**TUI Command**: *model.addMultiRotation(Part_doc, [shape], axis, step, Nb)*
-**Arguments**: 1 part + list of shapes in format *model.selection(TYPE, shape)* + axis in format *model.selection(TYPE, shape)*+ real (step value) + integer (Nb. Copies).
+**Arguments**: part + list of shapes in format *model.selection(TYPE, shape)* + axis in format *model.selection(TYPE, shape)*+ real (step value) + integer (Nb. Copies).
**TUI Command**: *model.addFillet(Part_doc, [face,edge], R1, R2)*
-**Arguments**: 1 part + list of faces and edges subjected to fillet operation in format *model.selection(TYPE, shape)* + 2 reals (start and end radius values).
+**Arguments**: part + list of faces and edges subjected to fillet operation in format *model.selection(TYPE, shape)* + 2 reals (start and end radius values).
**TUI Command**: *model.addMultiTranslation(Part_doc, [shape], axis1, step1, Nb1, axis2, step2, Nb2)*
-**Arguments**: 1 part + list of shapes in format *model.selection(TYPE, shape)* + 2 axis in format *model.selection(TYPE, shape)*+ 2 real (step values) + 2 integers (Nb. Copies).
+**Arguments**: part + list of shapes in format *model.selection(TYPE, shape)* + 2 axis in format *model.selection(TYPE, shape)*+ 2 real (step values) + 2 integers (Nb. Copies).
:align: center
.. centered::
- Sub-shapes
+ Linear copy
**See Also** a sample TUI Script of a :ref:`tui_create_linearcopy` operation.
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