LightApp_Module::initialize( app );
- // Create ParaViS actions
- // Create ParaViS menus
// Uncomment to debug ParaView initialization
// Remember current state of desktop toolbars
QList<QToolBar*> foreignToolbars = aDesktop->findChildren<QToolBar*>();
+ // [ABN]: careful with the order of the GUI element creation, the loading of the configuration
+ // and the connection to the server. This order is very sensitive if one wants to make
+ // sure all menus, etc ... are correctly populated.
+ // Reference points are: ParaViewMainWindow.cxx and branded_paraview_initializer.cxx.in
- // Behaviors and connection must be instanciated *after* widgets are in place
- // In PARAVIS module we do not wait for PVViewer_ViewWindow to be instanciated to have this:
- PVViewer_ViewManager::ParaviewInitBehaviors(true, aDesktop);
- // Connect after toolbar creation, etc ... as some activations of the toolbars is triggered
- // by the ServerConnection event:
- PVViewer_ViewManager::ConnectToExternalPVServer(aDesktop);
+ PVViewer_ViewManager::ParaviewInitBehaviors(true, aDesktop);
QList<QDockWidget*> activeDocks = aDesktop->findChildren<QDockWidget*>();
QList<QMenu*> activeMenus = aDesktop->findChildren<QMenu*>();
// }
// }
- PVViewer_ViewManager::ParaviewLoadConfigurations();
+ // Connect after toolbar creation, etc ... as some activations of the toolbars is triggered
+ // by the ServerConnection event:
+ PVViewer_ViewManager::ParaviewLoadConfigurations(true);
+ PVViewer_ViewManager::ConnectToExternalPVServer(aDesktop);
// Find created toolbars
pqPipelineBrowserWidget * pq = guiElements->getPipelineBrowserWidget();
pqParaViewMenuBuilders::buildPipelineBrowserContextMenu( *pq );
- // Reload configuration to populate dynamic menus from ParaView:
- PVViewer_ViewManager::ParaviewLoadConfigurations(true);
- // Disable all filters for now (for some weird reasons they are all on when starting?)
- QList<QMenu*> sub_menus = filtersMenu->findChildren<QMenu*>();
- foreach(QMenu * m, sub_menus)
- {
- QList<QAction *> act_list = m->actions();
- foreach(QAction * a, act_list)
- {
- a->setEnabled(false);
- }
- }
+// // Reload configuration to populate dynamic menus from ParaView:
+// PVViewer_ViewManager::ParaviewLoadConfigurations(true);
+// // Disable all filters for now (for some weird reasons they are all on when starting?)
+// QList<QMenu*> sub_menus = filtersMenu->findChildren<QMenu*>();
+// foreach(QMenu * m, sub_menus)
+// {
+// QList<QAction *> act_list = m->actions();
+// foreach(QAction * a, act_list)
+// {
+// a->setEnabled(false);
+// }
+// }