# add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the
# documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here.
-# import os
-# import sys
+import os
+import sys
# sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.'))
# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be
# extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom
# ones.
-extensions = []
+extensions = ['sphinx.ext.autodoc','sphinx.ext.autosummary']
+ import sphinxcontrib.napoleon
+ extensions += ['sphinxcontrib.napoleon']
+ pass
# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
-templates_path = ['_templates']
+templates_path = [os.path.join('@CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR@','templates')]
# The suffix(es) of source filenames.
# You can specify multiple suffix as a list of string:
# General information about the project.
project = u'SHAPER'
copyright = u'2014-2017 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D'
-author = u'vsv'
+# Copyright is shown via custom footer
+html_show_copyright = False
# The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for
# |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the
# This is also used if you do content translation via gettext catalogs.
# Usually you set "language" from the command line for these cases.
-language = None
+#language = None
# List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and
# directories to ignore when looking for source files.
pygments_style = 'sphinx'
# If true, `todo` and `todoList` produce output, else they produce nothing.
-todo_include_todos = False
+# todo_include_todos = False
# -- Options for HTML output ----------------------------------------------
# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for
# a list of builtin themes.
-html_theme = 'alabaster'
+html_theme = '@SPHINX_THEME@'
# Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme
# further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the
# Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here,
# relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files,
# so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css".
-html_static_path = ['_static']
+html_static_path = [os.path.join('@CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR@','static')]
# -- Options for HTMLHelp output ------------------------------------------
# -- Options for LaTeX output ---------------------------------------------
-latex_elements = {
- # The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper').
- #
- # 'papersize': 'letterpaper',
- # The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt').
- #
- # 'pointsize': '10pt',
+# The paper size ('letter' or 'a4').
+latex_paper_size = 'a4'
- # Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble.
- #
- # 'preamble': '',
+# The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt').
+latex_font_size = '10pt'
- # Latex figure (float) alignment
- #
- # 'figure_align': 'htbp',
+# Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples
+# (source start file, target name, title, author, document class [howto/manual]).
+latex_documents = [
+ ('index', 'SHAPER.tex', 'SHAPER User Documentation', '', 'manual'),
# Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples
# (source start file, target name, title,
# One entry per manual page. List of tuples
# (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section).
-man_pages = [
- (master_doc, 'shaper', u'SHAPER Documentation',
- [author], 1)
+#man_pages = [
+# (master_doc, 'shaper', u'SHAPER Documentation',
+# [author], 1)
# -- Options for Texinfo output -------------------------------------------
# Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples
# (source start file, target name, title, author,
# dir menu entry, description, category)
-texinfo_documents = [
- (master_doc, 'SHAPER', u'SHAPER Documentation',
- author, 'SHAPER', 'One line description of project.',
- 'Miscellaneous'),
+#texinfo_documents = [
+# (master_doc, 'SHAPER', u'SHAPER Documentation',
+# author, 'SHAPER', 'One line description of project.',
+# 'Miscellaneous'),
when_nested="accept abort"
tooltip="Create sketch"
- icon="icons/Sketch/sketch.png">
+ icon="icons/Sketch/sketch.png"
+ helpfile="SketchPlugin/sketchPlugin.html">
<sketch-start-label id="External" title="Select a plane on which to create a sketch" tooltip="Select a plane on which to create a sketch">
<validator id="GeomValidators_Face" parameters="plane"/>
<!-- SketchPoint -->
- <feature id="SketchPoint" title="Point" tooltip="Create point" icon="icons/Sketch/point.png">
+ <feature id="SketchPoint" title="Point" tooltip="Create point" icon="icons/Sketch/point.png"
+ helpfile="SketchPlugin/pointFeature.html">
<sketch-2dpoint_selector id="PointCoordinates" accept_expressions="0" title="Point" tooltip="Point coordinates"
<boolvalue id="Auxiliary" label="Auxiliary" default="false" tooltip="Construction element" obligatory="0"/>
<!-- SketchLine -->
- <feature id="SketchLine" title="Line" tooltip="Create line" icon="icons/Sketch/line.png">
+ <feature id="SketchLine" title="Line" tooltip="Create line" icon="icons/Sketch/line.png"
+ helpfile="SketchPlugin/lineFeature.html">
<sketch-2dpoint_selector id="StartPoint" accept_expressions="0" title="Start point" tooltip="Start point coordinates"
<sketch-2dpoint_selector id="EndPoint" accept_expressions="0" title="End point" tooltip="End point coordinates"
<feature id="SketchMacroCircle"
- tooltip="Create circle">
+ tooltip="Create circle"
+ helpfile="SketchPlugin/circleFeature.html">
<toolbox id="circle_type" modified_in_edit="edit_circle_type">
<box id="circle_type_by_center_and_passed_points"
tooltip="Create arc"
- icon="icons/Sketch/arc.png">
+ icon="icons/Sketch/arc.png"
+ helpfile="SketchPlugin/arcFeature.html">
<toolbox id="arc_type" modified_in_edit="edit_arc_type">
<box id="by_center_and_points"
<feature id="SketchFillet"
tooltip="Create constraint defining fillet between two objects"
- icon="icons/Sketch/fillet.png">
+ icon="icons/Sketch/fillet.png"
+ helpfile="SketchPlugin/filletFeature.html">
<sketch_shape_selector id="fillet_point"
tooltip="Select point for fillet (should be shared by two entities only)"
<!-- SketchSplit -->
<feature id="SketchSplit" title="Split"
tooltip="Cut selected segment arc or circle on existing coincident points"
- icon="icons/Sketch/split.png">
+ icon="icons/Sketch/split.png"
+ helpfile="SketchPlugin/splitFeature.html">
selection_attributes="SelectedObject SelectedPoint PreviewObject PreviewPoint"
<!-- SketchTrim -->
<feature id="SketchTrim" title="Trim"
tooltip="Trim selected segment arc or circle on intersection points nearest to the graphic selection"
- icon="icons/Sketch/trim.png">
+ icon="icons/Sketch/trim.png"
+ helpfile="SketchPlugin/trimFeature.html">
selection_attributes="SelectedObject SelectedPoint PreviewObject PreviewPoint"
<feature id="SketchMacroEllipse"
- tooltip="Create ellipse">
+ tooltip="Create ellipse"
+ helpfile="SketchPlugin/ellipseFeature.html">
<sketch-2dpoint_selector id="center_point"
title="Center point"
tooltip="Project feature onto sketch plane"
- icon="icons/Sketch/projection.png">
+ icon="icons/Sketch/projection.png"
+ helpfile="SketchPlugin/projectionFeature.html">
tooltip="Intersect edge with sketch plane"
- icon="icons/Sketch/intersection.png">
+ icon="icons/Sketch/intersection.png"
+ helpfile="SketchPlugin/intersectionFeature.html">
title="Mirror copy" icon="icons/Sketch/mirror.png"
- tooltip="Create constraint, mirroring group of objects">
+ tooltip="Create constraint, mirroring group of objects"
+ helpfile="SketchPlugin/mirrorFeature.html">
<sketch_shape_selector id="ConstraintEntityA"
label="Mirror line" tooltip="Select mirror line" shape_types="edge">
<validator id="GeomValidators_ShapeType" parameters="line"/>
title="Linear copy" icon="icons/Sketch/translate.png"
- tooltip="Copy objects and move">
+ tooltip="Copy objects and move"
+ helpfile="SketchPlugin/translationFeature.html">
<sketch_multi_selector id="MultiTranslationList"
tooltip="Select list of objects to be translated"
title="Angular copy" icon="icons/Sketch/rotate.png"
- tooltip="Copy objects and rotate">
+ tooltip="Copy objects and rotate"
+ helpfile="SketchPlugin/rotationFeature.html">
<sketch_multi_selector id="MultiRotationList"
tooltip="Select list of objects to be rotated"
tooltip="Set fixed distance from a point to an object"
- icon="icons/Sketch/distance.png">
+ icon="icons/Sketch/distance.png"
+ helpfile="SketchPlugin/distanceFeature.html">
<label title="Select objects for distance definition. Following objects can be accepted: point, line or arc end point, center of circle or arc."/>
title="Horizontal Distance"
tooltip="Set horizontal distance between two points"
- icon="icons/Sketch/distance_h.png">
+ icon="icons/Sketch/distance_h.png"
+ helpfile="SketchPlugin/horizontalDistFeature.html">
<label title="Select points for distance definition."/>
title="Vertical Distance"
tooltip="Set vertical distance between two points"
- icon="icons/Sketch/distance_v.png">
+ icon="icons/Sketch/distance_v.png"
+ helpfile="SketchPlugin/verticalDistFeature.html">
<label title="Select points for distance definition."/>
<!-- SketchConstraintLength -->
- <feature id="SketchConstraintLength" title="Length" tooltip="Set fixed length of a line segment" icon="icons/Sketch/length.png">
+ <feature id="SketchConstraintLength" title="Length" tooltip="Set fixed length of a line segment" icon="icons/Sketch/length.png"
+ helpfile="SketchPlugin/lengthFeature.html">
<label title="Select a line on which to calculate length" tooltip="Select a line on which to calculate length"/>
<shape_selector id="ConstraintEntityA" label="Line" tooltip="Select a line" shape_types="edge" >
<validator id="GeomValidators_ShapeType" parameters="line"/>
<!-- SketchConstraintAngle -->
- <feature id="SketchConstraintAngle" title="Angle" tooltip="Set fixed angle between two line segments" icon="icons/Sketch/angle_constr.png">
+ <feature id="SketchConstraintAngle" title="Angle" tooltip="Set fixed angle between two line segments" icon="icons/Sketch/angle_constr.png"
+ helpfile="SketchPlugin/angleFeature.html">
<sketch_shape_selector id="ConstraintEntityA" label="Line 1" tooltip="Select a line" shape_types="edge" >
<validator id="GeomValidators_ShapeType" parameters="line"/>
<validator id="PartSet_DifferentObjects"/>
<!-- SketchConstraintRadius -->
- <feature id="SketchConstraintRadius" title="Radius" tooltip="Set fixed radius of a circle or an arc" icon="icons/Sketch/radius_constr.png">
+ <feature id="SketchConstraintRadius" title="Radius" tooltip="Set fixed radius of a circle or an arc" icon="icons/Sketch/radius_constr.png"
+ helpfile="SketchPlugin/radiusFeature.html">
<label title="Select a circle or an arc on which to calculate radius" tooltip="Select a circle or an arc on which to calculate radius"/>
<shape_selector id="ConstraintEntityA" label="Circle or Arc" tooltip="Select a circle or an arc"
<group id="Geometrical constraints">
<!-- SketchConstraintHorizontal -->
- <feature id="SketchConstraintHorizontal" title="Horizontal" tooltip="Create constraint defining horizontal line" icon="icons/Sketch/horisontal.png">
+ <feature id="SketchConstraintHorizontal" title="Horizontal" tooltip="Create constraint defining horizontal line" icon="icons/Sketch/horisontal.png"
+ helpfile="SketchPlugin/horizontalFeature.html">
<sketch_shape_selector id="ConstraintEntityA"
label="Line" tooltip="Select a line" shape_types="edge" use_external="false">
<validator id="GeomValidators_ShapeType" parameters="line"/>
<!-- SketchConstraintVertical -->
- <feature id="SketchConstraintVertical" title="Vertical" tooltip="Create constraint defining vertical line" icon="icons/Sketch/vertical.png">
+ <feature id="SketchConstraintVertical" title="Vertical" tooltip="Create constraint defining vertical line" icon="icons/Sketch/vertical.png"
+ helpfile="SketchPlugin/verticalFeature.html">
<sketch_shape_selector id="ConstraintEntityA"
label="Line" tooltip="Select a line" shape_types="edge" use_external="false">
<validator id="GeomValidators_ShapeType" parameters="line"/>
<!-- SketchConstraintRigid -->
- <feature id="SketchConstraintRigid" title="Fixed" tooltip="Fix an object" icon="icons/Sketch/fixed.png">
+ <feature id="SketchConstraintRigid" title="Fixed" tooltip="Fix an object" icon="icons/Sketch/fixed.png"
+ helpfile="SketchPlugin/rigidFeature.html">
<sketch_shape_selector id="ConstraintEntityA" label="Object"
tooltip="Select point, line end point, line, center of circle or arc."
shape_types="edge vertex">
<!-- SketchConstraintParallel -->
<feature id="SketchConstraintParallel" title="Parallel" tooltip="Create constraint defining two parallel lines"
- icon="icons/Sketch/parallel.png">
+ icon="icons/Sketch/parallel.png" helpfile="SketchPlugin/parallelFeature.html">
<sketch_shape_selector id="ConstraintEntityA"
label="First line" tooltip="Select a line" shape_types="edge">
<validator id="GeomValidators_ShapeType" parameters="line"/>
<!-- SketchConstraintPerpendicular -->
<feature id="SketchConstraintPerpendicular" title="Perpendicular"
- tooltip="Create constraint defining two perpendicular lines"
- icon="icons/Sketch/perpendicular.png">
+ tooltip="Create constraint defining two perpendicular lines"
+ icon="icons/Sketch/perpendicular.png"
+ helpfile="SketchPlugin/perpendicularFeature.html">
<sketch_shape_selector id="ConstraintEntityA"
label="First line" tooltip="Select a line"
<!-- SketchConstraintTangent -->
- <feature id="SketchConstraintTangent" title="Tangent" tooltip="Create constraint defining tangency of two objects with common coincident point" icon="icons/Sketch/tangent.png">
+ <feature id="SketchConstraintTangent" title="Tangent" tooltip="Create constraint defining tangency of two objects with common coincident point" icon="icons/Sketch/tangent.png"
+ helpfile="SketchPlugin/tangentFeature.html">
<sketch_shape_selector id="ConstraintEntityA"
label="First object" tooltip="Select line or arc" shape_types="edge">
<validator id="SketchPlugin_TangentAttr" parameters="ConstraintEntityB"/>
<!-- SketchConstraintCoincidence -->
- <feature id="SketchConstraintCoincidence" title="Coincident" tooltip="Create constraint for the coincidence of two points or point on line or circle" icon="icons/Sketch/coincedence.png">
+ <feature id="SketchConstraintCoincidence" title="Coincident" tooltip="Create constraint for the coincidence of two points or point on line or circle" icon="icons/Sketch/coincedence.png"
+ helpfile="SketchPlugin/coincedenceFeature.html">
<sketch_shape_selector id="ConstraintEntityA" label="First object" tooltip="Select a first object" shape_types="vertex edge">
<validator id="PartSet_DifferentObjects"/>
<validator id="SketchPlugin_ExternalValidator" parameters="ConstraintEntityB"/>
<!-- SketchConstraintMiddle -->
- <feature id="SketchConstraintMiddle" title="Middle point" tooltip="Create constraint for setting middle point on a line" icon="icons/Sketch/middlepoint.png">
+ <feature id="SketchConstraintMiddle" title="Middle point" tooltip="Create constraint for setting middle point on a line"
+ icon="icons/Sketch/middlepoint.png"
+ helpfile="SketchPlugin/middleFeature.html">
<sketch_shape_selector id="ConstraintEntityA" label="First object" tooltip="Select a first object" shape_types="vertex edge">
<validator id="PartSet_DifferentObjects"/>
<validator id="SketchPlugin_ExternalValidator" parameters="ConstraintEntityB"/>
<!-- SketchConstraintEqual -->
<feature id="SketchConstraintEqual" title="Equal"
tooltip="Create constraint defining equal lengths of two lines or line and arc or equal radii of two arcs or two circles or arc and circle"
- icon="icons/Sketch/equal.png">
+ icon="icons/Sketch/equal.png"
+ helpfile="SketchPlugin/equalFeature.html">
<sketch_shape_selector id="ConstraintEntityA"
label="First object" tooltip="Select line, circle or arc" shape_types="edge">
<validator id="PartSet_DifferentObjects"/>
<!-- SketchConstraintCollinear -->
- <feature id="SketchConstraintCollinear" title="Collinear" tooltip="Create constraint defining collinearity of two lines" icon="icons/Sketch/collinear.png">
+ <feature id="SketchConstraintCollinear" title="Collinear" tooltip="Create constraint defining collinearity of two lines"
+ icon="icons/Sketch/collinear.png"
+ helpfile="SketchPlugin/collinearFeature.html">
<sketch_shape_selector id="ConstraintEntityA"
label="First line" tooltip="Select a line" shape_types="edge">
<validator id="GeomValidators_ShapeType" parameters="line"/>