return Mesh_Segment(self, geom)
+ ## Creates 1D algorithm importing segments conatined in groups of other mesh.
+ # If the optional \a geom parameter is not set, this algorithm is global.
+ # Otherwise, this algorithm defines a submesh based on \a geom subshape.
+ # @param geom If defined the subshape is to be meshed
+ # @return an instance of Mesh_UseExistingElements class
+ # @ingroup l3_algos_basic
+ def UseExisting1DElements(self, geom=0):
+ return Mesh_UseExistingElements(1,self, geom)
+ ## Creates 2D algorithm importing faces conatined in groups of other mesh.
+ # If the optional \a geom parameter is not set, this algorithm is global.
+ # Otherwise, this algorithm defines a submesh based on \a geom subshape.
+ # @param geom If defined the subshape is to be meshed
+ # @return an instance of Mesh_UseExistingElements class
+ # @ingroup l3_algos_basic
+ def UseExisting2DElements(self, geom=0):
+ return Mesh_UseExistingElements(2,self, geom)
## Enables creation of nodes and segments usable by 2D algoritms.
# The added nodes and segments must be bound to edges and vertices by
# SetNodeOnVertex(), SetNodeOnEdge() and SetMeshElementOnShape()
return Mesh_RadialPrism3D(self, geom)
## Evaluates size of prospective mesh on a shape
- # @return True or False
+ # @return a list where i-th element is a number of elements of i-th SMESH.EntityType
+ # To know predicted number of e.g. edges, inquire it this way
+ # Evaluate()[ EnumToLong( Entity_Edge )]
def Evaluate(self, geom=0):
if geom == 0 or not isinstance(geom, geompyDC.GEOM._objref_GEOM_Object):
if self.geom == 0:
return hyp
+# Public class: Mesh_UseExistingElements
+# --------------------------------------
+## Defines a Radial Quadrangle 1D2D algorithm
+# @ingroup l3_algos_basic
+class Mesh_UseExistingElements(Mesh_Algorithm):
+ def __init__(self, dim, mesh, geom=0):
+ if dim == 1:
+ self.Create(mesh, geom, "Import_1D")
+ else:
+ self.Create(mesh, geom, "Import_1D2D")
+ return
+ ## Defines "Source edges" hypothesis, specifying groups of edges to import
+ # @param groups list of groups of edges
+ # @param toCopyMesh if True, the whole mesh \a groups belong to is imported
+ # @param toCopyGroups if True, all groups of the mesh \a groups belong to are imported
+ # @param UseExisting if ==true - searches for the existing hypothesis created with
+ # the same parameters, else (default) - creates a new one
+ def SourceEdges(self, groups, toCopyMesh=False, toCopyGroups=False, UseExisting=False):
+ if self.algo.GetName() == "Import_2D":
+ raise ValueError, "algoritm dimension mismatch"
+ hyp = self.Hypothesis("ImportSource1D", [groups, toCopyMesh, toCopyGroups],
+ UseExisting=UseExisting, CompareMethod=self._compareHyp)
+ hyp.SetSourceEdges(groups)
+ hyp.SetCopySourceMesh(toCopyMesh, toCopyGroups)
+ return hyp
+ ## Defines "Source faces" hypothesis, specifying groups of faces to import
+ # @param groups list of groups of faces
+ # @param toCopyMesh if True, the whole mesh \a groups belong to is imported
+ # @param toCopyGroups if True, all groups of the mesh \a groups belong to are imported
+ # @param UseExisting if ==true - searches for the existing hypothesis created with
+ # the same parameters, else (default) - creates a new one
+ def SourceFaces(self, groups, toCopyMesh=False, toCopyGroups=False, UseExisting=False):
+ if self.algo.GetName() == "Import_1D":
+ raise ValueError, "algoritm dimension mismatch"
+ hyp = self.Hypothesis("ImportSource2D", [groups, toCopyMesh, toCopyGroups],
+ UseExisting=UseExisting, CompareMethod=self._compareHyp)
+ hyp.SetSourceFaces(groups)
+ hyp.SetCopySourceMesh(toCopyMesh, toCopyGroups)
+ return hyp
+ def _compareHyp(self,hyp,args):
+ if hasattr( hyp, "GetSourceEdges"):
+ entries = hyp.GetSourceEdges()
+ else:
+ entries = hyp.GetSourceFaces()
+ groups = args[0]
+ toCopyMesh,toCopyGroups = hyp.GetCopySourceMesh()
+ if len(entries)==len(groups) and toCopyMesh==args[1] and toCopyGroups==args[2]:
+ entries2 = []
+ study = self.mesh.smeshpyD.GetCurrentStudy()
+ if study:
+ for g in groups:
+ ior = salome.orb.object_to_string(g)
+ sobj = study.FindObjectIOR(ior)
+ if sobj: entries2.append( sobj.GetID() )
+ pass
+ pass
+ entries.sort()
+ entries2.sort()
+ return entries == entries2
+ return False
# Private class: Mesh_UseExisting
# -------------------------------
class Mesh_UseExisting(Mesh_Algorithm):