods the semantic of \b writeFromScratch when
+\b false is the same, that is to say : no writing
+(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception thrown) will be done if the
+file already exists and contains already a mesh with name 'meshName'
+for MEDLoader::WriteUMeshesPartition method and the name of the first
+of the vector of unstructured meshes passed as first parameter of
+\subsection MEDLoaderWriteField Writing one time step of a field in a MED file with MEDLoader
+To write \b one \b time \b step of a field from scratch with MEDLoader is to
+use MEDLoader::WriteField method. The behviour of this method depends
+on the value of the \b writeFromScratch paramter :
+- When \b writeFromScratch equals to \b true, this method performs two things, it
+writes the underlying mesh and write the specified time step on it.
+- When \b writeFromScatch equals to \b false, this method looks that
+ the underlying mesh exists (by looking the content of \c field->getMesh()->getName() ) in file. If not, the behaviour is the
+ same that previous case with \b writeFromScratch parameter set to
+ \b true. If the mesh already exists, MEDLoader reads the field and
+ tries to apply field on it. This operation could be rather time
+ consuming because a read operation is performed and a reorder
+ operation too. If the file already contains the same field at the
+ same time step (iteration and order ids) the corresponding time step
+ will be replaced by the field passed in parameter.
+\subsection MEDLoaderWriteFields Writing several time steps of a field in a MED file with MEDLoader
+To write a serie of time steps in a "file3.med" file lying on the same
+unstructured mesh the typical code
+to write is the following :
+MEDCouplingFieldDouble *f=...;
+//Writing first time step with iteration==1 and order==0
+//Writing second time step with iteration==2 and order==0
+In the previous code, it is important to note that the values of pair
+(iteration,order) should be different between two calls to avoid that
+a call to MEDLoader::WriteFieldUsingAlreadyWrittenMesh overwrites a
+previous call.
+An another important thing is the fact that \c f->getMesh() does not be
+This method of writing presents the big advantage to be fast, because
+no check neither read is performed by this method. That's why contrary
+to other MEDLoader::Write* method the parameter of \b writeFromScratch
+is not needed here.
- CORBA API to simplify distributed computation inside SALOME (Server Side).
- MED Client classes to simplify and optimize interaction of distant objects within the local solver.
-Thanks to Med Memory, any component can access a distant
-mesh or field object. Two codes running on
-different machines can thus exchange meshes and fields.
-These meshes and fields can easily be read/written in a Med file
+Thanks to Med Memory, any component can access a distant mesh or field
+object. Two codes running on different machines can thus exchange
+meshes and fields. These meshes and fields can easily be read/written in a Med file
format, enabling access to the whole Salome suite of tools
(CAD, meshing, Visualization, other components).
As will be seen in section \ref medmem_api, the API consists of very few classes:
-- a general MED container : \ref MED_class,
+- a MED-file browser : \ref MEDFILEBROWSER_class,
- meshes : \ref mesh ,
- structured meshes : \ref grid ,
- supports and derived classes : \ref support ,
- mesh generation tool : \ref meshing ,
- fields : \ref field ,
-- \ref medmem_drivers "drivers for reading and writing" in MED, GIBI and VTK files.
+- \ref medmem_drivers "drivers for reading and writing" in MED, GIBI,
+VTK, EnSight and Porflow files.
All these are detailed in the following sections. The C++
formalism will be used for the description in these sections.
MEDMEM supports data exchange in following formats:
- \b GIBI - reading and writing the mesh and the fields in ASCII format.
- \b VTK - writing the mesh and the fields in ASCII and binary formats.
-- \b EnSight - reading and writing the mesh and the fields in ASCII and binary formats.
+- \b EnSight - reading and writing the mesh and the fields in EnSigth6 and EnSigth GOLD formats (ASCII and binary).
- \b PORFLOW - reading the mesh in ASCII format.
Limitation of length of names in GIBI format is overcome by storing names in the specific string pile of GIBI file.
the \c MEDMEM C++ namespace (consult figure \ref fig_UML_light which gives
an UML diagram view of the main Med Memory classes):
-- \b MED the global container;
+- \b MEDFILEBROWSER the class provinding information on meshes and fields conatained in a MED file;
- \b MESH the class containing 2D or 3D mesh objects;
- \b SUPPORT the class containing mainly a list of mesh elements;
- \b FIELD the class template containing list of values lying on a particular support.
- read/write such fields.
Note that on the figure \ref fig_UML_light as well as on figure
-\ref fig_UML that the
-MED container controls the life cycle of all the objects it contains: its destructor will destroy all the objects it aggregates. On the other hand, the life cycle of mesh, support and field objects are independent. Destroying a support (resp. a field) will have no effect on the mesh (resp. support) which refers to it. But the user has to maintain the link: a mesh aggregates a support which aggregates a field. If the user has to delete Med Memory objects, the field has to be deleted first, then the support and finally the mesh.
+\ref fig_UML the life cycle of mesh and field objects are independent. Destroying a field will have no effect on the mesh. But the user has to maintain the link: a mesh aggregates a support which aggregates a field. If the user has to delete Med Memory objects, the field has to be deleted first, then the support and finally the mesh.
A more advanced usage of the Med Memory is possible through other classes.
Figure \ref fig_UML gives a complete view of the Med Memory API. It includes :
\section mesh_general General information
-The MESH class is dedicated to the handling of unstructured meshes. Two classes derive from it : MESHING supplies functions for creating meshes from scratch (c.f. \ref meshing), while GRID gives specific constructors for creating structured meshes.
+The MESH class is dedicated to the handling of unstructured
+meshes. Class MESHING deriving from it supplies functions for creating meshes from scratch (c.f. \ref meshing).
\section mesh_connectivity Content of the connectivity array
Underlying the unstructured meshes is the notion of connectivity. This section only covers meshes made out of standard elements, the \c MED_POLYGON and \c MED_POLYHEDRA case being detailed in section \ref polygon .
\image html connectivity_arrays_small.png "Nodal connectivity storage scheme"
\image latex connectivity_arrays_small.eps "Nodal connectivity storage scheme"
-In MEDMEM, an unstructured mesh nodal connectivity is defined with these arrays (if the mesh has no MED_POLYGON and MED_POLYHEDRA element) :
-- the type array, which contains the number of cells for each present type
-- the nodal connectivity array containing the connectivity of each cell, all cells being sorted by type,
-- the connectivity index array, which indicates the beginning of each cell in the connectivity array,
+In MEDMEM, an unstructured mesh nodal connectivity is defined with these arrays:
+- the type array, which contains the number of cells for each present type;
+- the nodal connectivity array containing the connectivity of each cell, all cells being sorted by type;
+- the connectivity index array, which indicates the beginning of each cell in the connectivity array.
-The cell types are ordered by their number of nodes.
+The cell types are ordered by their number of nodes; MED_POLYGON and
+MED_POLYHEDRA is always the last type, if present.
As an example, let us consider a mesh made out of a linear triangle, two linear quadrangles and a quadratic triangle (c.f. figure \ref fig_connectivity_example ).
\image html connectivity_example_small.png "Example for mesh connectivity"
- Connectivity information methods are described in \ref MESH_connectivity.
- The methods retrieving family information are given in \ref MESH_families.
- The IO methods are given in \ref MESH_io.
-- The methods for an advanced usage (applying algorithms to meshes) are given in \ref MESH_advanced.
+- The methods for an advanced usage (applying algorithms to meshes)
+are given in \ref MESH_advanced.
All the arrays passed as arguments in the set methods are duplicated in MESHING object.
The creation of a mesh should respect the following sequence :
-- setting general information (name, description, dimensions, coordinate system, ...),
+- setting general information (name, description, coordinate system, ...),
- setting the nodes (number and coordinates),
- setting the connectivity (types, connectivity arrays,...),
- group creations.
- Python:
\include MESHINGexample.py
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The methods described in section \ref mesh do not take into account information about
\c polygonal and \c polyhedral cells contained in a MESH object.
-Indeed, in the MEDMEM library, the connectivity data
-for these elements are stored separately . Therefore,
-the methods that give access to this data are slightly different from
-those of section \ref mesh.
+Indeed, in the MEDMEM library, the connectivity data for these
+elements are stored the same way as connectivity of standard
+elements. Therefore, the methods that give access to this data are
+same as those of section \ref mesh.
-Also, the polygon and the polyhedra case differ in nature,
+The polygon and the polyhedra case differ in nature,
because in 3D, the list of nodes is not sufficient
to described the shape of an element. A descending
cell>face>nodes connectivity has to be established
\image latex polygon_connectivity_small.eps "Example for polygon connectivity"
-- The standard element connectivity table writes : {2, 6, 7, 3, 3, 7, 8, 4 }
-- The standard element connectivity index table writes : {1, 5, 9 }
-- The polygon element connectivity table writes : {1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }
-- The polygon element connectivity index table writes : {1, 6 }
+- The connectivity table writes : {2, 6, 7, 3, 3, 7, 8, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }
+- The connectivity index table writes : {1, 5, 9, 14 }
\section polyhedron_conn Polyhedron connectivity
For polyhedra, in the nodal connectivity case,
-one more array is required, because a
-list of nodes does not suffice to describe a general polyhedron.
-A general polyhedron is therefore described by a list of faces,
-each of those being described by a list of nodes.
+list of nodes does not suffice to describe a general polyhedron;
+information of connectivity of each face is needed.
+A general polyhedron is therefore described by a list of nodes of
+all faces with -1 as separator between faces.
Let us consider an example with the two tetrahedra represented on
figure \ref fig_polyhedron_connectivity , the left one
\image html polyhedron_connectivity_small.png "Example for polyhedron connectivity. Node numbers are written with a normal font, while face numbers are written in italic font."
\image latex polyhedron_connectivity_small.eps "Example for polyhedron connectivity. Node numbers are written with a normal font, while face numbers are written in italic font."
-- The standard element index connectivity table writes : {1, 5 }
-- The standard element connectivity table writes : {1, 2, 3, 4 }
-- The polyhedra connectivity index table writes :{1, 5}
-- The polyhedra connectivity face index table writes : {1, 4, 7, 10, 13}
-- The polyhedra connectivity (face/node connectivity) table writes : {2, 3, 5, 2, 4, 5, 4, 5, 3, 2, 3, 4}
-Note that as they are not needed as such, the face numberings are not stored
-in any array. Only the number of nodes per face is implicitly stored
-in the polyhedra face connectivity index table.
+- The connectivity table writes : {1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 5, 3, -1, 2, 4, 5, -1, 4, 3, 5, -1, 2, 3, 4}
+- The index connectivity table writes : {1, 5, 20 }
If there are two \c MED_POLYHEDRA elements that share a common face,
the list of nodes is repeated twice in the polyhedron connectivity
-\section poly_outline Outline
-The methods associated to polygons/polyhedra are located in the following classes :
-- access methods are stored in MESH : \ref MESH_poly
-- creation methods are in MESHING : \ref MESHING_poly
+array but with reversed order.
\section poly_example Example
The following example illustrates the creation method for a mesh that
contains polygons and/or polyhedra :
\include test_MEDMEM_MeshingPoly.cxx
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