From the \b Mesh menu select <b>Create Sub-mesh</b> or click <em>"Create
Sum-mesh"</em> button in the toolbar.
-\image html image33.gif
-<center><em>"Create Sub-mesh" button</em></center>
+ \image html image33.gif
+ <em>"Create Sub-mesh" button</em>
The following dialog box will appear:
\image html createmesh-inv2.png
sub-mesh. You can define algorithms and hypotheses in the same way as
in \ref constructing_meshes_page "Create mesh" menu.
+If the parent mesh is already computed, then you can define
+\b Geometry by picking mesh elements computed on a sub-shape of interest
+in the 3D Viewer, i.e. you don't have to extract this sub-shape
+previously in Geometry module. To start element selection, press \a
+Selection button to the right of \b Geometry label. If this button is
+already down, then click it to release and then click it again. The
+following pop-up menu to choose a way of geometry definition will
+\image html choose_geom_selection_way.png
+There the first item enables selecting the sub-shape in the Object
+Browser, the second one makes appear the following dialog.
+\image html find_geom_by_mesh_elem.png
+In this dialog, <b> Element Type </b> defines kind of element to pick in the
+Viewer. Instead of picking an element in the Viewer, you can type its
+ID in <b> Element ID</b> field. <b> Geometry name </b> allow you
+define a name of the sub-shape with which it will be published in the Study.
In the Object Browser the structure of the new sub-mesh will be
displayed as follows: