myElementIDFactory(new SMDS_MeshElementIDFactory()),
myHasConstructionEdges(false), myHasConstructionFaces(false),
- myNodeMin(0), myNodeMax(0), myCellLinksSize(0),
+ myNodeMin(0), myNodeMax(0),
myNodePool(0), myEdgePool(0), myFacePool(0), myVolumePool(0)
myMeshId = _meshList.size(); // --- index of the mesh to push back in the vector
vector<vtkIdType> nodeIds;
- nodeIds.push_back(n3->getId());
+ nodeIds.push_back(n3->getId());
- nodeIds.push_back(n6->getId());
+ nodeIds.push_back(n6->getId());
SMDS_VtkVolume *volvtk = myVolumePool->getNew();
volvtk->init(nodeIds, this);
if ((IDelem < 0) || IDelem >= myCells.size())
MESSAGE("----------------------------------- bad IDelem " << IDelem << " " << myCells.size());
+ assert(0);
return 0;
return myCells[IDelem];
list<const SMDS_MeshElement *>& removedNodes,
bool removenodes)
- MESSAGE("SMDS_Mesh::RemoveElement " << elem->GetID() << " " << removenodes);
+ //MESSAGE("SMDS_Mesh::RemoveElement " << elem->GetID() << " " << removenodes);
// get finite elements built on elem
set<const SMDS_MeshElement*> * s1;
if (elem->GetType() == SMDSAbs_0DElement ||
vector<vtkIdType> nodeIds;
- nodeIds.push_back(n3->getId());
+ nodeIds.push_back(n3->getId());
- nodeIds.push_back(n6->getId());
+ nodeIds.push_back(n6->getId());
- nodeIds.push_back(n31->getId());
- nodeIds.push_back(n23->getId());
+ nodeIds.push_back(n23->getId());
+ nodeIds.push_back(n31->getId());
- nodeIds.push_back(n64->getId());
- nodeIds.push_back(n56->getId());
+ nodeIds.push_back(n56->getId());
+ nodeIds.push_back(n64->getId());
- nodeIds.push_back(n36->getId());
+ nodeIds.push_back(n36->getId());
SMDS_VtkVolume *volvtk = myVolumePool->getNew();
volvtk->init(nodeIds, this);
void SMDS_Mesh::dumpGrid(string ficdump)
MESSAGE("SMDS_Mesh::dumpGrid " << ficdump);
- vtkUnstructuredGridWriter* aWriter = vtkUnstructuredGridWriter::New();
- aWriter->SetFileName(ficdump.c_str());
- aWriter->SetInput(myGrid);
- if(myGrid->GetNumberOfCells())
- {
- aWriter->Write();
- }
- aWriter->Delete();
+// vtkUnstructuredGridWriter* aWriter = vtkUnstructuredGridWriter::New();
+// aWriter->SetFileName(ficdump.c_str());
+// aWriter->SetInput(myGrid);
+// if(myGrid->GetNumberOfCells())
+// {
+// aWriter->Write();
+// }
+// aWriter->Delete();
ficdump = ficdump + "_connectivity";
ofstream ficcon(ficdump.c_str(), ios::out);
int nbPoints = myGrid->GetNumberOfPoints();
ficcon << "-------------------------------- cells " << nbCells << endl;
for (int i=0; i<nbCells; i++)
+// MESSAGE(i << " " << myGrid->GetCell(i));
+// MESSAGE(" " << myGrid->GetCell(i)->GetCellType());
ficcon << i << " - " << myGrid->GetCell(i)->GetCellType() << " -";
int nbptcell = myGrid->GetCell(i)->GetNumberOfPoints();
vtkIdList *listid = myGrid->GetCell(i)->GetPointIds();
#include "SMDS_VtkFace.hxx"
#include "SMDS_VtkVolume.hxx"
#include "ObjectPool.hxx"
+#include "SMDS_UnstructuredGrid.hxx"
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <set>
#include "Utils_SALOME_Exception.hxx"
#define MYASSERT(val) if (!(val)) throw SALOME_Exception(LOCALIZED("assertion not verified"));
-class vtkUnstructuredGrid;
class SMDS_EXPORT SMDS_Mesh:public SMDS_MeshObject{
friend class SMDS_MeshElementIDFactory;
void incrementCellsCapacity(int nbCells);
void adjustStructure();
void dumpGrid(string ficdump="dumpGrid");
- int myCellLinksSize;
static int chunkSize;
SMDS_Mesh(SMDS_Mesh * parent);
SMDS_MeshFace * createTriangle(const SMDS_MeshNode * node1,
int myMeshId;
//! actual nodes coordinates, cells definition and reverse connectivity are stored in a vtkUnstructuredGrid
- vtkUnstructuredGrid* myGrid;
+ SMDS_UnstructuredGrid* myGrid;
//! Small objects like SMDS_MeshNode are allocated by chunks to limit memory costs of new
ObjectPool<SMDS_MeshNode>* myNodePool;
friend SMDS_EXPORT std::ostream & operator <<(std::ostream & OS, const SMDS_MeshElement *);
friend SMDS_EXPORT bool SMDS_MeshElementIDFactory::BindID(int ID,SMDS_MeshElement* elem);
friend class SMDS_Mesh;
+ friend class SMESHDS_Mesh;
// ===========================
// Access to nodes by index
inline void setIdInShape(int id) { myIdInShape = id; };
+ inline void setId(int id) {myID = id; };
SMDS_MeshElement(int ID=-1);
SMDS_MeshElement(int id, ShortType meshId, ShortType shapeId=-1);
virtual void Print(std::ostream & OS) const;
void SMDS_MeshIDFactory::Clear()
- myMaxID = -1;
- myPoolOfID.clear();
+ myMaxID = -1;
+ myPoolOfID.clear();
- void SMDS_MeshIDFactory::SetMesh(SMDS_Mesh *mesh)
- {
- myMesh = mesh;
- }
+void SMDS_MeshIDFactory::SetMesh(SMDS_Mesh *mesh)
+ myMesh = mesh;
- SMDS_Mesh* SMDS_MeshIDFactory::GetMesh()
- {
- return myMesh;
- }
+SMDS_Mesh* SMDS_MeshIDFactory::GetMesh()
+ return myMesh;
+void SMDS_MeshIDFactory::emptyPool(int maxId)
+ MESSAGE("SMDS_MeshIDFactory::emptyPool " << myMaxID << " --> " << maxId-1);
+ myMaxID = maxId-1;
+ myPoolOfID.clear();
void SetMesh(SMDS_Mesh *mesh);
SMDS_Mesh* GetMesh();
+ inline bool isPoolIdEmpty() { return myPoolOfID.empty(); };
+ void emptyPool(int maxId);
int myMaxID;
SMDS_Mesh* mesh = SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId];
vtkUnstructuredGrid * grid = mesh->getGrid();
vtkPoints *points = grid->GetPoints();
- //int nbp = points->GetNumberOfPoints();
points->InsertPoint(myID, x, y, z);
- if (myID >= mesh->myCellLinksSize)
- {
- //points->SetNumberOfPoints(myID+SMDS_Mesh::chunkSize);
- vtkCellLinks *cellLinks = grid->GetCellLinks();
-// int imax = cellLinks->Size;
-// for (int i =0; i<imax; i++)
-// {
-// vtkCellLinks::Link &ilink = cellLinks->GetLink(i);
-// int ncells = ilink.ncells;
-// int *cells = ilink.cells;
-// MESSAGE("NODE " << i << " " << cellLinks << " " << cells << " " << ncells);
-// for (int j=0; j< ncells; j++)
-// MESSAGE(" " << j << " " << cells[j]);
-// }
- cellLinks->Resize(myID+SMDS_Mesh::chunkSize);
-// cellLinks = grid->GetCellLinks();
-// imax = cellLinks->Size;
-// for (int i =0; i<imax; i++)
-// {
-// vtkCellLinks::Link &ilink = cellLinks->GetLink(i);
-// int ncells = ilink.ncells;
-// int *cells = ilink.cells;
-// MESSAGE("NODE " << i << " " << cellLinks << " " << cells << " " << ncells);
-// for (int j=0; j< ncells; j++)
-// MESSAGE(" " << j << " " << cells[j]);
-// }
- mesh->myCellLinksSize = cellLinks->Size;
- //MESSAGE(" -------------------------------------- resize CellLinks " << myID << " --> " << mesh->myCellLinksSize);
- }
- //setXYZ(x, y, z);
+ vtkCellLinks *cellLinks = grid->GetCellLinks();
+ if (myID >=cellLinks->Size)
+ cellLinks->Resize(myID+SMDS_Mesh::chunkSize);
#include "SMDS_UnstructuredGrid.hxx"
#include "utilities.h"
-using namespace std;
+#include <vtkCellArray.h>
+#include <vtkIdTypeArray.h>
+#include <vtkUnsignedCharArray.h>
+#include <list>
-//vtkCellLinks::Link* SMDS_CellLinks::AdjustSize(vtkIdType sz)
-// vtkIdType i;
-// vtkCellLinks::Link *newArray;
-// vtkIdType newSize = sz;
-// vtkCellLinks::Link linkInit = {0,NULL};
-// newArray = new vtkCellLinks::Link[newSize];
-// for (i=0; i<sz && i<this->Size; i++)
-// {
-// newArray[i] = this->Array[i];
-// }
-// for (i=this->Size; i < newSize ; i++)
-// {
-// newArray[i] = linkInit;
-// }
-// this->Size = newSize;
-// delete [] this->Array;
-// this->Array = newArray;
-// return this->Array;
-//SMDS_CellLinks* SMDS_CellLinks::New()
-// return new SMDS_CellLinks();
-//SMDS_CellLinks::SMDS_CellLinks() : vtkCellLinks()
-///*! initialize an SMDS_CellLinks instance instead of a vtkCellLinks instance
-// *
-// */
-//void SMDS_UnstructuredGrid::BuildLinks()
-// // Remove the old links if they are already built
-// if (this->Links)
-// {
-// this->Links->UnRegister(this);
-// }
-// this->Links = SMDS_CellLinks::New();
-// this->Links->Allocate(this->GetNumberOfPoints());
-// this->Links->Register(this);
-// this->Links->BuildLinks(this, this->Connectivity);
-// this->Links->Delete();
-//SMDS_CellLinks* SMDS_UnstructuredGrid::GetCellLinks()
-// return static_cast<SMDS_CellLinks*>(this->Links);
+using namespace std;
SMDS_UnstructuredGrid* SMDS_UnstructuredGrid::New()
- return new SMDS_UnstructuredGrid();
+ return new SMDS_UnstructuredGrid();
SMDS_UnstructuredGrid::SMDS_UnstructuredGrid() : vtkUnstructuredGrid()
return vtkUnstructuredGrid::UpdateInformation();
+void SMDS_UnstructuredGrid::compactGrid(std::vector<int>& idNodesOldToNew, int newNodeSize,
+ std::vector<int>& idCellsOldToNew, int newCellSize)
+ MESSAGE("------------------------- SMDS_UnstructuredGrid::compactGrid " << newNodeSize << " " << newCellSize);
+ int startHole = 0;
+ int endHole = 0;
+ int startBloc = 0;
+ int endBloc = 0;
+ int alreadyCopied = 0;
+ typedef enum {lookHoleStart, lookHoleEnd, lookBlocEnd} enumState;
+ enumState compactState = lookHoleStart;
+ // --- if newNodeSize, create a new compacted vtkPoints
+ vtkPoints *newPoints = 0;
+ if (newNodeSize)
+ {
+ MESSAGE("-------------- compactGrid, newNodeSize");
+ newPoints = vtkPoints::New();
+ newPoints->Initialize();
+ newPoints->Allocate(newNodeSize);
+ newPoints->SetNumberOfPoints(newNodeSize);
+ int oldNodeSize = idNodesOldToNew.size();
+ for (int i=0; i< oldNodeSize; i++)
+ {
+ switch(compactState)
+ {
+ case lookHoleStart:
+ if (idNodesOldToNew[i] < 0)
+ {
+ startHole = i;
+ compactState = lookHoleEnd;
+ }
+ break;
+ case lookHoleEnd:
+ if (idNodesOldToNew[i] >= 0)
+ {
+ endHole = i;
+ startBloc = i;
+ compactState = lookBlocEnd;
+ }
+ break;
+ case lookBlocEnd:
+ if (idNodesOldToNew[i] < 0) endBloc = i; // see nbPoints below
+ else if (i == (oldNodeSize-1)) endBloc = i+1;
+ if (endBloc)
+ {
+ MESSAGE("-------------- newNodeSize, endbloc");
+ void *target = newPoints->GetVoidPointer(3*alreadyCopied);
+ void *source = this->Points->GetVoidPointer(3*startBloc);
+ int nbPoints = endBloc - startBloc;
+ memcpy(target, source, 3*sizeof(float)*nbPoints);
+ for (int j=startBloc; j<endBloc; j++)
+ idNodesOldToNew[j] = alreadyCopied++;
+ compactState = lookHoleStart;
+ startHole = i;
+ endHole = 0;
+ startBloc = 0;
+ endBloc = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!alreadyCopied) // no hole, but shorter, no need to modify idNodesOldToNew
+ {
+ MESSAGE("------------- newNodeSize, shorter")
+ void *target = newPoints->GetVoidPointer(0);
+ void *source = this->Points->GetVoidPointer(0);
+ int nbPoints = newNodeSize;
+ memcpy(target, source, 3*sizeof(float)*nbPoints);
+ }
+ }
+ // --- create new compacted Connectivity, Locations and Types
+ int oldCellSize = this->Types->GetNumberOfTuples();
+ vtkCellArray *newConnectivity = vtkCellArray::New();
+ newConnectivity->Initialize();
+ int oldCellDataSize = this->Connectivity->GetData()->GetSize();
+ newConnectivity->Allocate(oldCellDataSize);
+ MESSAGE("oldCellSize="<< oldCellSize << " oldCellDataSize=" << oldCellDataSize);
+ vtkUnsignedCharArray *newTypes = vtkUnsignedCharArray::New();
+ newTypes->Initialize();
+ //newTypes->Allocate(oldCellSize);
+ newTypes->SetNumberOfValues(newCellSize);
+ vtkIdTypeArray *newLocations = vtkIdTypeArray::New();
+ newLocations->Initialize();
+ //newLocations->Allocate(oldCellSize);
+ newLocations->SetNumberOfValues(newCellSize);
+ startHole = 0;
+ endHole = 0;
+ startBloc = 0;
+ endBloc = 0;
+ alreadyCopied = 0;
+ compactState = lookHoleStart;
+ vtkIdType tmpid[50];
+ vtkIdType *pointsCell =&tmpid[0]; // --- points id to fill a new cell
+ for (int i=0; i<oldCellSize; i++)
+ {
+ switch(compactState)
+ {
+ case lookHoleStart:
+ if (this->Types->GetValue(i) == VTK_EMPTY_CELL)
+ {
+ startHole = i;
+ compactState = lookHoleEnd;
+ }
+ break;
+ case lookHoleEnd:
+ if (this->Types->GetValue(i) != VTK_EMPTY_CELL)
+ {
+ endHole = i;
+ startBloc = i;
+ compactState = lookBlocEnd;
+ }
+ break;
+ case lookBlocEnd:
+ if (this->Types->GetValue(i) == VTK_EMPTY_CELL) endBloc =i;
+ else if (i == (oldCellSize-1)) endBloc = i+1;
+ if (endBloc)
+ {
+ MESSAGE(" -------- newCellSize, endBloc");
+ for (int j=startBloc; j<endBloc; j++)
+ {
+ newTypes->SetValue(alreadyCopied, this->Types->GetValue(j));
+ idCellsOldToNew[j] = alreadyCopied;
+ int oldLoc = this->Locations->GetValue(j);
+ int nbpts;
+ this->Connectivity->GetCell(oldLoc, nbpts, pointsCell);
+ for (int l=0; l<nbpts; l++)
+ pointsCell[l] = idNodesOldToNew[pointsCell[l]];
+ int newcnt = newConnectivity->InsertNextCell(nbpts, pointsCell);
+ int newLoc = newConnectivity->GetInsertLocation(nbpts);
+ newLocations->SetValue(alreadyCopied, newLoc);
+ alreadyCopied++;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!alreadyCopied) // no hole, but shorter
+ {
+ MESSAGE(" -------- newCellSize, shorter");
+ for (int j=0; j<oldCellSize; j++)
+ {
+ newTypes->SetValue(alreadyCopied, this->Types->GetValue(j));
+ idCellsOldToNew[j] = alreadyCopied;
+ int oldLoc = this->Locations->GetValue(j);
+ int nbpts;
+ this->Connectivity->GetCell(oldLoc, nbpts, pointsCell);
+ //MESSAGE(j << " " << alreadyCopied << " " << (int)this->Types->GetValue(j) << " " << oldLoc << " " << nbpts );
+ for (int l=0; l<nbpts; l++)
+ {
+ int oldval = pointsCell[l];
+ pointsCell[l] = idNodesOldToNew[oldval];
+ //MESSAGE(" " << oldval << " " << pointsCell[l]);
+ }
+ int newcnt = newConnectivity->InsertNextCell(nbpts, pointsCell);
+ int newLoc = newConnectivity->GetInsertLocation(nbpts);
+ //MESSAGE(newcnt << " " << newLoc);
+ newLocations->SetValue(alreadyCopied, newLoc);
+ alreadyCopied++;
+ }
+ }
+ newConnectivity->Squeeze();
+ //newTypes->Squeeze();
+ //newLocations->Squeeze();
+ if (newNodeSize)
+ {
+ MESSAGE("------- newNodeSize, setPoints");
+ this->SetPoints(newPoints);
+ }
+ this->SetCells(newTypes, newLocations, newConnectivity);
+ this->BuildLinks();
+#include <vector>
#include <vtkUnstructuredGrid.h>
-//#include <vtkCellLinks.h>
-//class SMDS_CellLinks: public vtkCellLinks
-// Link *AdjustSize(vtkIdType sz);
-// //virtual void Delete();
-// static SMDS_CellLinks* New();
-// SMDS_CellLinks();
-// ~SMDS_CellLinks();
class SMDS_UnstructuredGrid: public vtkUnstructuredGrid
-// void BuildLinks(); // initialise un SMDS_CellLinks;
-// SMDS_CellLinks* GetCellLinks();
-// vtkIdType GetCellArraySize() { return (this->Connectivity ? this->Connectivity->GetSize() : 0); };
+ void compactGrid(std::vector<int>& idNodesOldToNew, int newNodeSize,
+ std::vector<int>& idCellsOldToNew, int newCellSize);
virtual unsigned long GetMTime();
virtual void UpdateInformation();
- //virtual void Delete();
static SMDS_UnstructuredGrid* New();
case SMDSEntity_Penta:
- this->exchange(1, 2);
- this->exchange(4, 5);
+ //this->exchange(1, 2);
+ //this->exchange(4, 5);
case SMDSEntity_Hexa:
case SMDSEntity_Quad_Penta:
- this->exchange(1, 2);
- this->exchange(4, 5);
- this->exchange(6, 8);
- this->exchange(9, 11);
- this->exchange(13, 14);
+ //this->exchange(1, 2);
+ //this->exchange(4, 5);
+ //this->exchange(6, 8);
+ //this->exchange(9, 11);
+ //this->exchange(13, 14);
case SMDSEntity_Quad_Hexa:
SMESHDS_Mesh *myMesh = aMesh.GetMeshDS();
+ myMesh->compactMesh();
+ //myMesh->adjustStructure();
list<int> listind = myMesh->SubMeshIndices();
list<int>::iterator it = listind.begin();
int total = 0;
::SMESHDS_SubMesh *subMesh = myMesh->MeshElements(*it);
total += subMesh->getSize();
- cerr << "total elements and nodes in submesh sets:" << total << endl;
- cerr << "Number of node objects " << SMDS_MeshNode::nbNodes << endl;
- cerr << "Number of cell objects " << SMDS_MeshCell::nbCells << endl;
+ MESSAGE("total elements and nodes in submesh sets:" << total);
+ MESSAGE("Number of node objects " << SMDS_MeshNode::nbNodes);
+ MESSAGE("Number of cell objects " << SMDS_MeshCell::nbCells);
return ret;
+void SMESHDS_Mesh::compactMesh()
+ int newNodeSize = 0;
+ int nbNodes = myNodes.size();
+ vector<int> idNodesOldToNew;
+ idNodesOldToNew.clear();
+ idNodesOldToNew.resize(nbNodes, -1); // all unused id will be -1
+ bool areNodesModified = ! myNodeIDFactory->isPoolIdEmpty();
+ MESSAGE("------------------------------------------------- SMESHDS_Mesh::compactMesh " << areNodesModified);
+ if (areNodesModified)
+ {
+ for (int i=0; i<nbNodes; i++)
+ {
+ if (myNodes[i])
+ {
+ idNodesOldToNew[i] = i; // all valid id are >= 0
+ newNodeSize++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (int i=0; i<nbNodes; i++)
+ idNodesOldToNew[i] = i;
+ }
+ int newCellSize = 0;
+ int nbCells = myCells.size();
+ vector<int> idCellsOldToNew;
+ idCellsOldToNew.clear();
+ idCellsOldToNew.resize(nbCells, -1); // all unused id will be -1
+ for (int i=0; i<nbCells; i++)
+ {
+ if (myCells[i])
+ {
+ idCellsOldToNew[i] = myVtkIndex[i]; // valid vtk indexes are > = 0
+ newCellSize++;
+ }
+ }
+ myGrid->compactGrid(idNodesOldToNew, newNodeSize, idCellsOldToNew, newCellSize);
+ // --- SMDS_MeshNode and myNodes (id in SMDS and in VTK are the same), myNodeIdFactory
+ if (areNodesModified)
+ {
+ MESSAGE("-------------- modify myNodes");
+ for (int i=0; i<nbNodes; i++)
+ {
+ if (myNodes[i])
+ {
+ int newid = idNodesOldToNew[i];
+ if (newid != i)
+ {
+ MESSAGE(i << " --> " << newid);
+ myNodes[i]->setId(newid);
+ ASSERT(!myNodes[newid]);
+ myNodes[newid] = myNodes[i];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ this->myNodeIDFactory->emptyPool(newNodeSize);
+ }
+ // --- SMDS_MeshCell, myIDElements and myVtkIndex (myCells and myElementIdFactory are not compacted)
+ for (int oldVtkId=0; oldVtkId<nbCells; oldVtkId++)
+ {
+ int smdsId = this->myVtkIndex[oldVtkId];
+ if (smdsId >=0)
+ {
+ int newVtkId = idCellsOldToNew[oldVtkId];
+ myCells[smdsId]->setVtkId(newVtkId);
+ myIDElements[smdsId] = newVtkId;
+ myVtkIndex[newVtkId] = smdsId;
+ }
+ }
+ // ---TODO: myNodes, myElements in submeshes
+// map<int,SMESHDS_SubMesh*>::iterator it = myShapeIndexToSubMesh.begin();
+// for(; it != myShapeIndexToSubMesh.end(); ++it)
+// {
+// (*it).second->compactList(idNodesOldToNew, newNodeSize, idCellsOldToNew, newCellSize);
+// }
bool IsGroupOfSubShapes (const TopoDS_Shape& aSubShape) const;
+ void compactMesh();
int c = NbNodes();
int d = NbElements();
- cerr << "SMESHDS_SubMesh::NbNodes " << c << endl;
- cerr << "SMESHDS_SubMesh::NbElements " << d << endl;
+ //cerr << "SMESHDS_SubMesh::NbNodes " << c << endl;
+ //cerr << "SMESHDS_SubMesh::NbElements " << d << endl;
return c+d;
+void SMESHDS_SubMesh::compactList()
+ // todo : compact vector of nodes and elements
// clear the contents
void Clear();
int getSize();
+ void compactList();