--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2010-2013 CEA/DEN
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+import os
+import stat
+import sys
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+import getpass
+from src import ElementTree as etree
+import src
+parser = src.options.Options()
+parser.add_option('n', 'name', 'string', 'name',
+ _('The name of the application (default is APPLI.name or runAppli)'))
+parser.add_option('c', 'catalog', 'string', 'catalog',
+ _('The resources catalog to use'))
+parser.add_option('t', 'target', 'string', 'target',
+ _('The directory where to create the application (default is PRODUCT.out_dir)'))
+parser.add_option('', 'gencat', 'string', 'gencat',
+ _("""Create a resources catalog for the specified machines (separated with ',')
+\tNOTICE: this command will ssh to retrieve information to each machine in the list"""))
+parser.add_option('m', 'module', 'list2', 'modules',
+ _("module(s) to include in the application"))
+# Creates an alias for runAppli.
+def make_alias(appli_path, alias_path, force=False):
+ assert len(alias_path) > 0, "Bad name for alias"
+ if os.path.exists(alias_path) and not force:
+ raise src.SatException(_("Cannot create the alias '%s'\n") % alias_path)
+ else: # find relative path
+ os.symlink(appli_path, alias_path)
+# add the definition of a module to out stream.
+def add_module_to_appli(out, module, has_gui, module_path, logger, flagline):
+ if not os.path.exists(module_path):
+ if not flagline:
+ logger.write("\n", 3, False)
+ flagline = True
+ logger.write(" " + src.printcolors.printcWarning(_(
+ "WARNING: module %s not installed") % module) + "\n", 3)
+ out.write(' <module name="%s" gui="%s" path="%s"/>\n' % (module,
+ has_gui,
+ module_path))
+ return flagline
+# Creates the config file to create an application with the list of modules.
+def create_config_file(config, modules, env_file, logger):
+ if len(modules) == 0:
+ modules = config.APPLICATION.products
+ samples = ""
+ if 'SAMPLES' in config.APPLICATION.products:
+ samples = src.product.get_product_config(config, 'SAMPLES').source_dir
+ config_file = src.get_tmp_filename(config, "appli_config.xml")
+ f = open(config_file, "w")
+ f.write('<application>\n')
+ f.write('<prerequisites path="%s"/>\n' % env_file)
+ f.write('<resources path="CatalogResources.xml"/>\n')
+ f.write('<modules>\n')
+ flagline = False
+ for m in modules:
+ mm = src.product.get_product_config(config, m)
+ if src.product.module_is_smesh_plugin(mm):
+ continue
+ if 'install_dir' in mm and bool(mm.install_dir) :
+ if src.product.module_is_cpp(mm):
+ # cpp module
+ for aa in src.product.get_product_components(mm):
+ install_dir = os.path.join(config.APPLICATION.workdir,
+ mp = os.path.join(install_dir, aa)
+ flagline = add_module_to_appli(f,
+ aa,
+ "yes",
+ mp,
+ logger,
+ flagline)
+ else:
+ # regular module
+ mp = mm.install_dir
+ gui = src.get_cfg_param(mm, "has_gui", "yes")
+ flagline = add_module_to_appli(f, m, gui, mp, logger, flagline)
+ f.write('</modules>\n')
+ f.write('<samples path="%s"/>\n' % samples)
+ f.write('</application>\n')
+ f.close()
+ return config_file
+# Customizes the application by editing SalomeApp.xml.
+def customize_app(config, appli_dir, logger):
+ if 'configure' not in config.APPLI \
+ or len(config.APPLI.configure) == 0:
+ return
+ # shortcut to get an element (section or parameter) from parent.
+ def get_element(parent, name, strtype):
+ for c in parent.getchildren():
+ if c.attrib['name'] == name:
+ return c
+ # element not found create it
+ elt = add_simple_node(parent, strtype)
+ elt.attrib['name'] = name
+ return elt
+ # shortcut method to create a node
+ def add_simple_node(parent, node_name, text=None):
+ n = etree.Element(node_name)
+ if text is not None:
+ try:
+ n.text = text.strip("\n\t").decode("UTF-8")
+ except:
+ sys.stderr.write("################ %s %s\n" % (node_name, text))
+ n.text = "?"
+ parent.append(n)
+ return n
+ # read the app file
+ app_file = os.path.join(appli_dir, "SalomeApp.xml")
+ tree = etree.parse(app_file)
+ document = tree.getroot()
+ assert document is not None, "document tag not found"
+ logger.write("\n", 4)
+ for section_name in config.APPLI.configure:
+ for parameter_name in config.APPLI.configure[section_name]:
+ parameter_value = config.APPLI.configure[section_name][parameter_name]
+ logger.write(" configure: %s/%s = %s\n" % (section_name,
+ parameter_name,
+ parameter_value), 4)
+ section = get_element(document, section_name, "section")
+ parameter = get_element(section, parameter_name, "parameter")
+ parameter.attrib['value'] = parameter_value
+ # write the file
+ f = open(app_file, "w")
+ f.write("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>\n")
+ f.write(etree.tostring(document, encoding='utf-8'))
+ f.close()
+# Generates the application with the config_file.
+def generate_application(config, appli_dir, config_file, logger):
+ target_dir = os.path.dirname(appli_dir)
+ install_KERNEL_dir = src.product.get_product_config(config,
+ 'KERNEL').install_dir
+ script = os.path.join(install_KERNEL_dir, "bin", "salome", "appli_gen.py")
+ if not os.path.exists(script):
+ raise src.SatException(_("KERNEL is not installed"))
+ # Add SALOME python in the environment in order to avoid python version
+ # problems at appli_gen.py call
+ if 'Python' in config.APPLICATIONS.products:
+ envi = src.environment.SalomeEnviron(config,
+ src.environment.Environ(
+ dict(os.environ)),
+ True)
+ envi.set_a_product('Python', logger)
+ command = "python %s --prefix=%s --config=%s" % (script,
+ appli_dir,
+ config_file)
+ logger.write("\n>" + command + "\n", 5, False)
+ res = subprocess.call(command,
+ shell=True,
+ cwd=target_dir,
+ env=envi.environ.environ,
+ stdout=logger.log_file,
+ stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+ if res != 0:
+ raise src.SatException(_("Cannot create application, code = %d\n") % res)
+ return res
+def write_step(logger, message, level=3, pad=50):
+ logger.write("%s %s " % (message, '.' * (pad - len(message.decode("UTF-8")))), level)
+ logger.flush()
+# Creates a SALOME application.
+def create_application(config, appli_dir, catalog, logger, display=True):
+ # check modules to add to installation
+ modules = []
+ if 'modules' in config.APPLI:
+ modules = config.APPLI.modules
+ # add prerequisites for the module and its dependencies
+ products = {}
+ for module in modules:
+ prelist = config.TOOLS.common.module_info[module].pre_depend
+ for prereq in prelist:
+ # add prerequisites define in module_info AND product.prerequis
+ if prereq in config.PRODUCT.prerequis and not prerequis.has_key(prereq):
+ prerequis[prereq] = config.PRODUCT.prerequis[prereq]
+ if len(modules) == 0:
+ modules = src.get_cfg_param(config.PRODUCT, "all_modules", config.PRODUCT.modules)
+ prerequis = config.PRODUCT.prerequis
+ env_info = { 'modules': modules, 'prerequis': prerequis }
+ cmd_old, cmd_new = "", ""
+ warn = ['KERNEL', 'GUI']
+ if display:
+ for w in warn:
+ if w not in env_info['modules']:
+ msg = _("WARNING: module %s is required to create application\n") % w
+ logger.write(src.printcolors.printcWarning(msg), 2)
+ # old way for application
+ retcode = generate_launch_file_old(config, appli_dir, catalog, logger, env_info=env_info)
+ if retcode == 0:
+ cmd_old = src.printcolors.printcLabel("%s/runAppli" % appli_dir)
+ # new way for application
+ VersionSalome = src.get_salome_version(config)
+ if VersionSalome >= 751 :
+ filename = generate_launch_file(config, appli_dir, catalog, logger, env_info)
+ cmd_new = src.printcolors.printcLabel(filename)
+ if display:
+ logger.write("\n", 3, False)
+ logger.write(_("To launch the application, type:\n"), 3, False)
+ if len(cmd_old) > 0:
+ logger.write(" %s" % (cmd_old), 3, False)
+ logger.write("\n", 3, False)
+ if len(cmd_new) > 0:
+ logger.write(" %s (%s)" % (cmd_new, _("new command")), 3, False)
+ logger.write("\n", 3, False)
+ return retcode
+# Obsolescent way of creating the application.
+# This method will use appli_gen to create the application directory.
+def generate_launch_file_old(config, appli_dir, catalog, logger, env_info=None):
+ retcode = -1
+ if len(catalog) > 0 and not os.path.exists(catalog):
+ raise IOError(_("Catalog not found: %s") % catalog)
+ write_step(logger, _("Creating environment files"))
+ status = src.KO_STATUS
+ try:
+ import environ
+ # generate only shells the user wants (by default bash, csh, batch)
+ # the environ command will only generate file compatible with the current system.
+ shells = src.get_cfg_param(config.TOOLS.environ,
+ "shells",
+ [ "bash", "batch"])
+ environ.write_all_source_files(config,
+ logger,
+ silent=True,
+ shells=shells)
+ status = src.OK_STATUS
+ finally:
+ logger.write(src.printcolors.printc(status) + "\n", 2, False)
+ # build the application
+ env_file = os.path.join(config.PRODUCT.out_dir, "env_launch.sh")
+ write_step(logger, _("Building application"), level=2)
+ cf = create_config_file(config, env_info['modules'], env_file, logger)
+ # create the application directory
+ os.makedirs(appli_dir)
+ # generate the application
+ status = src.KO_STATUS
+ try:
+ retcode = generate_application(config, appli_dir, cf, logger)
+ customize_app(config, appli_dir, logger)
+ status = src.OK_STATUS
+ finally:
+ logger.write(src.printcolors.printc(status) + "\n", 2, False)
+ # copy the catalog if one
+ if len(catalog) > 0:
+ shutil.copy(catalog, os.path.join(appli_dir, "CatalogResources.xml"))
+ return retcode
+# Generates a launcher that sources Salome's python and calls original launcher
+def generate_sourcing_launcher(config, appli_dir, logger) :
+ # Rename original launcher
+ launcher_name = os.path.join( appli_dir,
+ "bin",
+ "salome",
+ config.APPLI.launch_alias_name )
+ original_launcher = launcher_name + "-original"
+ os.rename( launcher_name, original_launcher )
+ # Open new launcher
+ f = open(launcher_name, "w")
+ # Write the set up of the environment
+ env = src.environment.SalomeEnviron( config,
+ src.fileEnviron.get_file_environ(
+ f,
+ "bash",
+ {},
+ config))
+ env.set_a_product( "Python", logger)
+ # Write the call to the original launcher
+ f.write( "\n\n")
+ f.write( "# This is the call to the original launcher\n")
+ f.write( original_launcher + " $*" )
+ f.write( "\n\n")
+ # Write the cleaning of the environment
+ env.finish(True)
+ # Close new launcher
+ f.close()
+ os.chmod(launcher_name, stat.S_IRWXU| stat.S_IRWXG| stat.S_IRWXO) # 0777
+# New method to create an application
+def generate_launch_file(config,
+ appli_dir,
+ catalog,
+ logger,
+ env_info=None):
+ out_dir = config.PRODUCT.out_dir
+ basefilename = config.APPLI.name
+ if "launch_alias_name" in config.APPLI :
+ basefilename = config.APPLI.launch_alias_name
+ filename = os.path.join(appli_dir, "bin/salome", basefilename)
+ if os.path.exists(filename): os.remove(filename)
+ before, after = src.fileEnviron.withProfile.split(
+ "# here your local standalone environment\n")
+ # create an environment file writer
+ writer = src.environment.FileEnvWriter(config,
+ logger,
+ out_dir,
+ src_root=None,
+ single_dir=False,
+ env_info=env_info)
+ #writer.silent = False
+ # create the command file
+ launch_file = open(filename, "w")
+ launch_file.write(before)
+ writer.write_cfgForPy_file(launch_file)
+ launch_file.write(after)
+ launch_file.close()
+ os.chmod(filename, stat.S_IRWXU| stat.S_IRWXG| stat.S_IRWXO) # 0777
+ # If native python < 2.6, write a launcher that sources Salome's
+ # python before calling the original launcher
+ if config.VARS.python < "2.6" :
+ generate_sourcing_launcher(config, appli_dir, logger)
+ return filename
+# Generates the catalog from a list of machines.
+def generate_catalog(machines, config, logger):
+ # remove empty machines
+ machines = map(lambda l: l.strip(), machines)
+ machines = filter(lambda l: len(l) > 0, machines)
+ src.printcolors.print_value(logger,
+ _("Generate Resources Catalog"),
+ ", ".join(machines),
+ 4)
+ cmd = '"cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep MHz ; cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal"'
+ user = getpass.getuser()
+ catfile = src.get_tmp_filename(config, "CatalogResources.xml")
+ catalog = file(catfile, "w")
+ catalog.write("<!DOCTYPE ResourcesCatalog>\n<resources>\n")
+ for k in machines:
+ logger.write(" ssh %s " % (k + " ").ljust(20, '.'), 4)
+ logger.flush()
+ ssh_cmd = 'ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" %s %s' % (k, cmd)
+ p = subprocess.Popen(ssh_cmd, shell=True,
+ stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ p.wait()
+ if p.returncode != 0:
+ logger.write(src.printcolors.printc(src.KO_STATUS) + "\n", 4)
+ logger.write(" " + src.printcolors.printcWarning(p.stderr.read()),
+ 2)
+ else:
+ logger.write(src.printcolors.printc(src.OK_STATUS) + "\n", 4)
+ lines = p.stdout.readlines()
+ freq = lines[0][:-1].split(':')[-1].split('.')[0].strip()
+ nb_proc = len(lines) -1
+ memory = lines[-1].split(':')[-1].split()[0].strip()
+ memory = int(memory) / 1000
+ catalog.write(" <machine\n")
+ catalog.write(" protocol=\"ssh\"\n")
+ catalog.write(" nbOfNodes=\"1\"\n")
+ catalog.write(" mode=\"interactif\"\n")
+ catalog.write(" OS=\"LINUX\"\n")
+ catalog.write(" CPUFreqMHz=\"%s\"\n" % freq)
+ catalog.write(" nbOfProcPerNode=\"%s\"\n" % nb_proc)
+ catalog.write(" memInMB=\"%s\"\n" % memory)
+ catalog.write(" userName=\"%s\"\n" % user)
+ catalog.write(" name=\"%s\"\n" % k)
+ catalog.write(" hostname=\"%s\"\n" % k)
+ catalog.write(" >\n")
+ catalog.write(" </machine>\n")
+ catalog.write("</resources>\n")
+ catalog.close()
+ return catfile
+# Describes the command
+def description():
+ '''method that is called when salomeTools is called with --help option.
+ :return: The text to display for the application command description.
+ :rtype: str
+ '''
+ return _("""The application command creates a SALOME application.\n"""
+ """WARNING: it works only for SALOME 6. Use the "launcher" """
+ """command for newer versions of SALOME""")
+# Runs the command.
+def run(args, runner, logger):
+ '''method that is called when salomeTools is called with application
+ parameter.
+ '''
+ (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args)
+ # check for product
+ src.check_config_has_application( runner.cfg )
+ application = src.printcolors.printcLabel(runner.cfg.VARS.application)
+ logger.write(_("Building application for %s\n") % application, 1)
+ # if section APPLI does not exists create one
+ if "APPLI" not in runner.cfg:
+ msg = _("The section APPLI is not defined in the product.")
+ logger.write(src.printcolors.printcError(msg), 1)
+ return 1
+ # get application dir
+ target_dir = runner.cfg.APPLICATION.workdir
+ if options.target:
+ target_dir = options.target
+ # set list of modules
+ if options.modules:
+ runner.cfg.APPLI['modules'] = options.modules
+ # set name and application_name
+ if options.name:
+ runner.cfg.APPLI['name'] = options.name
+ runner.cfg.APPLI['application_name'] = options.name + "_appdir"
+ application_name = src.get_cfg_param(runner.cfg.APPLI,
+ "application_name",
+ runner.cfg.APPLI.name + "_appdir")
+ appli_dir = os.path.join(target_dir, application_name)
+ src.printcolors.print_value(logger,
+ _("Application directory"),
+ appli_dir,
+ 3)
+ # get catalog
+ catalog, catalog_src = "", ""
+ if options.catalog:
+ # use catalog specified in the command line
+ catalog = options.catalog
+ elif options.gencat:
+ # generate catalog for given list of computers
+ catalog_src = options.gencat
+ catalog = generate_catalog(options.gencat.split(","),
+ runner.cfg,logger)
+ elif 'catalog' in runner.cfg.APPLI:
+ # use catalog specified in the product
+ if runner.cfg.APPLI.catalog.endswith(".xml"):
+ # catalog as a file
+ catalog = runner.cfg.APPLI.catalog
+ else:
+ # catalog as a list of computers
+ catalog_src = runner.cfg.APPLI.catalog
+ mlist = filter(lambda l: len(l.strip()) > 0,
+ runner.cfg.APPLI.catalog.split(","))
+ if len(mlist) > 0:
+ catalog = generate_catalog(runner.cfg.APPLI.catalog.split(","),
+ runner.cfg, logger)
+ # display which catalog is used
+ if len(catalog) > 0:
+ catalog = os.path.realpath(catalog)
+ if len(catalog_src) > 0:
+ src.printcolors.print_value(logger,
+ _("Resources Catalog"),
+ catalog_src,
+ 3)
+ else:
+ src.printcolors.print_value(logger,
+ _("Resources Catalog"),
+ catalog,
+ 3)
+ logger.write("\n", 3, False)
+ details = []
+ # remove previous application
+ if os.path.exists(appli_dir):
+ write_step(logger, _("Removing previous application directory"))
+ rres = src.KO_STATUS
+ try:
+ shutil.rmtree(appli_dir)
+ rres = src.OK_STATUS
+ finally:
+ logger.write(src.printcolors.printc(rres) + "\n", 3, False)
+ # generate the application
+ try:
+ try: # try/except/finally not supported in all version of python
+ retcode = create_application(runner.cfg, appli_dir, catalog, logger)
+ except Exception as exc:
+ details.append(str(exc))
+ raise
+ finally:
+ logger.write("\n", 3, False)
+ return retcode