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+SALOME Kernel resources for developer
+*html version of this document is produced with docutils*::
+ rst2html doc.txt > doc.html
+ Antoine Yessayan,
+ Paul Rascle
+:Version: 0.3 - february 17, 2006
+This document describes the development environment for
+C++ and Python. Makefiles generation and usage are
+introduced in another document: "using the SALOME
+configuration and building system environment".
+Development environment is intended here as: trace and
+debug macros usage; SALOME exceptions usage, in C++ and
+Python; user CORBA exceptions usage, in C++ and Python,
+with and without Graphical User Interface; some general
+purpose services such as singleton, used for CORBA
+connection and disconnection.
+.. contents::
+.. sectnum::
+Trace and debug Utilities
+During the development process, an execution log is
+useful to identify problems. This log contains
+messages, variables values, source files names and line
+numbers. It is recommended to verify assertions on
+variables values and if necessary, to stop the
+execution at debug time, in order to validate all parts
+of code.
+Two modes: debug and release
+The goal of debug mode is to check as many features as
+possible during the early stages of the development
+process. The purpose of the utilities provided in
+SALOME is to help the developer to add detailed traces
+and check variables values, without writing a lot of code.
+When the code is assumed to be valid, the release mode
+optimizes execution, in terms of speed, memory, and
+display only user level messages.
+But, some informations must always be displayed in both
+modes: especially messages concerning environment or
+internal errors, with version identification. When an
+end user is confronted to such a message, he may refer
+to a configuration documentation or send the message to
+the people in charge of SALOME installation, or to the
+development team, following the kind of error.
+C++ Macros for trace and debug
+SALOME provides C++ macros for trace and debug. These
+macros are in::
+ KERNEL_SRC/src/SALOMELocalTrace/utilities.h
+This file must be included in C++ source. Some
+macros are activated only in debug mode, others are
+always activated. To activate the debug mode, ``_DEBUG_``
+must be defined, which is the case when SALOME
+Makefiles are generated from configure, without
+options. When ``_DEBUG_`` is undefined (release mode:
+``configure --disable-debug --enable-production``), the
+debug mode macros are defined empty (they do nothing).
+So, when switching from debug to release, it is
+possible (and recommended) to let the macro calls
+unchanged in the source.
+All the macros generate trace messages, stored in a
+circular buffer pool. A separate thread reads the
+messages in the buffer pool, and, depending on options
+given at SALOME start, writes the messages on the
+standard output, a file, or send them via CORBA, in
+case of a multi machine configuration.
+Three informations are systematically added in front of
+the information displayed:
+* the thread number from which the message come from;
+* the name of the source file in which the macros is set;
+* the line number of the source file at which the macro
+ is set.
+Macros defined in debug and release modes
+ The C++ macro INFOS_COMPILATION writes on the trace
+ buffer pool informations about the compiling process:
+ * the name of the compiler : g++, KCC, CC, pgCC;
+ * the date and the time of the compiling processing process.
+ This macro INFOS_COMPILATION does not have any
+ argument. Moreover, it is defined in both compiling
+ mode : _DEBUG_ and _RELEASE_.
+ Example::
+ #include "utilities.h"
+ int main(int argc , char **argv)
+ {
+ ...
+ }
+ INFOS(str)
+ In both compiling mode _DEBUG_ and _RELEASE_, The C++
+ macro INFOS writes on the trace buffer pool the string
+ which has been passed in argument by the user.
+ Example::
+ #include "utilities.h"
+ int main(int argc , char **argv)
+ {
+ ...
+ return 0;
+ }
+ displays::
+ main.cxx [5] : NORMAL END OF THE PROCESS
+ In both compiling mode _DEBUG_ and _RELEASE_, The C++
+ macro INTERRUPTION writes on the trace buffer pool the
+ string, with a special ABORT type. When the thread in
+ charge of collecting messages finds this message, it
+ terminates the application, after message treatment.
+ In both compiling mode _DEBUG_ and _RELEASE_, The C++
+ macro IMMEDIATE_ABORT writes the message str immediately on
+ standard error and exits the application. Remaining
+ messages not treated by the message collector thread
+ are lost.
+Macros defined only in debug mode
+ In _DEBUG_ compiling mode only, the C++ macro MESSAGE
+ writes on the trace buffer pool the string which has
+ been passed in argument by the user. In _RELEASE_
+ compiling mode, this macro is blank.
+ Example::
+ #include "utilities.h"
+ #include <string>
+ using namespace std;
+ int main(int argc , char **argv)
+ {
+ ...
+ const char *str = "Salome";
+ MESSAGE(str);
+ ... const string st;
+ st = "Aster";
+ MESSAGE(c_str(st+" and CASTEM"));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ displays::
+ - Trace main.cxx [8] : Salome
+ - Trace main.cxx [12] : Aster and CASTEM
+ In _DEBUG_ compiling mode, The C++ macro BEGIN_OF
+ appends the string "Begin of " to the one passed in
+ argument by the user and displays the result on the
+ trace buffer pool. In _RELEASE_ compiling mode, this
+ macro is blank.
+ Example::
+ #include "utilities.h"
+ int main(int argc , char **argv)
+ {
+ BEGIN_OF(argv[0]);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ displays::
+ - Trace main.cxx [3] : Begin of a.out
+ In _DEBUG_ compiling mode, The C++ macro END_OF appends
+ the string "Normal end of " to the one passed in
+ argument by the user and displays the result on the
+ trace buffer pool. In _RELEASE_ compiling mode, this
+ macro is blank.
+ Example::
+ #include "utilities.h"
+ int main(int argc , char **argv)
+ {
+ END_OF(argv[0]);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ displays::
+ - Trace main.cxx [4] : Normal end of a.out
+ In _DEBUG_ compiling mode, The C++ macro SCRUTE
+ displays its argument which is an application variable
+ followed by the value of the variable. In _RELEASE_
+ compiling mode, this macro is blank.
+ Example::
+ #include "utilities.h"
+ int main(int argc , char **argv)
+ {
+ const int i=999;
+ if( i > 0 ) SCRUTE(i) ; i=i+1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ displays::
+ - Trace main.cxx [5] : i=999
+ In _DEBUG_ compiling mode only, The C++ macro ASSERT
+ checks the expression passed in argument to be not
+ NULL. If it is NULL the condition is written with the
+ macro INTERRUPTION (see above). The process exits after
+ trace of this last message. In _RELEASE_ compiling
+ mode, this macro is blank. N.B. : if ASSERT is already
+ defined, this macro is ignored.
+ Example::
+ #include "utilities.h"
+ ...
+ const char *ptrS = fonc();
+ cout << strlen(ptrS);
+ float table[10];
+ int k;
+ ...
+ ASSERT(k<10);
+ cout << table[k];
+C++ exceptions: class SALOME_Exception
+The class SALOME_Exception provides a generic method to
+send a message, with optional source file name and line
+number. This class is intended to serve as a base class
+for all kinds of exceptions SALOME code. All the
+exceptions derived from SALOME_Exception could be
+handled in a single catch, in which the message
+associated to the exception is displayed, or sent to a
+log file.
+The class SALOME_Exception inherits its behavior from
+the STL class exception.
+The header SALOME/src/utils/utils_SALOME_Exception.hxx
+must be included in the C++ source, when raised or trapped::
+ #include "utils_SALOME_Exception.hxx"
+The SALOME_Exception constructor is::
+ SALOME_Exception( const char *text,
+ const char *fileName=0,
+ const unsigned int lineNumber=0 );
+The exception is raised like this::
+ throw SALOME_Exception("my pertinent message");
+or like this::
+ throw SALOME_Exception(LOCALIZED("my pertinent message"));
+where LOCALIZED is a macro provided with
+``utils_SALOME_Exception.hxx`` which gives file name and
+line number.
+The exception is handled like this::
+ try
+ {
+ ...
+ }
+ catch (const SALOME_Exception &ex)
+ {
+ cerr << ex.what() <<endl;
+ }
+The what() method overrides the one defined in the STL
+exception class.
+CORBA exceptions
+The idl SALOME_Exception provides a generic CORBA
+exception for SALOME, with an attribute that gives an
+exception type,a message, plus optional source file
+name and line number.
+This idl is intended to serve for all user CORBA
+exceptions raised in SALOME code, as IDL specification
+does not support exception inheritance. So, all the
+user CORBA exceptions from SALOME could be handled in a
+single catch.
+The exception types defined in idl are:
+ - COMM CORBA communication problem,
+ - BAD_PARAM Bad User parameters,
+ - INTERNAL_ERROR application level problem (often irrecoverable).
+CORBA system and user exceptions already defined in the
+packages used within SALOME, such as OmniORB
+exceptions, must be handled separately.
+CORBA servant, C++
+ The CORBA Server header for SALOME_Exception and a
+ macro to throw the exception are provided with the
+ header ``KERNEL_SRC/src/Utils/Utils_CorbaException.hxx``::
+ #include "Utils_CorbaException.hxx"
+ The exception is raised with a macro which appends file
+ name and line number::
+ if (myStudyName.size() == 0)
+CORBA Client, GUI Qt C++
+ The CORBA Client header for SALOME_Exception and a Qt
+ function header that displays a message box are
+ provided in:
+ ``KERNEL_SRC/src/SALOMEGUI/SALOMEGUI_QtCatchCorbaException.hxx``
+ ::
+ #include "SALOMEGUI_QtCatchCorbaException.hxx"
+ A typical exchange with a CORBA Servant will be::
+ try
+ {
+ ... // one ore more CORBA calls
+ }
+ catch (const SALOME::SALOME_Exception & S_ex)
+ {
+ QtCatchCorbaException(S_ex);
+ }
+CORBA Client, C++, without GUI
+ Nothing specific has been provided to the developer
+ yet. See the idl or the Qt function
+ SALOMEGUI_QtCatchCorbaException.hxx to see how to get
+ the information given by the exception object.
+Miscellaneous tools
+A singleton is an application data which is created and
+deleted only once at the end of the application
+process. The C++ compiler allows the user to create a
+static singleton data before the first executable
+statement. They are deleted after the last statement execution.
+The ``SINGLETON_`` template class deals with dynamic
+singleton. It is useful for functor objects. For
+example, an object that connects the application to a
+system at creation and disconnects the application at deletion.
+To create a single instance of a POINT object::
+ # include "Utils_SINGLETON.hxx"
+ ...
+ POINT *ptrPoint=SINGLETON_<POINT>::Instance() ;
+ assert(ptrPoint!=NULL) ;
+No need to delete ptrPoint. Deletion is achieved
+automatically at exit. If the user tries to create more
+than one singleton by using the class method
+SINGLETON_<TYPE>::Instance(), the pointer is returned
+with the same value even if this is done in different
+functions (threads ?)::
+ POINT *p1=SINGLETON_<POINT>::Instance() ;
+ ...
+ POINT *p2=SINGLETON_<POINT>::Instance() ;
+ assert(p1==p2)
+Design description
+Here are the principles features of the singleton
+* the user creates an object of class TYPE by using the
+ class method ``SINGLETON_<TYPE>::Instance()`` which
+ returns a pointer to the single object ;
+* to create an object, ``SINGLETON_<TYPE>::Instance()``
+ uses the default constructor of class TYPE ;
+* at the same time, this class method creates a
+ destructor object which is added to the generic list
+ of destructor objects to be executed at the end of
+ the application (atexit) ;
+* at the end of the application process all the
+ deletions are performed by the ``Nettoyage()`` C function
+ which executes the destruction objects end then
+ deletes the destructions objects themselves ;
+* the ``Nettoyage()`` C function using ``atexit()`` C function
+ is embedded in a static single object ``ATEXIT_()``.
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-<H1>SALOME Kernel resources for developer</H1>
-<H2>Antoine Yessayan, Paul Rascle </H2>Version 0.2 January 28, 2005
-<EM>This document describes the development environment for C++ and
- Python. Makefiles generation and usage are introduced in another
- document: "using the SALOME configuration and building system environment".
- Development environment is intended here as: trace and debug macros
- usage; SALOME exceptions usage, in C++ and Python; user CORBA exceptions
- usage, in C++ and Python, with and without Graphical User Interface;
- some general purpose services such as singleton, used for CORBA connection
- and disconnection.</EM>
-<H2><A NAME="toc1">1.</A> <A HREF="kernel_resources-1.html">Trace and debug Utilities</A></H2>
-<LI><A NAME="toc1.1">1.1</A> <A HREF="kernel_resources-1.html#ss1.1">Two modes: debug and release</A>
-<LI><A NAME="toc1.2">1.2</A> <A HREF="kernel_resources-1.html#ss1.2">C++ Macros for trace and debug</A>
-<H2><A NAME="toc2">2.</A> <A HREF="kernel_resources-2.html">Exceptions</A></H2>
-<LI><A NAME="toc2.1">2.1</A> <A HREF="kernel_resources-2.html#ss2.1">C++ exceptions: class SALOME_Exception</A>
-<LI><A NAME="toc2.2">2.2</A> <A HREF="kernel_resources-2.html#ss2.2">CORBA exceptions</A>
-<H2><A NAME="toc3">3.</A> <A HREF="kernel_resources-3.html">Miscellaneous tools</A></H2>
-<LI><A NAME="toc3.1">3.1</A> <A HREF="kernel_resources-3.html#ss3.1">Singleton</A>
-<A HREF="kernel_resources-1.html">Next</A>
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+<p>SALOME Kernel resources for developer</p>
+<p>Antoine Yessayan, Paul Rascle</p>
+<p>Version 0.2 January 28, 2005</p>
+<p>This document describes the development environment for
+C++ and Python. Makefiles generation and usage are
+introduced in another document: "using the SALOME
+configuration and building system environment".
+Development environment is intended here as: trace and
+debug macros usage; SALOME exceptions usage, in C++ and
+Python; user CORBA exceptions usage, in C++ and Python,
+with and without Graphical User Interface; some general
+purpose services such as singleton, used for CORBA
+connection and disconnection.</p>
+<p>Table des Matières</p>
+<dl class="docutils">
+<dt>Trace and debug Utilities</dt>
+<dd><p class="first">Two modes: debug and release
+C++ Macros for trace and debug</p>
+<div class="system-message">
+<p class="system-message-title">System Message: ERROR/3 (<tt class="docutils">kernel_resources.txt</tt>, line 29)</p>
+Unexpected indentation.</div>
+<blockquote class="last">
+Macros defined in debug and release modes
+Macros defined only in debug mode</blockquote>
+<dd><dl class="first last docutils">
+<dt>C++ exceptions: class SALOME_Exception</dt>
+<dt>CORBA exceptions</dt>
+<dt>Miscellaneous tools</dt>
+<dd><blockquote class="first">
+<dl class="docutils">
+Design description</dd>
+<p class="last">Trace and debug Utilities</p>
+<p>During the development process, an execution log is
+useful to identify problems. This log contains
+messages, variables values, source files names and line
+numbers. It is recommended to verify assertions on
+variables values and if necessary, to stop the
+execution at debug time, in order to validate all parts
+of code.</p>
+Two modes: debug and release</blockquote>
+<p>The goal of debug mode is to check as many features as
+possible during the early stages of the development
+process. The purpose of the utilities provided in
+SALOME is to help the developer to add detailed traces
+and check variables values, without writing a lot of code.</p>
+<p>When the code is assumed to be valid, the release mode
+optimizes execution, in terms of speed, memory, and
+display only user level messages.</p>
+<p>But, some informations must always be displayed in both
+modes: especially messages concerning environment or
+internal errors, with version identification. When an
+end user is confronted to such a message, he may refer
+to a configuration documentation or send the message to
+the people in charge of SALOME installation, or to the
+development team, following the kind of error.</p>
+C++ Macros for trace and debug</blockquote>
+<p>SALOME provides C++ macros for trace and debug. These
+macros are in SALOME/src/SALOMELocalTrace/utilities.h
+and this file must be included in C++ source. Some
+macros are activated only in debug mode, others are
+always activated. To activate the debug mode, _DEBUG_
+must be defined, which is the case when SALOME
+Makefiles are generated from configure, without
+options. When _DEBUG_ is undefined (release mode:
+configure --disable-debug --enable-production), the
+debug mode macros are defined empty (they do nothing).
+So, when switching from debug to release, it is
+possible (and recommended) to let the macro calls
+unchanged in the source.</p>
+<p>All the macros generate trace messages, stored in a
+circular buffer pool. A separate thread reads the
+messages in the buffer pool, and, depending on options
+given at SALOME start, writes the messages on the
+standard output, a file, or send them via CORBA, in
+case of a multi machine configuration.</p>
+<p>Three informations are systematically added in front of
+the information displayed:</p>
+<ul class="simple">
+<li>the thread number from which the message come from;</li>
+<li>the name of the source file in which the macros is set;</li>
+<li>the line number of the source file at which the macro
+is set.</li>
+<p>Macros defined in debug and release modes</p>
+<p>The C++ macro INFOS_COMPILATION writes on the trace
+buffer pool informations about the compiling process:</p>
+<ul class="simple">
+<li>the name of the compiler : g++, KCC, CC, pgCC;</li>
+<li>the date and the time of the compiling processing process.</li>
+<p>This macro INFOS_COMPILATION does not have any
+argument. Moreover, it is defined in both compiling
+mode : _DEBUG_ and _RELEASE_.</p>
+<p>Example :</p>
+<p>#include "utilities.h"</p>
+<p>int main(int argc , char <a href="#id1" name="id2"><span class="problematic" id="id2">**</span></a>argv)</p>
+<div class="system-message" id="id1">
+<p class="system-message-title">System Message: <a name="id1">WARNING/2</a> (<tt class="docutils">kernel_resources.txt</tt>, line 128); <em><a href="#id2">backlink</a></em></p>
+Inline strong start-string without end-string.</div>
+<p>In both compiling mode _DEBUG_ and _RELEASE_, The C++
+macro INFOS writes on the trace buffer pool the string
+which has been passed in argument by the user.</p>
+<p>Example :</p>
+<p>#include "utilities.h"</p>
+<p>int main(int argc , char <a href="#id3" name="id4"><span class="problematic" id="id4">**</span></a>argv)</p>
+<div class="system-message" id="id3">
+<p class="system-message-title">System Message: <a name="id3">WARNING/2</a> (<tt class="docutils">kernel_resources.txt</tt>, line 148); <em><a href="#id4">backlink</a></em></p>
+Inline strong start-string without end-string.</div>
+<p>return 0;</p>
+<p>displays :</p>
+<p>main.cxx [5] : NORMAL END OF THE PROCESS</p>
+<p>In both compiling mode _DEBUG_ and _RELEASE_, The C++
+macro INTERRUPTION writes on the trace buffer pool the
+string, with a special ABORT type. When the thread in
+charge of collecting messages finds this message, it
+terminates the application, after message treatment.</p>
+<p>In both compiling mode _DEBUG_ and _RELEASE_, The C++
+macro IMMEDIATE_ABORT writes the message immediately on
+standard error and exits the application. Remaining
+messages not treated by the message collector thread
+are lost.</p>
+<p>Macros defined only in debug mode</p>
+<p>In _DEBUG_ compiling mode only, the C++ macro MESSAGE
+writes on the trace buffer pool the string which has
+been passed in argument by the user. In _RELEASE_
+compiling mode, this macro is blank.</p>
+<p>Example :</p>
+<p>#include "utilities.h"</p>
+<p>#include <string></p>
+<p>using namespace std;</p>
+<p>int main(int argc , char <a href="#id5" name="id6"><span class="problematic" id="id6">**</span></a>argv)</p>
+<div class="system-message" id="id5">
+<p class="system-message-title">System Message: <a name="id5">WARNING/2</a> (<tt class="docutils">kernel_resources.txt</tt>, line 199); <em><a href="#id6">backlink</a></em></p>
+Inline strong start-string without end-string.</div>
+<p>const char <a href="#id7" name="id8"><span class="problematic" id="id8">*</span></a>str = "Salome";</p>
+<div class="system-message" id="id7">
+<p class="system-message-title">System Message: <a name="id7">WARNING/2</a> (<tt class="docutils">kernel_resources.txt</tt>, line 205); <em><a href="#id8">backlink</a></em></p>
+Inline emphasis start-string without end-string.</div>
+<p>... const string st;</p>
+<p>st = "Aster";</p>
+<p>MESSAGE(c_str(st+" and CASTEM"));</p>
+<p>return 0;</p>
+<p>displays :</p>
+<li><p class="first">Trace main.cxx [8] : Salome</p>
+<li><p class="first">Trace main.cxx [12] : Aster and CASTEM</p>
+<p>In _DEBUG_ compiling mode, The C++ macro BEGIN_OF
+appends the string "Begin of " to the one passed in
+argument by the user and displays the result on the
+trace buffer pool. In _RELEASE_ compiling mode, this
+macro is blank.</p>
+<p>Example :</p>
+<p>#include "utilities.h"</p>
+<p>int main(int argc , char <a href="#id9" name="id10"><span class="problematic" id="id10">**</span></a>argv)</p>
+<div class="system-message" id="id9">
+<p class="system-message-title">System Message: <a name="id9">WARNING/2</a> (<tt class="docutils">kernel_resources.txt</tt>, line 237); <em><a href="#id10">backlink</a></em></p>
+Inline strong start-string without end-string.</div>
+<p>return 0;</p>
+<p>displays :</p>
+<li><p class="first">Trace main.cxx [3] : Begin of a.out</p>
+<p>In _DEBUG_ compiling mode, The C++ macro END_OF appends
+the string "Normal end of " to the one passed in
+argument by the user and displays the result on the
+trace buffer pool. In _RELEASE_ compiling mode, this
+macro is blank.</p>
+<p>Example :</p>
+<p>#include "utilities.h"</p>
+<p>int main(int argc , char <a href="#id11" name="id12"><span class="problematic" id="id12">**</span></a>argv)</p>
+<div class="system-message" id="id11">
+<p class="system-message-title">System Message: <a name="id11">WARNING/2</a> (<tt class="docutils">kernel_resources.txt</tt>, line 263); <em><a href="#id12">backlink</a></em></p>
+Inline strong start-string without end-string.</div>
+<p>return 0;</p>
+<p>displays :</p>
+<li><p class="first">Trace main.cxx [4] : Normal end of a.out</p>
+<p>In _DEBUG_ compiling mode, The C++ macro SCRUTE
+displays its argument which is an application variable
+followed by the value of the variable. In _RELEASE_
+compiling mode, this macro is blank.</p>
+<p>Example :</p>
+<p>#include "utilities.h"</p>
+<p>int main(int argc , char <a href="#id13" name="id14"><span class="problematic" id="id14">**</span></a>argv)</p>
+<div class="system-message" id="id13">
+<p class="system-message-title">System Message: <a name="id13">WARNING/2</a> (<tt class="docutils">kernel_resources.txt</tt>, line 288); <em><a href="#id14">backlink</a></em></p>
+Inline strong start-string without end-string.</div>
+<p>const int i=999;</p>
+<p>if( i > 0 ) SCRUTE(i) ; i=i+1;</p>
+<p>return 0;</p>
+<p>displays :</p>
+<li><p class="first">Trace main.cxx [5] : i=999</p>
+<p>In _DEBUG_ compiling mode only, The C++ macro ASSERT
+checks the expression passed in argument to be not
+NULL. If it is NULL the condition is written with the
+macro INTERRUPTION (see above). The process exits after
+trace of this last message. In _RELEASE_ compiling
+mode, this macro is blank. N.B. : if ASSERT is already
+defined, this macro is ignored.</p>
+<p>Example :</p>
+<p>#include "utilities.h"</p>
+<p>const char <a href="#id15" name="id16"><span class="problematic" id="id16">*</span></a>ptrS = fonc();</p>
+<div class="system-message" id="id15">
+<p class="system-message-title">System Message: <a name="id15">WARNING/2</a> (<tt class="docutils">kernel_resources.txt</tt>, line 320); <em><a href="#id16">backlink</a></em></p>
+Inline emphasis start-string without end-string.</div>
+<p>cout << strlen(ptrS);</p>
+<p>float table[10];</p>
+<p>int k;</p>
+<p>cout << table[k];</p>
+<p>C++ exceptions: class SALOME_Exception</p>
+<p>The class SALOME_Exception provides a generic method to
+send a message, with optional source file name and line
+number. This class is intended to serve as a base class
+for all kinds of exceptions SALOME code. All the
+exceptions derived from SALOME_Exception could be
+handled in a single catch, in which the message
+associated to the exception is displayed, or sent to a
+log file.</p>
+<p>The class SALOME_Exception inherits its behavior from
+the STL class exception.</p>
+<p>The header SALOME/src/utils/utils_SALOME_Exception.hxx
+must be included in the C++ source, when raised or trapped:</p>
+<p>#include "utils_SALOME_Exception.hxx"</p>
+<p>The SALOME_Exception constructor is:</p>
+<p>SALOME_Exception( const char <a href="#id17" name="id18"><span class="problematic" id="id18">*</span></a>text,</p>
+<div class="system-message" id="id17">
+<p class="system-message-title">System Message: <a name="id17">WARNING/2</a> (<tt class="docutils">kernel_resources.txt</tt>, line 363); <em><a href="#id18">backlink</a></em></p>
+Inline emphasis start-string without end-string.</div>
+<p>const char <a href="#id19" name="id20"><span class="problematic" id="id20">*</span></a>fileName=0,</p>
+<div class="system-message" id="id19">
+<p class="system-message-title">System Message: <a name="id19">WARNING/2</a> (<tt class="docutils">kernel_resources.txt</tt>, line 365); <em><a href="#id20">backlink</a></em></p>
+Inline emphasis start-string without end-string.</div>
+<p>const unsigned int lineNumber=0 );</p>
+<p>The exception is raised like this:</p>
+<p>throw SALOME_Exception("my pertinent message");</p>
+<p>or like this:</p>
+<p>throw SALOME_Exception(LOCALIZED("my pertinent message"));</p>
+<p>where LOCALIZED is a macro provided with
+utils_SALOME_Exception.hxx which gives file name and
+line number.</p>
+<p>The exception is handled like this:</p>
+<p>catch (const SALOME_Exception &ex)</p>
+cerr << ex.what() <<endl;</blockquote>
+<p>The what() method overrides the one defined in the STL
+exception class.</p>
+<p>CORBA exceptions</p>
+<p>The idl SALOME_Exception provides a generic CORBA
+exception for SALOME, with an attribute that gives an
+exception type,a message, plus optional source file
+name and line number.</p>
+<p>This idl is intended to serve for all user CORBA
+exceptions raised in SALOME code, as IDL specification
+does not support exception inheritance. So, all the
+user CORBA exceptions from SALOME could be handled in a
+single catch.</p>
+<p>The exception types defined in idl are:</p>
+<p>COMM CORBA communication problem,</p>
+<p>BAD_PARAM Bad User parameters,</p>
+<p>INTERNAL_ERROR application level problem (often irrecoverable).</p>
+<p>CORBA system and user exceptions already defined in the
+packages used within SALOME, such as OmniORB
+exceptions, must be handled separately.</p>
+CORBA servant, C++</blockquote>
+<p>The CORBA Server header for SALOME_Exception and a
+macro to throw the exception are provided with the
+header SALOME/src/Utils/Utils_CorbaException.hxx:</p>
+<p>#include "Utils_CorbaException.hxx"</p>
+<p>The exception is raised with a macro which appends file
+name and line number.</p>
+<p>if (myStudyName.size() == 0)</p>
+<p>THROW_SALOME_CORBA_EXCEPTION("No Study Name given", </p>
+<p>CORBA Client, GUI Qt C++</p>
+<p>The CORBA Client header for SALOME_Exception and a Qt
+function header that displays a message box are
+provided in
+<p>#include "SALOMEGUI_QtCatchCorbaException.hxx"</p>
+<p>A typical exchange with a CORBA Servant will be:</p>
+... // one ore more CORBA calls</blockquote>
+<p>catch (const SALOME::SALOME_Exception & S_ex)</p>
+<p>CORBA Client, C++, without GUI</p>
+<p>Nothing specific has been provided to the developer
+yet. See the idl or the Qt function
+SALOMEGUI_QtCatchCorbaException.hxx to see how to get
+the information given by the exception object.</p>
+<p>Miscellaneous tools</p>
+<p>A singleton is an application data which is created and
+deleted only once at the end of the application
+process. The C++ compiler allows the user to create a
+static singleton data before the first executable
+statement. They are deleted after the last statement execution.</p>
+<p>The <a href="#id27" name="id28"><span class="problematic" id="id28">SINGLETON_</span></a> template class deals with dynamic
+singleton. It is useful for functor objects. For
+example, an object that connects the application to a
+system at creation and disconnects the application at deletion.</p>
+<p>To create a single instance a POINT object :</p>
+<p># include "Utils_SINGLETON.hxx"</p>
+<p>POINT <a href="#id21" name="id22"><span class="problematic" id="id22">*</span></a>ptrPoint=SINGLETON_<POINT>::Instance() ;</p>
+<div class="system-message" id="id21">
+<p class="system-message-title">System Message: <a name="id21">WARNING/2</a> (<tt class="docutils">kernel_resources.txt</tt>, line 509); <em><a href="#id22">backlink</a></em></p>
+Inline emphasis start-string without end-string.</div>
+<p>assert(ptrPoint!=NULL) ;</p>
+<p>No need to delete ptrPoint. Deletion is achieved
+automatically at exit. If the user tries to create more
+than one singleton by using the class method
+SINGLETON_<TYPE>::Instance(), the pointer is returned
+with the same value even if this is done in different
+functions (threads ?).</p>
+<p>POINT <a href="#id23" name="id24"><span class="problematic" id="id24">*</span></a>p1=SINGLETON_<POINT>::Instance() ;</p>
+<div class="system-message" id="id23">
+<p class="system-message-title">System Message: <a name="id23">WARNING/2</a> (<tt class="docutils">kernel_resources.txt</tt>, line 520); <em><a href="#id24">backlink</a></em></p>
+Inline emphasis start-string without end-string.</div>
+<p>POINT <a href="#id25" name="id26"><span class="problematic" id="id26">*</span></a>p2=SINGLETON_<POINT>::Instance() ;</p>
+<div class="system-message" id="id25">
+<p class="system-message-title">System Message: <a name="id25">WARNING/2</a> (<tt class="docutils">kernel_resources.txt</tt>, line 524); <em><a href="#id26">backlink</a></em></p>
+Inline emphasis start-string without end-string.</div>
+Design description</blockquote>
+<p>Here are the principles features of the singleton
+design :</p>
+<ul class="simple">
+<li>the user creates an object of class TYPE by using the
+class method SINGLETON_<TYPE>::Instance() which
+returns a pointer to the single object ;</li>
+<li>to create an object, SINGLETON_<TYPE>::Instance()
+uses the default constructor of class TYPE ;</li>
+<li>at the same time, this class method creates a
+destructor object which is added to the generic list
+of destructor objects to be executed at the end of
+the application (atexit) ;</li>
+<li>at the end of the application process all the
+deletions are performed by the Nettoyage() C function
+which executes the destruction objects end then
+deletes the destructions objects themselves ;</li>
+<li>the Nettoyage() C function using atexit() C function
+is embedded in a static single object ATEXIT_().</li>
+<div class="system-messages section">
+<h1><a>Docutils System Messages</a></h1>
+<div class="system-message" id="id27">
+<p class="system-message-title">System Message: <a name="id27">ERROR/3</a> (<tt class="docutils">kernel_resources.txt</tt>, line 496); <em><a href="#id28">backlink</a></em></p>
+Unknown target name: "singleton".</div>